You Can Try "SALADA" GREEN TEA DAILY EDITION. T70 "Write 'Salada', Toronto, for free sample. The Daily -News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. N H. F. PULLEN - Managing Editor. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. Friday, Feb. 18, 1927 TWO MUDDLED AND TROUBLED LEADERS. British Columbia Conservatism is confronted with a stranjre DOCTOR MUST HAVE KNOWN ABOUT IT. lAs such the doctor must -have known something about campaign funds; in fact, he must surely have handled a considerable amount of campaign funds. And if Dr. Tolmie did not know that a certain portion of Conservative campaign funds were supplied by the brewery interests, then it is quite certain that no political party, in British Columbia ever had any campaign funds. All of which makes it appear as difficult and annoying to be a leader of the British Columbia Conservative party as it is to be a leader of the Conservative delegation at Victoria. What with one leader playing Premier Oliver's game at Ottawa and the other at Victoria daring the government, until to his surprise the. dare was accepted, to investigate affairs connected with the past of the Conservative leader at Ottawa as Conservative organizer in British For AVinter Mtaiity SHREDDED WHEAT gives that extra energy for long, cold, busy days RED CROSS IS ! STILL ACTIVE' Nl.V MILLION IMII.I..VIIS El'l.'NIKI IN A 1.1. I'AltTS OK CAXAHA IX ITItTIIKItAM't: Or' NATIONAL r-EAK TI.MK IMUMSKAM TORONTO. Ont. Feb. 18. (By Canadian Press.) That In roung figures the Canadian Rtd Cross Society has disbursed since the war 16,000.000 In furthering lis national peace-time program: that about one-halt the revenues of this Society, available at the end of the war with the revenues accruing since, has been spent for the benefit of disabled numbers of the Canadian Forces: that the other half has gone largely Into the public health and j health education acltvttles of the 01 1 gaiilzjtlon; and that last year 65O.0OO was spent on Red Cross work In all parts of Canada, will be the gist of a statement to be Issued at an early date from Red Cross Headquarters In Toronto. This statement, which has been prepared by Dr. James W. Robertson, chairman of the Central Council of the Red Cross In Canada, and Lieut Col- onel J. L. Blggar. M.B chief commissioner, will deal In detail with the causes which made It Imperative at the close of the war that Red Crow worn should go on without pause: situation today, says the North Vancouver Review. The federal 'win outline the peace-time constitution parliament re-convened at Ottawa Tuesday with the leader of thelr ,ne world Lea" of Red cross British Columbia Conservative party as one of its members. At the IS-ST name time the provincial legislature has reached what will probably cation as furthered by the Red Cross be the most important stage in its nineteen twenty -seven delibera-l,n( lber health agendes in Canada, tionSj 'has been largely responsible for the The situation, as it exists, is contained of some strange com.i,act that ince lh war many thou" binations of circumstances. sancU of Canala 'cbooi nlldrn . . . have been examined: will Hon. Dr. n S. o r F rr i- u i j r medically re- Tolmie chosen leader of provincial Conserva- itt to tne fact tlut the Junlor Red tivesx selected at that much-ballyhooed Kamloops convention which cross which originated in Canada ta was to foreshadow the early downfall of John Oliver and his fol-iiou has now over 100.000 members in lowers, has not seen fit to seek a seat alongside those who were to the Dominion and has spread into have been his colleagues at Victoria. . I many other lands where it today num. Instead, after delivering a few platitudinous, back-slapoini' (bers ten mmin win state that in the speeches and asserting that he would not have touched the provincial !pa,t three yea u'000 womn have MORE RED TAPE CUT AWAY EUROPE REGARDING MOTORING PARIS, Feb 18,-Durlng the first few