Ly, April 26, 1927 Sun Visors i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i Protect your eyes and complexion. Particularly useful while Motorinjr, Hoatinjf, at Pic-Nica or playing Tennis or other outdoor games. Comfortable to wear, four head straps and tajx V (1 help to keep the hair tidy. 25c, 30c and 35c each IM. "7ic Pioneer Drt4Qfisls IUDAVE.& SIXTH ST. -TELEPHONES tt?f,200 he Store for Dad and the Lad! Mens Two-Pant 3 nit In Tweed and Wor ked" . .. nil i me w.m.' niit'ii. I- .!, all the latest bhade. la'' . fii"-i ' r. . .:;!.! ; .nif breasted iyte Specially priced $28.50 COME IN AM) HAVK A LOOK AT TIIESK Acme Importers iiird Avenue IMPORTANT NOTICE All Trades, lltiMncsses and I'ritfe.inns inul In- rt'Kiirrcd before April 30 th. :.- Ik-iv by given that, pursuant to subsection (3) 'I .,, ojlll of the Taxation Act, every person who eitKajren ' i - "II. or nruetict"' inn' Tia'lc Uu.-iinesH or Profession fit (mi Uie Province is r Uireil to obiaiu from the Commis- "! r - i Im onif Tax a (Vrtifii t .- of Keifislrution before April H'lli. l'JJ7 Ai.nlicatloii m uIiI b made to any Provincial i - or. from vhom Cull information may Ik.- obtained. Cer- lf i . will be United without the payment of any fee therefor. In r . t it It in complying with piouxlon of thin section lie per on liable, upon summary conviction, to a fine ft.OO r r , h ibiy (lurinir which his default continues. Yop'i I'lon forms may be obtained from any Provincial r. l.ovn iiimnt Agent. Piovimial . Police . . it Officer, i- or "or.: iii I ommi.ioner ol Intomo lax. vnioria, n.t,. WTO rr a Nir to. sight' tkrfU.J J ,tl4 It WJUmi Crl SoM limilf.l. lTJ.I.JJ.f k Bilt.Ckhwl OM'lUtM. Dull. iwm4. Cliw, Vil,. lest ProcDrabIew (Till: OKICIMAL) Pore Scotch Wiiisfcy IOCHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT it odvertienieiil j nol published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by me iioveniinciii of UrtliHli Columbia. Phone 339 Local and Personal Arthur Taxi. lUone 818. DC. Undertakers. Phone 41. Oct the nig 4 habit! of a Till, phone 4. Mum rebuilt llkr new Arthur's Mine More. Ridley Home Bazaar In Hall on Thursday, May 3. When thinking at eait at 330, will arrive on time. Mr. U Metropole 104 ThU afternoon's train, due from the r. McDonald Is mailing fcr Vancouver on the steamer Catala thla afternoon. Did you ever ace an angry I8ec "Nothing but the Truth" Weatholrne Theatre. May 4. blshopf at the The local Improvement consolidating bylaw was reconsidered and adopted at the meeting of the city council last night. Miss Kate Ityan arrived In the city uxlay from Stewart and Is sailing for i Vancouver tonight on the steamer Cauls. I The application of J. Squlrehuk to purchase Lot 2$. 0kwk-M. Section 7 from the eltr was referred to the fi JJIE PA1LI NEW8 PAGE THRE1 ... . Si, Mrs. Geo. Mcllmoyle returned from Stewart on the Catala today. William Ooldbloom returned on the steamer Catala today from a business trip to Anyox. . , Mr. and Mrs. 1. Rom returned from a short business trip to Stewart on the learner Catala today. Friends of Mrs.iC. X. Starr wUt re gret to learn that she 1 seriously UI at her home In the- Waldron apart menu. A. J, Prudhomme has returned to the city after a brief combined business and pleasure trip to Monteral, Ottawa ond other points In the East. A. M. Whiteside. Vancouver barrister. returned to the city from Stewart on the steamer Catala today and will continue south to Vancouver on the same boat tonight. Mr. J. It. Mltchefi -returned to the cKy today on the steamer Catala -from Anyox where she has been visiting for Ute past few weeks with her son James Mitchell, and Mrs. -Mitchell The floating cannery Laurel Whaler, win be taken off the pontoons at the dry dock tonight or tomorrow morn Ing and will be towed down tlie coast I to Bernard Cove by the tug St. Faith. Mali carrying subsidies passed by the House c Commons it Ottawa recently nance mmmiiM h ,. mw ,...!t 1 Included 421.000 for the Prince Itu last night. J felt-Queen Charlotte Island service and 124.800 for service between Vancouver Mrs. J. W. Oltmon who has been and northern porU of British Colum- vU44ini with her pareou Mr, aad Mrs. J. S McDonald. 