turdor May 7. 1 THE DAILY. NEW PAGE THREE HAD WITH BAD HER SPELLS HEART Local and s Personal "Tha& the fat pipeful Mrs. E. O. Hall. Bolton Centre. Oat.. Writes " Boms !m1 T ..A pells with Arthur's Taai. Phone 07. J've hod my heart which I believe was taused bjr nervousness. I tried everything I B.C. Undertaker. Phuiis 41. tould think of, but ould et ao relief until on of 1117 frienda persuaded m. to get a box of Presbyterian Fall Bazaar. Novembers. ProcCSS - r , Oct the Big 4 habltt When thru-lilt? id- or a Taxi, phone 4. , 1 tl Ain't She Sveet? foxtrot Nnt MiHUet and Tlw 0S0l Victor On lu sua Sunny Disposish FoiTrot J ran CoIilLetle and III Dullest Comic Song, with piano Frank Crumit 2MM 204R A Lane in Spain FotTrnt I'aul Whltcman and 111- C!f rlieMM 2nS1J Tenor with Organ Fmnklyn H.iur anJ Je Crawford 20-163 It All Depends On You FoiTrot Paul Wliiiernan and III Trrrlitr 20511 Tfnor with Organ Frankly n D.tur and J ( mwforJ 2C4(4 You Went Away Too Far FoiTrot Jacque Renard and III Unit 2C47 VofI J"f Green 2C5J9 4io if orf AV'rf .SVu rvcnrd by fanwun Victor artiilt. Victor Talking Jlarhlne Co, ft? ' ffiN VI "I (irmada. For M oiner: SUNDAY IS MOTHER'S DAY A Day Kemtmlered liy Ever) one v. ur make aure that your uift to her retU.tU the love a her Give her Tajre & Shw Chocolst. The Candy unec " They are packed in three rfifferent ainort- ASSORTED OtEAMS ASSOIM'ED IIAKD t'KNTKKS ASSOIITED NUT CENTRES and in 1 lb.. 2 lb ant? : H boxes. Ormes IM. 7ic Pioneer Drttcnisls THIPD AVI t, SIXTH ST TELEPHONES 1,200 The Store for Dad and the Lad! JUST UNPACKED! A new shipment of BOYS' Shirt WAISTS and Sport Cellars ""' v tailori-a. that will wiwh nnd launder unusually well. W.. attractive pattern in Spring neweit stripe effects. v :c : i to 1 C years. Special .n.. , ;" '- ' 95c Acme Importers Third Ave nue Phone 35a . After I had taken a few boxes I rot wonderful relief. I now weigh one hundred and tnirtv-11m pounds where, before, I never went over ninety." Price 50e a box at aJI dnijr'f or dealers, or nailed direct on rereipt of price by The T. ililburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Oat. t: 1 "' : X Church Notices 1 ' 1 it HT. AMiltnV ATIII.IIK.M. 1 Church of Xnglandi Hector. Archdeacon O. A. tux. Sunday senrlee at 11 a4n. and 7 JO jkm Sunday (School at 10 ajn.Unda. 8enurnt of the Lord s Supper flrat, Hioea rebuilt like tiro at Mr-Arthur's Hum- More. tf Norway's Independence Day. May 17 Celebration Commodore Csfe. Tickets, tl.25. 108 M. B. Prcnclergast of the Hallway Mall Service waa a passenger south aboard the Catala this roorniruj: - for a holiday trip. Maude Blondcll waa fined 25 in the city police court this morning for In toxication and waa also ordered Inter dicted by Magistrate "McClymont. Matt Collltwion, Indian, was fined 10 In the city police court this mom Ins for drunkenness In addition to be. ing set back 50 for entering a beer parlor. CJf.R. steamer Prince John will re turn to port at 4;30 thU afierncon.. from Massett Inlet and will sail tonight st tw Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte undav of month .t H . m thim Onloa steamer Cardena. Cam. A. Sunday of month at 8 ajn. BapUsms 1 Jentone. arrived In port from the aa arranged. Confirmation etaaaea Mon-.uth at 8 o'clock last night, sailing day. May at 8 pjn Thursday. May eoon Iter ,or the N IUver- Bhe 18 at 8 pjn Oonftnrjattoa. Friday, returned at noon today southbound. May 18. at 8 p m ! The Joint road committee meeting CllltlTltN M'IKM't: MK'IKTV hich ha been called last ntsht by; brrrice every Sunday morning in the chairman Joe Orcer. did not materialize Hays' Block. 94 Second Avenue. Subject through the Inability of Hon. T. D,j on Sunday. "Adam And Patieo Mao.'' PattuUo to meet with then. Twlng tot TeUmony meeting on Wtdnesday even Illness. tag at 8 o'etock. . I Olof Hanson, chairman of the mem rit!IIVTi:itllN f lit 11(11 bershlp committee of the Board of Mimeter. Rev. i. R. FrtaaU. BA, LUB. .Trade announced t the meettn; la it HestdeoM, The Manae.. Pttone 4M. nigh that be would have -everal new Morning Servire at It O-lock. members to proixMe at the next meet-. Vloehers Day. Sunday Sehooi and tng of the Board. i Ctiureh Serrioe eombtned. Ctdten tu chars. BpecMi mmHe. Suojest. Mrs. Oeorge RlngsUd and two daugb-t "love's Angel." Wear a Hewer for ten arrived at Port Edward from Bel-' raothrr! Evening terrace at 7.30. Joint Hog ham on the steamer Prtncens Beat-; ehotn of seventy voarea will render ttf rice thU morning to spend the summer cantata. "What the Little nowera Biy," ith Mr. Rlngstad who u manager of supported by an eeonesUs. Doors open thr cannery there. at 7 pxn. Everybody welcome. N.tl.V.tl KIN AUMV trunday Sai 1 law at 11 am. Hottoeva Bunday School at SJ0 Salvauan UK her- Day. Major Car IIAITItT (t ill Ki ll Minister. Rev. W. F. Prece. Sueclal "itother's Day"; Osttferatton on Bunday Mornltsf at 11, 'O'clock. For children and their parenta. Song by the J union Choir KecttatlOi- by eehoUra Addrees. eubject. "R&T.CM." No 8uday school In the afternoon. Evening service at 7J0. For mothera and those who honor them. Song sermon, auajft "How Otirtst dried a mother's tears." with m -steal Illustrations by the obolr. Soioa. Dueta. Chonuta Came to Church and remember Mother! IMTI II (HI IK II Sunday la Motbera' Day. It Is one of the big days of the year. The mom-lrg service conslaU rf etiorusea. solos, recitations and addreeae by the Canadian Oirls in Training and Junior Choir Come and enjoy the service hundred and seventy-four (374 1. Range live 101. unaat umtriet, Map U3T. Satlstartory proot of the lorn of the Certificate -of Title covering the above land having been produced to me. tt Is my intention to iwue. alter the expiration of one month Irom the first publication hereof, a Provisional Certificate of Title to the above land In the name nf Sidney Wlllmore. the original Certificate of Title Is dated 30th June. 1013. and la numbered 7R33 1. Land Registry orflce. Prince Rupert. B.C . 0th April. 1927 II. F. MacLEOD. Registrar of Titles. Established 11)23. Office Hours: 0 a.m. to C .p.m. Saturday; 0 a.m. to j i. in. Any evenlnjr by uppointiriciit DREE Kenny DENTIST Extlian.c Ulock. Thunv 109 with them on board" the Princess Alice on the occasion of their forthcoming vhrtt to Prince Rupert on Wednesday. June 22. The city will be asked to cooperate In entertaining the visitors who will be here from 11 am. to 12 pjn. Sergeant J. P. M. Hannah, chief of 'the cl tv detachment bf the nrovlnelal aiid encouage the gtrla. Sunday school ..... ... ,K. A - 1 . - .1 , ....... . ' Dr.y program. Erenlng service at 7.30. Solo "Mother of Mine" by J. 8. Wilson. Smou topic: The Artxir , ou the Hilt of Dimeulty NOTICE