tour among the new countries was Indeed a nightmare. At every border there was a deposit to be made, often of considerable value. U the customs authorities, and there was endless trouble and formality when thi money was to be returned on 'leaving. Thanks to the various touring clubs of Europe, this nuisance ha now been brought pretty well to an end, ana motorists csn now have the same facilities as before the war In the shape of trlptyque and international certificate which eliminate trouble at th frontier and make individual deposits unnecesssry. Most of the motors association hi Europe and the Automobile Club in New York can supply motorist with th necessary pipers. A noteworthy Improvement Is th In novation that th French Touring Cltio ha mad, and which 1 applicable to U It member that rtslde In France, trlptyques and "carneu de pasaag douane" as the book of trlptyque tor many different eountrle Is called, can 'now I obtained on deposit of nom- r&i; IrAUuT NtsWe Direct as an arrow tpmd thmtm grmat a-st( trains to tA Mid- Wmtt, South and East, , SsBlm Union Pacific is your logical route to Salt Lake City, Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis, Omaha and Chicago. Inlorvutlon a d Anrtlons I iiimi station, srMXt, IIUA Kourth Ar Sv A.7BBBBSSsSjaPBSBHBJRpBBBW wtf aaEiZwHiL21teL. P'-il1'- I M 1 Ml J. Fred Ritchie was a passenger for the south last evening. "GOVERNMENT LUJUOR ACT.' NOTICE OP APPLICATION IOU Hi:Llt f.MT.M'E NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that, on the 10th day of February next, the undersigned intend to apply to the Liquor Control 'Board for- a licence In respect of premises being part of the building known as Seal Cove Hotel, situate at the City of Prince Rupert. In the- Province of British Columbia, upon the lands described as all that portion ol Waterfront Block "I." Buy of Prince Rupert. City of Prince Rupert. Province of British Columbia, Map 933, Prince Rupert Land Registration District, and being more particularly ds- scrioea as mii' ws INSANE PEOPLE j ARE CLASSIFIED M Mill It IX PHOVIMK llt IU AI.I.Y IM HKAMMI A( ( OltlllNd TO UOV- KKS.MKNT KI'.rOKT The number gradually Increasing year by year, there were 2,434 patients treated at the mental hospitals of British Columbia during the fiscal year of 1020, j a government report shows. Of thn 1.683 were men and 753 women, the i former being treated almost exclusively at Esaondale and the latter at New ' Westminster asylum. The great major ity of a(l the patients. 104. were still remaining In the hospitals at the end of the year, while fltty-saveu recovered and 143 died. The Increase of patients in the mental hospitals for 1934 over 1923 was 111. The report makes a number of Inter, rating; classifications of the patients. la religious belief, of the 475 patients admitted during the year. 306 were Pro testant. 76 Catholics. 39 Lutherans, flf- teen Confucians and smaller numbers j or other beliefs and none. j More of the Insane had common edu-1 cations than had good and poor I In nationality. 160 of the patlenuj were of Canadian birth. 138 English. 26 j Scotch. 32 United State. 15 Chinese. 12, Swedes and smaller numbers of other ; nationalities. j Vancouver eontrrtHKed the targes: number of patients 189: Victoria. 43: Hew Westminster. 17; Kamloops. 11: North Vancouver. 9: Okalla Prison. 6: 1-rtnce Rupert. 7; Saanlch. 5. Laborers seemed, from the year's record, to have been the most prone to tgo insane as they numbered S3; housewives came next with 74; those glvlnc no occupations. 60: farmers. 31: log-vers. 31: miners. IB: oarpenter. t 14: clerks. 11: smeltermen. 11; and housekeepers. 