FLIT prince; RUPERT xv 1 'IT" 1 A I - ,1, sntSnnnaV .VHB The Daily News BRITISH COLUMBIA Pu Wished Every Afterfeorn. except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited, Third Averts e. tt. F. PULLEN - - MaugiB? Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Git j DeHvery, by raail or earner, per month .75 By mail to all part of the British Eaaaire assd the United State, is advance, per year S&iXr To all other coantriea, ia advance, per year .$"-60 Transient Display AdrertiMBfr. per inch per insertion 11.40 Transient Advertising on Front Pace, per inch tZ Local Readers, per iaertion per Hne ClaMifiod Advertising, per intertinn per word Legal Notice, each insertion per agate line Contract Ha tea an Application Advertising and dirculatian Tclepnone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION COMBINE POWER AND SMELTING 9S 2h .IS Tuesday, Sept. 27. 1921 SMELTER FOR DISTRICT " . A despatch from Victoria to the Vancouver Province states that it ia believed the Consolidated Mining L Smelting Company which is controlled by the C.P.R. and whieh recently acquired three properties in the Portland Canal district will build a smelter at some pant on the coast Where it's location is to be no one can state, bat doabUes the point chosen will be the best from an economic viewpoint. The Trail smeher has been a great success and there is no good reason to think any other smelting industry established by the same people would not also succeed. Nothing succeeds like socce. Some people are inclined to connect this move with the visit to Stewart of J. G. Sullivan, who has been looking over the Mackenzie and Mann Railway at Stewart which is for sale. The C.P.R. has made investigations in the district before and it is possible that the scheme of the Consolidated may be "connected with this venture There are also some people who think they see a possibility of the C.P.R. building through from Peace River to Stewart under a Dominion and provincial subsidy but that is a. .big venture and hardly looks liajt a present possibility. PRINCE RUPERT AS SITE Prince Rupert has often been mentioned as the best possible site lor a smelter. Located here it would serve not only the Port JazuLCaa&Ldistrici and part of .Alaska but alo it would be able to handle pore economically than anyone else the product of the mines of Hazelton, Smithers, Topiey and the Babine country. Such an in stitation would give an immediate impetus to mining both in the interior and at the coast and a big industry would undoubtedly de velop. me visit ot Lome Campbell to ux city a year or two ago when be inspected the powtr possibilities of the Ec stall River is pesefbtf connected with this move. At that time it was announced that Mr. Caaseberl was interested in mining more than anything else. It has been suggested that the establishment of a smelter in this neighborhood, say at Pert Edward, would mean the development of power at the Bcatoll River and that this might be combined with a proposal to sell power to trie citizens of Prince Rupert; that the optioning of the mill and pewer concession at Brown's River is cvuoecira wrta iae same eneme; mat in laci, rnnce Kupert is on the verge of great development. "These are more or less guesses bat they are Interesting as indicating a trend of thought. If there is anything Prince Rupert can do to advance any development scheme. it is pretty sur she wouljj be ready to do it She has shown a de sire of late to co-operate. The activities of the old power company in making proper sur veys ana preparing to dispose of their interests all point , to some possibility of a move here. People do not spend a lot of money on surreys, options, and investigations unless they have an idea of do-J ipg something. It is to be hoped that" this something will soon take conerete lerm and