MILK From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIP-PING CREAM Quality and Service Valentin Dairy Phone C57 40-50 Prunes, per lb... 12'2c '25 lb. box for $2.'jr GO-70 Prunes, per lb 10c 25 lb. box for $2.33 PURE JAM SALE Nabob,, Empress or Malkin'a Best Strawberry Jam, 4 lb. tin ... 75c Black Currant Jam, 4 lb. tin 73c Loganberry Jam, 4 lb. tin ... 70c Red Plum Jam, 4 lb. tin .'. . . 50c These Jams arc just in and all first-class stock, but we have loo many and they have to go. BX. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 15 and 574. THE SALE OF ALL SALES Quality First, Price l.ust Jlen's Mackinaw Coats, best make, all wool $3.98 Men's Tweed Suits .... $9.93 Men's Tweed Overcoats $19.83 Men's Heavy Wool Work Shirts $1.49 Men's Overalls $1.95 Men's Wool Hose 29c MANY OTHER BARGAINS Come nnd see. We set a hard pace for others to follow. Thor Johnson 720 Second Avenue When Pay Day Comes THE first claim you should meet on pay day is your savings. In time of sickness or unemployment, your money is your best friend if you have saved it. There conies a time for all of us when ability to cam must cease. Your accumulated savings must then take the place of your present earning power. Aik fort ccpr ol our booklet. "Tkt Mtatutt Ysur lncomt." You will find it u$tfuU The Royal Bank of Canada Frince Rupert Branch Mskura for home. Members of the party Include Mrs. Coates, F. D. Thompson, official secret- ary: Miss Piper, private secretary, and Messrs. Berenson, Lewis and J. 8. Hunter. BURNS LAKE Russ Peterson of Francois Lake had a narrow escape last wees near me north landing when his car went over the bank and fell twenty feet pinning him underneath. Peterson was extricated by some witnesses of tho accident and sustained no injury other than being dazed and bruised. Mr. and Mrs. Fay Short left last week for their farm at Colleymount where they expect to remain. Mr. Short has been In business In the town for several years. Cecil Cope, who has been working luring the summer for Charles Hunt at Colleymount. has left for his home at Summerald where he was called on account of the serious illness of h'. mother. Hawaii plans to send a team to the Pan-Pacific swimming meet in Japan next summer. An Australian team also is expected to participate. IN PROBATE. in the si i-kkmIT rnritT or iikitisii COLLJIIJIA In the Matter of the Administration Act: and In the Matter of the Estate of Andrew Aim, otherwise known as Anders Aim TWtM TntMtatp. TAKE NOTICE that by order of Hi I Honor. Judge Robertson, the 16th day of December. AX). 1920. I was appointed Administrator of the estate of Andrew Aim. otherwise known as Anders Aim, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified to me. on or before the 17th day of January. AX. 1927, and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Prince Rupert. B.C. Official Administrator. Dated the 21st day of December. A.D. 1B26. IN PROBATE IS THE SITKKMK COI KT Or' Itltl TISII (OI.IMIUA In the Matter of the Administration Act: and In the Matter of the Estate of Clark Edward Bronson. Deceased, Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of Ills Honor. Judge Robertson, the 16th day of December. A.D. 1926, I was appointed Administrator of the estate of Clark Edward Bronson, deceased, and all parties having claims against the ssld estate arc hereby required to furnish same, properly verified to me on or before the 16 Hi day or January. AD. 1827. and all parties Indebted to the estate are re- Sulred to pay the amount of their In-tbtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. Dated the ICth day of December, 'A.D. 1926. IN PROBATE in tiii: coi kt or itumsii 1 01.01 III A In the Matter of the Administration Act; and In the Matter of the Estate of Alberta Daniels. Deceased, Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor, Judge Robertson, the 15th day of December, A.D. 1926, I was appointed Administrator of the estate of Alberta Daniels, deceased, and all parlies having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, pro- venxiea 10 me on or Dciore me . feny 6th day of January, A.D. 1927, and all parties Indebted to the estate are re- u I red to