Age two Untouched by Hand "SAIADA" 'TEA Clean, pure and delicious. Use it. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Princo Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN - . Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month '$j oo By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, Ter year egoo To all other countries, in advance, per year .!..!. $7.50 Transient Display Advertising, per inch per insertion " $1 40 Transient. Advertising on Front Page, per inch $280 Local Readers, insertion ' per per line 25c Classified Advertising, per insertion per word 2c Legal Notices, each insertion per agate line ........:!."! 15C Contract Rates on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION. 9S 86 All advertising should be in The Daily News Office before 2 p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Monday, Jan. 10. 1927 TiT-FOR-TAT AT VANCOUVER. The Liberal government tried trp.ntinir Vanz-nnvor with irono.-. , .-. .v. -.v.. fast fMt coming coming to to osity and. made a good job of it, too, but Vancouver did not change public mind wi her voting complexion except to become more Tory than ever. lnjc!ucUon ,on' 1 nnce Rupert there was somewhat of the same state of affairs when the Mackenzie King government did something for the port only to get a slap in the face for it. Apparently Ottawa has now decided to treat Vancouver rough by knocking their little five million dollar hotel in the head and other things. Here's hoping it doesn't follow similar tactics here for. Prince Rupert is not quite out of the wilderness yet and we still might be able to find a little government aid handy at times. SEWERS BADLY - i NEEDED IN CITY. - t The Daily News knows of no very strong reason why the $35,-000 sewer bylaw should not be endorsed by the ratepayers at the polls on Thursday. "One of the Sufferers from lack of sewer facilities" misunderstood us if he took it that w were opposed to the measure because we said we feared it would not ities are very badly needed in the greater part of the residential section of the city and they should be provided. If the passing of uyaw win not emDarass the city's financial standing and will not be too great an addition to the taxation particularly to those who own property in the sections affected who will have to "pay the piper" in a large measure through theconstruction of local improvement laterals, we would unhesitatingly urge the ratepayers to vote for the bylaw. - WHAT IS personality: What is personality? Personality is that something Indescribable about a person that attracts favorable comment or impression. It Is indescribable, because onfe cannot just put a finger on any one characteristic, for it is a combination of many things that make up the whole. The eyes, facial expression, carriage, dress, affable manner, speech, etc. One thing in particular may stand out prominently, but it is blended with some other characteristic that harmonizes and attracts favorable attention, like a picture that is set off by its frame. r Wersay of the person who Is neatly dressed, with well-pressed clothes, polished shoes, c,lean linen and clean shaven face,, that they have a very pleasing appearance, but if added to this, there is the smiling expression In the pyes and convincing speech, we say they have a wonderful personality. ' " . ' ' ' STANDPOINT OF FRENCHCANADIANS. i French-Canadians have always held the view that they could not be good British subjects Jf they ceased to be faithful to their religious beliefs, to their traditions, their customs, their laws and their language. And when they reject every attempt against one or other of these prorogatives, they are conscious of serving at least as much the Interests of the Empire as the interests of their own nationality It is their conviction t;at the survival of their race is essentially bound up with their attachment to the British crown La Presse. Quick as a Flas it stops the lou UNTIL you've tried it, you canot realize how quickly Buckley's Mixture relieves anr Couth. The very first dose of this delightful, different remedy stops a spasm of coughing and there are W'dosea In a 75-cent bottle! Children like It and bo will you. Just sr "ItuflWi" to' any dronlit, and kH hand Jou a tutnnlnd nmriy that hat, fer yrara, Wi flrlnc fuaitlvo rllf to iulTerrrs from Coufha, Colda, Drench I tit, rrltaUdThroau. Whooping- Cough