TAXI Boston Grill and Ambulance Sorvlc Anywhere at Anytime 'L...l. I.' .!..... MATT VIDIX'K. Prop. i la llaluuii nil IttS-liBl ikllll I rilPr.l. I.Ms Itrlllj- I lllnl Jast two weeks remain In which to uir the vast asn in tne nrovmrw ectlon last fall, BBcclal rcvtslcns held August and September far the Do- dally for the Dominion poll must jiflir i ax i r ii 1 1 1 Liirv wish tu avtr wi v ovluclal. Time for filing applications cudi iiirri aw Jt tri i 'i "lis ini ri ni rn v miiiii Objcctloiw to nameji already on the l- ... . tfll...l ...11. Ik. ....I.laa rt 11 H I1ULU AMJUh FREIGHTER TOWED IN ii ileum rr, Is Ninv ul l.niKlnl Aslorlu tit iio ouniinE in luo tout or coai IctAhlpA u not expected to Ue con 1 HissMiwit IIMii II Villi HIV UttSlii ki o win uiTavr in Mmn 4 .1 n lillllV III Mi l 1 1; IIH.Ml nv; MDYBMnit. March 24. The f rovlnclal pollw yatei'dy ' found tlie borjy of O. E. Mo-Mann In the woods wberc he killed himnclf shortly tlr fatsl-ly shooting George Mlchlc at Extension near here Inst SELECTS ROUTE FOR LONG FLIGHT FROM ! ENGLAND-NEW ZEALAND! LONDON'. March 21. - Ca.staln F. T. Courtney, who will, make an attempt In April to fly from England to New Zealand In seven days.' lias selected the (,rouU to be tnjjn. Tho aeroplane wilt fiy ''frnm England y across Europo W rMalta. where the'.flfjt stop will bo'madel' , second hop w'.ll talic the machine to Egypt, thence It will lly to Buahlro. Karachi, across the Indian Ocean to tho straits Settlements and on to Port Dar- 'win In' Northern AustralU. Three more heps will take the airman to New Zea aud. Landings will be made only in daylight. Capt. Courtney will have a ro ller pilot, and a navigator ana a wire less operator will complete the crew. Advertise la the Dally .News. Mine;-.. t..e Uta'.h occurred at 3 o'clock th u;orn.-i- in the t'rinoe I'.ucrt Penetal H .upttal of Jamei Pulton Arthur. 433 Scveuth Avenue Sait. Lail Tuesday. dKeased. who was employee, at the time In a local wholesale limine Hcralchrd hts thum on an x.ranxe box. On Wednesday nlht.; thei'c w.i'i mln. Infection having net In. i Ilia rouditlon rip'dly fceeaice ertcu .tiid o Prtd:i i! was admitted to hmpital. l"bc presd of the ln.mion becarac cut ol culr-jl and yesteruay his eondtliuii wv announced to be ilrJUa' k'-.'AI wm ua ivalllnj a'id hla death resulted. The hue Mr. Arthur, who was bora In Ola-sow. 8u.tland. 37 yrnrs ajo. carer to Filnte llu,rt itJtue ae'en yers ago. Vor a while he j. e.nplyetl In the jHMt cf Hoc and In other l,t w.n.ner he was en-pi-iel In fishery tkwtrot senrlce and worked for a wh.le' at the elevator At the wholtMle hoice. whe;c be auatalnod the seemingly illjiht Injury which was tj prove Xat l. he had been wtrr!clnc only a few days. Dc.-eiaVd leaven to mourn his las.' a widow and l.-.ur children -Joan. axl 13: B-Uy. aged 7: JImjile. 4. and lielen. 3 A brother la Robert Arthur and thers are lour slaters: Miss Helen Arthur, Mbi XBlrie Afthvrr. arrtT' Mra. "Effl. " all Of Qlssgsw. and fn. Bllllhirn of If.