jay January 10. 1927 flR Villi r; m .m. m U Ia4 HB : l: Nwn CANADIAN! tffl& delicious only do the NOT people of Iirit-l s 1) Columbia get purity in Beers made by the Amalgamated Brewers, but serite coa arc ricj, u7 bodied, zestful beers, delicious and healthful! . , McDonald McDonald, Analytical Chemists of Vancouver and Victoria, after testing the Beers recently, declared same of excellent quality. Convince yourself of the above and - order a case today from Government Liquor Store DELIVERY FREE TO ANY VART OF CITY Anulpnutrd Brewerirt of nritith ColuroW. In whkn jic jMocutid Viaconvtr Breweries Ltd.. lUlnwr Co of Cinidi Ltd.. WewminMer Brewer Ltd. Silver Spring Brewery Ltd.. Victoria rhoenii Brewing Co. Lid. deployed by t hi- l iquor aHvvrli ! nu ni ts not published or fol IkarJ or by the Government of British Columbia. The (BCOSUL Store .. M .i .'.t Jsf-Mtjtfj New Year Special! A regular J 1.-3 Thermo llottle and a $1.00 Lunch Max The Two for $2.00 Ormes Ltd. The Pioneer DruggM Three registered PharmaciM 3rd x, and 6th Si. Phone 82 and 200 Sulwcrlptlon laVen for all magazines. Canadian Pacific Railway failings rrom rnnce tupen Ts Kelrhltan, Urancrll, Junesu. .Hkstwat lee. t". Jan. lo. II. Tstsnrauirr. tlrlorta, esllle Jsnusrr t. 11. 2ft. riiiM'i: in: t t nit i- f llulrdsle, Uit llell IWIa. tlrean lalK Naniu. Alert IUy. (smpbell ithrr, and taiirouier eiery usturdiy. 11 a.m. tf'ury for all Klraiushlp Line. Inlornisllon from IV. C. OltCimtU. tlenersl .tgeni. ..... t'orner of 4lh Mreet and Jrd Ateniie. Irln lluiwrl. lit. 6 Cylinder Sterling Marine Engine for Sale Cheap Medium Heavy Duty 00 125 IIP. compete with self star and new battery, only uned eleven months. Excellent con- ion, bargain price. Write A. K. AITKEN. 10121 10IM Strict, Edmonton, Altn. TRY A NI? TONIGHT" BEST PROCURABLE r r - J .- M Mil r BOTfLtO 4 6UTlt8J' ' WiPVS PN0DUCI or JCOtlAan V . '"'"'.iVn.'.so -fH''vt Dt icon... amsssu The Original Lb-1 toolt ffr it st the Vendor' anJ Insist on " rsiunt nT PROCURAnLC V r 1 1 g J a- This advertisement Is not nuMishcd or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoiml or by the flovernmcnt of Uritlsh Columbia. . Local and Personal Arthur Taxi. Phone 078. DO. Undertakers. Phone 41. Buy Trlkva coal because lt' higher In B.T.U.'s and la better furnace coal. Saturday tl JacaZarelll returned to th city from Victoria on the Cardetu yesterday af lernoon. ; Full stock of fir timbers, dimension, ehlplsp and finish now at Albert ti McCaffery's. tf Anger, the Tailor. Bults made to order In our shop in Prince Rupert. 223 Sixth Street. ' tt Oiler .Besner returned to tbe city on ' the Cardena yesterday afternoon from a business trip to Vancouver. n. E. Allen, district forester, returned to the city on yesterday's train from a trip to the interior on official duties. A. Z. McArtbur of the C.N.K. sUS left by thjs morning's train for the In terior on one of his periodical business trips. Commander I). J. Johnson of the firm of B. L. Johnson. Walton Co.. Ltd., left Vancouver last week for Oreat BrHatn on business. J. N. Kelly returned to the city on the Cardena yesterday afternoon from Vancouver where be spent tbe holiday season visiting with his family. SUfl Morsn who has been apendUkS the Christmas and New Year holiday season vistung In Vancouver, resumed to the elly on the Oardraa yesterday afternoon. Scrscsst Ait. McNeil. provincial j police, returned to the city on yester-' dav afternoon's training following a trip to the Peace River district on patrol duties. Trappers I Call and show your furs to the Old Reliable House. It will pay you as we ean guarantee to give yon higher prices than anyone . We have ble. orders for all kind of fur, especially mink. Wm. Ootdbteom. Second Avenue. Phone 622. tf Dr and Mrs. T. P. Kenny and son returned to the city on the Garden yesterday afternoon from Victoria wbert they spent the Christmas and New Year holiday season vtsiMng with Dr. Kenny's mother who returned witn Vatsoasiver where she went the holiday nason at net home arrived in the city on the dent yesterday afternoon and proceeded by this morning's train to Terrace where she I on the staff of the public schooL Walter MeRaye welt known Canadian lecturer and entertainer arrived in tht THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE t2v ndipostion Moose whtst drive and di:: Thursday. Ja? uary 13 10 Buy Rupert manufacty. d shingle. from Seal Cove Lumber C . Ltd. U Native Bona of Canada whiat drjve and dance. Metropole Hull. Monday January 10. 