OE? TAXI Boston Grill f and;. Snrvlc "f'ly, Anywhere nt Anytlr j -'ii f Stand: Exchange Isuildn.,. -tyZ- r MATT VtDKCK, Prop. J'uiltfljf& Vol. XVII., No. 128. EonT n gr paiiv Kjvpah o FORMER inc. A 1 re00P5 Riot in lanwa Ends in r I r r 'tUlll LP I 1 lUf 1 CfOlffO l as Troops Fire on Mob I Its-; TIMIM1 TIMED 'I'M TO IMKII HUSH JAIL IAII. VVIII.MM.' WHERE (VIVI.'ivuijii CONFESSED sjim. MOTL'KS MUK- DEREK WAS CONFINED RUT WERE REPULSED; CANADIAN A VICTIM TAMPA, Florida, June 2. Rioting broke out here as the result f an effort of a mob to rush the city jail. Troops were called out iind were greeted with taunts and flying projectiles and later were fund upon by the mob. They returned the fire with machine guns and during the melee four people were killed and many wounded. Civilians are said to have been struck by bullets who were several l.lnrkti frnm thn lall ' Officials said last night that HA V K K Y mmm, mimrn mm m 1 w m COMMERCE IS COMING HERE ; j i MOST Of l.V AT THIS POUT ; ! KHI.OUINU CONtKNTlOX I T;t .nadlan Chamber of Commerce. I 'irganlatton comprising dele-1 . ... . . . . i ra.Jt: 11. 1 LIlKrOA DI LTHCir WlTUUIt L1JUI Will" ' lm-h nH Hlnn. Aav lavtnff fnr II T.ie C: meeting Is to be held at a special train being run all I -Din Montreal, picking up .-tej as It crones the continent, n ::i.lon dale Is September 12 to I i. I' is eipectcd to be one of the nt J i andpolnt. F llow: th rnnvrntlon. the DartV will embark on one of the Canadian I'e. Ifip steamers for Skagway and will Mop off here on the return, leaving the bcal c- tats point and proceeding to NJ-.nd a holiday at Jasper Park. W..ile here the chamber will unci: .btedly be entertained by the I' r. :i Rupcr Doard of Trade and some b dungs are In prospect for the oc-' ihe matter to likely to be dls- fd among other things at the -Td of Trade meeting tomorrow night. IN OKANAGAN K, (' MMDONAI.O ttll.1. TKV III UK- iaix skat lost at iiv-ki.kctiox VKUNON. Juno 2. William Karris i Kc im-dy Conservative, and Hon. Ken- lr C MncDonald, Liberal, were ''minuted yesterday to contest the No: lh Okanniraii vlwllnn made nccca- ry by the death of the late A. O. Cwhrane The election Is to take place next Thursday. The campaign promises to bo a keen and both sides are claiming victory 'or their candidate. Mr. MacDonald tormcrly was member for the district bul was defeated at a by-election for ntry to the cabinet. PROTEST MADE TOiABANESE vll(IN,u.lST IKIVKKNMKNT !KS t mki: invasion nv two TIIOCSAMI THOOI'N NANKINO, June 2. The Nationalist Oovernment set up here by the moder-le wing under Oeneral Chiang Kal Bhek protested to Premier Tatakoja gainst the landing of two thousand Japanese troops yesterday at Tslngtao Preparatory to advancing Into Shang-( province FIRE ON CROWD IN MOTS AT r& the. violence resulted in four mobs attempted during three uccesMve confessed murderer of five persons was confined, but the effort was checked and the rioting finally suppressed. Whether the killed were actually member! of the mob Is not known. McRae was Visiting his sisters here and had etopped to minister to a wounded man lying In the street when a stray bullet struck him. Thirty of the rioters 'arc under arrest. B. F. Levlne. the man who said he beat to death Herman Merrel, his wife and three children because he mistook them foranother family against "whom ne naroorea a gruage. was removed irom Tampa Sunday night but the mob's wratli was subsequently apparently directed against the officers and guardsmen. (iK.NKKAl, EXECUTED WAS IX I'AV OK Till? SOVIET I.KdATlOX RIOA, Latvia, June 2. Despatches from Kovno, Lithuania, say Oeneral Kleszlnf-ky, who confessed to being In the employ of the Soviet legation there, was court-martialed and executed. SENATOR TURRIFF IS YISITOR IN CITY ON HIS WAY TO STEWART A noted visitor In the city today Is Hon. John aillandcrs Turriff, member of the Canadian Senate at Ottawa for the province of Saskatchewan, who arrived in the city yesterday afternoon from the East and will proceed at the end of the week to look over the mining situation In company with A. A. Hot-land, New York mining engineer and brother of Mrs. J. A. Hlnton Of - this city, and Mrs. Holland. Senator Turriff, whone original home It Carlyle, Sask., Is 72 years of age and li a native of Quebec. Ie has had a innir parliamentary career and, bcsldo having .been a member of the Saskatchewan legislature, sat In the House of Conimona at Ottawa from 1914 to 1017 before being appointed to the Senate In 1018. He was at one time Dominion cbmmlssloncr of -lands. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Bid. Asked Wheat 1.(13 B.G, Silver ... 1.C0 1.62 Coast Copper 10.00 17.2S Cork Province .07 .09 Dunwell 1.40 1.50 Gladstone . . . .23 Vi .27 Independence .08 Indian ...... .07 .07', L. fi L 4114 Lucky Jim .. .21 .22 Porter Idaho MM .10V4 Burf Inlet . . 01V4 Dr. A. It. Thomson and Dr. O, W. Woodley of the Workmen's Compensa tion Board arrived yesterday from Van couvcr and are making the trip to Anyox today before returning tonight to stop over In the city. W. Wallace, Mivretary of the board, Is also In the ' party. Advertise la the Dally News. Northern and PRINCE PITTSBURG LOST I ANOTHER MATCH HACK IX AMEKR'AX LKAdl K TKilU KMMl LI- AH TOI' TEAM j AM) SECOND DIVIS- j ION AOdllKUATIOXS I i.IN ! NEW YOItK, June 2. While all run. nlng up teams were idle, Pittsburg, leaders of the National League, yester-l day lost a game to Philadelphia Brook-' lyn Do'igers, also ambitious second ' dlvlsioners who have been having a bit of u winning streak lately, took the' honors from Boiton In the only 'Jut ' gnme played In the leagues yesterday. New York Yankees took advantage of Chicago's Inactivity to gain another half game lead on American League i supremacy by defeating Philadelphia Athletics. l Warfare In the National League Ul concentrated today on the western I front while teams In the American League are battling in the Kast. Popping of plenty of fireworks Is presaged before the present intersections! In vaslcn comes to an end. The day's scores were as follows: NATIONAL I.K.Mil K. Brooklyn 6. Boston 2. Philadelphia .7. Pittsburg 4. AMKUICAN' I.KAdl i: New York 2. Philadelphia 1. Cleveland 14, Detroit 1. Boston 6, Washington 1. I.KAdl I! STANDINGS. Nallon.il W. L. Pet. PltUburg 23 . 13 .667 St. Louis 22 10 .579 Chicago 22 17 .561 New Ycrk ,22 17 .564 Brooklyn '22 23 .489 Philadelphia ...... 18 20 .474 Boston 13 21 .382 Cincinnati 12 30 .286 Amrrlrmi New York 29 14 .088 Chicago 27 17 .614 Philadelphia .22 21 .512 Washington 19 20 .487 Cleveland ...7 21 23 .477 St. Louis 19 -22 .463 Detroit t8 23 .439 Boston 12 27 508 PHILLIPINE STORM ' CAUSES LIFE LOSS One lliimlrril anil M 1'er-otiH llrllt-Nfil to Have Pt-rMinl With sinking nf InliT-lslaiul Struiurr MANILA, June 2. A storm which caused the sinking of an Inter-lsland steamer with the probable loss of 106 lives abated today, giving rescue workers an opportunity to aid a few survivors of the wreck who are believed to have encamped on Nondroc Pcnslnsula. PRINCE EDWARD ID. TO HAVE ELECTION l.rgMutiire Prorogued Tmlny I'rrpuruliiry .tit Taking of Vote on June 23 CHAULOTTETOWN, June 2. Tho Lieutenant-Governor today dissolved the Prince Edward Island legislature as a preliminary to the general elections which will be held on June 25 and for which nominations will bo received on June 18. t. FORMER FOLLIES GIRL TAKES POISON AND DIES Irene Oooilull MimimlM-il at llnllyMooil Thin .Morning I'rom Kffrel of Hose on Tuesday HOLLYWOOD. June 2. Ircne.Ooodall, former Follies benuty, died this morning from ihe effects of ptoson she swallowed on Tuesday. It was the result of brooding over disappointment In a love affair, the police say. SII.VKU KISO DIES. seward, June 2. John Hiusa, a pioneer since 1904 and known as the "silver king of North America" died here aged 76. Both legs were ampu tated as a result of ifreezlng at the time of the Nome gold rush. PRINCE RUPERT Central British Columbia's Newspaper KUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1927 MA N KITH LAW, pioneer aviatrix, the $25,000 Orteig prize for York to Farmers of Nechaco Valley Sign Up for Wheat Pool and Will Ship to Rupert Elevator ,The whole interior, country is improving and the people much more optimistic than they have been for some