Monday. January 10, 1927 A PERFECT DIAMOND of sparkling brilliance If you are planning to purchase a dlumond for yourself, or the engagement ring, we invite you to conxult u. Ah an authority of precious atones, your purchase from Ufl, if n .diamond, in your assurance of getting the bent. Our nelcctlon of diamond are et in beautiful mount lug of latest delgns. Perfect diamonds in n range at $2.-i.00. $50.00, SI2.-..00, and $!.r.(M0 Jewellers llttSTOPE WITH THE CLOCK Closing : Out I SALE now in rui.i, swim; .Many I to renin in COATS DRESSES HATS J. BENT IjidlcV Itrndy-io-Wrar Third Ave. Phone 631 (VIEER FOR ECONOMY-OIGWr WAY-CIVtUSYOUR OR0R WTMOUT PCLAV JrS'V r Tri 72 J tn.- piece of our coal is a jruide to Economy It shows J'ou how you can jret more hr&t out of every' on "u buy It hai a Having ten.-dent y to keep you hedel ward a cheerful home without increased cot NAN A I. M() . WELLINGTON and ALIIEItTA SOOTLFLSS COALS Albert & McCaflery ThnneH llfi and 117 "Demers" January Clearance SALE NOW ON Phone 27. P.O. Hox 327. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone C3 . Cnrtngc, Wnreliouslnir, find Difltrlhutinir, Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand anil Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving POLICING WAS HIS SUBJECT Itt.V. (I. (. ll('Ki:i(, IN M.IIMOV AT T Ml Kit (11(11(11, VIOOKOl M.Y M ITOUTX PROVISO tl. HVHTK.M Taking as hl text "Which thing: ought not to be done?" from the Book I of Oenesl, Rev. George O, Hacker preached sermon last evening In the United Church In which he vigorously I urged the continuance of the provincial ! police tyitem m the city. At the out-i set. Mr. Hacker said that he waa not speaking politically but rather upon the ground of religion. He felt that he had a right to apeak In support of the provincial police. Starting In the Old Testament the ipeaker quoted numerou passage to how that, soon after man' history began, it wa apparent that there were thing which he ought not to do and certain thing which he hould do and there waa punishment awaiting hlro If he did certain thing. "Firs? there wa creation, then the law and then the policeman with a flaminj sword" said the speaker. Passing to the New Testament he quoted the word of Jeu. that "I am not come to dertroy the law and the prophet but to fulfil." Coming then directly to the lubject of Ae local police force he dealt with certain criticism to which he bad 'listened. Upon Inquiry, however. J.. . jt II.. .tnt.n. , posted on the ground on the 23rd day at November. 1924. land an application pursuant thereto and to the "Water Act" wUI be filed J in the office of the Water Recorder at 'Prince Rupert. BC Objection to the application may be filed with the aatd Water Recorder or with the Comptroller if Water Klghu. Parliament Building. I Victoria. BC. within thirty day after he fust appearance of thi noure in a '.oral newspaprr Eubllcalivu of rr I 1M Tn aite oi me urn this notice i Drcem- JOIIN DTBHAVN. Apjlicant. j WATER NOTICE llltl KMOV AMI lt 1 TAKE NOTICE that Ooas Packing Company. Limited, whose address la Vancouver. BC. will apply for a licence : to Uke and use 100.DU0 gallon per day ' of water out or Unnamed stream, which now northwesterly and drain into CspUlna Oar at head of Captain's iCoTe The water will be diverted from the stream at a point about 700 feet J rrcra mouth and will be used for commercial and domestic purposes upon the land described a Lot 1253. Range 4. I coast District ThU notice wa posted 'on the ground on the 4th dsy of No-. vember. 1S24. A copy of this notice and an application pursuant thereto and to ' the "Water Act" will be filed in the . office of the Water Recorder at Prince , Rupert. B C ODJecUon to the appll-' ration may be fUed with the aald Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of i Water Right. Parliament Bulldlnga Victoria, BC. within thirty day after the first appearance of this notice In a local ntwspaper. The date of the first of this notice I November fiubM'sUon 0. IM. I uOSSE PACKING COMPANY LTD. Applicant. By J. r. Strang. Agent. j WATER NOTICE liMKItxION AM I'M! TAKE NOTICE that" James Field, whose n.