O o f AGE SU THE DAILY HEWS ILM! I 1 . I . Saturday. Decerns 1( AWoman baid "Women are not logical" SHE said, "Don't talk facts to women, they want to simply have things suggested to them." We don't agree. What we think is that if the women knew how much better we could wash their clothes for them than they can at their homes, they would all be calling us. That's why we keep on talking facts to you. Phone 8. The LAUNDRY Does it best Canadian Laundry and Dry Cleaners Thonc 8 Fishermen Befoi-t buying your nest engine, ome and see us about The Gardner j Semi-Diesel Engine ' .the most satisfactory on the j market. Governor has con- j trol at ail speeds, .making it i most suitable for halibut boats. Sizes 12 h.p. to 300 h.p. The Acadia Gas Engine the most modern designed and best built 4 cycle engine in Canada. Sizes from 6-8 V tt it-. A( Vi -a mafitiim 4rii4 ,v U1CUI U11I oiiu i heavy duty. Ward Electric AND MARINE SUPPLY CO. Phone 680 Cow Bay Prince Rupert, B.C. Last : Minute SPECIALS Orange and Lemon Peel, per lb. 25t Citron Peel, per lb 4?t Mixed Cut. Peel, per lb. ;Mr Mixed Nuts, per lb 250 Mixed Candies, 3 lbs. for 85f Boxes of Chocolates, per box, from 50f to 5.00 St. Ivel Plum Puddings, assorted sizes, ;at attractive prices. We take pleasure in extending iour best wishes toi our many patrons for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Mussallem Grocery COMPANY, LTD. 417-423 Fifth Ave. East Phone 18 and Phone 84 Prince Rupert, B.C. TO USHER IN NEW YEAR '28 Many Local Favorites and New Performers Will Participate in Event This. Evening A greacrow(t-f Wtl propl plan to see the old yew out arid iSi'aevyii' In t the Weatholme Theatre -tonight where Trlnce Rupert lodge. Benevolent and Protective Order of Elia, will t&i a midnight nutlnee commencing Immediately after the regular picture program at the house. Many local favorites and not a few tew performers hsve been giving of their time and energy to make this big show a success and the hundred of people who have declared their Intention o going are assured of an enjoyable two liours' entertainment. In addition to the twenty widely diversified acta of vaudeville, there will be one thousand ndlse making devices and cotton a.iom balls distributed at the stroke of midnight. Young 1928 promises to pa ushered In In a manner seldcm seen previously In Prince Rupert. The Elks' Qhrlstmas Cheer fund win benefit as a result of the affair. WILLIAM RUSS COUNCIL HEAD Skidegate Village Names Council ; For Year Massett Natives to i Vote on January 9 j i At the election of a native council i at Skidegate for the year 1928 recently. William Russ was chosen chief councillor with Henry Oreen. Solomon Wilson. ' Matthew Williams. Simon Wesley and James McKay the other members of the council. The election wu con ducted by Indian Agent Olllett of the Queen Charlotte Islands and a large vote was recorded. The election of the native council at Massett will take place on January 9 with nominations on January 2. IN PROBATE IX THE MTKEMK ' KT Of liKITISIi COI.L.MISIA In the Matter of the Administration Act; and In the Matter of the Estate of Robert Rudd. Deceased. Intestate. TA.XE NOTTCK that by order of His Honor. P. McB. Young, the 1st day of December. AU. 1927. 1 was appointed Ad- , mlnistratcr of the estate of Robert l Pudd, deceased, and all parties hav-1 mg claims agalrst the said estate ! are hereby required to furnish same, i properly verified, to me on or before the 3rd dsy of January. AX. 1923. and I all partlei indebted to the estate are ' required to pay the amount of their ua&ianess to roe lortnwitn. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C Dted the 3rd day of December. AX) 1927. Canned Fruit Special Any of the following Canned Fruits, all the highest grade and in heavy syrup. :t tins for i)r,-Loganberries, Raspberries, Straw berries, Sliced Peaches, Apricots, Pineapple. We guarantee these to bo the best. Fresh Local Eggs arriving daily Large size, per dozen ."( Fresh Fjrsts, per dozen .... (H)c Fresh Pullets -. . . . ."."( ;l dozen for SI. 55 Compliments of the Season and Best Wishes for a Prosperous New iear. B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 13 and 374 Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone S75 DENTIST LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Pinno and Furniture Moving. .uf Oiiry. rVa-.s. I TOR sending money by mail Royal Bonk Money Orders are safe, convenient and ' lata that farmers who previously gained . a healthy Incoms by hauling autcs over : 'mpastsble patches of highway are now. Ceprived of this source of extra revenue. SCANT COXSIIF.KASION torn to bits for the amusement of the mlle-a-mlnute fiends. To this end Mr. Perron is cancelling auto licenses right and left. No alO tine and warning on the provincial roads. Over 160 motorists have been deprived of the right to sit behind the steering-wheel during a single period of three weeks. "Drive slow, or dont drive at all." Is the ultimatum issued to the motorists who sally forth to view the wonders of Old French Canada. Cash and Ceirry Grocery FULTON AND SIXTH AVE. SAVE THE CENTS We have a few Xmas Stockings left and we are selling them at half price. Buy One and get Two for Same money Rolled Oats, in bulk, 5 lb. for Smyrna Figs, in bulk, per lb. l- Seedless Raisins, in bulk, lb. i:tf Granulated Sugar, 10 lb. .. 7:tf Canned Milk, tails, per tin, . J 1 f. Butter Capifolf lb. Jria ' J4 lb. folrf . ,Jv:. I. , EX.D.1 -lb.. -n Iff. - 14 lb. for ".y$G.G Lard, in bulk, per lb U)f Canned Loganberries, per tin -De Pullet Fresh" Eggs, per doz. .)( Large Fresh Eggs, per doz. Visit our Store and Save Money Orders $3.00 or over Delivered Phone 301 1 Bk I J Yourjtruy I The Royal Bank , an hour. J of Canada Flince Rupert Branch - F. E. Robertson, Marugo DRIVE SLOWLY SAYS QUEBEC ROAD BUILDER While the war against the speeder L not primarily humanitarian in ru object, the general public appreciates tn benefits and the minister of reads has gained greatly In popularity since Its inception. rEKM: sr::i Mr. Perron hLT.oelf mexsrabiy seta a gxxl example when he conducts an Inaugural tout- over a newly opened high- way. HJi car. heading a string of others Minister Sets Good Example on which carry government official, new' Highways of French Province papermen and rueh tike dignitaries, p root eds at a stately rale of 12 or 13 mile QUEBEC. Dec 30. (By Canadian I "b tnte runrrl march?- What's Press). "If a fair wind that Mows 111 holding up the procession ahead T" and to nobody, to reverse the old pro-, ether caustic comments fly unheeded verb. Roads through the mountain wis ine minister la out to demonstrate to sections of the province of Quebec have drivers the tender treatment which hl been Improved la such an extent of roads demand. In order to make the .best of a bad tar- gain, some of the rustics are to a certain degree making good their loss by , getting jobs on -the government road- i work gangs. But many of them have . pccnt iHrron. father of Quebec's good reads. In the goad old days a motorist who BONE FOSSILS BIG REPTILES Discovery in Oregon is That of Lizard IPO Feel Long and Weighing 2,000 Lbs. became bogged em the highway between j poitTTLAND, Ore..C. 31.