-ulm. Washington. I'lllNKMi: IIOSTU.ITIhM lllllUK Ol T MMl I.T.VM.IirM.V IN I.Mttll: l.S. CITILS Mitt VIHIK. Al.irrh -MThr e. plr.Uimi Iml.iv f ii tiMt-irur Inire lirtucen Hie Hip Mns iiikI Iamhi Inns whs rn.irkeil li the lirruklng out nf gnu play iilmiiM .lniiiltuiiroii-lj In liruoklyn, New York: Clileugii. Illln-i)l; Ma nr better. Illinois; mill Clrtr UmJ, Oti In. As u rrvult, tile (lilni- ijre ilrl Hlillr llirre rrr i mi mini. HALIBUT 7rrFvM5 TODAY NOT HEAVY Hirer Anirrlrtlil IIikiIs fvilil KI.KIMI (.hs. ut Lxrli.iiifi 1 1. mm l.hs. Inii.nlinn Halibut oflcrlngs at the Fish Ex. change this morning were rather lljht fill thrt Amerlcsui boats selling 40,. 000 pounds and four Canadian boats dlvpoMlr.R of 11.000 puunds. Trices wrro about the nahie as yesterday with 13 JO being tho hlsh price for tlw American fish and 14c tlie highest lild for C.ui-acllan. Inuillnga were as follows: AMI.IIK'iW naliilrr, 23.000 pounds, Fnclflc Fish .Tics, 14.40c nncl Sc. J. F. Todd, 0,000 ounds, to Canadian Fish ti Cold Storaso Co., 15.30c anrl Ec. .. , nrothers. 7.000 (xiuiids, to.. Buoth EtshcrleM, 15.20c mid 8c. CANADIAN Bolma. 3,000 pounds, to Atlin Flslier Ics. 14o and 7c. Imim rillNCE KUi'ERT, D.C., THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1327 Funeral arrangements are In the hands j il the DC Undertaker. Interment t will take plcu on Sunday. RESUMPTION OF TONG WAR Dolludn. 1.600 pouuds tn Itoysl Fish Co.. 14c and Oc. Eric ltoy. B.000 pounds. toUooUiFUh erics, lS.COc nr.d.iBc Ills. 1J0O pouiubv to Canadian Fish ui lyuiu. puimya wo., lii.suc ana uc it, :mu. VANCOUVHK KXCIIANCiH ltd. Asked Vhent ...1 1.41 Dunwell 1.33 jj7 Qlacier ,08t,i .00 Independence 00 i; .oo (Indian 07Ji .07 Premier 2.13 2,17 Silver Crest 07 W- .07 U Richmond .14?, ,14H C:-ast Copper 8.73 0.33 (JOVKI1MIK lN .MOOIIV S ll.'.IMI .Ml;.M lUMill , II;M(' Kt llt riiiiDCNTiti. omim;i: lOi PASO, Utre'A 34,- D;lr.n3 'that ettttcru po.tllo.aiL4 a; fjr.oa y eoasld- on the ticket but we w..ul i mic head. "They nw have our prop-iSUIvn under oJtsldenUlon. liuvi ,Ci4i s iuii'ounteuien'.s of the plans wf .tlie Texas dtiesatlon waa made pet. re the conrcalln pf the South we.wnx Ciltle P.iissrs' Uxjclitljn. WIIIKLKSS KCPdKT. K 4-iu. DIOCY I3LAND.CIar. calm; meter 30.24; Uipcriture 40; Mnrtlv sea. GO: irwptrrture 38. i BULL IIAItBoa Part cloudy: light southwest v.lml; baromrter S0.1S; tern; ceniure 38; moderate ss?i; 8 pjn. ' ai-oke ir.otorshlp ICorco. Ketchikan for Seat'.le. 273 miles from Seattle: G jun. sppke ktcuner CU In. left Hardy Bay KUtbbouad; 6 p-m. spoke steamer Ala meda. Ketchikan for Bnttle. 433 tnlle.i from Seattle; 6 ' pja. spoke tug Cap: , Scott, towing Peruta. abeam Itw Spit.! brjund lor- Massett; 8 pjn. spoke steamer Cardeiu, abeam Hardy Bay. north-; bound. 8 ajn. spoke tu; Faclflc Mon- , arch, abeam Bunpnon reef, southbound: ; 8 ajn, spoke tug Imbrecarla, towlns Skookum No. 2, abeiun Storm Island, i bound for Takush harbor. ; NOON DIC1BY I3L.S.VD. Overcast, fresh Bi. wind: bsremeter 30.32; temperaturo 40: j sea smooth. . DEAD TREE POINT. Bsromcter, 29.- j 60: tcnu-ernture 41. i BULL HARBOR. Part cloudy, light' southwest wind; btmmrter, 30.20; tern-' perature 40; moderate swell; 10:30 mm. ' spoke steamer Cardcna In Mlllxink sound, northbound. About the only people who miner Ir. sllenrc are those who suffer when required to remain sUeai Bleared are early enough mornings. the poor. Thy tret up! PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper A , ,i i S . " Mi.i T'.'