O.-toU-r 26. 1127 I SL 5r. m&4 lav Mfl 700 THE "CLYDE" A refined, dressy. tfraUst bue lur men of discriminating taste, Sole Agenta for wnere "ASTORIA" Shoes in Prince Itupert McArthur Shoe Store Third fineness is a CharininljCusfcm TO go jnto an exclusive u.V a JiNcr wearing anything hnl tS- best dothes or shoes is to invite comment Astoria are worthy of Rfth Avenue Refjant Stn-et or the Bob lc Boulogne diatja. guislir.l. faultless - appearing, Canavlnn-made footwear that rw won fame at home and abroad A pair will tell you why. Avenue Phone 123 Laundry Cleaners NffiflML Syflem in America :.tti.e. .ou p.m. . Afternoon Teas and Card Parties are easily arranged when you have Folding Tables 1 . f'hristmah shipment in here-your choice of the table made (by actual test will carry 1,000 lbs.) ..ural grained oak top or wanhable nanitas, K5.50 and $U."0 Barrie's Home Furnishings IIox 80S Free Laundry Service Our advertisement quoting"stMr.djgnjfja.und brought out many interesting comments. As the figures quoted were compiled In the east, wc wish to determine just liow they compare with local co8t. Accordingly, wc are offering to do, without charge, one wi t wash to each of the first fifty persona now doing their "wn washing at home, who will give us on a form provided, an m-r urate estimate of the cost involved. Phone No. 8 and our representative will carl for your bundle. Canadian and Dry Canadian Largca Railway STEAMSHIP AND S.tlllvnu i. ....,... .... a,i i ' t'ry-jxt:. . '. . : (111 UldlC H'I1I10( 'w ANVOX and 'KETf'MIKAN Each .. I... u.... TRAIN SERVICE v,v'iI'VI:R. VICTOIIIA, hr. , ih kki.a v ami mm) ay, n HEONE8IMV. Am p.m. ' NOUTII AMI KOUTII (Jt'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLAND!, fortnightly. FASMENQER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE KUI'E,K to,, IVINNirvu, all points Easjeni Canada, lulled M""- AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Ue Canadian National Express for Money Order. Foreign Cheques. for 'UT nett Shipment. , . or. W "TV TICKET PHI R I) PERT. Phone OrriCE, 828 JUUIU AVE, A BEAR STORY AT KETCHIKAN Mnrmer iV Htr Hi Mill Said to Have Ilera Chan J by liruln TV r n a ;er t ry. A'.id thi iar: :,e r.ot nippl ed by M.lton Daryr e.theOcugh he was oi jm pvinceal awterv sys the Ke-.caikaa Or.r.nle Just the reverse Mr. Daly hut been ax sauat j stau. .ibout hie exerting adventure, j Another actor in the drama u Om. Pclia, anava a bear hunter iraot ' Ncm to Seattle. The vtage ws a anne of wttd-wcod on Seymour Csial. Taa two awn baa) ! just land) and be? an preparation lar tamp. Mr. Daly laokad '.tit scene ovar. antt tad Use air. and said "Humph! I dont believe then la a bear within a bus dred mile oi thin pteae. Don't took like a bear countrv to me." "You oater can tt!l." aatd PoJta "MUt" took toe pall and made DM way to a atream about 60 yard dlataat aad dipped up a bucket of water. Whet) be ctf3iKhiaz;U up coining around a bunul. of trees ab: u: ven leet away was us line a brown bear one cjuld wl'b 10 he The bear kept on comlna IW v;-s did not Mem a bit friendly. llien thlnKH happened. "Milt" made tba do yard to eamp is twri jumna. yetllng aa pe eame lor Folta In get a gun. Fclta did not have time to get hi giin. 1 1 wa.i only 26 leet away, bsat bale re be could ratee from stooping nver the fire both Milt and tile bear ware almost on tup of bun. and he was mos'. concerned Jim tnen in gl'USf MUt and the bear a clear right of way. fortunately possibly Deflected by the fire, the beer turned to one aide and disappeared Into the Umber without a WW TOUlg IBTC. "What did I tell you about 'bear" ' Ekilt t "Oueas this la a bear country all ragtu." grinned MUt. "Yes, arr." aaad Folta, "I ean almost small em" "You dldnt vaaall that one In time." ramarked the mill man. and the Inat-dent was closed. Tne two men got other bear, but not the one tbey would have Ukd to have leaded. Advertise In The Dally News LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE l..NI I la Queen Charlotte Islands Land Re- ! cording District of Prince Bupcrt. and situate at Jedway Harbor, Moresby Is 'land, Q.G.I. TAKE NOTICE that Mlllerd" Packing Company. Limited, of Vancouver. B.C. ' occupation Packer. Intends to apply for a lease of tbe following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the