Saye Money Boston Grill The cheapest way to buy th Dally H U to subscribe by the year ani'i nave it dtllmtd dally to your addresa. Of course, you n subscribe for honor period, just phone P8 and have Jt delivered talay. f o) XVII., Xo. 302. NAVAI 1 JJLM. f J-gJLi U1PVM A FAVOR BUYING E.D. & B.C. LINE Meeting at Grande Prairie Would Not Insist on Western Outlet j OPPOSE NEW PROVINCE ! ! EDMONTON. Dec. 37. Sale of the RJJ. c ament without atrial." such aa an ' gntion to build a Panne ( " ie was fsvorrd at tne annual eo- - -.Ion ol the Orande Pratrte District f ' TA.. which met recently; according northern newspaper received here. The delegate declared that they wanted f t i an and felt that a rider requiring he pure hater to build a coast outlet t would reurd rather than hasten railway relief for the north country. After full discussion of the railway r pr Jjlem. Uw delegates passed the fol lowing resolution: Wheress. we believe that the railway C - 'llcpment of the Peace Elver country should be dote by the Dominion government, and OI'TLET AMI EXTENSIONS "Whereas the obligation to Incur a large expenditure on an outlet and extensions might Indefinitely deter the Dominion government from spending a smaller amount In buying the present III, and "Whereav we believe that ownership bj the Dominion of the present line would hasten railway development In this country, therefore, be It "itasolved. that we do .not Insist ott the coupling ol an obligation to build cast outlet with any deal to sell the CD. & B.C. Railway to the Do minion government." Formation of ft new province o? Peace River was frowned upon by the delegates, who after considerable dis cussion, passed the following resolution "Whereas considerable ha been said and written re the formation of a new jrovlnce of Peace River: bo It "Resolved that this district U-F-A convention place Itself on record as being opposed to the Idea." COASTWISE CO. OBTAINS BOATS El Abeto, El Cedro, and El Cicuto hold to Griffiths Griffco is Going to Honolulu fcapi. James Orllflths of Seattle, head ol the Coastwise Steamship & Barge Vo.. announces that he has purchaiod the ateamera El Abeto. El Cedro and El Cl-cuta from the Los Angele Lumbtr Products Co. and will place them In the ore carrying service between Stewart and Anyox and Tacoma. The three vessels. which for.oaie years were engafied in carrying lumber and logaDtween Mas sett Inlet fand Seaitje Vtdilt lean porta, are now being drydocked In Los Angciea before" being turned over to the Coastwise Company to enter service on the British Columbia coat. Capt. Ortfflths also announces the sale bv the Coaitwlae Steamship & Barge Co. of the steamer Griffco. long in service on thla coast, to the Inter-Island Steam Navigation Co. of Honolulu. The Orlf fco ' will leave Puget Sound almost Immedlstely for Honolulu to enter the Hawaiian lnter-lsland service. Advertise In The Dally News y ' . j AT rTkATrraara tv. Canada to Begin Construction of Naval Ships it Is Announced and Secure Destroyers from Britain OTTAWA, December 27. The first intimation for years past hat any Dominion government was interested in naval defence was gven today when It was announced that the government would ask t arliament at its forthcoming session to grant authority for the conduct on of two new destroyers to replace the Patriot, now operated on the Atlantic coast, and the Patrician on the Pacific, both of which isels are wholly obsolete and useless either for actual warfare or or training purposes. The4e vessels will be sold. To enable the naval department to carry on until the new wwli arc ready, tot government h iat6t arrangements with the British government to secure ttie destroyers Tor Bay and Toreador from the Admiralty. These boat will be reconditioned-at Porttrioutfc and it Is planned to nave them arrive In Canada In March, on gelng to Halifax and the other to Esquimau. Construction of tie tint of the new destroyers win commence Immediately. j II Kit W E TO OCT PERMISSION TO l!K IM'OltlOltATI.I TERRACE Dee itfH. IlaHj; well, secretary of the Terrace Bsard of, has received a wire from Victoria seating that I an wder-tn-couaeil would be passed next Tuesday authorizing : K Incorporation of the town of Terraee! A petition, signed by a large number of residents of Terrsce and askuut for Incorporation was sent in to the government early in September. CASUALTIES ATVANCQUVER Two Deaths and Two Had Injuries IJeported Durinir Christmas Holiday VANCOUVER. Dec. 27. James Slm-monds. 