frsd.v-' Mar li "J, 19:7 It Look ii lastrs Xkr labil it MILK That is lie J and Whit extraordinary Tw lif t goes into the Tuit and Small Carnation quality farms selected Force informing and education scientific treatment Carnation purity YouH like milk made doubly safe by sterilization. of cream at diluted in all less of Srnd Conk "Prom Contented Cows" nawmtgwiflmi "Milt The mJ'JL S:- ?- m We are the Sole ORIGINAL i OILLT LUXURIES IS, MOKNY tt zui Menem imp.!, umhioii, "UIAMIXADK" "JUNK HUSKS" "MYtiTEKlKlME" AlOI.KTTK MOKNY" "HOSE YKUYBINK" i i: . ..moil:' I'cfumeit usm! Piiv.-.k"-. ice ued in every l . i al of horif.i". 'fi'M'. I v ' ;".liiy and enchant : r ii ive wo', tl.r.'n ti i :ii, r ival of society women ' Ku. .! and America. W !:. llie Pvrfunw Tnilut WiIit. Var Pnwiir. I .In Salve. 1'. .ill S..:. rSith Duhtlnv land Shaving Soap In wooden ORMES I TO. v The Pioneer Druuuisln Three Kijfi.'ieictl Hum mat Avenue and Gth Street Phones 82 and 20 U It m HI IK VII BI ii no you Dr, Jos 9 ban IiIh Over Ornies I'lmn.t .':'.' Lrramu a fragile food, easily spoiled. is why Carnation takes such " care with the milk which Carnation tin. starts at the farm. Selected herds the Carnation Field an endless tcrvice of inspection on the farms rapid handling these are the secrets of and quality. Carnation Milk. It is just pure, fresh rich by evaporation and kept Use it undiluted in place one-third the cost of cream. Use it cooking with better remits and cost. Order several tins or a case 48 tins from your grocer. lor a free copy of Mary Blake's Book. Addnss Carnation Milk I'mducts Company, Limited, Aylmer, Ontario. .nation Produced in Canada A fonts for the Powder. Snun i.r the bath. bowls. ' Wf Bi . HO know: &l aguire office Drug Store Iidy Asit;inl Tt Tr 1 HERE linovtM' Co. to moH'I us a demon .U l lit J'-'vll W 1 IIV'UIV v 1 i T....4. 1 ia uiiiii mi i-ari-'uuMi. in rrn a Offiic I It".: iv . to ! evt ry day. i H l n I : i V A)i(it).::itlt:Cli: i, r lll' III TIVi: MflPC JOHNSON'S I.KilHI) WAX O-CUDAU FLOOR SIOl'S OM) BNtJMSII H.OOR WAX 0 ( EI)AK FUKYfrtUUB FOKISII OLD ENfiUSH Ll(iUlI) WAX Mail Orders laiefully filled Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. HE'S i ii!T:tiiirtd with tltr VIMWjmiiailVJI 11111 1JU 111111113 4 1,.. .-.l.t. .t iJ.. . i k w mi iiiii wim it iii.t im Creamy Kaien Hardware Co, THE DAILT NEWS PAJE THREE IK I. I I. hi I hi Local and Personal ii ! LAST NOTICK Arihur'i Txl. rhon 818. BO ItiiUcrUktn. Phone 41. MiKjac whist drive and dance. Friday, Kirch 25. . , 71 ShoVsr"cljQ.urLi new ut UoArthurv ! 0liW6Ujre. ' . tt, - : j iimr iiir itoMiiuui at ti- sai.aiioii f u",, ,r''; 71 1 Ocl th B.s 4 habltl When Ulnkln!f of a Txi. phone 4. til !' Jamei Hunter fined 5 thw morning in the police .court for driving a motor car without license plate. Orange Ixxlge whlt drive and dance la Vlropcle Hall tonlht at Bao. lira. rondcr'i orcJieitra. .dirauion, la lie 60c. teutlemtn 7 So. I Mctoralilp Belllagham. Captain J. E. Ar.derKm arrlvM y cater day. afternoon from Ketchikan with one carload of fmh halibut for ahlpmcnt by rail to New York. CH.R. itemnrr Prince Ocorge. Dept. '.fcluiJS Harry Koddcn, will irrlTe at 7 o'cloc't; thU evening from Anym. nlllng at 11. m n s gikhuii aiui daurhtor m 'o'cloek tor Ocean PUto. Powell River and Vancouver. " i ... .. MIm Helm McRae, RJ., calls tonight j on thc Pr'nce tor Vancouver enroute to Los Anjelei. here ihe expccU to engage in her profcsslcn as a nurfc. Htr many friends will regret to learn that Mrs. ciurlci P. Balagao. 