time past, declared Dugald Campbell, B.C. representative of the Merganthaler Linotype Company of New York, who has just come through, stopping off at nearly all points in the Uulkley and Nechaco valleys in connection with his business. Mr. Campbell says that at Vanderhoof they are just completing the organization of a co-operative wheat pool for the object of facilitating the shipment of grain through the elevator at Prince . Rupert. Practically every fanner In tile TROOPS INTO NORTH CHINA UKIIIMl. JAIWNKM AMI AMKKI- (AX lOKCKS MOUNd KKO.M Ml ASdIIAI TO TIENTSIN' I'KKIMI, June 2. The despatch of lulled Slates iiiarlnrs from Shanghai In Tientsin Is u jsirt of the ItillMi, Japanese nnil I'nltril statrs derision tu liu reuse garrison In the iinrlhrril set Hun of the lomitry, following I lie retreat of thr northern armies who Imw imitlr nhat Is diemeil Klratrglr inop to the Yellow UIut In-fore the drlte of the .Nationalists. With two thou-mi nil Japanese troops ulrraily land-rilNnt TshiKtiio, n 111 II M contingent Is now enronle nortliwuril from linns Kong and the Shanghai lie-feme force Is leaving Tor Tientsin tonight. VANCOUVER, June 2. As the result of Injuries sustained when he fell Into the hold of the steamer Shldzuoka Maru here, E. Nakamasu, a Japanese sailor, died In the hospital today. WINS had planned to compete for a non-stop flight from New Paris - ..... district has signed up with the pool. one of whose officers recently visited the district and explained the requirements and advantages. He also says that 'a good deal more grain Is being grown there this year although the season Is a little late. Just as It Is everywhere else. lAst year they shipped lot of wheat and It was so successful that It encouraged the farmers to sow mere this year. Mr. Campbell says he feels much enthused over the prospects for the whole Interior district and he finds a distinctly different spirit there from pre-Tious years when he made similar tours. WKUIIKIt HKI'llltT. Hazel ton. Clear, calm, temp. 60. Telegraph Creek. Clear, calm, temp. 55. Smlthers-Clear, calm, temp. 00. Burns Lake. Clear, calm. temp. 54. Terrace. Clear, calm, temp. CO. Rosswood. Clear, calm, temp? 62. Alyansh. Clear, cahvi, temp. 50. Alice Arm. Clear, calm, temp. 61. Anyox. Clear, calm, tomp. 62, Stewarts Part cloudy, calm, temp 52. Whltchoisc. Clear, calm, temp. 52. Dawson.--Clear, calm, temp. 61 Advertl In the, Dalli News. Fighter Dies in Ring from Broken Neck in Fourth Round Against Mandell, Kansas City KANSAS CITY, June 2. Collapsing In the second round of a scheduled ten round bout with Sammy Mandell, lightweight champion of the world, Steve Adams of Chicago died in the ring here last night. The county coroner announced after an autopsy, that death resulted from a broken neck. Mandell was booked by the police on a technical charge and released under a five thousand dollar bond. Before the autopsy, Referee Walter Hates declared that all MnndeU's blows were clean and expressed tho opinion that the challenger died of heart athick. R1C TAMPA, Cecil Nason Takes Big Money with Ticket for Starter in Derby Race i IIUSHANI) OF LOCAL filKL DKAWS UESTICOUCHE IN CAL CUTTA SWEEPSTAKE AND The running of the Epsom fortune to Cecil Nason, formerly the Iloyal ISank of Canada and j Vancouver, in the form of a prize of $25,000 in the Calcutta Sweepstake. According to Canadian Press despatches received at the I Dally News office today, Nason has just been notified in, the south that he had drawn Restiirouche as a starter in the race. He wins , me amount mentioned as a result The lucky young man is the son-in-law of Mrs. T. E. Pringle, Waldron Apartments. Abcut two years- ago, he married Miss May Priugle, a well known and popular local girl. Her j mother was advised of the luck that had I came their way by the Daily News this afternoon. Naturally It was a surprise ' which took her breath away. SXAki: (11 AltMKIt WAS VICTIM OF 4. REPTILE'S KITE -' YAKIMA, Wash, June 2. 