-liscovery Montreal and 8te. of the Agathe. one fOMlu ,n JUmtJ county. Oregon, most popular of the Laurentlan high- of tne ,ge of wptUie M kaj.OUDC by ways, had no recourse bat to call In pr. p. D. Dauce of Boise. Idaho, a arraer and his Warn of dobbins. The notM, poioju u heralded as an Un-armer was always on hand, with an erejpo-tsnt step in tracing the development for easy mocey. He charged two dol- cf nuna uje. Urs for a Job which seldsm took more Dr. Daube'a aiatemtm of his findings thsn five minutes of his time. Today ! indlca;ed he. "Had fnvaded what once the bad apots have vanished, graded away j ,u th realm of -monstrous n-ptlies into oblivion, and the autos bowl merrily LB(j trett gigantic .almost beyond be-along past their former barriers past rjr. ' Ste. Adtle and half a dozen other long; a carload of fiXuied scale from dreaded points to regions far beyond Ste. Agathe. reptiles such as the mesothortum. tracedon and other gigantic monsters can be picked up near Warm Springs But they don't b3wl ailong at too on the edge of the town of Lurns. Dr high a rate of speed. The department Daube declared. What the United States of roads takes care of that. Fuiioui Geological Survey has reported as rhyo-drivers are accordzd scant consideration, life is actually a sllletfled forest of simply because the department and Its I sequoias, cedars and conifers whose minister are jealous of their beautiful J staggering tze Is such as to test the r.e highways upon which so much most vivid liusglnaUnn, the geologist money has been expended and ar de- added. termlaed that they are not going to be; TJntll his dlscovei'es recently. Dr. Daube declared, no fossa of the great lizards of the reptilian a;e bad been Identified here. And this, he pointed out. Is the most important discover; inasmuch as the reptilian age existed long before the mammals which arrived In the eocene, or "dawn" age. Reconstruction of. the lizard by Dr. Daube shows that , it was a gigantic monster whose habitant was swiunps. Its length was approximately 180 feet. Enormous bone 'fossils have bo!en found by the geologist, he says. One be estimated at 2.000 pounds in weigh Dr. Daube also said he had found re cords of trees S73 feet In circumference. Seme trees were from 1200 to 1500 feet in length, with bark 28 feet thick, he declared. He found, sllltlfled bark 12 feet thick, that 'bad' beeh under pres- I sure for es. It Is all subject to the American National Museum's correlation but I do not think I will be found far wrong." Dr. Daube declared. "I be came aware of those matters last May. but investigated for several months be fore saying anythl.ig." Dr. Daube Is a member of the Chem ical Society of Japan, the Royal Society of Arts, tendon, and other scientific societies. ADMIMSTKllINd Jt'STICE. In an East African district a doctor acts as understudy to the Magistrate Recently when each was conscious of hating broked the law by riding at night without a light they agreed that the. majesty of the law would be best vindicated by each appearing before the other. The Magistrate, taking precedence. tried the doctor and fined him 5. Then the doctor trte1the Magistrate and fined him 120, Justifying bis sever' lty by pointing out that, since this was the second ease 'that dsy, obviously the offense was becoming too common. CtNZONElVl HON'. NEW YORK. Dec. 31. Tony Can-aonerl o New York whipped Hud Taylor feather tight-, ia ttu rounds. 1927 POLICE COURTFINES Totalled $9,111.50 With November Meatiest Month and January Lightest Ftira abced through the medium 'of the city pel to, court during the year 1W7 tfedtef today totalled $94140 according to fjgures'made available this Booming. The heaviest month was November when, principally as a rttrilt of aetimiM of operatives of the Liquor Oontrol Board. W 175 waa collected. The ligkteat month waa January when only (M was taken. Tout fines month by month were as follows: Jsauary 900 February 103.00 March ..' ; 473 00 April M5J Uy Mood June .MOAO July -. '83-50 August 1.23J.50 September 1.43tJ0O October oJlJP, November 8473.00 Deaonber 3 TO. 00 MORSE CREEK GETSSKATERS Gyro ClubV