25 TAXI Boston Grill and' Ambulance Service Anywhere at Anytime gland; Exchange Huilding MATT VIDECK, Prop. ,.i YVil . No 97. il.t, OUMltH Ol ItlNKIK IIII.I. MINK, man in m iikam: i oi uie lour original cuor 1 ,r T i v. 1. .. .Till 1 a. .In. Y. m l' largeat ailver-lcad mine. U dead. c:ljr living member of the quartette. ti) tiwk part In the atrangavt and wo yeara ajo, Ooeta and Bacr Uunker Hill, who waa proapectlng Wta aktat UUVWIll m mine that has now paid more H:tn larin rrr i u ij... FT IN HFAH uua in liunu FINNISH LABORER AiMlrrktm Mia lit Vlrlorla ll"lltu! ui Uemilt of Injury vtoria, April 36. The police last foot of Head Street and found Anderson, g,d ao, a Finnish 'er with bullet wound In hla t 'tumnl ltr rtlrt In hnmiltnl later art i - . m m tf'.IH. IIOUY 1S1 AND-Cloudy, oalmr barometer 211.87; temperature, 40; wa Minonth: 0 P-m. cioke ateamer Aa-nted. 1 mllea from Hunter'a Bay. Iiound for Lake Bay; 0 pjn. atemiier Mogul. (Mooed out, bound for Anyox; ft njn. freighter Sedmrool warned out for t-aitama: UJO ajn. ajioke atenmrr Kofuku Mam. 1280 mllca from rrlnce nupert. Inbound. DEAD TREE rOINT.-flaln. light BE. wind: barometer, sn.ca: temperature. 42: light awell: 8 pjn, ke ateamer Anyox. Seattle for Stewart, 394 mllca from Bttwart: 8 pjn. apokc ateamer Oray, tlona llarbor for Naiwlmo, 450 mUi from Nanalmo: 8 pjn. apoke motorahm Noroo. 6oattle for Ketchi kan 312 mllea from Seattle: 103S pjnj mntt ateamer v own. bound; 8 pjn. "poke motorahlp Apex. Ketchikan for . Anacorvca. sso muea from Anacortea, MltlX DianY ISLAND.-Ovrrcaat. light cast ind: barometer 29.78; temperature 47 aea atnooth: IMS ajn, ateamer CaUla paaned in. aouthbound, nrAD TREE FUIWl. vivcreaai. caim; barometer 29.44: temperature 48; aea mrtt.rV BULL HAItnOR overoaat. Hgnt bji, ...... a- huroineter 30.89; temperature 40; llxht awell: 0.40 ajn. apoke ateamer i. aia.lt. . a u Prince Chariea. in urcv .,,iui. bound: 8.30 a.m. ajioke ateamer Anyox, In Mllbnnk Sound, northbound. No man 1 c.ulie ao unimportant aa h feela In a atrang? city M:tv uk v.Mvi:i nuor in; i AM.i;i( . i.i; tm r: in i.ommi to m:n.ious ' NEW TORK. AprU 24.Thc St. Lou J ' Cardiuala tupped '.he National ijeajue MtenUy when Ji Halne outpltclicd , Bay Kramer of Pittsburg. aUawtog but . thrae aca'.'rad hit. Southlt turner j won the gace for the Cardinal. l"ie euiue:ule atngle with none! down euablad Ctactmaattl to aasre Mrvrn ruM in the eighth Inning and defeat Ctaleaco after the Cuba had acored fit el run la tbalr half of the frame. Eight pttcnagh. four an each aide, were batted cut mt the boa. New Tort' Yankee and Washington tauter hilobad up in a batting duel a&dx a hsner by "Oosae" Ooxlih. In the aweiith. neued the Senator three nana. The Tanks thereafter failed to hit Sa taw ptoelaes. teeing thirteen men left Tfte dy aoorM were aa fallows: Amrrlran lnctie Boatao-PhUadclpWa. caHed. St. Low 1. ClesatMI P. Waatogton S. New York 4. Detroit S. Oleat 7. Natktnal league Boat 4. rhUadrtpMa 12. Chicago 9. Otaetimatl 11. miiBwrg 0. St. Louis 1. ix.ua i: T.tMHMi Nullonal W. St. Lout 7 New York 7 PlttMburg 7 Philadelphia 7 Beaton 7 Sblcnin 4 anelnBWtJ 3 Brooklyn 2 Amrrlran St. Laula 8 New York 8 PRINCE f.UrEKTiTrC:. TUESDAY, APKIL 26, 1927 PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Large Upstair Dining Hail, with newly laid darning floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and beat for the least. I'hone 457. Price Five Cenla irnrr nimr nr i i lrtprr nnrmn ini DAI ILL UN IAHUJlL tUVLii 9 i tin i kkii ULiiL IV iuiiiji n l yifiin i' i iiivl iil V-uysviiiii i n nnmna vmnitv nprnmez w v w v a. X v j Avenue of Fire as Canton and Northern Forces Fight mbardment lasted hours and two thousand J LOUIS IN Pekin soldiers are reported to have lost j . rmnT nT nr lii)es in engagement j iIuM t LitL IIWU'AI, April 2C- The Yangstc River vicinity is virtually -.r riM Ah. ... i. t. i.. iu t i. 'ui. ;w across the river, which were in the hands of the northern Ttie firing lasted for hours. Tw Uousand Northern soldier are reported to have been r uf'jji on me l ungate Kiver. wo launches, lowing a dozen : cf Northerner, attempted to reach the southern short of ( . ; c iat nignt according to reports, a searchlight revealed r . m h and ail the boats were sunk with elchty shells fired ej'.loncsc. FIWITP 9XTV OF GYMNASIUM I N INM It ASKCII Tl MtKL All ION glneer will be k ed to alt tor the pto- and oWMn tank :.c city couaell t the ' i art been mi il the : ;rc:titg laal naffct faom t the public rjraanaaiiun mating that Um eotn- ..uarumoualy In favor of! F'Turr street, the council I :iie engineer bad better! - k UmI Uieamig-t knew pc. uon u referred to. l. . oil the subject. AW. TUi-)ie rommtvn wtahrd to a.e money, a It would bt .Miile to rle the mount ;g ue lte ut view. The I iu to secure 4tc and ' . the ooUecttttg o( the u.ir enough niorwy cuuld no ! r tle cIih of buii'" w ai lie required, then the site w Ik used. io.' nmttcr will oome again is co.me.il ! ihe next nwttil ie -t-jwri ot Uie city engineer I MOUS MINER n il jam; imi;iY.. um: hi uit 4- (ooi.tixii: si i cooii IV C.IN1I1ME KKI'LY NEW YORK. AprU M In a peach wblcti be devoted to an outline of Cnlted Stale foreign paatcT. PrnOoeet Ooolldge. be fort a'Oalted Ptcm dinner taat night. dcrHrd cantoneae rWtafB Mlnlaler Busene Cheala reotat reply to the prim-era' pro-teat at the Nankin aSair aa "ooDCiltatory In tone and to a certain degree responalve. leaving final HpoaUkn of the matter at lwue for further coo-atorrauon of our government." FIRST STEP TAKEN IN WHALEN ACTION IM-fumt t'iinMii Orilrrnl ItrMnrrd In llrMrj h Mr. JuMk-r Miirphj VAWCOUVEn. AprU M - So that the ctetunct Whalen Pulp tt Paper MUla Ltd. might be cited aa defendant in an action brought agalnat 4t by the original owner for the purpooe of an nulling the aale of IU aaxcta lor at.-OOdflQO on the ground of fraud. Mr. Joatlre Murphy In Supreme Court yra-tcrdey ordered the company restored to the prortoMial refftntry from which U had been atruek off. Wllti:l.ls ItlltlllT. Waahlrgton 7 Detroit 4 Philadelphia S Cleveland 3 Chicago 3 Doaton ... . 3 L. 3 3 4 4 0 C 9 10 3 3 3 3 3 0 7 8 Pet. .700 .700 .G30 J338 38 .400 350 .167 .023 .CIS .583 J7I .500 .453 .417 373 MISSISSIPPI FLOODED YET m;v Aiti:t iivi:itn.ottx rontv am! ir i naiii ih;atii i.i-t MAV TOTAL 500 MCMI'IIIS. April S(n The Mll. elil III if and lit trlliutarlm IimI.ij Ihioilril n new IrrrlliT) In the Mate4 of MlM.ilpil, Arkaiioai ami l.mil-1-uiiii, rrnilifhir ailillllnnul tlKiusanilo liiMiirlevs, 1 he knonit dm III ll( hut ulrrmlv rrntliril our liunilml Millie irHirla Imlli'utr thai It may nlhl lulul flte liiindrrd hi the entire Mrlt krn urrn, The numlirr of home lri In now lurrl ut I.VI.IMNl. MIC ItltAHV UKTl IINS. J. C. Tirady. MP. for Skeena returned to the city ou this afternoon' train after attending the aeaalon of the house of parliament at Ottawa alnce the flrat of February. Paaiieugcri arriving In the city today on the CaUla from the north Included W. A. Wilson and Jamea Calvin from Alice Arm: T. Henri ka, L. Fox, A. A. Caswell, Mlsa Edith Heath. C. L. Bur- llch and W. Ooldbloom from Anyox: Mlas Pitt. A. M. Whitcalde, S. J. Par- klnaon. E. Pollard. J. DeKergonuneaux, W. C. Lynham, 3. II. McNab, Mra. Oeo. Mcllmoyle, C. H. Fogg, Mr. and Mra. D. Roaa. A. Knight, and Mr. McMillan from Stewart, and H, Anderaon from Mnple Bay 51GN0K MUSSOLINI attends the maneuver at' the Kuvbara aviation camp in lUime. a feature of which wa,s an aerial bombardment display. lie is accompanied by Signor Da I bo, minister of ariatlon mti:i ri.Vi:ies aisc KILLED l (KAMI : NEWPORT 'NEWS. Va April 26. Commander Noel Darts and Lieut. Woostcr. his alttrnite. both noted United States airmen, were killed tcday when the giant airplane American Legion. In which they planned a New Tork-Parls flight crashed near here. - MOTHER KILLS FOUR DUFF STUART HEADS i! ! i i a . : i ! :i SLEEPING CHILDREN Mm. 1 1 u mum TliMiiiai uf Kuril (II). On- larla. Hull lini-d VuuiigHirra tilth Knife WINDSOR, Ont . AprU 28. Mrs. llumma TTtunav ad 45. of Ford Ctty. killed her four children toy slashing (heir throats with a butcher knife when they slept. She attempted to kill ber-hft but physicians say she will re cover. . t 1921 BISLEY TEAM Vanrautrr llriirrat l.n; Idrnllflnl with Turgrl Miimllug, Mill luil Trip Ik Kiigluiul thlx Vrur OTTAWA. April 26. The Dominion of Canada Rifle Association has select ed Brigadier Oencral J. Duff Stuart of Vancouver to command the Canadian Htslry team this year. General Stuart for many years haa been active with military target shooting In Canada. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Bid. AakiAl Wheat 146H B.C. 8llvcr 180 1.81 Coast Copper ... .13.73 14.00 Gladstone .23 Vi 26, ,. Howe Sound 38.23 ,u40.O3 Independence , j '.07V4'. , ,.08,., Indian rW-V U & U . , .H Marmot -12 !4 Porter Idaho ; f ".13H .15 Richmond 15 J5H SUver Crest ; .06 T Surf Inlet t.01; .0214 The rum-ruwoncrs aeem to have beaten the scientists to the discovery of the best method of extracting gold from the ocean. STIFF DENIAL BYPATTULLO ( IIAKA( Tl l:l.l:l ( AKI.OW STATEMENT AH AUMILITE IX-tOl.MlKIt AM) INTUI E VM'TOItlt. April tf!. IJrrre Mr. Ju-tler Murrlsoir nival mmmloslon liMrllKatlng Ihr elurgn. of Frank CarlwK. linn. T. I). I'uttulln. mill-l-trr i( l.imK yesterday eluiraetrr-l.rtl uk ulisolulrly unluundrd and untrue the fctatrmrnt liy t'urlow that lir (Mr. Pull alio) hud liltl III in In -ill( a itiiinllii of 1.lHMI, Mtlrgrdlr hrrurrd In a furrshore dnl put thmugli tor I. (I. Thomas of Viiiimutrr, with M. It. Jaiksun, K.f. Mr. J.iikMin rornilMiralnl the iiilultrr ami drnlnl t lint he had rrreltnl r asknl for an; wrl f Ihr miiiiiilssliin. Ilrnrv ('. Il.ill. tormrr MJ.A. ilriilrd lie had rnlrrrd liilo any uerrriiirnt or biirguln nilli lar-low ttlwrrlij loniiiil-sloiiH Carlua renrH u liquor ucrnl wrrr to lie uppllnl lonunl the orgaiilzallon rxpriiM-sr of the Uhrral pnrtj. Col. Wlnvliy. fornirr inrinlwr of Ihr Uiiior Cunlrol Itouril. 1 1 titled that neither lie nor any mmilirrs of Ihr IwMiril lutd kunwlnlce ut I lie MMilnlniriit of prron la Msltloni Willi Ihr hoard on the iiiiilrrMamllng lhal they wrrr re-lulrrd In "glte llirlr wrtlera free, playing In the l.llirrul orrhrslra. SHIP ABLAZE AT SAN PEDRO tMT..(ill.TIOX LAT NIU1IT ON llttKillTIK SAOAIIA1IOO NtllLY f.OST LIVES OF TWO ITItKXlEN ti3AN PEDRO. AprU 26. Fire which had been smouldering for four days In one of. the , forward holds of the freighter Sagadohoo, which arrived on Monday from New York, burst Into flames last night and nearly cost the lives of two firemen before It extinguished. A fire boat and eight land companies quelled Uie blaze by fUUng the hold with water and wetting down the bulkheads. Already a long, hard winter la being predicted. There Is nothing like get-ting on the Job early. Local Elevator Will Be Clear of Wheat Before Summer Comes; Sevtral More Shipments Coming With the Wheat Pool's Prince Kupert elevator now about half full, there are today in the railway yards some 120 carloads of grain awaiting to be taken in and about eighty carloads are on the way here. A train of 24 cars is due to arrive this evening. 4 It was stated this morning by Joseph Bennett, manager of the elevator, that it was the intention to clean the plant out with Biiip-mcnls abroad before the season closes. It is not expected that any i grain will be left in storage here but the elevator will be ready to receive next fall's crop immediately it starts to move. 1 With a full cargs of 318.1C4 bushels, t ' the British freighter Sedge Pcol saUed it (he elevatcr at 6 o'clock last nljht (or ibe United &n;dun cr csutlnect. The next vessel ccming to load Is the K" Line freighter Kaluku Mam which Is nuY expsstcd about Friday. She wUl take a full cargo ta the United Kingdom r continent. Tbcte Rccuis to be some difference of j figures IccaUy as to the amount of( grain that has been a:tually shipped i Xrcm this port since last fall. An official bulletin tran Wheat Pool hed-quarters at Calgary, which was published last week, stated that, not Including the cargo of the Sedge Pool. twenty-two ship had leaded here while figures compiled by local Inter eats show a total of sixteen vessels. There FISH ARRIVALS CANADIAN Bayvlew. 1,200 pounds, to Royal Fish Co. 14c and 7c. Iris, 2.500 pounds. Atlln Fisheries. 142c and 7c. Westerner. 1500 pounds, to Canadian Klsh & Cold Storage Co., 13.5c and 7c. WEATI1EK KKI'OKT. Prince Rupert. Cloudy, calm, tem perature 40. Terrace. Cloudy, calm. temp. 41. Ttosswood. Cloudy, calm. temp. 42. Alyanah. Cloudy calm. temp. 40. Alice Arm. Cloudy, calm, temp. 42. Anyox. Cloudy, calm, temp. 43. Stew-art. Cloudy, calm, temp, 40. Haezlton. Cloudy, calm. temp. 40. Telegraph Creek. Cloudy, north wind temp. 30. Burns Lake. Part cloudy, calm, temp. 42. Whltehorse. Clear, sou lb wind, temp. 33. Dawson. Cloudy, north wind. temp. 28. The best amplifier for the call of duty ts twins. NEW UNION IS BEING FORMED ikitli. AMI IlKKU 1'AKI.OItS E.MPLOV-LES OKtiAMZE The Hotel and Beer Parlors' UrUon Local wm crganlced here Sunday, the fclloYlng prsvtiional officers being elected: President T. Clough. Vice-Prisldent