IN THE MATTER of an anplliatlon tor the Imtie of a Provtatonal Cmtfloate nt Title for Block five 161. aitbdlvlalon nf the Bou 111 half m of lt three Prince Oeorge tomorrow night, havlnj In his custcdy Ncls Eric Wcstcrlund who Is sentenced to serve atx months at Okalla prlwn aa a result of a recent stabbing nffatr at Emit hers. Sergeant Hannah will return to the city next Saturday. It wss reported to Uie Boartt of Trade U lu meeting last night, W. O. Fulton presiding, that the date of the Bmlthcr meeting of the newly formed Associated Boards of Central British Columbia nno ucni cu-ugru uuv iv. iiiC nctlon of the President In making the! change was endorsed and tt waa further left with him to arrange for dele- ly IntercourHe' between 'Prince Rupert and the Alberta capital be followed up. IIOTt.l. XKKIVAO. . . .('entrul Jt.c ,T f I LQru-liNf laon t.ad td. Balling Van., coil Ytr Frank McDonald, A. Robertson, JlAjlMcUlana and -amesJIIuntex. lty: , R. 'jTRefon. Phelan. ' ! Prince Kiipert I D. T. Lutes, Lowe Inlet: Mr. and Mrs., R. O. Johnston, Inverness; E. D. Zud-' sin. Vancouver. x j J. S. Sweeney and H. Hrdstrom, city ANNOUNCEMENTS Mc-uj. ru u! Jim 20. . mm mm He's not the sort of man that says everything is "jolly good". It must be really good to win his praise. Ogden's Cut Plug did the trick he couldn't help saying it beat all the other tobaccos he'd ever tried. That, t-t.vg no fund, available, these, ' TherTe 80 cluW w were not entertained. CJIJt steamer Prince Oeorge. Capt 'Harry Ned den. arrived at 11:4. this morntitg from Vancouver. Powell River and Ocean Falls and will sail tonight at 10 o'clock for Stewart. The veuet departs from here southbound at It o'etock Sunday night. the Vancouver board to take dinner Duted April 7. 1937. OGDEN'S CUT PLUG Save the valuable "Poker Hands" QUEEN CHARLOTTE LAND DIVISION TAKE NOTICE that H. F Leonard, ol j Portland, Ore., physician, intend to . apply to the Minister of Lands for a 1 licence to Droauect for coal, petroleum : The Board of Trade last evening re- and natural gas over and under the lol-1 eetved several applications from news-' "owing described llndv attuate on Skide- ; tMDete aitd other Dertodlea la to r.,n,.ni,,D . ni.ntrt at thr Eveuuag at 'ao .vtiir- rr in aiui numVn I northwest corner of Section 30. Town- 1 rut hers will oonduet these semcea. Boy : Scouts. Tuesday, at 7. Public Bible Claae I Wednesday at 8 Sunbrs-us and Ttny j ToU. Ttiuraday at A. Oirl Oosrda on Friday at 7. Public meettaf Saturay at 8. a ... r mK.ok . rt Thar)" ! thence 80 chains north, to pomt ol : ; commencement. Located March 14. 1927. H. F. LEONARD, , A. J. GORDON. Aem. j LAND ACT otk of ixtextiox to apply t li:ask l.m. In Range 4. Coast Land District. Land Record Ins District of Prince Rupert. CTM steamer Princess Beatrice. Capt. i ""J W vicinity of CapUlu's Cove. 8. K. Orsy. arrived in port at 8J0 this TAKE NOTICE that Oasee Parking morning from the south and sailed it Co. Ltd.. of 325 Howe St . Vancouver. , 11 , oclock ..,, on . her return ,, , to Vancouver; w.,tBC. occupation Flih Packers, intends, t0 appl. a ,eaM o xht ,o!ljwln and wayports. Passengera leaving here I described lands: for Vancouver on the vessel Included Commencing at a post planted at . .... the northwest corner of Lot 12S1. Range 1 Mr. La Chance and J. Mesa. ( 4. tbence north S chains, thence east j IS ciiaius: theuce aoulb in .loi'ihca , The council of the Board of Tradi: comer Lot 1253: thence westerly alon j . , . , . 