-tdress n 313 2nd Ave , Prince Rupert. BC. will apply for a licence to take and use 1 cubic toot per second ot water out of unnamed creek, which flow I easterly end drain Into Crescent Inlet, i Moresby Island. QC.I.. about one mil ! from the head of th Inlet on the north ahore. The water iui oe airmen a. the TIP stream LrT'aalll ta at e a poin wwasa aooui iwu 1 ebout 15 chain aouthwesterly trom th t mouth of the atream. , Thi notice wa polJ lne. roun? on th 2th day of November. 1929. A nf ihi, nntire and an application rnirniant therto and to the Water Act." will be filed in the office of th Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. BC. Objectlona to the application may be filed with the aald Water Reorder or with the Comptroller of Water Righta. Parliament ifuUdlne. Victoria. B.C., within thirty dy after th; firt ap-learance of thla notice In a local new, paper. The date of the first publication la December 20. 192.. Applicant. LAND ACT NOTICE OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO TO LEASE LtNII MakeYourOwn SOAP and Save Money! All you need is waste fats and GILLETTS PURE I VC FLAKE L.T C. full Directions Wifh fvery Can YOUR GROCER SELLS IT ! "!aff credit for what had been accomplished. He sooke of the Attorney General and also see that the law was enforced. UU'KIMi Or CITIZENS In concluding Mr. Hacker said that he thought the police needed the backing of the citizens and not so much criticism. Conditions In the city bad greatly improved and the people knew this, and he. therefore, urged all to calamity for Prince Rupert. Advertise in the Dally New. WATER NOTICE IHVriCSlON AMI I'SF. take NOTICE that Robert M pearance of this notice In a local news paper, ine date oi me urai puoiicawun Is December 20. 1926. ROBERT M. CUItniE. Applicant. .MINIMAL ACT CEIITII'ICATE OP IMI'IKiVE.MEN'TS NOTICE Juanlta, Anyox, Qranby, Alamo, Rodeo, 77T2 DAILY HST7S PAOE FIVR 'eternal life I ' GIFT of god IMPKF'NNlVK HEHMOV .IV RKV. J. IK lIXl. IS PKIXiYTKHIAN iiriii K. (Sermon of the Rev J. It. Frlzell. B.A., L.L.B., Prestoyterlan Ohurcn, Prince Rupert. January 9, reported, by 'A. E. Mc-Arthuri. "When I die and am burled In Green-.wood," aald America' greatest pulpit era tor. Ttl no man stand bealde'my grave and say "Here Ilea Henry Ward 3eecher' for Ood knoas 1 will not te there, took up I If you lore me and feel that I have helped yc"u on your t.-ay homeward, then stand, with one foot upon my grave and look up. For I wUI r.ot hear anyone who does not speak with hi face toward Heaven." In the 6th chapter of Roman and the last verse you will find these words. "The gift of Ood Is eternal life." They re the word of the apostle Paul and they are our text this morning. "Will I be remembered by posterity when I am gone?" said a great American states- years and the police should be given n thought, however, support. me ineviiaoie. ana inai is inai uoa can take these lives of ours and lift them river of death and set " tiny could not believe that he wa. fool them aowa 'orever field, enough to be blamed for certain ac- among ElysUn Tw0 or tbree thoughu. my friends. tlon which had taken place. arise out or these words of the great LAW KNI OUCKMENT .poatle. The ttrrt ldc, not the dream The speaker then spoke of certalt ct immortality arise out of the very be-difficulties peculiar to this city in the'jn. Qf Ood? Yean ago It la said that he (matter of law enforcement. First, ac- vandal entered the British Museum and had been reliably Informed that the i cording to statistic. Prince Rupert wa cifted his hand upon a beautiful vase, proviru-lsl police cam here with no j the third largest consumer of liquor one of the richest treasures of the na-'other purpose than that of clvlni cood'lh the province altnougn mere were uoa. The reason the ajui i.vfcS administration and cleaning up the city. It was true that certain case had been withdrawn but due to certain technlcaHUe It waa not always possible to secure conviction on ill charges The situation in the etty. while capable of great Improvement, was vsstly better than In prevlou WATER NOTICE. IllWlRHlON AMI I'M'. TAKK NOTICE that John Dybhavn. who address u PO. Boi 1700. Prince Rupert. D C, will apply for a licence to Uki and use 4.000 gsllons per day of water out of an unnamed creek which flows northerly and drains into Nealo Inlet, about one mile from the bead of the Inlet, on iu south shore. The water wUI tee many place with a larger population . the vase was because there wa no care-Also in the amount of fine collected, taker there to prevent It. And it Lord Prince Rupert wa second In the