TAXI Boston Grill and J Ambulance Service Anywhere at Anytime MATT VIDECK, Prop. Kc day of Hayport, Mrs Is MIE - j !l W))Mi.. St. Ijtwrence Inland. Aluxkn. Fi-lirn.-irv IS IB. MRS HI lI lit ITLEY. YtHO-E 1 Til III I I Will II 1IHTI IIIIll IME Til SKKENA lilt l it HALF I;? r A (IMlliV ACiO wn a 'id real ploi.jer 4 ti,i:r ci paused away with '.i;ci was Peter Herman i:ad all children who ur-3 ia l0S and later ahe d of Walter Ulley of is now left to mourn her children are Mrs, F.XHIRIT Feb. 18. An exhibition cultural products will bo i3 largo Canadian and Amerl- 1 Hilda, ' f '.- rirst Avenue West. Prince. i ; Miss Mary Herman of Hays-1 - . crs and William Herman.j W.k.tef Herman. Prince Rupert.) ,iiu. jisjFBfKJn, m viii. tr.snemtnts are In the hands B. r i ndcrtaken and Interment t :t on Sunday with Church AGRICULTURE lf'll fllll I'llVIIL'Vt Til rli .11,, ....... 'I.,. ... , -- IK'ln i iv v .vi. .ill III. ... ... . ,i..,iiii,i,i .,.-. ,,.'.- AN' I'AlltM Tills v Kitvort: "tu .'k Will hn ihnvn mt Tnmiitn but uv v;iv 1U rtiliciiv... LIMIT ROATn w m - W AAA V SEEK SHELTER Willi ICE, TIIEV RIN I IIOIM ll WINIi .tMi COLH "o. io. onow ana nis SENTENCE ON SANKEV li:ii:itltll) (INK MONTH VANCOUVER. Feb. 18. To enable Joe Sankey'a appeal against a death sentence to be heard by the British Columbia Court of Appeals, Mr. Justice D. A. McDonald, the trial Judge, In the Supreme Court yesterday ordered the execution postponed until Msrch 10. Sankey was convicted at Prince Rupert on November 33 and ordered to hang on Tebruary 18 for the murder of Miss Loretta Chls-holm at Port Essington on Msy 33 last. j Wheat ... B.C. Sliver Olacler ,NTO;aiadstone ccompanled by a aharn dron In ' nave driven halibut Doais Seward from the OiUf of Alaska ure vessels, Which nua not "a to fish, were heavily coated with Oranby 30 34.00 Independence . . Indian Marmot Premier Porter Idaho ... Sliver Crest .... Surf Inlet Richmond " ' . . -M l . . ... , ASSISTANT DISTRICT ENGINEER IN PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. LEAYES Having resigned his position hero engineer to Did. Asked 1I41H 1.70 1.7S 1 1.60" Mi .11 . .37J4 39 36.00 .iovi -a .08 .08 K 3.16 3.30 .13 .114 .06 h iy .oon .01 ',i .14 Vi .8'4 '"8 Ooait Copper 7.33 73S An Indian named Peter Nelson of ttv-Metlakatla Reserve was rescued by Sergi. McNeill. Constable Clark. Raybone and 'Hayes at midnight last night at a po'.n (on the west coast of Olgby Island and brought to the local hospital. I It appear that Nelson, accompanied ' ' - - u , -1 Indian iiuiu uyj boy vt of tender k L 1 1 u c I Jti.i o. w: w . , 1 ii u.i open skin canoe for three hundred miles across IJthri nir m March of a eood niece of timber and am Liberia 10 mis island under the lash of Arctic storms, six having found one. i . oi a party 01 cigni wairus nuniers recounted an almost " rue- oiner .... ... .1 ......... -. f W .. -.1 . U . .. : 1 1 1 1 1 . r 1 f . . tnn nart r trrns aim icg were iruzcn, eyes uisienueu ana ineir scanty :g n tatters when the six men finally reached the Eskimo i : (.ambcll on the northern part of the Island from where ' -y of their ill-fated battle with the elements reached here -t-f Varflo ... ,. , i W lUIV. hi atH..kl. -..-... that HERE IS DEAD; 11 eight men left a little berla on Februsry 3 to I;STAI1I.IMIMENT Of tTKTHEK All TO NAVKIATKIN IIEItE AN-NOl'NCEIl IIV M I It INK HE- I'AIIT.MENT The establishment of eight beacons In Prince Rupert Haibor to facilitate correction of vessels' compasses Is announced by the Department of Marine and Fisheries In notice- to mariners. The beacons give ranges ror eight points of the magnetic compass. . The front four beacons are situated on .VlgUajtt I'.land and the four back braeoha on ths northwestern shore of the harbcr from Bacon Point northeastward. Their approximate position Is latitude N. Mdc. 30' and longltltude W. 130 deg. 19' The front beacons are concrete blocks surmounted by staffs with white triangular framework toq marks and the back beacons are white triangular with black vertical stripes down the middle. Two range day beacons have also been established on the western side of Pike Island, Metlakatla Bay. which, when In line bearing 160 deg. 30. lead over the bar northwestward of Car Island at Its lowest part where It dries seven feet at felled It. In falling tree and broke thel which fell and struck the In dian who could not get out of the wa lit time. Nelson was unable to move so the bo; later In the afternoon located a white trapper on the Island by the name of Sidney Pederaan who came to his assist-nee. He did the best he could for -Ntl- vUlafe In SI- son in the bush, and then sought ale? bunt walrus, by walking around the beach of the Venturing farther out Into the Icy sea island for 10 miles to the Marine Station Iter they had fatted to find wall where help was summoned from police near shore, the party In a frail kayak headquarter. was caught In the full fury of an Arctic The police reached their destination gale. After being lashed about the at midnight and tund that Kelson wm waters for several day, the hunters still In the same predicament. A palled the canoe on to a floating Ice atretcher was made, and a trail cut pack and spent the fourth night there through the bush to the beach by wbUe the storm raged unabated about flashlight, after which Nelson was finally them. The next day the drifting ice landed on a gas boat in a strong aouth-carr.e. them to St. Lawrence Island al- east gale, the party landing at' the though it was unknown to them as such hospital at 3.14 this morning. Gwriplng . . Tt on the northern - hore. " - they, A . La tut . rcpar-a b flflJtO W ut Jnat fc. . . ,NIon ...v.vw.a , 1. mM ... ... . . icr hjme in llsysport y a o . lock. Mfty-lhree i 1 a natire daugbur of .a. having been born In mw inv utiiik ... miww Buiirriiiitr mtjrv kivnr mnix iua r injmm t. j the nest morning two of the party wen", also from minor injuries. It Is, how-on a hunt for food but tailed to return ever, tipected that he will again be and they were not seen since. Five oi around in few days, the suffering and starving group finally . -m" atraggled Into Oambell wnere the of the late :it daughter UnJte4 8ulei Burflu of Education Mnv Opence. well known mt.nullu , school for Eskimos. After a T )::eers and. with htt nMJf(, by 8amuel Trulmen, tht .3 , Port rs.mgton hslf a gorfrtunrnl teacher, the alxth member of the party was found nearly dead. NEW BEACONS IN RUPERT HARBOR low water. The front beacon la on a i drvln. flat from Knlxht Island and tht . . .nnA as . a ,n, nM. IDT . . . . . . . . . . . . this year It was announced "rlJk " - " oac on nign waicr nun .rain mc iron.. n n. i .. the municipality of menmona. "r The former has a concrete base sur- uns n a iisti . . . . . . . . . . . I Vancouver. '"'C""" . . . J. tn E. " ' Mime. liiiM la tht legislature yesterday. A " ,, mounica oy ! wu ni.n.u- "I 110.000 to finance the project waa,-"1""1 ou,lncl '"'r lr day mark attached while the latter mplete itinerary for the si ve been mapped out but it : to the Canadian National Ex- . uiiuw nu o.ner laira in w - "jiv uoin neia crops itiiu iciii ucmiuum w. j..--... u wnive triangular au-pc-, . . . . . ... .M, .-ill ail iiuiiDrrnw j train ne v )" - " "T"" 1 morning for ine souin on mu inuvo.. Beatrice, accompanied by Mrs. Milne and family. No successor here to Mr. wane has yet been appointed. During their residence in rrince .Jtu-ert. Mr. and Mrs. Milne Jtave become vsry popular amid a wide circle of friends and thcro will be many to re-ret their departure. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE BATTALION LEAYES HONG KONG ENROUTE PORT OF SHANGHAI HONQ KONQ, Feb. 18. A battalion of the British Second Suffolk Regiment departed today tor Shanghai. Ht.MIIMl Ut-rUKI. trl rsr ttilrirt Pli1lH lltrhk -hTilllil money. John Scurr. Stepney Labor member, stead of being virtually irour.a mem. David Klrkwood. Scottish member, thought that, "if Australia Invited the visitors on this Joy-ride. Australia ought to have dertayed the expenses.' Hs closed by remarking: "The Vorksare going to the uttermost ends of the 33 ARE KILLED IN ! SOUTHERN TORNADOS Itluw III Stule of 1iiiMana Takes Toll of i Lite -Colored IVople Suffer ST. JOSEPH. Louisiana, Feb. 18. Seven negros were killed In a tornado here last night. At Pleasant Hill. I Louisiana, eleven persons were killed by; a tornado. j NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 18. The death I list from last night's tornado in Louslana state haa now.rc.chcd thirty-' three. Scores were Injured and there was heavy property loss. NATIONALISTS HAVE i CAPTURED IMPORTANT ! PLACE NEAR SHANGHAI j SHANGHAI. Feb. 18. -The copture of! Wangchow. an important centre 113' miles southwest of here, by the Na tlonallst was confirmed today. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT, D.C., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1927 COMBINATION AIRSHIP AND AIRPLANE, invented by Claude Frcere, Los Angeles, who will make a trip from California to Europe in 50 hours if his dream comes true. The proposed craft is to be 7C3 feet long, 00 feet high, 144 feet wide, all metal and weigh 55 tons empty. Five planes, front one 200 feet from tip to tip, with eleven motors and propellers, five 6n each side and one in front, with. "0 tons of gasoline will make 150 miles an hour for 10,000 miles radius. Royally Scathed by Laborites as Appropriation for Trip to thought the voyage SUGAR BOAT FEARED LOST KKEKlllTKIt EI.KTON IlKLIKVKll TO HAVE (.ONE DOWN HITII CltKW OF 30 NEAR Nlll.ll'-1'INE IsL.NlS MIMLl, leb. IS. I'eurs that the I'nllnl state). MilppliiE Ui-ird's frrl(htrr I'.lklun hus lireu lot with nil hands on hoard arr rrcsvMl lirrc li.v the Admiral Line, opera-lors of the vrvel. The strainer l.lhrrutnr, wlileli rrHindrd to the S.o.s. of the Elkton. M-artlicO the entire arm given li.v the latter as Its liM'iitlon without finding tnire of the Mrkkrn freighter or open hunts to nhleli the crrw might hate taken. The Elkton rarrlnl n prrs-iunel of llilrtv-lv anil fls rnrmitr fnim Mir I'lilllpplnes lo Honolulu with a cargo of nugur. Commission Will Be Named to Go Further Into Influence of Liquor Interests in Province i tMf'T ill i rt a a a . ii......h nst wind: temDerature. 43. utiuiurti reuruarr lo, titorncy viencmi .iiuiun nn Terrace. cloudy, calm, temp. is. ! nounceu in the Legislature yesterday afternoon mat me government rtosswood. snowing, cahn, temp. 13. would appoint this week n royal commission of three members to in- Allce Arm. Cloudy, calm, temp. 18. Anyox. Cloudy, N. wind, temp. 30. Stewart. Cloudy, N. wind, temp. 33. Hatelon. Light snow, windy, temp. 14. Telegraph Creek. Cloudy, catfn, temp. 4. Smlthers. Snow, Calm, temp. 7, Burns Luke. Snow, windy, temp. 11. WhltehorseCloudy, calm, 13 below. Dawson. Cloudy-J-N; wind, 30 below. Stewart Riv6f-34 below. Circulation 1438 r r,. Sales 404 Large Upstair DinlngJIall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW' soda fountain. The latest and best for the least Phone 457. Price Five Ont ACROSS BEHMNG STRAIT UMYJLJliVlj IsUiyinUL DILL Ii3 J I I A L ACL 17V !.!. UI3-L,i 1 Urt, II I n. r nparaiiea otory or Disaster and Danger Related in Far North SIIIKItlAN WALRUS HUNTERS LANDED ON ST. RENTE ISLAND A ITER TERRIFIC FIFTEEN DAY PASSAGE IN ICY WATERS LAW FALLING TREE STRUCK-INDIAN peter nelson of .mi:tlk.tla rkscieii lst mi-jut nv rito-mci.ti, police uetaciiment Liberals Are Divided on Measure; Vancouver Member in Opposition MANSON PROTESTS AT MACKENZIE'S REMARKS VARYING VIEWS ARE TAKEN TO DECLAIM BILL DECLARED TOTALLY OUT OF ORDER VICTORIA, February 18. The government's marketing con trol bill was subjected to an attack in the Legislature on Thursday when the whole question of the constitutionality of the measure was brought to the fore in the House by Ian Mackenzie, Liberal member for Vancouver, who launched an attack against the measure over the j protests of Attorney General Manson. Mackenzie contended that the bill was totally out of order and could not be proceeded with fur-jther by the Legislature. i Manson declared that the government had consulted eminent I gil counsel and had been assured that- the measure was absolutely Intra vlret, I.i any cue. the attorney general as serted, relief to the agiiculturalltu wai a matter of such prejilng Importance that the Legislature wculd be warranted la passing the bill and allowing the i courtn to decide Its constitutionality. i Australia-Passed by Commons &rr!S :; GRAIN LOADING AT VANCOUVER , Premier Oliver, urging careful ccnsld- eratlcn. revealed the opinion that grave ONLY I'AKT CAKUOES WERE TAKEX doubt existed as to the Legislature. HY NINE vessels AT SOUTHERN power to put such law on the atatute; pokt .Tills WEEK books. Speaker Buckham reserved ruling o:: ; VANCOUVER, Feb. 19. Grain loadings the objections raised by Mackenzie asd from the port during the week were as held the measure ultra vires Inasmuch follows: Bushels City; of Winnipeg, for Hull 7G4I18 the Dominion government. Drechdyk, for London 37331 j It waa argued that the measure was - f0r Liverpool . . . .' 37,334 LONDON, England, February 18 Lively scenes were renewed contrary to the Combine InvesUlgatlon: pacific Trader, for Manchester .. 37.333 jin the House of Commons last llight when the vote for the expenses Act as the bill proposed to place In the Montana, for Havre with Antwerp (of the Duke and Duchess of York's present tour to Australia was hands of certain persons the control option 77.433- discussed. It was eventually approved without division. of certain specified primary products Eemdyk. for Rotterdam 74.667 The vote was challenged by many Laborites as a waste of uen " mllt K wa . rgli . , , ' " for AntWrP 87-SM wi dui w cumuli w uk wmuu.1 cjit oi Vancouver, ror Yozonama-3Ji3j Inn m 4 4 4 -wail irnal f Iaakt-t i t m tm fljiK ... rr . i ttr i wtvutr luomuuvu ukukuu sw hw. x.ai5xii juiru. lor rtazuva CO. DO I -wu.u -rc.. H.--j. ....v. ...v.. iveo eompetuion and facilities for the hand- mm Bontta. for Port Columbia i.iiinru in wiiuu m." nu.u! uuiicio l:c- of tr4de m certain articles. An- Admiral other objection was that It made express world and it doesn't matter one Iota the House. If they never return." This brought provision for the Crown divesting ltseli loud cries of "order." the Speaker re- of all responsibilities where full rebuking Klrkwood. sponslblllt'y rested with the Crown In Other Laborites protested against the protecting the public. Finally. It was expenditure In mUder terms. Ramsay set out that the bill could result In th j MacDonald. Labor leader, was not in confiscation of Individual property by i delegated power and without sanction : otherwise than of the Legislature. ORIENTAL RESTRICTION 1 A series of bills by D. F. Davie. Conservative member .for Cowlchan-New- i ' Skcena, slon. There Is considerable winter 1 travel through Prince Rupert this year. This Is the time that "the prosperous prairie farmers i take their holidays on the Paci fic coast and quite a few have been coming around this way from Alberta and Saskatchewan enroute south or from the south bound home. Every train and boat has some on board. orilrlally tlnrlal Peary, for 13.000 Buenaventura 5.000 GRAHAM ISLAND . TIMBER IS SOLD U9.IH)il,0(M) FEET ItOKillT IN 19tK) FOR Sli.lMlU NOW HUINUS $33,000; ISANKKI PT CONCERN castle. Intended to restrict the operations VANCOUVER, Feb. 18- On application of Aslattca, came up for second reading of w R Carallcn,el, reCelver for the but the debate was adjourned by the Howland Walts Co.. of Minneapolis, lPrem:cr ana ancruey-sencrw In in c.-n each owners. Mr. Justice D. A. McDonald In cae for the purpose of speaking today tne SuDreme Court vestcrdav ratified the ion the constitutionality of the bills. ,aIe of feet of limber on Ora-j The second reading of the bill to ex- Uitaa nam t0 a pUrcha&er whose identity (tend horse racing season was adjourned was not niiosed for S93.0O0. Evidence jafter several members had spoken. Dr. howed tnjlt T, Qi Howland, partner In iH C. Wrinch. Liberal member for tne Dankrupt concern. had"purchased the flatly opposed such an e.ten- tlmbeT la 1909 tor j7i0oo. PRAIRIE FARMERS TRAVEL THIS WAV iC.P.R. STOCK I AT HIGH LEVEL Was Selling Yesterday on New York Exrliange for IS.'), n Itnoril For To Itrrude NEW YORK. Feb. 18. Canadian Pad-' ftc stock shared an advance with other rails on the New York market yesterday, breaking Into a new high record of 18!i or an advance of 0 6-8 point over Thurs- day's price. CP.R. stock has 'not been sold at that price for a decade. RESIGNATION OF ALBERTA PROVINCE P.G.E. MANAGER. HAVING COLD SNAP Announced Yesterday by ITo-MlnMer successor Not Yet Appointed VICTORIA, Feb. 18. The resignation i . , . . . . ! 1 1 .1 S m Ii .,. . I i vesiignie liquor campaign iuncis as recommenaeu in jut report oi .nomas (tup-inc . .Vrdltlne Hat Has -10 llelowi Culgury, ..1; l.cthbrldge, 30 to 40; anil Edmonton, ,30 toi38 ' t t'kj '.-rrfvrr1 CALOARY. Feb. 18. The entire province la, in the grip of a cold wave. the select committee headed bv Brigadier-General V. W. Odium. !th ""c Coast Eastern Railway was Medicine Hat records 40 below weather, member of the Legislature for Vancouver. The committee urged "leially announced yesterday by Hon. Calgary district, 33 below; Lethbrtdte osrrtnln whplhnr nr:ur' w' oumenana. mmisier oi ran- dUtriCt. from ), !,, rnmmt.Inn li.i .,lv .I,I ,iMr tn .......... v. ...ww.w.. -v . - whQ t,d that tne cnslce o a not improper influence had been exerted to brUur about Wa-or wa, .tin under consideration First A rise in price paid .the brewers lor beer sold by the by tn9 ,jlrccU)rs of the railway. Mr. government. ' Second Decision of the Legislature In ( favor of aale of Jbeer by 'the gUu. Third .Excessive prlces.i( inj, paid by tod government for Uqui ' Fourth Assurance and protection Kllpatrtck will assume a position as stl- such as was Indicated in a apeclal ac 'pertntendent of bridges for the govern- count carried by the brewers. and dls- ment. ,. closed In evidence before the customs! ., ,? 4 - orxmnklsilort. ' , ,vis' " I Advertue in the Dally New. B 30 to 40 below; monton, 30 to 38 below. HOCKEY and Ed- New York Ranger 1,'; Montreal .Ma roons 4. OttaWa 3. Detroit 1. New York Americans I 8t. Patricks 4