Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 275 DENTIST Week-end Specials rain wuli Weston's People's Mixed Biscuits In bulk, special, per lb. .. 23c ; Fresh Roasted Peanuts, 2 lbs. for 35c v Itotrer" Golden Syrup, 5 Ib. tin, atecial 43c Heinr Salad Cream, week-end social 35c ('lassie Cleanser, 3 tins for . . 23c Brunswick Sardines, 4 for . . 23c Olivia's Baby Chick Feed, 5 lbs. for 23c per 100 Ib. sack $3.90 Market Day Raisins. 2 lb. pkjr. 29c Head Lt'ltute, 2 for 23c Cauliflower, 23c and 33c Fresh Spinach, per lb. ... .. . 15c RhulKirb. per lb. . ... . . . 20c Fre 'h Tomatoes, r lb 33c Celery 23c and 33c Florida Grape Fruit, each .. 13c California Grape Fruit, each 10c Fresh Fish and Meats , Prices Reasonable Phone us for Quick Service Rupert Table Supply Co Phones 210 and 211 MILK From Bulkley Valley FRESH MII.K AND WHIPPING CREAM Quality and Service Valentin Dairy Phones f36 and C57 ANGER, the TAILOR Suits made to order. In our shop as low as $50 223 Sixth Street v., liursday, March 24, 1927 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE. FIVE UmporttdT NO! It'i both older and better EN YEARS OLD Tim mlver1 ."(n if i- n.; . in wii il r iii!jilii.vpil tiy f tie I, iit !: i- '.ii ii hi nv I "rtuni!i of llnll-.li M Columbia eat Specials Shouiider Pork, lb 23c ;'orK C hop. Loin, lb. ... 35c Tork Sausage, 2 lb. . . 33c iVeal Stew. 2 lbs 23c Veal Chops, ib 23c I'Jckled Pork, lb. 20c llaron, filierd. Ib 43c Vyrshnre Baton. Ib 33c w. Pullets, 3 dor. for $1.00 ijrir. Firsts, 3 doz. for $1.15 USSALLEM'S Phone 1H phone 81 Have Your Eyes Examined IPoor eyes and poor glasses fare a nitiful combination. IGood glasses will make Kood feyes if ioor eyes. If your present irlasscs do not suit your eyes for any Iminon, you are criminally Tneirliirent of your future If ?you do not set u re the pnier KK'asses a' once. Lowest prires Expert service A. E. IRELAND Graduate Optometrist 319 Third Avenue, i Opposite G.W.V.A. WOOD I Dry Jack Pine. Cedar, Birch and Spruce Per load $6J50 Per half load $3.50 Per Bark 50c Firelighters 48 for $1.00 delivered. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 5S0 Night or Day WE BUY B()TTLES. ;CAMBRIDGE IS 1 FAVORED CREW th close of the 4',i mile course every ounce of stun la the crewi possess. Impartial critics' believe Cambridge' crew this year a shade better than Ox-Iford'a. although conceding that the Oxford crew trslnfnv fnrm mav lm. j proved by the 4y of the race. Cam I.KillT 111 I K AITKAUK TO UP. MOUR.DrWee won th latt thre racr ,n KVKXI.V liAI.WCIIt THAN OX-lOltll lOlt I'AMOl K AXXI AI. IIOAT ItACK. OX TIIK 1 Til AM CM succession, and In fact every one since the war except one. In 1923. On the whole series, however. . Oxford, has a mrlty over. the Light Blues.' having w6h "40 to "Cambridge's 37. The . other LONDON. March 24. (Canadian Pre. rac bringing the total to 71 was a. Despatch). --The great annual boat racY1"' ,a 1877 Th tlnt contest was In! baween Oxford and Cambridge, to be ,8M- DUt r cUd not become an! rowed over the tlme-honored stretch of rjiual event until acme years later, tile Thames from Putney to Uortlake.j CONTEKTANTK . on B&turday afternoon. April J. wUlj The Light Blue crew Is exceptional I dramatically climax the 10 weeks of.Uils year for Its "length," or reach.' humdrum but severe training under-jn. J. Elle. stroke. Is a stylist with1 pene by both crews, j excellent rhythm. About a month 'be-1 flowed' gives a poor Indication of fore the race he was kept from training the thrilling nature of the race, which, by indisposition, but it was believed is a Ki-ucUiMg struggle exerting towards j that he would be fit for the actual ww. uu uuia I r lui il vo training before (be day approached. The crew as u whole is rhythmical, with an Impression of real "stride" and their row-trg is easy. J. A. Brown, the Old Blue who Is again coxa wain has steered j Cambridge to a win In each' of the last three years. The Oxlord crew Is not so even as the Light Blue. Their defeat last year was very unfortunate, caused, a it was by the coUapse of II. R. A. Edwards. B.C. Fresh Pullet Eggs, arriving !0,d wfntastr boy. who was a pas- Wed ne.sday! boat, 3 dozen for 33c 3entr Ior tbe U8t " 01 the Capitol Creamery -Butter, per lb, One of the Dark Blue's main hopes this r i. r f c .. . . ra.u.t .v. . . v. . wh0 tt Number seven has been, in l ren Urouud Oorfte, Ib. 4ac jr trsining at least, a little below the Del Monte 00-100, : Prunes, aize