PAGE SIX Our Glasses FIT and look well OUR REPAIR DEPARTMENT is equipped for accuracy and service A. E. IRELAND Graduate Optometrist 319 Third Avenue. Opposite G.W.V.A. MRS. RENT HAS JUST RETURNED Trip and brought with her from her Summer Buying a fine selection of Cloth & Satin COATS in sizes from 1C to 46. Also a variety of SUMMER DRESSES AND MILLINERY now on display at moderate prices. Satin Coats from .. $23.00 BENT'S LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR Third Avenue REMEMBER For Montreal prices on Clothing for Men & Boys Don't forget the Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. R. Miller - Proprietor For Ladysmith-Wellington COAL Phone 580 HydeTranster And Coal Co. 139 Second Avenue LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone G3 CartHyo, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and Furnitun! Moving. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 675 DENTIST MANY CHILDREN ! LEPER PARENTS1 ! KALATJPAPA. Island of Molokai, Hawaii, June 1. The children ol leper parent here In tbe Hawaiian leper colony are fairly sure they -will never have the dread disease, and almost equally sure they will never know their parents. About a dozen children are born here each year. Inmates of this settlement on Kalawao peninsula a natural prison hemmed In by the sea aud precipice live much as their klnftilk of i they outside world. They have their own government and churches; th ' marry and bring children Into the world. But the children are taken I i from them at the moment of birth, i The new-born Infants are placed In the hands of con-leper attendants who take then; to the special nursery In the colony's hospital compound. There they live the first year of life under the clor observation of. the doctor who guards the health of the settlement's 523 patients. Each Sunday mothers are permitted to see their' children to see them i only. A thick pane of glass separates them from the cribs. The mothers may watch one hour-or more. Then they leave to be replaced by other mothers, who Watch for unothcr brief period. When, babies are able to walk they LAND ACT. NOTIC't: OK INTENTION TO AI'l'LY TO i. i:si: Koiti:snouL'. In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at seweii inlet, Moresby island, uueen Charlotte Island. TAKE NOTICE that Kelley LomlriL Company Limited, of Vancouver, B.C. occupation Timber Merchants, Inten:!- to apply lor a lease oi tne louowinc desert bed foreshore : Commencing at a post planted approximately 8 chains south, 20 degrees cost from the northeast corner of Lot 472 Sewell Inlet. Moresby Island; thence fol lowing the jiigh water mark in an east erly, southerly and southwesterly direc tion to its intersection witn the easterly boundary of Lot 472: then .southerly and easterly to the northwest corner ol B.T.L. 6215 P.: thence In a northwesterly direction to the point of commencement. and containing 45 acres, more or less. JOSEPH DOUGLAS WILSON, Asient for Kelley Logging Co. Ltd. Dated 20th April. 1927. T any segment of the Spine in an abnormal ptwnon subluxation) pressure U produced on the nerve trunks at that point and ducate dwelor. T.HEAtt T.FACtaNtCK T. THROAT T.UFrtKUMM' T. HEART T.UINCS T.UVIS T. STOMACH T. SMALL INTUTINt T. KlONtrl T.sovrxs T.ArTCNDIX T.atADDtR NOgf--" TheChiropractor ftdiuita the Mbluutiaa d. a. McMillan Palmer Graduate CMROl'KACTOR 1'alho - Neurometer Service. Open Evenings Kuoms C and 7, Exchange Hlock. Phone C91 II. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. PENMAN'S Pure SILK HOSE SPECIAL FEATURES Pointed heel, no I tinkle raKtred edges, knit to Hhupc, fine even weave, silk extends above knee. Colors Sunset, Alesan, Peach llloom, Moonlight, Champagne. $1.75 pair H.S.WaiaceCo.Lti). Phone i). 3rd Ave. nnd Fulton MILK PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for 81.00 7 quarts for $1.00 12 pliiln fur 8 LOO Cash price tickets. McBride Street Ktore now closed Valentin Dairy Office nnd Dairy - 11th St. Telephone C37. INDIGESTION Gas on Stomach Caused Severe Pains Mra C. F. Wheeler. R.R. No. 1, Glen Etvcn. Sask., writes;' "For years my eldest son suffered from severs pains and a.iiy from imperfect digestion, lie !ieted and used artificial digfstants, Imr all to no avail. At last I got him a bottle of and he had not taken the whole bottle before he was greatly relieved. The severe stomach attacks eeaaed, thwt was no more gas on the stomach- and he could eat anything he wished.'' Put up only by The T. Wilburs, Oes, jUmited, Toronto, Out. are given final examinations for health and If they pass, as they usually do, they are moved to Honolulu to be placed in orphanages or with relatives. If