that -in the near future there will be industrial activity in, this neighborhood. NEW MAP OF ISLANDS Of late considerable attention has been drawn to the Queen Charlotte Island as a field for development and the department of lands under the member for this district has had prepared a new and complete map of the islands giving complete information in regard to the industries, the character of the countr the surveys already made and practically everything of interest in connection with this important section of British Columbia. It is understood the maps can be obtained from the department. Good advice helps but it won't pay for a meal at a restaurant A new Gruen Cartouche Gruen Cartwche 14 kf- to"! SU tax, $43 in solid gold $46 ! Here is truly remarkable watch value! A dainty wristlet, newly created by Gruen, with an adjusted movement cased in i4kt. iolii white gold at half tbe price you'd expect to pay for such a watch. -As agift oca watch for your personal use, no more satisfactory watch purchase could possibly be made at this price. See these remarkable timepieces at our stores todayl JOHN HULGER LTD. Jewellers The Store with the Clock. DARWIN THEORY IS DEFENDED Presidential Atkfr Itefore Ilrit-ih AMHiation Tell of Djs-rotrrie SIMPLY STATES FAjrTSr- , Sir ArUwr Keith Doe Not Male Any Special Plea Hut Say it Truth Speak Uare catnaectt repona af the eeedhsa of tbe Brtttah nanr ta hand aad the ptiblham the following absount of 8tf AlUW Keith: -Rftv-Ms paars haee ace The Descent at Uan tu aruten. an mbmi bony f f tVMCBCC Km seed a anon as. We are now abie to (HI aa BUJ Darwin had psrforee to lease Wank, aad has fsuial n Mctiuii alter details M aw umtiK. but the Snaiy meats af DiniBl owtUne of BMk'kMHi re- Darwin s position tu It M beesiwe ot what ku hap pened Sw htm death to 1183. men e toiTt stcsad to tcathag nam 3f. Beams a SsmU imiVi aad by hi swt Vn piemen is aackaafds Ut shne : Uie very iMlaninfr at Out pceted of the etftaft abaeen Nay. M mans has Ms paction tm.sai tht I ms nawelnwed tha: tt never eu be shasta- -Tt'ttj do I say HbSorv wasra tbe nae Is green. We than reach a point is hsitrr wast 1 distant tram at least 200600 jears. perhaps three IM UMt tmov. Nt. e bae foe tartber. aad traced hba haso tbe oldci period which preceded tbe Fttacese. It vaa In strata laid down b a atream ta Java dwtac the latter pan aX tbe PUccec period that Dr. Etageoe OJboia IombO. ten yaar after Darwta'i death, the I-o-aU lemiUM ef that remrkaale reoreten' tauve of prknRtve ImmaartT to vbJcto be saee the same PltaveeaBAhraptu. r Ape- tram PBoceae depoalU of Eaat An- tlla Ur. Betr Uolr haa recovered rode some laykmcili If Darcla vaa rlfht. tbea aa ve trace man baekvartl ia the tca of thoe he iheold beeome more Malta! in lorm aearer to the ape. Tbal m what we bate foond. But If we re-prd PStharanthtapiM wttb hta amall and itapie ret btunaa brain a a (air r-preKatattve of the men of Flaocene period, then it prut I mtut have pro seeded at an waezpeetecQy rapid rate to ealaataate tadar ia tbe higher racea A maakmd. A -7.Hi-Z.ti- UE ET Tbe eetdenee of man'a evaluUoD-froia an afe-like betn;. obtatoed from a atudj af foaaU rrmalnv la definite and Irrefutable, but tbe praceaa baa been Infinitely more complex han waa auapeeted la Darwin tase. Osr older and dia-'.arded conception of man's tranafonna- pUetty we expected, aa ve traced man beekwarde to time, that we ahould en counter a graded aerlea of foaaU fsrmt aerlea which would carry him In a straight use toward an anthropoid an- outer. We ahould never hate made tble initial mtetake if we bad remembered that tbe guide to tbe world of the paat la tbe world of the present.' In our time man la represented by many and drreree races black, brown, yel low, aad white, aome expanding, others disappearing. Our searches bare ahown that in remote times tbe