PAGE SIX 0!L dcwfpmmcnif pj Lanaaa guarantees M its Age Have Your Eyes Examined Poor eyes and poor glasses are a pitiful combination. Good glasses will make good eyes of poor eyes. If your present glasses do not suit your eyes for any reason, you are criminally negligent of your future If you do not secure the proper glasses at once. Ixwest prices. Expert service. A. E. IRELAND Graduate Optometrist 319 Third Avenue. Opposite G.W.V.A. WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Hirch and .Spruce Per load $6.50 Per half load $3.50 Per sack , 50c Firelighters 48 for $1.00 delivered. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue " Phone 580 Night or Day WE I1UY DOTTLES. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST 10 YEARS OLD 77atg Canada 95 years Tins advertisement is not publMied or displayed by tlie Liquor Gonlrol Hoard or hy the Government of Ilrilish Columbia. DRYGOODS Specials Ladies' Pyjamas, per suit $1.50 Ladies' Cotton Night Gowns $1.00 Ladies' Cotton Night Gowns $1.13 Ladies' Flannelette Night Gowns $1.8.1 Ladies' Flannelette Night Gowns $2.23 Ladies' Flannelette Night Gowns $1.50 Ladies' Pyjamas, per suit $2.23 MUSSALLEM'S Phone 18 Phone 81 SANKEY HOPES TOGET HELP LVIDKMi: Or MERMAN' ISO ATltl ILDEIt IS SOW PIVOTAL, POINT IN Ml ItDtK APPEAL, Says the Vancouver Province In reporting the Sankey appeal In Vancouver this wcefc. Witnesses, whom Joseph Sankey be-' lleres will aid hltn In his right for life and appeal for a new trial, will attend j before thf Court of Appeal for cross-examination by A. M. Johnson, KC crown counsel. With the consent of Mr. J. Edward Bird, counsel for Sankey. Mr. Johnson requested this course when Sankey's appeal opened, and the court ordered the witnesses to attend, either at this sitting, or If that cannot be arranged, then the Court of Appeal will hold a special sitting for the purpose. On the application of Mr. Johnson for the crown, Mr. Justice D. A. McDonald on Monday afternoon ordered a further reprieve from Wednesday until May 25. With his wrist chained to that of Week-end Specials Terrace Turnips real beauties, special, 8 lbs. for 23c Ayrshire Roll Hacon, machine sliced, er lb 33c MAKING POWDER SPECIAL Dr. Price's or Royal 2'- lb. tins, reirular $1.85. siecial r $1.29 o io. tins, regular iH.Zo. special $2.49 Ve are overstocked on large tins and we make these special prices to reduce our stock. THIS WEEK ONLY Pure Olive Oil, V. gallon tins, re gular $1.85, Special $1.19 Gallon tins, regular $3.25. Social $2.89 Granulated Suar, in bulk. Special 13 lbs, for $1.00 Limit 2G lbs. to each customer. H.C. Fresh Pullet Ejrgs 3 dozen for $1.00 i or zoci floats special, 7 for 50 Combination Canned Fruit Special 4 Tins for 93c Your choice of the lines: Malkin's Sliced Peaches, l's, tails Malkin Apricots, l's, talis Saanich Loganberries, l's, talis i Red Pitted Cherries. 2's Malkin's Kartlett Pears, 2's Koyal Anne Cherries, 2's Ensign Hed Plums, 2M.'s Combination Canned Vegetable Special 7 Tins for $1.00 2 tins Tomatoes, 2'g 2 tins Peas, 2'a 2 tins Corn, 2 1 tin Refugee Ueans, 2 The above special is figured too closely to jermit any changes in commodities offered. Toilet Polls, 7 for 23c Delmonte Prunes, size 40-50, in 4 lb, wood boxes, each CJc No. 1 Combination Pickle Special 3 for 50c 1 bottle Chow Pickles 1 bottle S.U. Sauce 1 jar Orange Marmalade No. 2 Combination Pickle Special 3 for 50c !l bottle Mixed Pickles 1 bottle Worcester Sauce 1 jar Orange Marmalade Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Head Lettuce, Tomatoes, Celery, Cauliflower, Spinach, Rhubarb, New Cabbage, Bananas, Florida and California Grape Fruit arriving every boat at lowest market prices. FKESH MEAT AND FISH Phone us in this denartment for quick delivery. Lowest prices. Our 15c a lb. Beef Sausages are the talk of the town. Fresh Shrimps and Crabs ar riving each Monday and Friday Rupert Table Supply Co Phones 210 and 211 Cough Caused Constant Coughing Mrs. D. M. Nolan, Douglasfc-va. N.R, writes: "Tito years sjro I lad a terrible ld which tattled In my bronchia tulei and caused nomtint coughing, and I could not sleep day or night, l read about Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Syrup and thought I would give it a trial. After taking three bottles I was completely rid of my cough, and hare never had a cold since." ,4Dr. Wood's" has bin on the market for the past 3S years, and its timely u may save you from suffering from some serious bronchial or lung trouble. Price 35c'a bottle, large famllv alt 60c.; put up only by The T. llilbnra Co, Limited, Toronto, Ont an Okalla Jail guard, Sankey. 22-year, old Tslaipsean Indian, attended In the Court of Appeal. The hearing did not occupy more than a quarter of an hour. T.H.KIII TO TEACHER In support of the application for a new trial, Mr. Bird submitted an affl-davit from Lewis W. Patmore. who was the accused's counsel at the trial. Mr. Patmore stated that Mrs. Constance Cox, Indian Interpreter, of Ha-Tlton. had Informed htm that she had a conversation with Charles Rein-holt. Port Essington boat buUder and a crown witness. Relnholt allegedly said that on May 23. a Sunday morning, when Miss Chlshdnj was killed, he talked to bcr as she was walking towards a mill, where Relnholt had some logs. Shortly afterwards, according to the affidavit, the man visited the mills! t and called to the girl, but there was no response. ASKS TKIAI. IIF.KK Should the Court of Appeal grunt a nev trial. Sankey has asked that the TLMMER SALE X3137. Scaled Tenders will be received by the District Fcresttr. not later than noon on the 31st day of March. 1927. for the purchase of Licence X3137 on north shcre Dean Channel near Elcho Harbour. C.R. 3. to cut 870.000 (cet board measure of Spruce. Cedar and Hemlock Sawlacs. Every egg guaranteed new laid.' ?f ii'..Leir.wm Uowed tor Sunkint Oranges 13 for 2"ic Further particulars of the Chief Por- Glory Ilrand Salmon, 's, 4 tins I "? Xi?" " the DUtnct Watch this snace tomorrow for 'NAVIGABLE. WATERS PROTEC- additional specials. TION ACT. Fresh Pork Pies, 3 for 23c Apple, Raisin or Mince Pies, each 2-c Cinnamon Rolls, each 13c It..t. t'llAPTtlt 113 William J. Crawford hereby gives he has, under Section 7 of the said aci. acposuca wiin tne iinisir oi Christie's Arrowroot Discuits. tSS fresh stock in bulk, per lb, 40c Registry DUtrict of Prince Rupert at Wool Soap for toilet or bath it f?cf12uFrl- -c- Pcn of the to be built in the Portland Canal oa Lot 4007. District of Casslar. And take notice that after the expiration of one month from the date of publication of this notice William J. Crawford will under Section 7 of the said Act. apply to the Minister of Public Works following il nl o'Hce 1 -be e4ty of Ottawa far v mjv itc luti piaua, ioq 1 ur leave to construct the said wharf. Dated at Stewart, B.C., this 3rd day cf March, 1927. 77 W. J. CRAWFORD. LAND ACT. MITICK iff INTENTION Til AITLV PI KCIIASi; LAND Saturday TO TAKE NOTICE THAT I. Arthur Robertson, MasKett. B.C., occupation Mlllman. Intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described land: Commencing at northeast corner of Lot 160S. Q.cJ. District: thence south fifty chains: thence east forty chains; thence north to shore: thence following hlghwater mark to point of commencs-mcnt. containing one hundred acres, more or less. Located this 30th day of December. 