the parents still are alive after the children are 'grown or at least fourteen or fifteen years old, the ' children Westholme Theatre tonight with .the iame caste as for the last performance except that the bishop is Sid Relth In place of Arthur 6harpe, who Is out of town. v The proceeds of the play, after paying tecpenses, goes to the fund for Improving the athletic grounds. - Those, who were present at the first performance are all loud In praise of the splendid show given and tonight It may be expected to be Just as good. LAND ACT. MtTICK Of INTENTION' TO API LLASE LA.MI. LAND ACT. 53.00 Orders Delivered Phone 30-1. XY TO In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Queen Charlotte Islands, and iltuate at Massett Indian Village No. 1. TAKE NOTICE that The Mawett Can-ners, Ltd.. of Prince Rupert, B.C.. occu- fiatlou Conners. intends to apply for a ease of the following described lands: Commencing at thla post planted at the northwest corner of our site at Massett, B.C.: thence southerly 3 chains; thence easterly 3.25 chains, more or less; thence northerly 3 chains; thence westerly 3.25 chains, more or less, to point of commencement, and containing one acre, more or lem. THE MASSETT CANNERS. LTD. Applicant. Per P. Lorenv.en, Agent. Dated Ami! 20. 1927. in the piece, perslb. ...... 43c Capitol CreameryvButter, per lb. i ............ 45c j AH other brands Creamery Butter, 2 lb. for ...... .... A A.. 93c Flour, 49 lb., any variety .. $2.C3 Terrace Potatoes, per Back $1.75 Pure Cane Sugar, extra fine, 10 lb. ! for 7Gc hmall profits By paying cash you enjoy a freedom otherwise not experienced S. It. Adams, Manager THE DAILY NEWS HOLIDAY EVENT ! King's Birthday holiday tomorrow. 'parson writes psalm DEPLORING TROUBLES Humorously Set Korth IHf limit) of Trjlii; In l'leiiv Ills People LONDON, June 2. The Reverend Basil W, B. Matthews, vicar of Holy Trinity Church, has experienced so many problems of ministerial deport- aiay visit the colony, but In most cases ment In his parish "that he has written the children never return This system has been In eHect several years and only one baby has ever contracted leprosy. PLAYERS CLUB WILL REPEAT THEIR PLAY the following psalm about them: Be he grave or .crlous in his demeanour: sreklng to uphold the dignity ' of his cloth. He Is said to be standoffish, "pi and uppish: yes, the ungodly call him "Holy Joe." So then he trieth to be gay. greeting all and sundrv with a mcrrv test: but this. too. dlspleaselh some. The Players Club will repeat the, wuh young and madens. too. May, "Nothing But the Truth" at the httth nU proDioms: Ior u from them he hold aloof, they dislllke him much. So that when to him ther should turn as to a friend In need, with them he cutteth no ice. Again, If beholding overmuch Intemperance In his flock; he exhorteth all men to abstain from strong drink. He Is said to -be a killjoy, and Inhuman; a very Stlgglns whose mind Is straitened. But If he entereth a tavern, and putteth his foot upon the rail of brass; there be those who say. "Behold a wlncblbber." So when he bloweth froth he commits th Iniquity;, and when he bloweth It not he Is likewise a sinner. Let the servant therefore walk In the steps of his Master: and care nought for the opinion of) man. DAMAGES RESULT OF ASSAULT BY POLICE Claim Mailr by Jiuili'x IVIrlr Aguliiot City of Tort William Amounting tit HT.titH) FORT WILLIAM, June 1. Seven thousand dollar Is demandsd by Jas. NOTICE OP INTENT I ( l N T O APPLY TO Petrie. well-known Fort William citizen LKASf LAM. and manager lor a correspondence In Prince Rupert Ind Recording Dt- school here, from the city aa damage I chains east of northwest corner of Lotjfor Bn ,UM"iU,l lle ftUec' be 'e' j 68. Range 3. Coast District. ' I at the hands of a Fort William con- I TAKE NOTICE that 008. Packing ! Btabie m June, 1025. ' Company Limited, of Vancouver, occu- ...... ... ! patlon Ftsh Canncrs. Intend to apply I rhe M demand was set forth In a letter for permission to lease the following i from Petrle read at the city council d,Sm5Srf:t meetln' He 1. asking the city to make a post planted 30 : chains rum oi northwest Lot fj. Range '"P three years' salary and payment of 3. Coast District; thence south 6 chains; hospital and doctor bills. He names thnnoe enst lo chains: thence north S .,., two ,, local ..... business chains: thence west 10 chains to point oi commencement, ano containing 0 acres, more 'ir less. OOSSE PACKINO COMPANY LIMITED. Applicant Per H. Moorehouse. Dated April 2. 