.Kt V. IVi: IUM)lt!;l AUHIVIMi in ui.xMi'Mi uirui.N ruo ii.wh wainljs yei.erdiy a.ler:iawa at i wiili the wo id Kllj!n; one hour later. Tlie Ilrst brousht jHix-eii-Stn Inix N-nlinni and the .frond n3erH Irani the Ausniia. In all, a total of B73 laLLir-uts. E.u:y.; even Crltuh ooeuphd ;x ra ears n the .Cin-n tiiveutal Molted ..irrlv.n; In Vln:i!,e at C.I5 lst night. puen;e.Ti fro.a the bb. ict.'Ua. 'iht. iv.o s..e.-I tr.jh i e '.ue y c iUs slid BCn- t;H.-,lll5 who Till brlojat; UiaU-D-ult.. ihe , ."r 'ii'.iiotit the ihr.-e prairie rrsnnre wUh h sutall nujiilKT .ln through Vi 'Jnt h Cslunihla. Tills aftcrn bu 400 3Tiidli!-.'ltv will arrlre -,n a Aecla: train, p? en?trs iYn t' 8 a. United .1'a.e.s. Ttiey :i: he a.-xompanled by ,t. Ibdcrff, of the Ssnd.iiA-Un ..nerlean Line of Coiiciihaen, .whu ;ouitcvs trw. this party. Almost jthe entire ruvta of thts pa-17 will be ,fx.T Saskatchewan and Aleetta with very few rcmlalnj in Minttooa. a tl' Cantlnentnl lAnttert ttnlght . there will be another party of 137 ; untish. DEAD TTtES rDlNTAaarometrr. 20..: lml on rrtflay mrntjvs is psc;;rs. Hscnn-inMU ;iio the number of 511 while the sewnd train has on board 473 persons who came over on the Reydslitz. Many of the latter party are 0ran families. I Nine families will arrive over the lines nl the Natlotul. three fromj' the BS. Ausonla. three irom Aulanla, , and three British fimtlies lr?m the Letltla. SPECIAL COIN IS SUGGESTED VANCOL'VEK lKf tlMSUN NIIW ML i:U IMILL.MI lO MAKK Jl- isilli; or con;i)!.!t v- t TIO.N VANtOIAKIl. Marih 21. Sjilil sitter coined fnn llrltlsh Culumlila lher wits Kitsgrsleil anil eiiilireil M highly mi liable uii-senlr for Hie hhllrth unnleriir) of SKiilrdrrutloii nt ' the Initial or-gnoitiitlun nirrllng of Ihr rhle irelrlirullun loinmlllee here Li-t lilfht. The ii-;etlm will be lor-wsrileil to Otlanu. AND (SUOUI OF 1IANKEHS AtM.OUVhi;, alarch 21, The of the KxliMiuulh i mine in the rortland Canal district from Grant Muhood of Vancouver anil Seattle by the John l Kendall Co. of Toronto and a groujij Circulation liOO 8ales 423 NEW FREIGHTER'FOR ! iieres.ln; VimcI Ore M)liiirnt lii t'uu-t Irom llrlng tin. Alalia i mi VANCOWEX March 2t. SS. James Orlfflths. new SJOO-ton freighter pur chased a few weeks ago by the Coast-..wle Steamship and Barge Company for their British Columbia-California coast A hypocrite U a man who can't even 1 "I service, arrived here today from to enjoy the- beautiful liellcve what he hears when he talks I Mobile, Alabama. to himself. I Brln;ln? a full cargo of rice from i Mexican ports, the vessel docked n. Stewart Mine is Sold . to Eastern Investors in Half Million Deal t Vv,n, f1fnan Whiff fnp H1-hiip ,l-ut the purchase of the big freighter. Built In 1920, In Mobile, and launched as the City of Lordsberg for United j States Shipping Board, the vewel has l.een comparatively little service and Is KXTCNUATH I'llOI'KKTV WUCMAHKU FKOM (SHAN'T MAUOOIi aii'Teet in ungthTlshe" a'betln'of in JOIINM. KKNDALL CO. OF TORONTO !ao feet and a depth oi 33 feet. VANCOUVER ISLAND Large Upstair Dining .Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NKW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least. I'hone 457. Price Five Cetiu I V I f INbSb. VIA K b. bl KIHb.H Aliv AM b. UNSEKVATIVES PROFESS IGNORANCE OF TRANSACT ONS oreisners Are Killed When Nanking Shelled; Fire Opened by Ships INVOLUTION HUT COUNSELS AGAINST PROPERTY DESTRUCTION SHANGHAI, March 21. Nanking and Chinkiniiir fell to the 1 - - . v . . . n . elf, WHMIV I a s la , . . - . . e MCiiiiiN in Kfvnrai inwrif:iiw ;ii N.'inkitMr iir sm r i jH . - . ...... . ........ 