.IaJ ij . i ..j u. i.i . m iniTT nffWR TTS2 tv,... i I 4 ' Wanled! lEOOO Sufferers from I HI IE 15,000 J. am proud of my treatment and so anxious to help others suffering with deafness, head noises or catarrh that I wil have packed and ready lor shipment 15,000 demonstra This tion treatments which I will give away in the next 30 days, absolutely free. I want to prove that my original home treatment will give relief from catarrhal deafness, head noises or nasal catarrh. The results arc quick and convincing. Catarrhal Deafness, Head Noises, and Nasal Catarrh generally grow worse when neglected. Authorities claim that ninety per cent of all deafness is primarily caused by catarrh of the head and air passages. Others state that nasal catarrh often causes indigestion, rheumatism, catarrh of the Etotnach, and many other diseased conditions. If you suffer from partial deafness or nasal catarrh, do not neglect this condition. Try This Free ! ;' I don't aslcyou to send one penny for this treatment. I send it free to you prepaid without cost. I am doing this to quickly introduce my original home'trcatment to sufferers of catarrhal deafness, head noises, or catarrh. I believe I treat more cases of deafness, head noises and catarrh than any physician in the United States. I know this treatment is, the best I have ever used. Send your name and address today. State uhethcr jyou have ceaf-ness or head noises or just have catarrh. This notice may not appear again so mail the coupon at once. Treatments Month You feel the difference the first day. This treatment costs you nothing whatever. Simply send coupon or write and s: y that you are suffering with deafness or head noises or catarrh. I will gladly send the free treatment It is the best treatment I have ever found in over 40 years' practice as an eye, ear, nose and throat specialist I want every sufferer with deafness, dullness of hearing, head noises or catarrh to try it free, Don't Neglect Deafness or Catarrh! There are thousands, who are now practically stone deaf, whose hearing could no doubt have been saved had the right measures been taken in time. 1 have personally restored hearing in hundreds of cases, where the patient-were so deaf they could hear nothing. I want to prove the value of my treatment to you entirely at my own risk and expense. I will gladly send it without cost. Just fill out and mail the coupon. Profit by the Experience of Those Who Know Foaling Fin 1 am feeling fine. I Buffered from head notn. could hardly har before I began your treatment. Now I fl well Joe it of Lawrence, Mae a. Help Her "It liai helped ma. I am not troubled with head noliea. and my hearing la aa good aa ever." lira. J, &, Chicago, 111. Brought Back Hearing ' "Tour treatment haa brought back my hearing. I can hear now about aagood aa J ever did. I want to thank you." Mr. E. JL, Uouiton, Taxae. Relieved in 3 Day T reoalved your treatment for my catarrhal deafnese and In three daya' time after I began to uie the treatment, my hearing commenced to come back and I feel wonderfully lm Koved. My age la 71 yeara." IL C, Ashland. Ala.' i Hear. At Well Al Any On 1 can hear Juit aa good aa any one. I have no nolaea In my head and no dropping In my throat, My hearing waa very !,ad l..!Ur.f on. You can uae "'."V Mr- . M. of Would r, Col. M.W. 0. COFFEE, Suite St. James Hotel Bide., Davenport, !a. I! Head Noises or Nasal Catarrh I want the names of 15,000 people who are suffering from catarrhal deafness, dullness of hearing or head noises. I have an original home treatment for these distressing condi tions which I want you to try without cost or expense. I suffered for many years with catarrh, deafness and head noises, tried many different treatments. Had two surgical operations all of which failed to give per manent relief. I began experi-mentingon myself and finally found a treatment which completely healed my catarrh, restored my hearing and stopped the terrible head noises. I want you to try this splendid treatment entirely at dr. w. o. coffee my own expense. Nrvrra nrarNEc. awn catarrh specialist MMMMFMaMM fTTTITWra ma Hearing ImproT3 "1 waa amicted with the dla. eae .marrh for ten yeara. had il... Novel with local riortora. hut found no r.l.f until 1 elarietl your treatment I had a die-charge from my nnae and heart. Jlecame iiulte deaf, htlt now 1 ian hear, and my head haa null achlnir. I fe like a new worn-an. A '"i can uie thle ttlmtn. lal If you chouae." Mra. (1 U. Anily. Ala, Moat Wonderful Treatment "I received your treatment and began tielnir It. 1 am her to tell yon that It la the moat wonderful treatment I have ever tried. I have hud roaring In my bead. 1 had the worat ehort-fieae of breath, rrampa and aching-In every Inch of me, I feel eo much better. I can aee and bear better, can talk better and feel better all around." Mra. Ethel O., Lytlile, Kla. Now Hear. Wall J. C, P. yaya: "I have auffered with naaal catarrh for aeven or eight yeara, had terrible nolaea In my heart Mjr bearing waa aerlotiely aMIaled. It wag necea. aary for people to apeak vary loud for ma to hear them. I gave your treatment a trial and aaaure you I do not regret It. aa my hearing haa been reetored aa 1 can hear ordinary talk and the head nolaea are among the thing of the paat I am II Kara eld." Send Coupon Today ! Just fill in the coupon below and I will send you a demonstration treatment by prepaid parcel post without any cost or obligation on your part. I want you to try it at once, so scna the coupon today. Dr. W. O Coffee, Suiti1 St. James Hotel Bldg, Davenport, Iowa. Please send inc a free treatment by prepaid parcel Ji?s& ' understood that this docs not obligate me In any way. I am to vi nothing for this treatment now or at any time. Name - - " Street or R. F. D, ! ' ' 1 fTown Are you deaf or hearing dull? Have you any head noises?. Pfi ilfiu hjttc nasal ca.tarrh?,