FOZ72 CARNIVAL AT BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMamu BY GOLUY-LlSTtM TO THOSE PEOPLE ! WOW-THEX WANT METO COME. 1 MU4TNY DISAPPOINT IT'S JASPER PARK CHrLRlNl' OUT THERE- TH EX HAVE A OUT Oisl THE BLCOMYTO SPEAK THEM-I'LL POT ON ME BLOT1 COAT AN WAIT 'TIU rsi i - "H'lt l- FC'UNC OUTl'M IN AASHiNtGTCNJ AKJ TO THEM -1 I'M OUST AP , i COOO Ab AP POINTED TO TH a JOr3 VOO WEAR THE GKEAT mi iti i OP TRAVEUN" AMBAtftACJORl RECEPTION I GIT FROM GENTLEMEN WOULD MAKE.-MR.-BLOT VtL-D 'F. MM ROSSIM WINS TI11RTV MILE SKI -dill, THEM'. r . HE KNEW l VyA,"S THAT POPULAR! Wm MCE HITII TIME OF HOI KS, 8 MIMTE8 .1X11 45 F.OON1IS n ""T JASPER. Feb.' T7r-4sperH National Park Inaugurating what promises to be the greatest cross-country ski race In North America, seven expert ski-run ners faced the starter here yesterday morning for a 30 mile non-stop run In the heart of the Canadian Rockey mountains. Slightly more than five hours later, Sam Rossum sped across the finishing tape, the winner In, five hours, eight minutes and forty-fir seconds. The race, which marked the opening ' of the third annual carnival in Jasper Park, was run ever a course which be gan at the famous Mallgne Canyon to Medicine Lake and return to Jasper Village. With the exception of about three miles, the entire route lay over a mountain trail that clings precar lously to the slopes of the CoJJn range of mountains. Endeavors had been made to beat a trail for the runners but high winds tunneling down the Mallgne RiTer Valley butit Up huge drifts of fluffy snow into which the skiers often sank to their knees. An additonal obstacle was formed by weather condition. At the start of the race the temperature was about 10 below re ro but it moderated so rapidly that, during the return trip, the "slide" was almost absent from the snow and the contestants had to force their way the whole of the distance. The winner was closely pressed by P. Bus tram who finished second In 5, 13, 36. P. Withers was third ii 5, 40. 30. CAKMVAL IS ON The carnival proceedings got off to a scintillating start in the evening with the coronation of the Queen of the Carnival, Miss Margaret Buckham, by Col. Maynard Rogers, superintendent of the park. Miss Buckham, who Is 17 years of age. has been a resident of Jasper since she was one year old and her election as Queen was distinctly popular. Following the coronation ceremonies there was a fancy dress canrnlval on the open air rink and exhibitions of speed skating by Marlon McCarthy. Junior champion of Alberta. Today a large number of skating and skating events are programmed together with a senior and Junior dog race. The carnival will conclude tonight with, a ball. BETTER FEELING BALKAN STATES .MOVE TOtVAItll It.t ITKOCII KM EST iilCOWIM. BETWEEN' KEItl.s . IIII.OAKIANS SOFIA. Feb. 18. The last few months have brought about a remarkable improvement in the relations among the various Balkan people. This movement toward good will and co-operation began, last October .when several Bulgarian merchants participated in an International Fair, held at Salonikl. to which a group of Bulgarian Journalists were Invited as guests of Greece. The greatest consideration was shown to the Bulgarian visitors. Not very long after that a Bulgarian artlrt. Nikola Taneff, exhibited a larg collection of his paintings In the Rumanian capital. Many of his pictures were bought by Rumanian admirers and the press of Bucharest gave him several very cordial and very favorable review. More striking and moving than either of these indications of international good will was the recent participation of Kcenea Rogpvska Hristich, the Serbian prima donna, in several operas given by the Bulgarian National Opera in Sofia. Since the 'operas of' both Belgrade and Sofia are supported and controlled by the atate. Mrs. HristtchV visit was- a manifestation, not only of-cultural co operation, but of of field I good will. The Bofla press and public received the Ser bian prima donna very cordially and all were deeply Impressed by the masterly presentation of several classic opera In which the hero