9 iiHioMiif,! art. BSastrta 4tklf7l , VVIIVIMI l V tt, US 11 W I'M tl II I 1 1 tl 1111 lV Wl rfi 111 I II IT ZILLIlPKfMl I Ilia V lift II ON I rlt rn Ihii n i-ifi aiii(niini inif 1 xM . , " . . ... r.. . " t inn in ii iiu r li 1117.111 iiul lihi xiLLunurrM. J Althuu i the K'm'ral Htrikc ha.i lt ail left off Iwro, railw y ".Ik Ul M L r-tii tr tlllU 1 IIIUII WL'IL' HLII 1 Ills L LI1IK III 1 l. F.NTALSWHO CAME IN 1926 IAWA H1TJ1 .'i. lirpiynu U .... u i .M...vm iim . ... . . a n i r1 . . , jiiLiiimflinn na i ri i - entered Canada during the IOt the Chinese, none of whom were .Immigrants. 52 luri alreilv left th country. The Japanese, who Included lot farmers and 134 unskilled laborers, were divided as follow: male. 110: female. children 108. IUKH0B0R IS SUICIDE IIIMHKI.I UIMI.i: MAItltlAUi: ILS- TIVITli:s IN lUIMlf(i;sH AT momi; BUCHANAN S-uk.. March 24,- AVhlk' h.m lit ah Ik nMluw .InMlh rnw n i i rm t I if TO GET ON L'SIS noon. A number of Aiuertonii tvtllora were woundrU. Urltlsh and United StaU Imiding parties fuhl their w to the SUndard Oil plant and look eu'. JurHgners tmUarlUi.;; Uiem upun the warihlps. MntKKiv im:mms Btrintefit demands for the proltctloi. of f rl(n lire, at Mar.klnc wete arerved "ii ChtiHtae off'claU today at a eoultr-enre Or:uah and America:, nprt-rentallvea alurd the Drlth cruue.' Emerald. The Ohlrec offtetaU. Oantoitaae, were brought a-Mard year the Eu.crald after number ol loreltn I tlveii "had been I cut in firing In the etty. The dcoiatUi were for Immadte pro. teetk.ii of all foretsoera and properly. The Uantoneae general In cc-mmand mint rfpjrt aboard the Emerald beicre U o'oktt tonight to negotiate reapeet-ln( ouw.vjsf couunltted by hi trospa. All Jornjnrn matt be delivered on the Bund unCer rxoort by ten o'clock Frl- day mcrnlnz. UrUeaa thee dsmantU are Nmklug will te treated at a rr.lll-tary iniet. rone. 'The Chinese people have awakened : and the great commercial centre of phtmjrul will become not only a bate for the Chinese Nationalists but for world revolution." aay a manifesto lesued to the Chinese people today by Oeneral fa I Tnung Hal. Oantontxf -iruiinder. "The people must dlatln ffulsh. however," the manl.erto n&i. "between attacking Imperialism and fsr itjTtcr. Tliey must not attack foreigners jnd tfestroy thetr.proptrty." NOT ..TI.K)lli:l(IN Doelnrlng that for eighty yn the Im.erlaliU had been u:We;- the prelection ef unequal treaties which had becu reducing China to a atatc of vasealage. .the manifesto warns thnt the Chlnsc nui'. understand that tho Nationalists Ho not Intend to create a ?cucril nntl fcreJgn movement or to abolish all Instl-Utlwiii mid systems of tmperlallatlc character. TRAGIC DEATH TEXAS MAN IS SETTLERS ARE Tory Leader Has No Reason to JAMES ARTHUR l'.SSi:il .1V.W IV IIOSIMTAI. THIS MOKMMi .ts A litSl l,T Of lil.DOK jl'OlMl.V lA.MII.V MKYIU.S I- Under the most tragic of clrcum-1 1ED COMING WESTi Believe Votes of Any Members Influenced; Twigg Says Rumor I VICTORIA, .March 21 R. II. I'ooley, upposition leader in me wiN-:nnF.o. March 24 Approximately legislature, yesterday told the commission investigating campaign aim new