rvVr 26, 1927 Lifebuoy is superb as a toilet soap and it is an invisible shield against germs All day long your hands are coming into contact with things that others have touched. Newspapers, doorknobs, telephones, office papers, street-car straps . . . everywhere lurks the elusive disease germ. Even in the friendly handclasp there is danger of picking up one of the 27 disease germs listed below. Let Lifebuoy Soap Protect You Lifebuoy is the favorite toilet soap of millions who use it for the bath, shampoo, for every day use .... for every toilet soap purpose. In addition to keeping the pores of the skin dean, open and breathing, the mild but efficient ind antiseptic penetrating qualities of Lifebuoy's creamy lather offer you protection against these germs, whidj lurk in all manner of dust and grime. 27 GERM DISEASES that hands may carry nfk4 kj Lift ZxtmUn tfftnc Coldi Pi'nk Fvi. Tonii..;rit Otitic Mumpt (Ear Infection) Ringworm Pharyngitis VETiooping Cough Smallpox irriipelu Tuberculous DiDfnrrii t.. Soei Few 'Influenza Chjckeopoi Carbuncles aeptKemu Laryngitis Messles Impetigo (skin Infection) Bronchitis Wlil n;u- Typhoid Cerebro SpinaJ Djientery Meningitis Tk ? InAWma aprriill li anlnowo so tat tverr precauiio. j A LIFEBU Honlth xurities and Protects LBTJ Lever Brothers Limited Toronto Extra Value No Extra Cost Lifebuoy Soap is not expensive .... costs no more than ordinary and far less efficient Toilet Soap. Get Lifebuoy today. Identify it by the orange red package and the orange red cake, the colour of its pure palm-fruit oils. Dr. MAGUIRE Dentist Over Orme's Drug Store ' ; ''hone 525. Nadian WACIFIC Office Hours 9 to 9 Lady Assistant Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert 0 - Krtiiilkan, wrnngell, juncnu nnd Skyway October 8. 19. 23. ' Vancouver, Victoria ami Seattle OH ol.er 11, Ml November 2. PRINCF.8H HKATKICE. for p Itutrdale. East Bella Bella. Ocean K1K Namu, Alert Hay tienVV'X rl,..mv', ,m Vanromer every (taturd.tT. ... eney lor in 8t,,uhlp Unn, Full Information n n Corner .... w' Cl ORCHKll. General VRem ""w of h Rireet and 3rd Avenue, I-rlme Hupert. BC. from Dione 31 Advertise in "The Daily News" local and Personal M Arthurs Tul Rxmt 671 v B 0. Undertaker ' Phoo .L Dentist. Dr. J. R. Qim PImkm 8M Oet the Btg 4 bitjlll WheijYthtatiaa. I a Taxi. pfeB: j t'BR tf Mm r L Mcintosh etty on yttierda Terrace. Terrace. In tlx 4Mb from Father Oodfrey. OWJ arrived in lb city on yesterday afternoon a train from U40M Aamtmmn Dance on Tnurs- . OcSjotJat fl. Dancing from 9 until Aetna. Oar and nrlaaa tor wnJat Onder the auspices of too kietl Baa danoa win be held by the par of the Si. "trim Charles" on 4. Ml Dan Mf Dune Id. ptonaar Ntw Hantlton praapactor. at Matter in tha olty. bavins, am rad tram tha interior on yester day afternoon " train. D. Mshood of Hyder. Alaska, who Ar rived in the olty on the Cstals vaster day altar noon from tha north, loft on UHt nmalaart train for vatlt In oanttai Auxiliary MaUovaan Ball ill be feeld ot the Auditorium on Fit day, October at. Dancing wUl ooca mot at o'clock enarp and continue Ml 1 am. Tlefceu tlJOO. i. 0. Brady. M P. tor Kun. was the ipaatar before the Prince AnfMrt Oyro Ohio at lta regular monthly open natlwg In the Commodore Oafe this aftemooa. E. A. Mann, president of the elub. oocuptad the chair. Bin SO annual Halloween Baaaar will he hald aaturday, October W. from 3 td In the I O DI. Mall. Fancy work, plain aewlng. candy, home cooking, tea rosea, raffle, and flab pond. Proceed for Children' Ward In Hospital. The city police yesterday afternoon sscovsiad Chris BUdo' Ugat tMlrery ear much ha4 been faaaoid da Man cmy evening from Cisand AMcwe in front of the Prince Bupert Club. The vehicle was found on amaranth Aveane Wast nut there was no trace of who bad taken an uninvited drive. OXM. ateomer Prince Oearge. Oapt. Harry Nedden. arrived In port at IMS I. that morning from Vancouver, Met! River and Ocean Falla and will 1 at 4 o'clock that afternoon for Anyoa and Keaehlban. The vessel la due haek tomorroM . evanlBC and will fHI ff fate atwch. a V ; ny c lit. and