0 PAGE SIX TIIE DAILY NEiTS -nt.urda mm Direct as an arrvio tpted thete great all-iteel train to the Mid. Weit, South and EomI. Union Pacific is your logical route to Salt Lake City, Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis, Omaha and Chicago. laleranatlo aad Retarratlona I'ulon Mation, Seattle. 1103 luurth f. Meat Specials T-liune Steak, 2 lb 5."c Round Steak, 2 lb 43c Sirloin, 2 lb 53c Veal Steak, 1 lb 23c Veal Chops, 1 lb 23c Pork Chops, 1 lb .' . 33c Lamb Chops, 1 lb 35c Shoulder Pork, 1 lb 23c T-Uone Roast, 1 lb 23c Rump Roast, 1 lb 20c Ayrshire Bacon, 1 lb. . . 35c Pork Sausages, 2 1b 33c MUSSALLEM'S Meat Market 417-423 Fifth Avenue East Phones 18 and 84 Eye Strain The discovery that Headaches are frequently the direct result of Eye Strain brought about the correct way to relieve the difficulty and placed testing eyes and adjusting glasses on new and important ground. Two troubles are relieved with one stroke. Come to ua for ready relief from Eye Troubles. A. E. IRELAND Graduate Optometrist 319 Third Avenue. Opposite (i.W.V.A. WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, llirch and Spruce Per load $6.50 Per half load $3.50 Per sack SOc Firelighters, 48 for $1.00 delivered. HvnpTranclW feV .10 i ' 139 Second Avenue Phone D80 Night or Day WE BUY 110TTLES. George rorie CHARTERED ACCOUNT-ANT AND AUDITOR Phone 387 I1J Second Avenue West, Prince Rupert CM BEL WAS GREAT SUCCESS OVEII lOUt lllMllir.ll AND I'll TV ti:i:ms i:njovi:i itstivihes I..sT XUJIIT IN At WTOKU M Maintaining their reputation of pre vlous years, the Canadian National' Railway employees proved excellent! hos; at their third annual ball In the auditorium last night. Many novel j and interesting phases of railroad oper ation were Introduced Into the general decorative scheme which gave a dis tinctive character, to the whole even lugs pro-warn. Mrs. R. P. Ponder's orchestra discoursed excellent music from a platform which was decorated with a miniature telegraph line com plete in every detail. A large bell from a Canadian National engine gave Master1 of Ceremonies Lionel Holtby opportun ity to secure quiet whUe the various announcements were made. In the gallery a headlight acted as a miniature moon for the moonlight waltzes. A large painting, which decorated the rear of the hall, depicted a modern Canadian National train alongside of the old stage coach of former days. The work was executed by J. Edwards, an employee of the company here. The Boys' Band In uniform was pre sent for the early part of the evening and played the Grand March as well as several other pleasing selections. The general committee, of which W. DEPARTMENT OF LANDS NOTICE Application for (irazing IVrmllx fur the SniMin of 1927. Application for permits to craze live stock on the Crown ranges within anv crazing district of the Province of British Columbia, must be filed with the District Forester at Fort George. Kam-loops. Nelson. Prince Itupcrt. Vancouver, or Williams Lake on or before March 31st. 1927. Blank forms uon which to submit applications may be obtained from the District Foresters at the above named places, or from the Department of Land; at Victoria. B.C. a n. NADEN, Deputy Minister of Lands. Department of Lends, Victoria, B.C.. January 4. 1927 f to Europe il I MAKE RF.SKRVATIQKS XOV' I UOM SAI.VT JOHN To Liverpool Feb. 25 Montclare Mar. 4 Montrose Mar. 12 Montcalm tMar. 18 Montnalrn y Via Belfast, t Via Greenock To l'ierlutirg-siitlianitoii-Antwerp Mar. 2 Mellta War. 16 Minnedosa To Antivrrp Mar. 10 Marburn Mar. 15 Meugima KST .INDIlirTcKl'lsK rh. 2. B Apply ta A;?