7 Mrs. Taylor Wood, who ha been visiting her n In this city, has re turned to Kit home In Vancouver. H, llalliwell Of Terrace arrived on reeterdav's train and Is making a round of business calls In the city. Native Son of Canada whist drive and dance. Metropole Ih.ll. Monday, January 0 at 840. Gentlemen 75c., ladle 50c Refreshments. 7 MA Betltngbam. Oapt J. E. Anderson armed l& port tnte' morning from Ket chikan with four cstftoads of froeeu fish for shipment east to, the American market. Indian agent W. E. Colltson left for Port Simpson last night on tbe Cardena to conduct tbe annual election in the Indian village for councillors for the cnaulng year. The Scandinavian daaee in the Met- ropola Hall fm fmwray T!iBs was wen attended, the autte being supplied by Wlekdal orchestra with C. K. Ytte-j berg on she door. Thor. Johnson returned to the dry on the Cardena yesterday afternoon from a brief buatmea trip south. Mra. Johnson to remaining in the south for a while Jcsager cat a holiday visit. Oliver liavetaneL who took an active pax Fin fcwal baseball durtn tbe 1B2G season, returned to the city on the Oardena yesterday afternoon from hi home 1 Seattle. He Is to take a post-lion here. Mis Irons Bonnasa oaVf Government telegraph offlOJ returned to the city yesterday afteeaoan by the Oar- them to be their guest here for a tune i lnm Vancouver vArre she spent j Miss C MaHott who was detained by Hie Christmas and New Year season visiting with her parent. Public meeting dtscusa atty afialra. Moose Halt. Tuesday January 11. commencing at pm. Everybody Invited. Seats reserved for ladles. All candidates far municipal oBsoe will be given a hearing. S. M. Newton. 8 Harry Wasson was brought to the city yesterday from Kdmoutou by Serg ' city yesterday on the Cardena from ; xicNall and this morning was charted Vancouver, and has engagements to ln lbc iooti peuc court wllb theft of nil in the district before appearing here Ph(Pt The accused was remanded Mr McRsye lectured here last year and tbit morning on ball of I,006. made a good impression He is an 1 ardent Canadian patriot. Salvation Army Musical Entertain, jnent. February 3. GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT" Minn: til" AiTi-irtiioN rou iiki:k I.ICKM't: NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that on the lt day of February neA the under-algned intends to apply to the Llqucr Control Board for a licence In repect to premises being part of the building known as Central Hotel, situated at the W. J. Led lie of the land registry office iiu hm notified that he mar accent I. trantfM' ta the same derj&rtment U. ANNOUNCEMENTS .Kmiops in the month of March. It . Ii, understood that Mr. LetlHe will McRaye's Recital, Booth , baWy accept the o3er and will move SchooL Friday. January 14. Vaudeville. Westholme Theatre, Wed-nesdsy. January 19. with Mrs. Ledlte to the southern Interior city. Oyroa are making great preparations for their annual baU on January 27. Clarence Lougheed will arrive In Uv PARTY AT SEAL COVE HELD ON SATURDAY EYE, The boys stopping; at the Seal Cove Hotel gave a dance on Saturday evening ' to their maty friends, the event being heartily enjoyed by over 80 people who were present. The music was furnished by Mra. It. P. Ponder's orchestra and was very much enjoyed by the company which continued the evening's enjoy- mei.t until a late hour. Tbe affair was held in tbe