Mrs. H. P. aleNaugbton and family, who have been east on an ex tended holiday trip, win return to the city on tomorrcw afternoon' train. Mr and Mrs. Edward Upsett. who have bean visiting the city for the past couple of weeks, are planning to return tomorrow night on the Prince Oeorge to Vancouver. ANNOUNCRJIENTS Rupert last United Church Baaaar October 27. Loyal Order of Moose Anniversary Dance. October ST. Orange Lodge Oonoart and Dance, October 27. Hospital Auxiliary llaUowaen Bail. October 28. Hill M Halloween Baaaar, October 29. Knights of Pythias Whist Drive and dunce. October 31. rreabytertan Church. Baaaar. November 3. Baptist Sale. November S. Presbyterian Church Obolr Concert, November 9. i Canadian Lesion Armistice Day Ban quet, November 11. In the Boaton Hall. Pythian Slitera Sal of Work Novem ber 14. Anglican Baaaar. Tuesday, Nov. IS. Uooee Biutaar, Nor. 18 and 17. -Kalendar Kabaret I.O.D.E. Hill. Established 1023. F.i Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday:. 0 a.m. to 1 p.m. Any evening by appointment DENTIST Exchange Block. Phone 109 TOE DAILY NEWS Tom Mick of Victoria, auditor (or the Liquor ttmtrol Board, la a pauenger on the Prutrc George today bound lor BRIGHTEN YOUR HOME AT LITTLE EXPENSE Anyox. Mm. A. Wafdrope. who ha been on a trip to tha OW Country, retaraed to the city on the Prince George tins The OJf.R. city thket office la mov :ng hack this iflernoon to the Third Arenue wanHer wnann novo been un dgoing istaWtilcW.''' Oil, ii Harold Uefvw, OlKJl dlvadon tretgbt agent, returned to she city on yesterday afternoon' train from a trip to the Interior on ooeapsar bualne. Hyde Treaafer new agent for Al- Alberta Saotleaa and PemMaa Peerleai, Tbeae eoak are under cover, don't buy we'ter. buy coal. 112 a ton can you beat ttf tf Noveenber 21 la re date et for the it ting of the International Fisheries GocnaUMdoe her It la announced. On November IS, the osmmlaaton will be In i melon at Ketchikan. Allan Kalian af Vancouver, who 1 to engage in a wreettteg match at Abtox this week with Dlek Stubba. la a pi-enger on the Prince Oeorge today bound north to the smelter tevn. aaiHng yesterday afternoon on the Oatala for the aouth Included D. Ostwuw tor Butedale. aad T. J. Stephen. E. J. Amejr. Ml H. Wilson Mas) F. Anderson for Vancouver. Mrs. Anny Oumberland. of Merrltt. grand chW for Brltleh Columbia of the Fythlah Staters' lodge arrived on t.he Prince Oeorge thla morning from the aouth to pay her official visit to the 1 lodge. C. M. Brown of the Empire Co. arrived on the Prince Oeorge this morning from Vancouver, hi vlalt being in connection with the itartlng of the aeosons grain shipment from the local elevator. F. II. Clendennlng. manager of the Bnplre Shipping Co., arrived on the Prince Oeorge this morning from Van couver, being here In connection with the Inauguration cf .the aetaon' wheat shipment from the Prince Rupert ele vator. The cae of Ilarry Wong. Chinese, who la. charged with breaking and entering the Traveller' Cafe and taking money from the safe therein, was adjourned for eight day In city police court by Stipendiary JJagUtrate H. F. MeLeod thla morning. Henry Wise Wood, preaident of the Alberta Wheat Pool, who reached the city thla morning from Vancouver, hae oonaeadod to address ,a Joint luncheon to be held by the Board of Trade and Rotary Club in the Commodore Cafe tomorrow afternoon at 1 o'clock. After attending the National Conaer vatlve oonvenfion In Winnipeg; the -onventkm of the Union ot B.C. Muni rtpalltles on Nanalmo. and a meeting of the Western Canada Development & Unity Lesgiie In Victoria. Mayor S. M. Newton returned to the city on the Prince Oeorge this morning. Due report on the meetings will be made at a later date, he announcea. A meeting will be held on Thursday, October 27, at the Deep Sea Fisher men's Union Hall at 8 pjn. to discuss the protection of the Salmon Fishing Industry. The following are herewith invited to take part; J. C. Brady. M P.. "fed Stork. ex-M.P.. Adam Mackle. In peetor of fisheries and any other of the Flaherle Department who are in- 