325 Fifth Avenue Wert. Is aeiKnasly UI In the Prince Rupert Oenerel HosplUl aufferlng from pneumonia. j - I ! There were rumors yesterday of mur- dcr and bloodabtd at Smlthera. Ap- psrently all there as w It waa a drunken brawl In which a man la re- 'ported to have been slightly out. ' The 'K" Une freighter Yaye Mani " "km from the ocean deck to thc elevator by Capt. Urry Thempson yet- Urday afternoon and started loading wheat this morning The veaael should get away for the United Kingdom or 1 continent by Sunda) with a tuu cargo i of 300.000 bushels. t "" . THA TUB CIIBAI'BST DI'.INK I.N THE WOKI.I) - the cheapest and most wWely consumed drink In the world. As a drink It tsj ....... .w . u. .i.lM0 Tl inarr'-age will take place In Tea'l. W"tront " ChP; ' Vancouver r.ext monjh., i PERSONALLY CONDUCTED I tUKUrt-til lUUKu mcet ner s181. Ml" Sus'e Haddock, I who will arrive at Vancouver on Sun- , bewitlr board tnt atcamef Empress of Personally Conducted Tours have ,rom Northern Chlha where she this i''" arranged Summer, under the joint upervlslon of the Canadian National!11" tnWa ln M""7 k Railways and the Canard Steamjhtu i ,nd ,rora ,ch oouiT missionaries Company to Great Britain and Europe iwrre ordered on account of tre recent and return. All transportation, hotel Uturbances. Miss Haddock expects to and alght-seelng expenei Included lulbrln n Prtn Rupert for a lares, call at City Ticket Office. Third Avenue, or phone 200. for particulars and descriptive literature. -4 4 ANNOUNCKMBNTS St Andrew's S-.Wlcty taidJcs Auxiliary Easier 8j1c April 6. Ilwipltfll Auxiliary Tea In St. Andrew's Rooms. April 8, Dullodil Hall Easter Monday. Anill.-nn Tea and Sle of Work, April 19. BKtahlislied 11)2.1. III Office Hours: II a.m. tti i S.i I ii i day: U a.m. to l p.m. inn Any L'vciiinif ly appointment DKNTIST Bechance lllock. Phone 111!) k'4 ' iMi$.' ALE & STOUT U It lg It I. t rrroni' niilttlf Ity nirdlm) trnrtttlnrr for run Hnn i !MMtili ti lieu I tti - - uttrTcr' lux from nnnml. t'HMne nf IiIimhI. rtoMvlliintl)!) rtr. lriitklM tl ilallr will hullH up Bitr milk il Inti, If Mnbtaln Hhl( writ 'MVltf. City Clean Ui Week .March 20 lo April 10, VJ21 Citizens of Prince Itupcrt are hereby notified that all premises must be crtaned up , by jy the the above above date. date. The The City City i Kryineer will advie anyone in icirard to dumpiny grounds ancj reccjve complaints. Citi- zens arc rc,ucfltcd to ntnrt ) e?rlJ' 1,1 rder f haV.e 8 rCa' t clean city for themselves and for nil visitors. Uy order of the City Author- Hies. 71 CITY' ENGINKKIJ. .. .t4. ... . ... -- - - Hear !!. KAjk IUi:d at the Saltation Army Hail, Iri.lJj. 71 Our Kliuigle cost Ivufc and laM longer. beal Cove Lumber Co. tt CJi.n. steamer rrlncc John wUI nr- rtrc in port to.n&rtow iiwnilng Iromj Vaiieouwr via Ihib Unpffi f.harntt Th. ..r;. on th. catali" on Seuixv tram Vancouver. They will take up residence in the Smith Block. Mr. an1 Mra. j, a. Murray, formerly locatcd rrernlcr. left on veterdaVa traln Ior Vancouver. Mr. Murray was ifonntrly postmaster at Premier. .nnuai youuir PeoDle-s Concert will i,e held in Silvallon Arwy lUllou Friday. AUxch at 730. tTlwa lor attcnduice uurtIlg 192o wllT distributed. 71 : J. . j Captain Itanl of Seattle, who Iim 1)Cf.n ta lne clty ,n connection with thc loading of the gn slilp Yaye Mam. Is returniiig aouth on the 1'rlncc Ocorge tomorrow morning. t'niou steamer Catala, whldi arrives tvm u,e ioutn oll Sunday afternoon. ,jU continue to call at both Anyox .ld gtewart on her weekly trips north. lt was sUtcd ln stewart paper that tne Aoyox call was bilng dropped. The cogagemtnt Is announced of Miss ;Lcrna Doiae Frascr cf Vancouver to 'Major W. C. Rosa of Klmberley. ,The grocro-clrcl, who Is a barrUUr and the son cf Hon. W. R. Ravi.' formerly pro- vinclal mlnMcr cX lands, formerly pntc- tlsed tile profe!cn at Stewart and was an uiuiueceaslul candidate for AUln riding ln the provincial election Of Miss Isabel Haddock, deaconess of the United Church, sails pu the Prince visit. Bruce Colquctte, who has been patient in the local hospital for several months. Is sailing tonight for Vancou- ivc, Urt summer, white employed at me iTcmicr mine aunng the vacation, he had the misfortune to have both legs hn.i.n broken, ... and from ,, there was brought to the local hopltal where ha hat been receiving attention. Mr. Col- qutttc. who was a student at thc Uni - nersuy oi uriusn Columbia, la maklna good progress and Is at present able to get abcut on crutches? WKATIII.U UU'llllT. Prince r.upcrt. Clear, calm; temper - aturc. 40, Tcirace. Clcvdy, calm. temp. 30. Roiswood.Cloudy, calm. temp. 34. Alyanah. Cloudy, calm, temp. 35. Alice Arm. Cloudy, calm. temp. 38. Anyox --Cloudy, calm, temp. 42. Stcwart.--Cloudy. calm, temp. 40. Telegraph Creek. Cloudy, calm, temp. 30. Smlthera. Clear, calm. temp. 30. Burns Lake. Clear, calm, temp. 17. liLaiton.-..Part . .,.. 80. WhHrhorsc. South wind,, temp. 30. Dawscn. Cloudy, calm, temp. 22. Port Selkirk 10 above. CAN YOU BEAT ' IT? WE CAN'T MHTII C.MiOI.ISA MAN TKI.LS TIIK I tVOKI.ll I1K tiOT TIIK lUUIiKST . '.IILY OnESNVILLE, B.C., March 23. J, Fur-man Sloan, farmer of Oreenvllle Couuty. has Issued a challenge to the world. His story begins several generations, go. Sloan's grandfather,'. Richard Sloan, of 8!mpKmvillc. wna the father of eighteen children. Mr. Sloan'a old grandfather. Oamplt BaUb, of Inman, was likewise the father of eighteen. Mr. Sloan's father, George' J. Sloan, was also a father of eighteen. His second wife, nee Miss Zalle Davis, aurvivid him. After her husband's death ahe married a widower, Julie 3mlth, who already had thirteen chlld- She gave to her second husband 'iv... l"tVi'" ' ' Save IllllllllllillllllllllllllllllP total of thirty-four children, of whom she was either the mother or step- mother. . of thl. toUl thirty-tour chlldrea J. Furman Sloan "was one. He was married and his home now boasts of eleven aona and daughters. at one time became so plentiful that the Lebanon Church wouldn't hold them all and some had to pull out and go somewhere else." - DhrAKl .