PAGE rot Neglected Eyes NEGLECT is doubtlM the cause of moot of the UU thai afllict humanity. Thfo is so self evident that it wrai hardly necessary to tell you. If your eyes are jriWnir trouble, have them attended to-and at once. O'.' ALL absurdities in the kingdom of foolishness, surely the Ioac of eyeaijjlvt through neclt is the mot inexcusable. DON'T lose health nnrl offi. ciency through neglect Come t la arm see! Fred Joudry Registered Optometrist and Optician Room 3 Smith Mock Phone 7C3 VIE nNOV YOU'LL BE SeTlSTttO- UNCtOV)R LUMBER. VOU HVTi TRIED m It you are looking for sat-infactlon you won't have to look any farther than our lumber sheds. You will be perfectly satisfied with the business deal you will get here. We'll sell you the best lumber obtainable at the , fairest prices obtainable. Albert & McCaffery Phones 11C nnd 117 VELVET Ice Cream THE VEKY REST! Take a brick home tonight! We cater for Parties, Picnles, Dances, etc. Prompt Delivery Velvet Ice Cream Co Corner Third Avenue nnd Second Street Phone 758 Prince Rupert BOAT HOUSE .Phone 381 P.O. Ilox 15C5 LAUNCHES, SCOWS. ROW-DOATS AND CANOES SAND AND GRAVEL Equipment for Diving and Salvage Work Agents for Easthope Engines nnd Stump Pullers NORWEGIAN IIAL1I5UT GEAR IN STOCK Compass Adjusting LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone G3 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and. Furnitum Moving. BRINGING UP FATHER BY COLLV 1 OttIM' DAV after DAY NINETY-SIX YEARS THIS ) f tike ', j HOUND RACING LATEST THING Fortune! Being Made on Result of Speed of Dogs in England Today WE.MHLEY STADIUM SOLD LONDON. July is. OreyhouiKt racing ha ukn England by storm this summer and ia the popular apart of the metropoHtan masse Races arc run at special tracka in the evening when the crowd la drawn: ami at the "White City." which la London's track. 30.000 or more thrilled spectators watch the dogs speeding after the mechanical hare. Throughout the countrv the ad herents cr the new sport must amount' to hundred ol thousands, for there ia a great vogue In aueh centrea aa Man chester. Liverpool and Birmingham. ItETTlMI OX ODDS As the crowd gather at the White City, which might be taken aa a typi cal race, m me evening, there la a great resemblance to a racecourse un til the dog appear. Bookmaker! yell their odd even aa In bone racing, betting on the dog ia a great lure 8 porting paper already pubHh their "speetad selection" on the greyhound race, tout tt la probable that quite a reapeetable proportion of the specta tor enjoy the pure thrtU of the racing dogs. And many (peotator are aa deeply interested In the electric hare, aa It (peed around the track atway Just In front of the doga, as they are in the dogs themselves. The Daily New say the Wembley Stadium ha been sold far about 1750,' 000 to a syndicate who propose to In rUI! facilities for grejhound racing. Existing contract with the Football Association (for dip Tie finals) and others will be transferred and carried out. but alterations to the enclosure will begin at once. KIKTI NES MADE Fortunes are already being made out of the new aport. thanks to the fast ticreace in vaJ'se of snares of dog rac ing associations which hold valuable concessions The share of the Greyhound Racing Association, which operate the track at the great resort of Cclle Vue Gardens, Manchester, have risen from one shilling to 110 10s. in value about 20 times the original price. OLD YET NOT OUT LONDON. July IS. ( Canadian Press) Canon Theobold, the Winchester. Oxford Unlverrtty and Hampshire cricketer, made "6 not out" this month, when he celebrated his 96tb birthday. He Is a link with the cricketing past; he caught the great George Parr with a catch In the long field which left a bruise on the Canon's hand for a long time. He did not get his Blue, although his pla ymerited. Jt,, but to play for Oxford membership In the Bullingdon Club was necessary. Charles Theobold wa one of a large family and he had to forego the Bullingdon. In 1850 he saw the Oxford-Cambridge match, and he celebrated his 90th birthday watching Oxford and Cambridge match. HI 96th birthday comes on the second day of thl year's Varsity match, but whether the Canon wtH travel from Chichester to see it is problemaitloal. SPORT CHAT It ia often said that talk ia cheep, but the player who talka at the wrong time ia likely to find that his talk will be an expensive Item. In one of the reeent football game played in Prince Rupert one of the players persisted in finding fault with the referee's decision PinaMy the referee sent the offender to the pavilion and hi team was left ahorthanded as a result. Not only wa the player penalized but his tesn lost the match and the absence of one rrran doubtless made a big difference. The player baa since been suspended for two weeks. A referee's duties at the best are onerous and difficult. Oood referees are not found every day and few peo ple ao ready to erltleise would be ready to try their hand at the Job. It Is. up to the players to realize that referee to only there to help the game along and give decisions as he sees fit. He is not there to try to please twjbody. LETS DO SOMCTMIMC TOQTATHHIU- V KIM YOU LOOP I THE UOOP7 1 I . ' - fDENlfl MOUNIE I n.KJ Hmndu s it ivana reaiprcc LJ - tied in Cognac 1 This advertisement is hot published or displayed by the Liquor Control Beard cr bg the Government of British Columbia. A good aport will take the decision and get on with the game. This is a It should be. Once player begin talking natead of playing, the fame detertur- iles. and the players are the first to suffer. Last year the Regiment held a tennis tournament about this. time . and considerable interest waa shown In It There are many good player con nected with the Regiment and they could put up a good series of game. It wlU not be .long till the city championships will be taking pta and e egimental series before the big tour nament would be good practice for all be players. ' It might be possible for some of the clubs or organisations to start series of game for the tennis beginner. There are many boy and girls not of an age to take part In the senior tour- naments who play a good game. We read of Betty Nuthall the English tennis star being chosen at the age of 16 to represent her country Jn Interna tional games. While we do not ex- lect to produce a challenger to this roung lady, yet we can give the younger ones a chance. Perhaps some f the tennis organizations would take '.he matter up or would combine on '.his project . CHANGE MADE IN RUGBY LAW Not More Than Three Players in Front How of Scrummage Be-' fore Hall Goes in LONDON, July 13. The end of t'du pute among the four rugby football j n Ions in the British Isle over changes- in the rule of the game, ia coming. It waa indicated at the annual rmetlng of the Rugby Football Union. Both James Baxter, retiring president, and Sir Row. land Hill declared that the home unions were now working together. Mr. Baxter raid he thought there was little llkell tne i'.u.i ,tt WATCH J v 7 rmk:'i ' O ImI mm rame If they find that in home union) tre not able to agree among tiiera-eJvear" After outlining that the Engltato union was disappointed that the ether unions did not agree with it with regard to the Dominion and the formation f the imperial AdvUuey Board. Mr. Baxter ld the union would still endeavor, though uy peaceful penwastoo. to ge iU policy liruugh. Whatever had been in the past, the Rugby Unions "are hot going o quarrel wtth their brotberc at home tor the sake of their cousins abroad,' le said. "Fratricide is not part of our policy. Mr. Baxter went on. The four Home Union are now cemented together and it that cementing there la greater