Boston Cafe New "Years My special Dinner $1.50 Relbhea . i. , n Olives Head Uttuce Blanched Celery Fresh Shrimp CockUil Soup Coflfldtrme au Royal 'liu a la Creme Starter Fish Boiled Kuert Salmon, Oyster Saue Sweet Entree Pineapple Fritter irlace uu Curacoa , Hoaxt Uoal Turkey. Chestnut MutfinK, Cranberry Sauce Domestic (loose with baked apple Veie table . inn-il and Mushed i'olatoe Green Teas Brussels Sprouts Dewsert i 4'li,-h I'lum Purt-I i n v Kurd and Wine Sauce Home-made ) Jllnte Christmas Cake Fruit Jelly j Strawberry Ice Cream i Coffee Cocoa Tea Milk To the People of Prince Rupert we wish Happiness and Prosperity Prince PuM-rt ban prosiiered and grown. -Twenty years ;o it was a tiny nettlement of shack and tents. Today It is thriving city of thousands. DuHiik this progress and t mfh Ormts have k-pt pare increasinR our facilities as the .i d As Prince Kupert grow in the future (and grow uaM i you will find Ormes in the forefront of I'rotfress. 7ic Pioneer Druggists THIIID AVE.. tV SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES 8?t,200 Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK s AND 1PYA Operating li.T.P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Maclilnints, Boilermakers. Hlacksmillw. Pal makers. Founders, Woodworkers Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 lern Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 235 Third Avenue. Water Pails Wash Hoards Clothes Lines Clothes Itaskets Prince Rupert Wash Tubs' 1 Wash Boileis Ceiling Racks Clothes Wringers M OFF ATT ELECTRIC RANGES WHIRLDRY" ELECTRIC WASHERS-" . EASY VACUUM ELECTRIC WASHERS UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Ml'inn from Prlnre Idiptrt. Kir VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. Swtna.on ly. Atert J. etc.. Tuewlaj. B, rr vTicot vfK. Victoria. ''l'lCr' lu;;r;i8iV,"5r ay) ANOX. ALICE AKM, Kr PORT SIMPHOS, S'.'.AS KIVI'H TOINTS, NTCirAKT, Wnlea Inland. Sunday. 8 p.m. ThTnuci. tirkrt aoM to Vlrtorli nr..l xrattlf. nrt baCSace checked tlirottgl.i to dcsllnatiou. Church Notices t. .MKi:rs ( ATiu.nnAL Church el Eacteud Fourth Ave w.i toM'M O A. Mx.-Ttcur .... Morning wemfcip at u aaa nlnj ""to T0.pj aacraeni ol the Lor Bumm saoood Sunday the neaih st as Thud Sunday of the a at a aja. sua to school at 1M. iiirr 3X tisrVljtitni Minister, bot. w T. Prta. fctturday tnnlai. Wakcanaght service, nnsamniilni m 11 p.ra. Everybody In vite Oka tx OU Tr and bwln the New with Oot. Sunday. January I. UornlM worship at II am. Talk to lounc naoli Sot- mo. Sunday bckool at 2 JO. open an. too. 140 pjii. New Tw Sortie. pic Tha VUjIWou LU Spoalal etnaing by Uw eholr Orstot W. Vaugna tuvtaa. (JIKMTMN MIRMK MK'ltTV Serrioe every Sunday afbrnlng ia the Hay's Bfeak U Second Avroue. Sob-)tet on Sunday "dod " Testimony aaeelhag tveey Wednesday Tnlng at a o'clock. PKliMtYTr KIA ( III lu ll MjbUUt. Re. J. K. Friaell. HA.. LL.B. Besldenc. The Manse. Phoav M9. Divine MTVloe at 11 ajn. 8)eot: Hetraepeellon." Sunday School at II IS. Eenln woranlD at 7 JO djb. Subject: "Proapectlon." Avtham by ute ebolr. Solo by i. E. Dave. ' HINT U!m:i nil licit Rev. A. WUal. PaMor Mlaa I. B4doeK, oeax. Uantat wortklp at 11 mm. Subject: "The PromiMd Prttenot. "Bunday aebool at 3 0. Eranlag aanrtet' at 7.). Subject: "The Oraad Ootl ad t2S." ST. I'.U IK Lt'TIIEKAS C IU IK II Rev. John Hanaon. paator Realdanc Clapp build lag. Phdna Red Ml Morning .worship at 11 o'clock. Eng lish. Sunday school Bible data and confirmation class at 12 noon. Evening worship at 730 In Scandinavian. Special music and song. - ciiristmasIecite st. joseph's academy Young lYiiple (lave Pirn-lug Itlxpluy of Muolral Talents A plcaauig piano recital waa held In the St. Joaepr's Aeadenajr Music Hall yesterday when the following program was rendered : The UtUe Prince (Kragmannl Oeraldlne XIann Wi (Krogmanni Betty Brcwn tntrata ... lOach i Shlr'.ey McEwen Selectton (Bach i Margaret Frits Mlnnet In a (Bach;' Dollle Duttgate Duet. "DaUle'a Dance" . . (ASHterelSt. Ruth and Edna OlHIea (Joseph) Minuet In Q (Bachl Helen MeNaughtoa Selection (Bach) Irene Oavigan Minuet to O (Bach) Marie. Balagno Prelude No. 3 (Bioh) Kathleen Duncan Mazurka (Chopin) Dorothy BaWnger Studies v . , . (Cremy i May McDonald Two Part Invention ... ..... (Bash) - Nina Hunter Selection j..: i'. (Bach) Violet McOuttheoa Two Part Invention (Bach) Rose- Wesih Stud! (Czerneyl ; Kathertne Watson Variations In A Majcr .... (Beethoven) Helen MoCattrry SIX MONTH SENTENCE IMPOSED FOR ASSAULT i, A. McCoj Sen( Down III County t'outt liy Jiidgf Vnmig for Oi;'asljilng llurm to Koy (lu IMx montha' imprisonment at Okalla win the sentence impcaed" yesterday afternoon by Judge Young on J. A. McCoy whi had been found guilty earlier In the day of assaulting Roy Ousa occasioning grievous bcdUy Injury, thu occurrence taking p!w recently In a fraoas at a restaurant In Harelton. L, W Patmore appeared'' In prosecution against McCoy while Milton Oonzale.v acted f&r the .Cernce. Sergeant W. J. "Service, chief of the Smlthers district detachment of the provincial police, 'M brought McCoy to the; city returned on this morning's train to the Interior. Dr. Leonard B. Wrinch of Hazetton. who was one of the witnesses in the cose, also returned this morning to the Interior. Hubert Weeks, of tfeejtlhjFseries local .atari auen -in i Byi..uin Cardena for VaiicaMjcr on a holiday trip. H t 'H't t 'M tl ANNOUNCILMENTS : 4- Elk's Leap-year Dance. January 20. legion Noeltj Dabcs January 27 Prince Rupert Girls' Drli Team dance February . THE DAILY NEWS PAGS THR1E 1. T a Local and Personal ttO UDoetutera. Ttwoe L Dentlac Dr. J. B. CVmm. Pbooe SM Bkattof lBy, 3 t 4 and to 10. t Tnunjt TuL Phont 190. ZenlU. Date. U CrttHh Celt, the placa to ault etery bodW-a- pocket U lllr'n rvmptetr 'lloue )'urnlhlnf ule Maris IwUf. , Oct the Bit. 4 babitt Whtn taloUni f a Tail, phone 4. , U lUliime l '('lirll ina tx k itn ante al IVjt llniun( lor Ch at Ueorte 1 TUr. For a adettlon of ehocolatea and loktnf lundtlea. Federal Neva Co. Third and Pulton. . U Take adVanlace ufr Hie taluni In lltne l urnMilniv at ' !. I). Tllr'a and ante money. At the Mojose Halt tonight 8 15, Chief Lone Eagle In "Heart of the Rockies, Also Sandy UeNabb, Scotland's greatesi i violin munle. Tickets for the Elks' Midnight MaUnM I New Year's I've .will be on sale at 11 ) clock- at the Theatre. Pertorruanet starts at 11:15. 306 F. o. Fraeman of Vancouver has ar rived at KttkaUa to tXe up the dutic of teacher of the, native school then succeeding Mr. Hooper who has gone jaoutn. I Doat mtoa the Commodore Cabare 'itcw Year's' Eye. There will be lots o fun. A fern mere reserved seats left The first one gets the choice of ttv rarervas. 306 CPJt. steamer Prlncrss Beatrice. Capt Henry Aiuiefaon. arrived In port at 3 o'clock this morning from Vancouver and ttaypolnt. sailing at 11 am. fc iter return south. Mrs. J. Bortuk and sons of Woodcock, arrived on, Thursday's train and are apcndlAg a few days and also New Year's wtth.' Mr: and Mrs. Brand and family. They U( leave for home ox Monday. Indian Agent Jamea pillett of thf Queen Charlotte . Islands Is In the clt) business. He arrive on the' Prince John last night and wlU return by that .-.tearr.ef tonight to hli headquarters In Mawctt. Arthur Robertson. Missetf ' sawmill operator, arrived! rh th city on tbe Prince John last night fom the Quee: cnartotte Ulacds and continued ly tin Princess Beatrice this morning to Van oourer on a business trip. C.PJl. steamer Princess Mary, Capt. C. C. Saintey. arrived at 3 o'clock thla afternoon from Vancouver and will con tlnve her voyage to Alaska ports. The Mary Is scheduled to touch here south bound next Wednesday afternoon. R, M. Re Id. accountant at the Lan-gara Fishing and Packing Co.'a cannery at Massett. arrived last night on the Prince John from the Queen Charlotte Islands and -proceeded this morning by the Princess Beatrice to Everett, Washington, on company business. Union steamer Cardena, with Capt. E ueorgeson In command relieving Cap! A. Johnstone who Is ashore In Vancou rer on holidays, arrived In port at t o'clock .last night from Vancouver and waypolnts and sailed at .0 o'clock this morning on her return-south. Miss Margaret Stevens, daughter of Ed. Stevens, postmaster at Skldegate. and .Mri. Stevens, arrived Sn.the city from the Queen Charlotte; Islands