-, MLNT VI P I LAISUb ivnc ; NOTICE ApplUntlon fraiJiis Permits for the Application for permits to craze live stock on the Crown ranges within anj grazing district of the Provluce of Drit- ih" Columbia, must he filed with District Forester at Fort Oenrse. Kam XrJT. sit. 1927. Blank forms upon which tti submr. applications niay Iw obtained from the 0Mrct rores'.era at the abuve name.) plares. or from the Department of Land 11 Victoria. B.C. madEN j Deputy Minister of Laud uepartuictii oi Mnda. Victoria. B.C.. January 4. I9J7 NOTICK ! Under and by virtue of the prmsiui..-'of Sertlon 2S -jf Uie "Mineral Art." no 'lice . Is hereby given Ushkh. Maioln Smyth. i Edmu'id LungtK. Harnhl Hane.-i ana Aioeri Moors, mat trrc !s owing o the undersigned for Asseosment Work performed on the Cordllla Oroup of Mineral Claims. Princess Royal Island. Skcena Mining Division, the aum of 393.118, and that unless sild persons pay their proportionate share of thc roit of such Assessment, together with all costs of advertising, etc.. to the und'arlirned a Butedale. nc. on or before May 12. ivji. appncaunn win ne mane 10 ine flftlH rVmMtailnh., Tr rii,n. fir. hve their rovuve interests m the I herein mentioned Mining Orup o( ; Mineral Clalmf vested In '.he under-1 ,!11ca DAVID CORDILLA. JACOB KOSKI Became So Weak Could Hardly Stand Sirs. Wm. Talmrr, Tomahawk, Xlta., write!! "Last iprinjr I had a limp; siell of airkness and lieiama so weak 1 ciiuM hardly stand. I enuld not sleep at night as the leant littio noie would wake ma up. 1 tried blood tonics and other nerve pills, but they did tun no (food, and I was K'tting worse. I wrola my mother about my condition, and ahe aent n.o thrre Uaoj of With some tobaccos it's a case of chance acquaintance and a quick l4So long!" But with Ogden's, you get pally and remain so. Ogden's grows on your affections. It suits palate, pipe and pocket and every whiff is as sweet as a breath of English April air. Aftr tha first lox I wa fo-linp mnrh. holier, so I kept on until I Lad tivM th thro hoses, and now 1 fpel a wt! aa vrr I d'd when 1 wa a young girL" Trh-e .Vie. a box at all lea)er, or mailed diurt on reeeiiit of price by The T. Milbuin Co., Limited, Toronto, Qat the valuable "Poker Hands" DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally liy Canadian Fish & Prince Canadian UUKAQMIU B. 'iPiinirtnr innrJ In Krtrlilkuii, VYraiifcrll. Junrau. Skiigwa) I'rliruary tl, Martli 7, IK. is. To Vaniiitrr, VUlurU, Se-.itlle t'rbruary 2.1. Marrh II, Tl. ritlNCKSH IIKATIIK IL IW llulnl.ile. Vjtt IIHIa llella, 0-enn falls Xamii, Alrrl IUy, Cnmpliell KIvit. an.l Vant-tiutrr eiery Siitiinl.i), II a.m. Icrnr) lur all Strauihli IJiiex. lull InforinailiMi fruni IV. ( . (lt( llltl. (ieiirral Agent. Curlier nf 41 ti Mr re I and 3rd Avenue. Prince ltuert, M.C. Uemers Phone 27. P.O. Itox .127. Come and See our $22.50 Georgette and Silk Dresses Cold Storage 0., L. Itupcrt. U.C Pacific Railway C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert Spring Coats Suits and Dresses Suita that urc in tho fore frunt of fashion for present wear- beautifully made Kr "munts R'venlinif tho popular ',bujc style Coat and wrup- round Skirt. Sec thc threc'pieco TOM HOY SUITS from 1 0.50 BENT'S LADIES' KEADY-TO-WBAIt Third Avenue