Saturday May 7. 1027 FIRESTONE DEALERS I CANADIAN! VPACIflCj vHllW4Vj !' KMfhlk aniiii Demonstrate This Extra Valm The Firestone Dealer in your locality will gladly explain to you the extra value of Gum-Dipping. He is prepared to demonstrate how the cord of the carcass are saturated in a rubber solution, insulating every fibre of every cord with rubber, which minimizes friction. Naturally, tires built of Gum-Dipped cords have extra carcass strength and stamina insuring longer wear. FIRESTONE TIRE U RUBBER COMPANY OF CANADA, Limited HAMILTON, CANADA MOST MILES PER DOLLAR rirestotie FIRESTONE BUILDS THE ONLY GUM-DIPPED TIRES GET N 0 N TOPLEY! TOl'I.EV CONSOLIDATED MINING AND DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. LIMITED (Non-Personal Liability) U PITA L $250,000 ONE .MILLlONSIIAEESrAT 25c PAR (Shares Absolutely N'(m-aMenabl) l - Company is formed to develop axtenMve holdings ig f fitty-five mineral claims owned outright or un- adjoining and extending from the now famous 1 mine at Topley. In less than ten mouth thin dis-i- lM'imi' rei-ogniwrd a the biggest sensation in the amiM in r-ent yoars, und BIG MONEY WILL BE MADE ;im1ic on the holdings of thin Comtwny are not a i'r expensive March. l elopment work nan already i 1 one vein nlom- that can be Men for 2.1)00 feet and udth varying from four to twontjr feet. This property - to be a nhipiMT in the vj?ry near future. The Topley ; .dated Mining and Development Company. Limited, is ! Now Offering lt Flrnt Iue or 100.UIKI Shares j At 25c Per Share I'or Imvaedlale Development j lU-ntH oi i In- district should not overlook this splendid 1 unity 4J'- me given firm chance to participate in thi i iHue. With thf olragetli' position of thee projwrties ni the heart of the new Rithfieid camp, and with excel- j ii.iwinga of good ore. there if every renwin to believe that . will inerfaxe to mny time their present value in the ' '.v month x I T MOMC THAN iort.000 fhare will be tnlcen from the ii on this issu', and j Every Dollar lit For Development Work j I il men are behind thi undrUking--tlocal pirif. is bo- j 1 ; Frank II. Taylor, the original discoverer of Hithfield, j und it and is in charge of development. The public is i ' " d of Oila: That good mining practice and honet butiiness ''"i. will b carried out in t exHnditre of every dollar j -u wi Th we local officer an- now endeavoring to finance i ompany locally to avoid the usuiil heavy commiMKions al. f utock. No commiMioriH an- being paid on this Is-suo ! l"Pb'v Coiiaolidated stock. Our Proxpeclus Will (ihe You Full Information ( AH HpplicalionH for stock miiM made to the Secretary. I k niiiy be iHirchased on termn i H '"""h, or one-uniter x 1 md balance in three monthly piiymenta or oiuMiunrter IDI'I.EY CONSOLIDATED 31ININ AND DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LIMITED (Non-Personal Liability) KeKUtertd Office: Smlihcrs, 1I.C ' TAYLOR E. E. OltCIIAIM) L. II. WAENER I'reMident Vice-Preaident Secretary-Treasurer DIUECTOI1S Above Offieera and J. A. Anderson and W. E. Nnrkaus Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailinijs from Prince Rupert Wrtngell. Juneau. M-rK-riP'li iM'?.'" A"'t ! Mr av trr, Vhiurln, Nraltle f;'r lluledsle, l H ivfl"wil Otin '"':1JtTJ' .A!trt II Campbell niver, ami Vanrniiter every Saturday, 'rom- 'ry f, .), Me.m.l,lp Lines. " W, C, OKCiMKIi. Oeneral . .,,., n(y t'nnier of III. Htrrrt ami Srd Atrnue. Prim" rtry. The vessel, which Is to powered with Klemtu. Recently launched and now having upper work completed at thi shop arc wine boat a for Ernest Dudo-wrtl of Port Simpson and William Ridley of Kltkatltt Toe Dudoward boat, which will operate- from Oceanic coa-new la 40 feet long with IS hp. Vlrtan engine and the Ridley boat. which win cannery. U powered with a tfeotla i ttisiue. Dieted a 41 foot Bdenshaw I i 20 h p. Acadia Koal30 LAND ACT Per