on the Prince John lat night and, will proceed tomorrow evening on the Cam-osun for a visit with friends In Anyox. Passengers sailing tonight . on the Prince John for the Queen Charlotte Islands, will Include Harold Jarvls and W. Telford for 'Queen Charlotte City, and Mlsa E.Jones for Massett. At Sand-splt the John will be boarded by Mrs. J. A. Ollla tt and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McKenzie who will, proceed to C.N.R. steamer Prince John. Capt. E Mabos, from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands, arrived In "ort "at midnight with a small passenger list and a freight cargo which Included coal for the dry dock which Is being unloaded today. The John Is scheduled to sail at 8 o'clock tonight on her return south via tle l&lahds. J. A. Macdonald of the 'staff of the Massett Timber Co. at Bulkley Bay arrived from the Queen Charlotte 7lands on the Prince John' lost night and will return, by the same steamer tonight, being here on a brief business visit. ColcVweather of late has been delaying preparatory work with a view to the 'reopening of the mill soon a.'ter the ursi oi ine year. R. P. McNaughton, district passenger agent for the Canadian National Railways, and Harold McEwen, division freight agent, will leave on Monday morning's, train , for Montreal to attend a meeting of the traffic .department-O. A. McNlcholl. general passenger agent. Vancouver, and J. M. Horn, genera) freight agent, will also be In at- j tendance. . The local officials expect to OU'. Anuual Dan":. Februaij 11. bv away about two wscbt. MERJRy CHRISTMAS W k ' i t I i i t 1 Distilled by the famous London process. r Sterhig Dry Gin is the favorite of those who appreciate the best. At the Commodore Cafe, we will serve resh strawberries and raspberries with ream during the holidays. 306 1 Your bet .for New Year's Eve The Elks' monster Vaudeville Show 11.15 Saturday. Westholme Theatre. M. M. Stephens ic Company, Ltd. are! moving from their premises In the Ex- Change Block to the Allen Block next to -the Electric Bakery, TWrd Avenue. The Japanese freighter Kofuku Maru.l one of the grain boats which visited Prince Rupert last season, r.111 arrive at j Portland. Oregon, at the first of next jcet; to load a. wheat cargo at that port. Tlf RATES CUT XaiuM PRINCE RUPERT Taking effect tomorrow, the Government Telegraphs announce reduction of rates on telegrams, night message and night letters. Irgra Prince Rupert, Terrace, Hazelton, Smlthers, Telkwa, Bums Lake and other stations on Government Telegraph lines to Vancouver, Victoria and other British Columbia points. To-.onto, Montreal, Halifai, St. John's, "ew York, Boston, and other points lu 'lastcrn Canada and United States are ;lven reduced rate by the Government! Telegraph Service. NO t-Mf.K MONDAY. Monday -being a statutory holiday the ; Daily News i will not be published, t.bu enabling the stall to celebrate the offl. elal New Year's Day. Advertise In th Dally News TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY r, FOR SAW:. WARM, WELL FINISHED j house for sale with two lots, well de- j i vclc-pcd revenue producing garden. ( Robinson, Green 523. R SALE. ONE WORK HORSE. Ap ply to the City Engineer, H. A. PAIN from Bladder Irritation loon eased it SANTAL MIDY Bswar of Imltallona Look for the word 'MIDY Sold by an htuktimj Rsllstsd bi Reputed Quarts, - $3.00 Reputed Pints, $1.50 MM M)Niidn nww 4S j holiday beverages. Us.. ? .. . a.. i C1- ii:f fa 12. i 3.4-i This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia Iflg diM-iiunt III all departments at rite's aUrr lirWiiun Mile. Mrs. Frank Fitch aatled this morning by the Cardena for Vancouver on a vacation Urlp .'' f ' . t Give b Box Tarty at the Wcstholrne New Year's Eve. Elks Midnight Frolic. 20 Acts of Vaudeville. Thor Johnson sailed this morning by .he Princess Beatrice for Vancouver on A business trip. I Hi i I Acme : importers Wish to all their customers and friends The Compliments of the Season a I in B'S ! 4. nappy ill SHs ll WaCk sd -k. MA af mm 4 mm rruspeiuus ( New Year It i l! . j COATS Clearance SALE GREATER BARGAINS THAN .EVER DRESSES HATS Hosiery and Lingerie