hotel which provided ample accommodation and a fine floor for the merry maker. Delicious refresh menu were served at the hour of mid night under the direction of Mrs. Worsfold and K. A. Dxld. The affair broke up with many expression of gratitude to all who had assisted In making the evening such a happy event. NEW PASTOR OPENS HIS MINISTRY AT BAPTIST CHURCH HERE Rev. W. F. Price, formerly of Stettler, opened his ministry In the Baptist Church here yesterday and preached to Urge congregations at both morning and evening services. In the evening the sermon was particularly devoted to tbe opening of tbe New Year and the possi bilities open to those who possessed strong leadership qualities. The speaker created a very favorable Impression in tbe minds of his hirers. Hllll'.LKSS IIKI'OIIT II a.m. DIOBY ISLAND. Clear, calm: baro metar, 3026: temperature, 30: sea. smooth: 335 a in. spoke steamer Pro- f teailaus. 92) mile from Victoria, bound for Yokohama. I BCLL HARBOR. Clear, calm; baro- j Ui'. 20JS0. temperature. 30; sea. smooth: 8 pjn. rpoke tug Cape Scott, 10 mils southwest ef Cape 8t. James. seeking schooner Oregon Fir, 8 pm. spoke tug St. Faith abeam Pine Island northbound: 8 a-m. spoke tanker Olln- da. Prince Rupert for Vancouver, ln Wright Sound: 8 pm. spoke steamer j Northwestern. Seattle for Ketchikan.: 294 mllea from Seattle: 8 am. spoke tug St. Faith abeam Cape Calvert j southbound DEAD TREE POINT. Barometer, 29 - M: temperature. 27. NOOX DIOBY ISLAND. Clear, calm: btro-meler. 30.24; temperature, 33; sea. smooth. - DULL HARBOR- Clear, calm: barometer 290: temperature. 44; sea moderate. DEAD TREE POINT. Barometer. temperature. 36. . VT. D. Vance returned to tbe city on yeaterday's train after a two week' business trip to Prince George and Intermediate' point. British radio listeners want more They complain that one-third of I the programs are lectures, discussions and dissertations. CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT, i i All occupants or owners of buildings i on rridajr night in the Booth School. untlj Wednesday and was allowed out are hereby required to have their chlm neys cleaned forthwith and kept clean as reautred br the' BTlaw of tbe City of Prince Rupert, otherwise proceedings will be taken to compel the observance of the Bylaw. By Order of the Council. E. F. JONES. City Clerk. NAVIGAHLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT ILS.C CHAPTER 113 Edward Llpfectt. Limited, of tbe City of Vancouver, hereby gtvea notice trut ha has under Section 7 or me saia Act ae-posited with the Minister of Public Works at Ottawa and in the office of city on wedneaday pracadlng and .01 ! XnV. be present tor both the installation of officers In the kxal club and the annual ball. It is expected also that there will be several Oyros from southern cities come north for the occasion in- tion of the site and the plans of wbsrt proposed to be buUt ln the Harbor o.'l Prince Rupert in front of Lot 2, Block n. Section 1. Man 923. And Take Notice that after the expiration of one month from the date of th fimt mihllratlon at this notice. Ed- ciuaing Mine ruusiia. mvuHia, wuw ',ird Lipsett umura win. unaer oec governor of No, 4 district. tinn 7 of the said Act. aoolT to the Minister of Public Works at hli office i In the City of Ottawa or approval oi Union steamer Cardena, CapL A. E. I mj. ,ali llte and plans and for leave to corner of Flrat and Seventh Streets. In; Dickson, arrived in port at 4 o'clock ( crtrtict the ald wharf, the City of Prince Rupert. Province of Tterday afternoon from Vsneourtr.nd ,i'S,',19'snccUMf tnU UM? dT of British Columbia, upon the laitu lands aaw- de-1 I . . . . , waypons ana sauea at o i me e.r-M2I. acrlbed as LoU Eleven (111 and Twelve Thirteen (13) and Fourteen (141. ing for Port Simpson, the Naa River. i2..B!?U52 .eiLn. 'Anyox. Alice Arm and Stewart. Among lh Columbia, according to a registered ! the pngers on the Cardena for) map or plan deposited in tne mna ijes:- prince Rupert and points north were Reld. R, Robb and T Wftldell for Anyox; E. M. Stevenson and II. Butler for Alice Arm. and A. Carolen for Stewart. KOI I I. AKKIVALS. Saviiy R, O. Cunningham. Port Essington: Cieorgo White, city;, H. Hanson, Invor ness: Charles Kellde and T. Nyberg, Butedale; J. McDonald and O. Haveland, Vancouver; Mr. and Mr. T. O. . i) Il.m. In 1 p.m. MacCulldch. Oceanic; D. MacLeod, Any evenliiK by appointment Dr-FP Kenny DENTIST 1 Exch anje lilock. Phone 109 Decker Lake. ' pitixci; iti i'i:itT II. M. McLeod. Walter MeRaye. F. W. Crawford. D. F. Davidson and N. A. Elliott, Vancouver; A, D. Balllle. city; A. II. Leavltt. Spokane. Advert! Ui thi Dally News. IVNI) ACT. MITIt'K Of IXTKNTIOX TO TO LKASt: L.NI. couiaui;u i uivic w APPLY T Tirlnra T?trwvt Tnrl Rsvnrrl liter DiJt aforesaid and numbered 923. for the 4 "J0"" uict of Prince Rupert, and situate at sale of beer by the glass or by the open Donald. Dr. and Mrs. F. P. Kenny and Ncsto Inlet, queerr Charlotte iwanas. bottle for consumption on the premises. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C.. this 3rd day of January, 1927. CORA E. BLACK, Applicant. Bun .r Office Hours . . I) a.m. to A p.m. son. Mrs. Kenny. Sr.. A. H. Learltt, . Davidson. J. N. Kelly, W. McRaJe. J. Murphy. Oiler Bcsner. Stan Moran, Oliver Haveland. A. Orant, Ji D. Stewart. Thor Johnson. Mlu Irene Bour-assiv. J. Zarelll, ,MIs C. MaHott, H. H. Ryall,- Mrs. Horner1 and 'F '.W. Crawford TAKE NOTICE that John Dybhavn. of, Prince Rupert, B.C.. occupation manager, j intends to appiy lor a lease oi me ioi-lowing described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the south side of Nesto Inlet, about one mile from Its head; thence south 6 chains: thence west IS chains; thence north 6 chains to shore: thence east 16 chains, more or less, following the shore for Prince Rupert; D. O. tTurlce, C. line to point of commencement, anai Applicant. Dated November 23. 1928. LAND ACT. NOIICE OF IXTKNTIOX TO APPLY TO LKASK LM In Oons River Land Recording District of Prince Rupert. B C. and situate on an Island in Oona River approximately opposite Block One and Two of Lot 2199, r. 6, coast District (mostly tide flat surrounding amatl Island). TAKE NOTICE that John Bergman, of Oona River. B.C.. occupation fisherman. Intends to applv for a lease of the fol-lowInK described lands: Commencing at a post planted 300 feet north of northwest corner post of Lot 2199: thence 1.000 feet southeast: thence 200 feet westerly: thence 1.000 feet northwest; thence 100 feet to post planted, and containing ten acres, more or less. JOHN BEROMAN, Applicant. Dattd October 30, 1926. tllD RECORDS "I'll Fly to Hawaii" 'That's My Girl" P.i trU witk tI rWr. Jm Crm'i Nncllr Mar- 1)3 7 latka Baa. "Hugs and Kisses" "Climbing Up the Ladder of Love" Fsx trta witk esl itmHi H.r.UU.rlilki".i. 3311 Serf AaUria Ortkotrs. "Falling in Love With YouM "Because I Love You" Walts Rrftat Oak Or- 250 "Meadow Lark" "Just a Bird's Eye View Virnacll Mtll mnm run. VMia. Cell Tk JUi iioSL Biti klsaic MsLw. J. Lome MacLaren, Limited Third Aenue Prince Rupert, B.C. cm. THE ACME'S FIFTH ANNUAL Temptation SALE To clear out broken, lines before stocktaking, prices liave been still further reduced. LOOK AT THESE VALUES! SPECIALS FOR MEN! .Men'n Urock Hats Regular value up to $7.50. Temptation Sale Price S3.1W Men's Caps Wolff, Cooper and G. & C makes. Regular values up to $3.56, Temptation Sale Price $1.05 Men's Handkerchiefs Hem stitched, regular 15c value. Temptation Sale Price, per dozen 05f Men's Cotton Socks In all colors, black brown, gray, putty, etc. Regular value 35c. Temptation Sale Price, 6 pairs for 05f Acme Importers Third Avenue Terms Strictly Cash. No charge accounts Mail Orders promptly attended to. DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - V THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by x Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, 11.C