FACE 70U2 as v?iTHANKS vouuavt aJWKEAT THAT OUR COM. civts- jtcant, Bt BEAT! l" c 55 Thankful for th bird, of course Bat more thankful for the fire to cook it and the heat to warm as up. YouH have a Happy Christmas if you use our coal. It jrjres the finishing roach to the day. Albert & McCaffery Limited Phones 116 and 117 Trappers ! Art' you rcitiri cTiOush foi your fur? if not, come to Cofdbloom. Jnat row we want mink, marten, ermine, coyote, waif, foxes of a.'I kinds, and lynx. We hare Jarjre orders from mancfaciBrers in the East, and if we ran not fi!l them we lose oar bonus. We pay top price for everything. If yosj have a larre lot wire me and I shall eal! personally. Remember, if yon want a square deal tell to Goldbloom The Trappers Friend." Second Avenue Wood DRY BIRCH. CEDAR AND ' JACK PINE Single Load .Double Load $(L50 Larse Sack rOf 0 RUN'DLES DRY KINDLING, $1.00 Phone 580 HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. 133 Second Avenue MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pinU for $1.00 7 quarts for $1.00 12 pints for $1.00 Cash price tickets. McBride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy - 11th St. Telephone 557. ANGER, the TAILOR Fine Imported Serge and Scotch Tweed Suits made to order in our shop in Prince Rupert as low CCC flfi IVUUlVV L ANGER, Cutter and Designer 223 Sixth Street BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMgi Wt-tX)KE- I CALLED ) TAKE -tOOR DryCIeaning LiTT JT ) VOUOPTO SEEtFlTlV", MACif.r.KlN, i V-,-!C,-r 1 TlME-DOMT . . ifc- I OUT SUPPOSE POSSIBLE FOR TOU TO ITO ?NgZo NiCHT . (WHY, CERTAIN! V- HURft'V HOME- f VEHV 1 jj VOURTrt 1 n ' J MEET ME AT TMECLUS QEAH- 1 DQK T 1 vJ nJclU- fW,7ff 1 ftHOUlQ CALL " H to.ni&HT uono ' WANT-TOUTO "N. DEAR- 3 ,T III w ' HS-C4JJ' Vancouver at II JiO HELPOSWANT5METO FEEL ATHOOCrt I J I vMORKED-1 1 V v Prices Most Modern Dryeleanlns: Plant In City Thone 11S Pioneer Laundry Ltd. Third Are. and McDride Stmt W High Compliments Paid Captain i A. Dickson and thier Ul-ficer Sheppard at Probe High cornpitmem ni paid Captain A. A. Dickson aad First OTOctt Z. L Bb-panl OJ both Cap. J. D. MtPber-ui. wreck eotnausOtect. and Harold Brown, general buur ol the VElon Stcamvhtp Ca, at the tavestigt&rBa In Yanccuvcr lut week as a result of which both ofBeers were absolved of an bane j j connection with tbe recent stranding af the steamer Ostala on Mat Island .near Pert Ss-cpaen. I "We are unanimously agreed, atone sfcovld not lose their cwttfie Imitated Capam UeIeison. AB the ttdeoee foes t tisnr that they are verj sCfkcient taen and 'joald not be replaced fey better ocea. T&at being the ease 1 d3 not w what ootid be (ained by rwpetwttng thea entn tenuraray. Tbe atantger of the Qbiod SuamAlp Company hat aach faith tn them that eten if Captain K. A DtctMB aatt First Officer E- N. Sheppam vete siupended they MM be iKffiediatcty re-emplayed at Jie end of their suspension. The report v&teh the coaunttflon ill make S tnetude a reooaune&da-Uon ts the deparbnent that the south ! aanel shall be prohibited tn future tzA an adaoamsn to tii ottlcera to exercise freaVrr care 1b thaw valcra. Certainly no ship eooM hare been beuer cangaied isu the Calais tu at the tlase of her nob(." be con cluded. D. S. UiTluxn. on behaU ot Cap tain DkXjcu. cud urged that tbe captain be exeaerated from TmpcralbUUy Is viesr of a "xalrage' at the time of the accident, the existence of vhleh was eotnhed for by sissy wtHMssea. mak ing it fcapasftfele to gauge the dlstanee at the ship trom the bway. FeaturSag Wednesday aTtemoon'a ses- ikm of the eoqHlry m-ss