Attention!! Prince Rupert Students! See our window! A beau tjful watch will be given . away absolutely free. : A large clock dial ha spaces for the names of boys and girls attenditiji? school in Priiice Rupert and writing on the exams in June. All you havj to do is to come in and has your name put ort,. You need not buy anything! The clock will be wound on June 20 and when the hand stops, it will point to the lucky name. Pe sure to . enter before June 20. YVvavtl T") tt nrn IIIHM I MIMiU'ip gJewelles .THE STORE WITH THE CLOCK BLANKET Special During Jhe month of May we will give a special rate on all Blankets. Single IHankct, each .. Double Blanket, each . . ."Of Blankets washed without shrinking and returned nice and fluffy. GIVE US A TRIAL Pioneer Laundry (1921) Ltd. Phone - - 118 Spring Coats in Shades of Navy, Gray and Sand rv uemers Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. Prince Rupert BOAT HOUSE Phone 381 P.O. Kox 1565 LAUNCHES, SCOWS, ROW-HOATS AND CANOES SAND AND GRAVEL Equipment for Diving nnd Salvage Work Agents for Ensthope Engines and Stump Pullers NORWEGIAN HALIBUT VffqEAK IN STOCK Compass Adjusting ANGER, the TAILOR We carry a fine utock of Imported ' Scotch Tweeds, Fancy Worsteds and Serge. Every garment tried on before finih!ng. 223 Sixth Street BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus GET DETAILS an offer to bring to the city one carload ' of cattle, one carload of bronchos and one carload of saddle horses to-1 gether with riders,, hazers. Judges, etc.) for the sum Of. U0O. Mr. McNeil lsj being asked to come here so that a ' more definite Idea may be obtained! It was decided to Institute a mem bership drive by staging, a campaign In which prizes win he offered canvassers for the sale of season tickets, etc.. in addition to the regular percentages. The finance committee reported that within a short time It was expected that arrangements would have been completed for the paying of! of at least & portion of last year's accounts. The building and grounds committee reported that new locks had been put on, the doors and other minor improve-ments made and recommended that a caretaker be engaged to live in the building. The board granted the use of the hall to the following organizations on the dates mentioned: June 3 .Elks' Lodge: June 6, boxing; June 16. Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire; July I. Diamond Jubilee Celebration committee. IBRARYBOARD LONG SESSION ItF.POItT SHOWS ITUI.IC I SIM) kooks to lAitci: i:ti:xt. f.s- PF.Cltl.l.Y FICTION' 'At the regular meeting of the library board last night the librarian reported that the total circulation for the month of May was 3.8G0 volumes of which fiction comprised 3,731, non-fiction "387 and juvenile 742. Twenty-one new borrowers took out cards and ten were cancelled leaving 2,497 borrowers regis tered. New books were put on the shelves during the month' to the number of bl of which two were by gift aid 49 by purchase.' During the same t)m ,17 had to be discarded as unfit for fur ther use, leaving now on the shelves or In circulation 8.850 volumes. The question of appointing a Janitor was deferred until publicity could be given to the vacancy through advertise ment. The meeting was a lengthy one as number of matters of routine detail had. to be discussed. President Wilkin son occupied the chair and others at tending were Mrs. Kirkpatrtck, Rev. Q a, Hacker, (James Black, 11. F. Pullen, and the librarian. , I IIOTII. AHKIV.II.S. Prince Rupert J. 0. Alger, E. L. Stevens, J. Methan, II. Trueman, Dr. A. R. Thomson, Dr, O, W. Woodley, W. Wallace. D. Camp bell, C. E. Imeson, O. Strachan and C, J. Rowbotham, Vancouver; C. Lemax, Cloverdale; Mr, and Mrs. a. E. Secour, Qulncy, Cat.; II. E, Wlndatt,. Winnipeg C. A. Procunier, Sunnyslde; R. Murray, San Diego; Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Holland, New York; Hon. J. O, Turriff, Ottawa) F. O. Sellers, Edmonton; A. Watt CN.n.i N, Nelson, Queen Charlotte Ii lands, Ninny 1m :vJ;'iTP" HB n fiu. pot ad i O ' Ieewt! " George PhllllHon ,04uud; F. Puller son, Vancouver; J. Rodscth, Foresldale; 11. E. Llltftfleld, Everett, Wash.; Mrs, Hanson and Mrs. Frank Johnson, In Verness; Walter Herman, Port Edward T. Kent, Skeena City; W. II, Thome C.NJl.: Oeorge S. Ounderson and Thomas A. King, Prince Rupert. .Central It, D. Wleklng, Edmonton; 11, Jtppssen, Uuxleyw Alt a.; O, llartln snd After tii first box I was feeling much better, so I kept on until I had used the three boxes, and now I feel as well aa ever I did when I vraa a young girL " Trice 30c a box at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by Tha T. Milbum Co., Limited, Toronto, Oat as to the cost of corralls, fences, etc. " When he arrives, there will be a special ,N. Robinson, olty; S. McCormack, Ket- meeting of the board. 'chikan; P. W. Lawrence. Prince George: T. Lee Ludwlg, Ocean Falls. PRESENTATION ATTERRACE WORK OF MRS, T. i. MAKSlf l(K (Hi-MZF.II OX UKIl ICF.TlltlNO FROM PKESIDEXf'V OF -t. TERRACE, June 2. A very pleasant social afternoon was spent on Tuesday, at the home of Mrs. W .C. Sparkes hen the members of the Women's Auxiliary of the Anglican Church met to honor Mrs. T. J. Marsh, retiring president of the auxiliary and to share their appreciation of her faithful ser- Ices for many years by presenting her with .a. life membership In the WA Mrs. W. II. Bumett, secretary, read an address, conveying to Mrs. Marsh the regret of the members- at the necessity of her giving up. the leadership, commenting on the very harmonious relations which had always existed In the W.A. under ler guidance and expressing pleasure In the knowledge that while giving "up the presidency, she was not severing her connection with the auxlliaryt but would still be worker In It, Signatures of about thirty members were added to jSit ad- ress which was presented to Mrs. Msrsh. Mrs. A. W. Robinson, the new presi dent, gave a very appropriate talk and Mrs. II. M. Smith', vice-president, pre sented Mrs. Marsh with the W.A. life members' pin. Mrs. Marsh very feelingly and fittingly replied, and the gathering rose and sang Auld Lang Syne. Solos were rendered' by Mrs, R. Haney and Mrs. Robinson, a duet' by Mrs'Von lices a'nd iMrs. Haney and' a rending by Mrs, J. Wafne. Refreshments were served bf the W.A. HAZELTON Mrs. J. C. Sealey, arrived home laM week alter having spent the winter In Victoria. 8he visited in Prince Rupert cruising with H. W. Sharp. On Sunday there passed away at the hospital, Mrs! Otto Urterstrom of Kit-1 wanga, wife of Uie Hudson's Bay man- jger. She leaves to mourn her loss her' husband and three small children.' The funeral . was held Tuesday, after- j oon at Hazel ton. John Newick arrived home Saturday :ight from Vancouver where .he was receiving medical treatment. He also attended part of the sessions of the nnual .conference. TERRACE : N. Tack returned on Monday from short business trip to Cedarvale. Mrs. W. . C. Nicholls who had been the'euest of Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh for A number of delegates left on Tues day afternoon's train to attend the district convention of Conservatives held in Hazelton last evening. The BX. Bridge Club entertained .heir husbands and a number of friends at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Little on Tuesday evening. Five tables were played, prize winners being Mrs. L. II. Kenney and George Little. A double shift Is now being worked 3n a part of tlie Terrace to Usk NATIVE SONS WON BASEBALL mam: tkx ui'NS' ix first ixxixo OF LAST NUilU'S