Bang in Bulgarian and the heroine in Serbian. At the last performance the Bofla opera singers gathered on the stage and read their Serbian' colleague a speech of appreciation and gratitude which was presented to her on a beautifully decor. ated tablet. ExuiAXfit: or articles This ever-growing movement toward a rapprochment between thete two Slavic nations, the Serbs and the Bulgarians, was strengthened by an exchange of ar tides at Prague. Kyril Christoff, one of Bulgaria' most prominent poets, of the older generation, who for some time has been living in Czechoslovak!, recent ly wrote a long article in which he expressed hi deep regret that two brother nations had quarrelled and his own special grief that he himself had written some very lurid war, poems dur lng the Balkan wars. He declared that he disavowed most of his poem writ ten between 1912 and 1018, and expressed the hope Ahat Serbian - and Bulgarian literary circle mlgfiV forget wrongs ana come to a cordial understanding, This was answered by a prominent Serbian poet lq the same Journal and In much the same eplrlt, and was com tnentrd on favorably In Belgrade and Sofia. William Turner, 14, of Barnstaple England, has drawn an army pension 'for ' B0. years', a pont-omce pension for 30 years and an old age. pension lor 18 more? y In The Letter Box HOSPITAL AFFAIRS. Editor. Daily News. As a taxpayer for a good many years was surprised to see the report of the Hospital Board In last night's paper. Is It really necessary for a Matron to receive (150 per month with two rooms, board and laundry and maybe more privileges? It is my opinion this Is the first lime that this large salary has been granted and. as the hospital Is always crying for assistance from the public who, as a rule pay their bills to that institution as they pass out of the door, (sometimes sooner), is It not time to come to a halt and cut out a few of the charges at the hospital whereby the poor patients may receive more privileges? As a suggestion, re building covering from hospital to Nurses' Home, would not be advisable for the hospital board, in conjunction with the mayor and school trustees, to give a tender for umbrellas by the gross as that would help the little tots who have to walk half a mile and maybe more to school and stay In wet clothing until they arrive home, which means half a mile or In regard to the Matron leaving for! three months' leave. I wonder if the! relieving matron will receive t?ie samel salary as the present (more or less).' I hare always understood that the hospital Is not a charitable institution and. as I have been a patient there. I am thoroughly convinced of same. TAXPAYER. ItK-l IHIKKY .OVULATIONS Editor, Dally New. 4 ... f In regard to the meeting of the Board of Trade on Monday, we. the committee of the Ounda Ttollers' Association, would like to know their reasons and authority for protesting to the Minister of Fisheries, the Premier and local representative against the enforcement, of what is probably the best regulation in the Fisheries Act. Certainly the only regulation that protects the bona fide Canadian Fisherman against the unfair competition of the type, of no fixed nationality, who fish in B.C. waters in summer and retire to Seattle and else where In winter. Why is the Board of Trade dissatis fied with this regulation? On whose behalf is It appealing? Why did the Board of Trade not con sult a responsible body of fishermen before framing those protests? Canadian citizens and no others should be permitted to fish la Canadian waters. The Dundas Trailers Association Is certainly In favor of the strict en forcement of the regulation. In question. , S. PATON. WM. ' "A.f BROWN. J. ROBERTS. - Mr. and Mrs. Wanr Chew and famllv vhoj have;, been residing at! Better! Plsce, sailed on this morning's steamer for Vancouver where they will embark on the steamer Empress of Canada en route to their home in Canton, China. 1 possible that Mr. Chew, who has been manager of the Kwong Sun Chong store on Third Avenue at Eighth Street, may return to the city but Mrs. Chew and family expect to remain In the Old Country. 