the appearance the a-ttnea stand of Harold Brora, rraeral manager of the.Unssn Suwnship Coenpaaj-. otrners ol tbe Teasel. iALlEIl oniCtR "We consider Captsln -S. A. Dickson. master et the Catala. the mt ratoel Mficer tn our serriee.' said Mr. Brovn. Be ta tbe meras skipper of the neetrl and there Is no ooe mare anxious to aitud trouble than he la First Offi- aer E. U. Sheppard Is ot the younger school cJ oatcera. Be is our taost pmarHtng young officer, and tn line lor the Cm prsBaoUon. S3 far ai tbe company is concerned, the 111 ruck these two officers have had la tbe accident le the Catala vSl not prejudice their itandtog vith the company. The asddent is unexplainable." con-U&oed ktr. Brovn, -but m H1 be giad to veasome these ofDcen back and trost thtm vltit any poslttons.'' Ur. Brawn aded that many usexpaun-aale asHdest occurred, as ncVd Is be taken, hos-erer. by ahlDovnets. un- derwmers and other lntoested tn sbipptag. In tbe case of the Union Steamship Company. Its fleet of boats vera ftperatlag day and night tbe yea: round, but the average. Immunity from accident was eery high. In this, he was speaking as wen for the other steamship com tn tbe coastal trxfie oxv rt lsuc ttiruixs The general manager dedared there had never bsen any pressure brought to bear by the company oa matters tor bringing Teeis Into pert late. The ships were tn their hands, be said, and H they had 13 delay on account of bad leather, they wen nt-eer censured for It Ttie only persons who com plained Of delay were the puaile. Captain J. D. Uaipherssn. wreck com-missisoer. declared he was satisfied there had been no eareleaviesi. There was no better seaman on the coast than Captain Dickson. He congratulated ths two offlcen on the compliment paid inem by their general manager, and praised the pt of the general manager in oocalag voruntarSy to. the en quiry " speak on behalf ol bis men. Tbe session developed no new ert- oence. First Officer Sheppard. lite Capta&i DiekBon. had noticed the pecu liar atmospheric conditions, which creat ed a ravage, and Just before the acci dent bad dHcuswd tbe matter with the third officer. Owing to the mirage, be had been deceived, like the ante's master, tn the distsnce of the 'vessel from aCst bland, of! which the CTvck aer lined. ixsirnrir.vr time The court discussed the question why Favorable Use ytft!i We have many letters which , have come from women and from chefs throughout British: Columbia who have used Pari-J free Milk with satisfaction for' years. These letters are most ! valuable testimcni's because they come from those who have : 'practical experience, patrons we , are proud to have served. 1 PACIFIC MILK Head omre. Vancaater rsrtuir at Lsdarr and Abbotofarrt. -BUILD B.C." je c fitter were not sccustacoed on utward trips from Port Simpson to -ate their position frjea leading aarks. as they did when entering. Fi-!Bj. the court appeared to be tc reement that there was tut suftteteat Mae la making tbe channel between tn aland and Sparrow Rawk rock to 00 his. the ateaaUag tttat betag only four lignites. All 2a ntrtTsrt aad Ur. 2row Jr. Brawn promised that tn future his wild be dace. "We all know that both officers i bought tbey were on their right course. Bd there had been no cxrsirarass." aid Captain Uiopteerjcsu. "bt tbe dlffl-rolty as to exptsin the accldeat to un-lerwrncis and athera in view ot the fact that narlgattan DsJatlSns were Meal, with a smooth hex and f!3e lear weather," HOTEL ARKIV.ttX Ssiey Capt, and Ura. i. D. Watson. Ur. and Ura. J. Clausen. Claire Aire. A. Uartln. O Praser and T. A Kmc. Dfsbv: John e 1 - -o. . t i wstaen, P Toyer. i. Qutsb sod J. I JoUymore c:iy siorrisoa. C-' R Central rlMrn UdutfUM ESlMtcm P. Powers. Ysarourer: S. Pcteta, Dacatnioa PIsyeiB: Sam aionn. caty. j Prince Raprrt I P. L Rse Prince isupert: R. Earl .nasftoera. ivn rwiran. aosi as. asUnsky. CHRISTMAS IN THE CHURCHES Special Music Suitable to the Occasion by Choirs an j LarRe Congregations Present Large coogregauoas (ound tune from the ChrMaaa Day tesOrWea to attend Rectal seasonsl serricu to the various city oBBTtfees on Sunday. la Dearly sll cases, the sxicni wsa marked with -pedal sermons, music and deeoratlona. Oatstandag among the services -sere those In First Prcahytertsxi Church. In the nwing the Junior Choir aaag -i4 oarojU. Hark. U.e Omd Sound." Tbe Jhntt Child and -Grace be to Tou.V Heard to good advantage in solos were Uiss Joan Arthur. "Se Amid the Wln-teTm Snow"; Ulas Beulah UcKtnley. Tbe Angel Song"; and Uiss Betty Cameron. Thou Didst leave." In tbe evening, the Senior Chotr sang tbe an-ihema, There Were Shapberds.- and "It Came Cpon a Midnight Clear." while setabu were: Miss E Davlee. J. jreed with tbe cammlssioatts that it i - Tesg. Ura. H. U Brockkaby and -iuW have been safer to bare used tbe j hn E- Xavey. the last mrattooed be-.srth channel at all periods, instead ot j ( n charge of the choirs at both Uy at nlghU as has been the practice moraine and ereninc semces. The sub ject of the: pastor, Bev. J. R. FYUelL In the roemtng was Tbe Star." and in the eventog. "Christmas Olfta. VrhjV At St. Pasta Lutheran there wa a fall houe lor the morning service with special Christmas music. Two songs were sung by the choir, two solas by Mrs Carl Dybharn. and a Christinas nrsam by .Rev. John H. Hsnson. his object being "Jay to the World." At the Anguraa Cathedral there were .fecial Cnrlslmat servtce. In the morning the choir Jang the anthem. "It Came Cpon the Knight Clear." with Morris BJjtt in the sola part. Mrs. Anderson bo aaag a solo. . In the evening the choir sa&g new :axal by Caleb Simper. Large congre 0 'it fife vwm, to malie PURE Wholesome THE wholesome beers made for the people of British Columbia by tbe Vancouver Breweries Ltd.. Rainier Brewing Co. of Canada Ltd., Westminster Brewery LtdL, Silver Spri n ft Brewery Ltd, Victoria Phoenix Brewery Co. LtdL, are not made in a day or a week. There are months of care before tbe high grade grains, choice bops and pure mountain water become the brilliant and full flavored beverage that to PURE BEER. All beers made by the above Breweries arc fully fermented and aged for months before they reach the public. They win not continue to lerment alter you dZin.. ,hia? they do not esose At dll Government -, the ills that hastily made, badly prepared and half fermented Stores . u - REWS" re Tttpo DELIVERY FREE Drink only pure beers and preserve your health Wishing A Merry Christmas To Everyone This advcrtisenKnt is not published or displayed bj the Liquor Control Board or by the government of Bntuh Columbia Wanted For Sale, For Rent v.ee out. to U CHRISTMAS TREE AT ktv 1 1 iiTHFRAN ruwm as a 11M si mm W W V V mjaynhle Time Sprot MsU at -" s""sw aKvanai mvy 1 waHt 1 rvrar night at St. Paul Lutheran Church Has with a splendid program of music and recnstlons by the children and members of the chocr. Following the prtgram the tree was unloaded and ansch merriment prevailed: The hall waa aeO rilled and -the chfidren had a wonderful ttne. The program fallows: Proorssicnal "Come Mther ye Welcome speech Edith sutler. Oospet message. LfSUn Hanson. Prayer Rev. J. Hanson, Welcome song Sunday school. Prophetic words Sunday school. Catechigatloa ASte Halberg and s-jadsy SehooL ' Building the Arch of OJery Gudrun Wtllia. Why do beOs ring for Cbrlstmaar Marion Westgaard. Song by Choir "Joy to the World." "We carry lights for Jests." Eight little children. "Peace on Earth" Olgot Olson. ,j iBttrtraectal (piano solo) ODtv Drbbavbt''' ' .