PAGE FOUR A Special Nurses' Watch We have just imported these watches for nurses. All the steel parts are made of stainless steel so that water will not rust them in case they fret wet. They have a seconds hand for counting the pulse and the movement will run forty . hours, so that if winding is forgotten for a few hours, the watch will still be rim-ning. Trices from $18 to $...O0. rlFWRI.I.FRS v. IEsLthE STORE WITH THE CLOCK THE PIONEER LAUNDRY KIDS WE DO HIS COLLARS Ur SO FINE about Your Ey es I lnCtK. WOK.K rOK MlWt SHE first told him abut this laundo'. She told him that we did up her shirtwaist and her other silk things in a delightful manner. Then he sent us a trial order of a dozen collars. He and she agree that this is some laundry. Pioneer Laundry I'hnne 118 CONSULT US DO not hesitate to consult us about your eyes. Our experience will be of real value to you. Not a day passes that we do not hear gratifying reports from thoe we have fitted with glasses. WE request your patronage with confidence secure in the belief that nowhere will you obtain better service or more conscientious treatment. IF you require glasses a thorough scientific examination will reveal the fact. If you do not require them, we ill candidly teil you so. Fred Joudry Registered Optometrist and Optician Room 3 Smith Mock I'hone 76.1 V.E PLEAifTHE MEN WHO KNOVf THE C-AME - AMD WE CAN aViT YOU JUi T -rue (Aub . v iive &ot mo) Myku One mighty substantial reason why every builder, large or small, can fee! safe, In purchasing lumber from us is that the manter build-ers and contractors of this community swear by and not at the lumber they purchase from us. Albert & McCaffery Phone 11(1 nnrt 117 7713 Da 17.7 Itr.u BRINGING UP FATHER J DOMr C0MPLAiN--r, -yoon own I 1 V J I oont kmow vht lad I liHttil PTl FAULT-VOO COTTA IN "THERE assVy TO DO I NaOWDER IP I Cf ffilHI 1 T OS4TlL,l KM FIDSOMaNWHlSKERt, JMW i COULD MAKE SOME ! - -- J? ', !fH 41 -KORtOU! ' ijji 1 VVHIKERO OuTjOFJROPEfc F t .:.Jjjff mmr, mm, rmii sli jsh ivo v-" l HOSPITAL BOARD HOLDSMEETING ni Mi:ss ut Mkiit wis i,iu;e-i.V or icoi tim: wti kk The hospital board met last evening at the hospital with President J. It Thompson in the chair. Others mem-btrt present included W. c. Orchard. ' C H. Elklna. H. B. Rochester. Mrs II, F Glatty. U W. Waugh. Aldermen W J. Orter and O. P. Tinker. Before proceeding with the business of the meeting the president welcomed H. B. Rochester as a new member ct the board. Two letters were read from a concern in regard to Installing a small ice caking plantain the hospital and wre laid on the table until further information j ocold be obtained. ) In presenting the report of the house J committee for the month. C. II. Elklnsi recommended that the tender of thai Canadian Laundry be accepted as the lowest tender received for the doing ! the laundry of the hospital for the year suiting April I. The Pioneer Laundry tendered $6.75 on nurses' uniforms at compared with the Canadian tender of WOO and for flat work the tender of the Pioneer Laundry 'was H0 per month as compared with the Canadian tender of 1100. The board accepted the recommendation of the houe committee. The committee was also given poer to proceed with tbe construction of s walk to the nurses: home at an approx