ly, March 13, 1027 Unexcelled Collection Facilities KTOTES, drafts, coupons and ,other "negotiable instruments" wherever payable, are collected for the account of its customers by the Bank of Montreal. Besides its more than 600 offices in Canada, the Bank has its own offices in the financial centres of the United States, Great Britain, France, Mexico, and Newfoundland, , and correspondents throughout the world, enabling it to give prompt and dependable collection service at all times. . BANK OF MONTREAL Established Total Assets in excess of J( 780,000,000 1817 1?: TTgf'lOW'1 lB Montreal DEMAND Rupert Brand" ippers Till: DAINTIEST HREAKi"AST food: Smoked Daily ly Canadian Fish & CoW Storage Co., IX Prince Rupert, H.C, . IV War? WW Art 'w&m We are the iSole Agents fur thu ORIGINAL TOILET LUXURIES IJy .MORNY IS 201 Iiejrent Street, London. J "ClIAMINADK" "JUNK HOSES" "MYSTKRIEUSir "VIOLKTTE MORNY" "ROSE VEKVEINE" These famous Perfume und Powders are used in every and capital of Europe. Their rare quality and enchant-njj ('ourt fragrance have won them the approval of sooiety women oth in Europe and America. f we have the Perfume. Toilet Water, I-ace Powder, Up Salve. Hath Salts, Hath Dusting Powder, Soap for the bath, nd Bhuvfrig Soap in-wooden bowls. I LA tIlVlLO The Pioneer Druggistx Three Registered Pharmacists rd Avenue and Cth Street Phones 82 and 200 Hvertise in "The Daily News" Local and Personal Arthur's Tsxl. Phone 878. B C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Shoes rebuilt like new at McArthur's Shoe Store. 0 tf Our shingles cost less and last longer. Seal Cove Lumber Co. tl Olot Hanson returned to the city from the interior on yesterday alter-noon'i train. J. KrlUevsky. who haa bran lor the past few months in Edmonton, returned to the city on the train -.yesterday afternoon. City Solicitor E. P. Jones sailed for the south this morning on- the steamer Prince George to attend to some legal business for the city. J. P. Duthle arrived In Sralthers on yesterday morning train to superintend the installation of additional machinery at the Duthle mine. H. L. Frank, well known Terrace rancher, arrived in the city from the Interior on yesterday afternoon's train nd Is a guest at the Savoy Hotel. J. N. McPhee, customs officer at Bute-dale, arrived In the city from down the coast on the Cardena this morning and Is registered at the Savoy Hotel. Mr. and Mrs, T. Hall of Carnaby ar rived In the elty from the Interior on yesterday afternoona train and are registered at the Prince Itupert Hotel. Mrs. J. II. Rife and daughter. Miss M. Itlfe. and son. Joe Rile, arrived from Smlthers on yesterdsy afternoon's train and sailed this morning on the PrlncaJ wcuigc tor mc soum. Mrs. Frtocll announces her millinery opening on Friday and Saturday, show ;ing new Dresses and Coats. Spring lists j iand Pattern Hats no two alike. Your ; inspection is cordially Invited. 69 Union steamer Cardena. Cmpt. A. Johnstone, arrived In port at 1:30 this morning from the south and sailed for Xaas and 8keena River porta. The vessel sails from here for the south tomorrow morning at S o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. E. Castell will return to their home at Evelyn by tomorrow morning's train after having spent a few days In the city to attend the i graduation of their daughter, Mlaa Ann Castell. R.N.. from the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital training school foi nurses. ANNOUNCEMENTS St Andrew's Society Ladies AuxUlsry Easter Sale. April 8. Hospital Auxiliary Tea In St. Andrew" Rooms. April B. hi Established 1923. SAVE W TEETH Office Hours: J a.m. to G p.m. Saturday: 0 a.m. to 1 i.m. .r Any uveniiiK by appointment Du-FP Kenny DENTIST Exchange Itlork. Phnne lll'.l CONSULT US about Your Eyes IK) not hesitate to consult us about your eyes. Our experience will be of real value to you. Not a day passes that we do not hear jfratify-Injr reports from those we have fitted with glasses. WE request your patronaire with confidence secure in the ! belief, that nowhere will you obtain better service or more conscientious treatment. IF you require glasses a thorough scientific examination will reveal the fact. If you do not require them, we' will candidly tell you so. Fred Joudry Heglstered Optometrist and Optician Hoom a mith lllock I'hone 7C.1 THE DAILY NEWS PAUE THREE Its Romantic STORY wArWorfd Search for Rare " Medicinal Herbs. It is not commonly known that countries so far apart a China and Spain, Japan and Enplane), and Tasmania and Prance have to le searched for the jecie tf herb um$1 in the manufacture of that world' famed healing; balm ZAM-BUK Thete herbs are many of tnem, rare and cosily They need tobe gathered jutt at Ibe right season when their juices and medicinal content), are at their very bed. Calhtrint mtditimml Jfil 111 Zam-bulc is the true successor of the herbal healing lalms of Ancient Home . with this important advantage Zambui, in addition to us rare heriial compos tijn, has twentieth century medical knowledge and manufacturing tl ill. tolling it to pitch of perfection, probably revet equalled in the annats Ot healing The diflerent medicinal qualities in Zam-buk are beautifully balanced The healing side with the anisf'lc. the toothing with the germicidal , it is penetrative vet not too stimulating, -tnd has junt the right lubricity for removing superficial swellings, sprain and pains. Thus Zam-buk is s owful. reliable, and highly-concentrated, medicinal dreMing always ready to insiantlr toothe patn, swiftly alliv swelling and inflsm matron, etpel deep eaied dives-e. acd grow new healthy Moreover, uer of Zam-buk have perlett conrdeme wh eh sloiie tomes from the knowledge that it isarehned herbal pieparation and not an artificial ointment composed of porHc logging fats and etude drugs. Zam-buk is intaluibV in all itching, inflamed, acd diseased tond'tiors of ths skin, whilst its swift antiseptic healing males it the ideal first-aid dressing (cm barns, scald I, cuts, etc It is slto the soothing remedy for pile? Of deslert everywhere 50c the bos : 3 for 11.23, Zam-buk Co., Dupoot St.. Torout. Mrs. D. Lids lone sailed on her return to Victoria on the Prince Oeorge this morning. S. V, Taylor, was a business passenger to' Vancouver this a torn lug. on th Prince Oeorge. He will return to the city on next Wednesday. Constable William Smith arrived from Anyox this mcrntng having In his custody a prisoner who has been sentenced to thirty daya In Jali for vagrancy. A. D. Matheson was a passenger on the Cardena this 'morning from Van couver to Wales Island where he Is .j manager of the Canadian Fishing Co.'a cannery. C.P.R. steamer Princess Mary, Captain C. C. Salntey, arrived from Vancouver at 1:30 this afternoon with a good sired passenger list for the north and sailed at 2:30. SUCCESSFUL TEA HELD BY MOOSEHEART WOMEN Affair, YrMrrday Aftfrmx.ii tf I'nilrr Klrntlon uf Mrs. It. It. Kklnnrr The Women of Moose heart Legion held a successful St. Patrick's tea yesterday afternoon In the Moose Hall under the general supervision of Mrs. R. B. Skinner, convener of the com mittee. Mrs. Jardlene and Mrs. Preece aaalated during the afternoon and Mrs. L. R. Parry acted as cashier. The tea tables were tastefully decorated with shamrocks and daffodils. SPRING SCHEDULE OF C.N. COAST STEAMSHIPS The sailing of the ss. Prince George from Prince Rupert for Vancouver on Friday, March 18, was the laat sailing on the CJf. Coast Steamships winter schedule. The double weekly service will be effective from Vancouver, Mon day, March 21, when steamers will leave there each Monday and Thursday, arriving here each Wednesday and Saturday at 10.30 ajn. Sailings for Anyox will be each Wednesday at 10.00 pjn, and for Stewart each Saturday. 