world waa peopled, sparsely tt ia true, with races abowtcg eren a greater diversity tbaa those of today, and that already tbe same process of replacement waa at work. To unravel man'a pedigree, we have to thread our way. not along tbe links of a chain, but through tbe mesbea of a complicated network. "As in our search for man'a ancestry we expected to reach an age when tbe beings we should have to deal with wyuld be simian rather than human, we ought to have marked the conditions which prevail amongst living antbopold ar.es. We ought to have been prepared to find, as we approached a distant point in the geological horizon, that the forms encountered would be as widely different as are tbe gorilla, chimpanzee, and orang, and confined, aa these great anthropoids now are. to limited pans of tbe earth's surface. That Is what we are now realizing; aa we go backwards In time we discover that man kind becomes broken up, not onto separate races as In the world of today. ; but into numerous and separate species. Wben we go Into a still more remote past they become so unlike that we have to regard them not as belonging to separate species but different genera. It Is amongst this welter of extinct fossil forms which strew the ancient world that we have to trace the zig-zag ! line of man's descent. ! OKDEULY CHANGE J "We expected that man's evolution' j ould pursue not only an orderly file j of stages but that every' part of ' his: i j body skua bralnl Ja'ws,4 ' teeth, skin, j I ! body. arms, and Jegsrvwould V each j J stage become a little less apellk a trt-: j Ue more man-like. Our searches have shown us that man's evolution baa not proceeded in this orderly manner. In , ome extinct races, while one part of, the body has moved forward another') part has lagged behind. ... mere still remain great blanks In the geological record of man'a evolu-, tlon. As our search proceed these blanks i will be fined In. . . All the evidence; now at our disposal suporta the conclusion that man baa arisen, aa Lam-1 arck and Darwin suspected, from an an THE DAILY NETT3 Lr-Ji ape not bjber i-al aeale than a t rie date at -antra buaaaa and l:nea of drereai betaa 10 tear the T i ilaalng u the aootof- .erwd Oa aur modM eeale of rn ice that tin abac v tiquitr of ahawt one nt'liioo year XKU (-ejlofteal aearca baa bj Jarthe : 'have pi fooakse ye ana-, ju aa t ia-1k ta beea aa aerUujawad atate a eaar aaceatrw f awaet tatarh on the f that aaareaauan aaly ha m " " ZZZ. Heee iiunuii. I be naauHi the Be tsanl that she baaed of asaa af the nreat aathfanoad spea gave ahacet tbe toftato thvl that the Betas anthropoid body pwiiwn ahnoat the tsinllir laainmental aaaatfeata the aaaae rwarWaa aa doe the body f man. 6a alike are the hraama of that in their atnietural bnrnan emhrsw eataMiahea naojf in the with the xraatsrnal body. We cmee . ... - - - - i Tuesday. amete nee X la auareae X , itapeetahe aa- ' -1 i rr-T; ot e( suifk sUlfa a ajrkMMSdsal. M aw . .1 . - -v ' r'.'Z-- Tif. thm An o a-aasw vf wax a y j - f fAT . pcloaJtt Share the loaialBl Sfcai liere aaanaar. But in the nrenat eeotnry Fnfeaaor O. K T. vttaH. tat euct a -b- lr lbnd 1 t eterrnlniag Hhas the the afftn- a.- WttSXtat L i&2i lmSU&L fSL- aahwol- shee; ,r - mm JJFRT JM?2Z&fF , 'f reeuone of their , w twj m.- --T 9 S?pi- ' t Jff ::f. aaate raaettoav Bacef JCaJrVfcT . 