10. One newspaperman could r.ot nand the overwork and went Between 35 and forty years seemed to be the favorite age to go Insane. The most of the cause were classed as con- Conservative leadership with a ten-foot pole if he had been allowed tak the Red CroiB Nurln " lnal W,CD lmMt returned tt,tutloruJ. ,Mi mmt heredity accounted to refuse it, the doctor has gone haughtily back to Ottawa and to ..ST'T "VlT ' ? ? ,the T lohth literature have been distributed charge being made for the liability m- of thMe ,dmlUed were In his ins safe aie seat seat with wun the ine uon Conservative eraue minorilj minority there mere. by tnt CrOM .m describe th- surance policy the club takes out to vooa hlth And once there, what has'he done? Invaluable terrlces afforded settlers In; protect Itself. AlUhr I'LLAhhNtt the thirty-nine Red Cross Outoost TO JOHN OLIVER. X j Hospitals now in operation In many The good doctor Is carrying on in a manner most pleasing to pr0Tl,lce- wiu make novn tfc Premier John Oliver who he should be facing now, but isn't inite contributions made to safe and The premier has introduced a motion favoring better terms !!"tUfa".tJ "mtmt ot grants for another five years? The situation is likely to be stranger still before this session! at Victoria is over. As is generally known a select committee of : to the appearance of that versatile the Legislature is now sifting evidence adduced before the royal j comedian as the lead in -o, what a commission investigating customs affairs, supposedly in prepara- Nurse." scheduled as the main screen tion for the sitting of a royal commission to investigate British Col- "raction at the westhoimo Theatre umbia campaign funds. Itht week-end. Now. before Dr. Tolmie was forced to acknowledge hlmelf ! yd "P"11 core aw"tr tremend-leader of the British Columbia Conservative party, he was organizer!0 " h'1 l" thls plctur " cub ,epfrt" for that same party n th s prov nee. ' , " " .C mm nurse, and' Is whirled through a slices-sicn of adventures, with thrills and comic interludes equally balanced. It's a picture brimful of laughs. Patsy Ruth Miller Is the heroine supported by a brilliant cast. The picture shows Byd Chaplin In one of the greatest comic roles of his career, a laughing triumph, riot of slapstick action? Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert for British Columbia from the Dominion in the Victoria House. IIon.iSTJ7"i .k.uu akv is. is,,. Dr. Tolmie has taken the hint and will move at Ottawa for a royal lkPt in these unique institutions, win, captain c. H. Nichouon announce. commission to lnvestiiratp llritish Pnlnmliia'ii of t,..Q i ... - .......... . e...u..v.o juoi iia-i cuter imo oeians regaruing wni nas , mat me frince ueorge win enter tne Tine tince Rupert. Rupert. Q.C.. C.C. occupation occupation Marlue Marine recently been done for the Maritimes, resulting in the much-debated been done by way of Disaster Relief local dry dock about March l for her aroke.-. intenJ to apply for permission Dnnpan rpnnrt nrpspntpri at Otf:ivva lmfnm tho lot ' in th tt n v.r. ,hh ni ,it. t ........i to purchase the following described taken there. the tasks tor the future If all such! Dr. Tolmie, unwittingly perhaps, has effectively tied the hands urently n"8" wk is to be of his "followers" at Victbria. Under ordinary circumstances they, T'$ JorwsCd- .; ....... - If It l Is 1 understood 1 rtHatraf vwl that that tKlai this araUr of course, would Iind it necessary to severely criticize the premier's move for better terms. car-1 Although ali detail are not yet in i covering the 'recent drive for the Can- statement adlan Patriotic Fund. It is expected will precede nation-wide campaign fori that over 16.000 will be realized for the Rut how a criticize the of the ' can man proposals government to thi. ummim win h u.mehMi on : which he is opposed, when his leader is proposing similar action at. Empire Day in all parts of the. Domin-Ottawa? Mr. Pooley deserves sympathy. His position is trying. Won and win continue until Dominion He is little more than chairman of the Conservative delegation in the , DaT 1927 House. ARE CONSERVATIVES REALLY SINCERE. If Conservatives are really sincere in believing that a general SYD CHAPLIN IN "0, WHAT A NURSE" election