PAGE SIX TIIB DAILY NETC3 Tue d Government Canada guarantees A 9 1 usjige m iS 10 YEARS OLD 77tWe Canada 95 years This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of lirilish Columbia. For the Best way to health We recommend to you "Dr. Jllddleton's Food Products." Whole Wheat Flour, 10 lb. sacks 70c Whole Wheat Flour, 24 lb. packs $1.63 Whole Wheat Flour, 49 lb. sacks $3.00 AVhole Wheat Cookies, per package 15c Sugar Cakes, per package 15c Ginger Cakes, per package 15c JIacaroons, the best, per package 20c Whole Grain Cerial 40c Panrake Flour 25c Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phone 18 Phone 81 Have Your Eyes Examined Poor eyes and poor glasses are a pitiful combination. Good glasses will make good eyes of poor eyes. If your present glasses do not suit your eyes for any reason, you are criminally negligent of your future if you do not secure the proper glasses at once. Lowest prices. Expert service. A. E. IRELAND Graduate Optometrist 319 Third Avenue. Opposite G.W.V.A. WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Birch and Spruce Per load $0.5(1 Per half load $3.50 Per sack 50c Firelighters, 48 for $1.00 delivered. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 80 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr. Alexander Smith Mock Phone 575 DENTIST ' UNDERTAKER IS ON CARPET T. KlIWAltllS or VANCOUVER CIIAItll-Ell WITH EXCESSIVE CIIAIUiE VANCOUVER. March 1"! hall be very jlcasect to meet the city council or the civic finance committee and explain my, tide cf the matter, declared T. Edwards of the undertaking firm of T. Edwards Company, la reference to the resolution passed by the civic " finance committee to invite him to appear before It in connection with the charge of 1430.73 for the funeral of a city employee who was recently killed while at work. l(?r. Edwards explained that the widow, her two daughters and son-in-law came to order the casket. In the showroom there were cakcts ranging In price from SCO to $450, and he suggested choosing one of the less expensive ones, he said. This, he declared, the widow refused to do. He stated that he also communicated with the dead man's foreman, asking him to advsse a cheaper casket, but this suggestion alsokwas refused. Through his instrumentality, Mr. Edwards said, the taxis used, with the exception of one obtained at the last moment, were all donated free . The bill, he explained, included caring for the body, which was much mangled, the funeral services and the plot in the cemetery. bUSHM GRAHAM ISLAND IS SUBJECT OF INTERESTING ARTICLE PRINTED IN OLD COUNTRY PUBLICATION. ronllnuril from iu;e Die) distance of 27 miles, and Is most of the way within sound of the ocean. For the first part of the way It run, through heavy timber; later the timber Is lighter, though still heavy clearing. Settlement Is small and scattered, ana few self-sustaining farm units are passed before Tlelt Is reached. Her TIRED EYES START the week right, have your eyes attended to. Nothing is such a handicap to efficiency as tired, aching eyes. SUITABLE Glasses stop eye troubles as if by magic and their cost is insignificant. THE excellent results wc obtain in our work are admitted by all. WE devote our energies to one ideal perfection in glasses. JIAY we expect you to consult us today. Fred -A nNOWt kVHPtTI YOU Kr40N HOV A FE.V.LOVM HOULen-S-ViHtN V LAUNOR.V .SPOILS HIS COU.AR.S . a WELL, he won't holler with anything but praise when his collars are returned from this laundry. There's a feeling of comfort and newness when he puts it on and. he smiles again when he sees it in the mirror. When you have your collars laundered our way just once, you'll wonder why you hadn't enjoyed real comfort