Thursday, June 2, 1927 i 5331 mam This advertisement is nof pulilislici or displayed ly the I.Kiior Control Hoard or by Hip fJovftrniiipnl of lttilinh flo n m hi a. Neglected Eyes NECI.ECT Is doubtless the cause of most of the ills that afflict humanity. This is so self evident that it seems hardly necessary to tell you. If your eyes are Riving trouble, have them attended to- -and at once. OF All absurdities in the kingdom of foolishness, Rurely the Joss of eyesight through neglect id the, most Inexcusable. DO.VT lose health and effN ciency through neglect. Come and seel Fred Joudry Registered Optometrist and Optician Koom 3 Smith Clock I'honc 7f3 FleeT FOOT The Ideal Shoe for Summer and Sport Wear TRY TUB NEW HELV-oN Par chlltlicii,' fri)i .':s!tJ$c. ' For ladies, from $1.15 ror men, from $1.50 Jabour Bros. Ltd. Corner Third and Seventh I'honc ill 5 tMtRN OULfc R THAT VCiU MEET-? I a. i a i &svn. - t -- am &T Ask the master builders f this town where to ro for lumber and they will turn, your footsteps in this direction. They maintain that the kind ,of woods we sell is the sort that should bo put into -a bulldiiiK that is expected to live to n rire ojd njre. Albert & McCaffery 1'hnncH 11(1 and 117 CONSERVATIVE OPINION GI VEN HUDSON BAY RY. eimionton joritx.ii, says timr tOU OPI'OMNO ROAD I.H .NOW PASSED imOAI) CANADIANISM The Edmonton Journal, the organ of the Conservative party In northern Alberta, discussing the Hudson Day Railway says: On his return to Ottawa Mr. Dunning declared that lie had as yet formed no opinion as to whether' Nelson or Churchill should be the terminal of (he Hudson Bay Railway, lie Is to accompany the British expert, Mr. Palmer, tar those porta during the' summer and every aspect of the question of which Is to be (elected will be thoroughly Investigated. The Intimation: that the minister has (till an open mind on this phase of the undertaking Is a welcome one. He has been subjected to a vigorous attack, led by the Manitoba free Press, lor' reopening the question of, the re lative merits of the ports. In refusing to pay attention to this, and in pro ceeding with the enquiry he is taking a course In keeping with the responsibilities committed to him. His critics say that he Is encouraging the opposition to the project as a whole In falling to stand by the decision that was reached some years ago to make Nelson the terminal. But there Is no ground for this contention. DEFINITELY COMMITTED Whatever one may have thought of the wisdom of opening up the route, ;he time is past for opposing the fur ther expenditures that are' required for bringing it Into toeing and for subjecting It to a, proper test. The country is definitely committed to thewe WATER NOTICE DIVERSION AND USE TAKE NOTICE that Oosse Packing Company. Limited, whose address Is Van couver, B.C., will apply for a licence to i a no ana use Z3u,uuu ganons 01 water out of unnamed stream which flows northerly and drains Into Oreen Inlet about 30 chains east of northwest corner "of Lot C8. Range 3, Coast District. The water wilt be diverted from the stream at a point about 200 feet from mouth and will be used for domestic and com mercial purposes upon the land described as application to lease by applicants. This notice was posted on the ground on the 2nd day of April 1927. A copy of this notice and an application pur suant thereto and to the "Water Act" will be filed In the office of (he Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. Objections to the application may be filed with the saia waier ttecoraer or witn me comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament Buildings. Victoria, B.C.. within thirty days after tne first appearance oi tnis notice In a local newspaper. The date of the first publication of this notice is April 21. I27. OOSSE PACKINQ COMPANY, LIMITED. Applicant. By II. V. Morehouse. Agent. " LAND ACT. MITICK OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LANK. In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate 30 chains east of north wt corner of Lot 08. Range 3. Coast District. TAKE NOTICE that Oosse Packing Company, Limited, of Vancouver, occupation Fish Canners. Intends to apply for permission to lease the following described lands) Commencing at a post planted 30 chains east of north est Lot '88, Rangt 3. Coast District: thence north 5 chain to low water mark; thence east 10 chains: thence south 5 chains: thence west 10 chains, to point of commence' ment, and containing 5 acres, more of OOSSE PACKINQ COMPANY LIMITED. - Applicant, Per H. Moorehouse. gated 2nd April. 1927. NOTICE. IN THE MATTER 'of ,' ah application for the Issue ol'a Provisional Certificate ft Title' foK-Lbt one' hundred fciid sixty (160C)uieh;Cbarlotte District said -to contain.! pfic-htintfred and sixty (100) acres, more or less, excepting thereout twenty-one (21) acres and flve (5) acres thereof. Satisfactory proof of the loss of the Certificate of Title covering the above land having been produced to me. It is my Intention to Issue, after the exptra-i tlon of one month from the first publication hereof, a Provisional Certificate of Title to the above land In the name of: Pacific Mills Limited, the original Certificate of Title Is dated the 6th April, 1922. and is numbered 146B3 1. Land Registry Office, Prince Rupertj B.C.. 6th May, 1027. II. P. MACLEOD, Registrar of Titles. OGILVIE'S ROYAL HOUSEHOLD FLOUR ASK FOR ' OCItVIK JOmHovsriou). Sold by all Grocers S. C. THOMSON Prince Rupert, B.C. Northern U.C. Distributor l'hone ir,0. I'.O. Box 305 A Narthueai Product Kills Mosquitoes . CG5S: .1 "SWP I 1 1? II ... KILLS - Ants HJstt&UOSjUM wvsr Flies Bedbugs U At tckMifx Aural-cUr l.f wt ievtlvfxl M MWIon lnrun InJuittwl Ac it ,ch by faj KtUAtth t dloahib and the present problem Is simply that of getting the best value for the outlay. Every effort should be made to assure the success of the route and jits most persistent advocates ought to be the most anxious to have mistakes avoided. I It is to this end that the govern ment has called In Mr. Pahner and. If his findings show that the railway should be' built to Churchill rather than to Nelson, It would be folly not to accept them. In securing his ser vices and In having thorough aerial survey made of the strait; Mr. Dun ning and his cabinet associates have added to Instead of Impairing con fidence In the outcome of the enter prise. The government can np longer be accused of working In the dark. No one who looks at the-matter from the standpoint of a broad Canadlanism, however doubtful he. may have been of the soundness of the seheme, can have anything tout the best wishes for its success. Very little of the Op position to It has been dictated by sec tional narrowness, In spite of claims to the contrary. The great majority of the people of the dominion would be more than pleased if the pessimistic prophecies are shown to have been baseless and the route proves the great boon to those whom It serves that Its advocates have all along been confident It would prove. But It should have every chance to realize Its possibilities. MINERAL ACT (i.rni K) CERTIFICATE OP IMPROVEMENTS NOTICE -WESTERN HOPE," TRIXIE." and "OLD KENTUCKY" Mineral Claims situate In the Skeena