ja, February 18, 1927 STOMACH 0; tl indigestion nnd poverty to the point of starvation ciognized a equal evils as far back as the time of iDbiu Burns. Of what use is money or food, If the stomach m its duty? 4SI r Chiropractic corrcvis the cause IrtthooppJ sue noi organs TROUBLE CARS NCSC TKKOAT HE Ml ILJIGS ivf a MtOMACH .SHttN VXIDHtYS rt.'BOWtLS ElAOCW .town- IIMtS The lower nervo under the magnifying glass is pinched bya misaligned joint FinchedncrvM cannot transmit healthful impulses, Chiropractic jKljustingrcniovwthe pressure t The uppernctveisfrcc 63 nature intends. The healthy person does not and should not even realize that he has a stomach. Digestion of wholesome, normal food should be automatic. Hut this cannot be if thestomach Is receiving le than its full supply of vital energy. When the stomach fails in its functions, two courses of relief are availableyou can reduce the quantity and variety of your food to fit its subnormal capacity or, you can have the cause removed by spinal adjustments which rentore the flow of vital energy to full capacity. Which is best? , "1 EAT MOST ANYTHING." "I have suffered from a bad form of stomach trouble for as long as I can remember at least ten years. I have vomitted my food even when a schoolboy nnd have aluo been suffering a great deal from bladder and kidney trouble. I commenced to take adjustments taking 30 adjustments in all. Now. three months later my stomach is in good condition, and I can eat most anything I like without it hurting me. My severe bladder and kidney symptoms have also disappeared, and .1 feel fine." Archie Preston, Chiropractic Itesearch Bureau. Statement No. 2077-N. YOUIt APPOINTMENT for health can be made by telephoning. D. A. McMillan Palmer fSraduale ClllltOPIcACTOH linoms ft nn l 7 Exchange Hlock. Patho-N'euromeler Service Open livening DEMAND Phone r,9l "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - TUB DAINTIEST IlKEAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co; IM Prince Kupert, H.C SAVAGE ELECTRIC WASIIEIl AND DHYEIl. Washes, Nines, Uinses nnd Dries without n wringer or having to put your hands in the water. Cash Price $")0 Also Easy Terms KAIEN HARDWARE CO. TRY A NIP TONIGHT BEST PROCURABLE rsOOUtf or t0TlO Th. Oriiln.l L.b,l 0oV for It al Am V., and Insist on GRANT'S "BEST PROCUKAULE '''Is ndvcrllsetnent Is not published or displayed by le li'ii'ir Control Honrll nr hy.lhn novriinnl nf UritlJli Uoliunblti. HATZIG MAN'S IMMENSE OWL Aid III It HITC H IIAM SI'KC'I.MKN WITH WI.VOSI'KKAII Of MOKK THAN HVK I'KKT IlATZIC. Feb, 18.By CP.) An owl with ' wing spread of mors than five ftet Is mounted in the home of Arthur Hitch, who live on i farm near here. The 01 U a perfect specimen except! for two claw tht re missing, and Mr. Hitch, with t reminiscent smile, remark that he. too, U a perfect sped-men of manhood except for two (aping jholea on his thumbs. The holes In his thumbs and the owl's missing claws are la sequel to Mr. Hitch's strange battle with the owl. Mfl Owls have been troublesome mau- rauders of chickens and when Hitch i heard a noise In bis henhouse one night recently he Investigated with a shotgun. It was dark and Hitch let his ears direct the shot rather than his eye. But he fired and he heard a flutter of wings and a fall to the ground. now it was t'AiTi iti:ii Picking up the body of a supposed dead owl, he found this was not the case, as he soon found both bis hands clutched by the talons of the great bird and he was held prisoner, unable to release hlmwlf for a telling blow. TIMHEK SALE XGJttO There will be offered for sale by Public Auction at the office of the District roreater at Prince Kupert, B.C.. at 10 SJn., on the 26th day of February, 1627, the licence X6830. to cut 4,120.030 f.b.m. of Spruce. Hemlock and Cedar on an area situated on the north shore of Sewell Inlet. QjCJ. Provided anyone unable to attend th auction in person may submit a seued tender to be opened at the hour of auction and treated a one bid. Two 2) years will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forester. Victoria. B.C.. or District Forester. Prince Rupert. B.C. LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPI.V TO TO I.E.W: I.AN In Prince Rupert Land Recording DH trlct of Prince Rupert, and situate on the north shore of Crescent Inlet. Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, In the Province of British Columbia, and being about one and a halt miles from tne neaa or tne imei TAKE NOTICE that James Field, of Prince Rupert. B.C.. occupation Marine Broker. Intends to apply for a lease of tne rouowinz aencriDea una: Commencing at a post planted on the north shore ol Crescent Inlet, about one and a half miles from the head of the Inlet: thence northwesterly 20 chains; thence southwesterly 20 chains; thence southeasterly 20 chains: thence north easterly 20 chains, and containing forty (401 acres, more or less. JAMES FIEU). Applicant. Dated November 37. IB2A. DEPARTMENT OF LANDS NOTlfF. Application for (irarlng Permit for the eawir of I9i,, Application for permit to grare livestock on the Crown ranges within any district ol the Province of Brlt-.h tracing Columbia, must be filed with the District Forester at Fort George, Ksm-loops. Nelson. Prince Rupert. Vancouver, or Williams Lake on or before March Jlst. 1927. Blank forms upon which to submit applications may he obtained from the District Forester at the above named places, or from the Department of Land at Victoria. B.C. a. R. NADEN, Deputy Minister ol Land. Department of Lands, Victoria. D C. Jsnuary 4. 1927. MINERAL ACT rr.itTiricATK or impkovkmknt .NOTICE Juanlta. Anvox. Granny. Alamo. Rodeo. Pinto. Wsnn Fractional No. 3. and Monte ; Fractional Mineral Claims, situate In the Atlln Mining- Division of Casslar District. Where located: On Wsnn River, Taku Arm of Taglsh Lake. TAKE NOTICE that I, Charles V. Bob, Free Miner' Certificate No. 89768, intend, sixty days from the date hereof, to anDlv to the Mlntne Recorder tor a Certificate of Improvements, for the pur-1 pose of obtaining a Crown Qrant of the Dove ciaim. And further take notice that action, under section 89, must be commenced before the Issue of auch Certificate of Improvtmenta. Dated this 1st day 'of January, A.D. II. McN. FRASER. Agent. 1927. NOTICE Under and by virtue of the provisions ol Section 28 of the "Mineral Act." no tice Is hereby Riven Messrs. Malcolm Smyth, Edmund Langls, Harold Hansen and Albert Moore, that there Is owing jto the undersigned for Awssment Work performed on the Cordllla Group of 'Mineral Claims, Princess Royal Island, .fckrena Mining Division, the sum of 1393.88. and that unless said )ersons pay ithelr proportionate share of the cost of such Assewunent, together with all costs (of advertising, etc.. to the undersigned at Uutedsle. B.C., on or before May 12, 1927. application will be made to the a old Commissioner, Prince Rupert. B.C., to nave ineir respective interests in me herein mentioned Mining Oroup of Mineral Claims vested In the undersigned. DAVID CORDILLA. JACOB KOSKI. NOTICE February 7, 1927. 1 Clttren of Prince Kupert are hereby notified that according to the By-law No. 1G2, Section 480, "No person thall within the City plar. keep or deposit ashes In wooden receptacles or within twenty-five rest of. a house or building unless the same are contained In some saf depository constructed of brick, stone, or other non-combustible material." I am Instructed by the City authority to notify all parties, who neulecu to do so or who refrain from doing any act or thlni which violate the above provision, that ten day from the above I ilnt an Inspector will be empowered to iae. me necessary proceeuings to eniorce thl f.eftlon of the By-law. II. A. McLEAN, City Engineer. TaZ DAILY K2T73 PAGE FIVE "Ltt th Clark Kltehtn llttp You" dark' "Northern,, Tomatoes add a new relish to Clark's t6riato KETCHUP Use Ittlth chop, fish, stews, etc. i W. CLARK LIMITED MONTREAL Packers Clark's Celebrated Pork&Bean 7J7 Mrs. Hitch, hearing the noise ran to her husband's aid but she was unable to drive off the owl aud called to a neighbor for assistance. Harold Henry, a nearby farmer, came upon the, scene with a gun but found Hitch and the owl locked so close together that be was afraid to shoot. Instead, he went to a tool ah. secured a pair of wire clippers and severed two of the enraged owl'a claws and then, as the bird plunged about on the ground, he struck It several blowa. Next morning. Hitch with his hands bandaged; went to the henhouse to secure his prize, but the bird had flown, apparently little the worse for the encounter. Three days later Hitch noticed an owl perched In a treetop. It was the owl with the missing claws. SMITHERS J. M. Taylor of the Revenue Mining Co. of Detroit arrived in Smlthers Wednesday night to mak an inspection of the Mamie property near the Duthle mine. If the result of his examination are aatlsfactory, it is understood that the company wUl take tbe pro-. perty over and start extensive work thereon. Investigations have been under way with a view to extending the Govern ment Telephone Service to residents on the Southerly side of the Bulkley River between Smlthers and Morlce- town. With greatly Improved road connections In tbe district, of Evelyn and Lake Kathlyn. many new settlers have been attracted to that district and these now form fairly well settled communities. Arrangements have been mad by the Omlneca branch of the British Colum bla Chamber of Mines for a series of lectures to be given In the district by Douglas Lay. resident mining engineer. Tbe chamber has received a communi cation from Hon. WUIliiin Sloan con gratulatlru; It on the splendid work It has dons and exhorting to continue its efforts. Mrs. W. II. Sharp of Hazelton, mother of Mrs. Charles Reld of Smlthers. died here early Sunday morning. The late Mrs. Sharpe was 81 year of age and wa born In York. England. She had been married 55 years and came to this district In 1909 with her husband who predeceased her. She wa stricken with paralysis ten years ago and haa been an Invalid ever since. Be side her daughter here, the late Mrs Shsrpe Is survived by a son. H. Y. Sharpe of Hazelton, and two other daughters. Mrs. Lancaster and Mrs. Hirst of Victoria. A charge of theft laid against T. O Dlgglns of Houston by A. Norberg of the same town, waa thrown out by Judge Robertson of Prince Oeorge In County Court here this week. S. W Taylor of Prince Rupert, appeared for Dlgglns and L. S. McQUl for the crown. The Hanson' Tun ber St' ; Lumber Co, Is now filling big. orders for cedar logs to be used by the Canadian National Railway in the construction of new lodges Ut- yiej jasper (Albert) and Mlnakl K -(Ontario) summer? resort. James Craig, chief engineer In charge of such work at Jasper,, has been here to. Inspect a large shipment of material going East. There Is geueral activity among far-mera of the central Interior district In getting out. tlea for the Canadian National Railway's requirements. As usual, this business means a great deal to the farmers of the district and Is the means of making possible further Improvement on their holdings. Harry Hanson of Rose Lake was in town this week and reported considerable activity In tic cutting In that vicinity. After an Illness of two months, Donald Macdonald, a farmer resident of the Sasory district, died In the Smlthers' Hospital at the end of last week. He wa a native of Invernesshlre, Scotland, and came to Canada In 1907, having resided at Bavory for seven year. He wa unmarried and Is survived by a sister In the Old Country'; Smlthers experienced!' 'Its coldest weather of the winter on, Tuesday night when the thermometer reached 38 below -With a bitter north wlud'prevalllng. ' Henry Sirjl th, a former local resident, arrived from Vancouver this week and will he lit charge of th construction of the new mill being built at the DuthJe. mine. O C. Thompson) who Is, In charge of work'being carried on by, the Porcupine QuMtle)l Go.t near Topley, wa a business visitor in Smlthers 'tills, week. B. J. Mayer ha returned to hi rail- The Well-Managed Home THE manager of a household is the purchasing agent for a large proportion of the family needs. In order to do a good Job she must know what, when and where to buy. She must study goods and the concerns which make goods and have them to sell. m She must put her home on a business basis and run it on business principles in order to make the most of the family income. Information is the only basis for intelligent purchrsing. And the right way to get the greatest amount of necessary information is to read the advertisements. Advertisements tell you what is new and good in merchandise. They reveal improvements and inventions to mae your home life easier, more comfortable and more convenient. They 'give you information about a thousand and one things that are usejul. Every manager oj a household every member oj the household who shades the responsibility for the family's welfare should make a habit oj reading the ads. Read the advertisements in order to buy wisely way duties here after a trip to Van couver where he attended a meeting at the provincial legislative committee of tbe Brotherhood of Locomotive A! Flnnerty of the railway ice creWj out .of Smlthers was summoned fromi Pacific to Vancouver this week on ae-i count of the serious Illness of his J mother. j Oeorge Wall's Ice crew returned to Smlthers early tht week after having unloaded Lake Kathlyn- ice at Pacific and Prince Rupert. They are now engaged In filling the railway Ice houses here. Word has been-received of the falling condition, at; Kamlopps of William Mitt chell. government" telegraph agent here. Mrs. Mitchell ha left for her husband's bedside. Accompanied by her daughter. Jo, Mrs. A. J. Mclntyre ho left to visit with her parents at Oakland. California. C. T. Saunders, who was on the office italt of the Hanson Timber and Lum ber Co., some years ago, ha been visit- EVERY WOMAN ADMIRES an immaculate kitchen. The sparkling brightness of Aluminum Utensils provides the first step in neatness, and an Easy Vacuum Electric Washer is equally indispensable. We can supply you with both at popular prices. Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 235 Third Avenue. Prince Rupert. lrg here thl week as travelling repre- j sentatlve for J. L. Christie ol Prince Rupert. Charles Wilson, prominent Lake ' Kathlyn rancher, applied In County1 Court here this week for naturallza-Hon papers. Several application have been, received for the position of municipal clerk here, which post was recently resigned by F. Ockleshaw. No action has yet been taken, by the council owing to tbe continued Illness of Aid. Groat. lISTlJjp rcSTLCJ MILK r better luck vx a w t-r VKtwClHNCD twICTlMO Mmlt In Camilla 6y Me molters of fttttt'Q flufcy NewSupplies 0f Men's Clothing arriving regularly For Prices und Quality Don't Forget Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. II. Miller Proprietor LINDSAY'S Cartage afld Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal. Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving.