25 VOL XVII., No. 12. . TAXI Boston Grill and Ambulance Service Anywhere nt Anytime gland: Exchange Ituildlng MATT VI DECK, Trop. M MAIilNEY 'IHUVIIWS I; - - - 1 1 i I w ' n :g tn Shanghai, after having routed the defending soldier ARE EXEEDED .1 i .'..rt season. 1924-28, dur-:;;.SS7 busheU of grain ws 1 Md djt a considerable iur the previous year, same tune Isst yesr. sea-' of grain had reached a :3. 31 bushels, while at the lat in 18M tbe total was . :-.:e!s. a to'.al comprises ship-X t0$9 busheU of whest and tLL.UcJ of other grain. Som - .r.J of wheat and 1M.6TT 1 ' S'rr gram is held In store 1 f 141.132 bushels are ,:- nht last week. i r I w w w w w w v ill. nil i nil b i nun; iii i uiii i I II -H I' I IIJI i a i j ia. iii iiif in if ' : H t I .1 111 1 VI 111 T ll l..iiil.....-..l i.-i. . tl.y .. rf Jl"l riant U Vow In iitirrallmi. fOniA, Feb 19, -The ore started .h rough the mill at the ; : :i Wednesday morning. The :J handling 100 tons of ore a last of the equipment, some rontrr.l swltfhes. ar- E".wart early tn the week "'IHK Kill IIK1EAT 111' JACK KUWkv iv vi:V YOUK IIOItT I. AST XKIIIT ) nW YOUK. Feh to llm M.lonev ."ton, won a dclslon over Jack nravyweignt cnampion, - "'iiv in itickarda heavyweight una a challeneer for Oene I m crown n.vl B,ntmhlr. &u in Arlvnntacr In w, 0HI OI . icn visibly toid on ms i--..,,i ''"nUn Bolshevik! and Turkish It' ... .rt sun trying to create ai 'tlC League of Nation. nut nro IS SlOW Tk. o , . , hi 'Mg "boat." tie arising out of Um WKAIIIKIl Itn'OllT. ... r; w. found a willing ally in this war on the prize city today ' : i :cm OWnee troops, now in possession of Shanghai had .'rd. and the Dritish troops landed there had withdrawn to UIII l.lkrli Hate liargr iif Flail for Canada' lU Jul'Hre I OTTAWA. Feb 18. -To make the nec essary arrangements for the celebration Clcwari. Dnnwell ri I rector, an- o:i a national scale of the oiamona juoi- " : 'hat machinery has been lee cf the Dimlnlon. Premier King has e::d Is now on the way to belannouneed that a national committee -3 nt the Silverado. Development -in be appointed and that legislation to be under way there within uthorlte It will be enacted at the pre- "fcmuons, ne said. v"" Borden and Sir -omer uoum. lieutenant governors of all the provinces will be ex-offlclo members of tho l-wganiratlon. The purpose is to hsve celebration in keeping wun vn. . , a WIMC D ATTI V portance of the rubil Vtilij ii.iw UR viaa ILEli --L Som P'" re lr"aj be,n dr,,lcd , mter-departmental committee 'and an appropriation of IIM.OOO has i.M It t KKillT Ili:i.l ItlX'iiN'iheen nied bv the House of Commons. i - i Pilnce Rupert. Part cloudy, light; southeast wind; temperature 44. Rosswood. Snow, calm, temp, zs-Alyansh. Snow, calm; temp. 21. Alice Arm. Snow. mild. temp. 39. Anyox. Rain, calm, temp. 26. Stewart .Snow, calm, temp, 2; Terrace Cloudy, calm, temp. 33. Harelton-Snow, calm, temp, 20. Telegraph Creek. Calm, temp. . Smlthers Cloudy, calm, temp. 20. Burns Luke. Part cloudy, calm, temperature 21. Whltehorse.Clear. aouth wind. rero. Dawson. Cloudy, calm, 10 below. Minimum 32 below a Stewart River M ilt U K IIKTtW.EX CANADA AMI hist ixiiii: t'M)i:i: tkade AtilltE.MENT MONTREAL. Feb. It The Canadian i The strike order was carried into effect almost as soon Oovernment Merchant Marine, it u un-1 tn hm- -.drlter. of bu-e.. To rtnder eondtumt w,' tm.n Cln,a lhe Brituh Ia. eren more ait. tbe existing rllce of d!n pr0Tl(t:l tr in the trade treaty cotton mill worker, has ipread to otbor eIfecttd llm( tg0. -.Ubiuhmrnu and. rutin, the a. a. ,t vu .