imate cost of 1150. and to call for tenders for new front doors for the hospital building. The report of th finance committee presented by Alderman XI. P. Tinker showed that tl.7S9.4S more had been expended during the month than had been received. There had been 1283 hospital days during the month at an average cost of 13.28 per hospital day. juts, uiassey asked the board or as many members as possible to meet the Ladies' Auxiliary at some convenient date and it was finally decided to ar range for a meeting on April 7. Th board also granted tbe auxiliary the request for one of the wards facing the harbor. In future the auxiliary will look after the renovation and furnish ing of this ward as their own TO STAGE ANOTHER PLAY DURING APRIL -.Nothing But The Truth- l Selection of Wajers Club Which .Met lj-t Kt ruing ThePrtnce Rupert Players'. Club will jtage the play "Nothing But The Truth" .about tbe end of AprU it waa decided. FREE BABY BOOKS On request we will acrul feeding chart and valuable Baby Welfare Book containing authoritative Information on baby's altep, bath, clothing, exercise, height, weight and common ailment. Addt The Boidtn Co. Limited . Vancou var ?"2.39SE;i3l3Sv I I ' 'W3 -e,"-:.".! 'ST III F SW ,.r."-l I - A II I! I I ",-ifc. frn I . HXk INDIGESTION Gas on Stomach Caused Severe Pains l Mrs. P F WWler, R.B. No. 1, j N'l'" uen r.wen. itasK.. wnl.-s: -"tor years my eMet son suffered from severe pains ami ajpiny from iniperfeet digestion, lie dieted and vi-ed arllfleial uifertam, .nt tJl to no avaiL At last I got him a IwttI of and La Lad not takea the whole bottle before he was greatly relieved. The severe stomach attacks ceased, there was ao more gaa oa the stomach, aad he eoold eat aaytilag he wished." Pat op only by The T. Milburn Cm, jUaated. ToroaU, Oct. on recommendation of tbe casting committee, at a meeting of the club in the I.ODX. HaU last evening. Business of the evening included the presentation fit the financial report which ahowed the organization to be in a fair condition. Several new members were ae-sipted. the total membership of the club now being about sixty. The presl- lent. J. S. Wilson, exprewed the regret it the club at the departure of Oeorge tarsoo. an active member, who has .,one to Premier, and Mrs. Atiek. a member of the executive, who will be leaving text week to take up residence in California. Urs. C. E. Cullln was elected Co :ucceed Mrs. Atack on the executive. At the conclusion of the business, the good attendance of members present enjoyed a -dance for which music was furnished by tbe club orchestra consisting of W. H. P. Fleming. A. L. Sh&rpe and JUnmte Currte. This or- .hestra was augmented by further musical talent including Dave Rons, 8. V. Reitb and W. S. Hoss. Tbe festivities continued untU midnight. IIOTtX AKKIVAM. Prince It u pert . Oeorge Kerr, A. Have. W. E. Draney, X V. Vaughaa. Oeorge W. Taylor and U. O. Graham, Vancouver; Mrs. Busbby, Ttctoria: A. Simpson. Jasper: E. M. Detri'ck, Winnipeg: M. L. Clark, Oeorge-swn. Central A. Dick and John McNeill, Vancou- l W. Alrd, CJlil.: 81s Hendron. city. Sawijr H. A. Ross and A. Oyr, Vancouver. xrs C. Turner and Mrs. B. O. Moore. Srjawatlana. Advertise In The Da II V Nrws- SENIOR STUDENTS AT ! LADIES' MUSIC CLUB ICrrllal