508 Fifth Aremie Bast. 1 T?' r 00 MASSIVE OLD SPIRE Tbe refiort of tbe city atxillur for ttte quarter ending March 31 was presented to Uie coundl at the meeting last night and referred to the finance committee for consideration. i TO BE DEMOLISHED Mrrjilr f ( lirM Church CallirOral, Iin Irr-al, llrliis Taken lt,mn MONTREAL. Que AprU 26 (Cana dlan Press). For 70 years one of the tutbtran Women's Aid will hold a futures of Montreal's akyllne has been ' lot vne i mm oisn at tie spire of Chrt Church Cathedral. me Ridley Home Bazaar on Tuesday n, ss 210 feet high. Now it U to afternoon May 3. at the home of Mrt aiaajjjxar as tbe general vestry of the Tbor Johnson. Everyone Invited. I church has decided to take It down. The Cathedral Is situated on St. Cath The monthly dinner of the Prince 4rine street West. itupert cnnne ciuo was held last night To removal of the massive stone pUe in Ue Commodore pale. There was a follows upon the recommendations of ood attendance of nobles wHto Pre- Chun Union of three experts who reported stdent R. V. O. LePlne In the chair. that K removal, while net a matter of 1 : Immediate necessity, la advisable owing Union steamer Catala. Oapt. A. E. to the great weight bearing on unsV uicason. return ea at u:ia mis morn- Ufactory subsoil, because of certain tog from Anyox. Stewart and other faults In the original design, and because northern porta of call and will sail at of the deterioration of some of the S o'clock thla evening tor the south. ; stonework In the tower and spire. A careful examination of the tower Oscar Anderson, charged with va- structure has revealed no present dan rancjr. was let go on ssjepended sen- ger. but owing to tbe construction of tenet thla morning by Magistrate Mc- large buUdtnga In the neighborhood, and Clrmont on the understanding that he other forces the subsoil conditions art either secure employment or leave the changing, and It was decided to (ace the city. Mr. and Mrs. a. A. Clothelr are sailing on the stesmer Calais this afternoon for Vancouver enroute to Nana Imo where they win take up their residence Mr. Clothier having been transferred there as, resident mining engineer. Alex McRae of Alex McRae Co.. Ltd.. printers, is expected to return to the city by tomorrow's steamer after a eiMUbliied busUieas and pi assure trip to ancouver and Seattle. Mrs. McRae li stopping off to visit Powell River and will be back lu about two weeks' tune. J. C. Brady. M P. for Skeena. when a vote of (4.000 for technical education was under consideration In the Houe of Commons, inquired what was the nature of the Technical Education Act and how the money waa going to be applied. Hon Peter Iieenen. minister vf labor, replied that there was 'a grant of 11.100.000 extending over a period of ten years under which any province taking tip tehcnlcal education received a grant from the federal treasury on fifty-fifty basis. Last year the pro vince of British Columbia availed Itself of the grant to tlie extent of about 151.000. ANNOUNCEMENTS ' Tennis Club UjII. Friday. April 29 Prime Rupert Players Club will pre mitt "Nothing but the Truth." on May 4 at the Wrslholme Theatre. LOU and L.OJ1.A. dunce. May S. Another tlyro Friday, May 0. whltt drive and llordown. Auditorium .Established l'J23. li o Office Hours: a.m. to C p.m. Saturday: a.m. to 1 p.m. Any evening by appointment DEP Kenny I DENTIST Exchange Ulock. Phone 103 situation now rather than to await sign of further deterioration. Dean Carlisle, r rotor of the Cathedral, expresses deep regret at the removal of what is regarded as one of the most graceful and picturesque of the city spires, and the hope that means will be found to strengthen the foundations and recon struct It In a manner In keeping with the general architecture of the cathedral. HecenUy another .aspect of St. Cather ine Street. West, underwent a grca change when It was decided to build shops fronting St. James Methodist Church. ramsayTiaTdonald VISITING NEW YORK lotmrr ItrltMi Premier Vloltlng tilth Unit Who 1Va III- llut Thirty Yeurt As NEW YORK. April 28. Rt. Hon. J. Ramsay MacDonald. former Premier of Oreat Britain, accompanied by his daughter lahbel, arrived here on the Cunardrr "Aqultanla" on a pilgrimage to scenes he visited on his honeymoon thirty years ago during the days of his greatest happiness. The object of the former Premier's visit la stated to to a call on an elderly woman who was a perfect host to him and his wife in the late nineties.' She recently begged Mr. Macdonald to see her before she dies. While In New York. Mr. MacDonald nnd his daughter are guests of Miss Lilian D. Wald. of "The J louse on Henry I Street." Miss Wald Is Internationally known as a social worker.'