pay the amount of their in-tbtedness 3 to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. Dated the lGth day of December, A.D. 1926. , IN PROBATE. IN' THE HITUE.MK C.'Ot'ltT Or BRITISH COLUMBIA In the Matter of the Administration Act: and In the Matter of the Estate of William T. Mitchell. Deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of Hit Honor. II. E. A. Robertson, the 18th day of December, A.D. 1926, I was appoint ed Administrator or tne estate or wu 11am T. Mitchell, deceased, and all par ties navmg claims against tne said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly yerlfied, to me on or before the 22nd day of January. A.D. 1927, and all parties Indebted to the estate are re- 3ulred to pay the amount of their In-ebtedness to me forthwith. . NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Pr!ne Rupert, B.C. F. . Robertson, Manager FIXTURES FOR CRIB LEAGUE SCSIUU XL lUli StTOM MM" OK StASO.N IS lslKI IIY K. K. til' .MKl, SKI ItKTAKV The following wilt comprise the list of fixtures in the second half of the Crlbbage League season, the schedule being released by the secretary of the league. F. E. Wermlg. the winner In this half to play off with the Canadian National Operators, winners of the first hslf, for the Dawson Cup: J AN I . It V 10 Knights of Columbus vs. ON. Operating. Cold Storage vs. Dry Dock. St. Andrews vs. Sons of Canslx Mooee vs. Orange Lodgt. Prince Rupert Hotel vs. Canadian Legion. C.N. Mechanics vs. Orottx 17 Cold 8torag v. C.N. Mechanics. Moose vs. Prince Rupert Hotel. ON. Operating vs. Sens of Canada. Knights of Columbus vs. Orange Lodge. St. Andrew's vs. Canadian Legion. Dry Dock vs. O rot to. 21 Knights of Columbus vs. Prince Ru pert Hotel. Grotto vs. C.N. Operating. St. Andrew's vs. Dry Dock. Cold Storage vs. Orange Lodge. Moose vs. Canadian Legion. Sons of Canada vs. CJf. Mechsnles. 31 Knight of Columbus vs. ON. Ma- chanlss. Moose vs. C.N. Operating. Prince Rupert Hotel Va. Sons of H.R.H. ANXIOUS TO SEE CANADA AGAIN IN 1927 ntiM i: or was mt.akeu at iinm:k ok woi.ri; micikty in' LONDON THIS WEEK IIY.MI AMI ( III KCIIII I. ALSO TIIEHE Monday, Jonuarv 10. PAGE SIX TTIE DAILY NEWS 1527 i r Perfection ht ourWislfy is Due to 94 Years Experience (jOODERHAMfRTS t tb CANADIAN WHISKY 9 YEARS OLD llils advertisement is not published or displayed iy the Liquor Control Hoard or by the (iovcrnmcnl of Hri.'isli Columbia. Jif Jif Specials Jif consists of Soap Flakes at 25c per package. With every package we will give one china hand painted cup and saucer free. So why not take advantage and order a dozen packages? Classic Soap, 17 cakes for $1.00 While Swan Soap, 20 cakes for $1.00 Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. 117-C23 Fifth Avenue Bast Phones 18 and 81 Perfect Sight A matter of foresight. Many cases of eye trouble are averted by early application of proper lenses. Present neglect may mean future trouble. A. E. Ireland Graduate Optometrist ai9 Third Avenue. (Opposite G.W.V.A.) WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Birch and Spruce Per load $6.50 Per half load $3.50 Per sack 50c Firelighters 18 for $1.00 delivered. HydeTransfer 13'J Second Avenue L Phone 580 Night or Day WE KUY MOTTLES. PREMIER COATES EXPECTED SOON mail or xi:tv zi:.iuxii (iovkkn .ME NT WILL ItKACII NEW YOIIK TOMOItltOU ,M Tit WEI, ACROSS CAXAIIA MONTREAL, Jan. 10. When Hon. J. a. Coates, premier of New Zealand, and members of his party reach Montreal they will have a busy day ahead of them. Premier Coates Is aboard the Aquttanla due at New York tomorrow Present plans call for him to leave tor Montreal tomorrow night on the Montvealer, over Canadian National Railways, arriving here Wednesday morning. C. K. Howard, general tourist agent of the Canadian National Railways Is In New York today to meet the party and conduct them to Montreal. Premier Coates and another member of the party. J. S, Hunter, official secretary to the New Zealand railways are particularly Interested In railway development In Canada. They have requested that they be given facilities :o Inspect the shops of the Canadian system at St. Charles, Montreal and at Transcona, Manitoba. Mr. Hunter, whs Is