bebore. Pioneer Laundry! rnone 118 ANGER, the TAILOR Suits made to or-, der. in our shop as low as $50 223 Sixth Street Keep Baby's Skin Soft there are half-a-dozen fair sized farms along the river flits. Richardson Bros.' farm here is 320 acres in extent: ha 14 acres of ploughed land; 110 acres or river flats In hay and pasture: th balance Is bush. He milks eight cows (AyrshfVes and Holstelns), ketps about 90 head cf Aberdeen-Angus catUe. He has a comfortable house, serviceable buildings, and an excellent garden, where berries and vegetables grow In abundance. His principal revenue n from beef, cream and butter, and his shipping point today the wharf at Skldegate, where the Canadian National steamer "Prince John maintains a NAVIGABLE W ATE B PKQTEC-TIO.Y ACT, H.S.C. CH.MTKIl 115. MASSETT CANNERS. LIMITED, herebv give notice that it has. under Section Seven of said Act. deposited with the as Velvet Prevent and Relieve Eczema Mrs. Albert Bishop, 38 Laplanche St., Amherst, N.S. writes: "In one week my baby was entirely relieved of. ociema by the use of two boxes of Dr. Chase's Ointment. He had sores all over his back." WHERE Dr. Chase's Ointment is known and EVER appreciated by -mothers who have with gratitude witnessed the benefit it has brought to their suffering children. Chafing and cracking of the skin is often the beginning of eczema. The trouble develops where two surfaces of skin rub together as in the neck, armpits or between the legs of fleshy infants. Dr. Chase's Ointment applied after the bath brings relief from this condition and prevents eczema. Dr. Chase's Ointment 60cts. a box, all dealers or The Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co., Limited Toronto 2, Canada which a tramp over the muskeg can give, to one unused to that kind of going, have to be experienced to be properly realized. The grading of this road will bring the settlers at Tlell within 12 miles of a deep water port and will open up a considerable stretch of country which, though needing the hardest of work to clear the bush and drain the muskeg, will grow heavy crops when reclaimed. Mafsct was reached the following morning by boat Journey across Mas-set Inlet, and along the magnificent deep-sea highway nature has provided rtzht Into the heart of thli! A weeYly service In summer and a fort- run was taken that afternoon through nightly one In winter. His cattle range the woods to the north shore and along out near Cape Ball in the summer, the sands at low tide to Tow Hill, re-Tbough ' they can winter out here. turning early the next mornln. After Richardson rounds them up In the fall a day and a half spent In the nelghbor-and feeds them during the winter hood of Uasset a return journey was months. .made to Prince Rupert In Seaplane OA. IMIWssaisu; TRAIL in lots of time to catch the as. As the trail between Tlell and Port ; "Prince Oeorge." which left that even-Clements was Impossible for a packing for Vancouver, horse, owing to muskeg and streams The west coast of the island Is bridged by a felled log. It had to be mountainous, and settlement posstbUl- traversed on foot, carrying a amaU pack. tlM sll He to the north-east of a 'line The fact that It. took eight hours1, drawn from the mouth of the Jalun steady plodding to cross this 12 miles fcl River on the northwest coast of the bush, stream and muskeg, indicates the j tsUnd to Queen Charlotte City on nature of the trail. The writer's fall .Skldegate Inlet. Favored by good from a log Into a muddy stream, to-' welhr- tn reconnalsance nights wer gether with a downpour of rain, added of Kreat value, and give an excellent to the Joys of life on this solitary walk;,!e of the general character of a on a Sunday In August, and the aches the elimination of area which palpably afforded no -settlement opportunities from further inspection, and permitted concentration, during the limited time available, on areas which would repay further study, KKtV PEOI'LK The furallles who make their enure Minister of Public Works at Ottawa, and living off the land here are few In I I at the office of the District Registrar of number numoer; most most of of th the setUers citir. a.a depend (nilHvir ithe Land Registry District of Prinze IlllXlflV ttupcrV at Prince Rupert. BjC.. a de- considerably on other sources than the VUUUl J scrlptlon of the site and plans of the land for a Irving, and the ag-rgst InSian area ot c"ire1 land " tne Massett Ewrve, Number, Kenlstered Ontometrist ami '"KiMereu upiomeinst anti,0ne oa 0rantra Isllnd province of ; tunately, employment I not too plenti-Uptlcian British Columbia ;fUi an(j new turs with no mon .Boom 3, Smith Block. UJTJSMJS 5. i toT.Z? 1 rince Kupert - - - B.C. jflrst pub! cation of this notice. Masett alowly clear the land may ofUn find It Car.ners Limited wUl. unuer Section hard to do so Th writer rJ THE PIONEER LAUNDRY KIDS of Public Works at his office In the!,e,,er' Csptsln Oeorge Haan. who is (City of Ottawa, for approval of site and .farming at 8ndspit on Moresby Island, & 25? pier."' 10 ontruct ",l just aero,. Skldegate Inlet from Queen I DATED at Prince Rupert this 28th Charlotte City, how he made bis living. j11' LIMITED, iJVSJ Z eX!T- T ! By Its Solicitors, ' ' ' me ttIe' sometimes we Williams. Manson it Oon'zales. fish." When asked for further psrtteu- 1" " lars, he said: "There sre eight of u FRUITS and VEGETABLES We are sure that we can sell you Canned Fruits and Vegetables away below any other price quoted because we Rell lots of them. Tlim WKHK tins Tomatrn. nnv liriinil 9'a Any variety Malkin's Uest Fruits'. Peaches, Pears, Cherries Loganberries AprlcotH and Pineapple 3 tins for 93c Strawberry and Apple or Hasp- berry and Apple Jam Our business is growing, our service is better; we guarantee satisfaction. Phones 15 and 574 B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited settled at Sandsplt, none ot us has less i than seven children; we have a good school, good health, a beautiful spot jto live In, always get three square , meals, and are happy. Can you do any better on the mainland?" His is the (Spirit needed here. There are comfortable farm homes I on the Island;' and the regularity with ! which Its different districts have cap tured the trophy for the best collection of agricultural produce at the Central British Columbia Exhibition at Prince Rupert, has made It almost seem as though It belonged to the Island by right. The population Is about 1.700. of whom 700 are Halda Indians. If situated near Europe or near Asia, this Island would soon be carrying a popula- 6 tins Tomatoes, any brand, 2V ' j i"T A pulp :LZTJl?T. mill near for 9."ic placed Masset. which would enable settlers to earn their llv- . , .,., wiuir clearing me una would en or -' 73c j able men of the same typo as those worn unu reas, u tins lor . . S3c who are clearing northern Ontario today to tske root here. IUKKCT NKTTI.KIIS In an Island like this where communication Is difficult and the cost of road building heavy, settlers cannot afford to take' up land at any distance A K u u i i ii i gun ruu, mm newcomers new product which Is delicious, .houI1 u to dUtrlct wnere per tin dUc; isettlers are 1 rend v esUhllihi1 Th. 2 tins for 03c Climate is efiuihle. The Jitnnm rur. i Empress Orange Marmalade irent has a great influence over tem- 4 lb. tin, per tin 57'2cPrature. nd extremes of heat and 2 tins for . $1.15 !pold unknown. Fresh and salt fish sre numerous and