iAGF SIX THE DAILY NEWS i JRose, j Litton $o 2aa I jttrufcd PRINTING Stationery Office Supplies School Supplies Kodakst Films Phonographs Records Novelties Dennison Goods Birthday and Every Day Cards Third Avenue (Opposite Third Street) Phone 23 1 Dollar Day SPECIAL COMBINATIONS. No. 1 1 Cauliflower 25c 1 Vegetable Marrow 20c 3 lbs. Fresh Peat 25c 8 lbs. Potatoes 25c 4 lbs. Carrots 25c $1.20 For $1.00 No. 2 2 Cucumbers 20c 1 lb. Tomatoes 20c 1 Celery 15c 1 Lettuce 10c 3 His. lieans 25c 4 Corn on Cob 25c $1.15 For ...... $1.00 All Preserving Fruits arriving on every boat to Mussallem Grocery COMPANY LTD. 117-123 Fifth Ave. East Phone 18 and Phone 81 Pxincc Rupert, B.C Thor Johnson for Mens' Clothing and Fiirnicliinitc 1 UllliOlilDgd The home of j "SOCIETY BRAND" CLOTHES j REDUCTION in Prices 15 per cent off for two weeks only Come in and inspect our stock . M. T. LEE LADIES' & GENTLEMEN'S TAILOR Third Avenue P.O. Box 977 MANY FORMER RUPERT PEOPLE Met by Fire Chief McDonald Course of Trip to Portland to any ASK Then ANY OF OUR MANY CUSTOMERS give us a trial 'and convinced hand all the time. be in UcDonald, who rt my last niafet after tfmy frtnt oonveaUoa in Port - owgon. of Uw InternaMenal and ftctHc' 'cbas't Associations of FlrrCMrt. reports nannf seen many Prince Rupert people during hi trip touttt. Many of these were at Long-view; wsshlngtoo. where Ue fire oMe were entertained at a luncheon by the Chamber of Commerce which had tteetn brought the distance of M mBaa from Portland In rtrer boat. George A. 8veet. a pioneer of Prince Rupert, la aecretary-treaaurer and part owner of the Pactfle Straw and Paper Oo. there which haa a dally output of icme thirty-tons of pasteboard and other product Mr. Sweet drove the chief back to Portland following hit Tlalt at longTlew. Aubrey Sweet U a druggist In one of 8eattle'a largest pharmacies. Abo at Longvlew li J. H. Kelly, a former alderman of Prince Rupert, who is conducting a successful plumbing sailings to edrope f MAKE RESERVATIONS NOW I'KOM MONTREAL To Liverpool Sept. a, Sept. 30 Mlnnedosa 8-pt. 9, Oct. 7 Montclare Sept. IS. Oct. 14 Montrose Sept. 23. Oct. 31 Montcalm 'This sailing calling at Orrenock. To ilar,ow Sept. 10 Martoch To llrlfafct-Ula'Eow Sept. 1. Sept. 39 Metagama Oct. fl. Not. 10 MellU To AntHrrp Sept. 8 Mellta HtOM Jl KISKC Tii Clirrbourg-Southampton-AntHrrp tSept. 9, Oct. 5 Montroyal fSept. 9. Oct. 19 Montn&lra tTo Antwerp only To Chrrnourg-Houthampton Aug. 31. Sept. 31. .Emp. of Australia Sept. 7. tSept. 28 . . Emp. of Scotland tSept. 14, tOct. 13.. Emp. or France ITo Hamburg, via Apply ts Agents everywhere or J. J. FORSTER. , W. S t. General Pau. Ajent, M . CP.R. Station, Vaacouver. Jff sjio Seymour 2630 aaHHHHHsSHsHxHssflHsl i Cash and Carry Grocery Sixth Ave. and Fulton Street Fresh Fruit and Vegetables on Our Fall School Supplies have arrived. Scribblers (38 pages, not 32), 6 for U5f MILK. JAM. FLOUR, SUGAR Get our prices first and save . money $5.00 Orders delivered free Phone 30 1 S. II. ADAMS, Manager ARE YOU YOUR OWN BOSS? Build a profitable business for yourself. We'll tram you to sell our tallored-to-measure clothes and make you a success, providing you are honest and ambitious. Our line consists ot the finest woollens, expertly tailored in our own tailoring shops, at one low price. Write for our proposition. Only men with best references apply. Monroe Tailors, Ltd.. Dept. 3. 587 St. Catherine We-t, Montreal. ANGER, the TAILOR We carry a fine stock of imported Woollens. Union label on every garment. We employ only Union labor. Every suit guaranteed perfect. I. ANGER, Cutter and Designer 223 Sixth Street reamy LU the vmi i last )drolJ couver. The International Association chose Philadelphia for its 1928 LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY LEASE LA M. TO In Prince Rupert Land Recording Du- Keserve numoer 10. TAKE NOTICE that I. Ole C. Austad, or Prince Rupert, B.C.. occupation rancher. Intends to apply for a lease ot the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the southeasterly point of Bonllla Island; tnence nortneriy. easterly, following the sinuosities of the shore line, to point ot commencement, i excepting therefrom that portion ot the island occupied by Indian Reserve No. 18. and containing one thousand acres, more or less. OLE C. AUSTAD. Applicant. Dated July 15. 