also keenly interested in the develop ment of the Delsel electric power units on the Canadian National, will Inspect the oil electric cars of the company In operation with C. E. Brooks, chief of motive power of the Canadian National railways, whom he met recently while Mr. Brooks was overseas. After spending Wednesday and Thurs- day here the party will go to Ottawa and thence to Toronto where a sldi trip to Niagara Falls will be made be- ere aarcmaj u-esivrara zo ivaaapej and on to Vancouver. Premier Coates will see the glories of Jasper Park ana the northern rockles en route to the coast and will go from Vancouver to Sen Francisco where he will board the WATER NOTICE. DIVERSION AMI ISE. TAKE NOTICE that Department of Public Works of Canada, whose addres Is Ottawa, will apply for a licence to take and use 3.000 gallons per day of water out of unnamed stream, whlcl; Hows eastwardly and drains Into Dodge Cove on the east side of Dtgby Island B.C. The water will be diverted from the stream at a point about 100 fee west of the northwest' corner of Lot 38 subdivision of part of Lot 1093. Rangr V., and will be used for domestic purpose upon the land described as Dodge Island. This notice was posted on the ground on the 22nd day of November. 1026. A copy of this notice and an application pursuant thereto and to the "Water Act" will De filed In the office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. Objections to the application may b; filed with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights Parliament Buildings. Victoria, 11 C. within thirty days after the first appearance of this notice In a local newspaper. The date of the first publication of this notice Is November 24. 1926 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CANADA. Applicant. By J. P. Forde, District Engineer. Agent. A DAN DY JAPANESE CHINA CUP AND SAUCER FREE With One Package of "Jif "Suds in a Jiffy" All for tl-'t1 Get a dozen or half a dozen while they are going. f" S507 Canada. Dry Dock vs. Orange Lodge. Cold Storage vs. Canadian Legion. ' St. Andrew's vs. Or otto. nnui.utv , 7 Cold Storage vs. Prince Rupert Hot! St. Andrew's vs. C.N. Operating. Mocue vs. Dry Dock. Off. Mechanics vs. Orange Lodge Knights of Columbus vs. Canadian Legion. Sons of Canada vs. Orotto. 14 Cold Storage vs. Knights of Columbus. Moose vs. St. Andrew's. C.N. Mechanics vs. Prince Rupert Hotel. CJS, Operating vs. Dry Dock. Sons of Canada va. Orange Lodgs. Canadian Legion vs. Orotto. 21--Orotto vs. Cold Storage. Knights of Columbus vs. Moose. St. Andrew's .vs. C.N. Mechanics. Prince Rupert Hotel vs. C.N. Operating. Dry Dock vs. Sons of Canada, Orange Lodge vs. Canadian Legion. 28 Cold Storage vs. Moose; Knights of Columbus vs. 8t. Andrew's . C.N. Mechanics vs. C.N. Operating. Prince Rupert Hotel vs. Dry Dock. Sons of Canada vs. Canadian Legion. Orange Lodge vs. Orotto. MAIK II 7 Cold Storage vs. Sons of Canada. Moose vs. C.N. Mechanics. St. Andrew's vs. Prince Rupert Hotel. C.N. Operating vs. Orange Lodge. Dry Dock vs. Canadian Legion. Knights of Columbus vs. Orotto. 14 Moose vs. Orotto. St, Andrew's vs. Cold Storage. C.N. Mechanics vs. Dry Dock. Prince Rupert Hotel vs. Orange Lodge C.N, Operating vs. Canadian Legton Sons of Canada vs. Knights of Columbus. 21 Cold Storage vs. C.N. Operating, Knights of Columbus vs. Dry Dock. Moose vs. Sons of Canada. St. Andrew's vs. Orange Lodge. . C.N, Mechanics vs. Canadian Legion, ' Prince Rupert Hotel vs. Orotto. With kissing banned because of, germ exchange, and hand shaking condemned for the same reason, we may soon be kicking one another's shim to say "how d'ye do?" First construction on an 81-story tower, proposed as the tallest building In the world, will begin In Detroit lu January. Advertise la tht Dally Newi, LONDON, Jan. 10. The Prince o! j Wales delivered an eloquent eulogy tI General Wolfe at the dinner or the Wolfe society comemoratlr.g the blcen-tennary of the hero of Quebec Viscount Byug of Vltny. former governor-general of Canada, presided. The guest' Included Winston Churchill, chancellor of the exchequer, and many prominent British and Canadian representatives. Viscount Byr.g. in propostlng a tosst. evoked the heartiest applause by nl. reference to the prince "Damme Sir. we love you for yourself." "I am glad whatever prospects 1927 holds out for others, there are great prospects for my revisiting Canada," declared the prince In hit address. Speaking of Oeneral Wolfe, the prtnc said: "Every English-speaking boy l'. as the saying goes, brought up on Wo. te. To our generation also, he has a special appeal, for It Is Impossible to read even the briefest sketch ot hit short life wlthuot being struck by the thought that here was a type exacw like so msny of our brilliant youivt 'soldiers who made a name for them- selves In the great war." I Winston Churchill, chancellor uftht esrhttjurr. sad the past year had wit nessed recognition of the spirit In which the constitution of the' British empire depends solely upon devotion '.- the BrtUsh crown. T,llD TtOVASIU HAZELTON A. K. Bright of the Second Cabin on the Yukon Telegraph trail has been admitted to the lUrrlton Hospital suf fering from a frozen foot. He was brought here by Angus Beaton on a dog team. St. Peter's Sunday School bad a Christmas Tree for the white children last Tuesday night and for the natlv. children on Wednesday. Hon. T. D. Proctor was at KItwanga over the week-end. There was a Christmas tree there on Thursday night and at Kltwancool on Friday followed by revival services. Public meeting to discuss city affairs. Moose Hall. Tuesday, January II. commencing at 8:15 pm. Everybody Invited. Seats reserved far ladle. All csndtdstes for municipal office will br given a hearing. 8. M. Newton. 8 Eton College. where silk-hatted young scions of England's first families go to school, ha celebrated its 4Bflih anniversary. Advertise in the Dally News. LAND ACT. Nolle of InUntton to Applr to Lsas Lans lu iTime nuiwtl Laud ItM-vrdtnir l)lt Irtfl, ami liuale sl Jrdwsj llsrtiur. yutn i.nari'iiir itiaiid' TAkE NOTICK that Wiervllte Cttiwrr; Cpn'i. Ltd., Van"our, B.:.. oertipttkMi ntn rsrarro, minnu to ipp'r rnr s tit 1!m rAllowlnr dirrlll Istwl: Ciitrttnrncnif sl s rxwt lanted sl tlw (ulltfssl rrner of tlx- Torn Mlnrt Claim, follow Inr tlir rsolrrlr tx.iitvUry to I nirtlierlv ilirtrtloii it rhtlns: Uunrr nurlheittt-rr It rtiiiiu lo hlrb vste mark ; tlirnce luiulhraflerly slnr tho lilrli nsirr mam it cnams: trwnrs soumwrsi rrly I hams, inure or k. In It Milnt 'if rnHitiiriirrmrnl. inl rontainink 11 srrrt. ttrif or ios. 30MKIIVIU.K CAMNMlY 'lOMI'.W. LTD.. Applicant. l et r. U. Mllir fiatMl .-nti-ri.ter lh Htl If any segment of the Spine u in an abnormal txwuon .. LI ; . i. uu umioni maiun u ' rroJucrd on the nervs trunks at tint point anJl ' j,V Uucaie devtlors. X Vfy,. rj ttltCtmihtn T.TmOAT T.twnsuMu T. wrjrT l.UNCJ T.UVIS T.IIOUACM T.mUIXTUtC. l.KIDMtl T.SOfUS T.AfrtWKX T.HADM.I I.CIMTAU ThcChiropractor rjS I . I saVfl l . sJ- I D. A. McMILLAN Palmer d'raduute CHIROPRACTOR Rooms G & 7, Exchange Block Phone Oil) ANGER, the TAILOR Suits made to order, in our shop a low as , $50 223 Sixth Street Start the day Right Be on Time! Our Clocks are all guaranteed timekeeper. Visit our Clock Room. See the lx-nullful GRANDFATHER CLOCKS CHIMES CLOCKS WA1.I. CLOCKS. Dozens of different dc.sitfnH in I'uncy Mantel Clockx. Clocks from up Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist 527-32'J Third Avenue WESTHOLME THEATRE MONDAY and TUESDAY. 7 and !) p.m. Fred Thomson and "Silver King" in "All Around Frying Pan" Clara Horton and strong cast. COM EDY "LOVirS HAN INTERNATIONAL NIJVS AdmiHMiin 35c and 10c Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating (J.T.P. 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, .Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pallrrn-mukrrs. Founders, ViMdvrorkrrs, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant Is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES H and 383 H. S. WALLACE CO., Ltd. HATS Value to $7.&0. Clearing at Half Price Vclvetn or Fclta in Uteat Styles Full Slock of Ijidlen' Home Journal Patterns In htock. Phone 1. 3rd Ave. and Fulton WHEN PURCHASING Don't : Forget Montreal : Importers who brought Montreal Prices to Prince Rupert Montreal Importers Third Avenue t-LSJSr; 0. Miller, Proprietor