10:00 pjn. Sailings for Vancouver will be each Thursday and Sunday at 11.00 pjn. Queen Charlotte Islands service remains as at present. 69 j Market Prices LAUD Pure Compound LOOS B.C. fresh pullets .... B.C. fresh, firsts B.C. fresh, extras .... Local new laid IISII Halibut, lb if I I V Hoc 23c 45c 50c 60c COc 230 Salmon, cohoe, frozen 25c Smoked kippers, lb Kippered salmon, lb 8moked black cod. lb Finnan haUdlea, lb Salt mackerel, lb Eastern salt herring, 3 for .. 15c .. 25c 22J4C .. 20c .. 25c . 25c Salt codfish fUleU. lb. 30c Boneless aalt cod bricks, lb. 25c MEATS Fowl, No. 1. lb 35c Roast ins chicken, lb 45c i a v,, ..i.. i... ...'Ham. sliced, first grade 60c w. at, b i- a t7n vri vaiiivuvc a this morning on the Prince Oeorge on a short business trip. Mrst E. Stuart was .a passenger on the Prince Oeorge this morning for Vancouver tnroute to hef, old borne In Scotland. O. E. Ford, representative of the I Canadian Pacific Express" company1, ar rived irom the south on the Princess Mary this afternoon. Ham. whole, first grade .......... 45c Ham. picnic, lb 22c Cottage rolls, lb 35c Bacon, back, sliced 50c Bacon, side 45c to 60c Pork, dry salt 35o Ayrshire bacon, lb 40c Veal, shoulder 25c Veal, loin 40c Veal, leg 40c Pork, shoulder 23c Pork, loin 40c Pork. leg 40c Beef, pot roast i2Vic to ISc Beef, boiling 10c to 123 Beef, steak 25c to 40c I Beef .roast, prime rib 30c Lamb, chops 60c Lamb, shoulder 35c ! Mutton, lee 40c I Lamb, leg , i . 48c j Mutton, chops 40c Mutton shoulder 30c UL'TTEK Brookfleld, Shamrock and Woodland. lb 50c E.CJD.. lb 60c Capital. 2nd grade, 2 lbs. 95c Fraser Valley, lb 55c New Zealand, lb 55c LIILtt Ontario solids 35c Stilton, lb 35c' Kraft 45c j Norwegian Uout '"'"" 65c Anyox Is still snowed In according to.v.,i-on Mmherr".'":' irv, arrivals from the smelter town on the Roquefort 60o steamer Prince Rupert UilV morning. Swltu. Buttercup, lb.' . . '. '. . . 1 '. . . . . '. . 45c piled up on the wharf there. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Gaudln were passengers for the north today on the Princess Mary." Mr. Oaudln la superln. tcudlng engineer of the river dlvisloti of Whlu-horse and Yukon raUway The fire department answered a call lat evening to the Canadian Fish and Cold Storage Company where an elevator shaft hid become linltrd. The blase was soon extinguished with little damage. Corporal Fred Markland of the city detachment of the provincial police, left for the aouth this morning having In custody, H. Roberts, sentenced to six months for conFMiTiiir monsstf frrxm Vila Is to aerve sentence of alx month fnr a breach of the Liquor Act. and patient tor Essondale Hospital. J. Wilson, charged with driving to me common danger, waa fined $23 yes terday afternoon by Magistrate McCly mont. The charge was laid as a re- suit of a collision between a, car driven by' E, Large and the car driven by Wlfsbn. The accident March 5 on Third Avenue In trout of Barrle's furniture store and at the place the accident occurred there were cara parked 6n each side of the street. IIOCKKV. New York Rangera 2, Detroit 0. Ottawa 1, Boston 0. Plttsuuig 6, Chicago 3. MjutrCal i, Nt- v. Ainrtitaa. 1 Oorgonrola, lb. 75c McLaren's Cream. Jars .... 45c and 85c Oruyere ....5. 