Chin. t,. Dated April 1 1027 LETS BE PREPARED FOR DEAR ar ! MISS SPRING WITH COAl FOR OR, vSc ES A FICKLE THIMG J When Miss Spring Rives us promise of merry sunshine she sometimes keeps us wait-Iiir nt the church in a cokl tlrizzly rain. Just like a woman to change her mind. Don't depend on Sprinjt to keep you warm our coal is much moro reliable. Tako no chances but ive us your order today. NANAIMO WELLINGTON and .McLEOI) RIVER SOOTLESS Albert & McCaffery Plumes 11(1 mid 117 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE Waterhont Whiffs Many Fishing HoatK Building Overhauling and Work Active llAlibut Arrival Coming " ' up Steadily t to be completed Engine Thot-ra of fish , boat building, already unpj-tedehted iir the f history of the jwrl of Prince Rupert, continue with no sisnu of. diminution. Every week the commencement of at leant one new boat is to be reported and every yard I booked up for aome time to come. All available facilities are being used to capacity and necessity j'J now -auinx considerable work to be done under more or lens makeshift condition. During the present season Homething like fifty new' boats will have made their appearance after construction here and! conservative estimates place the total value thereof at $100,000. The like of it has never been keen here sue there t. no Question that local bunesfa 40 (oot lne fo, w genera ly much benefit deriving veZ tand of MnIak.tIa. The u rsuil. . . . .... Japanese builders In Cow Bay hsve no leu thn .-ight boat under con-istructlon at the present time. At the Buas establishment, hull i"mih ib nw weii aavancea on a new 48 -root seine boat for R. a. Johnstone, manner of Inverness Can- ny June is and vnl operate out or Inverness cannery. Site will have a beam of 11 feet and will derive power from a is h.p. Atlas en- jltuir. m mis j,;u a u x n foot. seine boat for Oceanic Cannery ha had! a mi n.p. Vivian engine installed and work of decking I aboui to nirt a . third boat at tbla yard la a 44iti fnt 3fl h.p. Union engine, l.elrvrr tnr Jai-tr wwiv la to wnrlr ... , .K. . I ' ""H" which la also about to nave her tipper work completed. The vessel Is to have! a zu n-p. Enterprise engine Under rather makeshift cocdiUon. a Japanese named K. Tsumura is buUdlng ar large trolling boat ai ine head of Cow Bay for John Lmd.iiro.Ti. a well known coast trapper. The vessel, which la 34 feet In length wuh 9 foot team' . wr u. " twill he fxiwered with a 14 h.p. Vivian S8 leet In length nd I -!, .ih i. t.. h ,,,,,.......1 .., Buga haa just com-, xbe while yards, alihouifh n is aid boat, powered), tut th Jimwu hi wmi ' "P- muv. ior "enryiprt Bre DUJT buildln vcweU of ana tne vessel will soortlv ,.k,i. v...... oe for the Queen Charlotte Inland m operate out of uie Lsuteara eaiuiery at Massetl. Buehlro. anotker Jafmeese buiMer at O f lUy. ksld the keel oil Thursday of iMITK'K m- INTi:XT10 Ttl APPLY Tl I.LASt: I.IMI, In Rim 9 flnAjvl T ny, nia,rte Unit Neglected Eyes NEGLECT is doubtless the cause of most of the ills that afflict humanity. This is so self evident that it seems hardly necessary to tell you. If your eyes are giving trouble, have them attended to and at once. OF ALL absurdities in the kingdom of foolishness, surely the loss of eyesight through neglect is the most inexcusable. DON'T lo-e health and efficiency through neglect. Come and seel Fred Joudry Registered Optometrist and Optician Room 3 Smith P.lock Phone 7C3 Rapid protrrem' 1 being mads at the McLean hej on the 48 by 12 foot tjine boat for the Lansgara cannery which 1 to be -powered with a 30 h.p. Imperial engine. This work Is beta?' rushed through In order to make way for a 45 foot e in. by 11 ft. 2 In, selheboat contract which McLean has Just received from the Oosse Packing Co. This vessel wlU be powered with Recording Dtrtet of Prince Rupert. I" 20 bP- Frisco-Standard engine. ana situate on the south shore of La- i At the dry dock Oanunon & Watt's TAKE nS &it Oosse Paeklnr '" bot ' eS hed C: Ltd.. of 32a Howe St.. Vancouver, along and. by the tune the SO hp. D C . occupation FWh Pikers Intend 1 Washlngton-Estcp engine arrlvca In m apply for a lease of the following . . , . , deMibed lands: l! about a week, everything wlU be In Cortmenclnii at a post planted at i readiness for Its InsLallaUon. The 53 ; chains: thence west 10 chains: thence U-ud U being decked up following In- north 6 chains to ahore: then-re easterlr Itullatlon of the 45 hp. Falrbanks-aloog shore to point of commencement, j w. m..iij-i "i" en)m .mrtns nd ua the lDe Tf ves-and eontalnlnir S acres, more or less. 1"" OOSSIS PACKtNO CX. LTD. el wlU be done about May 25. The Applicant, oj 0ot halibut tooat for Lars Voge. i.hUh -.111 a n h n VL' .i1ti ntn. !Ktep engine. Is nok. pretty well plank-if , cd up. The boats referred to above, thirteen in nil. represent the fish boat con struction that Is now In progress at slus port. It la by no means a record to be sneered at. , "Doc" Clapperton. who was confined to the bovpltal for a couple of weeks, was discharged early this week. He still feels a litUe shaky but he, hopes to he back at work In tune to tie the Princess Alice up . Monday morning. Deafness in the left ear has followed Ihlf Ulness. 1 It was a ca of free oil one day last week If one was willing to skim It from the surface. A pipe burst at the Imperial Oil dock while the tanker iMlna Brea was unloading and about I fifty barrels of oil Is understood to I ; IJOVLUNMPVT OF THE PKOYlNCK Of j ' ItniTISII tOl.r.MltlA PI'IILIC WOllM HKPAItT.Mr.NT NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALED TENDERS addrewed to the Hon. Mlulsier of Public' Wortd. Victoria. B.C.. will be rere-lved un to noon the; the 23rd day of May. for reconstruction of , irrlved portion w rriiive najJiTk wuari. flails, speculations iur jomi oi len B.C.. The Indian Eairired his game, usually with his first arrow his eye was keen, his aim true. You need a keen eye in these days of artificial light and quick action. We can tell you upon your first visit the exact condition of your eyes. If you require glasses, you can depend upon it jt hat , our prescription will bV scientiff-cally correct. was 1 i ejEWELLEflS Tilt STORE WITH IHE ClOCrx ESSEX cf the fish plant was able to beat the local price by so doing. Vessels going on the Ward. Ways during the past ten days for hull work have Included the halibut vessels Point May. Koroeu. ILW.. Joe Baker, rung.; leader. Cnome. Swing and Atll; the fish packer To wens, and troller Knox. The Oalt freighter Salvor, Capt, Rush, ta due to Albert and UpCaffrrv with a full cargo of 300 tons of coal. I Two scowloads of lumber behind an unnamea tug are aiso coming up irom Vancouver far this concern. Having on board a party of federal government officials Including, J. Forde. district engineer for the public I works department; - E. M. . Halnei. post office inspector, J, E. Miller. Inspector' cf customs and his assistant. T. Mason, fisheries patrol steamet Glvenchy' In port yesterday for coiulnid at Trotticr, oock. The party hat! dtr can be obtained at the office of the ixcn making an ofllelul tour to the SaeclStrt' " nT ,N1ltr 001 ! Charlotte Islands and other Prince Rupert. May 6. 1927 U. u. MACKAY. icunsvui jajiuis. vh m biiuiiot inp ias Dlstrtct Enslm-er yrar. the qivenchy lost her propeller. 