northeast corner of Lot 88, Q.I.: thence northwesterly and along high watermark 18 chains, more or lees, to a point N. M ST B. from the N.E. corner Lot HQ: thence north 56 87' E 1-5 chains, more , or leas, to low water mark: thence southeasterly along low water mark to a point N. 56 37' E from the location post: thence 33 chains, more or leu. ; to trie point of cemmenoement. and con- ' talnlng 6 acres, more or less. MILLERD PACKINO COMPANY. LIMITED. ; Applicant. Dated September 1. lt27. LAND ACT, NOTICE OK INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND i In Atltn Land Heoerdlng Dtitrlct of ! the Casslar District, and situate at the mouth of Wann Blver, about 500 feet easterly along tbe shore frem the northwest corner of the Skylark Mineral Claim. TAKE NOTICE that I. Horace Mo Naugbton Fraser. or AUIn, occupation B.C. Land Surveyor, acting as agent for the Engineer Oold Mines Ltd.. Inc.. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted about 600 feet, easterly along Vat shore from tbe northwest corner cf the Skylark Mineral Claim: thence northerly 225 Keet: thence easterly 100 leet: thenoe southerly 150 feet, more or less, to high .water mark: tlience westerly 100 feet, more or leas, to point of commencement, and containing 0.5 acres, more or less. ENGINEER QOLD MINES LTD.. INC.. Applicant. H. McN. Fraser. Agent. Dated Ausjuit B 1027 THE PIONEER LAUNDRY KIDS ! Valet I tkitNDPC. SH1CTS "T1"T!:.' m AH05HIRJrVAl5T4 700 B GlUITE FRSH AMD N W B YOUB shirt waist and his shirt should take a trip to this laundry and return. They will demonstrate to you our expert ability, our polite manner of serving and our moderate prices. We invite you to do this. Pioneer Laundry rhone 118 THE DAILY NEWS page Fnns REVIVAL IN AVIATION IN THIS COUNTRY Department of NMGnal Defence Taking Lead fnX&ifc Work i - r- i OTTAWA. Oct. X fa. reproach ' t..v.i finada c: rattMn Tbe, Oimna avutric. wtw. on hari vtMt 10 aiaattaaL Moveated 1 snaeestiefit and dawppinSaaast oear the 'aaglast af awyattoa- in ti UI aaan k woririiii. lit with Use raUsaftawd Fraulaln ss ar behind mTO MMaAKmsi in Oamnay very towst Isaa tt awoplana ataslng- fata. Its oanaan the number aaUM be M fuu;eni of Is shortly to for the PaaiaSaa govern mant kas )uat Saauad ptaeSJeal encour aaan i ins toward taw desvetoaanant of r:vtl aviation In the form of offernsg aeroplanes free to pro-peaty orgaaasea Ngh -aeroatane etaga. In. betaf. tw governments coadtlliu-tten wIM be a oatiple of de Havlland Mcth 'plaavai gaanted to duly ooaatltu-tad bodies aa ta varloua eeutrca of aeula ileal thrwaghmi: the country, tnls offer being eoanlMtonal upon aueb bodies lasp-jiisibiuty of main- m good order and under earpert attnarvisiun. The olisna so formed are abo 0Miatsd to erect their own hangars aad prepare taeir own landlng-tteUa. Oovernment aas lets nee in this respect, however will not be want-lag. U-YINO i;.NTilt Sl.tKTri The movement baa "taken on." In moat of the provincial capita flying enthusiasts have met and discussed tbe prqject, and the Canadian Departownt of National Defence under whose aegis i the m'jcaatu JM been plaoad, Is now j munoaten wuavennuines rrom au aver tbe ecuntry. .A freat deal at "apade-j -ark" baa yet to be done, but the pro-; eet has bean set in motion, and with tt tbare has aonkt a renewed interest in flying OoounerciaJ rtm in Canada la.atUl far Uvtn tbe stage ranched in tbe United States, and It Is only in the past raaeath that this country attesnpted an aar-esaU servtoe. The aaale as modest bs Hie eatreme, amounting to no more than ptoklng up mall from incoming trans-Atlantic liners at Blowuskl about 400 miles down tbe St. Lawrence new trom Montreal and bringing it by tsy-drafilacie to the Quebec metropolis. The acwratton la being closely watoned by gavernntent offSeiab here and tbe de-vetoptaent of tlx aMvmall aervioa de pends entirety upon tbe success of tbe i ! Mcsitreal-Runouskl esperiment. PRIVATE otIK LIN EM I There are a number of private airlines m Canada wttieb have nacbad a vnwiu uvsm wi Mioxe si vaipus lag passengers and X retght to districts j in the Northland hitherto almost In-' axeasanie. The aeroplane 'preceded all . otber means of transporeatton into the ' ' Red Lake Mining Area In Northern Ontario, and was a