. Mr. Mac- Donald also met her on his weddUig trip. PIUNCE HllPKItT TIDES h i:miav. .tnii(i High 8:50 am. 17.4 ft 22:04 pnv n.8 " Low 2:40 am. 9.7 ' 15:28 p m. s.S " M'ttii, si High 10:08 in; 18.4 ft. 22:52 p m. 19.4 " Low 3:58 am. 7.9 " 16:28 pm. 4.7 " i Till IIMI.IV. ,l'ltll. SM High............ ll:0am. 19.4 " ' ,a . 83:25 Vn, 20J Low 4:58 ain' vg'.o " 17:17 pm. 40 " I'lllllAY. .Xl'ltll. '!) High .......... 11:57 am. 20.4 ft Low 5:49 am 40" 18:03 pm. 3.8 s.m uniY, trull, an High 0:18 am. 22.0 ft 12:43 pm. 21.0 " Low 8:35 am. 3.4 - 10:17 uu, 3,0 BRIGHTEN YOUR HOME AT LITTLE EXPENSE ' ; If 5p V-Si -Kathmb- Tit-VVjiS&AJ: Mutual, htrt. if(oNGOLEUM W COLD SEAL VJ M H GUARANTEE W B Ml SAT1STACT10N OJAJXKTEID MS H OKYOUX MOKEYBACK f if n. wtwovc km. wrm JtiSj Hi K. Oddson, city. avoy K 1 Addr Satisfaction Qiiaranteed Accounts totalling $8597.64 up April 25 were passed for payment the city council last night. HOTEL AKIMV.tLS Central Kawa Bata, Skeena Riven C. Mc-Keobnle. Stewart; H. Seffern. Anyox: R. Newman, Sunnyside: Oscar Olofson and J. Prank. Terrace; C. W. Johnson anf Mrs. M. Mattson. city. Prince Kuirrt C3eorge Gordon and J. C. Rimming ton, Vancouver. IN PHOIJATE. IN Tilt: M I'llDMK CIH UT Ol' IlltlllSII OI.HMIIIV In the Matter of the Administration Act: and Iu the Matter of the EsUle of Joseph V itnwman. iJareaoeo. intesute. TAKE NOTICE that by order of Ills Honor. F. Mru. Young, the 24th day ol February. AD. 1837. I waa appointed Administrator of the estate of Joseph P. Bowman, deceased, and all Dartiee having claims against the said estate are herehv required to lurntsh same, nru ny verified, to me on or before th in day of Marrh. AD. 1927. and all parties Indebted to the estate are re- uirca to pay the amount of their In-cbteducsa to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert, B.C IJiltd the 24 th dav of February. AD. 1027 IN PHOIIATE in 1111: m tiikmi: rot kt or itun isii fOl.t MI1IA In the Matter of the "Administration Act": and t In the Matter of the Estate or William Oerge Hughes. Deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor F. McB. Young, the 4th day of April, 1D27. I was appointed Administrator of the estate of William George Hughes, deceased, and all parties having claims against tne said Estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before om- month from this date, and ll p:i:ilt-s indebted to the Estate are rrquuvi t i pay the amount of ihe.r murotediiess to me forthwith. NORMAN Al I .EN WATT. Official Administrator, Prin 0 Rupert. B.C. Dated the fttli day of April. A.n. 1937. When You Drink B0VRIL You Drink BEEF Name . Cit7' I Prov Mulberry. Gold cand Royal Blue The "Kashmir" pattern will appeal to those desiring the rich, warm color effect of a Chinese Rug pattern at decidedly small cost. Ask any dealer in House Furnishings to show you the full assortment of Congoleum Gold Seal Art-Rug patterns you'll find many new color effects that will appeal to you as the prettiest you have ever seen. If you prefer, use' the coupon below, it will bring you a copy of a free booklet showing the latest Congoleum patterns in full colors you can then judge their beauty right in your own home. These easy-to-clean, low-priced Rugs are fully guaranteed to to render satisfactory service. Insist on Genuine, first quality. -iRT-RUGS You'll know them by the Gold Seal on the surface. Congoleum Canada Limited, 1270 St. Patrick Street, Montreal. Send me, without cost, or obligation, a copy of your latest pattern booklet entitled "Brighten Your Home with Congoleum Gold -Stal Art Rugs." . PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. New Stock of Garden and Field Seeds and Fertilisers Pratt's Daby Chick Food and Poultry Supplies 1IULKLEY VALLEY HAY AND GRAIN Our Famous Edson Coal in any quantities also Telkwa Coal Store Phone, 38. DEMAND Trotier Dotk Phone, 33S "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - THE DAINTIEST IlKEAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, RC. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Mnlllnt from Prlnre Kupert. lor VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanton Bay, Alert tuy, etc, Tuesday, 3 p.m. For VANCOUVER. VICTOIUA, llntetlale. Alert Hay. etc. Saturday 0 a.m. ' For POUT MMI'SON, ALICE AU.M, ANVOX, STKVVAUT, Wales laland, Sunday, g p.m. For Nana Hirer rolnts and Fort 81 mnaon. Thursday p.m. 1S3 Slid Avenue. K. M. SMITH. Agent. ITIncc Rupert. aC. (