107 near Massett and had to be towed Into' Prlnoc Rupert by the Miflaaptna. ' "Shorty" Hartllng la taking com mand of the Prince Rupert Boat House power tug Pachena. aucct-cdlng Oipt. Harvey Dumns who leaves the service on June 1 to engage In trolling. The powerboat "13" Is now undergoing overhaul in the dry dock yards, where she has been. tied up all winter preparatory to the opening of service to the Salt Lakca. Laurie Lombly wilt be In conimnud ngaln this year. Today he leaves the dry dock where he has been employed all winter. A 28-foot scout boat. Daisy-, Leaf, for the use of W E. Walker, manager of Arrandale cannery at the mouth of .Nans River, was brought down to the dry dock this week to have a 100 h.p. HaU-6cott motor Installed. The boat Is rjpical df thaj craft that are growing In popularity for the use of cannery managers who have at times to covers lot of ground and do it quick. The is a SUPER-SIX .Yet Costs Little More Than Any Four THE SUPEK-SIX PIUNCIPLE NOW RELEASED TO FULL CAPACITY IN HUDSON IS ALSO AMAZINGLY REVEALED IN ESSEX SUPER-SIX HO miles an hour all day lonjf, and ability to travel even faster if you want. A Kmoath fast pick-up free from jerking or violence. Long life to all wearing parts accessibility, and the most advanced engineering for low maintenance and operating costs. r Riding, and driving ease equalling anything you have ever experienced surpassing anything ever achieved in a car of its cost. No nerve shattering motor vibration, no chug-chug-chug-chug to mar the enjoyment of your trip. The Kmooth stream of Sujer-Six power whisks you along any road for any period of time or distance in carefree comfort. No car of our experience has ever met with such enthusiastic reception. It has been the outstanding attraction at all automobile shows. The beauty, comfort and detail of eatch" body tyjHJ is commanding highest praise. And dealers everywhere are reporting sales that indicate the greatest Essex popularity of all time. PRICES. Five Passenger Essex Super-Six Sedan, complete, fully equipped. ..$l,:i(S0.00 Five Passenger Essex Super-Six Coach, complete, fully equipped... Sl,'-(!0.00 Two Passenger Essex Super-Six Coupe, complete, fully equipied. .Jj?l,l!((0.tMf Wo inrite your inspection of these Super-Six Automobiles at oar Salesroom. Prince Rupert Auto Co. Second Avenue. have escaped. The most of it floated' down the Yacht Club way but Shef cculdn t summon the Scotchmen Quick enough. rCML TO NEWCASTLE loe UMee &iDasa brought down aj full cargo of gasoline from Ketchikan for the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. during the the week. With two ouerles here. It seemed like bringing tcoals to Newcastle. The reason, for It aU was that the cannery management) Opposite Prince Rupert Hotel. Phones 75 and 273 PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. New Stock of Garden and Field Seeds and Fertilisers Pratt's Baby Chick Food and Poultry Supplies RUI.KLEY VALLEY HAY AND GRAIN Our Famous Edson Coal in any quantities also Telkwa Coal Store Phone, 58. boat was built at Arraudale during the I winter. i A new visitor to port was the Pacific Mills logging luprrln'.endent'a cruiser j Whrll which was fere Wednesday and! Thursday mornings enroute to thej Queen.rChrlotteK. The .vessel, 'aboard i which was P. S. Bonnef . former dlstrtct j forester here and now logging sttpcrln-1 teiHlent for the Pacific Mills, la neat I fifty-foot cruiser, developing her' power! from a loo h.p. Haii-soott engine. The Prince Rupert Boat House cruiser Myfanwy made a trip to Kinslua Island, leaving Wvdueaday night ujnd re turning Thursday, with Capt. -wAlfred- Swunson, boas of ttm fleet. Dr. Alexander has been busy this week installing a 33-30 h.p. Omy engine to replace the Red' Wing ot same power In th snjpy little speeder MM which wUl now be able to do her stuff with the hest of them. There are going to be great doings round the JarvU McLeod pre-emption (continued on nags tlx) Trotier Dxk Phone, 353 Insist on B.C. PRODUCTS They Lead in Quality BLANKET Special Daring the month of May we will give a special rate on all Blankets. Single lllankct, each ..'1." Double Rlankctt each . . Blankets washed without shrinking and returned nice and fluffy. GIVE US A TRIAL Pioneer L aundry (1921) Ltd. Phone 118 i