notable factor In the early development of the Rouyn Mining Area of Northern Quebec. In .tbe Inks St. John district of nortb-eaatern Que- bee, air operations have been conducted successfully w and profitably. It goes without saying that batb provincial and federal governments have made use of, Nc aeroplane to a considerable catenc. Par topographical sur- LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO AITLY TO LEAKE LAND ; Queen Charlotte Islands Land District, ,Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate north of Lota 1658 and 1657. I TAKE NOTICE that The Langara Flsb-, lng and Packing Co. Ltd. of Maisett. oc-I cupatlon Canners, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted twenty icnains nprvn oi ran Indian Reserve and on me snore or Mcintyre Bay; thence north 5 chains to tbe low water mark: taUr foUowl J low water xhe government W.thys .ilsely reeos-160 chains; thence southerly 5 chains; . . '. . ! . thence easterly 160 chains to the point , nlred that little Is required to further of commencement, and containing eighty ! stimulate Canadian Interest In flying. acres, more or les. LnANOARA FISHINO & PACKINO CO. LTD. Applicant Fred Nash. Agent, Dated June 27. 19:17. LAND AC?" NOTICE OF INTENTION' TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND In Queen Charlotte Islands Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Ferguson Bay. Oraham Island, . survey which Is to be made lmmedlate-QTAitH ! to establish a provln- " notice th.t snm.r.ii. n.. Y. s proposed nery company. Limited. Vancouver, B.C., elal government special hospital for the occupation Packers, Intends to apply for treatment of patients suffering from the a lease of the following described lands: i 1, ,nf.uu naralvsm ac- ac-northwest after-effects of infantile paralyse, Commenclng at a post planted at the corner of Lot 1571, Q.CJ.; I cording to announcement made by -Hon. thence east 80 chains; thence north 2 1 rw,rDo itnartlpo tnence west loiiowmg low water mark, 30 chains; thence south 2 chains, more or less, to point of commencement, and containing six to) acres, more or less. SOUERVIU CANNERY COMPANY, LIMITED, Applicant Dated August 31. 1927. IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COI KT OF ItltlTISIl In the Matter of the Administration! Act; and ' ) In th Matter of the' Estate of John Caddy, Deceased, Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor F. McB. Young, the 20th day of July. A.D 1927. I was appointed Administrator of the estate of John Caddy, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 20th day of Aueust. A.D. 1927, and all parties in debted to the estate, are required to pay j the amount of their Indebtedness to me , . forthwith. I NORMAN A. WATT. I Official Administrator, I i'rince T.v.jr"' BO.l Dated the 25th day of July, Ail. iiu7. Plays twelve records without attention. Runs itself for a whole hour. No operating effort on your part. Just listen. rllF.N you turn on the Uira table starts to anical "band" takes the I rem tba group of twelve and places it oo the lurntaMe; tba tone-arm nuves into poeitioa; the sound-box is lowered and the music begin. At the end of tba salMCtion,.the mechanical "band" Ermovet the record (rum the turntable. tHles it gently into a (ell-lined concealed drawer, aad "picks off" the next record from the magamie arm. These ofwrations are repuatrd until the lst rw.urd is played, then the iiucchanum slop automatically. Orthophonic " Tru ,laf Sou,Ml Tra'e Mark R.fd Victrola Victor Talking, Machine Company of Canada, Limited, Montreal veys, forest observation and exploration the aeroplane has playeo and ooartlnues to play its part. In connection with the railway now being built to Fort Oh urchlll on the western shore of MurittAn Hi, th ftrrmlan vajt liwt to . , . ' , , transport stores and personnel t to the remote districts many miles beyond the ''end of steel." At the moment the federal government is establishing permanent posts on tbe shores of Hudson Straits, these posts being manned by airmen equipped with the latest hydroplanes. VI It SENSE All this Is giving Canada an "air sense" and developing among Canadians a feeling that the air is as mueh a part of their element as tbe spacious territory which they inhabit. Since) the beginnings