-it5 tvervwhers or n J. J. FORSTEk. fl S.S. General Pi. Agent, m C.P.R. Station, Vancouver, Telephone fc Seymour 2630 JUST ARRIVED welcome. ON SALE :t."u' i " Heinz large tins Soup, pur tin 20c Heinz large tins Beans, per tin 20c B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 45 and 571 From Pay Envelope to Dividend Cheque laid by in youth is worth double the MONEY savings ol middle age. Many a rich man today bought the right to his dividends with the savings he made once out ol his pay envelope. Anyone with determination can do the same. The roan who saves is the mu with money. The Royal Bank of Canada Prince Rupert Branch Rcld was chairman and H. Thmpp. secretary, was busy during the even ing attending to the details which made It very enjoyable for their guests. The dlllerent committees were as follows: Invitations: W. Smith. Misses R. Johnston, B. Taylor, D. E. Tremayne and R. James. A. E. McArthur. A. Martin and P. Rogers. Refreshments J. Simpson, R. L. Parry and the above named ladles. Hall and decoratlons-rT. Anr.ealey. J. Campbell. W. H. Dcrry, J. Edwards and C. Rose. Bandmaster Wilson attended to ar rangements for the musical program. The dance, which was attended by more than four hundred and llfty people, continued until nearly three o'clock this morning with a large number present when the home waltz wa LAND ACT Norm; oi intention to aitly to TO Lt.b LAM) 111 Prince Rupert Land Recording DU-! met. ana kiiuate at Huston inlet, (jueen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Robert M. rrrle. of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation fish packer. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at northeast corner about 1,000 feet westerly from miners' cabins at head of Huston Inlet: thence westerly 20 chains: thence southerly about 12 chains; thence easterly 20 chains: thence northerly about 12 chains, and containing 24 acres, more or less. ROBERT M. CURR1E. Appllian:. NOTICE February 7. 1027. Citizens of Prince Rupert are hereby notified that according to tbe By-law No. ie2. Section 489. "No person shall within the City place, keep or deposit un m wooaen receptacles or witnin F. .' Robertson, Mangci played. i twntv-f Ivp fwt rtf hnnia n hitMHIno i tnl. NOTICE Under and by virtue of the provisions of Section 28 of the "Mineral Act." notice It. hereby given Messrs. Malcolm Hmvth Vttmii.fi T n.l. ir.-It li..,..n and Albert Moore, that there to owing PrMcr Valley, lb 55c to the undersigned for Assessment Work I New Zealand, Ib 65c performed on th Cordllla Oroup oil i-iii mi ll, nerat Claims. Princess Roval Island. mi.r.ni. . . ... ... ..... Bkeena Mining Division, the sum otlnUrl0 3oc Anu un hale at .Special Prices. 3U3.88, and that unless said persons pay I Btllton, lb 4ti. 83c . their proportionate share of the co-t otVrt.f. ' ... uch Assessment, together with all costs ,oc tii.i...'.. rM.ii! n r- Uuuys dull Coil Carne, per i, till of advertising, etc. to the undersigned I Norwegian Ooat-... 6ic on., a. Butedlle. H C nil nr hmtnr Mav 1 1 t w. ru.lu... t ii - ,. Libb8 Mexican Tamalasir "tin aoVd at11 V.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.V. coo 2,,. w lift" viicir rcnijrcvive lllbcresu in Wie i w uuiwituu, iu, 1 i.'..!.L " "n "A 'i'r! V '.. ,'. nercln mentioned Mining Oroup of Lastem Acadia Codfish, 2 Hj. Mineral Claims vested In the under boxes 50c ."'S"0 Whisk Hrooms and choice Scrub I I ISrushes DAVID COllDILLA. JACOB KOSKI. Christies Malted Milk Puff liis- IOllLh. I cuits, sorriething new, per Ib. COc i;stati; ok 4i'k.s tvAitn uioon, iMra. Porter's Sandwich Spread, I aitiioi;izi;i. ahsiunou .each 25c I Tenders will be received by the under- Peek Fruani' Shi)rliiWi. ;m " Stock In Trade and Fix- . i oniiru',"; a.turea of the above named J. W. Wilson Sorted Cream IiiscUlts. Her 111. at Stewart. B.C. Conies of Inventory and fill.