UXTI UK ttinni fiYKos sirrn.Kit . IMMVN After the Native Sons of Canada go? through with a heavy hitting streak end the Gyro .Club had got a few errors off Its chest In the first inning, last night's Senior league baseball game settled down to a quality of play that was of much better appearance than the 13 to 2 score In favor of the Canucks would Indicate. The Sans gathered up no leas than ten runs in the fint part of the opening stanza when Haveland, Gyro hurler. presented no problems and his field fell down behind him to further accentuate' the service club's misery. After that, however, thing changed and it was a real good kind of baseball that followed. The Oyrcn got one run In the first and one In the sixth, the Sons adding one and two In the second and sixth frames respectively. Robertson and Smith acted as umpires and the team's were as follows: Native Sons of Canada Lamble, p Astoria, c; Farquhar, .lb: A. Mitchell 2b; Wendle, as; Dalfour,' 3b;. At Buoeh-lch. If; Jack Ratchlohl, rf. Gyre Club Haveland, p; Mlnnehan c: Moran, lb; Hill. 2b; George Mitchell ts; Ted Tlte. 3b; Skinner. If; XIcKeown cf: Coward, rf. j SPORT CHAT j n- -i for a few days en route. I Elks and drotto, who, as a result of the two games that have already A. S. TordrllTe of the forestry staff, been played, have each a win to their 'tftttit 7 ''. ''.',. '. MALKINS f rrf ifffrtn ' ssssssssj issssakw ssisis V anted For.Sole For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word In advance. No Advertisement taken for lest than 50c WANTED WANTED. FURNISHED OR SEMI furnished house for summer holidays. Apply O. Share at Universal Trading Co. v , jji rr! WANTED EXPERIENCED BALEs.M)V, Must have good references. Apply Universal Trading Co. 131 GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE-work. Phone 775 or' evenings. Blue 711. ' , m FOIt SALE Uhe past week returned to her home,1"01 SALE. BEDDINO OUT PLANTS, in Prince Rupert on Monday. an varieties, raised in our own greenhouse. Prince Rupert Floral Shop. Brighten up- your home with flowers. FOR SALE OR CHARTER. 48 FOOT combined fish carrier and tow boat. 37 HP. Atlas Engine. Handles 7.000 humps. U. M. Stephens. FOR SALE. TWENTY ROOM HOTEL with lease. Full price 11.500. Write P.O. Box 53, Hyder. B.C. 139 FOR SALE. SIX ROOMED HOUSE AND lot In post office block. $2,200.00. Apply P.O. Box 378. HS FOR SALE. SMALL PLEASURE BOAT. Apply Cow Bay Barber Shop. tf EXCllANGE NEW AND SECONDHAND FURNITURE bought, sold and exchanged. Papa-dopulos and Marrls. 839 Third Ave. Phone 646. tf HOARD BOARD. THE INLANDER. Second Avenue. Phone 137. NATIVE CADDIES ARE SKILLFUL PLAYERS OF 83'j ctedlt over the Native Sons of Canada, will meet tonight In the Intermediate League for the first settlement of their baseball differences this season. Keen Interest Is being developed In Inter mediate League baseball affairs and there will undoubtedly be a good crowd on hand for tonights engagement. Both aides are confident of victory and a good game should ensue. The quality of ball so far put up by the Intermediates has not been too bad at all. While the Pittsburg Pirates, as a result of a sensational winning streak, have taken a healthy lead over Chicago In the National League, interest In big league baseball affairs Is for the time entering on the American League situation where Chicago socma to be seriously threatening the supremacy of the New York Yankeea. who, during the llrst of the season, seemed pretty well invulnerable. The White So if are within striking distance a a result of the Yankee' recent period of Inactivity which was followed by pretty even winning and losing. The Yankee will soon be playing Chicago and fans arc looking for some real fireworks then In the direct struggle for leadership The Moose will line-up the following team In the Stuart Shield football game tomorrow night with the Qrand Ter minals: Lamble: Ersklne and Skinner; Koppers. Currle and Mitchell; Gurvlch, Murray. Bye, Hodgklnson and Hodgkln son; spare. Peacock, GOLF IN S. AFRICA BIXDEMFpNTEIN, South Africa, June 2.