1 shore to point of commencement, and lae night accepted, an Invitation from nmainui g7 acres, more or leas. , r ., I t a . i, ..! rmuctsv r A MMaJn rVi T TTt Applicant. 1 Per Chas. 1 Roocna. Agtiu. -I'KOVlNClAh ELECTIONS ACT" ritiML' it 1 'i'T:itT i:n;t'Toit.iL IIISTKH-T .M t iviA.u; i:i.i:t'Tt)itil. nixTitH T NOTICE la hereby given that I shall on Monday, the 16th day of May. 1927. at the hour of 10 o'eluck In the tore-noon, at the Courthouse. Prince Ruper: hold a sitting of the Court of Revision for the purpose of revising the lists of voters for the said Electoral District and of hearing atid determining any and all objection to the retention ol any name on the aatd list, or to the registration aa a voter of any applicant for registration: and for the other pur- aet forth In the "Provincial Elce-lons foea Act." Dated at Prince Rupert. B.C.. thla 6th day of April. 1027. NORMAN A. WATT. Ill Registrar of Votera. LAM) ACT. NOTH'i: Or INTKXTIOX TO APPLY TO I.EASK I.AMI. In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dls- gntea to attend the gathering. Iiltuate at Mawett Indian Village No 11 I TAKE NOTICE that The Mawett Can- of!ncr' Ltd- of Rupert. B.C .. occu- At At the tne meeting meeting o. of the tne Board iwara 01 on CMUn lntends to apply for a Trade last evening President V. O, Ful- fcase of the following described landv , ton gave a report on the recent visit I Commencing at thla pest planted at . 1 the northwest corner of our site at , to Edmonton ,., etatlng .,,, that ,K the Edmou- j. jjgett, B.C.; thence southerly 3 chains: ton ieople gave them a great reception .thence easterly 35 chains more or less and ahowed much Interest In thla port. 'thence northerly 3 chaw, t Hence we-.- " . tli 4 OK nhalns mnra nt- ln t n lutl T They also met meinbers of the Alberta r iommencement and c .-ntaiuing one cabinet. He auggested that Uie friend-', acre, more or less. THE MASSETT 1 AKRtiia. LiU Applicant Per P Loi-enrea. Agent Dated April 20. 1927. If Thtir tteth are of a tough. sfj rteu which makes tlwm hold M WA thsirkttncultiiv d uiv .J A aiMOnos CANADA saw CO. tvo. 9H VAHCOUViS), ST, JOHN. "F DENTISTRY Dr. Jos. Maguire Over Ormes CROWN, BRIDGE and PLATES EXTRACTION OF TEETH By an Expert, 1'hone 523. SuntlHy Appointments. DEMAND Open Evenings. "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - -THE DAINTIEST HKEAKJ AST FOOD." ' ' Smoked Daily by Canadian psh & Cold Storage Co., I'rince ltupert. HC Canadian National CThc Largcft Kailway Sylcm in America Steamship and Ttfa4rtfS2rv.ee, SAILINCiH.rom' rRIXCC Rl'PtRT for VAM'OlTKlt. l'It,"TOItlii JEATTE; earh TlllKfOAY and 81'NHAY. 11.00 p.m. or ANYOX WEUXESIIAY, 10.IKI 0.10. r KTEWAttT RATI KltAV, IB.WI p.m. S.S. I'KINTE JOHN for VANCOl'VEIt Via QIKKS CHARLOTTE ISLAM'S, fortnlihtlv. PASMCN'GKIt VKAINS LEAVE PRINCE Itl'PERT Earh MONDAY, WEIINESDAY and HATI RBAY at 1 1 JO a.m. lor PRINCE fir.Oltlli:. EDMONTON'. WlNMI'ttl, all points Eastern Caiiad. I'ullfd HCe-tla SEE CANADA IN CANADA'S JUBILEE EAR 1867 -1927. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES, t'se Canadian National Express for Money Orders. Foreign Cheques, etc alMt for your next shipment. CITY TICKET OFFICE, 5S8 TUI1ID AVE PRINCE RUPERT. Phone 26U