Mining Division of Prince Rupert District. Where Located on porcner isiana. TAKE NOTICE that Lewis W. Patmore. Free Miner's Certificate No. 89151 C, the duly authorised agent of Frank Patter son. Free Miner's Certificate No 89137 C intend, sixty days from the date hereof. tn snnlv to the Mlnlnir Recorder for . purpose oi ODiaining a urown urant oi the above claims. And further take notice that action. under Section 85. must be commenced before the issuance of such Certificate of Improvement. Dated mis otn day oi May, ivji. LEWIS W. PATMORE. LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND. In Ramie 3. Coast Land District. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on the south shore of Evans Arm, B.C. TAKE NOTICE that Oosse Packing Co. Ltd.. of 325 Howe St., Vancouver, B.C., occupation Fish Packers, Intends to appiy lor a lease oi me toiiowing described lands: . Commencing' at a' post planted about 3 chains distant iri in, easterly direction from northeast corner Lot '740. Range 3; ttjavoe south JO chains; thence west fO(Ciiauw, "lenco norjru uj snore;-thence eafcteHv klohit ahorei to bolnt of commencement, and containing 7 acres, more or less. UOSSIS rAClvINO CO. LTD., Applicant. Per Chas. L. Roberts, Agent. Dated AprI 7, 1927. LAND ACT Notice of intention to apply to LEASE LAND. In Ranee 4. Coast Land District. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate In vicinity of Captain's Cove, rui isiana, u.u. TAKE NOTICE that Oosse Packing Co. Ltd., of 325 Howe St., Vancouver, B.C., occupation Fish Packers, Intends to apply lor a lease of the following described lands! Commenclnz at a Dost planted at the northwest corner of Lot' 1253, Range 4: thence north 5 chains: thence east 15 chains: thence south to northeast corner Lot 1253; thence westerly rlong shore to point of commencement, and containing 7 acres, more or less. QUSSE PACKINO CO. LTD., Applicant Per Chas. L. Roberts, Agent, Dated April 7. 1027. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND FOR INDUSTRIAL ITItPOSES In Prince Ruoert Lsnd Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Sewell Inlet, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Kellev. Lovslns Company Limited, of Vancouver, U.C, occupation Timber Merchants, intends to apply for . a leuse of the following described lands: , Commencing at a post planted at the southeiutt corner of tjit 470 Rewell Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands: thence north 80 chains: thence east 90 chalas. mor or less, to shore; thence following the shore line in a southwesterly direction to the point of commencement, aart containing 160 sores, more or less. JOSEPH DOUGLAS WILSON, Agent for Kelley Logging Co. Ltd. Dated 28th prU; 1827. THE DAILY NEW3 PAGE FIVE STRAWBERRIES IN FULL SWING Ltehrace itm iium plkntii ti, and TAKINO PI-UK OP APPLES SPEC ION IN POTATO MARKET FEED IS STRONG The strawberry season Is now on In full swing, first shipments of Washington berries the Clark Seedling variety-having arrived. These are in fall pint boxes and are meeting good demand lit 35c per basket. Prices will, be lower shortly unless the weather turns wet. , . Rhubarb from Terrace Is coming In plentifully now. The price Is four pounds for 25c and the quality Is good. ThU line has almost entirely displaced apples, which are out of reach and very scarce, as a dessert food. The sugar market is firm at present prices with advance? expected Eastern markets advanced twenty per cent per hundred about ten days ago but that advance has not yet been followed by British Columbia refiners. The old potato market is the subject of much speculation at this time, the ' situation having taken a complete reversal Elnce last report. It Is feared that the stocks on hand in the province today will not meet the demand until the price of the delayed crop of new potatoes Is seasonable enough for ordinary demand. Cbnsumer should protect themselves until about the middle of July. New potatoes are selling at 10c per pound straight but these are all Im ported stock. No word has yet been received as to when new spuds, grown In British Columbia, may be' available. Old beets are now cleaned up but new bunch beets are plentiful, the tops of I wnich are good enough to boll. The price is two bunches for 25c. Cabbage Is scarce and very high arl present. Never In the past ten years has the price scared so high. 'Cabbage Is retailing today at 15c per pound. The wheat market is advancing steadily and bears out predictions made In the last market report. Flour has advanced 50c per barrel In the post two weeks and may go higher any day. Feed wheat Is up about tlO per ton and the price Is now 12.25 per hundredweight. The entire feed market Is generally strong. Retail prices on the lorsl market today are as follows'"' LA It I) . Pure 25s Compound 20c F.UOU B.C. fresh pullets ; 35s 11C. fresh, firsts 1 . . ......... . 40c DC. fresh, extras U at. .t.f. 45c Local new laid 60c risii i HallbUt. lb I. . 26c Salmon, red spring 35c Salmon, white spring, lb 15c Smoked kippers, lb 15c I Kippered salmon. Ib. 25c Smoked black cod, lb 20c i Finnan haddles, lb. 30c Salt mackerel, lb. . . i, 25c 'Eastern salt herring, 3 tor . 25c Salt codfish fillets. Ib 250 Boneless salt cod bricks, lb, 20c MEATS Fowl. No. 1, lb 35c Roasting chicken, lb ASS Ham, sliced, first grade 55c Ham. whole, first grade 423 Hani, picnic, lb 20c l Cottage rolls, fb. . . . .A Bacon, back, sliced 60c Bacon, side ....40c to 55c Pork, dry salt 35c Ayrshire bacon, lb 35c Veal, shoulder 25c Veal, loin w.. 40o Veal, leg 40o Pork, shoulder 20c Pork, lolu ..,.4.. 40o Pork, leg 40a Beef, pot roast 12'c to 18c Beef, boiling 12c to 15c Beef, steak,, .'i'. .. .30c fo 4ic beef .roiuit.f prih)e, lib ,....,,. ... 30o Lnfnb, chopis ,i, J'.'i . ; . , . , , . 6 Oo Loiubw arioulder t)$ Kwl . . 35o Muttony nH-vvi-yr'' ,oc Imb. ieg , 48c Mutton, chops , .... 40o Mutton shoulder 30c IIUTTEK Brookfleld. Shamrock and Woodland, lb , 50a E.O.D., lb 60a Capital. 2nd grade, lb 45c Fraser Valley, lb , 55c New Zealand, lb 65o CIIKEHE Ontario solids 35o Stilton, lb. 85a I Kraft . 460 Norwegian Ooat ........ 650 Napoleon Llmbergcr 70o Roquefort ..................... 800 Swlfta" Buttercup, Ib...'."?.,,,.. 45c Oorgonzola, lb .n j. 76c McLaren 'a Cream, Jars,,.,'. 46a and 86o Oruyere V,,... 60c Oolden Loaf, lb. 45o Jack, lb COO HIKJAR White, per 10 75 Yellow, per 100 7.35 FLOUR .' ' Flour, 49's, No, 1 hard wheat aa.83 Wastry flour, 10' 65c Pastry flour, 49's ir.7". 3.00 VEOETAni.E.H Asparagus, 2 lbs. , 35c Beets, 2 bunches 250 Cucumbers, each aso B.C. Carrots, 1U. ..1,....,... 5c 100 Ibti , 4 14.00 New California kuucli carrots, 2. bunches 250 New Potatoes, lb..,s. 10c Pututoes, 100 lbs. ; ; IJ.28 Potatoes, 8 lbs. ..... 4, , 25c Oreen Peppers, lb, 60c Parsley, bunch 10c Rhubarb, 4 lbt ,,, , ... 26a r fire i they to r or .l Cauliflower. B.C. head.. 25c. 35c and 40c B.C. head lettuce, 2 for 25c Oarllc, Imported, per lb. 40c Bermuda Onions, 2 lbs 35c Cooking onions, Australian, lb 10c Oreen onions do, bunches 25c Radish, 3 bunches 10c Leeks, 2 bunches '.V. 25c Celery, head ... ..J 40c Sweet potatoes, 2 lbs 25c Hothouse tomatoes, B.C 40c Spinach, lb 10c New California cabbage, lb 15c New Parsnips, 3 lbs 25c Watercress, bunch' 18c l ruiiT ... Oranges. Navels, dozen 20c to 75c Lemons, sung 1st, aoz 35c Imperial Valley grapefruit, 8c and 10c Florida grape fruit 15c Bananas, 2 lb '. 