hlgh .tandard oected of him. lb. for 23c Klnirsbunr and RaUibone. six and five M.llkin'a l'.f-at Jetlv t'nwilcm. J I Hcnertlvrl ml s th i 1 for 23c j nl five of Cambridge, and with the Klni? 0car Sardine. ier tin 15c!aW ' Edward, if the latter regain Pure Lard, Silver Uaf or Sham-jhu torm- vm turn atv ,nW j., really fast eight, according to the ex- : lb. tins, mx-cial C.lt j 1 "T" , , ,.n Hundreds of .u thousands of people will 5 lb. tins, special 99c, tbt tSit from Al m, 10 lb. tina, Jeclal ...... $U points of vantage along the whole ricmc iiams, per iu. '2C S'alob Pure Plum Jam, 4 Ib. pails 49c Nabob Pure LoKanIcrry Jam, 4 lb. pailn 59c KinK Ileach Pure Prune Jam, 4 Ib. pails 49c Kinjf Deach Pure Raspberry Jam, 4 Ib. pails 59c Runny Monday Laundry Soap, extra special, jier bar 5c Limit 20 to each customer. Gold Dust Washinir Powder, larjre package 29c Fel Naptha Soap, ier carton of 10 bars "9c; course, and the celebration In London's est End. particularly if Oxford win, will be a Bout Baoe Night to be remembered for a long time. Tin: isotTs The Oxford boat Is practically the tame as that used by Oxford In last year's race, and is an abandonment of the extreme stream-line type of boat of earlier post-war days. It has been designed for a crew averaging 174 pounds. The Cambridge boat is on the orthodox lines of recent years and If of such dimensions that there is no fear of the Cambridge crew being tin-klerboated. It has been designed 'for crew averaging 177 pounds. 50 tins Drl-Pak Prunes, size 2'&! The race this wear wUl be umpired lb., while they last 23c-tls year by Col. O. D. Burnen, old Circle Rrand Sliced Pineapple, 2'' ?n"1- uho uccd' u lb tins 15c m4n' 'amou Cambridge oar of days Peamenjed' Back" KaVon machine iX Sliced, per lb ,c rll. like his predecessor, has been eon- - Inected with the Henley Regatta for Terrace Spuds, arrivinjr Saturday. 'many years. He rowed for Oxford from 100 ib. sack $1.95 J 1685 to 1698 and was In the Magdalen Book your order now for arrival. 'College crew in iwj. He also rowed in Australian Boast Beef, or Corned i the historic race between Leander and Beef. 1 Ib. ttas, each 25c jConwll. when Leander waa left at the WVstons Assorted Biscuits. repu-'P0'1- lasti The crew.. In order and weight., are lar 85c ler tin, while they --u (n.l" follows: oxmun N. E. Whiting I Worcester! bow. 1 CO lbs P Johnston (UagUajeii) 182 lbs. Bargains FOR THIS WEEK '41b. tin Malkin's Best Strawberrj' Jam for C5c, with 8 packages Quaker Corn Flakes for $1.00. All for $1.63. 2 lb. Creamery Butter In hulk, for -05c with -a 5 lb, juiil Silver Leaf Lard. The 2 for $2.00 1 50c pkjr. Som-Mor Graham Wafers; 1 f5c pkjr. Supreme Coffee. The 2 for $1.00 Fresh Milk Daily Delivered B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 45 and 571 Dr.J.R.Gosse ' DENTIST He! gerson Block X-Ray Service. Open Phone 686. George rorie CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR Phone 387 341 (fecund Avenue West, Prince Kb pert Breakfast Two Kinds You can get QuakwOats In two forms the large, plump whole flake or the half flake, rolled thin, and partly cook; ed. Both are of the game Quaker Quality, famous in 8 countries. If you wish to make porridge while you boil the coffee, or make the toast, use Quick Quaker. It cooks iu 3 miuutes. i.T- mj bi... irri.t rhiin-h in lbs. i that DractlcallY everv oerson in the! 4-J. W D.Totnson (Unlvertltr) 1821b. stands will be able to see the complete 6- W. Rathbane (Christ Church) 181 lbs j race for the eDrny from sUrt to finish. H. t. Kingsbury (Queens) 187 lbs. 'An idea of the extended character of 7- E. c. T. Edwards I Chris- Church I 173 1 the building, on which hundreds of jbn, i wortmen nave oeen busy ior rnontns ( W. 8. Llewellyn CBalUol) stroke. Fi. is maicaiea Dy tne tact mat tne 163 lbs. 