f AGE SIX Carefully Sorted THE family bundle is Immediately sorted in our plant into its different fabrics and colorings. In this way we are able to use the proper wash room formula for each kind of material in your washing. Possibly this is one of the main reasons why laundry washed clothes last lon Cfr. The LAUNDRY Does it best .Canadian Laundry and Dry Cleaners Phone 8 Fishermen Before buying your next engine, rome and see us about The Gardner Semi-Diesel Engine the most satisfactory on the market. Governor has control at all speeds, making it most suitable for halibut 1 boats. Sizes 12. h.p. to 300 j h.p. The Acadia Gas Engine 1 the most modern designed j and best built 4 ejele engine ' in Canada. Size from G-8 ' h.p; to 40 h.p. iXedium and ' heavy duty. - Ward Electric i AND MARINE SUPPLY CO. 1 t'tinr.. CCA f T I nunc you tUW Hay Prince Rupert, B.C. Last : Minute SPECIALS Orange and Lemon Peel, per lb 5 Citron Peel, per lb 45 Mixed Cut Peel, per lb. 3o Mixed Nuts, per lb. .... 25 Mixed Candies, 3 lbs, for 8."j Boxes of.Chocolates, per box, from ."50c to $3.00 St. Ivel Plum Puddings, assorted sizes, at attractive prices. v . We ta1te pleasure fin extending our'nbest"wrs)ies to our many patrons for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Mussallem Grocery COMPANY, LTD. 417-423 Fifth Ave. East Phone 18 and Phone 84 Prince Rupert, B.C. SALVATION ARMY DID j MUCHREUEF WORK On llundml Men Krd and Tarit Ilamprrt ItUtrlbuted at t'hrhtiuas Commandant Grateful for j Help Capt 8tobart, local commandant of th Saltation Amy. report that spfenl did response waa made bj tb nubile I generally In the matter of the' Moot Christmas Cheer fund. In the treet pou about 1140 waa taken which, with other donation, brought the total up to aome 1 170. Capt 6tobart expresses hli gratitude- to the public particularly to the Big Bay Lumber Co.. which made a generoua caah contribution. 8. E. Parker, who loaned a car tor aereral ' daya for delivery purpose; P. Burn St Co.. which donated twelve chicken j Rupert Table Supply. Jug and gTOCe: -lea; T. O. Dawson, Ltd, tack or pora- tce and eight boxes of tangerine: and the Swift-Canadian Co which present-, ed a quarter of beet. The Army aerred aome 100 meal to the unemployed and also the prisoners In Jail and distributed about a dozen hampers containing foodstuffs, toy and clothes. ' FUNERAL SERICE FOR JOHN FRASER ! CONDUCTED TODAY; Friend of deceased and his family gathered this afternoon at the chapel of the B.C. Undertaker to pay their last respect to the memory -! the late 'ohn M. Fraaer. father of H. C. Prater. inspector of schools. Rev. J. R. FrlzeU, pastor of First Presbyterian Church, officiated at a simple senrlce In the course of which the hymns were "O Ood. Our Help In Ages Past" and "I to the Hills Uft up Mine Eyes." Pall-bearera were Thomas McClymont, Jarvls Mcleod, James M. Campbell, J. L. Christie. Alex Finnic and R E. Allen. By request, there were no flowers. This evening on the Camosun. ac companied by the son. the remains will be forwarded to Vancouver where Interment will be made. Advertise In The Dall? News Are You a Good Guesser? A ,BOX OF CHOCOLATES FREE Every day from now until Christ mas. Come in and do your guessing! Cash and Carry Grocery Corner Fulton Street and Sixth Avenue SAVE THE CENTS Granulated Sugar, 10 lbs. for T.lf Canned Milk, talis, per tin . . 110 Smyrna Figs, in bulk, per lb. 12( Hallowi Dates, in bulk, per lb. 110 Seedless Raisins, in bulk, per lb. l.le 25 lb. box, for' 82.00 Cluster Raisins, 25c size ... J Mixed Nuts, po peanuts, 2 lbs. for 49c? New Dry Prunes. 