is imminent in this proince, are they playing fair with the-Him i surees-ion of Thrin tvith people of this province in selecting and supporting (though they are : wiiiHi Aiitrnture ami rnmiy not all doing this last) a leader who feels obliged to retain his seat at Ottawa where he knows he will not have to face the electorate Nh-ely I Li In need ' I Those fans who screeched with Under her town power and with a Jury rudder, the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage, .Oos fishing boat, the W. R. Lord rescfied port yesterday. She had recently run atbore near Dea4 Tree Point. Lieut. R. L. Van der Bjl of tola elty has been appointed to a flying officer according to a London despatch. T. 3. Johnson, manager of the Can- LAND ACT SIITICK OK INTKNTION TO APPLY TO TO PMtUIAHK MMl In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dis--rlet of Prince Rupert, and situate on the north ahore of the South Arm of l'aaco Harbor. Moresby IiUnd, Queeu Oharlotte Islands, Province ot Dr;tUb Columbia. TAKE NOTICE that Jame neld. of lands: Commencing at a post planted on the :iortn snore oi ooutn Arm oi tssoo mr tot. Moresby Kland-. Queen Charlotte islands, in the Province of British Col-imbla. about 5 chains from the end of be Oovernmcnt trail: thence 10 chains lortheasterly: thence 10 chains north-veaterly: thence 10 chains southwester. v. utence 10 cnains southeasterly, ami .outlining twenty (30) acres, more ot as. JAMES FIELD. ustea wovemoer n, twin LAND ACT Applicant. VOTIfK Of INTRXTIOV TO APPLY TO uuguici um iikt miui ui oju wuapiui twnpin; nave oven appoiniea on " ittwwi cribcd lands lands I In "Charley's Aunt." will look forward Canadian Fishery Association executive Columbia, the minds of both "Wders" are almost as muddled andiyear. that followed the great war. the troubled as this last sentence threatens to be. uu of the motorist who wanted to i.i:ak toiiriioKr: In Oraham Island, aueen Charlotte Island Land Recording District of Prince rtupert, and situate at Ferguson uay. I Massett Inlet. Oraham Islam Dated 4th November, mo NOTICE a. TAKE NOTICE that Powell LAND ACT. or 'INTKXTION TO TO LLASr. LAI. River adlan Fish and Oe-ld Storage Co.. and I Company Limited ot Vancouver. B.C.. J. A. Thompson of the staff of. that occupation Manufacturers, Intend to ap- I, ..... .. . ...... ,. 1 .... :)! for a lease of the following de Commencing at peat planted at the northeast corner ot D L- 1371: thenoe 1 northern boundary of t L. w W. Waugh u.-...o,k left .. last i... evening tn. for westerly, following wld Lo't to the northwest corner of is Id uiiawa to report ior auty witn tne , tot; tbenee westerly, northerly and Canadian Engineer. I easterly, following the high tide mark of Terguson Bay to the extreme easterly point oi Kcntnu roim. menee scuta-easterly to the point ot commencement. and containing isu acres, more or less POWELL RIVER COMPANY, LTD. Agent, J. Douglas Wilson. APPLY In Prince Rupert Land Recording DIs trlct of Prince Rupert, and situate at r.'eato Inlet. Queen Charlotte Islands, TAKE NOTICE that John Dybhavn. of Prince Rupert. B.C.. occupation manager, intenas 10 appiy ior a lease oi tne ioi lowing described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the south aide of Nesto Inlet, about one mile from Its head; thence south 6 chains: thence west 16 chains: thence north 6 chains to shore; thence cut 16 Commencing at a point which lies In chain, more. or lea, following the shore a straight line of bearing north COdeg. Mine to point of commencement, and 38' 8" east a distance ot 707.20 feet I containing 7 acres, more or less, from the centre of circle as shown on; JOHN DYBHAVN. said Plan 933. Section 7. thence south Applicant, 6deg. 35' 2J" east a distance of 60 feet I Dated November 73. 