- -mrl 70.. key to lore my obtained from tl.l w ,w "iw. Kennedy. Barrister, atewart, B.C. ITenders to be submitted on or before CANNED TOMATO SPECIAL 'February 10, 1027. Hlghett or any tender Malkin's Beat, Nabob, or Orchard !not "'aleTconmon, Trustee. City- large tins for 95c or per doz $1.75 C medium tins for 75c or jKjr doz $1.15 See our tomato window Prince Rupert, B.C. 01., ., Kuovjtvr, F. O. Dawson, director of the Can' dlan National Railways, and W. Tobe7. general superintendent, were patrons. Pure Market Prices LA 111) 25c Compound 23o MiUS j B.C. fresh pullets 45c B.C. fresh, firsts 50c B.C. fresh, extras 50c Local new laid 600 IIMI Halibut, lb 25c Balmon, cohoe, frozen 25c Smoked kippers, lb 15c Kippered salmon, lb 25a Smoked black cod. Ib 23 He Finnan baddies, Ib 20c Salt mackerel, lb 25c Eastern salt herring. 3 for 23a Salt codfish fillets, lb SOc Boneless salt cod bricks, lb 25c MEATS Fowl. No. 1. lb 35o Roasting chicken, lb 45c Ham. sliced, first grade 60s Ham, whole, first grade 45c Hank picnic, lb 22 14c Cottage rolls, lb 35s Bacon, back, aliped SOc Bacon, side 45c to 60c Pork, dry salt 35c Ayrshire bacon, lb 40c Veal, shoulder 25c j. Veal, loin 40c Veal, leg 40c Pork, shoulder 28c Pork, loin 1 40c 40c unless the same are contained In some pf ' "'1 .',' , ' Ber- pot 12c to 18c safe depositary constructed of brick. stone, or other non-combustible ma-iBcc'. boiling 10c to 12c terlal. I am Instructed by the City authorities to notify ait parties, who neglects to do so or who refrains from doing any act or thing which violates the above provision, that ten days from the above date an Inspector will be empowered to take the necessary proceedings to enforce this section of the By-law. H. A. McLEAN, City Engineer. Beef, steak 25c to 40c Beef .roust, prime rib 30c Lamb, chops 60c Lamb, shoulder 35c Mutton, leg 40c Lamb, leg 48c Mutton, chops 404 Mutton shoulder 30c IIUTTr.lt Brookfleld, 'shamrock and Woodland. lb 60c E.C.D.. lb Sfbl Capital, 2nd grade. 2 lbs. 05c uorgonzoia, lb. 76c McLaren'a Cream, Jars .... 45c and n&o Oruyere 60c Oolden Loaf, lb 45c Hl'UAK White. icr 100 $7.75 Yellow, per 100 87.25 ll.OUK Flour, 49s, No. 1 hard wheat .... 83.65 Pastry flour. 10' 65c Pastry flour. 43 s w 82.00 W.Or.TAIII.r.H BeeU, 6 los. 25c luO lbs $2.75 B.C. Carrots, lb. 3c .00 lbs $JJ5 Rutebagas, 6 lbs. 25c 100 lbs $2.75 Potatoes. 100 lbs.,., . $2X0 i Potatoes, 8 lbs. . ,v 25c Oreen Peppers, lb. ..' 75o I Parsley, bunch 15c . ' Rhubarb, lb. 25c I'KEE DEMONSTRATION A1NAU1AIN K V I Cauliflower, .'From New York To Quesnitown and LIvarDoof, Aiimuls .. Msr. W I a roil U .. Utr. ta To Cherbourg and Southampton lleiiTiKarla Mar. It, Apr. 6, 47 Maurelaiila Ar,r tu kfjv a Aqiiitanin . ... Msr. IU, Apr. ill. May 1 1 To Londonderry and Olaigow (jiiiiroion .. star 1 lxil(ta .. .Msr. e To Plrmouth-Hsvrs-London Aiitohla .. Mar. r, .Urania ., Mar. IS From Huston To Queenelown and Liverpool Ml-i.liiii . . Mur. u Lai onlu . , . Apr. 3 ' Call t I'l) mini Mi, earlkoiniil Money orders, ilrafu ami Travcllpra' LlifUilva at iouxnl Ml., Liill li,r,,rn,,l.. ifri"ii I"CI" Cuiiipaiiy.' offires, nt'J Mexican tomatoes, lb. ... SplnactCjilD. New California cabbage, lb. FRUIT Oranges, Navels, dozen Florida grape fruit, 2 for .. Lemons, Sunklat, doz. FRANCIS NICKAWA BECOMES BRIDE AT VICTORIA CEREMONY VICTORIA, Feb. IS. (By Canadian Press ) .A wedding of widespread Interest took place in this city recently at the resident of the officiating minister. .Iter. W. J. Blpprell. DD.. when MUt Frances Nlckawa, who has won fame as a Crre entertainer, became the bride ol Arthur Ruanell Mark, of Vancouver. The bride was attended by Miss Hannah Itlley, with whom she has made her home since her early childhood, aud Miss Margaret' Bell, of Victoria. Tli' remarkable young woman, of pure Indian blood, who has travelled part of three continents. In her dramatic work was born at