0 127 y Inti Fcatvc Schvicf, Inc. Britain rliU wnmt Cough Caused Gonstan! Coughing Mrs. D. M. No! an, Dong! ast own, X.B., writes: ''Two years ego I had a terrible cuKl which settlrd ia my tiruuehiai till ami rauwd constant roughing, and I tool J not sleep day or night I read about tell Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup and thought I would give it a trial. After taking three bottles I was rom- In their home hall, the Port Simpson basketball team took the measure of the Prince Rupert Intermediates last night by a score of 14 to 10. The game was fast and. at times rough, with the Rupert boys leading at half time with the score standing 9 to 8. Mr. Kelly and Mr. Booth acted as referees for the game and Geo Wood and Mr. Eby a .imekeepers. The locals who returned to the city at 8 o'clock this morning, are very loud In their praise of the hospitality of the Port Simpson people who did everything possible to make the occasion one long to be remembered. When It wa ascertained that the weather wa not suitable for their small launches to jiake the trip to town far the local team, they immediately phoned In to apt. Oosnell of the Towena to take the party out. Leaving here at about three In the afternoon, they arrived at Simpson at six and were entertained at supper in the home of Guy Wesley. After the game a dance wa held which wa much -enjoyed by the' visitor and. after the dance, all repaired to the home of auy Wesley again and sat down to a sumptuous banquet. At (our this morning. Captain Oosnell left Simpson so that the locals might be borne early. Before the lntertown match, an exhi bition game was staged between two local teams called the Tigers and the Wildcats and. resulted In a win for the former by a score of 30 to 23. V ' THOSE MAKIXd TltlP Those making the trip from Rupert Included J. MtNulty. W. Wrathall. D. Ourvlch, S. Ourvlch. D. Frlzzell, P. Howard. C. Thompson, V. Meagher and W. Bacon. The Individual scoring was a follows Port Simpson Robert Sankcy 4, A. IWrathall 3, D. Ourvlch. S. Ourrlch 2, D. Frtzrell. p. Howard; toUl 10. MEN'S WHIST Mooe and St. ierr.e' (seal 'ne) Vow Minre llr-t liner ideteljr rid of my couch, and bar Knights of Pythias. never tad a cold since." I.O.OF. vs. Elks. 'T)r. TToodV has been on the mar- St. Andrew vs. Elks, ket for the past 3S rears, and itf I-raj-iie Table timely nse may save too from suffering 1 w. from some serious bronchial or lung Moose -. . . a trouble. Price 85c a bottle, larg family site 60.; pit np only by The T, ILUbnrn Co.. Limited, Toronto, Out BASKETBALLERS HAD FINE TRIP .OST TO POUT SIMPSON II TO 10 IN HETl'ltX - GAME IIOMMTAI.ITY PllAIM-:i Whist League results last night were a. follows: Knights of Pythias. 4; St. George' (Seal Cove), 3. St. George's (City). 4: IOOJ', S. . Sons of Canada. 8: Elks, 3. Moose. 4: St. Andrew's, $. It has been agreed that the match St. Andrew's vs. Elks announced last week as forfeited will be now played at a date to be announced later. Postponed games St. Andrew's vs. St. George's (Seal Cove) 8 I. O. O. F 6 Sons of Canada 8 Elks '. i Knights of Pythias .. 4 61. George's (Cityi ... 4 St. Andrew's 4 X. 8 e Pts. ; SPORT CHAT 1 In a ! The match tonight between the Oyros 1 and the Grand Terminals ia the bil liard league will bring the leader and the tall enders of the league together. Last time these team met the Oyros won and should they be able to repeat this time It will mean a tightening up of the series. If. however, the Terminal are successful over Uielr rivals It will strenftneh their position la Itrst place. The race is so close that each fixture adds 'interest to the series. The basketball executive la holding a .ncetlng tonight to straighten out the schedule which has been disrupted somewhat efn account ol weather. A decision will be reached In regard to all postponed games a welt a the re maining game In the schedule. No word has been received from Anyox In connection with entering a team for competition in the ladles championship eerie for Northern British Columbia. 