50c' Oolden Loaf, lb 45c j SIOAR j White, per 100 $7.75 J Yellow, per 100 1755 n.oin Flour. 43. No. 1 hard wheat (2.63 Pastry flour, 10's 65o Pastry flour. 49"s 12.90 MINERAL ACT clutiucui: or impkovkments .notice Juanlta, Anyox. Oranbv. Alamo, Rodeo, Pinto. Wann Fractional No. 2. and Monte Fractional M'neral Claims, altuate tu the Atlln Mining Division of Casslar District. Where located: On Wann River. Taku Arm of Taglsh Lake. TAKE NOTICE that I, Charles V. ooo. rTee Miner's certificate No. 89768, 'h'nrt. sixty days from the date hereof, creditors: crrouors. Q u. fjunnlnohsm , Cunningham, sentenced to to apply to the Mining Recorder for a six months for supplying liquor to a Certificate of Improvements, for the pur- natlve: A. Hendricks, of Hazelton, who ot ,tlnln8 Crown Grant ot the And further take notice that action. under section 80, must be commenced befors the issue ot such Certificate ot improvements. Dated thla 1st day of January, AX) .... H. McN. FRASER. AgsnV. 1937 LAND ACT NOTICE 01" INTENTION TO APPLY TO TO LEASE LAND -. In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dls. trlct. and altuate at Huston Inlet. Queen Charlotte Inlands. TAKE NOTICE that Robert M. r.rrle. of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation tlah packer. Intends to apply tor lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at nortbeaat corner about 1.000 feet westerly from miners' cabins at head of Huston Inlet: thence wvsturlv m chains; thence southerly about 12 chains; vui m c i-inirriT dv cnatns: inence northerly about 12 chains, and containing 24 acres, more or lets. ItODEItT il. CORR1K. .. . Applkaut. Victor RED SEAL TitO Schipa (Tenor) Rigoletto La Donna E Mobile O Sole Mio! (My Sunshine) 10 inch No. 1099 Price $US i Mary Garden (.Soprano) At Dawning At Parting lOiitfh No. 1216 Price $1.75 " GARDEN Tschaikowsky's "Nutcracker" Suite Stokowski and Philadelphia Symphony Orch. Complete uilh album and detcriptire folder 3 U inch R. cortls No. 001S-6616-6617 Price JS.25 complete John McCormack (Tenor) Because I Love You The Far-Away Bells lUinch No. U1S Price $1 75 l?fJl Jascha Heifetz (violinist) WaltzLa Plus Que Lente 1. Minuetto No. I and II 2. Les petits moulins a vent 12 imh No. 6564 Price $2-50 HE1FKTZ .sfr the latest songs and dance hits At "HisMaster's Voice" Dealers Victor TalklnJ Midline I'm. Ran ad ian National Dic Largeft Railway Sylem in America Steamship and Train Service S tILINtiS from I'ISINCE Ul'PEKT for VANCOI VKK. VlfTOUIA, MIXTTLE. eurh Till ItMt.W and Sl'Ml.W. ll.lto p.m. for ANYOX WEDNESDAY. 10.00 p.m. tor STEWAKT SATl KDAY. Itl.WI p.m. -. PKINCE JOHN for VANCOUVER via ULEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, fortnlslill). I'ASSENOEIt TltAINS LKAVE I'ltlNCE Kl'I'EKT Earh MONDAY. HEDNEMIAY and KXTIKDAY nt IIJU a.m. for PKINCE (iEOIUSE. EDMONTON. WINNII'EU. all points Eastern Canada, t lilted States. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. I" Canadian National Eprrv for Money Order. I'orelen Clieiiues. rtr., alM fir jour next shipment. CITY TICKET OH li t. 528 TIIIIID AVE, IMSI.NCE lit 1'tKT. I'hone !W SAVAGE ELECTRIC WASHER AND DRYER. Washes, Blues, Rinses and Dries without a wringer or having to put your hands in the water. Cash Price SjS.IJO Also Easy Terms KAIEN HARDWARE CO. "TRY A NIP TONIGHT" ' BEST PROCURABLE sT 7MjicY'' - 8OTTL10 6USRANTU0JSV . jy '( J'J M00UCI Of SCOTLAND tSI.SOiCP KO ftkvli.f 4 wlvtf DUOw scon Ths Orifinal Label look for it at the Vendor's and Insist on l.KAIN -a Bt.aT rKOCUKAuLE This adyerliscment ii not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Uoard or by the Government ' '.... of Urilisli Columbia. , . v - i,