rA. Evans. Financial Secretary and Business ; Agent D. Milne. agreement, however, on the estimate! treasurer b. iaui.er. that. y the time the tciaon u oer. ! Recording Secretary XI. Scott. some 6 .003.000 bushels wUl have been! Executive Messrs. A. Amctt, Robert handled toy the local house. Mccsacry. c. Olsen. A. L. Lararotto. i rne umcn taxes in notei ana rta:aur- 4. ' ant employees and as soon as the char- SAN KEY ItEdMOX C'OMINO HEUNESIIAV VANCOGVER, April 26. It was officially announced this afternoon that the British Columbia Court pf Appeal would hand down Its decision, in the Sankey ter It received a drive will be made to unionize the city. There was a good sized attendance. 4 The elected list of officers, and mem- bershtp will be forwarded to headquar- ters in Cincinnati, and on receipt of confirmation, a charter will be forward-4. ed. 4. S. D. Macdonald. president of the murder case In Victoria on Wed"- Trades and Labor Council, y;tcd as offl- nesday. If the application for a new trial Is rejected, the Port Simpson Indian will hang on May 23 for the murder of Miss Loretta Chlsholm at Port Es- slngton on May 23 last. Should the court be favorably disposed to the application; he will ob- tain a new trial which his coun- set asks be not held In Prince Rupert. 4. ciai organizer. : BOLD ROBBERY LOS ANGELES ItANIHT IIKI.lt IT '1KISCO M Kit-CHANT ANI ESCAI'EII WITH SI00,-(H0 IN JEWELS INTERCEPTOR BREAKS' HACK LOS .ANGELES. April 23. A. Jcddls, San Francisco diamond broker, was held !ales Tl' i-h I1li Exrliancr law up In the lobby cf the Lowes Building M jr:il:is Totalled !)G4(mi pouiuN in the centre of the business aectlcn on Mcndiy afternoon and was robbed of ILtllbut sales at the Fish Exchanse ! uncut diamonds valued at $100,000. A his morning totalled 06.900 pounds. four American vessels selling 92,000 pounds at bids ranging from 14.6c- and 8c to 13.4c and 8c while three Canadians sold 4.900 pounds between 13.5c and 7c and 14.2c and 7c. Arrivals and sales were as follows: AM Kit I CAN Hclgcland. 35.000 pounds, Canadian FUh iV Cold Storage Co- 14.6c and 8c. Havana, 24.000 pounds. Pacific FUh- cries. 15.4c and Cc. National. 18.000 pounds, and Ccdrle. 20.000 pounds. Booth FHhcries. 15.4c and 8c. man pointed a revolver and seized two wallets. As the robber fled, a bystander. Tern Virgin, attempted to intercept him. The bandit tripped Virgin who fell down the stairway, breaking his back. SIXTY BANDITS KILLED MEXICO KEI1KI.S WHO ATTACKED (ilAKALU JAUA 1ICAIN AKE Sl.AIN, W Alt DEI'AIITMENT ANNOl NCES MEXICO CITY. AprU 26. Sixty members of the rebel band which at tacked a Ouar&lajara train last Tuesday and massiicred many of the pa.'wcnger were killed in an engagement with federal troops on Saturday. It waa announced by the War Department last night. RELEASEE OFIfEDERAL SHIP IS EXPECTED lunuma legation at Waliliitou An-tlHputm that Vrxxrl Will Soon be I rrrd WASHtNOTON, AprU 26. The Panama legation expects the early release of the steamer Federal Ship being held at San Francisco as a rum runner following her Mlrure a month or more ago by the United States coastguard some four hundred mile off the coast of' California. The captain and crew have been alrealy released. The Federal Ship was under the Panama flag at tlx time.