- Native caddies In South Africa be- j come crack golfers with improvised clubs made of heavy Iron wire bent at I the business end Into the correct lie. i The club head Is a short piece of jlron pipe. The grip Is of old rags or cloth, wrapped with fine wire. I Wltli bpty one club' of this trude nature, Joseph, a native caddie. at a Bloemfonteln club won a caddies' com-I petition by playing a nine hole course (measuring 3,000 yards In 44 strokes, j Bogy for the nine holes Is 88, j The native caddies often return, bet-iter scores than do the players who (carry the regular assortment of drivers land Irons. I The secret of It Is that the native jboys play .the game from the time they can walk; they have fine, natural swliiija and, having only the one home, 'made club, learn to una It to perfection. SITUATIONS WANTED QUALIFIED SINQLE MAN. TWELVE ( years general store owner. Canada: trained accountant and typist: all round office man; fair sliorthand; Scotch; desires poMtlon anywhere. Free early June. P.O. Hor 100, Mer-rttt. B.C. FOR RENT FOR RENT. NEWLY DECORATED ' 'modern house; also small furnished - house. Apply 21S Fourth Avenue East. FOR RENT. .STORE ON McBHIDE ST. Apply Valentin Dairy. Phone DRESSMAKING 637. 129 FURNISHED SUITES FOR RENT. Apply MussaHem Grocery. Phone 18. ROOMS FOR RENT. BOARD IF desired.- Phone Black 129. PIANO FOR RENT $3 00 A MONTH. Walker's Musle Store. ROOMS TO RENT. PHONE 678. tf EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER. FOR- merly of New York and Edmonton. Mrs. C. Smith, at Hyde Transfer, 139 Second Avenue. Phone 380. DOMINION H It.MTl KK i:XrilNflF. ItpMinrdy Jk (iajnon, proprietors 144 Third Avenue Phone Itlark 431 Furniture of all sorts bought, sold or Exchanged. UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIRING; UPHOL- sterlng of all kinds. Chesterfields recovered and made to order. All work guaranteed. Phone Green 603. a. M. HUNT. RESTAURANTS OOOIl EATS CAFE Mrs. Unger. Proprietress Third Avenue. Next O. W. V. A. flood Home Conked Meals. Phone Black 700 TAXI Phone 67 Tnxi (Call Georjre, Paul or Gust) Sis and Seven Passenger Stude-bakers at your disposal any time. ROSS RROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Ulock. fArrnss from Empress. otn NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. PltlXCE itrn itr DISTRICT. f'OXKTHiTTiov of I'ltixct: itri'citT IIKIIIUAV Mll.i: 0.1.1 TO MII.F. 5.0.1 Sealed Tenders, endcrted "TeHncr for rnnce Rupert Hlehwav." will toe re celved by the Minister of Public Works up to noon of Monday, the 20th day of June. 1927. for the construction of the above Highway on Kalen Island, 4.6 nine approximately. Flans. SDCclflcatlons. contract, and form of tender may be seen on and after the 30th day of May, 1927, at the De-partmenf of PirbllC Works. Parliament Buildings, and at the following offices: uisinci r.ngineer, iTince Rupert, B.C.. and General Foreman. Court House, Vancouver. Copies of plans, specifications, etc.. can be obtained from the above offlrei on payment of a deposit of ten dollars ($10.00) which will be relunded on re-turn of the plans, etc., in good condition. Each tender must be accompanied by an accented bank cheque on a charterel bank of Canada, made payable to the Minuter of Pubiio Works, for the sum of fifteen thousand dollars (15.000 which shall be forfnlted If the party tendering decline to enter Into contract when called upon to do so. The cheque pf the successful tenderer will toe retained as security for the due.and faithful performance of the work till" the satisfactory completion of the contract. Tenders will not toe considered unless m.l!' ut on th forms supplied, signed with the actual signature of the tenderer and enclosed In the envelopes furnished. 