35c Extracted honey, lb 25c and 35c Comb honey, section 30c Apples C" grade Wlnesaps 3.75 Apples, Yellow Newtona t4.50 Australian grapes, lb 40c Strawberries basket 25c '"-'", " DIIIED FRUITS Dates, bulk, 2 lb , 25c Dates, Dromedary ................. 25c Raisins, bulk lb 13 Rslslns, package 20c Cluster raisins, lb 25c Lemon and Orange peel 30c Citron peel 60c Black cooking figs, 2 Ib 35c White figs, 2 lb 35c Table figs, Ib. ......... .4.... 25c Currants 20c Prunes 10c to 25a Apples 25c Peaches, peeled 30c Apricots, lb. , . . 1 , I 4.4. 40o NUTS Almonfli, shelled Valencia ., v i 75c Brazils and filberts 25c Walnuts, broken shelled 60c Walnuts, shelled halves 65c Almonds ...i... ...... .....4. 35c Peanuts 20c Manchurlan walnuts 25c California walnuts 40c No. 1 mixed nuts 35c FEED 100 lbs. Wheat, No. 6 13.23 Oats 12.85 Bran . $2.00 Shorts $2.10 Middlings , $2.50 Barley .4 ......1 $2.75 Poultry maslrv,.. . tf....J $330 Special : cggmasbA . .i....... $3.60 Oyster shell . , .iVT $2.20 ecratcn food ..,,. .1. $320 Beef scrap Yi . . $5.00 Oround oil cake $4.25 Buby chlcit .feed $45 Fine oat chops . . , $2.95 Crushed oats $3.95 Fine barley chop $2.90 Whole cofh $3.20 Cracked com $3.30 Fine comment $3.30 MODERN HYGIENE IN STATE OF JUGOSLAVIA Z AO REN, Jugoslavia, June 2. Compulsory medical examination of brides and bridegrooms is required under a provision adopted by the state Senate. Priests are forbidden to conduct a wedding and registrars to Issue a license-Unless certlNvHlte 'WP'guod health are produced. Hotel ,rO oblcm no r m .L - hi - HotJ u IK k1' Hen . . .-ho1' ." -v VZJim of r . : tn Jon . ..riii im-- it an a V the It So I i"r coo nt I"' cream It'" i ... , r o i r' rin DENTIST Dr. J. R. Gosse Helgerson Block X-RAY SERVICE Phone 686 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Evening Appointments Ranadian National cThc Largcfl Railway Syslcm in America .Steamship and Train Service 8AILINII from PRINCE RITERT for VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, 'sKATTLKi rath Tlll'RSDAY anil SUNDAV, ll.iw p.m. F4ir ANYOX WEDNESDAY. 10-00 p.m. rr STEWART SATURDAY, 10.00 p.m. S.K. PRIME JOHN for VANCOUVER Via OIIKEN illAKIAITIE l-UNDH, fortnlchtlv. PASSEX1ER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY at 11.30 a.m. for PRINCE flEOKOE, EDMONTON, MINNIPEO, all )4lnts Eastern Canada. United stale. JASPER PARK I.ODflE OPEN MAY 21 TO SEPTEMBER 30. SEE CANADA IN CANADA'S JUBILEE YEAR l7 - 1957. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Use Canadian National Express for Money Orders, Foreign Cheques, etc., also fur your next shipment. CITY TICKET OFFICE, 528 TIIIIHl AYR PRINCE RUPERT. Phone 260 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED, Sailings from Prinre Rupert., For VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Swanlon Hay, Alert Hay, etc Tuesday! 6 p.m. For VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. Ilutedale, Alert Hay, etc Hat onlay a a.m. For PORT SfMPSO.N, ALICE ARM. ANYOX, STEWART, Wales Island, BUflV day, 8 p.m. For Nuas River Points and Port Simpson, Thursday p.m. 123 Xiid Avenue. R. M. SMITH. Atent. Prince Rupert, B.C. Through tickets sold to Victoria niul Seattle at a reduced rate anil luggage rlieckeil through to destination. Prince Rupert Auto Company S Amenta for Hudson and Essex Super-Six Cars Second Avenue, opposite Prince Kupeit Hotel, l'honcs 75 and 275 Advertise in "The Daily News"