Norway House, on Hud ion Bay. She was brought to the Methodist mission, an ailing ehtld of but five years of age, and taken charge of by a devoted English lady, MUa 'Hannah Riley, who has been her Christian mother, and has .lived and travelled with her in Canada, England. Australia and New Zealand. Some years ago Mian Nlckawa ,went to live with Miss Riley In Vancouver. Miss Nlckawa entered claw in dramatic art under the direction oi Harold Nelson Shaw, and the result or her training has been the production ol jthe best Interpreter of Indian legend and folklore to be found on the continent She has distinction of havin;' .appeared in recital before Queen Mary FIRST YEAR OF HIGH SCHOOL EXHIBITED ITS WORK YESTERDAY On Friday afternoon the Flrat Year High home economics and dressmaking class held a dress parade of the dresses and smoeks made this winter. Each girl had also made a dress booklet showing Illustration, material and coat of dress. Mothers were Invited and afterwards served with tea. the cooking having been shared by the two High 8chool classes and the Second Year being responsible for the ht dogs. Some good dresses, eoata and smocks have been made this winter by tlx High abd Entrace classee, Advertise In the Dally News WIlll'l'llVMl'VT I IMIfMO v . w, a i,o(uuit ni,o notice or application 1011 lll.i:i( LICENCE NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that 011 the 10th day of February next, the undersigned intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board lor a licence In respect of premises being part of tbe building known as Seal Cove Hotel, alluau a. the City of Prince Rupert. In the Province ol British Columbia, upon tnr lands described as all thai portion 01 Waterfront Block "I." Bay of Prince Rupert. City ol Prince Rupert, Province of British Columbia. Map D2J. Prince Rupert Land Registration District, and being more particularly described as follows "Commencing at a point which lies in a straight line of bearing north 69deg 28' 8" east a distance of 767.20 feet from the centre of circle as shown on aatd Plan 023. Beet Ion 7. thenre south 6 dag- 36 28" east a distance of 60 feet to a point, thenre north 83deg. 34' 35" east a distance of 100 feet to a point, thence north 8t5eg 35' 38" west a distance of 60 feet to a noint. thence south 83dcsj. 24' 35" west a distance of 100 feet to the point of commencement " for the sale of beer by .the glass or by the open bottle for eonsumotton on the premiam. UAitu inn inn day or January. 1027. H. A. DODD. . Applies nt . "(iOVEltNMENT LKJUOU ACT I NOTICE OF AITI.i7ITioN I OH IIEEIt! LICENCE NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that on the 1st day of February next the undersigned intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for a licence in rt-jr' to premises totng part of the buildmx known an Central Hotel, situated at tbe corner of First and Seventh Streets, m the City of Prince Rupert Province oi British Columoia, upon the lands dr terlbcci as Lot Eleven (Hi and Twelvi (121. Thirteen 1 13 1 antt Fourteen (I4i. In niock Ten (10). Section One ill City of Prince Rupert. Province of British Columbia, according to a registered map or plan deposited in the Land Registry Office at the City of Prince Rupert aforemld and numbered 01, for the sale of beer by the glass or by the open bottle tar consumption on the premises DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C.. this 3rd day of January, 1027. CORA E BLACK, Applicant MINERAL ACT CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS NOTICE Juanlta. Anyox. branby. Alamo, Rodeo. Pinto. Wann Fractional No. 2, and Monte Fractional Mineral Claims, situate In the Atlln Mining Division of Cuselar District. Whero located- O11 Wann River. Taku Arm of Taglah Lake TAKE NOTICE that I, Charles V. Bob, Free Miner's Certificate No. 80708, Intend, sixty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Improvements, for the purpose of obtaining a Crown Orant of the above claim. And further take notice that action, under section 80. must be commenced before the Issue of uch Certificate of Improvements. Dated this 1st day of January. A.D. MCN' rRA"KR' Alent- IM7 FRIDAY and SATURDAY From Halifax .mZ Z FOR SALE HY TENDER o " c ' u, ,b 400 We -have engaged a ladv demon-1 To Fiymouth-Havr.