7 i rZZZ?t. mm ooaeep- I I 1 I 1 T1 r TfTi "tT f "III ' Iwomh n tt th thfowa cut cut atftactana atrartorea of of a a aaaat s? to effect a occnr at he aathtwpatd iianrti and In We find the aaaae Title I er art ton try pot naarta hs tt badtas of Sana and an- thropotd. The ullimld aaaeher fon- the ban inn manner. Thai at hat a tithe , of the autktag aad atttatato potnta ini able h man u the anthropoid 1 ape. Is what othee way oaa each a myriad of eahicWmcn he eaatahaed ex- ( cent by pmuaalag a common snreatry for bothtx ( III MW llHtlN AMI The eracUl chipttr In Darwcnv De- aceat af Uaa' aee thoae m which he atett to give a attsterlcal losuuat of the itae as maaa beam aad of the varied ! funettaej whach that ortaa anhaerrea i Haw do tfaeee Chapter aland today 1 ' Darwin waa net a prefeiilonil aaatomiat aad therefore aorepted Kuileya state-' meat that there va no atructure m 'Jkt huTian brain that waa not already, preaeat la that of tbe anthropoid Iai Haxya optetan the human brain waa ! bat a riehty annotated edition of tbe dntpter and aider anthropoid book, and that this edition, la .urn. waa but the expanded iaaue of the at 01 cider engine: primate pvattcatlotL Since tbl tit--aeat waa made thottaaad of anatomjt -ad phyatologtata bate atudled aad" osa pared the brain af man and ape. onl a few mentha are Profeaaor O. Elut Smltb iiunmarhved tbe result of thla ui-lensiee Inquiry at tenowe No atructure found In tbe brain of an ape la lacking in the human brain, and. on tbe other band, the Bttraaa brain revet la no formatloa of aay tort that ia not pre- Un waa depleted to tBat a ell -known j nt in tbe brain of tbe goruia ehtm- (Uegram which ahowed a ainglc file of skeletans. the gibbon at one end and man at tbe other. In our original aim- paazee. ... The only distinctive feature of- tbe humia brain la a qwantttaUve efce.' Tbe difference is only quantitative, but Ka importance cannot be exaggerated in the anthropoid brain are to be recognized all thoae parts which have become so enormous to the human brain. i It is tbe expansion of lust those parts which has given man his powers of feeling, understanding, acting, a peaking, and learning. "Darwin himself approached Una problem nat as an anatomist but aa a paychotogtv. "vd after many years of palnstaktog and exact observation succeeded to convincing himself that, immeasurable as are the differences between tbe mentality of man and ape. they are of degree, not of kind. Prolonged researches made by modern psycbolsgitt have but verified and ex tended Darwin's conclusion. No matter wha Ese.pl jevWtuce, w select to follow evidence gathered hj ; anatomist, by embryologtots, by1 physiologist, or by psychologists we reach the conviction that man'a brain ha been evolved from I that of an anthropoid ape, sod that la 1 . . ' ... . . . n tne pro;ei no new structure has beenr Introduced and no new or strange faculty interpolated." NO riNAUTV YET The President, continuing, said that finality bad not been reached and that many Issues had not yet been made clear. We did not know why the brain of man bad made so much progress while that of his cousin the gorilla had lagged behind, although as Sir Ray Lankester had MakeYourOwn SOAP and Save Money! At) you need is waste fats and GiLLETTS PURE I ve FLAKE LY II Full Directions With frery Con YOUR GROCER SELLS IT I rtinl I A harvest of happiness There's a whole harvest of pipe-happiness to be reaped from Old Chum ! Experienced smokers know that the famous Old Chum quality never varies and many have smoked it daily for over forty years. It is Canada's most popular tobacco. Valuable presents are offered in exchange for the "Poker Hands" in every package and tin. The large 25c package contains two "Poker Hands' atnted out. tbe Miocene period was .larked by a rapic increase in '.he aite nd complexity ef tbe brains of many ' arteerala. Tbe production of new type a tbe animal kingdom might possibly osive a partial eiplanatlon la the oodlfleaUafi of the Internal secretions :nwn aa hormones. -Was Darwin right when be said that aan. usder the action af btologteal orce which can be observed and measured, haa been raised from a place -mongst anthropoid apes to that which '.e now .occupies? The answer is Tes! nd in returning thla verdict I speak but at foreman of the jury a jury which haa been empanelled from men who have elevated a lifrtsme to weigh-ag tbe evidence. To the best of my sbiuty I have avoided, in laying before you the evidence on whlah our verdict was found, the role of special pleader, being content to feNow Darwta'a own example Let tbe truth speak for Itself." DAII'S COMFORT Architect 8o you Insist cm four windows in your den? JenkOfea, my wife need a lot of right for her' srrtoftr Yale Jteoord. WATER NOTICE.