itrength for the game, not only here ut over the sea." It wa stated that SooUand and Ire land, though still keenly opposed to hangei in the rule, had aatrlficed their views for the sake of furthering the aim ot one universal code. The chief proposal were carried unan-mously. The chief effect ia that not more than three player of eh team thould form the front row of the scrummage before the ball is put In. . CLOSE GAME OF FOOTBALL Moose nnd Regiment Tied Mutch Played Last Night in The Moow ind Reglmejit were unable te decide which was the superior team when last nights fixture In the aty League resulted in a draw of two goal each. ' Each team mad changes In player from those advertised,' Moose playing Peacock at half Instead of Koppers. and tbe Regiment. Ron Instead of Hunter. Moose winning the toss played down hill and with the wind. The Regiment wa the first to get going and 1U for wards, with Capmbell at centre, showed nice combination. Jaa. Currle Jr. allowed up well at outside right for Moose and centred dangerously. Wilson was too good for Mitchell and Skinner but it was from CurrlCa corner kick that Bye opened the score for Moose. Campbell hurt his thigh and went to outside right where he was practically a pas senger and his defection upwt the Regi ment forwards. From a comer kick well taken by Campbell. Tinker made the score even, and the teams crossed over with the score one all. Play in the second half was even, though the Regiment pressed at first. A couple of long shot went over and then Norrlngton came Into the picture when he ran through the field to beat Lambie with a fine ahot to give the Regiment the lead. A free kick was given against t,. . . ... fuoraeu tor carrying and following a scramble In which Corbett saved finely F. Hodgklnvm made the scores equal Doherty hot high over when Clowe in and Ilodgklnson', front tinder thecftarrat the other end managed to sky the ball yards high. -No further score was re corded and full time found the teams tied. For Moose, Ersklne, Currle and Bye were best, while Regiment halve and Norrlngton starred. I Teams: hood of the good feeling "between the Moose Lambie. Skinner, Ersklne. Mur- untons being interfered with for some ray, 8am Currle, Peacock. F. HoUgklu years to come, while Str Rowland aked ' son, Jaa. Currle Jr. How can we possibly expect the Do-' Regiment--Corbett, MacKay, Norrlng minions to stop altering the laws of the ton, Harris. MacDouald. Tinker, Camp- Nurse Tells How To Relieve Eczema Lady had face disfigured with Eczema. Skin now clear. Mr. Wm. Campbell, a graduate nurse of Morden, Man., reports a very interesting experience ah had recently with a distressing case of eczema. The patient was a lady who had suffered keenly both mentally and physically because of the way her face was disfigured and by the itching, burning sensations of the skin. She had become discouraged because doctors considered her case incurable. Mrs. Campbell had known of similar eanes and by patient persistent treatment was able to obtain complete relief and restore the natural beauty of tbe skin. Mrs. Campbell writes: "A patient under my care was so severely afflicted with aewma os hu face that tbe doctors considered it incurable and could do nothing for it. I decided to try Dr. Chase's Ointment and never found , anything like it for the first application stopped the itching. By continuing the use of the Ointment, the' eczema was entirely removed and the complexion greatly improved. No one would .ever know that my patient had previously been so disfigured. by this annoying and torturing ailment." Dr. Chase's Ointment is the recognized standard treatment for eczema. It should never be confused with ordinary alves for it is a medicinal ointment of proven merit and effectiveness. 