1038. to a point, thence north 83deg. 34' 34" " tast a dUtsncr of 100 feet to a point, LAND ACT thenc north 6deg. 33' 23" west a dls- tance of 60 fee to a point, thence south ekeena Land District. District ot Queen 83 leg. 24' 33' west a distance of 100 charlotte Islands. feet to the point of commencement." TAKE NOTICE that lxty day after for. the sale of beer by the glass or by the-open bottle for consumption on the premises. DATED this 12th day of January. 1937. 11. A. DODD, " Applicant. "(JOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT" noticn or application i oh iiklk licknci: NOTICE 18 HKitEtl GIVEN that on the 1st day ol February next the undersigned Intends to apply to th Liquor Control Board for a licence In respect to premise being part of the building known as Central Hotel, situated at the corner of First and Seventh Street, In the City of Prinsa Rupert. Province of British Columbia, upon the land described as Lou Eleven (11) and Twelve (131. Thirteen ii3 and Fourteen (14), In Block Ten iioi. Section One (1), Clt7 of Prince Rupert, Province of British Columbia, according to a registered map or plan deposited In the Land Reentry Office at the City of Prince Rupert aforesaid and numbered 023, for the sale of beer by the glass or by the open bottle for consumption on the premlxe. DATED at Prince Rupert, DC, thi 3rd day of January, .1937. 'CORA E. BLACK. Applicant. date, I intend to apply to the Chief Commissioner of Lands for a licence to prospect for coal and petroleum over 040 1 acre of land bounded a follow: j Commencing at a post planted at the ' southwest corner of Section 38, Town-1 ship 3. Oraham Island, and marked' AJ.O.'s southwest corner"; thence east; 80 chains; thence north 80 chain' thenc west tsu cnains; mence south 80 haln to point of commencement, being Section 30, Township 3, Oraham IMand. BC A. J. QORDON, Locator. Dated December 17. 1928. IAND ACT. NOTicr: or intkntion to apply to PI-IICIIASi; LANI TAKE NOTICE THAT I, Arthur Robert-son, Massett, B.C., occupation Millman, Intend to apply for permission to pur. chase the follow Ins described land' Commencing at northeast corner of Lot 1903. Q.C.I. District, theoce south fifty chains; thenc east forty chains; thenc north to hore; thenel following hlghwater mark to point of commence-inent, containing one hundred acres, mor or less. Located this 30th day of December. 1920. ARTHUR ROBERTSON, Victor Records RED SEAL Hart House String Quartet Menuet Celebre Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes No. 24001 Price $1.00 mm Alfred Cortot (Pianist Invitation to the Waltz Parts I and II No. 1201 Price $1.75 Schumann 2 -Heink SCHU.MANN.HEINK (Contralto By the Waters of Minnetonka Trees No. U98 Price $1.75 Royal Opera Orchestra 1812 Overture Farts I and II (Tschaikowiky No. 9025 Price $1.50 1812 Overture Part III Eugen OneginWiIu No. 902C Price $1.50 Giovanni Martinelli (Tenor) Torna a Surriento Nina M.. linn t -ir ""' MARTIKEJ1 Victor Talking Machine Co. of Canadian National Steamships Co. LimUej Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating O.T.I1. 20,000 Ton I-Ion ting Dry P Knjflneer, Machinist, Itollermnkerm UlHcki.mltK l'"fft mnkerM, Founder. Woodworker, llic. ' IXIXTKIC AND ACKTYIjKNK WKMMMi. Our plant Is equipped to handle nil kind.' of .M Alt INK AND.COM.MKUC.AI. WOKK. PHONES 13 nnd 385 iCANADIA PACIflC Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services S Sailings from Prince RuperJ ro Kftfhlkitn, ivrontfll, Jiinraii, nkiuMiijrrbrunry 31. March 1o sniMomrr, Vlrlorlii, hriilllr Irltruary iX Murrh II, .. ... 1 KIrKSM III.Al Klrl.. l or imiriiitlr, t,t Item luiln. Orraii lull. Numu, .tier! UiuipMl ( Her, ami Vanrmnrr snrry (saiiiniitj. II ,r(Mt Affiir)' for all Ntninuhlp l.lnm. r'lill lnf(rmall" " W. C. (Mtril.Mlll, Ornrral Afnl. , ,.r tornrr of 4tls NCrm and 3rd Asviiuf, 1'iliA-e Untfr'U fi UNION STEAMSHIPS. LIMITED lor .v.tNcoiiviiR, vicTomJ. n imv ami Aim iwr. " T" rr VANCOIJVKIt, VICTOIIM. AUrt Itiiv anil Hwansoil lUjr, " . ... . m" r i qnu-Nov, AHMtX, MACK ARM, HTKWAKT ann s;aniirrla. Nif...i.. h ..... nr. 11 2nd A,u,. n, HSIITII. A.t. J ------