- DIVERSION' AND USE TAKE NOTICE thatX. Rousseau, wbose address 1 410 Seymour Street. Vancouver. B.C., will apply for a licence to take and use 1 cubic foot of water out of unnsnmed stream which flows southerly aad drains into Port Stephens Bsy. ibout one mile east of Bluff Point. The water will be diverted from the stream at a point a xut 600 feet from tbe mouth and win be used for commercial purposes upon the land! described as Lot 2750, Range 4. Coast District This notice was posted on the ground on tbe 28th day of July. 1937. A copy of this notice and an application pursuant thereto and to the "Water Act will be filed In the office of tbe Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B.C. Objections ta tbe application may be filed with the aald Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament Building. Victoria, B.C.. within thirty days after the first appearance of this notice in a local newspaper. Tbe date of tbe first publication o( this notice Is August 20, 1927. EC GENE ROUSSEAU. Applicant. LAM) ACT. ! NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO ! LEASE LtNU In Queen Charlotte Island Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Jedway Harbor. Moresby Is land. Q CI. TAKE NOTICE that Uillerd Packing Company. Limited, of Vancouver. BC, occupation Packers. Intends to apply for a lease ot tbe following described landa: Commencing at a post planted at tbe northeast corner of Lot 88. Q.C.I.; thence northwesterly and along high water mark ' 18 chain, more or leas, to a point N. 50 37' E. from tbe NE. corner Lot 140; thence north 58 3T E. 1-5 chalna, more or less, to low water mark; thence ! southeasterly along low water mark to a point N. 56 37' E. from tbe location ; post; thence 2-2 chains, more or less, to the point of commencement, and containing 5 acres, more or less. UILLERD PACIONO COMPANY, LIMITED. Applicant Dated September 7, 1927. aawh fj M anat SI at at at aa . 3 old mm IsmoKitfG I t - r 6) lUbAUCO t mmmmWmmmmwmmmmmmmmwmmWmwmmmmWmmmmWmmmmlmmTa rJ, 4 uiitrfut 7 V ASK ME ANOTHER? Here arc the National Prizes: 1st prize .. .. 110.000 4 ih prise 1.2M 8U. r- 2nd prize a .000 sth prize 1.060 atri n- 3rd prize 3.000 Sth prize W 10th ;r . Tth prise a9B CANADIAN LAUNDKY I'UIZKS '1st 1'rize 12 months Soft Finish Laundry &eri mate value $75.00. 2nd Prize 12 months Thrlft-Tnrtee. Appro.xim.it- $60.00. 3rd Prize 12 months Wet Wash Service. Apji oxir.i.. ' $10.00. For full details of above prizes, as well a 1.-"" awards, consult the booklet, "Ask Me Another A" Laundry." obtainable at the Canadian Laundry & Dry Cleaners Phone 8 313 6th Avenue W ICANADWrJ LaiuaT Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert Ta ReUblkaa, Urancell, Jnneau and Skagaar Seplember 6. 1. To Vanroutrr, Victoria and Sealile September 11. !. 30. PKicrjs ncATRirc. For Butedsle. East llella Bella. (Wan lall. Namo. Alert luj Campbell River, and Vanrtiuirr eerj aiurdt. II a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Tiill Information rrnm- W. C. OnClltmt. neneral Agent-Corner af 4th Street and 3rd Asrnae. Prince Rupert. H-C Dr. MAGUIRE Dentist Over 0rme8 Drug Store Phone 323." Office Hours 9 to 9 Lady Assistant Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 235 Third Avenue Prince Kupert ALUMINUM WARE GALVANIZED TUHS LAMPS AND LANTERNS HEATERS AND RANGES WEATHER STRIP BUILDERS' HARDWARE STOVE PIPE AND ELBOWS CROSS CUT SAWS & AXES