New Uink Relng Fully Patronized During told Snap by Children and Grownups The Oyn Club's rink at Morse Creek la the mecca of children skaters these days, there hardly being a moment of tire day or evening when It la not being patronized. Nor are youngsters the oly ones htat are using it for there sere a crowd of grown-ups out last nlfht. If the weather remains tight as at present, the pond will be put to fun avsll during the coming two holt-dsy. The surface Is a bit rough at present and should be flooded. There have been no skaters out to the lake at the end of the new road. deep snow preventing cars from making the trip. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL i:m;mii u:.na i: Arsenal 3. Bury 1. Birmingham 3. Tottenham 2. Crlton 2. Cardiff City t. Burnley 3. Blackteara Ravers 1. Leicester 3. Aateo Villa 0. Liverpool 2. Sheffield United 1. Mlddleaboro 1. Manchester United 2. Newcastle UnKed 2. Huddertflett 3. Portsmouth-Sunderland postponed. The Wednesday 1. Everton 3. West Ham 2, Derby 2. Iihlln II. Brut City 1. Notts County 2. Chelsea 0, Reading 0. Clapton 1. Grimsby 3. Hull Osty 2. Fvartttley 1. Leeds Dnlttd 3, South Shields 0. Manchester City 3, Wolverhampton 0. Notts Forest-Port Vale postponed. Preston I. Fulham 0. Stoke City 2. Southampton 1. Swansea 1. Blackpool 0. West Bromwlch 0. Oldham 0. f.( OTTIMI I.KAdl E lilt Hon I. Aberdeen 2. Queen's Park 1. Alrdrleonlans 2. Hibernians 2. Boneas-KUmarnoek not played. CVlUe-Ralth Rovers postponed. Hearts 2. Hamilton 1. Mather ell 5. Clyde 0. Parttek 2. Dundee 2. St. Johnstone 0, Rangers I. St. Mitten 3. Dunfermline 1. IIOTIX AKKIV.H.S. Prince tfiprrt J. Ingram. Winnipeg; R. M. Reld. J. Olllett and A. Robertson, Massett; J. Macdonald, Bulkley Bay; Miss M. Stevens, Skidegate. Central J. Smith and W. Montambraritt. Vancouver. Miss Mscfarlane. Chffllwrck; J. Cnenor. Queen Charlotte Islands. Hatoy Mr. and Mrs. O. Thompson. Smlthers; P. Will and Angus McDonsld. city , , , , 1 TO EUROPE FROM SAINT JOHN To I!eira-t. Mirrpool 13 Montcalm Jn. 7 Mlnnertosa reD- 10 Metaftama Mar. 3 Montclare T6 LIvefpciQl only .. '.f. -'N" .;!: , r.n. i.. to illawtw, .erpM,. ,Jan. 20 .........Melita ? Montclare " Mellta f'h. 24 Mlnnedcut Ma'- Montrose To ChrrlMurgrvuiliamton-Antwrrp "ar I. v "ontnalrn Mar. IS Metagam Arpijr to Ajen verrwbere or J. J. FORSTER. S.S. General Piu. Ant CP.R. Sution, Vancouver. Telenhone Scynour 2(39 WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY at 7 and 9 John Barrpore In A gorgeous, spectacular photo-play suggested by I. . . , famous poem Huge all-star east: MAHY ASTOIL MONTAGUE LOVE, ' J0$EF SWU K UD WARNER OIsANU, GUSTAV VON SfiFFEltTlT.. luliv ROCHE, ESTELLE TAYLOR, MYRNA LOY. If I K COSTELLO. JUNE .MARLOWE, PHYLLIS 11AVLK : ; WINTON, EMILY FITZKOY, and many others PATHE REVIEW Admission - - 50c and 2oc WESTHOLME THEATRE MONDAY and TUESDAY. 7 and 9 p.m. "THE BETTER 'OLE" with SYD CHAPLIN as Old Bill Adapted from the famous play iy Bruce Balrn.sfai h. : - Arthur Eliot HAROLD GOODWIN, DORIS HILL ED. KENNEDY CHARLES GERHARD, TOM KENNEDY and others. COMEDY INTERNATIONAL NEWS Admission 50c and 25c Jaeger Pure Wool Underwear FOR LADIES Union Suits from $. to ST.r.O Vests frdm sl." ' CHILDREN'S JAEGER PURE WOOL SWEATERS from $1.."0 to SWO H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. 3rd Avenue and Fulton Street x. sm iss i i ii in ii tmn .ic vsiimn a u mm i iisssiss' v tan wmt mmt mmk. mmk m w ml tj f MAKE MAKE RESERVATTO?JS RF.SERVATTO?JS SOW WOW I liRP. at wiv i ssssssd m. sTsw ssa wssb w ii r Best Procuraflie i J JjUaM. (THE ORIGINAL) Pure Scotch-Whisiiy RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT C.l a Sm Loiua O.IkU 4 tUniue .Cleidixl OiMtllerae, 0ll- A This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of : British Columbia