4 lbs. for 20 c" Comb Honey, each '2i)i Arrowroot Biscuits, 1 lb. pkge. 4',itf Lemon and Orange Peel, per lb. 21) ( Cowan's Cocoa. 1 lb. tin -12 Rolled Oats, in bulk, 5. lbs. for 29f Capitol Butter Bricks -l."e Capitol Butter, 14 lb. box . . $0.17 E.C.D. Butter Bricfts 4t E.C.D. Butter iji 14 lb, box S0.7 fresh Ground 'iTotfee, per lb. 40c-Special Blend Cijfron Tea. per lb. Pastry Flour. J Roya! Hosehold 0 i ML . . ' Fjftur, r s . . ..... i)7 49 lb. sack . . i . ."SZI-A!! Hovis, Peerless 'cd Ginger -breaM Cookies, 20ejfJes for 14 r? Corn Flakes, pkge U)f Shredded Wheat, pkge 1:$ Puffed Wheat, pkge 14r Health Bran, pkge 2lf China Oats, ukire Mii- jLibby's Saurkraut, large tin . 100 Libby's Dili Pickles, large tin 20 Llbby s Asparagus Tips, large tin 2!p Libby's Catsup, bottles 210 lieinz Tomato Soup, per tin 12 Heinz Pork and Beans, per tin 12 Heinz Catsup, bottles 29 Pullet Eggs, strictly fresh, dozen ' 50 f) Large. Extras, strictly fresh, per . dozen ' Circle S Picnic Hams, per lb. 2l Old Ginger Wine and Old Port, regular 50c bottles for . . 300 Christmas Candy, per lb 210 Mixed Satins, per lb 390 cranberries, per lb 200 Orders of $3.00 or over delivered Free Phone - 301 laflamX BSSS HEBREW CEREMONY PERFORMED HERt Vancouver lubbl Officiated Yesterday at Ciirumrlslon of Infant Son of Mr. and Mrs. A. IV. Llpsln The first ceremony of It kind evei to be held In Prince. Rupert, clrcum- iclslon rites for Edwin Llpsln. Infant lean of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Llpsln. 1605 j Graham Avenue, were conducted at 11 o'clock yesterday morning In the Prince Rupert General Hospital by Rev.. N. M. ' Pastlnsky, rabbi of Vancouver. The godparent were Mr. and Mrs. Ben Llpsln uicle and aunt of the child, while :.eclal honors for the occasion, were -Ome by William Goldbloom, A. J. lebmind and Mies Anita Llpsln. Also trending the ceremony were Dr. J. A. Vest and Miss Anne Caste!!. R.N. and l:ss Winnie Dlbb of the hospital staff. LOCAL HIGH SCHOOL BASXETBALLERS OFF FOR ANYOX SERIES With Ralph Bmltb in charge of the party and Ernie Ratchford a rooter the Prince Rupert High School basketball team left Sunday night on the Camosun tor Anyox where ' the lnter- school basketball series wUl be opened The first game at Anyox waa played last night and the second will takt place tomorrow evening. The loca' player will return to . town on the Prince Rupert Friday morning accompanied by the Anyox aggregation ,1a? the continuation of the series here at the end cf the week with Ocean' Falls also participating. The local team going north includes Bob Irvine, Brirwon Hunt. Harold Mac-danald. Joe Scott, Danny Morrison ani Allan Cross. ui nsimas m uggest Christmas Stockings from 50 to $."5.00 Christmas Crackers and Bon Bons from ...... 250 to $1.50 box Christmas Chocolates, from .... .... ?)& to S7.50 box Ginger Wine, Old Port and Somoro Canada Dry Ginger Ale, per box Fancy Tea in fancy canisters. .t each $1.00 AH Nuts, including Chestnuts and Pecans. Figs and Dates and Cherries and Cluster Raisins. All Peels, including Pineapple. Jap Oranges and New Navels just arrived. THIS WEEK'S SPECIAIJ Dates in packages, reg. 25c, sUing i package Almond for & s for ,-...W,2A3f. Icing, 50c.packaKes;'3Mrjr All our Candy must be soliiyso ask us to give you a special price on any of the Fancy Boxen, Ga nongs and Pattersons. B.C. Butchers & Grams Limited Phones 45 and 574 " .TH? DAILY. NEWS 'S2 NOTE: If yo take YEAST for your HEALTH, use Royal Yeait Cakes. Write