-tSrandma'a .Tetter" Clara wikdahL The Happy Christmas Come Core "."ore "- Siicdsy school. "Hsng up tbe Babies" Stocking" llur- rle Hansoa. Tbe Angel Song." Four hoys. "Why Christ Came." Mamie Johnson. "AH In a stable cold and bare" Lyla Jacobsan. Song Marie Banton. Margaret John son. Sow? by eiolT "BeautlfaJ Saviour.' Gocd Iflght dlalngue eigerd Johnson Percy Knutson and Ole Dybhavn. Psotomlme "Holy Might. Silent Nliht by nine girls, solo part by Mrs. SHIP LAUDED or .raiM and Lsrs Sather. Oeorgetowa: III rrfc I a A. Saslth aad D-lll ill DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in adratce. No Advertisement taken for lets than 50c the Cathedral betag la the laorn- Rev. W. P. Price preached & Chi It U ass sermon on the aahjees -Ooda Oroateat Mlraste" In tbe morning at Pint Baptist Chureh. It being a united cerrice for Sunday School and congre-ratten. The rvasUag service was en-.irety given over So a rausteal prmrram. '. rectal choir of child ree aad aduMs rendered tbe cantata "Joy to the World" aad there were anthems ratified Glory to Ood in the Highest' and Cry and Shout.' One quartette con-isted of Bev. W. P. Price. K. W. How-irt. Mrs. P. C Miner aad Mrs. B. W. Howard, another of Urs. C. tArkto. Mnv 1 W. Howard. Rev. W. P. Price and X W. Howard, and a trio was made up ft Mrs. W. P. Price. Mrs. P. C. Mffier JMI Mia. C. Larkln. Other Items oa be program Included a solo by Msster! Jarry Quick, reestatasaa by Adenai bwfcer. Kathetla WUsoa aad Robert 3ttker'aad a chorus by a caus of guia. V. Vsughaa Danes was accampsnUt ad the church was beautifully decor-ted. Oat ot tbe largest congregations In ears attended the service tn the Sal-fatten Array Citadel oa 8uadey even-ag. Capt. atohart. local comma ads at. ;ead the scripture lesson aad gave a attafele addreaa. There wua a cruar-ette ccaslattac of A. Uartln. J. Pitcher. Fed Harmon aad CapL-Stnhart. .In tbe montl&g at Plrst tmlted Tmireh, there was a special f am by :be Janlor Choir By laeans of choruses ukI reettaHona by Saby KrUuetky. Itbel RuaseO. Mildred Host. Bixabeth WUsocu Arthur Sfccnten. Msoa Yatrs. "Vggy Steen and Edith WBfcinsoo. the CBristmas story waa told. la tbe after- oat, there waa a special WMte OUt -wice for ehlbtren. a UtUe gtrl bring ing to a baby's crib gifts tor distribu tion among poorer children ot tbe city and district. In the evening, the Junior sad senior chairs were aambtned In musical service. Miis Cathie Irvine be ing soloist in an an them. At the morn-teg service. Bev. A WUson spoke on tbe subject "Let Qs Now Oo Over to Beth-ebem" and in the evening "On Earth Vace and OoodwUl Toward Men." heascnal services with special masle were held at the Catholic' Church where Bishop E. M. Bunoz. assisted by Father P. J. McOrath. offlcUted. Tbe Chrlstun Science Society studied the subject "Christian Science" on Christmas Day. WANTED HELP WANTED. APPLY INLANDER U FOR SALE SexIZ SEINE BOAT AND PACKER, SO lap. heavy oil engine aad first dass troHrr. cost 1 7 AX). IS months atat offered tor thirty dart oaty at IMOO. Mali Sesnc boat. M lLax, aaxfaae S30000. far SO ways oaty. 48 bn heavy m marine or eofine, price ItOO Two 30-1 1. Sabaoa traOers. T lap. aad I n n&. pnee ao aad seuo. it hL 3-cyttader. 