1 The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, P. PHILIP. Deputy Minister and rumic Works Engineer. Department of Public Works, Parliament Buildings, M7 20, 19J7, iao MAIL SCHEDULE k Ot'T-uOtNtJ l or I he Cant- ..I, OF STAMPEDE! milt HOARD IXVITF.S JACK MrXKH, Of TKI.KWA TO COME IOIC COX. IFItF.XCF. OX FltOJIXT 1'AV-MF.XT OP .U'COIXTS FORKOASTF.D The Fair Board, at a meeting last night which was attended by every director and at which Prank Dlbb. president, occupied the chair, decided to invite Jack McNeil of Telkwa to come to the city for the purpose of discussing in detail the proposal to hold a tampede In connection with the 1927 exhibition. Mr. McNeil had a com munication before the board containing) Became So Weak Could Hardly Stand Mrs. Win. Palmer, Tomalawk, Alt., writes: "Last spring I hid a Ions; pell of sickness and became to weak I could hardly stand. I coulj not sleep at night U the least little noise would wake me op. I tried blood tonics and other nerve pills, but they did me no good, and I was getting worie. I wrote my mother about my condition, and she lent m three boxee of I spent spent the the week week In In the the district, district, timber timber . -.- ... - - rT.-T-7TT-r rrr ?r 1 Articlei Lot and Found,4c Mondays, Wednesdays ana fci ''5" . MJttt Sundays 10 ) . Iu Thursdays I(' Saturdays ( June 3, 14 . . . Ptrst class mall Is also dnpttcMk Vancouver on Uondsji, Wtdnedtp u Saturday by CJf.R. trains. To An) ox ami Alice Arm Sundava .. FOR RENT. FURNISHED APART- Wednesdsys uij, ment toy the day. week or month. To Meart and iTrmier-Phone Red 607. tf Rundavs Saturdays t.U ya. To I'l. Slmpwn and .Van klmpn. Thursdays t To Alaka Points May 30, June 10 u To ((Keen Charlottes- June 4, 18 !fi ix-comoq from the tst Mondays, Wednesdsys, mdijnlXp From Vanoouirr Sundays fi Wednesdays 10 is Thursdays p Saturdays tOJOai May 30, June 10 ft IriMit Anjoi and Alh-e irm- Tueaay a Thursdays Ita- Itoiii Stewart and rrrWt- Tuesdayi ,a Sundays P turn Pi. mmpwm and .S'sx lit. . ... i Baturdays From Alaka Points- June S, 14 a In.m jueen Oisrlotte June 2. 16, 30 IK l f'lM.I.MTIOM Oraham Atltn Area 1st Ave. lit 8th 8t 6th Ave. A rulton Bl 6th Ave. M Thompson llth A aherbrooke Aves. Uth Ave. ft Conrad St. Vlth Ave. to Hays Cjh 6th tt Hays Oove Circle 6th Are. Cotton 8t 3th Avs. U McBrlde 8t Prov. Govt. BIdgs Prov. Oov. Wharf O.T.P. Wharf a.TJ sution 2nd Ave. ft 2nd 8t, 3rd Ave. ir Fulton St. 3rd Ave. to 6th St. S.turd,y-M. rr nrv- Saturdsy-ss rruu. w- . June 10-s. Princess A1W and Nss For Port Mnipsorl in ilia u in t in t IX u IS t IX I' UlU iw i u H im a iu u 10 00 u It u 1011 10.11 U 1030 U STEAMSHIP MOYEHEB! For Vanrnmrr a Sunday- as, Prince oeortM Tucuay--M, -" , Thursday , rrlnrs Rupert " - 89, n iii," - June 3--as. Princess AH June 14 s Princess AliM From Vanrouter 11 1 I Sunday ss. " Ml Wednesday -ss. f 'luP'rt . Thursday . ,ttW, Thursday --aa. ' . . .ie- I rom Port Hlni.n ana Saturdsy-ss. Csraens For .tnjnx f Sunday-. Catala . - Wednesday ss. rr --r From Anyns. - .. i Tuesday- Cstsla t Thursday- s. Prince For htewart J . ' Sunday-.. C.taU ,opa Saturday-., rrmce From Hlewaft Sunday-wis. Prince 0.rg " Tuesday-s. Calais for tjueenf'l'''",",,Mt June 4-ss. Prince John June 18-ss. Prince John Fm tjneen "'r,",f,'7 John June 3-ss. Prince June 16-ss. Prince John June 30-s. Prince John For Alitsks . Allc AiIPi June 10-t. f From Alaska . A1W June 3- as. Prtocess Al W June 14 Pftncess CJLR. TRAINS IP' IP I f For the F.iit Hi0 :5 Dally MP owaj I rnm Hie Knt U"1 Dally except Tut" .