1927 men as witnesses of tbe attack. He declares he was calmly going about his own affairs wtien the constable suddenly assaulted him and gave film such a severe beating up that he was unconscious for three days. Is even now in "braces and corsets," and since the Incident has spent most of his time In bed. asn ana arry nM lnMr T3ID IMTn Grocery Sixth Ave. and Fulton SI. PRACTICE ECONOMY HY HUY-ING FROM THE CASH AND CARRY GROCERY VII L.VMU I Ull 111 IV REMOTE NORTH POINTS After a visit to Prince George district next week, Bishop E. M, Bunoz. O.M.I. i will embark on an arduous Journey, which ,he expects will take him all summer, to the most northerly and lnaccesnl- Quality and Quantity Guaranteed bie precincts of the large Northern Brit- lh Columbia and Yukon diocese over which he has charge. First he will Journey In from Wrungell up tho Stlklne CEREALS uuvcr vo ieiegrapn creek and neyona 7 It 11, . Back u.w.l 11. li & x. v K. Rolled nn. .1 n..(u Oatu Mcjmote rr., m,K ttnt "case itiver to tne re-7 of R(vcr c i"rv I'ood, 40c. out xrom this trip, on which he will . China t ii m i Lolled OatH, pkg 40c be accompanied by Father Allard. he will Corn FJakes, pkjr. v 10c then proceed north to the Yukon Ter- Shredded Wheat, 2 )kK. ..f.., 25c' rltory to visit the various Catholic Kellog'u Bran Flakc8,l2 pkgH. 23c Church charges in that country, it may be early fall 'before he returns from a Bacon, any good . brand, Blicetl, Jun, that win possibly contain some pur ib tq difficulties and hardships. ARRANGEMENTS FOR CARRYING ON THE BOYS' BAND MADE At the Rotary Club 'luncheon today Colonel J. W Nlchblls In announcing the resignation of nnnrlmmiter Wllarin. Carnation St. CharleB or Pacific j stated that arrangements had been Milk, case $5.50; made for carrying ou the band under a Prices on nil articles reducet to Mw ,edr "d they would practice as usual and fill their engagements to morrow. A permanent leader, he expected, -would be appointed very soon. Mrs, Brocklesby entertained the club today with a number of vocal selections accompanied on .the piano by her husband, address. MANLESS TRACTOR IS I LATEST INVENTION IS NOW READY! for prairie farmer Fl.MI HAY .M CltOHMMl Of MAV (IXIIN TO TAKE I'LACK AS l'AKT OF CIXLltlMTION been arranged. j Mrs. Dale Pitt, another of the May ! Queen, has arrived from Stewart to witness the event. I The schools are having the usual " LINCOLN, Neb., June I. A -manlcss" tractor, controlled toy an electric device, plowed a Cleld successfully recently before a crowd .of farmers, pro- ' . . . feasors of. agriculture and businessmen. All preparations have now been made . . . 1 r iTntrti MH Vt human Vi i rH Man( for the Elks Hag " day at Acropolis Hill . " . , " f ' , , . when ' the first furrow was plowed to on the King's Birthday tomorrow after- , ' . . , make a guide row, the machine, equip, : ' ' noon. This Is to be followed in the . , . , , . , . ., ped with an' autcmatlc guide Invented ' evening by the crowning of the Msy ' . . , , , , . , . , ,. ,. ty ' P. L Ztbach ' of Grand Island, ' Neb, Queen In which 28 girls will take part. . . , , . . . ... . ! , plowed a 30-acrc field. Ten of these are court girls .i and 18 1 . , . , . , , . . . The tractor runs In an Irregular take part In the maypole dance. A , , ,, lor replenishing the gasoline, and, oil. It needs no attention. The electric control stops the machine should it leave the furrow, and when the work is completed. Th invention was first tried in 1921, Ztbach said. Tiring of riding a plow, he attached his device to his tractor filled the machine with gasoline and turned It loose. , IN THE SUPREME COURT OF KRITISII COLUMUIA In the Matter of the Companies Act being Chapter 33 of the Revised Chapters ol British Columbia. 1924, and In the Matter of the Delta Copper Company Limited (NJ'JL.) TAKE NOTICE that an application will be made before the presiding Judge In Chambers at the Court House at Prince Rupert, Brlthh Columbia, on Tuesday, the 20th day of May, A.D. at the hour o: ten thirty (10 JO ajn.) o'clock In the forenoon for an Order permitting the above named Com pany to be restored to the Reslster .of Companies In the Province of British Columbia, In .tbe office of the Registrar of Companies, Victoria, B.C. dated at prince Rupert thla 19th day of April. A D. 1927. WILLIAMS. MAN SON & GONZALES, Solicitors lor the Delta Copper -Comia.nj (NJX ) LAND ACT NOTICE Ol" INTENTION' TO A PPL V TO LEASE I.AM). In Range 4, Coast Land District, Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate In vicinity of Captain's Cove. Pitt Island. B.C. TAKE NOTICE that Oom Packing Co. Ltd., of 32S Howe St.. Vancouver. B.C., occupation Pith Packers, intends to apply ior s lease of tne following described lands: Commencing at a post planted about mile distant in a northerly direction from Lot 1253. Range 4; thence north S chains: thence east 20 chains: thence south to shore; thence west alone shore to point oi commencement, ana containing 10 acres, more or less. OOSSE PACKINO CO. LTD.. Applicant. Per Chas. L. Roberts, Agent. Datfcd April 7. 