4 -cycle Palroaassa- Marse. price tSM. 20 hp. 2-cyteder BuSalo asariae en-ftne sun. 3O0 talhem Sabaoa aetae. M aseah deep, lifted only abort at 1700. Apply J. PMML Baa St. city FOR SALE. A REAL CHRISTMAS SpeeUl. Oerhard Himasman Ptoyer Piano. Seceodaaad at SKWjOO oa terms Walker Maato Saare. tf 1 OR REST.- FOR RENT week or month. Phone Red 807. HOC6E FOR RENT ROOMS A NO BATH. Apply Munro Bras. U FOR RENT. FURNISHED HOUSC Apply 31S Fourth Ave Ess. tf LOST LOST. SMALL OOLD PIN BfTT With pesrte. with Mack .border. Between Government wharf sad riaan Rapert Hotel. Ftnder please retwa to Dally News of&ce. Rt seed. CHIMNEY SWEEP IL 3. rtn.iKr.iia Rearral Handy Mao ru raves and Stoves Cleaned and Re paired. Chlmnlea dwept. Cemetery Plots Cared Po- Phone Red 3U. Prthce RuperL 8C IIOlE rt RNIIIIMI Chesterfield suites. aattes. Barrymore carpets, wmlaut - m. walnut vanity dreswts. floor lamps, upbolstrred cane chairs, beds. blankets, loudfe. raages. hrkk lined neatera. mats linoleum. Treat yourself t a New Tears OUt! . VtKENZIC it RMTI RC Phone 775 EXCHANGE John Dybhavn. Closing remarks Pastor. Benediction. D-strlbuUon of gifts. )''"i-J' oougi.1 sna soia ana exensazca. Player Piano and Two Cash Reglsterr in stock. p.tp.tnort:iri titnts KB Third Ave. rtMme IK Every Day It IMlU.tR nt at THE POU.tR STORE. 25 per cent Discount on an Stamped Ofods Nothing Over a Dollar. IM1M1SION rt'RNITl'RE EXCIIANfiU N. PESOt Rnr.. rroreletar 144 Third Avenue .We Buy. Sell or Exchange anything. Phase Itiark 4tl XMA AM XE1V TEAR 'PEfHU I have only a limited number ot O CM Bicycles and Joyeyclea the rerf thing to make tbe youngster happy for the whole coming year. Prices from 133 to S6QQ0. A small eaab- payment down, balance monthly. . Sea m BetwT SI TOM IttLUVCrR . 31S Fifth SlreeL PhMe Blue ?3 Rabtjl b. M. Pattlnsky of Vaneourrr ler Vsnroeter Tusaaay riaasy as P Saturday- s Xov SO-ss 1 Dee 21 m I rsan Va-Mater anda.r -at , Wednesday Saiurday. w 1 Saturday as p-Nov M as f Dec 17-os Pr Dec SI as V- Ttissday as I'M A)t and !' - Sunday- fi- Wednesday w t lria tnyos and Tbeadcy c- Prtdsy as Pr lac Queen tlurl ROOMS FOR REfiT 8TEAU HEATED. Dee a aa f hot aad eotd water. Apply CM Third Dec 17--a T Avenue, at room between aad 1. j t ree queen c auuioiiw evenlaga. MS, rc i.aa. pr ; . Aparimeala by the Nov as as Pr . Dec 17 Dec Si Om AUsI Nov Dw 31 To To Q High Low arrived In the city from tbe south on. Law Pr.: Pr: Aayov, Alice rrewlev Soadays Artid, Lctud Found, ii STEAMSHIP MOYDIEiU I t ' a ,k a a -3 ' U " h P u u at au la lr Pwrt StatpMHi an4 sm klm- rrota Port MasBea sa Vui tim. ' a.-... a. It, ... . sU MAIL SCHEDULE re IW Et Msswiaya. orroniB lM the Eat Tbesawa. Thuixis dot To Vaoewater TUeadaya . Satardsys CJ-JL Nov SO Df 21 Ttalaa. Moods r Satardsys ... rrei Vsnrwstrr Saadsya Saturdays OJJL Wow . Tralaa. Seadsys. days r i - Arm. ' caul Wednetdsys .. rroa taea. Alice Ana rrraiier TBrwSsys Friday Ta Na River Potiils Saadava rrm Rltft Peiats- Taesday T" Alasji Polals Nov. 36. Dee. 17 snl M rrom Alaaa Potni k-m aa rvc. 21 1 n 1 . la-r the Ta' Msadsya. Wednesdsys St 1130 am. Frew tbe Toesdsja. Thursdsys. at 3.30 pnv rt I u l 01 r. IH .,0.ST, Ol i jo u I it r'H UHSt rtmaber 1 and 1 ' rrma leea TtarMIe !'' Dreeeatxr 1 and 1 CilR. TRAINS TirsntT. J. l 3 45 m IM m M OA n m Htirntv. ncrEMW High- 3B,J" low P-" 10:1S am led a the baptism of the Infant son of ' TBI R"ntV. ntfEMiu-" Mr and Mrs. A. W Upala. IS01 Ora- Big 5 1 a m ham Avenue which took place Tester- ., 16 j Z. " day. and win mum south on the Low Camosun tonight I ' ! I It urflfl el'l r PRINCE RUPERT TIDES,' sit II' -15 4l1 If ' a