'created. Hippo Island Salmon Trailers' Association. '252 FOR RENT Market Prices Todays prices on the local market are a follows:' LAKU Pure 25c Compound 20c i:ois B.C. fresh pullets 55c B.C. fresh, firsts 60c B.C. freh, extras ....r 65c Local new laid 70c B.C. Storage, firsts 50c I ISII ; Halibut, lb 25 Salmon, red spring 35c Salmon, white spring! lb 15r Smoked kippers, lb ., 15c Kippered salmon, lb. 4 25c Smoked black cod, lb 20c Finnan haddlea, lb 20c MKATS Fowl. No. 1 lb 35c and 40c Roasting chicken, lb 45c Ham, sliced, first grade 55c Ham, whole, first grade 42c Ham, picnic, lb 25c Cottage rolls, lb. 30c Bacon, back, sliced 50c Bacon, side 50c to 60c Pork, dry salt 35c Ayrshire bacon, lb 35c Veal, shoulder 25c Veal, loin 40c Veal, leg 35c Pork, shoulder 5Xpt ,28c Pork. loin .' 4c TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY LI VINO P.OOM SUITE. 5-PIECES AND buffet for quick sale this week. Phone 210 to Mrs. Tupper for appointment tf Clapp Block from November 1 tol Ftbuary 1. Thj;.e Red 251. 252' 1927. if Hrff-a Qaily Patterned Rugs that costLsiut little .1J1 LLiT Ln. -KiT At to-Jay prices, you can get a Qcnuine Congotcum Gold Seal Rug guaranteed (or a fraction of vfhai you would expect to pay foruch beautifully patterned rugs only S7.75 for a9 x 6 foot Rug. The imprpved longer-wearing surface will uithirar.d the hardest wear for years and it can be kept spotlessly clean and fresh so easily. (ONGOLEUM SEAL tlUu& hi COLO SEAL l Ct'APANTTR 13 -Si: 7 l-ixnstrnoHaxtumn J ; - . Quaranteedl 1.. Insist on genuine Concolcum Vi sr?06' ". ti'itri the Qold Seal on the ' ' ri' "" surface that is the only kind Conoolfui Casau. Limited Md-- ....--5 that is fidly Guaranteed. Montreal V cms'' Pork, leg 35c. Beel. pot roast 124c to 16c I Beef, boiling 10c to 15c' Betf, steak 25c to 40c Beef .roust, prime rib 30a Lamb, chops AOc Lamb, shoulder 35c Mutton, leg 40c Iamb, leg 48c Mutton, chops 40c Mutton thoulder 30c IIUTTEK Brookfleld. Shamrock and Woodland. lb 50c E.CD.. lb '. 50c Capitol. 2nd grade, lb 47ftc Fraser Valley, lb 50c New Zealand, in bulk 47c PrlnU 47ftc Rosedale Creamery 45c Alberta Creamery 42V4C No. 1 D!ry 37V4C ClIKKSE Camembert cheese, 8 oz. pkg 65; Kraft Llmberger, !j's 35c Ontario solids 35c Stilton, lb 40s Kraft 45c Norwegian Ooat 65c Napoleou Llmberger 70c Roquefort 75c Swift' Brookfleld. lb 45c Oorgonzola, 'lb 75c Mcbfireu'a Cream. Jar 45c and 85c Brookfleld Swiss cheese, i lb. pkg. 30c Brookfleld Canadian cheese. lb. pkg. 25c Gruyere 45c Oolden Loaf, lb 45c Jack, lb 50c Romano Sardo, lb 75c Oammelast, U lb 30c 81' (MR White, per 100 7i0 Yellow, per 100 S7.00 , ILOl'R Flour, 49's, No. 1 hard wheat 1235 Pastry flour. 10's 65c Pastry flour, 49'a 3.00 VKOtTAUI.ES Beets. 5 lb. for 25c IN PROBATE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF IlItlTIISII CMLUMHIA In the Matter of the Administration Act; and In the Matter of the Estate of Joe Elman (otherwise) Joe Herman, Deceased, Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor F. McB. Young, the 11th dav of August, A.D. 1927. I was appointed Ad ministrator 01 me estate 01 joe Elman ( otherwise I Joe Herman, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 21st day of September. A.D. 1927, and all parties indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C. Dated the 21th day ot Aueust. kt. PAIN in BLADDER Promptly Eastd by SANTAL MIDY B tur to gt th Qtnuln Look for th word "MIDY" Sold by all drutristi I Why We Use Hinged Boxes You have doubtless noticed that the Powder and Pill Boxes we use are hinged with the directions on the inside of the cover. This is to make less likely the possibility of putting the wrong cover on the box. This is just one of the many extra precautions taken by Ormes. Ormes Ltd. yfic Pioneer Druggists THIRD AVE. f SIXTH ST. -TELEPHONES 82 1-200 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" ers "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD. Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage CW Ltd. Prince Hupert, B.C BADMINTON Supplies Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3