Miiicn. are arrivii-.s. m win- fund contributions that he had not the slightest reason for supposing nipt; ever the Canadian Nat.onal Hues hat camimiL'n fund contributions in 1021 had influenced the vote of D .if Xowdy. ...ctuor ti Tex.s. hetweca now tad Friday mornin; ori ' any memjcr of the Legislature. as jircsincuuai tuiuer. Luusresatuaii . ""' "" Claude Hudspeth, of (!at t v.iiul '.he Ixl.e. that he atsafur u. to presl-ds.aial tiu.bcr. Tlie 'lezz said: Tam-;ns;iy 11x11 ibeu cair to u. in'fu. tix:., and cf'.er;U t-i let Ttxs wlti-Ii sI.ybjs hat bun an o.-erIiei ,11'ily Virtu ir.Uc' aUte, lume the Ui. ,eiul oi oar natlontl ucxev. f ' Our reply tva Jul we would g , theui ire a t er bj'BHii ug the head o.' It. We luuusd Uwlf': Wt ..Id he-! ( ). M.,.t,I ..... Ij.m.- . .u . ... A... ' .in j i.iiiii y umivu i. ii i The first ef these specials arrived In H, D. Twigg, M.L.A. for Victoria, said the first time he had heard any suggestion of improper influence was when it was made Jicfore the Odium, select committee. Mr. Twigg confessed tojhaving no knowledge regarding beer transactions and said that all he knew eardln? campaign funds was general . aaiors regarding whiskey. He sujsested .hat the commission inquire Into appo.ntmertt of a;:uts handlln; whUkc Ct iiimlsslans pad such areata he housht should be aved tj the province. T. H. Klrt. meai'cr of the Vancouver ; Conservative exemtlve, said that hn was a cad4late In the provincial ele-ttcn In: 3 ALASKA FLYER REPORTED SAFE 13J4 hut hs had nothing to da with !,' hm mii.mi . ranr.i. nil. Mut?n iunds for his psrty cn that j UV IMHANS ON Kt SKOKWIM caisloii. That M hid never received j uiVKIt '.iy contributions from liquor cr arew- ry lateresti and that he hs.d never sought any was hts testimony. J. It. 'UuilHin was chairman of the finance enmwlttee of the Vancouver Con3erva-ilve Association during 1914. Ere.itan B. Brown, provincial secretary if the Liberal A.ssociatlon. said that, al- 'h rujh somethln; m!;ht have been con McORATH. Alaska. Match 24.0. E. d.) Vouus. ctlss.ns aVlatoc has been f jund and Is alive and well In an Indian settlement cn the ba&ki of the Cufkokwim River. 1'ounj. wh dropped cut of slht a .week ago. shortly after he $o:k eff McOrath for Eethelyln the lower trlbuted by the brewers to 1024 liberal : Kujtcjjm, csuntry was force J by cn-eampalgn funds. It had not come Under ;jgitte trouble to land wtcn he was wlth-h!s Jurisdiction. in 74 mUcs of his destination. The commission adjourned until Wed-1 gegwaz shelter In the ..spare timber ieday next. CHINAJIAX XA.MKII A-4 COMMON CtNUIIIATK LONDON. Mrch 24. Fung Baw, a Chinese born in Hongkong and consequently a British subject, has been named by the Communists as a parliamentary candidate for the Holborn division of London. Fuug Saw ts 43 years old and hss been an agitator among seamen In China since he was a small boy. His name means "Long Life and Oood Luck." .which lutes the Koikslcwlm, he Succeed ed In starting a fire, although a 00-anlle gale was blowing down the river. He was found by the friendly native, who fed him and gave him attention. SCHIAVONI IS WINNEROFCUP OLII POLISH PATIHOT A Nil. ARTIST CILOlV ItlXNERS CP IX LIVERPOOL MI'ltINO CtT RACE TOII.W LIVERPOOL. March 34. Lord Derby's iSchlavonl won the Liverpool Spring 'Cup today three lengths