1927. "COMPANIES ACT' TAKE NOTICE that the Rupert-Van- couver Stevedoring Company, Limited, Intends to sddIv under Section 39 ot the Com Dan lea Act. belnr Chapter 38 of the Revised Statutes of British Columbia. The Store of IIiRh Quality at Low'S-y &trun, Company. Prices DO YOU KNOW We are the only Cash Grocer)' in Prince Rupert ! You save from 5 to 40c on every I dollar. Can you use your money better advantage? t Limited. DATED 9th day of August. August, 1927 1927. will: at Prince Rupert. B.C.. this IAMS. MANSON & GONZALES. Solicitors for 'he Rupert-Vancouver Stevedoring Company, Limited. BBfl PAIN from Bladder Irritation Soon sstsd by SANTAL MIDY Beware of Imitation Look lor ths word "MIDV Sold by all drurgietx euns4 bv FREE A BEAUTIFUL HAND-PAINTED China Tea Set With "Jiff Purchase as Kelow: 1 pkgs. of "Jiff 1 Cream 5 pkgs. of "Jiff" 1 Sugar 7 pkgs. of "Jiff 1 Teapot fc pkgs. of "Jiff 4 Tea Tlates 8 pkgs. of "Jiff 4 Cups and Saucers You can have these separately if required. There are only a few of these Deauinui dishes left. Jet yours now. "Jiff per package . . iWc rrf itn a w- r v w r 111IS YvbblV WAUl One tin of Heinz Tomato Soup 'Mrs. free with any Heinz Pickles or Olives at regular pricey Order Preserving Fruit now from us B.C. Butchers & Grocers limited Phone 45 and 574 IfESTLfiS evaporate Mtt.t? - M M- S business. Mr. Kelly la president and George Sweet secretary of lbs Longvlew Rjotball Association which has the champion amateur football team of the Pacific enast. W. E. Thompson la foreman on the construction of a big new mill at long-view. At Keeso. near Longvlew. li located Pred Ollhwly who has a successful tobacconist business. Emery Dyer Is working with htm and at present a visitor with them la Miss Wills Oyer of this city, sister of Miss OUhuly. PIONEERS PLAY GOOD FOOTBALL Rousing Game Played by Old Timers Last Night for Benefit of Acropolis Hill Grounds Improvement The old timers' footbsH game last In Portland. Lawrence Wakefield, son night. In which George Kelsey's Oreen of United States Consul and Mrs. E. A. Shirts defeated Dill Murray's Stripes by Wakefield of this city. Is assistant man-a score of 4 to 3. was one of the finest sger of the Nash Motors branch. exhibitions of soccer that has. been The convention of fire chiefs was a' staged this season at Acropolis Hill great success, the International and' grounds. The veterans showed tnem-Peclflc Ooast Associations Joining forces j selves to be stUl proficient at the grand for the event. Ohlefs from all over the, old game 'and they lacked only In their world were present to exchange Ideas ability to stand the paos. In spite of and study efficiency methods. The the fact that It waa many years In Pacific Coast convention next year will several cases since several of the piayers be In Sacramento and In 1929 In Van- had participated In the game, their combination was splendid, defence work good with goal shooting of apparent effective quality. The match was staged for the benefit of the Acropolis HUl grounds Improvement fund and a big crowd of upeetators was on hand to boost the cause and cheer the players of yesteryear along. It was a fine game and there are many fans who would iuate on and being all of Bonllla Island!"" see u repeatea or me ova : except that portion occupied by Indian go up against a party ot local modern' "8" players Just to see what tbey could do. The first score of the evening was by(Uw Tommy Black, whose age rests well upon him. for "B team. Allan Duties forgot that be was a "has-been' westerly, southerly and soon equalired for "A" team. The teams one all. It was in the second period that the fireworks really