84 years of age collapsed yesterday In a lMal theatre and died almost instantly. The b3dy of J. M. Miller was found in hi room ln a incal hotel Christmas Day, death being due to natural causes. Bisks Bnitlller was seriously Injured when he was struck by an auto on Main -and Hastings Streets and Mrs. T. Ptgllo wa badly hurt when struck on Sixth Avenue West. HALIBUT FISHERMEN ELECTING OFFICERS Voting for Agents at Prliier Rupert, Seattle and Krtrlilkan In Progress Today In Prince Rupert, Ketchikan and Seattle members of the Deep Sea Fish ermen's Union are today voting lor agents at the respective points. The poll opened here at 10 o'clock: thla morning and wlu close this evening at s F.lnar Larsen Is In charge of the Prince Rupert voting as Judge, hi as alstants being Oeorge Anderson and P. O. Petersen, clerks, and Arthur Caraven and Rsbert Hanna, tellers. The candidates are: For Secretary P. B. GUI (Seattle). For Aeent (Prince Rupert J. H. Meachrr and J. M. Morrison. For Agent (ilHY6()3 Stmers. Archie Teal and Ole WaneBO. For Agent (Seattle! Roderick Mc Donald and Pete Swanson. CHINESE PIRATES LOOT FRENCH SHIP SHANGHAI. Dec. 27 Advices received from Ichans report the looting of 'the French steamer 8uheng by pirates, many of the passengers being killed or wounded Northern and m TO MORE GRAIN TO COME WEST AS RESULT STORMS Suggested That Steamers Ply on Great Lakes, Too l.ate in Sea-boil and This May be WINNIPEO. Dec. 27. The overwhelming financial lost to the grain lake fleet Is turning financial attention more duectly to the western grain route. More thai two mllllan dollars will have to be paid for Insurance loves on the beats yiat went dawn or are tied up frv tVtm a tin tYiM I V . .wltH th1i z-jr until next spring. Msst cl tbU insurance is carried In Montreal, Toronto and Londan. Comment Is that the date of cutting of! grain lake Insurance will In future; be Nsvember 20 Instead ct December 5 that scored.1 Lloyd's agents are pointing out that the ' 'jrala'tcxporlafA! &VsuUKlnV' tfy can more readily to but via the all year Pacific port. If fifteen days are :ut off the" lake movement in the fall it will add tlilrty million bushels to the total that the western grain route will annually handle In future, the trade-: at Winnipeg points cut. j Many exporters believe the disaster' of this winter's traffic on the lake, marks the end of the frantlb rush of shippers St get one lat trip down the ' lakes, and Vancouver Is In a position' to help the changing grain route with out hardships being lmpcsed on the ex port trade In grain. v BERT BARRY IS CHAMPION Heat Major Good sell in Sculling Match at Vancouver Yesterday V.JNfOlVEK, lec. 27 llert Harry wuii the world rliaiupionslilp smiling lltle Jet-terday by defeat In; .Major CiWHlrll by sU length In a nice on Ilurrard Inlet. ;Mlell never had a cliaiK-e. lurry 'got (lie Jump at the (.tart and Ha never liradrd and althnuth Cloolieli ronrd hard for the first mile and a half, the Englishman always had the necessary reserve of Mwrr to hold him off. The EnglixlinianV style of rowing and stamina wa a great surprise to those Hhu witnessed the Labor lay fare. It was obviou that ',imkI-sell was far from tit, while Harry, In excellent ronUllloii at the flnl-h. .Major (IoikIm-II, aftrr lonsmtulat-Ing llarry, rollaseil, and had to be attended by physician. llarry will likely meet tSoodsell on I he Thame in a return match. On Saturday Lou ISarry. brother of I let I llarry, defeated Arthur Caer, Pacific roast sculling champion, by six length over a mile and a quarter course on Ilurrard Inlet. Ills time was seten minutes 45 second. BODY OF GIRL WAS - FOUND AT TORONTO 'hi : TORONTO. Dec. 27. In an '. Ice 'encrusted stream in a little ravine less than a mile from her home the frozen body was found yesterday of Florence Oostello. thirteen years of age. She had been missing from home twelve days, IIOCKEV SCORES Americans a, Montreal 4. Toronto 1. Ottawa 1. Canadtens 2, Pittsburg 3. PRINCE RUPERT Central British Columbia's Newspaper miNCE. RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1927 BE BUILT BY CANADA nrrrnnnn nr r rc a xmri THE GREAT GLACIER near Glacier, B.C., with its yawning yrevices that make its exploration a jaunt not to he undertaken without roies and guides Rome Shaken by m FissmerOpehed in Ground in Populous Part of the City ROME, December 27. Rome was shaken Monday by an earthquake of unusual violence lasting for four minutes. A fissure opened up in a populous quarter cf the city and the ceilings of several houses fell,, the cornice of a church was broken jff, injuring a priest, ahd the tremors were distinctly felt at the Vatican. Fissures also opened in the ground twenty miles away at Roccadipapa district and at Villetri. Farmers of Peace Favor Extension of P.G.E. to That District VANCOUVER, December 27. Farmers of the Peace River district are anxious to havg an outlet for their products to the Pacific coast, but they do not favor extension of the Pacific Great Eastern Railway, according to Herman Trelle of Wembley, grower of champion wheat and oats. Mr. Trelle spent Christmas jn Vancouver with his wife and children and is registered at Hotel Georgia. "We are afraid that if the P.G.E. is extended into the Peace River country our products will have to pay the losses which have accumulated during the past ten years," he said. If the British Columbia governments; - ,, wishes to build a rallwa7 Into Peace River area. It will have to take quick action, Mr. Trelle declared, because there are several proposals well under way. "An outlet to the Pacific coasS Is badly needed," he added, 'and many of us would like to have a connection, with Vancouver. It 1 doubtful, however. whether it will materialize. Mr. Trelle believes, that the E D. it B.C. Railway should . be nationalized rather than turned over to private operators It It ts to be of real value to the Peace River district. TRAIN TIIIICE HOI KS LATE Owing to heavy drifts blown Into the cuts around Kwlnitsa as a result of a strong winds blowing down the Skeena River, thla afternoon's train, due from t lie East at 330, is estimated by -rail-, way offices to be three hours latco A I It PLANE IS LOSTi NEW YORK, Dec. 27. No word has been received In legard to the seaplane Dawn which left here for Newfoundland Saturday. John Clapperton returned to Prince Oeorge on yesterday morning's train after having come to the city to attend the funeral of his mother, the late Mrs. Alex Clapperton, on Saturday. Advertise In The Dally News 1 Earthquake; River Do Not But Other Outlet URGE NATIONAL TO TAKE OVER PEACE RAILWAY OTTAWA, Dec. 27.-That the Edmon ton and Dunvegan raUway now oner a ted as wel" as owned by the Alberta government and extending Into the Peace River country should be . taken over by the government and absorbed Into the Canadian National Is .being advocated by an Edmonton delegation here consisting of Kenny Blatchford, M.Pj L. A. Xllroux, ML.Au Col. Mac Leod and William Howson. They met the Prtne nUolsfer .and Messrs. Dun WUffltorVr'AA .others. Vm14JtWs XrnUIj) 4ner lease to inc lanaaian rccinc. and tears the sx pressed that, as the Alberta government would gladly part with the road, the Canadian Pacific may acquire It and abut out the Canadian National. The delegation was promised that the matter la one which, along with pro positions for the acquisition of other subsidiary line, will be fully considered HASKETI1ALL The basketball scores last night at Anyox were: Prince Rupert, 47; Anyox, 48. Hickman Confesses to Killing of Girl and Tells How Was Done I,OS ANGELES, December 27. William E. Hickman, aboard the train enroute to Los Angeles, made a complete confession of the killing of twelve-year-old Marian Parker of this city, after he had kidnapped her. In the story given to Los Angeles officers,, Hickman Is said to have admitted that he first strangled the girl to death and then dismembered her body. The detailed confession was given to IS District Attorney Asa Keyes and police officers. Hickman said his motive was to get the $1,500 In order to go to 'Allege. He had no accomplice but killed the girl by strangling - her with a towel. He knotted It about her threat and pulled tightly before she becsme unconscious. Then he took peckst kulfe and cut a b-.e in her threat, then cut off each arm at the elbjw aid the tegs at the knees and put the limbs In a cabinet. The confessed murderer said be cut up the' body In his rocm in the be He view Arms -spsr.ment. Then he removed the clothing ard cut the bady through av the waist, put tt in a shell in the dressing room and placed a towel In the bdy to drain the blood,. Hi embed back the hair: powdered ithe face and then with a needle fixed tu eyelids. .He did this because he real teed that he would lose the reward It bi dlu not ' have the body to produce, t ber father. After the killing be went to the thea , tre, .returned and took all parts of the body and placed them In the car. He disposed of the limbs in Elustan Park where they were found. Then he took the torso In a suitcase and later sold It to the father for the 1.500 which he had demanded. Later Hickman went to the theatre and then bold up a man. took bis car and drove all night to San Francisco. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL YESTERDAY'S OAMES EM1LISII LEAOIE IllvUloii I. Birmingham 1. Sunderland 1.' BDlton 4, Tottenham 1. Bury 4, Portsmouth 0. Derby 5. Aston Villa 0., Everton 2, Cardiff I. Huddersfleld 1. Wednesday 0. Leicester 8, 'Burnley 0. . Manchester United 1. Blackburn 1; M'ddlesboro 1. Newcastle 1. Sheffield 1. West Ham 2. Arsenal-Liverpool postponed. ItlvMon II. Barnsley 0. Manchester City 3. Blackpool 3. Reading 1. Bristol 3, Southampton 0. Grimsby 1. Chelsea 1. Notts Forest 3, Wolverhampton 2. Pert Vale 1. Leeds United 2. Preston 4, Swansea 2. West Brsmwich 2, Notts County 2. Clapton-Oldham and Fulham-Hun City postponed. TOIIAVH OAMES EM1LISII I KAtil K l)l. I. Aiiton Villa 0. Derby County 1. Burnley 5, Leicester I.'. Cardiff 2, Everton 0. t Liverpool 0. Arsenal 2. . Newcastle 3, Mlddlesboro 3. Portsmouth 1, Bury 0. The Wednesday 0. Huddersfleld I. Tottenham-Bolton postponed. West Ham 1. Sheffield 1. llhMon II. Chelrea-Ortmsby postponed. Hull. City 3, Fulham 2 Leeds 3, Port Val 0. Notts County 3, West Bromwlch 0, Oldham 5, Clapton 0. ' Reading 1. Blackpool 0. Southampton 3, Bristol City 2.' " .Stoke City 3, South Shields 1. Swansea 0, Preston 1. Wolverhampton 1. Notts Forest 0. bodyoIwoIan" FOUND ON HIGHWAY NEARL0S ANGELES LOS ANGELES, Dec 27. The body of a woman sewed In a sack was found yesterday on Mountain Highway opposite the town of 8at Frenado, near here. Apparently the body had been tossed from an auto. Advertise lit The DaUy Ntwa Urge Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least. Phone 47 Price Five ('-eni rc rim nrriniirnn IULU MiURla YUKONTODAY Over Fifty Helow Zero at Dqwnon and Other Points but Warmer in II. C Another cold snap has struck the territory, the thermometer at Dawson dropping to 51 below rero, according to the morning- report of the Government Telegraphs. Whltehorao .. Jxowed 43 below and Stewart River 54. In British Columbia Vie weather has in moAfrste vrtth--jserpr-etierat Smltbers and 23 above at Terrace. Heavy. . snow has lallen along the Skeena River. The detaUed report folljws: Port Simpson Light northerly wind, temp. 34. Uiyrpcrt Llut wind, one foot of new snow yesterday, temp. 84. Hazeltoa Clear, east wind, temp. 16. Smlthers Cloudy, windy, temp, tsero Burns Lake Snawlng, calm. temp. S. Telegraph Creek Clear, calm, temp. 8 below. Steyart Clear, calm. temp. 28. Anyox Partly cloudy, calm. temp. 30. Alice Arm Cloudy, calm. temp. SO. Alyansh Cloudy, calm. temp. 25. -Roaswood Cloudy windy, ;tmp. 26. Terrace Cloudy, north wind, temp. 23. v Whltehorse Clear, calm, temp. 43 be-f low. Stewart River Clear, calm. temp. 54 below. . Dawson Foggy, north wind, temp. 51 below. OHIOMARUIS Seventh Grain Ship of Season Expected to Sail With "Full Cargo for U.K.-Contlnent Tomorrow Loading of the Japanese freighter Ohio Mam with a full cargo for the United Kingdom or Continent is proceeding today at the Alberta Wheat Tool's Prince Rupert elevator and It 14. expected to get this, the -seventh great boat' of the season at thla port,- aiay tomorrow morning. Instructions are being awaited pending the commencement of , loading of the Swedish freighter Bydland ', which has been on berth at the elevator since Friday last. ; Elevator offices had nor further charters to announce up to early 'this afternoon. Railway offices this morning reported the arrival of 120 carloads since Tuesday noon from the prairies. About 200 can are on the division today bound here. DALHOUSIE IS TiEDU. OF B.C. Rugby Game Yesterday Between Two UnlversitieH Goes Three to Three VANCOUVER, Dec. 27. . Oalhousle University of Halifas and the Untverefty of BC played a three all tie here Mon-djy in an English rugby Match at the) Brockton Point grounds.