pro- Kelvin could walk up and down the vlnce being only surpassed by Van- Parthenon stripping It of it priceless coOver. treasure It was because there was no The speaker then took up the qestlon 3reek Ruler there to protect that teni ae to who wa kicking agalnt the pro- -pi whose threshold was once pressed i vineial police and spoke from hi own by the feet of Socrates and whose wall knowledge of men who had been com- made glorious by a genius ct J pelled to go tf work since the force Pludlss. And so If our weet wive, our l had taken charge of the city. I think nothera and our little chUdren arei the greatest need of Canada and the together Into one dark place whole world I repl for law" con- hlch e call the grave and. It we are untied Ur Hacker who considered It never to meet them or to them- Important that respect for constituted Ihen onT authority must be reestablished. ! once or two concluslons-elther that Ood that the hand of t.h. ..n the negative side of the there U no or ,h' destroyer neater than the hand quotum. Mr. Hacker considered that it nrr.1 nutlet at a smsll lake, about CaO.,k. ttirroH Akm Ik. nrnvlnrtsl lne JnU?.pOienV. Ihi from the mouth of the creek, ant will be used for domestic and industrial purpoae upon the 7 tcre of Und described a unsurveyed land for which lease is s Dolled. This notice wa police that it would be taken as an' "ul lnr 7 l,rTJ , .a , Ood he U a good Ood he 1 a kind Ood. inaicaUoo ,! that a pence of Uwlesssesa ..... . . , . . , . ,,.,, and death cannot mean the end. waa desired The idea of Mt AM()MJ MASTEUH A, TIUC1IKKS A copy of this notice ported by the fact that It was sug- gested that a policeman after four yeats in any one place lost bis usefulness. "Preachers, bank manager and police menshould not be allowed to Then again, my friends, this promise of a city In the cloud la found among all the' great masters and teachers. Oo home thl morning and take down from your library the great masterpieces of Greek and of Rome, and If you read ttay too long In any on place." he m ATTxm ot lm. aald. and continued that this would not be possible with a force which wa mortality running along between the lines. Think of the great Job "I know aupplled by the city. He further t(ut my Rteemer umh and ,t the laaf ! thought that the body which waa res- b m tUnd upon the eirth." poswiHc tor wr khwi v iis Think of Socrates, the philosopher, and listen to what he says "Wherefore. O Judge, have no feat of death know of a certainty that no evil can befall a good man either dead or alive. I see that to die and depart is far better for me." Yea, take the dream of immortality out of the soul and you take the beauty and the fragrance out ot the r-,,m hua .rtitrMis u Hie 8th Ave. ; when the doctor Disced his hands UD- unnamMl urhlrh flowai anutherlT love that wilt not let me go. I rest my weary soul in thee. I give thee back the life I owe. That In thine ocean depths its flow, , May richer, fuller be." SOME EXAMPLES And then also It help, to rolve some of life', sorrows and some of life's unfulfilled plana. Many a man with great promise and Intellect haa been cut oft .when he wa only standing; upon lite' rimo, wami fractional nu. auu mumiv ' . ,, ,.,..,,. m avkl. ui..r.i .iti,.t ii, tha Ahreahold. A few illustrations should Atlin Mining Division cf Caular Dis eufflce: TaVii Arm "f TaJUke1 W"n R'V'r' H,re U Prcy ShrtlT the elherea' TAKIOTICe'1 that"' I. Charlea V. 1 winged ongster. One day he wa al-Bob, Free Mlner'a Certificate No. 89708, 1 most drowned In Lake Geneva. His intend to a Cert nw'tthl'r rescued him and after an ipply to the Mining Recorder for a . . tficateof Improvement, for the pur- hour' unconsciousness he opened hi pose of obtaining a Grown Orant of the eye and whispered, "Why did you bring above Claim. I h,,,v. t H.H .Immt anlvixt th iirrat A f,i.,K.p I.V. ma.Ia (h.f ..tlnn i ... -' - Pr.lnS9. nu,?,rt U,!,d.R, ti hder section 86. mu.t bo commenced my.tery." trit im Vf nt Prlnea Prinra tinnert. ltnnert. and and altua situate on on . ... 4W. . ' . ...... .... j . ... th norm snore oi vrrmnn Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte Islands. In the Province of British Columbia, and being about one and a half miles from the head of the Inlet. ..,,.. . TAKE NOTICE that Jame Field, of , Prince Rupert. DO, occupation Marin , Broker, Inteud to ppl, tor a ieaa oi the following described land:-- Commenclnit at a post planted on th north shore of Crecent Inlet, about one ami a half mile from the head of the Inlet; thence northwesterly 20 chains: thence outhweterly 20 chain: thence aoutheasterly 20 chains! thence north, easterly 20 chains, and containing forty 1 (40) 1 acres, mor or ln. JAMES FIELD. Applicant. Dated November 27, 1(26. Improvement. - Dated thl lit day of January, AD. 1927. II. McN. FRASKR. Aent.' COMPANIES ACT TAKE NOTICE-that LIPSSTT CUN. NINOHAM St CO. LIMITED after the expiration of one month from th tint publication ot this Notice Intend to apply to the Registrar ot Companies for the approval of the change of name to "EDWARD LIPSETT (PRINCE RUPERT) LIMITED." DATED at Vancouver, BC, thl 10th day of December, A D. 1026. LADNER Hi CANTELON. Solicitor for the Applicant, i Think ot Thomas Chatterton, the boy with the precocious Intellect. IV Is said that he climbed old walla like the Ivy and haunted twilight ruins like the bat. At the age ot 17 he died and 1 burled In Shoe Ine in London among the paupers, Aud what shall we say of Ke'at's Hal-lam one ot the most brilliant students that every punted through Eton! A little over 20, broken In health, hla father took him to the continent to recuperate. After walking, they returned one evening to their hmoe. and a hi sou lay down upon th couch resting, death. The Well-Managed Home rT,HE maViager of a household is the purchas- ing agent for a large proportion of the family needs. In order to do a good job she must know what, when and where to buy. She must study goods and the concerns which make goods and have them to sell. She must put her home on a business basis and run it on business principles in order to make the most of the family income. Information is the onfy basis for intelligent purchc sing. And the right way to get the greatest amount of necessary information is to read the advertisements. Advertisements tell you what is new and good in merchandise. They reveal improvements and inventions to make your home life easier, more com-fortable and more convenient. They give you in: ' jormalion about a thousand and one things that are useful. Every manager' of a household every member of the household who shares the responsibility, for the family's welfareshould male a habit of reading the ads. The, rose, the light out of the .unbeanu. and England, telling him how his bo, wa, coiUlnuanc. continuance oi of the tne .ystem system, n f wiej did urn r.ininir hi. ViMith when he not. he considered It would be me nappme&s out oi tne nearx ana toe to to him. lol the soul home. Again, does this forgleam of "ed apeak immortality not help, my friends, to Phap Morart. the take some of the ting out of life's musician, I still playing. Per- thorn. The hrmn we sans thl morn- Jur,t" " '""-""'' of life m thst hrmn af Dr. Oeorve Mstheson ' The The old old man man grown grown weary weary -is one of the most beautiful hymns in struggles and having passed through the the book. It wa written In that hour ' "" ttle. takes hi grand Read the advertisements in order to buy wisely hla father addressed a letter to his friend child upon hla knee and putting hi West. Vancouver. B.C. will apply for a' the ,h0uldera ot the great man and P8 ,ose to nw ' whP": "Ey licence to Uke and use fifty gallon . . " lta car hath not heard, neither looking into ms eye u.d-lt aaia there tnere is a nr minute of water out of small creek, and alrule Individual In all the world whom nln nreu lBla lue rv DI ul.u dnuta into Huitin Inlet. Q.C. Wnd, you wlsh tc we ftnJ Jook 1nto tht!hAt 00(1 hM PP" tot thow that S KrJTJ I- nowi your ,.l,ht'U Imost g3ne,;ove bin," water will be diverted from the stream ,vod you will nevrr get back agaui.l " tjU" at a pdlnt about 200 feet Irom nore pull voursrtf toeether, ' buck up. " and be a 1 "nt lft r Ooa l. eternal' lite. ay line, passing through twenty-four crM Ju p,ul. The gift ot Ood 1 eternal lUe. applied for under lease, and will be-man. Matnetcn aat down ana role . , , Ood 1 life. ,v You have me. used for Industrial purpose upon the to the Vvanau he wanted to make hls;The glft-of land described a applied' forf to lee' .f wh tho.'neard'pf hi api"iHv Hr VtX ar. naTe m': .The .0ri at head ot Huston Inlet.' Uoreaby . , lJJJlZ mJJ ttk TiitretW W.a'.h.- ' Thl notice wa posted on the ground forever. Then out of the breaking ot, flower " " ri the foreata. Andj mi the ath dav ot December. 