began. Dick Lam be, who doeen't look like an old married man, put "A" team up with a good shot and Oeordle Abbott, old but doesn't know It, placed the teams o: even terms again. Dick Lambe, even peppier yet, again scored and Allan1 ' Davles. not to be outdone, put through : the fourth for his side. George, Waugh : rubbed the moss from his eyes and gave "B" team It third. The final whistle came with the Stripes vainly: trying to equalize while their opponents ! effectively held their lead. ' 1 George Russell found the going Just ; as rough as in a modern day game but Irefereed effectively. They almost ran Doc Clapperton to death on one line while Oeorge HUl Sr. did nothing much else but enjoy the fun on the other. The teams were as follows: "A" Team C. L. Youngman. goal: Jimmy Mitchell and1 S. Darton. full' backs: P. Cameron, George Kelsey (cap- tain), and Hemmonds, halt backs: AI-. Ian Davles, Pred Hardy, Dick Lamtje,! Jack Campbell and Frank Davles. forwards. I "B" Team S. D. Macdonald. goal: W.l Barton and Hugh Hamilton, full backs: j James Currle, Bin Murray (captain) and j R, Arthur, sr., half backs; W. E. Willis-! croft, Oeorge Abbott, Tommy Black, George Waugh and James Dick, for wards. REGIMENTAL TENNIS TOURNEY TOMORROW Nine entries have been made for the men's singles, seven for the ladles' 1 singles and seven tor the mixed doubles 1 ot the Regimental tennis tournament which will open tomorrow, continuing through the week. The following draw has been made: Men's Mnglrs Ryall vs. McMor'dle. Howard vs. .fJIcholls. Blsck vs. Arnott. -: Carmlchael vs. Evltt? Youngman bye. Ladles' winglcs Mlss Cathle'Harvey ,v. Mrs. McMordle. Miss Rlel vs. Miss Palmer. Miss Davie? bye. Mixed Doubles Ryall and partner vs. Col. and Mrs. McMordle. Howard and Miss Davles vs. Capt. and Evltt Black and Miss Rlel vs. Mr. and Mrs. Carmlchael. ' Col. and Mrs. NlchoTs-bye. "I see you have a sign In your store. "We Aim to Please," remarked the Irritated customer. - 'Certainly," replied Vibe proprietor, "that Is out motto." v. "Well." retorted tne customer, "you ought to take a little time off tor target practice."--Cincinnati Enquirer. I Advertise la The Daily tally News News EXCURSION RATE FOR BULKLEY YALLEY FAIR i ' j The Bulkier Valley Pair, the bag even. 'of the fall in Central British Columbia i j ofwas neat Wednesday at Emit hers. 'special low rats have bectt arranged! with the railway company from sit ' pstals hat ween Prtnce Rupert and ' FrjMa Oaorre for those who Intend to ! fwitt at una annual aveat. ! TMs fw the TXx at Oanithsra I MtmJMa aurpaea any ever need there both in interest sjtd eateeasln-The big itsoa of attraetMsa la ot the rare aseet at which will be h-mas from the Cariboo I Prince Oeorke district Wfcsa M comes to speed, she Bulkkty VsUey itwlf is right thee and the kaesl bones have beta untsaraatng hard training Just for this event. There arc of course, many other at-traeUosas for ihe rotertal invent of the many viaMon who will father at Ssritbera from ail over the country Everything poaeM baa bean arranged and provided for the utmost In ontar-talnment and enjoyment of the visitors Smlthers and the Bulkley Valley invites you to be there next week. You will enjoy tt' Advt URGES FORMATION OF INTERCLUB COUNCIL Kenneth Perguson. president of the Victoria Canadian Club and past go st nor of the Pacific North eat district of Klwanls. well known as a frequent visitor to Prince Rupert, ad treating the Victoria Oyro Club a few day ago urged the formation of an interstub council for the discussion of matters of general Interest 4t the oorwnunlty. 