1028. ARTHUR ROBERTSON. Specials ONE DAY ONLY. Sterling Catsup, 25c bottles, 0 littles for J)3c This Catsup is new stock and every bottle Is guaranteed. FKESH EGGS Large sire and strictly local 2 dozen for 83c Vancouver Fresh Firsts, 3 dozen for $1.00' CANNED TOMATOES Nabob Malkin's Best. Highest T VS,. b an and ,,,1'.." udV i market, 7 tins for 95c Fresh Milk every train B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 45 and 574 THE DAILY NEWS Fr,d'"" 1 n Mar s ,,, remit be either Vancouver or Hex Westminster, because Prince Rupert Jurors are prejudiced against Indiana. Found guilty b7 a Prtuce Rupert Jury of slaying Ml&a Loretla Chlaholm. aged 21. Port Essington school teacher, who came from Vancouver. Sankai' was sen-, tenced by Mrs. Justice D. A. McDonald to be hanged on February 16, and. after appeal had- been taken. Ills' Lordship Ian granted a reprieve until Msreh 18 I nnrcnvTrni i it tp i invTaJDIIElvIrin IE1 AND SALE WAS AN AFFAIR OF SUCCESS The St. Patrick's tea and sale held yesterday afternoon in the church par lore by the Ladies' Aid ol Flrsj Presby terlan Church was in every way a most successful event, proceeds being more substantial than at any function At Its kind for some time. The hall presented a pretty appearance. Uelng decorated with shamrocks and daffodils and ,'estouns of leaves. .Members of the Ladles' Music Club j orchestra, under the direction of Mrs. O. A. Bryant, delighted the large company with instrumental music as did also Jimmy and Wizner Bryant with piano and violin dueU. Mrs William MUlar sang "Klllarney and Mrs Waugb. "Dear Little Shamrock." both numbers being much appreciated. Mrs. D. O. Stewart president of the Ladles' Aid. welcomed the visitors and the tea room was in charge of Mrs. J Watson who was assisted by Mrs Dan Jabour. Miss Sharp. Miss J Watson Mrs. Haddon. Mrs. Alex Mackenzie Mrs. Oeorge Abbott and Mrs. Robert Davie. Mrs. MeLeod and Mrs. McRobblr poured. Mrs. J. Simpson, assisted by Mrs. W H. Wilson Murray, presided at tlw home cooking table Mrs W. Anoemor acted as cashier. Rer. and Mrs. J R Frist 11 spent th-afternoon in the hull and met many ol their parishioners. HOLLYWOOD M ARKET GLUTTED WITH BEARDS Hundred Old Mm .lie. at film Clun) feeling New Competition HOLLYWOOD. Cat, March 18.--Whiskered amateurs from the mlddlewnr are causing the bearded men ol HoUy-wcod grave anxiety. There are about a hundred uld gen tlemen In the film colony who hart been Irving on their beards. Their care fully cultivated cbln adornments for merly assured them regular and remunerative ork before the camera, ano their calling was not without dignliy .Lately, however, retired farmers Irorn the West have been throwing then tearda on the market. These amatcun do not need the money they earn, say the professlonsls. but their wlllmgne-to lease their whiskers at rut rate prices Just for the fun of working in the pictures Is threatening to ruin an honorable profession. PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EUROPEAN TOURS Personally Conducted Tuurs have beei. arranged this Summer, under ihe join upervlslon of the Canadian Nalicmx. RaUways and tlie Ouuard Sieamhi;. Company to Oreat Britain and Europe and return. AH transportation, hotel and sight-seeing expenses included In fares. Call at City Ticket Office. Third Avenue, or phone 200. for particulars and descriptive literature, SLOGANFOR MEDICOS MIGHT ALSO BE THAT OF BACjaO THE LAND NEW YORK. March IS Increaatitv location of medical school graduates in laige communities is resulting In the dlssppearance of the country doctor. Hospitals, laborstorles and oonsultams are drswlng graduates to the cities In Incrcsslng proportions, says the preliminary report of the Commission on Medical Education of the Assoclitlon of Medical Colleges. CATHOLIC EDICT AGAINST MODERN DANCES, AUSTRIA VIENNA, March 18. -Modern dances have been scored by the Catholic Epu- copacy of Austria, mitb threats of ex communication for all Catholics who persist In Ignoring the clergy's appeal tor abstention, RABBlfFoiMRPEST IS NOW COMMERCIAL ASSET IN ENGLAND WA8HINOTON. March 18.- (Canadian Preu. The humble rabbit, once a pest Id agricultural K.w Encland. has be. tcoie a commercial assei. Once hunted fur. Announcing .that the United States now uses more than 100,000,000 rabbit skins annually, a UJS. government official goes on to say: "Aided by modern processes, American fur dressers and dyers have become so expert In changing the color and appearance of furs in many Instances the, pelt of the rabbit, Under v.rlt .t'rAM ' 1. "r. HBP'plarics cthci rtia that ait iao coct- I ii. j! ja 'k A.ii. v. v. ; , , ' .. . DENT when it can be done better with an "Easy" in an hour or so. Two sizes. SI 10.00 and 1(5180.00 each Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 2.13 Third Avenue ISTRY Dr. Jos. Maguire Returns! I told jou I would come back after a year. I hur kept my piomie. ilONHSTY. TKUTII AND JUSTICE IN ALL MY DEALINGS HAS IlLTM I III ENDS AND PATIENTS IIEKE. 1 hate tested this frirnithip and my patient June UlrU mv fcHL i,,rr . ment in all their dental work. I docrte your pJil rename. Yhile in the houth and east. I have token many punt graduate court arvl I prepared to take care of your dental needs. Infected teeth hate caused no end of t.ufftring and decline In hwlth. Varif that hate to do with poor health can be trareJ In the infected leth of the ind Hay tell the story but do not cure. The cauM? mut be removed to cir the body ; to come back to normal. I AM IIEHE TO SERVE YOU AGAIN. YOUK APPOINTMILVI fcllOULD UK S! ONCi; HY MAIL Olt PHONE. TWO-DAY SERVICE I'Olt OUT-OF-TOWN PATIENTS. .Vmlhetit git en under the u pervitin f Ihe phjicif n of Prince Hurn n in the Dominion of Canada. Remember ve have two MrhoIihip here in a tuv COME TODAY. Dr. Jos. Mamiire ly and auract:te as ermine, seal, bta-rer a:-d leopard " Methods of perpar- ng rabbit skins fcr the fur trade, and a list of the trade names by which ibey are described, ar included in U announcement, which atfds that M pf. cent, of the huaer aUllton rabbi, skins used tn the VM. annually are mported. RIFLE RANGE Beore. as (oUowa were asade at the snoot of the North OX. rtegUneat nifle Association at tte Market Place miniature range last night: W. Brass M M. M. Lamb 4 H. Wilson U3 A. Wylle 91 WHY SPEND ALL DAY DOING YOUR FAMILY WASHING DENTIST Alder Illork. OterOrme.V. in .. ..a .-. c WESTHOLME THEATRE FRIDAY AM) SATURDAY. 7 and a p.m. Saturday Matinee at 1 p.m. Thomas Meighan "TIN GODS" The jtood luck Mar in a wreen pn -i i.i.i' . Ktajfe auceeM, "Six Cylinder Love." WILLIAM POWELL HALE HAMILTON. JOHN H M!l" TON, AILEEN PRINGLE, KKNKK ADOKEE and all atar cant. cw(adian 'sii.r COMEDY "TONIGHTS THE NIGHT-" PATHE REVIEW. Admission SOc and 2.'ic Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupe n, tvranicrll, iiinrau. Miagwa) I'rb'uary 31. To uiiDurr, Victoria. Seattle leliruary 1.1. March lor Itulediile, VmA llrlla liflla, Oan fall". Nm ' Caiiipbrll lilvrr, and Vanruutrr eery halurday, II Agrriry for all Mfamslilp f. luM"'""" W 1 aleMtklila atlassiasrul " Cornrr of 4lh Btrret and Jrd Atenue, ITInce liuim UNION. STEAMSHIPS. LIMITED halllnrs from Prime Hiiprri- iur.u." lor VANCOt'VtIC, V1CTOU1A, Bwanson luy, Alerl I'"'- rlr . i s-1"' l..r VAXCtu vfll, VICTOIIIA. lluleU ale. Alert lljy. f'' J"" "" i,nd. lor I'tiltT HIMOON. ALICE A KM. A N VOX, (!! LM AUT. duy, 8 p.m. Nau Naus Itltrr Ultrr for l-ulnta and I'urt Hi iiii.miii. 1 liursday I'-'"' u.Hrt. I S3 tml Aenue. IS . I 14.! I Til JtsIIL. I'll