60 cents a box, all deakn. or The Dr. A..V7. Chase Medici&e Co., IitoiUd, Toronto. y anted FartSafc For Rent FOR S.Al.U A v t i FOR SALE LOTH 34 AND 36. BLOCK IS. section 7, with two room plastered nouee, Vug Harden, biekea bouse and Cfty white Leghorn betas. Uit 34, block 37. section ft. Lot 81. block 30. section 8. Lot 7 and IS. bloek IS. section 8. Price 1 1 .000.00 or will sell separately. Apply W. O. Bmlth, Phone Red $03.' I WILL SELL AS A OOINQ CONCERN my secondhand business, and rent or sen partly furnished four roamed flat with toilet and bath. Modern flat over store. A good proposition. Phone 774. O. T. Brine. FOR 8ALE OR RENT. HOU8E ON 1037 Graham Avenue. Section 3. Preference given returned soldiers. Apply to D. J. Matheson. City Treasurer FOR SALE. LAUNCH "NANCY," 2 foot, In first etaas condition. East-hope engine: 16 hp. 4 cylinders, a. Rorle. Phone 387 or Red S13. U HOUSE FOR SALE. BUILT LAST SEP- Umber. Price 11,400. Cash 1000.00: balance arranged. Apply 343 Seventh Avenue West. 1S3 FOR SALE. BED. COMPLETE: CHIP- fonler: sewing machine: chairs and other household furniture. Phone Black 617 168 FOR SALE. FIRST CLASS RESTAD. rant. Do not lose your occasion! Apply P.D, Box 735. tt FOR SALE. BABY BUOQY. 330 Fourth Avenue East. Phone Blue 606. FOR SALE. ONE 1935 FORD COUPE: excellent condition. Parker' Oarage. R0WBOAT8 FOR SALE. PHONE RED 335. tt bell, RuMtell. Ross. Doherty, Wilson I.UIII K HTAMHNU W. L. Terminals 2 0 Iteglment 0 I ' Moose o 1 PRINCE GEORGE D. Pts. 1 5 3 3 1 1 Eric O. Backlln and Susan J. Becklus both of this city were married In Smlthers on Saturday and will make their home here. Miss Ellen Olson has tendered her resignation from the teaching staff. She proposes remaining with lief parents for the present. F. W. Bteacy, formerly of this city Is now stationed at Trail. Rev. a. B. Swltzer formerly of and more recently of aiscombe Is occupying the pulpit of Knox Church during the absence of Rev. S. T. Oalbralth. aiscombe team won the prize In the baeball tournament In which Aleza Lake, Shelley, aiscombe end Prince Oeorge took part. The brass band under the able leadership of Dr. Bayne with the ft. slstsnce of Alex Klnack and W. U, Hornsby was a very prominent help at all times during the Diamond Jubilee celebration. Albert Hornby, the local rider in Jured at the stampede in attempting to ride Klondyke. was able to leave hospital after one night. WANTED By George McManus YOU r"THAO' i VK COST ALU MY CCA' IV. . ' I - WANTBD. OFFICE OIRL; ONE OAH- atoie of giving service to hkjh cUms Dr. Macuire. over Or mm FOR KENT FOR RENT. rHMINif ilH) APART- meat ty the day. wie or month. Phone Red m. it FOR KENT. FOUR HOOM FURNISHED suite; steam boated. Apply Smith As Mallett. Ltd. tf FOR RENT. PLASTER BO HOUSE, BIX rooms and bath. A poly 2 IS Fourth Avenue East. FURNI81IED SUITES FOR RENT. Apply Mima Uem aroeery. Phone 18. FURNISIW) ROOMS TO LOT. A1TLY Hyde Transfer. Second Avenue. IT ROOMS FOR RENT BOARD IF desired. Phone Black 1M. PIANO FOR RENT -SSO0 A MONTH. Walker's Music Store. PLASTERING NEW WORK FROM S&c to 75c a square yard All material supplied. Repair plaster work by day or Job. Phone W Q. Bmlth. Red 503. 180 AUCTIONEER O. F. BRINE. AUCTIONEER RRatnvrn Face value. Oood judgment I buy. sell or exchange Phone 774. JiniOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIRINO: UPHOL- sterlng of all kinds Chesterfield recovered and made to order. All work guaranteed. Phone Oresn 803 Q. M. HUNT. FURNITURE CHE8TERPIELD 8UTTB8. DININO room suite Bedroom suite. Rest-more and Wyaleae bad yrltit. Axmlruter and Wilton oarpet. Dominion Linoleum. Everything for the-window. Be sure and call at our store. A. MacKenzle. Furniture. Phone 775. EXCHANGE NEW AND SECONDHAND FURNJTURE tuuugui, mum ana exenanged. Papa-dopuloa and Marrls. 839 Third Ave. Phone 646. if ICKHTAl'lUNT OOOII K.tTM cm: V ' 4, JtrJbi&X.'A4 '.uaMsWastl.-. . .. . 