vsried; black bear are plentiful, but wolves and the larger predatory animals do not exist; grouse are found, and ducks and geese are numerous. Some dsy, before many yeara pass, this Island Is going to waken to new life through the settlement of Its lands and the development of. Its fltherles and natural resources. Advertise In tbs Dally News. IN DATE OF LADIES' ' BASKETBALL SERIES At a meeting ut the Trincs Rupert Basketball Association executive last night the proposed trip or the Maple Leaf ladles' team to was dts-euswd and It was found that March 26 and 39 were unsuitable dales for the matches in the interior town The secretary was Instructed ft wire Souther I suggesting s match there on March 18 j and. until a reply 1 received, no j wUl be taken In the matter. No word has been yet received from Anycx. al- thoujh It is understood uttht tawnj Is desirous of arranging lur series ol games. CIUBBAdE LEAGUE FIXTUliCS M tlll'll 7 Cold Storage vs. 8aus of Canada. Moose vs. OX. Mechanics. St. Andrew's vs. Prince Uupert Hotel. ON. Operating vs. Orange Lulje. Dry Dock vs. Canadian Legion. Knights of Columbus vs. O rot to. It Moot vs. O rot to. St. Andrew's vs. Os4d Storage. C-N. Mectuuilos vs. Dry Dock. Prince Rupert Hotrl vs. Orange Lude CH. Operating j Canadian Legion Sons of Oanada vs. Knights of Columbus. 21 CoM Storage vs. Of. OperaUnf. Knights of Oolumbus vs. Dry Dock. Moose vs. Sons of Canada. St. Andrew's vs. Orange Lodge. CJi. Mechanics vs. Csnadlan Legion. Prince Rupert Hotel vs. O rot to. INI) ACT NtlTU'K Ol' INTENTION TO A I'I'LV Tu TO LUSK L.NI In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dt-trtct, and situate at Huston Inlet. Queet. Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Robert M. rtTlt, of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation fish packer. Intends to spplr fur a leae of the following described Isndt - Commencing at a post planted ai northeast corner .about 1.000 feet wr. tcrly frtjui miners' cabins st head o: Huiten Inlet, thence westerly 2,i chains; the .ice southerty about 12 chains. mencc essierir so chains: tbenee northerly about 12 chain, and contalnine 24 acres, more or less. ROBERT U. CURR1E. Aonllcsn: LAND ACT. NOTM'K Ol' INTKNTION TO tPI'I.Y TO IT 11(11 LAN II TAKE NOTICE THAT I. Arthur RVr-'on. Mswett. B.C.. ooeupation MUlmsn. Intend to spoly for permission to purchase the following descrlhed land: CoromsTjetng at nenhsast cjmer of Lot IMS. QCf Dmrlet: thence south fifty chains; thence east forty chains: the-'rt north t- shore; tbettos foliawin high water mark to point of eommeoe-ment. cnatstlnlng one hundred acrvn. mere or less. located this 30th dsy of December. 1020. ARTHUR ROBERTSON SYNOPSIS OF LANS ndnMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vscttnt. unreserved, survr4 Crown lands may b prs.sinptd by Hralsb sutjeeta over It yeara of s, and by aliens on declaring- Intention tu become llrttUh subjects, conditional iijon residence, ore gallon. Jul Improvement for agricultural ouriroors Pull Information concerning rsu-.atloiis ri-csrdlnK pre-emptions Is Klven In Kulletln No. I. I .and gerles, "How to l'rs-empt Ind." copies of vihlch cn be obtained fret of chares ly addrrtMlng the Lltpxttment of Utnds. Victoria. II C. or to sny Oov-ernraent ent Kecords will l granted covering only land suitable for sxrlcultural puriose. un-1 which Is not timber-land. I.e. carrying over K.CKlO board feet !er acre west of ths Coast Ilangs and S.00U fsst per acre east of tbat llange. Applications for prs-smptlons ars to be addressed to ths Un4 Com mUnloner of ths Land Itecordlns Dl-vision, In which the Isnd aupllsd for Is situated, and ars mid on printed forms, copies of which csn b obtained from ths