8ml then has already Intimated that they will enter a team although It will be probably some tune before the series can be arranged for. Dclaney meet Msloney today in mother of the elimination fights ar ranged by Tex Rlckard to select msn to meet Gene Tunney thl fall. The Canadian Is the favorite to win but then whoever thought of McTlgue dt-feating Berlenbach or thought that Tunney would win from Dempsey? Chief among Dclaney. backers In this centett are some of his former oppon cuU who rely on his hard hitting qua! Itles to carry ' h)'m through the series' until he meet Tunney. Charles Gorman of,, St. John. IfB.. I ' snother CanirdlaH to bring sporting honors to his native land. Last Satur day he clinched the International amateur outdoor speed skating title on Mirror Lake. New York, by winning the 220-yard event In the fast time of 18 4-J seconds. Gorman scored a total Wesley. Peter Alexcee 6, Paul Reid 4, of 140 point as against SO each for W Johnson. Pete Wells: total 14. Valentine Blall. former champion, and Prince Rupert- J. McNulty 8, W. Netl OTarreil . a aiaH For Sale For Rent h lb JOOCE QLO DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for leas than 50c WANTED AN EXAMINATION FOR FOREST, Rangers will be held at Terrace. B.C., . on March "3rd. 1827. Applications will be received up to noon, February! 25. by the District Forester. Court House. Prince Rupert, from whom application forms and full partlcu- lar may be obtained. Fee, 11.00. j Candidate must be British sub- Jects, not more than forty years of age. resident in British Columbia for at least one year, of good character and physical condition, with wood experience and familiar with the practical side of logging. timber cruising, surveying and forest protection, with knowledge of the Forest Act and able to organize work aod handle men. Thl examtnatons U to establish an eligible list for the next year fromi w1iM.11 piiiiunrnis win or maoe a rangers are required. One ranger I required Immediately. A. II. COX. Civil Servce Commissioner. Victoria. D C. LARGE ADVERTISED WHOLESALE Tailor have opened free Osrretpofl dencc School of Salesmanship. Wonderful opportunity for ambitious diligent men of good character. Train for position paying upward of 17500 per week. 8tate full details, age. education, experience, references. last employers, present occupation. Addrea Manager. 4C0 Richmond Street. Weat, Toronto. for sale FOR SALE. CHEAP FULLY EQUIP-ped boat, In good condition; suitable for halibut fishing: length 40 (ret, beam It feet, draft 8 feet. 1 Inch fir planking: tullt 1919; equipped with 20 h p. Frisco Standard engine. Cash 11.000. balance 11.000 on easy term. For partlculsrs. apply Box 17. Port Estlngton, B.C. TOH SALE., GASOLINE LAUNCH "Leila." forty-two feet lorvg and powered with thirty horsepower Eastern Standard engine In good running order. Terma cash. Apply to Dr. Large. Port Simpson. 60 HEAVEN AND HELL. SWEDEN BO RG great work on the life after death atid a real world beyond. Over 400 pages. Only 3Jc. postpaid. II. V. Law. 488 Euclid Avenue. Toronto. FOR SALE. TWENTY HORSEPOWER Krnnath marine engine In first class running order. Price reasonable; Term cash. Apply to Dr. Large, Port Simpfton. M FOftr'SALE. THREE TUBE RADIO-SET complete with loud speaker, batteries and CTiarger 175 00, Phone 123. FOR QUICK SALE. McCLARY RANGE and parlor heater. Phone Red 409. HOARD BOARD. THE INLANDER. Second Avenue. Phone 137. LOST R33 STOLEN FROM PENS AT 012 HAYS Cove Circle on Tuesday night, nine Chinchilla rabbits, one brownish and eight grey. Only one! In town. Anyone finding or seeing any. please phone Black 310. Reward. 42 AUCTION SALE AUCTION BALE WILL BE HELD AT the house on the corner of Eleventh Street and Water Street on Mondav February 21, at 2.30 pm.. consisting or dining table and three chairs: dining table and six chslr. bras bed, aprlng and mattress, vhlt enamel bed, spring and mattres chiffonier, bureau, desk, rocker. Con goleum rug, kitchen table, etc. Phil pott, Evltt Co., Ltd.. Auctioneers HOTEL AltlllVAIJH. Prince It 11 pert John P. Glfford, Vancouver: ilrm Wlnfleld and M. V. Welch." Bmlthcrs; w. k. smith. Wlnnlpea: Mr. and Me. T V Simpson. Yorkton, 8ak.; Mr. and Mr. H, Urlgga, Benton, Alta.1 A, A, Woolsey and F. R, Woohey, Victoria; si, a, uuroanx, rrince George. Navoy E, R, Jepiion, Vancouver: w r Christy. Kwlnltsa; Mr. and Mrs A. n, Now boll, Edmonton. OlltMl Cy T. Lawrey, Prince ft inert FOR RENT FOR RENT -TOUR ROOMED FLAT, with bath room Water and light paid. Harbor view. Apply Seavlrw Apart ment. 44 FOR RENT. THIRTY ROOM FQUIP-prd hotel. Going concern. Write Box 343 Dally. News Office tf FOR RENT. FURNISHED APART mnt; fom room and bath; water paid. Phone 4T. f FOR RENT. STEAM HEATED APART-ment. Apply Smith A Mallett. Ltd. Telephone 174. FOR RKNT.-PIANOS, PHONOORAPH8 and Singer bewtng Machine. Walker'" Muste 8tore. FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR RENT by day. week or month. Phone Red 807. tf FURNISH ED SUITES FOR RENT. Apply MitsMlIem Orocery Phone II. FOR RENT MODERN HOUSE. PIVC rooms and bath. Bro. it ROOMS TO RENT -PHONE 878. AUCTIONEER WOOII A. IsUCSON Seal rave. Mixed Wood Block per load 18.00. Kindling, per load tM Furnace Wood, per load 18 DO Delivered. Salt Herring Phone Hlark 481 RESTAURANTS lOOII KATH !AK Mr. Unrrr. Proptletreo Third Avenue, Next O. W. V. A. rjiN Home Conked .steals. Phone Black 700 TAXI Phone 67 TnJ (Cftll Georife. Paul or Gusti tf NOTICtl'OP SALE I WILL SELL BY Public Auction on Thursday. Feb. 34. at 2:30 p m . content of large real-deuce lUentjed list will appear Q. F. Brine, auctioneer. FURNITURE REPAIRINO: UPIIOL- sterlng of all kind. Chesterfields recovered and made to order. All work guaranteed.' Phone Green 003. O. M. HUNT. Six and Seven Pnetifrer Stnrle-baker at your disposal nny time, ROSS IIROS. POOL ROOM Met ker Work. fAcross from Emprps Hotel) IMMVf'P IHMMMrT Titt.'0 a. MMtXKslllY. i r.lllll AIIV 18 'h 1:44 a.m. 13:28 n m. Low 7:ih ..m. 20:03 p m. Tin inn iv. rriiitiMtiv Rh 2:14 ajn. 14:01 pm. w 8:14 ajn. N 20:33 p m. IHIMW. Illlltl'tllV 1 "Sh 2:43 ajn. 14:39 p.m. "w 8:47 a.m. 21:03 pm. mat run tv. rutin' mi- m ----- ....... I u 18A ft 20.3 " 7.7 " 3.4 " 17 10.4, ft 203 " 7.1 " Sfl - 1B.7 ft, 20.1 " 8.7 " 3.9 " 3ill am, ma ft 15 13 nm 10 n L"W BIB am 21 33 pm, 4 8 hatflkklLLM' M Article! UtMf round,4e MAIL SCHEDULE orr-ooiNo lor the Eat Mondays. Wednerin ... - - - 1- Hum . . "U , Hill u ,ri Tuesday Friday Saturday C.PJI, Feb. II and M. CJ.R. March It and 2 in.. 111,. lit l I! First rlaa mall it also enptte , uurupi H eUturdsv bv C N B inliu To Antot, Alice Arm, tnnu4f mler Sunday . . i(l Wednesday . mu To Ft. MnM4nin4Siii iutm. sunasy tu 0 .is roim Feb. 7 and 31 Msrch 7. II and 33 T rrN tnrlalte Feb. 12 and 28 IV.f'OUISd I ram I he MM at From Vneuief Sunday ... u Wednesdays KMv Friday u C.P.R, Feb. 7 and 31 CFJU Msrch 7 II 4 a llm Antot, Alice Km. Mn) Premier Tuesday . . U Friday J Iron Pt. Klmpa ' lit. f- Tuesday . . Front Alk points Feb. II and 33 P March It and 22 P Flora (oeen f'harlolle Feb. 10 and 34 Mx common Oraham 81 Atlln Ave. 1st Ave. At 8th 8t 8th At, tu Fulton Bt 81h Ave. A: Tbomrcn 11th At Sherbrooke A?e llth Ave. At Conrsd 8t tb Ave. At Hsys 6th & llsy Cove Ca-1 8th Ave. As Cotton St Mh Ave. A: MrUrlde 81 Prov. Oovt Bldgs. Prov. Oov. Whsrf a TV. Wharf O.TJ". Station 2nd Ave. At 2nd St K' 3rd Ave. Ac Fulton Bt ir B" 3rd Ave At 8th 8t, ounasy OTiimiuii day only, . ..n.Mh sinlirilCl l'r Vaneoover J UCKIJ J SI, Frlday- Prince Rupert Saturday . Catala Feb. II m. Princess Mrf . klAfT b. -a rt.ln.l from Vniw-nmer J I I i If Sunday . mnini. ( Wednesday- -M. rr nr- f Friday a. t y Feb. 7-, Princes Miry ' Feb. 2I.--M. rrlncfs For Port lmMin and S I ron) rrt -timp-un - ji Tuesdsy-as. Camomin For Hlewirt, Anyox an jji Wednesday . Prlnc Ri. n. . 1 -k att A1" ., r roin pirwnii. - Tuesdsy a. camw fi Friday-. Prince Rupr For tjueen riiarlo!le Feb. 13 . Prince Feb. 38 . Prince M1 I10111 Queen ''"0"rT Feb. 10-aa. Prince 3M Feb. 34 s, Prince John For Alka , . M ' Teb. 7-. PrlncfM Feb. 31. -a. PrinM ,n Frnfn Alak .. rt " Feb. 11-M. W" Feb. 29 . PrlnrM Ktn C.N.RT TWINS Wf d"' f For Eat-Mundy. Saturday ' .,. ' From East Tuwrt7' jlOl sunnsys Jr if i ' l' J-' y