of aviation. Canadians have taken kindly to the air. During .the Great War nearly 50 per cent of the entire Royal Flying Corps on tbe West ern Front was composed of Canadians and that little Is now being done. HOSPITAL TO TREAT THE AFTER EFFECTS INFANTILE PARALYSIS EDMONTON, Oct. 28. Following a It is expected that from 75 to 100 patients will have to be accommodated for a period of about two years. The hospital Is to be located in Edmonton, near the University hospital on the south sloe, and the staff of tbe University hospital will augment the specialists who are to be placed In charge of the Don't Be Constipated! "Alter tatttinf otar yesrs rem conntipitiom. ' 'ruit--tlts' btoutki bck my JuMltt." Sirs. II. Gosio.34 McCuU Su Uentrcal Make this your last day oi constipation. Buy a 2Je or 50c box of "Fruit-a-tives''. It is the perfect nalurti remedy. Made from intensified frrsb fruit juices combined with tonics. hanges its own current, the revolve; a mech first record So msgsHftoent an instrument demands an extent ol except iona I beauty. Victor craftsmen have designed a distinzuiahed cawinet for the Automatic Orthophony: Vic-trola, ia which every luxurious toudi that ingenuity can devise has been incorporated. The price of the automatic instrument is $775. Other models of the Orthophonic Victrota Instruments are obtainable at prices ranging from 1430. down to til 1 5. Obtamatite on convenient terms from "His Master's Voice" Dealers. Demonstrations now going on. If your dealer hadn't one he will order it (or you. Automatic IN PKOBATE IX THE rH'PKEME COI'BT OF IIKITIS1I COLir.MUM In the Matter of the Administration Act; and In the Matter of the Estate of Arthur C. Little, Deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor, F. McB. Young, tbe 20th day of September. AX). 1927. I was appointed Administrator of the estate of Arthur C Little, deceased, and all parties having Claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verl-fld. to me on or before the 21st day of October, AXt. 1927. and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay tbe amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. BJD. Dated the 21st day of September, AX. 1827. IN PKOBATE. IN THE SUPREME COL'RT OF 1RITI$H COLUMBIA In the Matter of the Administration Act: and 1 In .the Matter of the Estate or Duneaa QUDert MCKtryr-weceasetu JtMstater TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor. F. McB. Young, the 27th day of August, AX). 1927, I was appointed Ad ministrator of tbe estate of Duncan Gil bert McKay, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, jo me on or before the 1st day of October. AXt. 1927, and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pav the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. Dated tbe 1st day of September. AX). 1827. temporary hospital. The aurvey Is to be made by medical men acting under the department of health and. while it is being made, temporary Instructions will be given those In charge of infantile paralysis cases, a pamphlet as to their proper care being now in course of preparation. It is claimed that complete cures can be effected if proper care and attention is given over a lengthy period, which medical experts place at two yean In the worst oases. Indications are that the infantile paralysis cases are on the wane in Alberta, very few new cases being reported at the present time. However, the authorities are not slackening up their efforts to combat the disease. Major Walter L. Carruthers. divisional commander of the Salvation Army with headquarters in, Wrangell. arrived in the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a trip to the interior. This morning Major Carruthers and Capt. :8tobart. local' commandant, left by for a trip to the Naaa River Igasboat They will return to the city by the end of the week. Automatic $775 ecords Made only by Victor Look for the Trademark " ggMTir r YOU ARE INVITED to see Ladies' Coats Hats and Dresses at The Louvre 316 Third Avenue Next Royal Bank Wood DRY BIRCH, CEDAR AND JACK PINE Single Load $8.50 Double Load $0.50 Large Sack 50f BUNDLES DRY KINDLING, $1.00 Phone 580 HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. 139 Second Avenue LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving.