4 f AGE FCUH THE 3.-L7 SEWS BRINGING UP FATHER - By George McMaou DryQeaninj at Vancouver Prices Most Modern Drycleaning Plant In City V Thone 118 Pioneer Laundry Ltd. Third Ave. and McBride Street v j. Tra THANKS youucr.t AMD HEAT THAT OUR COAL itcant, BE BEAT! pper cc Thankful for the bird, of coarse! But more thankful for the fire to cook it and the heat to wr.rm us up. You'll have a Happy Christ-man if you use our coal. It gives the finishing touch to the day. Albert & McCaffery Limited Phones 116 and 117 Are you getting enough for your fur": If not, come to GoidMoorri. Just now we want mink, marten, ermine, coyote, wolf, foxes of all kinds, and lynx. We have large orders from manufacturers In the East, and if we cannot fill them we lose our bonus. We pay top prices for everything. If you have a large lot. wire me and I shall call personally. Remember, If you want a square deal sell to Goldbloom The Trappers' Friend." Second Avenue Wood DRY BIRCH. CEDAR AND JACK PINE Single. Load $tf.."0 Double Load $(i.T0 Large Sack Mf BUNDLES DRY KIND-1 LING, $1.00 Phone ."SO HydeTransier AND COAL CO, 139 Second Avenue MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for 81.00 7 quarts for . . . v . . . $1.00 12 pints for $1.00 Cash price tickets. McBride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy 11th SL ' " Telt phone 657. ANGER, the TAILOR Fine Imported Serge and Scotch Tweed Suits made -to order in our shop In Prince Rupert as low ere f( as V-"-uv I. ANGER, Cutter and Designer 223 Sixth Street AH- MR-JiCOb-TOU KNOW THERE IWT ANVTHINC- I WOULD N T I II I 'II PRINCE RUPERT AND ANYOX EVEN Ocean Falls Suffered Defeat in Both Inter-High School Basketball Matches The btg feawre of laet nlghfa inter-Bl(h 8chooi barkettiab aerlea proved to be the uateb belween Ocein Frila and Prince Rupert In which the locals wjueercd out with a 31 to 19 Ttetcry to put them on even footing with the snetter tcan so far aa the compeUolop hv now gone. The match was as tlghf j as the score indicates with rtctery a nake antll the last minute of play j At half time. Prince Rupert was leading ; 14-13. Tom Kel-ey. who came on to- ! ward the end of credit tor the borne town vletory The tecond game between Anyoz and Ocean Pall was equally Interesting though not so clcaety contested, the boy frcm the amelter town having thtagp their own way aU the tfane over the paper town visitors who .were visibly tired as a result of ,thelr strenusus two-game session. Ssore at half time was 11 to 4 in favor of Any3x wtyeb won 24 to 10. The girls' game between select teams proved to be a poor affair which attracted UUle If any attention and which vea the girls did not seem to take seriously. ' There was a large crowd on hand to witness the games. Details of sooting were as fSUows-tlKST GAME ! Prince Rupert H. UeDsnald. 5: D , a'cmion. 2; Tea KeUcy: A. Croea. ' 3; R i Hunt, 8: R. Irvine. 4. Total. 21. Ocean Falls C Howard. 0; V. kot Und. 11; P. Shirley. 3: N. Suhanorltco: W. Chris terpen. Total. 19. Referee R. B. Skinner. IEHM OAMK Anyoi R. McMillan. '10; W. Aslmus-A. McDougall. 10; E. SUele. 2; J. Barclay. 2. Total. 24 Ocean Falls N. Sahanovltch. 1: V Skogland. S; P. Shirley. 2; H. McAllister. 2; W. Christ lnsen. Total. 10. Referee ft. B. Skinner. filKIX' EMIIIIITIOV . "B" Team E. Keen; P. Harvey. 2; C. Iivln: J. Walters; M. Vance. Total, 3. "A" Team N. Gunrlch, 3; M. Ness. 3-H. Sims: S. Boddie: M. OQchrlit. Total. 4. Referee George Mitchell. ST.XIIN(i OF TI.AMS W. L. Anyox 2 1 Prince Rupert 2 1 Ocean Palls 0 2 SPORT CHAT It can now be understood- In Smither why curling Is called tbe .oarln' game On Monday afternoon , a number of tho-e who had been waiting Impatient WEXL-fN) COINf HOME I NOW AN I WANT OU ,, TO CALL IN A FEW made sn inspection of the surface now) being completed, and' with some stone at hand they took an Initiation Into j me game ana kept spectators roarln for an hour. A perfect program of! spills marked the performance, these running all the way from common tumbles to tbe more gaudy and artistic acrobatic demonstrations. From the showing on Monday this game should warrant a fairly atlS gate admission. for a comedy it has no equal. No doubt there will be some present to give pstrons an idea of how the game Is played, but for tbe novelty numbers. between the sets the troupe of per formers on Monday wlU attract capacity houses. It war hoped to hsve the rink avsUable for curling on Monday, but pressure of business on the hockey side prevented this desirable end. However there Is a splendid foundation and few days should see the game going strong. Ovllla Cbapdelalne of St. Francis. Que., otherwise Jack Delaney of Bridge, port, Ccnn., wlU how commence the process of crashing bis way pa the (op of the heavyweight heap, according to his ctw manager, the dapper and dynamic Joe Jacobs. Jacobs paid 150.- 000 t3 Pete Rfllly for the contract on Delaney after Rellly had paid 3900 for It and shared In several "heavy" pureei earned by the Canadian boxer. He denied that Delaney will meet - Tom Hceney In January, as was reported Jacobs regards a"J other heavyweights-- Just a mere nuisance to be pushed unceremoniously out of the way. Lend an ear to Delaney'a new pilot: "I consider the sum of fifty 'grand' a bargain price MINUTED AFTER I O " , a . . aotun iPtNOTHE IN) AIM oo po voo Hfl VEN,,hi- with u- Pts. 4 4 0 Rupert through your valuable paper a rery happy and paosprrons New Teat. The year 1927 has certainly not been prosperous one for the people on Queen Charlotte Islands a the fisher- (slander. E. C. STEVENS. SkiDEGATE ClirliUn- aU ort r thi ' islaCcU thin camps. lwi B--bs-v tltln.' T-t-.i-s -ati I t0 V OO TVtOOGHT BY SNEAKING OCT EARLV TMlS MOHNING- I'D FOHCET WHAT TIME "YOU . CRAWLEON LAT - - . - . . .- NJICHT-WELL- I JUST WANT VOKTO yOO TO UN0ER3TAM0 UN0ER5TAM0 this THIO.J . .1 HI I I 1 fcv 13 pay for the :xt hvrtrt(hi chxrt- Mr. nd Mr. UiKmr trem SoMh 'plan cf the world.' "Dctaney can IRkjBiy. B. Morrrwa wvd T. Wrd and Sftarkry. Umrj. Pauiiao and the other M U Wk ol Hi OorernmeBt Road 1 witbout any trouble. ' Pf mmrjr U made j eaetp. to orer for DateMy. Datanry would ' e a cteeJi to knock Mm out In t (ra j The achoo! concert V Queen CJtar- rounds. And there u one guy that tntte Olty vaa avM attended and much OehuMy can heat any day in the week enjyed and retleeted credit on the - that's Oene Tuaney I m sotng loiteaeher Mf. Newman. The program build D;Ury up tor a ahot at Tuaney contained mxny of the old torvrltea m one of Oene "a two bonta thl atua- ; me araaon. mer." In The Letter Box nitEKTiMi rami ((i ces ciiak- U)TTt: sL.VM Skldegate. B.C. December 31. 1917. Ednar. Dally Kews. i I At twn KM! Utaa Jean IUan was respoBstoIe lor a ery tetemittoe. aehool concert. The bnBdtBS waa packed to the doors with people from TleU' and ;8k!degate a wea as from the Immediate neighborhood. The program of eongs, rrdUUona. dUlogues and -dahcea proved rery enjoyable the pupil all performing with credit. PRESENTATIONS MADE i May we Islanders take this oppor- rrn n.inn nmriitpnif the gffie. U glrea iualtJ of wtahag oar friends at Prince! ) UlM A. JAKVlWjUri rnjnjabte fienlag pent at Home of Captain and Mr, r.daard wo rarewrll . the main Industry here, was over- A very pleasant evening was spent done, thus not giving the local people at he home cf CapL and Mrs. Chas. an opportunity to make their usual : Edwards, 1040 Hays Ocv Avenue Frt- stake. : day evening when a number of friends WhBe things have not gone weU with1 met to Md 'fsrewell to Mrs. A. Jarvln-lb island, during the ytar Just pas-; m who left this morning on the :ng. the old timers are not the qulttlag ; prnee Beatrice for ber home In De sert, some of us . hare stuck it out - injjt, Mkhlgan . Durtcjr the evening cow for 3d years, patiently waiting for lfc women of Moosebeart Legion. Dl ihe boom, and through the help pf which the iuesrof honor wan a valued !ur valuable paper. Mr. Editor, e mfmfcer. presented Mrs. Jarvlnsoo wtth hope we ahafl not lure much longer , , ,Ufc bedspread a a taken of their :o alt. , regard. The evrnisg waa spent in music We ptoneera bellev thejlands u , ndzg and earda. use ws lut urutamio w- . winners at cards were: - about some mining jirsperty he had ' Mrt Joe t-bf-rd. run, w ur r".. . ol Ijtdttt- eooUtf0. Mrs. 8. A. Oorley :DOr,!: Pclflei. Dent's conSolaUon, E Ounderson. Amongst those preterit were' Capt. and j Mrs. Chas. Edwards, Mr. and Mrs, P. it. Crosby. MT. and Mr. Preece. Mr. and I Mm. L. R. Parry. Mr. and Mrs. S'.cgavlg. ;Mr. and Mrs1. B. J. Bacon. Mr. and Mr. n. OlMla Boyer, Mr. Slatta, Mn. isr9iv riiti, ta th fa!ltinfaf the fisritn '. 8 " and the closing down of the loggtne lin : wl.lMnr frtartHsi vltti rnf CVmrm OlCgaTIC . s nr w sat ullSj s v vaa w. w-.-wi - . Newbury. , firii tfuwjlJWit, nuui, Mil. vu, Mr. Oraut, MUcas Charlotte. Eleaopr and Mr. and Mrs. 1. Martta ere In Skldr-' EvriIn "wrds, RMpb Eda-arda, Ole Mrs. a. jsrvmea. Mrs. it. a. etrinntsr irt aisi n:rirnn i rw nur I IS? mmm 1 i I i'-r -1 -Tf ATm r 1 f-i t ii r n '. .- m (hi MiiiiW 1 II t I I A delight to the j I connoisseur I n rpvplntion to thA sceDtic I I IN SCOTLAND Ui i II ml 9 jjil.. mm m ml Tames Bucfianaft &.C MS L J-TsswW I- Limited mmmmmmWj I -A ( tllk. pot ssssssssssssssssssssssw W ' mmUuuwZ I nmnTfTiiiil7i i Tii in n mm iti nil This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or E7 the Government of British Columbia HEAD-AM" if I Hj I 1 1 t " -4 ar-ms. I I X I EWI I . . n -wj I ii r it r nil 'tbbjw" i i rw i l 1 mi . inc. 1 Wanted For Sale For Rent ut H ha been rrpewtadly aaserled that Canada requires greater papulation: la nilr f n eMlLM lh j-NAlwwn? -train. ' void. Mr. and Mr. Ted Harris, Axel!"""8 w" a" h'a tTZZ A very uccetut dince was tssU In OUen, .Oscsr Edwards and Ed. Ounder the Dufrertn Pattullo school Monday on. AnsUtUg the hostess in serving the night. Music was supplied by Psa rson delicious refreshment were Mrs. L. JL orchestra snd among tlie guesU'beine Parry. Mr. R. B. Skinner. Mrs. r. M. Captain Oeorg e Newbury of Queen Crosby. Mrs. Alex. Strachan, Charlotte City. Capt. C. Hann. Misses Eleanor and Evelyn- Edwards. Jean and Ann)e Hann. J. Hann. Mis - Elsie Rudre. Mr RUdan from Sandspi: Advertise In The rwn N Mtwrs! sisals rrmcmberlBg tha. no Immigrant should be bntugk: lato the conntry without reaseaabl assurance that he wtH find a useful oecupataon and be elf supporting. j lAC'EEIIH l'.S. "A great deal of the forest product s rarrted by the Oanadian National Hallways, many large mUls being situ- i a ted along toe tines of the system and we are naturally interested In the pulp ind paper Industry Oanadian produc-:1a n increased during the year and ex. xed that of the United States. The latter country draw U per rest of Its xnsumptlou from the Dominion. "To give some Idea of th value to he country of the maintenance of the ndustry. It ha been pointed out that a 400 too paper milt can ft employ. .sent to 3X100 men lo wood and mill jperatton. It would disburse In wage : prR aver three m til ton dollar and enrtth Jm treasury of the province, in which :t was situated to the extent of nearly J2M.060 asnmUly. ssd Its outlay in maebJnery and nsatert&hi would alone he Over a mutton and a half dollars a ytax. -During the year I have traversed the country from ooaat to ccoat. covering a large part of the system, visiting scores of cities and analter. communities, and coming in contact with farmer, traders, shippers aatd emetels of the In dustrtal esltMUhsaeots of greater aurl lesser msgnltttde. I ean say that the vast majority of those with whom 1 came In contact hold to their faith la Canada, its rtsnurtes and opportunities. When first I ame to Canada I an nounced myself aa an optimist, every- renlng years strengthened xny faith '.n the Domlpion. and today I am more han ever t. confirmed opthnUt In alt matters fleeting this country. STRITK tvmi n.r. "There Is no lack of opportunity for I the man of energy and enterprise. either east or west and 1 waa patlcu-llariy struck by' the condition which , exist in British Columbia, Prince Ed ward Island. When In these provinces I was told that there are no very wealthy men. but. and this far more . "In other - seeAlon W toe marttlines I found Improvement In general condl tlons and n Increasing faith. They have had their dlfflctUtle. which we here, but these, difflcultle are lessen appear There has been a growing Interest in Nova Bcotla and In New Brunswick on the part of tourist with ja greater influx or people, wno spend ; vacation time In these deUghtful pro- vlnces. Each has splendid natural advantage and tt ir quite evident that they are becoming more widely known. -Quebec and Ontario are busy and prccperou and our traffic In these province ha been of large volume. "Tbe parlrles, generally -speaking. ; have experienced good conditions ana ! there ffss been a general expansion off trade In that section becsuse the farmer has a fair ainpunt to epend. The result of consecutive good crops. rKINCK Rl PERT British CtJumbla. with its delightful climate and wealth of natural reeour-ices continues to progress The volume 1 of business through the port of Vsn-' couver Isl n keeping with tbe Import-snceof that gateway and Prince Rupert, , thanks to the construction of a grain (elevator, 1 rapidly becoming an Important ' '; Kttemay. ; .- .; iIh"tbe' prdgresa, ind.erelopment pf our country. . tne.. jcansaian National Railway system, with Its officer 'and employees, are playing a necessar? and useful part. During tbe past year we have had severe competition which will be more severe as the months of this new year go by. In aU of this we will Jlnd both opportunity and enjoyment, I know that .every msn In the servics of the come pany may be relied upon during the on-coming year to put forth his beet efforts in the maintenance of that high reputation which we have already tablltbed. I HOPE fft NOT INTRUDING-I THOUGHT I'D JU1T OFtOP IN AND SAT- HOWDY1 I l --, I w ra jv rm m lass. 1 I I t m Ill . ,.sssta- ' 1 SITUATIONS WANTED OIRLS WANT TEMPORARY EMPLOY csent. any kind. Apply Box 1601. City. 3C4 FOR SALE SO 13 SKtNK BOAT AND PACKER. 30 hp. heavy oil engine and first class (roller, cost 37.000. IS month eld. offend for thirty days only at 34000. 43x11 Seine boat. 30 tup. engine worth 330000. for 30 dsys only. 11400. 40 hp. heavy otl marine or staUonsry engine, price I1JO0. Tao 30-ft. Salmon t rollers. 7 hp. and It hp. price 3430 and 360Q. 19 bp. S-eyflnder. 4-cyele Fsirbatik- Merse. price 3350. 30 h.p. 3-ejUnder Buffalo marine engine liOO. 200 fatntvm Salmon seine, 340 mesh deep, used only short seovra. Snap at 3700. Apply J. Field. Bet 84, city. Phone 33 FOR RENT RENT. TWO ROOMS. OOOD Bathroom. Housekeeping convenience If desired. Apply 160 Third Are. Phone Blue 393. ROOMS FOR RENT STEAM HEATED; hot and cold water. Apply 623 Third Avenue, at room S bet teen 3 and 7. evening. 203 FOR RENT-Apartment by -the day. week or month. Phone Red fX7. tt HOI'S FOR RENT ROOMS AND ' SATH. Apply Mu-.ro Bros. it FOft RENT. FURNISHED HOUSE Apply 3IS Fourth Ave. East tf IX)ST LOST. SMALL UOLD PIN SET With peart, with click border. Be-tween Government wharf acd Prince Rupert Hotel. Finder please return lo Dally News office. Reward. FOUND FOUND. BUNCH OF KETS. Daily Newt office. CHIMNEY SWEEP ,iioir. ri'RMMiin, YOU MOOT WreS" APPLT II. J. Zt'slKf IIR fleiieral llamly Man Fumsret and Stove Cleaned and Repaired. Chlmnle iwrpt t,fmelery PJot Cared For. Phone-Tied 243. Prince Rupert. BC --.twii. f'cr2jeirfleM''vlUlte, dining room sers. walnpt vanity dressers, floor lamps, upholstered cane chairs, beds. blankets, lounges, rsnges. brick lined heaters, mate, linoleum. Treat yourself to a New Year's Olftl A. MrKEVIE. 1 1 RNITI HE 'phone 73 EXCHANGE NEW. ANt SEf'OMi HAND Ft RN'ITTRE bought and sold snd exchsnged. Player Piano and Two Cixh Register in Stock. PAP.tiorrijO M9 Third Ave. Si MARIS l'hnne AIR Every Dy Is IOLI.R Ii I Y .- at THE DOI.MK STORE. 20 per cent Discount on all Stumped Ooods Nothing Over a Dollar. Wmimoy fi rmtihk ExnnNoi: - - - - - - - NT mOt'KIE, Proprlelor 144 Third Arenue We Buy. Sell or Exchanee anything. Phone mark 421 XMAS AMI. XEW YEAR xrEriAL, I have only a limited number of O.C-W-Bicycles and Joyeycles the very thing to mske the youngster happy for the whole coming year. Prices from 333 to sen no a mAhII & navment tAflNC,TO M IT BE NICE IF Ca-.r ONE WOULD ORoa ' l ow , : Jr tm lZ-l I aa III rvt'OONE ALUTHE JALKlNC, I'M COIKIGTOBU- WAV TO MAKE TOO BWY tt TO KNOCK l - -v.-a DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lets than 50c OPTIMISTIC MESSAGE OF Slit HENRY THOKNTON TO I'EO- i IM.E OF CANADA WITH ! SPECIAL MENTION OF FIMNCE HUPEKT (continued from page on) WANTED WANTED. - BY mall furnished CAREFUL TENANT, eettsge. Phone SI. SOS lor (Jaeen Charlnites Artici, LotlirJ Fou4&c STEAMSHIP MOVEMENT. lor Vancoatrr ' u Prtelsy-as. Prim g --Saturday u Cardeaa ju iTinces Butria, Nav. SO . Prliice- it; Deo. 31 Prince-- Mi lrm Vaiirsater Dee. 3 a, ftri-- j Dec 17 . Prince i turn iueen Chsrlstle Dee. 1 . Prniee 4-Dee. 15 ss. Prii.e I'nr Alaska Xor2 . Pr::- E " Deei 7 a. PrtsoM Um Dee. 31 M Prln.w its rmm Alaska . Nov. if ss. Princes Hut Dec 31 aa. Princess Usrf MAIL SCHEDULE orronrii, tf I'M the ll To Vaneooter Ml necmeaoay -as rt r. ":- iul iwiiij, mm L4iBr.s 41 a. ,,.. a. . .. I w. ... riui,m neau at .ia I Nv. 20 a. Prince! Mt-v uec ii as. rr.tices afar a Dc, 31 ss. PniKess Ml j,, t nt piirt Simpson aad Nau tlin- Sunday as. Camot .;. rrtwn Port fllmiMea 4 Nsm j,n Tueadsy . CaCMs-.m i.Jlu far .lajsi and Mewsrt Sunday as. Camas .1 (t Wednesday pr.,-1 Riiperl t (a ITum An Jut and Sleaart TUeadty . Caoior.:a 39 sa 111 I pa I pa lit ss e-? nut pa tiondaya, Wednetds.T. Bi'rtm1 Cl6e : f ront I he f.t isrfv Triiirsd' 'ft"'' " due .'. Tuesday. Saturdays ' C PR Nov 30 Der 21 f Tralnsj Monday. Saturday From V printer Sundays Wednesday WednesUT (030 1030 si I OPJtov. w r" " - Train., Sundy Teday. days To Anyax. Alke Arm. Mrt Premier , . r,rt. mafl elovi' VCfdneodays , from Anyov. Alh trm. Premier Tuesdays Friday To a KUrr Pfrtnl Sundays from N3 itt roit To Alaska r" Nov. 26, DeC. 17 and ai f rom Alak Points NOV. 30. Dec 31. Island fol'- To Queen Chsrlolle . a tr UM A Tharlitte From qneen December 1 nd 19 cirTtmins For the East RsturfiM . atla4l UCl BS""1"' I Monaays, i.ire.j-at 1 1 JO am. From the 8uniUi Tueaday. tnurwij-. at 3.30 pm. r PRINCE BUI'ERTTinES, . . .rtmrr ?9 Tiu.asnAt. I'll"-"'"- . a.,s am. a m ' High Low ll3 am 23:34 pm. FRIDAY, IlECEMDEB High 66 am 18:03 pm. UtATIRDtY, ni.tw t.,(i down, balance monthly. See roe now! ; High ' TOM IIALtaANflF.lt 'Low 318 rifth Street. rhone nine 613 3:13 16 P-m 30 it - 0:26 am. 13:11 pm. 1 "I it I 1P ' l- 1.8' hi' IS"1 I'" tf