llrlil rMrriMr After- ikmhi at Home nf Mrs. It. I. It was neuter students' day at the m ting of the Ladies' Music dub yee-i relay The meetlMg took plvce at the .;.me of Mrs. R. L. Uclntoab. OsUIsyde, 10 Pounh Avenue West, and the ram waa in tbe hads of Mrs. Melu- mx assisted by Mrs. W. T. Kergtu. The program was aa follows: O Canada." Plan: duet 'Dame Opera 104" (Cad ian Miss May Ness and Miss Ireee Mitchell. Violin solo- "OoBcerto B. Major. Al-'.ro and Andante" 8t4U). Mis wana Olafson. accompanied by Prof. ; Aubrey Pryee. Piano solo "MoonUght Iteverie" tWy-jnni. Miss Vlctorta Krtkevaky. Solo "Harleqvin' (SsiKtrrnoH). Mrs. J. P. McMillan. Piano MCia -"Nocturne Opus S, No. a" (Chopin). "Duly Puller. Violin solo "Adoration" BarOwkl) P. Smith, accompanied by Mrs, IoM Rosa. Piano solo "Nine Variations tn A Major" (Beethoveni. Miss Ruth Oltlies. Solo "A Little Coon's Prayer" (Blanche Hope). Mrs. a D. Janastone . ooompanled by Mrs. Donald Roaa. Cornet solo "My Task" tAshford). 3'"y tVII(I. accompanied by Miss iwana Olalson. Solo "Friend CMlne" (Sanderson) Miss Cathie 'Jones. Paper -"Beethoven" Miss Pierce. Sonata "Opus 13 Pathetique" l Beet-loveni. Miss- Margaret McCaffery. God Save the King." SUCCESSFUL WHIST DRIYE AND DANCE Irtolali Urre IUteei al Knjojable Cirul jt Mtit In IWnlun Hall A successful whist drive and dance waa held last night In tbe Boston Hall y the Rebekah Lodge. There were eighteen tables of whist ind the prize winners were aa follows: Men's first, Sam Haudenschlld; men's tecond. D (lraham: men's coasatatlon. Jonn Bergman: ladles' first. Mrs. E. jSaxon; ladles second. Mrs. J. M. Mor rison: ladles consolation. Mrs. 8. J. Bacon. Refreshment were served and dancing 'olios ed. MU3lc was furnished by Arthur's Orchestra and the proceedings continued in full swing until 2 o'clock In the morning. A. R, Phillips acted as master of ceremonies and O. Kelly officiated at the -loor. The committee responsible for the niecess of the event consisted of Mrs. James Simpson, convener. Mrs. Jack Js JourMafy Steadily faininjri A normal infant shows steady progress. That is natural. If your baby is not doing so consult your doctor. If it is a food problem, Eagle Brand may solve it. For bottle-fed babies Eagle Brand has been the standby of mothers for three generations. It is especially valuable in difficult feeding cases, being such a safe food pure, uniform, ei sily digested. You will be pleased to see your baby begin to thrive immediately when placed on a carefully prepared Eagle Brand diet. It is highly endorsed by doctors and nurses. Sold by druggists and grocers everywhere, EAGLE BRAND COMDKMJID MILK. V anted For Sale For Rent By George McM NOWToUT'r.fH Ml G'tU A' ' ' 1' ,' il II .TITI YfT. a i ,;uu.. W. ; F J"". fc2KiiT.:-is:r.;t; i.I I I -J ' . ' asssssTV -sn X af T 11 I 1. kfi - r' 1 11 a V . ii . . II' r L.M flUHn'L' F : - ' lrJ aL. '2" "1 iWM rW' flr. :- , J L. 1 cL. J fi h. (I) f'1 DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word In advnnce. No Advertisement taken fo Jet. than 50c WANTIM) WANTED. YOUNO PBBSON WITll practical knolde of txotkrepiag to take etaarge of store. Anply lv 29. Daily New Offire. WANTED.- SMALL rUltNlSliED IIOUSK r umubxd taottsekeeBtng runma. ApplyBox 28. Daily Nrws omee 71 WANTED.