or Croup. Tr It today. W. K. Buckley, Limited 142 Mutual Street, Toronto 1 101 RUCKLEY Mm MIXTURE ftP y) Xcti kke a flash single tip proves it "ff y 1 V i'lTE DAIL1 NEWS Monday. ja ?nrH7TVQfPCCM J t 1 1 t UUViLl 1 UUIUIjH ..WEEK AT WESTIIOL-MB GAP IS SPANNED : XOI1II.1TY AMI Hl.l'K ItLOOK IS NOW CONTKIIUTIMJ TO I'lt'Tl KB HANKS IN HOLLYWOOD HOLLYWOOD. Jan. 10 Drmtoc UN ents or gentle birth 1.0 longer blush upon the drawing-room air unseen They' are cast upon the movie screen In . full view of the multitude. Society and nobility are contributing to the picture ranks, especially since the war made refugees of some, titled personages. Lady Peel, the wife of Sir Robert Peel, made a film comedy. Off the lot professionally known as Beatrice Llllle. Mario Carlllo Is the nom-de-clnema ot the son of FUlpe Caracclolo, Duke of Mtletl, and scion of an .ancient family of. Naples, who played In Torrent" and "The Barrier." He too. keeps -his Identl-, ties apart. I ha Kt ins ami (;i:i:it ALS WUhelm Von Brlncken. technical ex pert, actor, and research man, first camp to America as military consular attache fcr Germany, years ago. He bore the title of baron and the commission of lieutenant. The war took away his Job and he gave up hi title to become an American , citizen. General Theadore Lodljensky was once commander of the Russian Imperial Ouard, bodyguard of the czar. The war and revolution sent him from his native land, a fugitive. Today he may be found as technical expert. There are a number of others in pic tures who claim connection with nobility. They Include Nathalie Kovanko. Russian actress, and Tburjanskl. Russian director. FAMOUS HORSE IS SEENAS BUCKER I'red Thomson ami Silver King arc star In First of Week I'ltlore at WcMliuluie Sparkling wtth the touches which are be associated in the 1th Fred Thomson pro- All Around Frying Pan," the latest picture featuring the western luminary and his wonderful horse, stiver King, comes to the West-holme Theatre tonight and tomorrow. most famous cowboy rodeos In the country, was filmed as the back-ground for part of the action of "AH ArounO Frying Pan," and Thomson was an actual entry at this event, competing with some or the greatest riders In th aorld. The picture la a strong melo- drama heavily loaded with comedy, and the round-up scenes Rake It really two big shows in one. Freds exhibition cf bucking on SUver King (and how that horse can Sidewind." "Sunflsh" and "Swap ends!") is a masterly piece of horsemanship and certainly ranks high in any equestrian league. The story la an adaptation of Frank Richardson Pierce's famoups western thriller, and under the skilful manipulation of Director David Klrkland, who also wrot the continuity. It becomes one of the best vehicles Fred had ever had. Silver King, as usual, has a fat role with plenty of comedy business to lighten the tension of his equine emotionalism. "THE BLACKBIRD" IS CR00KMEL0DRAMA IMrector ami Mar of "I'nholy Three" Have .tea 1 11 Cninlilnril Forres Tod Browning and Lon Chaney. director and star of "The Unholy Three." the picture which created such a tremendous sensation; agaliy combine forces in producing another unique feature. "The Blackbird. which will be shown at the Westholme" Theatre on Wednesday night .only. The new film Is also a crook melodrama, and one of Immense appeal both from the human Interest and thrill viewpoints. It concerns a clever rascal whose ability to assume another Identity, that of a crippled mission-keeper, enables him to defy the police at will. In support Renee Adoree. Owen Moore. Doris Lloyd, Andy MacCIennan, William Weston and others. PARIS, VENICE IN NEW SCREEN PLAY Miroie' Capitals an Itarkgrouml for "The Far fry," Dim In! hy Mainour Paris, with iU sparkle, Its gaiety and Its life, and Venice, with its lagoons, gondolas and moonlight, form the background of "The Tar Cry," a new First National picture, slated for a showing at the Westholme theatre on Thursday. The plot reveals how an American girl, lured by title, marrlea and a quickly divorces a French marquis In Paris and then goes to Venice to meet the American sweetheart whom she 'should have wed. j "The Far Cry" is a Katharine Kavan-augh adaptation of the Arthur Rich- man play of the same name and was filmed Under the direction, of Balbonl, the young Italian screen genius who has Just been made a director, IU leading roles are Interpreted by Blanche Sweet, Jack Mulhall, Myrtle Stedman and Hobart Bosworth, June Mathls acted In an advisory capacity during the filming. , ' she Is a British peeress; during working , hours an, actress. As the latter she Is J Monthly anil TiimI:i.v Fred Thomson and Stiver King In "All Around Frying Pan." Comedy "Love'a Handle." International News. WedneUl.iy On It Lon Chaney In.