- lt otUw, lhlt doom today. -rrr .c..n, w open tow lb miU bunt tcd lhjlt tenders Will bt called for immediately for their con tn order to with ewttuali- cot any ttJXKXUm xhrw. it u understood, will strike, the opt-jct to Canada and twj LONDON. Feb. 19. - The fifth round of the English Cup ucj resulted as follows: Wolverhampton 1. Hull 0. Chelsea 3. Burnley 1. Arsenal 2. Liverpool 0. Uolton 0. Cardiff 2. Southampton 2. Newesstle I. Mills all 3. Mlddleaboro 3. Reading 1. Brentford 0. South Shields 2. Swansea 2. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL i;.m;i.imi u:mi; lililslun I. Asloiv Villa 2. Manchester United 0. Everton 1. Blackburn Rovers 0. Leicester City 2. Iluddersrteld 4. Wcdnesdsy 4. 8undcrland 1. Tottenham 1. Bury 0. West Ham t. West Bromwlch 2. Derby County 1. Leeds United 0. lilt Moil II. Barmley 4. Clapton 2. Fulharn 0. OrlmsbyS. Manchester City 1. Notts Forest 1. Oldham Athletic I. Blackpool 3. Prevton 4, Darlington 1. M OTT1MI l i;(ll I. Alrdrlecnlans 3. Queen's- Park 0. Hearta 1, Kilmarnock 1. Motherwell 2. Hibernians 1. St. Johnston's 4, Morton 0. Other games played In Cup ties, FIRST HERRING FROM LOCAL WATERS WILL In) - -ampiwnj wP. (b Doted Klnplom. The approximate 100 realdmu of th UtUmattoi-l art- of mh vestel is estimated, roughly I tlement. was colled out today. ti00jM0. Tne apa will hot be MTl .11 li oi:itioi m4 fof IPnr1oe UDtu ,sme time in 1 JS. r tLir I II. A IU. T HUE l IN " Mad mat 40W9 worker, xb, ,mneat trosldes for a xor.-lr.v in' MlirMr.M le nrUf ell. rrappe of -j-nu, XeWer and 'freight" aerv lcei ,n P"1 irarawwyi. uw wiht- throughout r-t yr trm Canadian porw j " work n1 3nn ""'rl" Unmedlate- the tastern of Ulandi ( i"' rt) 19 AU records tn to group Th rtNO'r E"" ol Il'ml, ,M d .miM. deuil. of! t i,B. . hB. ..rMM in rttqwie ,ortr1 " "U for Vancouver without her 1 art. a ED it BC gram ship. wJllcn b4yt .,ac,r puhjuhd. to . . r,n... m firm htr Plekeu. armed with thetslaU In the western irouo. ' - ' -t. elut- irrouidd the post office which nt ,.wt, en2ed In the principal rt er,ir than the to- " ImmedUtely dosed until Monday tn ttTrttt -u, be of flre or Mlx lhoUilnd "' " signed for the West Indies service, and must be couIddmI with modern refrleer- XI OITOMIION T( 4ll.ll AliK IT.XIU. 1IIO' mil. ! ,tMi: OTTAWA. Feb. 19. There wss no opposition to old sge pensions when the question was discussed In the House of Commons for several hours on m-day The debate was tn committee of the whole on the resolution to Introduce the measure. The resolution was adopted and the bill based upon It was given Its first resdlng. The messure Is exactly the same as that which was left stronded by dissolution last year. J a Hon plahta for the requirements of the extensive fruit trade which la expected to develop. Is is believed this refrlgers- Hon equipment will come from Britain The new vessels will be capable of . fourteen knots an hour BORDEN AND GOUIN TO HEAD COMMITTEE FIFTH ROUND ENGLISH CUP CATION IX (ilVINO EVIDENCE OTTAWA. Feb. 19 Renumin; evi dence at tbe freight 4atei hearing here. yesterday before the andt .'retgfc'. traJSa ctSiu ger of tbe Can adian Pacific Ra'lway. testified that. which III MKi: 11AI1.1YAY (DM- they be equalized with other eomjetl- cd and added to the general confusion of the situation, o""0 aeetaea to duho. - ,tet 0wer. MISSION i ir :.M left their st In the post office, on tramways and as ,t1" Pur-'8- tb dditiani ahiM. .nou, pr-cedent for. if it weje Ifvitilrwrl vlv t Vw rw4t 1 jurvlri Ml I H I If II I III Vll A A -t PA - - mm m 1 PAST RECORDS granted In his case. It might be de roanded by other lnductnes EDWARO JOILVSON, whom John McCurmai.k de .:.res is the world's (.rtatci-t tenirr d; ? .aiming the title for hi.nself. like a generous-hearted Iruhrr.an Jo.'inson, the Canadian singer, has been In London recently, and McCormack called him the best all-around operatic tenor in the world. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE B.C. Sliver . Dun well Howe Sound Independence Indian Marmot Premier .... Silver Crest lllchmond Coast Copper Bid AkM t 1.70 130 ' 1,47 Ul 33.00 41.00 'toy, .11 .071, .08 .11 .13 2.17 3:10 .004 .07', i 1 .14 .13 7.00 7.7S PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT, U.C., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1927 IN CALIFORNIA WOILII LIKK TO ItKTl l(X Mi JAMES Mi-MLTY Willi miti:i ;ii.di:x state 5u ii-iu aiaKuja i ii i.y, j ,w:cb the sunny muth do.s cot offer. RAZOR HACKED BODIES FOUND I'TICA. XEW YOUK, Feb. 19. Poller. linrMljiitliis the dentin of fill Tailor, ajnl 3.1. u wrlilrr, hlo nlfe and lite rlillilrrn iho niJtor-liackrd budlrx Mere foiiml III their Utile liour wlirre they were Livt rrn alive a veek a;o. are working on the theory that lie tilled lil famllv while tliry hlrpt and then mmniltted Milrlile. THIRD ROUND i SCOTTISH CUP OLASOOW. Feb. 19. The third round of the Scottish Cup ties resulted as fol laws: East Fife 3. Dunfermline 0. Dundee 2. Celtic 4. Rangers 4, Hamilton 0. Falkirk 3. Mldannandsle 0. Buckle 0. Beness 3. Dundee Unlted-Montrose postponed. Alloa 0; Arthurlle 0. Clyde 0. Partlck Thistle 1. Alaska Inn-Keeper Makes Clean Breast of Robbery; Second Woman is Involved FAIRBANKS, February 19. Relating how he and-two women looted a government mail sled of more than $33,000 at an isolated Circulation 1438 Sain' 404 Ssnator Hewitt Bostock supplied Oau- thler with cerUln credentials which wen ud on a tour of the Old Country to purchase liquor. It waa further alleged that Hon. J. A. Buckham. speaker of .the 'XestsUture, ..was- respomlblc Jot. In Ippcaltlcn hsd haa this matter tn con-emplatlon for seme time. He was, haw- ver. prepared to give It the fullest In ! i i !: SHANGHAI. Feb. 19. After a British steamer had been commandeered by Chinese military forces on the Upper Yangtse River, a British gungoat went Into action according to a private telegram received here tvmm story is COMINGNEXT WEEK id riCEUS IX CIIAIKiE OF M j CAItKTS J'OU CANAIIA WILL IX-SI'ECT LOCAL COUPS Admiral W. O. 8tory of Ottawa, officer In charge of the Sea Cadets for the Dominion of Canada, will arrive In Prince Rupert next week from Vancouver to Inspect the newly organized local corps. From here. Admiral Story, who la on a regular Inspection trip, will pror cred East. The local corps is having Its first parade today at Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve headquartera. WIRELESS IIEPOItT. 8 a.m. DIOBY ISLAND. Part cloudy. light Alaskan road house, William Schcrmeyer, the government's staff ; southeast wind; barometer 29.10; tern witness, testified for more than six hours in the Federal Court ontP"tulT 44' ea m; o:s P-" T.Vl,lnv .nir.ut VolHo nn. n.. I--..- o. "ttlarlr lloo" wkn t CaUla, bound for Skeena River, 8 ajn. & aV4J 11(1 U 1 11,1, ..Villi. AJwhViS, UVIIVI HllH MO 1 M w , " V , , . stands charged with the robbery. Schermeyer is under indictment n ln DTT'J, ! with Mrs. Bates in th.e charge but the government has indicated that i ,ng tirge Blngtcmj MUtnbound ne win piuuaui.v nut ue uruugiu to trial owing iu mc tiiai c DEAD TREE POINT. Barometer 29.' turned state s evidence. His mention of the second woman was the'io; temperature 38. first intimation that any one,' other than the driver had discovered his low, the BULL HARBOR. Rain, light south-; he and Mrs. Bates, was involved In the Isot was moved to a new cache on a j east wind; barometer 29.08; tempera-1 robbery. nearby trail. After burning the pouches ture. 38: sea rough: 8 ajn. spoke tug Schermeyer ssld that, on the night of on the trail. Schermy(f 'traversed thejst. Faith. In Takush Harbor, weather-; .December 30. 1923, "Black Bear" arrived anow covered ground (several, times with I bound. 'at hla road hotue as a passenger on the a dog team. and' obliterated the ashes. I xoox DC I1CDC OlIfiDT! V m" ,led wnlcn 'M drlvn y William! Two hours later, the -seventy year old j DIOBY ISLAND. Overcast. freahS.E. lib IlLUL UllUKILl Duffey. Late In the evening, while the Innkeeper told the Jury that the spoils wind: barometer 23.99: temperature 4$: other guests were Inside the road house were divided and he left for the United I sea smooth: 9.30 ajn. out Catala south- It Is expected that one of the four drinking and playing cards, Schermeyer. jstates. After being trailed Into Mexico boats now out prospecting will arrive "Black Bear" and tho other woman, and back to Loa Angeles, he was arrest-tomorrow or Monday with herring balt!whce Identity was not disclosed, made led In the California city and confessed. from' local waters. Thursday herring, their way to the rear of the Inn -where were located between Lawyer and Kin- th dogs and the aled had been left. nehan Island but were at that time They removed the pouches containing tod deep for the "Mines. The boats now the S33.O00 from the sled and hid prospocttng are the Arurlte. Bethune. near the dog kennels which adjoined' the Predelfk nri Zanardl. Implicating "Black Bear." A speed bt over .4 miles minute It 4 was attained by an Italian monoplane lelthe other day. The aviator must hsve rood house. Th next' morrilng.RfV ,b"l frying ti seep up with Muw'lnl. bound: 11 ajn. out Princess Beatrice southbound. DEAD TREE POINT. Barometer 29.. 10; temperature 39. BULL HARBOR. Rain, strong southeast wind: barometer 29.12; tempera ture 40; sea rough; 12.10 p.m. spoke steamer Prince Rupert, sbe.un - Alert Bsy. Mtuthhound. Large Upstair Dfnfng Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least. I'hone 437.- Price Five Cents ill JA I iON A T SHANGHAI K WMnm am. TAMAKSA1 A M M KJ M MJL I mM MA MM AKS hMmSM 11 Vf W UNSERVATIVES LAUNCH ANOTHER PROVINCIAL SCANDAL T-1 T W . - . sf " - M mm antonese rind Willine Allv o j in Central Labor Union which Orders Workers Go On Strike - J.. . i . .J I J i ' I I f n rt wn st mr it i Tin fW men shall stay out till prize city i ' changes hands; general confusion i i lit lNtW Mill D J HWGllAI. February 19. The victorious Cantonese armies, am: 111:0.1 nun to (mi: special SPECIAL RATES FRESH FRUITS tMMt. on ici.il i)insM:s Ari'i.i- .many Minister is Accused by Seattle Fugitive with Taking Rake-off James McNulty, who returned to the city last evening, met severs! former aupcrt people in California during his TORY "I50LT FROM CLUE," INVOLVING SEVERAL I'ROMIN- Wfd of itaiiy ,0urn ,hCTe ,LT the w,nter- sviskiew ENT L1IJERALS, WAS PREMEDITATED, PREMIER ConLiiionT.. George Stephen. a&t.-" . . "; OLIVER DECLARES WILL BE INVESTIGATED mere sccuica to oe a si:gnt isuuig du , In the bunding program wb:ch has; 'rate reduction, on Ira,h fruiU ahdfUte ,cr the J5"1 few I"-: Mr. Mr. and and Mrs. Mrs. McKulU MtNuity t-jok took VICTORIA, February 19. Charges relating to an alleged deal whereby commissions of five shillings per case were to be obtained the boat in connection with the purchase of liquor for the British Columbia polnta in E.'itera aed Weatern Canada. lne coi o government were maue in me LKii-iure un riiuaj utn.-jiou ujr w. it anouid not be based on th grouads P3rtcd vt ,mooth for the tlme Despard Twigg, Conservative member for Victoria. As a result of of t prwent apeetai eommoditT rau of "er- They h'd Iready rrived in'tllese allegations, demand for a royal commission of enquiry armed were unreasonaWe nor anpuid vneouver be:ore neav' wn, with power " to travel abroad was made. n'cpi ine toumcrn coast rccenuy wiui , , . . . i n rn KnDia t tkn nhnvnaa i m a in tha f rTm ni wnrn srQ Tom fill live shipping prinu but. rather, the uh SJ'om by John A. Gaulhier. late of Vancouver but now residing in Seattle, r- Mmity. wno left Kupert on on J rate reluctlon should be made to as- utcmDcr r'Pr" many 01 tne ... ' " - Thla would establish former itupert people would welcome ciarawun. uiuinm cum ITY 1 Tli-fl XT 1 ItTIPlI in opportunity to again visit the wide of Hon. Dr. W. H. Sutherland, minister I M Atl-HV 1 AlMISH 3Fen spaces of the north with an oc- of public worka. as the man who had VllrHVui-U 1 ilillUll casnna! opportunity at fishing and aided him in securing orders for liquor wm-nn m,tt,7 a wrx iuntlr.5. from the provincial government and with liuTll THIIlI A Altogether the wlnter-s holiday was wfcem. he alleged, he was to pllt the J Hi 1 V I illlN iliV IK very enjoveble for Mr. and Mrs. commissions. The statement further al-j McKulty wbc are pleased to be home xed that, upon representations ueins 4 j. ... ... n . iv Hon nr. Sutherland to Ottawa. I ALLt.OATIUNS ! VICTORIA, Feb. 19. Allegations that '187,0O0 had "disappeared and was un- troduclng Oauthler to Attorney General .-ccouated fcr' OF M1SS1M1 AIO.VKV AT .MCKV1LLE DEMEl) BV WIT-Xtx.NSES 15EIIIKE SELECT COMMITTEE in the Mervllle. Van- Manson In connection with the prapoeed Jcouver Island soldier settlement scheme I were categoncsiiy denied today by sev- ' After considerable discussion. Premier ;ral witnesses called before the select POLICE AltE tyoKKIVO ON TIIKOUV j ,uveT eXpreued his conviction that the . committee Investigating the charges In- THAT I'TICA. NEW YOKK, MAX KILLEII IIIMELI AMI FAMILY cluding Thomas Menzles, former Inde pendent member for Comox.'and now superintendent for neglected children. estlgatlon. It waa decided to leave the o. cnairman oi uio -hole question of a resolution for a Land Settlement Board, oyal commission of enquiry over until Menzles, who was previously credited londay. with having instigated the charge, denied ever having made an accusation. , )l this nature. When ha was shown HIIITIMI tll'.MMIAT IX ACTION IX CHINA , KEMLT Mill" SEIZl'UE a memorandum contalmnc the cnarge '''land said to htve been Initialled by him. he declared that he had not written it "" and that the Initials were not his. Latta. who had charge, of the scheme, testified that not a slugle dollar had I been unaccounted for which statement :Was corroborated by H. M. Wright, as-lslstaut comptroller-general and Charles 1 Sonley. accountant of the Land Settle- ment Board. : NEW FREIGHTER FOR THIS COAST I't ItCIIASE OF ItKITIMI M i: MI.IC AHDOAUVEL AXXOlXCf.ll IIY MANAIiEU OF IXIOX S.S. CO. VANCOUVER. Feb. 19. Harold Brown, general manager of the Union Steamships Ltd., announced yesterday that the steamer Ardgarvcl. 834 tons gross, had been purchased tn Liverpool to replace the steamer ChlUlwack In the British Columbia coast freight service of the company. The vessel, which 1 of steel construction. Is being fitted out to burn oil and Is expected to salt for Vancouver on March 13. Capt. J. A. Flndlay, master of the steamer C mo-sun, and Chief Engineer Logan of the I Cardena are now In England and will bring the vessel out The old steamer Chllllwack has been dismantled and scrapped at North Van- MASSEY MEETS U.S. PRESIDENT ('OOI.ll)lii: IMIOMISE.H CO-OI'EII.T10X OF Ills AII.MINIXTKATHIX t'XIlEU XEW DIPLOMATIC CONDITION WASHINGTON. Feb. 19. After a brief address, Hon. Vincent Massey. Canadian Minister to the United States, yesterday presented his credentials to President Calvin Coolldge at the White House. Replying, the president promised the co-operation of his administration In maintaining friendly relations between Canada and United States under the lew tvVn-tH enfld! tfat. " . . . i