-Olia - rOK O E N K It A L bottnework. Pnone 211. 70 ACKNTS' WAXTKI) MAN OK WOMAN TO TRAVEL AND pfxMat toaal retKrveasaUeea. til wrckly avetmte and etpetswa. and cnsamksstaii bosaW. Rxpenmoe un-ertary Write tor psrtaoutars Wroston Oo. Tnraats. 71 FOU SAI.K HOTEL FOR SALE. THE PRE-M1E8 Hotel. Queen Charlotte OUy. Seventeen rooms. Urge dining room. ksMsy. kitchen, large range. wHl eaulpfd. Power Uondry. meat house, new eire-trie light plant: all well fttrniehed. Two a to res downstairs, one rented, also a cotuge rented. Two targe lata. Plenty of garden space, small traits and a nice pleasure boat. Tbe only hotel tn the dsstftet. near two targe canneries. Headquarters for ftstwr-men. logger and cruisers Sawmiu at present taut down but may reopen shortly if you can secure a beer Mcenee. tM H tbe best buy m British Columbia. Prtre romnlet. t7XXX300 oasn. In votw atoek. Enpuire R. O. MeKenaie. Queen Onartotte City. DC. eg 3COW FOR SALE.- M FEET I M FEET. Scow hat steel house 39 feet by 19 feet which can be detaefeed. Stittable in present condition for bow boat, camp, cook bouse or for IrsHnportttsg perishable freight. Vuloan Ironwork Limited. Vancouver. B.C. 70 FOR SALE. TWENTT HORSEPOWER Kenruth marine engine tn first das running order. Price reasonable. Terms cash. Apply to Dr. large. Port Simpson. so X)R SALE. SIX ROOMED HOUSE and lot. 311 SevruUi Avenue West. Apply Frank Deiry. 8M Borden 84. Phone Blue 24U tj OPPORTUNITY! 14X10 A MONTH NOW buys your future homealte Walker Music Store Boddle. Mra CT V. Wilkinson; Mr Thomas Priest and Mis Muily Watson. JULY 1 CELEBRATION COMMITTEE TALKS OF PLANS AT MEETING The July 1 celebration committee held a meeting last evening and db- cuwed plans. No decisions were reached In regard to the general program which will probably extend for the three-day period of Friday. Saturday and Sunday, July l. a and 3. with the first two days belngfflven over to sports and Sunday devoted to a fitting observance in the various churches. Virions members of the committee of-'ercd suggestion In connection with tbe sport program and the maimer of obtaining financial asatstane was alto discussed. The published list of the various committee waa confirmed and. at an early date, the executive, composed of the officers and the chairmen of committees, wlu meet for further discussion of plans. The meeting was presided over by S. D. Macdoiuld. Vice-chairman .ml Harry Breen acted as secretary. CIVIL ENGINEER WHO WAS HERE IN EARLY' -DAYS DIES IN EAST Word lias been received In the city of the death at Windsor, Ontario, of J. E Mahon. civil cnjlncer In. tb employ of the DTtnlnlon Brldg Company. The Jtte Mr. Mahon will be remembered by old timer in th city who were her alien the company, with which he was AUCTIONKEK MY BDSINBW 18 nUVINO. SELUNO and esehangtttg and looking alUe my business) for ostein la nintis a ltd Umm without emtoes have no butts tt to be In tstulMess. Emosoy me setslng by assctsoa That H Mui. neea. MttsfscOon and rseulu. Q, p Urine, PHone 114. Vim KENT lOlt RENT-PIANOS. PHONOaRAPIta and SiMger Sewlag Mae-tttftes. Wslker's MUSi SUiTS. FOR KENT Itouse. ISAM. PUItNHUIED MODEftN Hr Hr. ill Kntstth PUHNUHFD SUITES FOR Apply Maasallem Oroewry FOUN KENT. Phone II ROOMS TO RENT. PHONE 871. it FOUND. TAKE NOTICE THAT I. L. K Dttton. Intend to aead one mare and colt strayed to the farttt. fr feed cost L. K. Dwtton. Kllatata. DO. LOST LOST- Child's rsinhat. dropped from hucgy. Finder please return to I avis iteer ItOAItl) BOARD. - THE INLANDER. Second Avenue. Phone IYI HEMSTtTClltNO PICOnNO SCAUOP-tog. M. Maodonald. Escnang Block DOl.lw-tK STOKE We have dhron tinned Uae MOMI'.V I'AriMMlK See our tone of ikiI'm: HKif:-4 tnr Nothing over a dollar. IXlU.tK $ tori: iiowiMov iiHMTtw: r.M 11 mii; l-wnrfty A darnen. praptMor 144 Third Avenue Phone UUfk III Furniture of Low High Low High employed, waa constructing th Zsnardl Low Jirldg for ll railway. j all rwrte Eiananged UPIIOI-STEIMNC FURNITURE KKPAIRINO: UPHOL-sirring of sll kinds Chesterfields recovered and made to order. AH 1 1 work guaranteed. O. M. HUNT. Phone Oreen Ml. WOOD A. iHt.tfiOM . . I , el f'ove, ' , . Mld Wood nibrks per losd tdiM Klndllnn, I load IJ0 Furnace Wood, per load tlM DNltered. Salt Herring riione Ulak 161 ItliSTAUKANTS (ItlOU KATH t'.tl'F. Mrs. Ungrr. ProprleUM , Thirds Avenue. Nest O. W. V. A. 1immI Hume Cmied Mesla. Phone nisrk 700 TAXI I'hone r,7 Tnl . (Call GcorKe, 1'nul or Hunt) Six and Seven I'ansenKer Sttnlo-bakerA nt your dlnjioanl any time. KOSS McOS. I'OOI. KOOM Meeker lllork. ' 'Acro from Kmnre Hotel I'MNCH KUI'KKT TIDES .. 0:30 am. 3(1:34 pjn. 0.09 a.m. 13:31 pin. M.SOW. MAKfll 8 00 a.m. 31:43 p rh. 1 30 a m. 14iS4 p m. JI i- :i. tlrr 'he I Hi . . t , ' !' o: '' I , . I hr W. r lr . . I'jIuii.'i . A.' I . -pir.; 4 .., a lir-t ,.nt.:ira! . --! Uen ' mh . .1 hi,;.' w ... fry I , : !. Kt '.m hr' a d IJAIIH a Fehri. MAnatTr - Will, ill- L' COVLItNMKNT !j .unci; m trrurui: IJllv . NOTUT 19 HITV-he 'l. II) o! A Ul".ll '.I ll uard !. ! s l:r, .-en. i, r. taw Inlf lemr.iu Q.i' ' tnr . : Bi.:..-. Mid dfrrribK! ort)-t'..'if ii .-. unomi iii5 -leaji'i.'. To leat i in ... M I.-' a : r Plan lirpi -Ifllce jt th' ' h Pf Titve -uabifi io? i he tin or bj t tuantK ii or. DATKD a Ith oVt of M -ins ii I I'V in . Anil,, Lottie Founi, NAVHJAIILK m ' TIOS Krf ff nit-4 MAOBWT7 ( Ce, 4 i. of t -noVKHNMKNT IH MIIH t Of lit 1.11 1 " ' NOTt IK lf r" the 11. da' iTii .. lr . fjn'i- !i-Beer I mrr N respr" ! p'' ' in i .t i ttr: to rr,t n stn-th IT... IK' ' tir :,i .: . i ii I i it i .ii hi ill Map N' Me:-'. ' n : Brl'i.ii Hi Centta' Mo'' Pr.ii'f K I)"-; Umbla ' :S " DVlHi 1 I lest ! 'I j'. ot M A." Six! Ije -ii .f t:,. -j,-ut an) ' i timi M HANK HI TTiY A I'stti: or w -i POKT IU ' ' T mi' . i ' on " ! - ' m -' ' , i,i . .! :l ! lie - .ilia ! ' ir i"" aij: NAVKiAHI.K W T TION K.ra.r tils' ' William J ' r" tlee be has. i" " Art. dpolled ; public Works at O f tn Dbrtri ' K' Keiriatry um prince Huper ait and the t. . ilan- to be built . 7t 4807, DlstrM ' And take noti tion of tin mon' " licatlon of this n ; ford will under 8r apply to the Mm arhui office in i" IppVoval or the .' leave to construe! Dated at Ste " '' March. I7 , w 11 i,ANI VCt i mow, M.titrii si . .,,,.,, o Hmh i:io., mo ft I M"!"'!"1.?"'" 13:14 pm. " dste. l' '""Vls'Si ' of Lai. CommlMtpner siTi i.i.iv ui.M-.i " InrnaneCI I0r t""' 1 . 174 ft.KreroriTndbwn-rtr ... rvunmenrininrt . 148 10.1 7.1 "-! ,. ,.. WMl mM t ni m enaii.-. enaii", "a 't-ito iolBt of eomintn ,, 157 ro.7 0.4 lion SI. Townsnip , Ai Dated UtrttaW I 17, l24