for FREE BOOKLET. "ROYAL YEAST FOR BETTER HEALTH-. MLILS AKE IMVOKEO Where teals are plentiful the Eskimos it the Cauadlan Arctic are not greatly concerned about walrus, white whale, or narwhal. Owing to their great size, however, -the latter animals can be made to supply large quantltle of meat for winter use. while' the skins of ;he white whale and the narwhal are considered a delicacy and often form the 'piece. de resistance" In Eskimo tospltallty. OVUM - HAH mim;i;st talc DEPOSITS The talc deposit In the Madoc dis trict, Ontario, are' the only onea of their kind known in Canada and are the largest on the American continent. n-ey yield a fine? white, foliated talc and this product U used extenslrely In the paper, textile, and toilet powder trades, for which, only the highest grades of talc are In demand. fti ii.ii ii.i ii Market Prices Today'a price on the local market are a follows: , I.AKD tire an Compound . 23c man B.C. fresh pullet 65c B.C. fresh, first 70c B.C. fresh, extra 754 Local new laid 80c B.C. atorage, firsts 50c 11" II Halibut, lb v.... 23 Salmon, red spring 33 Salmon, white spring, lb 15c Smoked kippers, lb. 15c Kippered salmon, lb 25c Smoked black cod, lb. a.... 20c Finnan baddies, lb. '. ; 25c MEATS Fowl. No. 1. lb. 38c and 40c Roasting chicken, lb 45c Ham. sliced, first grade 55c Ham, whole, first grade 42c Ham, picnic, lb. 25c Cottage rolls, lb...,. 32c Bacon, back, sliced' 50c Bacon, aide 50c to 60c Pork, dry salt ...ft; 35c Ayrshire bacon, lbjf 35e Veal, shoulder ,.K 25c Veal, loin JL. 40c Veal, leg ........ 3. 35r Pork, houlder ...jt... 28c Pork, loin S...... 40c Pdrk, leg k ., S5c Beef, pot roast 12J4c to 18c Beef, boUIng .. . . rt;....,..10c to 15c Beef. teak 25c to 40c Beef jroast, prime rib. 30c Lamb, chops j'.'. 60c Lamb, shoulder ...,,jf. . 85c Mutton, leg .' 40c lamb, leg 48c Mutton, chop ..stiii, 40e Mutton (houlder . .i...,f . 30c BITTER Brpokfleld. Shamrock . and Woodland. lb .?,.:..., 50c E.CJJ.. lb. ...JL..,.. 50c Capitol. 2nd gradeflbt ........... 45c Fraser Valley, lb. .jr, ,..;.,. ...... 60c New Zealand, In bulk 47; prints 50c Rosedale Creamery......, 45c Alberta Creamery i 42J4c ko. l Dairy v. ...... ...... 37tfc CIIEKSK Cmembert cheesej8 oz. pkg. i 65c' Kraft Llmberger, it 35d Ontario solids . . 35(f BtUlon, lb. ..lii.'.i 4ii Kraft ...... ........ 45c Norwegian Ooat .,;...,.'.,!..... 65c Napoleon Llmberger ............ 70c Roquefort 75c Swift' Brookfleld, lb.V 45c dorgo'nzola, lb. t. 75c McLaren's Cream, Jar ... 45c and 85c Brookfleld Swiss cheese. J4 lb. pkg. 30c Brookfleld Canadian cheese, ft lb. pkg, 25c Oruyere d 45c Oolden Loaf, lb. 45c Jack, lb. ........ ,., 50o Romano Serdo. tb. '..,.. Oammeloat. lb. 30c KinaR I White, per 100 TeUow. per 100 1.75 rTour. , No. 1 hard wheat M.7S Pastry flow. I0"a ... 4e Pastry flour. t MP0 v eg eta hits . BeUK & lb. for j ale , Beetar aack :WJM' "tiarroU'. new. 6 lb, for 33c fjarrota. sail .T.S!?..1:V...'."....a3. Kew Potato,' lba. 3Sc, Sack IX33j Green peppers, lb. a lb 33c Parsley, bunch 10o( Cauliflower. BC head .iSc. S3 and 40c; BC. head lettuce 15c and 30r, Clarila. Imported, per lb. 40c Qreen onkina. dwn bunches . .. 35c I Spanish .pnlena. 3 lbs. 33e 'Leeks, bunch Kew BC. Cabbage. S lb. Cooking onions. A lb. for rnuiT Orange. Valencia, dozen,, l-emoni. SunkUt, dozen . . Imperial Valley Grapefruit Extracted honey, lb. . Extracted honey, lb. . Red grape. K Date, hulk, a lbs. for Citron peel Black cooking tig. White fig. 2 lb. . Currant. 3 lbs. . Prunes. 