Call Today and inspect a new shipment of Georgette In pastel shades with shadow-proof Slips Sizes 30 to 42. Registered at $33.00 SPECIAL, WEDNESDAY ONLY 606 Third Avenue (Next Royal Dank) THE OUTDOOR SEASON Here are things ycu need Thermos Dottles l.25, $'.'r, and sjWWO Luncheon Kit Doxes $1.00 Luncheon Kit Doxes, with bottle S'-I.OO Sun Visors, from -0? up bun Goggles, from to Face Cream and Lotions for Sunburn Pocket First Aid Kit? fr Crtmp or Fishing Trip Talcum Pwfikr !r .kin protection Chocolate Bars are appreciated on the trip and should always ! included on the list of supplies And don't forget to faki.' your Kodak and sufficient supply of Films with you. Six hour servk'e on dvel'"V';r umJ printing films. Films in before noon are ready by six the same evening. OrmeslM. Jic Pioneer Drttcfisls THIRD AVE r SIXTH ST. -TELEPHONES 8?f,200 DENTIST Dr. J. R. Gosse Helgerson Block X-RAY SERVICE Phone 686 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Evening Appointments Canadian! 'Xaaiurivi Canadian PacificRail way B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert l Ketd.lkan, Wr.ell. Juneau. "', s ''.7Ut!t J2 " V' ! VuiKontrr. Vlrtiirlu anl seul tie-'" .. '"' " PIIINH.S ir..lini r.. tor Uutedale. Ea.l IVHa l-. ' Ml"? 11 a.m. (ampbrll lllver. and Van. i.iitrr every Saliird.iy, Information from- ' Alenc, ro, all Bte.m.hlp Lines. W r OltCIUHM. rerl ttent. . Prlnct Rupert. B.C. and 3rd Corner of 4th HUeet Local and Personal -V. I BO. Undertakers. Phone 41. Dentist. Dr. J. R. Oosse. Phone 688. Lessons In Elocution and Dancing. Phone Black 214. 149 Get the Dig 4 babltl When thinking of a Taxi, phone 4. U Mioes rebuilt like new at Arthur'! Shoe Store. Mc- Mrs. Morris Blott and daughter will all tomorrow afternoon on - the Prln cew Louise for Vancouver on a holiday trip. Mrs. Oeorgc Rlngstad and Mrs. A. A Hawklna of Port Edward, both accompanied by their children, are visitors In the city. Ir. S. 1'. Tolmie Hill add rest a public inrrting In the Auditorium, MMIi Atrnue oil t'riday, June 21, at S.13 p.m. 143 w. F. Roweil, sales manager of the Saunders RMge Coal Co-., Mercoal, Al berta. sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. Local Improvement bylaws, providing for the construction of cement walks on both sides 'of Third Avenue between Fifth and Sixth Streets were given their final readings at last night's council meeting. It Is understood that Mrs. Jens Ellison of Smith Island Is a daughter of the Mrs. Gudmundson of the Elfros district near Saskatoon who was killed wben a tornado wrecked their home as reported yesterday. Mrs. W. S. Hammond, who repre-l Rented the local Rebekah Lodge at the' I Grand Lodge convention In Nanaimo recently after which she paid a brief I visit to her sister at Britannia Beach, i returned to the city yesterday. I Accepting a report from the city engineer, the city council , last night decided to make repairs to the Fire Hall which it Is estimated will cost about 4200. The work will Include the bracing of the tower from top to foundation and alio the bracing of the foundation piles. A letter from Victor W. Odium. The city council was last night In receipt of a letter from Arthur Brooks- It JSjSSJJ I Sometime ano Mr3. W. H. KinK of this city wrote Pacific Milk a note in which she made this oomment: "If you would stop and thlgk of the amount of canned milk used the world over, it would strike you that it must be trood." That's just it. Canned milk is good. That is why the demand for it is so hijr. PACIFIC MILK Head Office. Vaiicmner Factories at lJiilner and Aliltotkforri, 'HUILD D.C." KM THE DAILY NKS anoflierbaby, T"HE joy of a new baby A brings with it sober responsibilities, not the least of which will be for its maintenance and education. ! A wonderfully convenient method .of providing for the child's future is by .means of a Confederation Life policy designed for the purpose Then, if anything happens to you, the little one will not want, and its education will be provided for whether you live or die. You will be interested in hearing about the Confederation Life plan for making provision for your children. An intr$ting pamphUt, "No MatUr What Happtnt," will & sent upon rtquttt. Confederation Life ASSOCIATION HOWARD F ARRANT, District Manager, Rogers Huilding, Vancouver, K.C. M. K. STIJEVES, Gen. Agent. Prince Rupert .... B.C. Arthur's Taxi. Phone 878 I Ikivliall tonight ut G.I3. of Canada vs. (itro. Adam Mackle, Inspector of fisheries here and continued to take an active 10 7tnc tomow morning. part In sports while at the University, will later come out to this coast to set up practice many old friends rlends Manson 4- ANNOUNCKMKNTS J. P. Forde. district engineer for the days In the city on official duties. The report of the Fire Chief for the month of May, presented to the city council last night, showed that there were five calls during that period with' a loss of 499, covered toy Insurance to the extent of 48, leaving an actual lots above Insurance paid of 135, Ex pendlturea for the month totalled $1,-090.35 of which 1.077 was salaries. The' regular " monthly Inspection, ' of ail fire equipment, including hydrants, fire' alarm boxes and public buildings, had been made and they had been found to I be In good order. The mayor com. 1 mealed on the fact that he had Intlm-j ated the week previous when the department was under discussion, the I chief had made monthly reports on the equipment. He asked If any member j of the council wluhed to further dls-jcuss the matter. There being no reply, Ui report was filed, 1 A drunken Japenese Is something In the nature of a rarity but the city police had one, Toml Gonoshl, who was fined 25, with the option of thirty days' Imprisonment, by Magistrate Mc- Cljmout this morning. Toml is a returned' man and claims be acquired his drinking proclivities while on overseas, service. TERRACE t . Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Monckton left on Friday for Btewart. Mrs. J. Klrkaldy and J. McLaren re turned on Friday from Nanaimo where they represented the local orders of Rebeccas and Oddfellows at the recent onvcntlon In that city. Alva Moore left on Friday for Premier where he has secured employment for the holidays. Vernon Glass of Prince Rupert spent the week end at his home here. Mrs. E. T. Brooks returned Prince Rupert on Friday. Dated 30th April. 1927. LAND ACT. from J. Ingold left on Friday for Haysport. 'Mrs. Dunlop an dchlldren arrived from Prince Rupert on Saturday to visit with her mother, Mrs. arlfflth. H. E. Taylor of Prince George spent the week end In town.. Miss Nellie Bates of Lovelands. California came In from Hazelton on .Friday. Miss Bates has spent a part of the summer months In this district for some years, being specially interested in the Kalum Lake mining district. Angus McDonald of Prince Rupert I was In town at the end of the week. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 4 FOR SALE OR RENT HOUSE ON 1637 Oraham Avenue. Section 2. Pre ference given returned soldiers. Apply to D. J. Matheson. City Treasurer. LAND ACT. NOTICE Or' INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE HMIKSIIOKE. In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prmce Rupert, and situate at Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. " I TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Logging Hyde Transfer now agents for Lady Company Limited, of Vancouver, B.C., smlth-Welllngton Coal1 Phone 580. tf occupation Timber Merchants Intends i to apply for a lease of the following described foreshore: Miss Miss Josephine Josephine Cbarlebols, Cbarlebols, who who has has Commencing Commencing at at a a post post planted planted appi approx- managing director of the Vancouver Mcrnlng Star, offering the city apace at resigned from the teaching stall of the iTfi1' ?.n':nf."i "".'SS'fiJ east ore- the rate of 350 per full page in a local High School, sails; tonight on the bv Island. Queen Charlotte Islands; special Issue In July which would be Catala for her home In Victoria. thence following the high water mark In , . J. . .. a northwesterly, westerly and south- me unesi puDiicauon ever puDuscco. 7. westerly direction for a distance or one in Western Canada" was read at last M- A. Burbank, C.N.R. district en.'imd one-half miles; thence in an easterly n.ghfa council meetly and referred to .eer. rmtd to the city from Prince JJJJ"" ? 1KrCmr lei the finance committee with power o George on yesterday afternoon's train JOSEPH DOUGLAS WILSON, act. nI it out on the line again this Acting as Agent for . mornln. I Ke:leT Logging Co. Ltd bank secretary of the Prince Rupert ' strict No 2 left at the end of f. TO AppLV TO 00a r a 01 Traae, reminding tne mayor ,""wu'" " tEASE LAMt roit INIH8TKML. and aldermen that they were Invited as dutle expected to return early PURPOSES guests to the luncheon given tomorrow nxt j la Prluce RUpert Land Recording In the Commodore Cafe in compliment District of Prince Rupert, and situate R' well known SeweU Inlet. Island. Queen to the executive council of the Van- -J' Morean, logging at Moresby couver Board of Trade: the dinner to '" arnvec, ui me nr7 th.t t-mrrfnit ibe given by the Vancouver Board of cMy by Sasboat from Butedale on busl- company Limited, of Vancouver, B.C.. nes thu occupation Timber Merchants. Intend Homing and is at Trade aboard the steairer Prlnres Alice registered Trade aboard tne steamer princess Alice p to apply for a lease of the following tnc HoUI Prlnce tomorrow evening, and the ball In the R"Prt. 1 described landa:- Mooae Hall ml0- following wmmencing ai a posi pianiea at Chennle Jan Tal of the Prince Ru- southeast corner of Lot 471. Sewell u , , . . y? !T . Inlet. Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte Word has been received In the city Prt HoteI taff returned to the city on uiand. north. 31.43 chains; thence east that Arthur Manson. who attended )rdy train alter having peat M-17 .chains: t.hnce In ia sauthweslerly public and High School In Prince Ru- weeks making the "Triangle Tour-Tw&wlmn ao pert, has graduated In medicine from to Vancouver and Jasper. Italnlng 30 acrea. more or lesn. . McOUl University and Is now taking up interne work for a year at Royal Victoria Hospital in that city. Mrs. James Richmond of Terrace and Kellev Xmrtni oli.'ud. It Is ner diUsnter. Mrs. S. V. Ardagh ol Doted 29th April. 1927. rveu irom vne imerior on . ..... understood that Art. who was promln- ent In athletics during his residence lMt nlWt traln and to ru . 1 NOTICE Or INTKNTION Til APPLY TO I Lt;.K I.ANII In Qnwn Charlotte Island Land Re tt for hi. department of public works, re- cording District of Prince Rupert, and . u-iii Mm mit it 1U rot mr ma quwr , situate at the head of the south arm of t 10 Victoria on 1 ln the Catala CaWla tB1 this here to call hlo "Dr. , , De La Heche Inlet, Moresby Island. s -..w. ..1, iuu(v ui take NUTtuE mat tsriiisn uoiumDia Pishing Si Packing Co. Ltd.. of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Packers, Intends to apply for a lease pf the following An order was made by Magistrate described lands j4A4.AAA :McClymont In city police court this Commencing at a post planted at the tnnrnin., ,m,i.r .h. wif-v head of the south arm oi De La Beche Moose Picnic. June 28. ' " ". imt, Moresby Island: thence south 3 Act, requiring Charles 8tewar to pay chains; thence east 20 chains; thence Presbytrrisn Sunday School Picnic n: m3nthly allowance of J0. njjtj XncTlZt "ZJS1&$& to Dlgby. July 7. 1 , 1 St. Andrew's Picnic. July 24. K.C Picnic July 31 "IUJILD DC." ' jfiZTjj w-t fur 1 j I ror Mvi , mark to nolnt nf commencement, and Misses M. I. Bambrldge and R. Bam containing 10 acres, more or les. fcrldge of-Toronto, who have been thej UtUT.1SI' ,L"" f's'lu,a & co' tuests of Dr. and Mrs. U W. Herein. rACIVINa LTDADhllnt j Fourth Avenue East, for the past few ' Dated June 10. 1927. days, sailed on the Prince Rupert yes terday afternoon for Vancouver. A report lrom the finance committee recommending that the offer of Albert John Edlund to purchase the equity of H. Floyd in the Soldiers' Housing house on lots 57 and 58. block 12, ace tlon 2, be accepted was adopted by the city council last night. CERTIFICATE OF IMI'IIOVE J1ENTS c IRON DUKE FRACTION, Mineral claim, Iot No. 2340, situate In Queen Charlotte Mining Division. Prince Rupert district, located on Louise Island. TAKE NOTICE that I. Alex Rogers, of Lockeport. B.C.. Free Miner's Certificate No. 27948 c., Intend to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Improvement for the purpose of obtaining a crown grant of the above claim. And further take notice that action, under section 85 of the "Mineral Act" nVust be commenced before the Issuance of such certificate of Improve, ments. Dated this 11th day of February, 1027, ALEX ROOER3. rTry BOVRIL Mix This: a Little with Cream Cheese Maka a Very Tatty Sandwich Pasta , Stationers "THE DAINTIEST HREAKFAST FOOD.' Smoked Dally by PAGE THREE Printers .tf t . announce the opening of their store on Third Avenue, opposite Third Street, with a full new and up-to-date stock of Stationery OFFICE SUPPLIES SCHOOL SUPPLIES KODAKS AND FILMS i;' ' .. COLUMN! A AND HHUNSWICK RECORDS DENNISON CREPE PAPERS, WAX, &c Agents for the "New Columbia' Viva-Tonal Phonograph Telephone 231 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ui Prince Rupert. H.C. Help the Fair! In order to liquidate last yearvs indebtedness, the Fair Doard is conducting a membership drive. Membership Ticket $1.00 On or before the openlnic of the' Fair' in September, a draw-injj will be held, and the holder of the winning number will be presented with Lot 7, Illock 18, Section 1, on Second Avenue, rear McBridc Street. Assessed value, $2,070.00. BUY YOUR TICKET NOW Thomsonardware Co., Ltd. 235 Third Ave. Prince Rupert, H.C. HOES AND RAKES ORNAMENTAL LAWN FENCING GRASS SCYTHES LAWN SHEARS GRIND STONES LAWN MOWERS SCYTHE SNATHS . SCYTHE STONES RUnilER HOSE SPRAY PUMPS Mail Orders Carefully Filled