Land Commissioner. l're-emptlons must b occuplsd for flvs years snd Improvements mad to value of 110 pr acre, Including clearing and cultivating; at least riv acres, befor a Crown Orant csn bs received. for mors detcilsj Information the llullttln "How to Pr-mpt Lund." PURCHASE Applications ar rclvd for purchase of vacant and unreserved Crown lands, not being tlmberland, for agricultural purposes; minimum price for flrst-clsss (arabU) land I 15 per acre, and atcond-clsaa (erasing) land U.iO per acr. Furthr Information regarding purchase or of Crown lands la given In UulUtln No. 10, Land Series, "Purchss and Leas ot Crown Mnds." Mill, faetory. or Industrial sites oo Umber Isnd, not exceeding 40 acres, may be purchased or lssd, ths con-dIUons Including psymnt ot stumpsgs. HOMESITE LEASES Unsunsyed areas, not sxcesdlng XI aerm, may be Isased as homtsltss. conditional upon a dwslllng bslng reted In th first year, Utl being obtalnabls after rssldene and Ira-Vrovsment eondltlons srs rulflllsd and land has bn survyd. LEASES For graxtnc snd Industrial par-poses areas not sxessding I to acre may b leassd by "on psrsoo or a company. QRA2INQ m Under ths Qrstlng Act th Pror Ine Is divided Into grating dlstrleta snd ths rsnxs admlnlstartd undsr a Orating Commission-, Annual grating psrmlts ar Issued based n numbers ranged, priority being glva to established owners. Stoek-ownsrs may form associations for rang management. Fr, or partly fr, bsnnlts ars avsJlabls foe sstU-, a-uprs and travellers, ,a u tsss A lew and Better Optical Service (!. It. .Mutric. late of Toronto, hiw nL..n .l Optical Department. .Mr. Mutrie in an cxpcrien.t.1 . Optometrist with 28 yearn' practical experience lleT"1 close nntl intimalc Rnowlrttftv of prnctiial filling an! i o ' and xiven cpcrfal nllenlion In clilldren. Wc hate one of the finest nftii m-,t un-di-dul n . Parlors In Cnnndil. with all the lalet uppIiiinfH. 9 N v kt-rp faith with (he puMic. Hememlier Hint n mianutlec in only as Roml art abiliir riouriea make It. We make rooI! 7 Max Heiibroner Diamond Specially. r.-. Third WESTHOLME THEATRE TL'ESDAY ONLY, 7 nnd 0 p.m. f 1 ? ST8 t&m Mi Aliev" A comedy-tlmmn of ths n .MONTE ltl.UK. PATSY lUJTH.JllLLKK. Win i .. i MAX DAVIDSON, NIOBL IIAKKI& LOt ISE r Z and noted eit CO.Mi:i)Y -DON I. BY." (A Son of Hut t-i TOPIC'S OF THE DAY Admission : ic tird f Store Brushes at Cost We are over-Blocked with Itruhes ami them, we will mpII any Hair liruah in thi i-.m,. Ladies' Hairbrushes ivory backs ebon -natural wood backs, Militnr' Hrushea, Nail I Druahsjs. OSHOWN HliUSllILS The Utility Ilrush with the bide handle. I; held tu a twisted wire frame and there i 1 -purjiose ( jj ORMES LTD. The Pionn-r Drujjfixts Thrtt; Itt'RiHlrred PharmacNt' 3rd Ave. and Clh St. phones S2 Prince Rupert Coal Co. Ltd Phone 1.1 Agent for Ladysmith -Wellington' nnd ' Peerless Sootless Coal Coal to hull t-t try hiovc or heater and price-- 1 u" l'K" pocket. Phone your next order lo us. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Ltd Canadian HsiSB CTlicLargeft Railway Syflcm in A"CTlC(l Steamship and Train S2rv.ce s.s. I'ltlva; IlLITIIT Hill Irate PIUM f: RITMIT U't VAN( "y ,t i TOKIA, MIATTI.n, onil' lulr riiirdlalr Miinl Mtli ''"'"...y 10 P s.s. ruiM'K tl,ri;itT for KTHVAUT and ANYOX, ,;I,N ,,iT1l ,s" s.. I'ltlNti: JOHN' for VAMOl VKIl tin OlXKV niw'" UMw, furtnldilly. I'AMXKNdKIt TIH1NH l.l:.V l'KI-K for r"' t. t:ach MllMiW, WKIlNKMIlAV nnd NATl.lllMV at 1 1 3" "!' I ," UMIlKii:, KD.MONTON, W1NM 11(1, all mlnts l.alrrn i" Nlal's. ,. AflllNCY ALL Ot'l'AN HTKA.MfJIlU U; Vtr fniii, v,iii...,.i i. ...... inn firfl.-rii. i orris1 rlc. Hlo lor jour nctt lilimrnt. - nun u' CITV Tlt'KKT OKI ICK, 52 Tlllllll AVI:., HU.NfK IU',tllT