-TThe Blackbird." Comedy Oooseland.'' Thurfitiy Only Blanche Sweet In The Tar cry." Comedy: "Sweet and Pretty." Aesop's Film Fables. 1'rliljv ami Saturday AU star cast In "Drusllla with a Million." Comedy: "Pay the Cashier." Pathe Review. STORY OF OLD L4DY WHO MERITED ONE MILLION DOLLARS A charming little old lady who is suddenly raised from direct poverty as a charity inmate of a grim Institution to the possession of a million dollar Inheritance; a beautiful girl who has also felt the pinch of want; a rich young ne'er-do-well who finally "does veil" after all: a scheming lawyer trying to dot the old lady out of her money, and a score of babies the old lady befriends in her sudden rise t.i affluence, make the plot of "DrusJlla with a Million" one of the most entertaining ever screened. But a rehearsal of the story is not necessary for almost everybody read the popular novel ot Elizabeth Cooper's and those who have not. will be sure not to miss the picture presentation at the Westholme Theatre at the week-end. Nothing ha been lost in transposing the recent best i!r to the iUm sheet; and in fact under the skillful direction of . Harmon Weight, the work seems to hv taken on a new significance and to be fresher and more delightful than ever. Mary Carr. Priacllla Bonner. 'Kenneth Harlan. William Humphrey and Clair Du Bray head a fine cast: not forgetting the babies, who prove very gifted actors and actresses. If of somewhat ?n2er years. Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert IAMAKV III, 191?. At the regular meeting of the Trades and Labor council last evening the following offlccrt were elected for the ensuing year: President, S. D. Mae donlad: Vice-president. George Rudder; ham: Secretary. P. II. Llnzey: Financial secretary. Oeorge Waddell; treasurer. J. Morrison. The retiring council last night passed a resolution expressing appreciation of the services of Fred Peters. K.C.. the city solicitor and city clerk. The sales at the city market for eleven months, amounted to tl9.109.lfl according to a report read at the city council last night. According to the report of the city treasurer read at the meeting of the city council last night the expenditures for the year 1918 were approximately S64.0OO less than in 1615. BOYS' BAND TENDERS AS ATTRACTION FOR 14JPRAIRIE FAIRS The Prince Rupert Boys' Band, through Thomas Wilson, the bandmaster, is be lng tendered as an attraction to fourteen Western Canada fairs this year. If latlsfacjbry, negotiations re completed, the band will make a seven or eight weeks' tour of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, starting about July 2 and ending about August 19. There wUl be rme difficulties in the way and It la probable that financial aid will be sought from the Board of Trade and city council In connection with prelim inary arrangements as the tour would undoubtedly be beneficial to the city fiom a publicity standpoint. ALL PRINCE RUPERT CANDIDATES PASSED R.N. EXAMINATIONS Five young ladles aent up from the Prince rtupert General Hospital training chool for nurses to the recent Regis tered Nurses' examinations were successful in passing the test making a 100 per cent record for the school accord ing to word received last night by Miss land; act MTICK Of INTKNTION TO .MM'I.V K Til I.I.ANK l,.l( In Prince Rupert Land Recording District, and situate at Huston Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that ftnbrrt If rurrl of Vancouver, B.C., occupation fish Rfc Vr. lntend to PPly tor a lease of the following described lands: Commenclm: at a nost nianteH at northeast corner about 1,000 feet westerly from miners' cabins at head of Huston Inlet: thenr wmIm-Iv 9.1 chains; thence southerly about 12 chains: mcmc cusieriT' u cnains; tnence northerly about 13 chains, and containing 24 acres, more or lens. ROBERT M. CURR1E. Applicant, fR, 1 FJ' ill ij1 prime Bern ifyJ Goodness PZiz w&XQVubeW ipi "OATO" Tomato Omelet 3 tomatoes y, ot, butter l"Oxo"Cube 3 eggs Pepper and salt Skin and cut bp the tomatoes. Put them in a lined saucepan with the butter, and the "Oxo" mixed with a little hot water. Season to taste. When thor- Highly cooked, mash well; break ? n the eggs, and stir over the fire till thick. Spread on buttered toast, and -tarnish w?(h parsley. CHILDREN'S PUZZLE A delight to every child. Two picture-puzzles in one 72 pieces. Sent to any address on receipt of 30 "OXO" Cube wrappers. ,'ean Harrison. R.N.. lady superintendent. Miss Oeorglna Hunter and fVie Ann Castcll came third fourth in .he province respectively in the examinations and other successful candidate were Miss Zada Pilmbam. MUs Helen Mc- lae and Mlas Dorothy Thomson. Leading the province in -the esamlna- iens was Miss Isabel Klrkpatrtck daughter of Mr and 'Mrs. J, A. JCirkp tt-rick. Miss Klrkoatrlck. who took her tursea' training In the Vancouver Central Hospital, resided here in early girlhood with ber parents. LAND ACT t NOTICK Of IN'IKNTION TO APPLY TO I 111 I 1 lit IIAMK UMI In Princo Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, end situate on .he north ahore of the South Ann of T&soo Harbor, Msresby bland. Queen Charlotte Islands, Province of British Columbia. TAKE NOTICE that James Field, of Prince Rupert, B.C., occupation Marine Broker. Intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: vuiuuicucing ai a. posi piamea on tne north shore of South Arm of Tasoo Harbor, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islsnds, In the Province of British Columbia, about 9 chains from the end of the Government trail: thence 10 chain northeasterly: thence 10 chains north. westerly: thence 10 chains southwestern I ly; thence 10 chains southeasterly, and, containing twenty (20) acres, more or lees. i JAMES FIELD, Annltrant Dated November 29. 1928. LAND ACT OTICE Of INTENTION TO APPLY TO I.I.AMi; I IIKEMIIOKK In Graham Island. 3uin nh.riMt. Island Land Recording District of Prims Rupert, and situate at Ferguson Bay. Massett Inlet, Orsham Island. TAKE NOTICE that Pnwull rtlvrr company timiieo of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation Manufacturer Intend to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a poat planted at the northeast corner of DL 1S7I: thmm westerly, following northern boundary of said Lot to the northwest corner of aald Lot; thence westerly, northerly and easterly, following the high tide mark of rerguson Bay to the extreme easterly point Of Echinus Point: thene autitti. essterly to the point of commencement, iiu containing iou acres, more or less. I'UWELL RIVER COMPANY. LTD. . .. Aent- J- nouglas Wilson. Dated r. 4th v. November, 1020. "OXO" Cubes are the nourishing principles and the rich, meaty flavour of prime beef in convenient, economical and concentrated form. Such a help in solving the "daily menu" problem! 44 OXO " adds new, enticing savour to soups, gravies, stews, hash, croquettes and meat pies transforms "left-overs" into delicious dishes. The "OXO" Cook-book will show you scores cf delightful recipes. Send for it today. And what a wonderful beverage is a cup of hot "OXO." It sends comforting warmth to every part of the body -nourishes invigorates. Get a tin of " OXO " Cubes with your next grocery ordeV. After one trial, you'll never be without a tin in the pantry. OXO LIMITED, 356 St Antoine Street. Mcnt;ral The Great Beef Economy Tins of 4 cubes, 15c. tin of 10, 30c. N.B. To ensure quick dissolving, always slice the cube Into hot water. Amazingly Truthful Reproduction Mnkinir every record do IU best. Thin new Brunswick quickly won the hearts or music , Jover overywherc. Trie rpaef, too, Is beautiful beycjd lie. usual. Come in'jinj' I Vrnnt to hear the new J. LORNE MacLAREN, Ltd. Third Avenue, Corner Fifth Street You Are Invited to call and have a demonstration of our NEW "SAVAGE ALL-KLECTIUC IKONElt" that doen 100 per cent of your Ironlnjr without any adjustment Cash I'rlre $J0.00 Also Knsy Terms The Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 . UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED 1 Hulling from Prince Kuprrt, lor VANCOUVtlt, VICTORIA, ' Hanun Hay ami Alert liny, tc TueadaJ. .1 p.m. lor VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alert Hay and Mwanaon Bay, ' etc- HiitiirdsJ. a a.m. lor POUT NIMPSON, ANVOXI ALICE ARM, HTEH'ART and Naas Khrt i iiiinrrir, nuniiuv. n n.m. 111 Hint Avenue. II, .VI. HMITII. agflU. Pfl"ff It'll"' " 2Jk