'Sir James Croft (Brasenose) cox, 134 lbs. rAMIIIilor.E Hon. J. 8. Maclay (first Trinity bow. 1 S3 lbs. E. Letchworth (ChrUt's) 1641b. 3 J. C. Holcroft (Pembroke) 165 lbs. 4 R. Beesly Flrst Trlnty) 172 lbs. 5 'L. V. Bevaa (Lady Margaret) 179 lbs. 6- J. B. Bell (Jesus) 178 lbs. j 7- 8. K. TuUbs (Calus) 165 lbs. I ' R. J, EUes (Trinity Hall) stroke, 160 lbs. : J. A. Brown (Caius) cox, 124 lbs. I An Old Blue. 1 SPORT CHAT have met and defeated the provincial champions ' of the fquf western pro vince. The games should be evenly; contested and wUl probably be witnessed by the largest crowds attending any hockey fixture in Vancouver this season. Fort William should be used to the Vancouver rink now. having defeated Trail In two well contested games and perhaps the Orads wUl be handi capped for this first tussle. However, I if they are in the same class as their j coinprtlU, this should count for little as both teams will be playing on neutral Ice. The Maple Leafa basketball team 4aya Its first game with, SmlthM tonight. Little Is known of the Interior team's ability, but It would bt a, j distinct surprise and shock to local) fans If the ,Maple Leaf were defeated' ' In elUier of the two scheduled games. ' joranby, It Is sold, will send a team; jheer to play the winner, of the aeries sometime In April. j Turfgoer. travelling to the famou. old' Epsom Downs, near London, at the opening of racing there la April will find the new stand to be one of the finest race course buildings of any In the world. The modest stand which Until last year attempted to accommodate tlve enormous crowds gathered to watch the running of the blue riband of the turf, was more than 100 J years old. Directly last year's Derby had been decided Uie work of demolition began. Erected partly on the old bite, but extended we( and east, the new stand ha. been specially designed i to give a more comprehensive view of . the course than the old. TVe building ,1 slewed round to give a more frontal view of Ui straight, aud It 1 etUinated best meal of the dag Physicians urge satisfying breakfasts because in the fore-. rioon most people are called upon to do two-thirds of,: their most important work. To enable body and brain to reach their highest capacities in the shortest time, digestion must be easy and quick. The delicious taste of Quaker Oats invites digestion. Gratefully warm, it is welcomed by the stomach. It assimilates quickly and its bulk and tender bran assist in the assimilation of other food. They aid in a function which doctors say is the first essential to good health. And Quaker Oats sustains throughout the day's most-vital working hours. No other cereal has such perfect balance of food elements. It contains 10 of the tissue builder, protein; 05 of the energy producer, carbohydrates; and the all-important vitaniines and mineral salts. If you are not using Quaker Oats at breakfast, start now. You will take up your morning work more eagerly and will feel more vigorous and alert throughout the day. approximate length 1 700 feet, or twice Hie length of the old stand. There will be over (wo hundred private boxes, and so much, no the general accommodation been Increased that there will e room for 30.000 spectators, exclusive :f the available lawn space. The Royal apartments, the designs of which have been specially approved by the King and Queen, are embodied In the chief stand, together with the accommodation for the Jockey Club and the members, the Royal box being Immediately opposite the winning post. Each section of the building is being constructed on self-contained lines, I v:li separate luncheon rooms and oral accommodation. Special consider ation ha been given to the chief requirement of the spectators, which Is M see tne racing In comfort. For this " I purpose, and to enable an unlnter- Tomorrow night in Vancouver the mpted view of the racing to be ob-Vorsity Orads of Toronto wUl meet the tained. all the spans of the main Fvrt WUllam hockey team In the first ; girders have been kept slxt yfeet apart, game for the Allan Cup, The Toronto while the lowest tier I. twelve feet team had little initlculty In disposing .bore the level of the course. ol all eompeturo -in the eastern part of Canada wiuie the Thunder Bay team i , Uk up, wU up jm lst4. . ri m 01 Hp, t Trtm TS. IU4. to... HttM' ty - tsirna. $1.75to$5,50 p, fit mil f fc4 A Trusted Name N alarm'clock that isn't de pendable isn't anything. Ingersoll Alarm Clocks Lie In . gersoll Watches are dependable. The name Ingersoll stands for dependability. . Models $t.7J to $j.jo, includ- ! ing Radiolitcs that tell time in the dark. Ingersoll Watch Co. Inc. '4 St. CMhsriaM Si. Esat. Mostml, P. Q. QuakerOats you have always knoun QuickQuaker cooks in 3 minutes 4& "1 - 4 Great Sale n of the MONTREAL IMPORTERS continues All This Week WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY, 7 and 9 p.m. "The Wilderness Woman" - s AII.EEN PRINGLE. LOWELL SHERMAN. ROBERT CAIN, CHESTER CONKLIN, HENRY VJBART, HARRIET STERLING and others. . w COMEDY "THANKS FOR THE BOAT RIDE" AESOP'S FILM FABLES Admission 35c and 10c