1927. I.ANI) ACT. NOTICE Oi' INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LA.MI I OU INltl'MTKIAL PIKPONES In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Sewell Inlet, Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte Inland. TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Urzzlw Company Limited, of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Timber Merchants, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted approximately 8 chains aouth 20 dezreon east of the northeast corner of Lot 472, Sewell Inlet. Moresby Island; thence following the ihore line in an easterly, south erly and southwesterly direction t-j tu intersection witn tne eastern boundary of Lot 472; thence north 10 chains, more or lew. to the point of commence ment, ano containing zo acres, more or less. JOSEP.II DOUGLAS WILSON. Agent tor Kelley Logglii3 Co, Ltd. Dutfd 20th April. 1927. LAND ACT NOTICE OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LA.MI. In Range 3. Coast Land District, Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on the south shore of La- Bouchere Channel, B.C. TAKE NOTICE that Ousse Packing Co. Ltd-, of 32S Hnwe 8t . Vancouver B.C.. occupation Flih Packers, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at post planted at the southeast corner TX, 10390, Range 3. Coast Land District; thence south 5 chains: thence west 10 chains; thence north S chains to shore; thence easterly along shore to point of commencement, aud containing S acres, more or less. OOSSE PACKING CO. LTD, Applloaul. Per Chas. L. Robelts, Agent. tUrl April 7. 1027 LAND ACT. NOTIC E OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEAKE LAND Hilt INltl HTUIAL PI KPOHEN In Prince Ruert -Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Bewell Inlet, Moresby bland, Queen Charlotte hdaiulN. TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Logging Company Limited, of Vancouver, B.C., occupation Timber Merchants, Intends to apply for a leae of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the southeast corner of Lot 471, Bewell Inlet, Moresby Island, Queen Oharlotto Island, north, 31.43 chains; thence east 61.17 chains: thence In a southwesterly direction, folowlng the shore line to the point of commencement, and containing 30 acre, more or less. JOSEPH DOUOLAS WILSON, Agent for Kelley Logging Co. Ltd. Dated 2l)th April. 1927. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEAKE I'OKEHIIOKE, In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Bewell Inlet. Moresby Island. Ouecn ! Charlotte Inland. TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Logging Company Limited, of Vancouver, B.C., occupation Timber Merchant, Intends to apply for a lease of the following dfwribed foreshores-Commencing at a post planted at the southeast corner or Lot 471 Bewell Inlet, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotto Islands; thence In a northeasterly direction, following the high water mark to the southeast corner of Lot 409; thence in a southwesterly direction to the point of commencement, and containing 140 acres, more or lens. JOSEPH DOUOLAS WILSON, Dr Alftmirir crnVM a ahnrt i AKent for Kelley Logging Co, Ltd Dt.d 28th April. 1&J7. . f! oSllways fresh The famous vacuum (air-tight) tin insures Big Ben being in the same perfect condition when you buy it as when the tobacco left the factory. RIf.R nl u " - r CHEWING TOBACCO Ogdtn'H Cut Plug Ogdcn'H l ine Cut Old Chum Cut Smoking Tobacco Dixie Plug Smoking Tuliai .0 are also packed in the famous Vacuum (air tight; lin. WESTHOLME THEATRE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, 7 nnd a p.m. Saturday .Matinee at 3 p.m. RUDOLPH VALENTINO in "THE SON OF TBE SHEIK" A dramatic, spectacular sequel to hiM fumu "The Sheik" VIL.MA HANKY. KKOIKJE FAWCETT, MONTAl.l'F. WVE BULL .MONTANA. ACNES AYKES and many others. "OUK (JANG" COMEDY "WAR FEATHER PATHE REVIEW Admission 50c and 25c FOR RENT Johnson's Electric Floor Polisher $2.00 per day Let us know the day you war' It' Kaien Hardware Co. Phone 3 0" The Store for Dad and the Lad! Fancy Stripe Worsted SUIT for Men WITH TWO PAIRS PANTS Values to ?ui.00 . Special thin week $28.50 ThiH ia a genuine reduction oitantiiyji"'1 1"J runjfe includes, many of our niftiest pltleriTS. Some arc 1 striped English Worsteds. They nre cleverly BlyM. fully tailored, with pure wool lining. A real opportune make a real saving. Acme Importers Third Avenue. phone 339 m