ahead of Old j Polish Patrtct. Artlut Qlow waa third. COASTWISE COMPANY;8 hJlt PLAF-OFF IN CRIBBAGE LEAGUE ON FRIDAY Cuiiuillnii Nutional Operutors mid Mtomgr Will Meet for City Chuinplouslilp of the city championship. Cold The first of tlx playoTs In the Crlb-bage League between the Canadian National operators, winners "of tlie first hslf of the season, and the Cold Stor- aftet which she will be Disced on hcri8e team- dinners In the second half. ! new run. The company's fleet U mainly ' WU uk Pl4c on FrWay nljht. The devoted to carrying ore and general """"1 Eamo played , on next parjo to and from northern ports, and ' Wednesday and. if a third Is necessary. the necessity for a latger vessel to "ler aalc wul arranged lor u. Joe with the heaviest ocein stcrms off Ttc wlnncr ' 'h " j the Orejou and Catlfcrnla coasta brought rded the Dawson cup. emblematic LADYSMITH TO HAVE PROVINCIAL POLICE 1 VICTORIA. March 24 The provlnclat police, through Inspector T. W. 8. Parsons, have negotiated .on agreement with the city council of Ladysmlth WOMAN HAS FORTUNE dTnf i ST Z ! their hands. The Ladysmlth civic au- in r.asicrn oanKor.s is announced here. The purchase is said to ru- Ji". iiiunrhr i. iiutrhiiiMiu, of ; thorit'es have given notice to the pre present nn Investment of some $500,000. The newly formed director-1 holme, inherits one-Tiiini of i.- sent municipal force, fite includes Oeneral A. K. Koss, M.l, Kingston. Ontario: Edward I Maie I r-- il. harne, Toronto; George Kendall. Salt Lake City; II. 15. KoboiWi'i TT. ' . . TRFHIT-M&N K of tho firH V, V...I, i .... via I I VTrntA VICTORIA. Victoria, .March ,Mar:n 2I.--Mrs. i'l. Mrs. ..Rianche .pianclie . LULUll 1(1 fill .10 " " " m. iuilll(Vllt ..V" lUIA flllU UUIIUUII, 41I.IU 1 i tl il-rank Woodsidc, Vancouver, presidunt of Chamber of Mines. m Several weeks ago Mr. Mahood and Mr. Kendall, the latter feeing the head at the John P. Kendall Co. of Toronto. 4 financial concern, were la Prince Ru pert on their way East from Stewart. Mr. Kendall, (n an Interview with the Dally News at that tlme,.suld he had made a thorough examination of the very pleased. the Iiiitish Columbia Mil. I'ATTl l-LO CO.MIXd Hon. T. D. Pattullo, minister of lands and member of tlie legislature for Prim Rupert, win arrive In tlie city on April 8 to. pay a vUlt to lu constit uency. It Is expected that he will - re I Extenuate .property With .which , he. was iraaln here for several days. ,,nayne Hutchinson, who resides at Swsllowflcld Farm, Weitholme, Vancouver Island, will receive an Income or life from a one-third share In the residuary estate of her father, Mr. Wll-Jlam a. Pajrne, who died at Borough pf Klirjston, Lunzerne County. Pennsylvania, on April 13, 1320, and who left assets valued at 84.S88.032. The British Columbia estate of Mr, Payne totals 830.213, aud tha government i. t ROTARY SPEAKER H. A. Ross waa the speaker at thv Rotary club luncheon today. Mr. Rom, who was associated for over four year with the Dominion Income taxation department, gave an interesting Ulk on taxation matters and also related a number of personal experiences. President a H. Orme presided and at the . of this provlnce-,wlH collect Vie sum of conclusion of the address, thanked Mr. Ifl0.777.10 la suo:oa3loa duties therefrom. Ross orv behalf' of the club. . ..