'Mrs. Ururer. Prunrlr... I Inquiries ave WrY madocirfeVT1' agam'ytTm41lr .in ena . '. J nardinz the amount of exDloslve used I Thtrri Auml. u.. 'n ... . A In the district. The Information Is desired by the promoters of a scheme to erect a new powder factory In Van couver. -- n.ur. imkaiik MOVED FROM BLOCK DAY BEFORE FIRE The news of the fire at the Royal Alexandra Apartments in Vancouver caused considerable worry to one Princ Rupert lady. Mrs. Nye. sister of Mrs. C. J. Norrlngton, has been ocetinvlnir jaulte 414 In the block. On seeing the report or tne disaster In the News. Mrs. Norrlngton telegraphed south and was greatly relieved to learn that her sister had moved from the AlanH Apartments th day before the fire. W. V, A. flood Home Cooked Meals. Phone Black 700. Agents for all flKNKIML MOTORS PKOKITTH Another carload of Chevrolet Justlnl Price: " Road'r 1825 00 uoudater Delivery S835.0O "U""K S823.00 P S985.00 ach 9fl5.00 8ed,n 8I.07S.OO Landau Sedan Sl.120.oo aoriolet 11,100 00 Commercial' Chassis 1645.00 Delivery Express Chassis .... 1806.00 29 x 4.40 Balloon Tires standard equipment on all models except De livery Express chassis. Oali or phone lor demonstration. KAIKN (lAK.UlK Third Avenue I'hone .13 TAXI I'hone .87 Tn I (Call George, Paul or Guat) bakers at your dlxposal any time ROSS BROS, FOOL ROOM Meeker lllock. f Across from Empress Hotel) C.N.R: TRAINS for the I jit Dally Except Sunday 10:30 a.m. from the Kant Dally txeep; Tussdays 1.80 pja. rta AM' THE 04i-Y BOCKrT OF CORNt I DE6F AM DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for leu than 50c Article. Loit tai Found,4( PTPliimiin iiAnm.. lor Vanruiner Monday - Prini.-e u.-Tucatiay Cat,.,. Tburad- m prm. Saturday- s Oardei.., " si. Prince- Br : " sa Prince Hup: ( Jtlty fl M PrKtcea i ,,a " M -o. Prince u . " 16- Prince Ali.e " SO a Prlnceae I " 18 m prlncoM u. " . Prince a A, " 30 . Prtitorsa c ija, I'ntiii Va ileum er undoy Cat a la Monday Prince .. Wedneaoay osiPrjn. . i;( Friday os. prince Ru; as. Oardena Saturday as. Prime E July B -os. Prince tc ? " 11 a. Prtnretw A j " 1SV . Irlncr. " 18 os. Prince Lc ? " 38 as. Prlncnw A " Jo a. Princean " 30. Princess Lou,;r I'or 1'iwt MlmMon and Nss IIir Friday . Cardeua I'rnm ISirt Klniimm ins Suit Saturday. Cortlena lur AnjtM. hlewart. elr Sunday . CaUla MywUy..M. PrinL-c n, FrkiayfM. Prince Rupe front Anyex, Mew art. elc Tueadoy a Oatalo Thursday, .sa Princes ' Saturday a. Prlnoe Ruptrt For North queen CliHrlnlle- MiMMloy a. Prlnceo Cm .'a. I rum North (Jiieen f'liarlutle- ThUTtday Prince Ciiarle: ler Koulli (Jurrn riiarlollev July 18 a. Prlnoe John Irnm Soulh (een riurlotlrs July 18- as. Prlncr Join: " 37os. Prince John For Alaska t 1 Wednesday . Prince Of ; July 8 as. Prince Lou it - Prmcem All ? " 15 ss Prtuceaa Cua: "s " IB, ss. Prince Loui " 23 ss. Princess A1K- " 25 m Prlncena Ctja: "J " 39 as. PrinceM Lcujs inim AUaka Monday Prince neor t July B- ss. Princes Chat "J " 13 ss. Princess Louiiff " 18 s. Prlncma Alice SO aa CIiu-m r,nr'.VM .''a-ii Princess Louiu &-: Princess Alice 30 ss. Princes Chariot MAIL SCHEDULE I'or I lie lUiit JULY 127 .1 Monday. Wednesdava. Satunl:r from I lie Eusl - ............. Mondava. U...1 .....i . an -far 1 J , . u .r. ... j m, . ' - , due To Vonroiiter Mondays Tuesdays Thursdays Baturdays C.P.R. Jul- 8. 13. 16. 30. ? from Vanroitver Mondays Mall Wednesdays ........ 10-' Fridays H CP.R. July 8, Jl, 18. 18, 22 To Anyot, a I Ire Arm, Premier ..Hlewart Sundays mail clones Fridays from Anvox, Allie Ann. PrfBiW Hlennrt Saturdays mall o Tuesdays ,, To Naas Itlter 'nlntiu-k Thursdays nall t:Vtt from Naas Klver I'olnl Baturdays mail du To Alaska Point Juiy 8. U. IS, is, 33. 35, 29. fToin Alaska i-oint July 9. 13. 16, 20. 23. 37. 30 To neen Charlotte lolaiid I'olnl Lower Islands. Monday. July from Queen Charlotte Island Pot Lower Islands. Wednesdays 1 Advertlss la Ths DaUy W