1926. A . , . .w. .-.. life in the air. Our whole alobe 1 filled I - tie aiaoasier ou uia uie tsuuia u.,- ,k, i.. . n. . .nnii..iiin . lndT tS; w?te?A,ci: : th. casUe. which he had built in the air. wb hfe-everywere you go. But you 10M." will 'be filed In the office of tne the great preacher wrote that beautiful wan moir jruu ..u m u of Vou want ageless life. You want eternal nAVrtiSVS hlch to not on,y ha Wre w.beTutv. but which rank, high a a Uft: Jou nt a life that know, no .... ..... . . i - - .. , from the mouth and will be used for with the Comptroller of water Ripnt. ipoem: r ' ciomistic and cannery purpose upon the ; Parliament iiulldlng. Victoria. B.C, on i "o acre of land described a uruurvey. within thirty day after the first ap- i,iri for which nurchase I applied "The star shine over the earth. The stars shine over the sea. The star look up to the mighty Ood, The stars look down On me. The star thine Sot a million yean. For a million year and a day. But God and I will live and love. When the stars are passed away." That Is the life I want the life that each ' Individual want. We want more than this life. We want undying life. THE (IRKAT WIIITC ITY Once when I was In Chicago I thought It would be Interesting to see the Old World's Fair Grounds, and so we went. And that remind me of th story ot the two little girt rho went to see the Fair. A .tern policeman met them at the gate, and asked what they wanted. They inquired If thl wa th "Great White City." He ald -Yes, that is what they call it.' They .aid the, wanted to get into the "Oreat White City" because their mama and their papa were there. And then they told hlrrt their story. Some tune before, their papa had died and left their mama and the two little girls alone: They were ,very poor and very often there was not ,iu indent food In the house for them pud mama used to give them her tup. per and go without any and ahe had to work very hard. She aald that paps hid'gon to the "Oreat White City." One day (he took 111, and the called them to her bedside aud she said ahe wa Canadian National Q7id Largeft Railway Syflem in America Steamship and Train Service ts. PHINCG Rl'PKKT will leave PRINCE Ut'PEKT for VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. SEATTLE, and Intermediate points each I'KIUAV at 9 Jn. sj. PRINCE Kl'PEKT for STEWART and ANYOX. WEIINESDAY. 10 pan. M. PRINCE CHARLES tor VAN COWER via Ot.'KF.N CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, fortnightly. PASSENGER TRAIN'S LEAVE PRINCE Rl'PERT Earh .MONOAY. WEDNESHAY and SATIR1UV at II JO a.m. for PRINCE GEORGE. EIiMoyro.V WLNXIPEO, all points Eastern Canada. Inlted . SU"H" AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. i:e fanaillan National Expre for Money tirder. Porelgn Chefoe. etc sImj for your next shipment.' CITY TICKET OI EICE, 3i TUlllli AVE, PRINCE Rl'PERTi Phone 16i SATIN-GLO An attractive paint for plaster, woodwork and furniture. Is easily mixed, brushes freely and is readily washed. Directions for use on every can. ZIP-GLO It dries In thirty minutes. This feature makes Zip-Glo an exceptionally useful and convenient finish for not only homes but hotels, stores and other public buildings. Alabastlnc in twenty-one different tints. Paint and Varnish Urushes for every purpose Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. going to papa, and if they were good little girl one day they would see them in the "Oreat White City." That night when the officer of the law went home. I he climbed the staircase to his room, and he who had not whispered the name at Ood tor yean man of huge physical frame with targe ahouldere and great muscular power who va not kfratd ti .bandit or outlaw tell on hi kileea by' th bedside and with hU haiid tretched to hla 'father arid mother's pod, ald '"Mother, mother. 1 too am coming to meet yod In "The Oreat Whit pity' "The Oreat White CltyV "The Oreat White City.' R. a. Macauley, electrlcan at th Canadian Fish; & Cold Storage Co.. plant, returned to the city on the Cardena yesterday afternoon from Van. couver where he apent the holiday tea-son, Mrs. Macauley Is remaining In th south for a while longer. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 573 DENTIST GEORGE RORIE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOK Phone SS7 143 Mrrond Avenue West, Prince Rupert