4- Jolo, the snake charmer with triii; Zelgltr- carnival died after "being bitten twice by rattle- snakes during a performance. He had put the snake's head into his mouth and the snake then bit and the man's tongue swelled up and choked him In less than half an hour. FISH SALE TODAY AT AVERAGE PRICES Total Amount .Marketed was l'iSVMI Pounds of Whleli .9,H) was Canadian The total fish sale today amounted to 128,500 pounds of which Canadian boats brought 59.500 pounds. Sales were as follows: American Ivanhoe, 28.000 to Paclfto Fisheries at 13.50 and 8c. Hanna 9.000 to Booth Fisheries at 13.40 and 7. Altcn - 32,000 to Royal Fish Co. at 13.20 and 7. j ' Canadian Cape Bcale, 23,000, to Cold Storage at 13 and 6. I Johanna 14.000 to AtlLi Fisheries at. 13.7 and 7. Aiken 8,500 to Atltn Fisheries at 13.30 and 7. Edward Lipsctt 14.000 to Cold Storage at 12.60 and 6c. OPEN AIR SERVICT PLANNED TO MARK CANADA'S JUBILEE There will be religious observance in Prince Rupert of the Diamond Jubilee of Confederation it was decided at a meeting of pasters, representing various denominations, which was held in the city council chamber this morning. If weather la favorable, at 3 o'clock on the afternoon of Sunday. July 3, there will be an open air service from the balcony of the Prince Rupert Hotel, provided the consent of the proprietor is obtained. Should weather not be suitable, the service will take place In the Westholme Theatre. Present at the meeting this morning were Archdeacon O. A. Rlx, who presided. Rev. T. D. RInde, Rev. J. R. Frlzell, Rev. O. O. Hacker, Rev. W. F. Barfoot, Rev. W. F. Price and Capt. Stobart. Those taking part In the service will depend upon which of the ministers are In town. It was tentatively planned that Archdeacon Rlx should preside and deliver the address, Rv. J. R. Frliell and Rev. T. D. Rlnde to read scripture lessons with Rev. W. F. Barfoot leading in prayer. The other clergymen present at the meeting may be out of the city at the time. Advertise In the Dally Newa. Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least. Phone 457. Price Five Cent PR17F FLORIDA GETS $25,000 AS RESULT Derby on Wednesday brought a accountant in the local branch of now identified with the bank in DR. CLAY HEAD PRESBYTERIANS ELECTED MODEKATOIt AT C.ENKKAL ASSEMI1LY OP t ill Kill AT STItATEOltll, ONT. STRATFORD, Ont.. June 2. Or. W. esle Clay, minister at 8t. Andrew's Church, Victoria, was chosen moderator t the Presbyteriahr Church. -of Canada or the coming church year at the concluding session of the fifty-third gen eral assembly of the church. Dr. Clay Is a Prince Edward Islander and a graduate of McOUl University. He has been at St. Andrew's since away back in the nineties and was one of the leaders of the group, that refused to Join the United Church, when yie majority of Presbyterians threw In their lot with the Methodists and Con-gregatlonallsts. MINER TRIES TO SUICIDE UOItKKT IIKNSON ONE Of THE HllST (iOLII SEEKERS TO It EACH ALASKA, PE.NNTIJ-ISS SAN FRANCISCO. June 2. Robert Benson, one of the first to reach Alaska at the time of the Klondike rush, attempted to commit suicide here yesterday on-acount of poverty and old aje. The police said he had been living In Sutro Forest, a dense wood between the city and the beach for the past week, because of lack of funds with which to pay his hotel bill. They added that he would, be taken to a relief home upon recovery. Unwise Investments arc blamed for the loss of a considerable fortune with which he returned from the north. HOLLAND Hit ' BYCYCLONE KOKTY PEKSOXS KILLED. 1511 IX-Jl ltEli AND MICH PKOPEKTY DAMACE IS HONE AMSTERDAM, June 2. Forty persons were killed, 150 were injured, and enormous damage was don'' by a cyclonic storm which swept parts of Holland and Belgium. Three villages Neade, Oroenlo and Delden were devastated and nine others were extensively damaged. The wind tore roofs from houses and uprooted trees and a number of buildings, weakened by the storm, collapsed. TORNADO UNftOOFS HOUSES IN KANSAS lodge City sustained $0,000 Damage ill III; Wind Which Swept Through The Town This .Morning DODO E ' CITY. Kansas, Juno 2. Twenty-seven houses were unroofed and more than fifty were damaged when a tornado swept through the northern part of the city this morning, causing damage estimated at (9.000.