3 lb. .... '"'Jan. . ." V ' 'Jam '20 Feb. 3 lb IOC' ' Celery, head 15c sal 30c, Hothouse tomatoes, lb. .... . 339 ! Spinach, local. "3 lb. 33a ; "CI ........ aaej 40c" to 11.00. 50c and 80c I .. l.foriSJei Florida grapefruit 3 for Z5c Banana. 2 lb. '.. JSe 3SC 24: Ralslna, bulk, per lb 16c Vegetable marrow, lb 0? New pomegranate ISc Sweet Potatoes, lb 10v Kew pomegranates three for ty Pumpkin Be California layer figs, per brick 20 California Dainty Date, package . . 24c Winter Pears. dAnJou. per box . . 14.50 Per doren 40c, 50c. and 60c Jonathan apples. Jumble pack.... 3.3J "C garde 12.24 Fancy .. $3M Extra fancy 13 25 Spltrenbergs. CT grade.. 13X10 Fancy $3J3 Extra fancy 1340 Delicious, fancy ... t30 Extra fancy t3.T3 Rome Beauties, fancy '. 13.00 ! Extra fancy 3 60 Northern Epic 12,73 Jap Oranxe. per box IIjOO Navel wanges 40c t $1.00 DRIED t'KtlTS Dates, bulk l&c Dates. Dromedary w..,,. ...... 2&e RaUin. bulk. 3 lb, for lie RaUln. package. 2 for', 33c Cluster raisins, lb. ..-ui .. 34e Lemon and orange pert 30c 60q 35c 25c 35c 2JC Apple y 25c I Peacrm. peeled ......... . . 35e j Apricots, lb 40s prune, do-ioo. 3 lb 2Se 25 lb. box ,.lt, , ;.. $2.00 Prunes. 00-70, 'lb 10c Prune, 30-40 and. 40-50. lb 15c 25 lb. box . .7.'.' 2.73 Evaporated pean,. halye. lb 25e 23 lb. box 13.25 Nt'TS Almond, ihelled Valencia 74c Brazil , 3Sc ' Walnut, broken helled . . rt ...... . 50c ! Walnuta. shelled halrc ., ee Almonds 35c Peanut 24c Uanchurlan walnut 25c California walnut" 50c So. 1 mixed nut 35c New filbert JSe IXED 10O lb. Wheat. No. 5 , 13 M Oat j.7o Bran -.. $2.00 Shorts .y,;.. $2.10 Middlings t $2.50 Barley $2.73 Poultry math , , $350 Special eggmash 3.60 Oyster ahell $250 Scratch food , $3.20 Beef crap $3.00 Ground oil cake , $453' Baby chick feed $4.25 Fine oat chop '.. $2.93 Crushed oata $35 Pine bsrley chop $300 Whole corn $3 30 Cracked corn $3.30 Fin cornmeal t32H SAILINGS XO EUROPE MAKg RESERVATIONS NOW FROM SAINT JOHN To llelfaxt, Liverpool J,an- 13 Montcalm ia"- 2JA Mlnnedoaa fD- 10 Metagama tar-,a Montclare I'M To, Liverpool only V Mellta Jfb.-'4 Mlnnedoaa Montrose To llierboutg-Koutlumpton.Antwerp M" . Montnalrn Mr- l Metagama Apply a ArtnM evtrywlitre or J. J. FORSTEfe, CP.R. StaUon, ViDcoutr. Telephone Seymour 2(10 Montrose ... Meuta Montclare Our January Clearance gj aalaafl Starts January 9, 1928 Watch for Our Advertisement FRASER & PAYNE Universal Trading Co. WESTHOLME THEATRE TUESDAY ONLY, 7 and 9 p.m. KEN MAYNARD - In "The Red Raiders" ANN DHEW, PAUL IIUKST, JAI McfiOWAN, TOM DAY CHIEF YOWIwCIIE. and others .MERMAID COMEDY "SUKE CURE." TUXEDO COMEDY "LIVE NEWS" Admission "DEME 35c and 10c Clearance SALE GREATER BARGAINS THAN EVER COATS DRESSES HATS Hosiery and Lingerie Canadian National ,, Steamships Co. Limited i i Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD A' OpratlnK G.T.l. 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Dock EnJneer8. Machinists, Rollermakers, jlJlacksmitliH. Faltrrn makers Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. cOur plant is equipped tohamllll kifids ..f r, 1 MARINE AND COMMpRCI AIT WORft ' PHONES 43 ani 385 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sailings from Prlnre Itopert. toIst. or VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. Swam on lr. r,c- T0"M,"', For Vancouver, victobia, nnteJaie. Alert uay. 8hi"r.d."' ayo'x. lor PORT SIMPSON, NAAS RIVER POINTS, ALICE ARM. STEWART. Wales Island, Sunday, S p.m. rwl .,. n.c IM 2nd Atenne. ttl M. SMITH. Affnt. IhefkeS nr Throiuh tukets sold to Victoria and Seattle, and bateaje iiirougn to destination.