-London ,imPrtetl',Per trator t Z Hoi7 S Alw'WT. . JX.A ?..'.. . cooking onion,. 5 lb. 25c .... k ucpkut TA.U.K r, k, a pplv , co. al." an,, Soup, and Pork and Beans all day;"uTe QU..n.u,wn .n0 ,.74r 88wJ poutoe,. ,,b. 10c I-riday and Saturday. Everyone Aursuu . ur. 11, Apr. 11 Brussel sprouu, lb. ... 35c UNIVERSAL TIIAIiINO CO- PRINCE I KI'PEKT. II.C. TENDERS will be received hv th 1.,?- 35c' ersigned for the drygoods, genu fur- 15c n-nlngs. and grocery atock. with fix-in. fure nd 'urlhlns In connection, bo- l0- longing to the eitatc of J, c. Oavlgan Itradlng as the Rupert Table Supply and 25o to 85c 'Universal Trading Co., Prince Rupert, B.C. 0 35cl Stock and fixtures mav h i,i.ri.H 25c and 35c on application to the undersigned or at t mruri.l V.ll. a nc. tne Stores. nil":' r"" "u"" " lur Tenders may be submitted for th. Bananas, lb Extracted honey, lb Apples, Btaymsn Wlnesaps Cookllng apples i,. Apples, Bpltzenberg Appjei, niaejt T2T&& '' iv wuoie or ricn aiocK senarat.lv . ,.h u,iii 25c and 35c be received by the undersigned on or be-fore 0 p.m. Monday, February 21. 1027 ??'" The highest or any tender Vt ni?". (lASIarlly accepted. $2.75 JOHN L. C1IR18TIE. v ms1 r . rt.,p... Be, TfUtcc' r . ill" I i Ini Hew and Belter -Optical Serfe U.S. (i. R. Mutrle. late of TnrontH. lias t.'tKen rlw,,. , Optical Depnrtnicnt. Mr. Jlutrie is an rxpvrirni-cd u (ptomtlrist with 28 yearn practical experience lie fc 'f clcwe and intimate knowletlxc of practical fiitln' ani 1 and kIvcs opvcinl attention to chiltlrrn. ll" We hint' one of the finest and nost uu-tc dni. o . Pnrlot In Cnnatla, with all the Inlwt appliame We keep failli with the pulilic. !... II...I .. ...... I I. resources make It. We make coin!! Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist. Third - ,mh WESTHOLME THEATRE TON.GHT O.nLY at 7 and 9 SYD CHAPLB in UsfWl 171 i aa Bsa ssj ari w m m mxi ATim t"- m aw m m mt mr us m kd a a aa M I1 T V IE -!5 j IT f9i a lmrse RiotuUM, helter-Akeltcr fure-romdy. Tn ,.: tores of a young man who bocam a nur-n., which he wins a bride. PATSY RIJTH MILI.IIR. DAVID TORRKNCi; El), h' NX0 ("AVNE WHITMAN. HDIT1I VORh' and nlltar mwL comi:dy ixovd Hamilton in -carkh i PATIIU RUV1HW Adminnion Amazingly Truthful Reproduction MakiiiK every record do it heitt. Thin new llrunawick iiuickly won the hearts) of nitinit lover ovcrywhore. The cane, too, Ib beautiful hfyond the unuitl. Come in and any 1 want to hear the new SOc and Zjc I'l.1 J. LORNE MacLAREN, Ltd. Third Avenue, Corner Piflh Street Canadian National CTlic Largefl Railway 6j7cm in Amend bteaniship and Tram bsrvw ( i'ki.vci: iti t'i:itr uin inie ruiNCi: in;n:uT ir VAM'".'i i a THHIA, HKATTI.K, mid liitrriiirillulr point eutli 1 ,v t p I'ltl.vn: Ki'i'KltT for MTi:tv.liT nml ANYOX, ';V.ii! I I'lllNCK JOHN for VANi:OUVCK Via UVKIS I.AMIW, fortnightly. i-,nhi;.mii;ii l'.KHi:(li;it TltAINH TltAINH i.k.wi: i.kavi; Mil lll.tll - ,I.a--- . . . i' '!":."'", i0f hitch mommy. hi;iim:hii.v mid hati ichav at iu ""!' ,,14 (li:oit(il;, DIIMONTtIN, WINNII'Dd, all piilnU l.trrn It III lava llae iii:i'i:KT (l AfiKNCy ALL OCKAN HTIIA.MHHIP MSK' (mt raimilhn N.itlonul lUprrns for Money Orders, lorfif for Your iipiL alilikmitiif . it ft CITY TICKKT Oi l ICT. Si8 TI1IIIU AVK., I'lllNrK HVVl AIT