3le also urged the development of a true ptrtt of Canadlanlsm. Advert If In The Daily New PRINCE RUPERT TIDES . .. sATi Kiiw. Ai tusr ;o High 733 am. 19:26 pm. Iaw 0:88 ajn. 12:M pm. 17:55 p.m. SYNOPSIS OF 1J) ft. 18.8 " 58 " 83 " M'NIIAY, AHll'ST 31 High 8:48 a-m. 1U ft 20:42 pm. 18 4 " Low 2:18 am. 8.0 " 14:14 p!m. 9.4 -MONOAV, AHllST Jl 10:14 ajn. 16.9 ft. 21:54 pm. 18.8 " 3:44 am. 8 8 " 15:40 pm. 9.7 " Tl'KSOW. Al fllST 2J and 11:21 am. 22:66 pm. 16.7 tt. 19.1 M 4J0 " 8.3 " h LAND ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vacant. unreserved. surveyed Crown lands may b pre-smptsd by Rrltlsh subjects over It years of s, and by aliens on declaring Intention to berom British subjects, conditional upon residence, occupation, jid Improvement for agricultural uurpoxes Full Information concerning rsgu-.stlons regarding pre-emptions is riven in Bulletin No. 1. Land Series, "tlow to Pre-empt Land." copies of t ihlch can be obtained free of charge ty addressing the Department of Lands. Victoria. B.C, or to any Oov-srnment Agent Records will be granted covering only land suitable for agricultural purposes, and which Is not timber-land. I.e.. carrying over t,O00 board feet rer acre west of ths Coast Range and 5.000 feet par acre east of that for prs-emptlons are to be addressed to the Land Commissioner of the Land Recording Division, in which the land applied for Is situated, and are mads on prlntsd forms, copies of which can be obtained from ths Land Commissioner. Pre-emptions must bs occupied for five years and Improvements made to value of tlO per acre. Including clearing and cultivating at least five acres, before a Crown Orant can be received. For mors detailed Information see the Bulletin "How to Pre-empt Land." PURCHASE Applications are received for purchase ot vacant and unreserved Crown lands, not being tlmberland, for agricultural purposes; minimum rice for first-class (arable) land la per acre, and second-class (eras ing) land $1.60 per acrs. Further In formation regarding purchast or lease of Crown lands' Is given In Bulletin No. 10, Land Series. "Purchase and Lease of Crown Lands." Mill, factory, or Industrial sites on timber land, not exceeding 40 acres, may be purchased or lesssd, the conditions Including parmsnt of stumpage. HOMESITE LEA8E8 Unsurveyed areas, not exceeding tt acres, may be leased as homesltea, conditional upon a dwelling being created in the first year, title being obtainable after rssldenee and Improvement eondttlona ars fulfilled and land haa been survsysd, LEASES For grating and Industrial purposes areas not exceeding It mtm may be leased by ens person ar a company. GRAZING Under ths Grazing Act Us Inee Is divided Into graxlng districts and the range administered under a Orating Commlsslonsr. Annual grating permits ars lssusd based on numbers ranged, priority being give to established owners. Stock-own srs may form s4edal!ona (or raaga manasrament. Free, or partly fra, permits are a veil ah is tor set Here, eropers and trvUca, np U test I .HassB Saturdar A:,g: WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY lor Boots at 7 and 9 'If f.A,UMIr-; , Laura La Plante in Th al flU Sun" An absorbing romance of the Imiwrlal Kussian d , gorgeously gowned, Hpectarular. glittering MUer-i i zling scenes of court life. Huge ttll-atar cast. LAURA I -A PLANTK, PAT 0'MAI.LKY, RAYMOND hi: WE CKOIUJK S1HC.MANN, ARTHUR IIOYT, KARL MLTl AIT CIIARLLS A. HANCOCK, NINA ROMANO and many othtn. IILUKIURI) COMKDY "SWKhTHKAKT DAZE. .ATI IE UK VIEW Admission oOc and 2."c COME NOW AND GET YOUR CHOICE while the choice is good! Great Bargains at McARTHUR'S SUMMER SALE of high grade & Shoes McArthur's Shoes arc known for quality. Every pair in the store at Sale Prices. DENTI Dr. J. R. Gosse Helger8on Block X-RAY SERVICE Phone 686, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Evening Appointment UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Hailing Irom ITInre Itupert. Trndf. VANCOUVER, VICTOK1A, Swsnion Hay, Alert luy, etc ir lor VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Butedale. Alert II.it. rle J",'1" l.lsno. ,? , " junior PORT HIMPhON. ALICE ARM. N VOX. HTEWART, Wales dsy, 8 p.m. . lor Naas River Points and Port Blmpson. Irlday p.m. mUlturn,C lit nd Avenue. R. M. SMITH, Agent Prince R M" tn4 Through tickets sold to Victoria and Heattle at a reduced rsr twejate checked through to destination.