PAOE TWO TH2 .DAILY .NBTCS t -r Quick Relief from Croup alio Coughs and Colds quickly checked by using Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed & Turpentine Mrs. Robert Watson. Port WlUum, Kmc Co., N. S., writea: rhiMm hST never had S ceM. Ai the first symptom. I simply ivc ttiMB Tp ('Ium'i linseed & "I mmUw Dr. Cfca'e Us! TurpmdsW awl tKe treuUe dU-'tf & Twpeaittae tnw most valuable appears usjuickly as it caae." tfcssr tire hons. It a my As a prontpt rt4if fsr ceughj, bey Ieate rhf wfccn a bad cold, rrsup, broaeMtU, sere croup. New for thre winWra the tfcroat, etc., you can depeed on DR. CHASE'S Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine The Daily News PKINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Brary Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince ftupert Daily News. Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN - - - Managing lidHor. SUHSCKUTION KATSS: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month .75 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year , $A.0) To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.30 Transient Display Advertising, per inch per insertion $1.40 Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch $2.80 Local Readers, per insertion per line .26 Classified Advertising, per insertion per word .2 Legal Notices, each insertion per agate line 16 Contract Rates on Application Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Editor and Reporter Telephone - 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Monday, Dec. 12, 1927 POKTLAN1) CANAL MINING Probably a xroat many people do not dealise what is going on right at their doors in the matter of mining. We have tried to record some of the progress made at Portland Canal but it is difficult to tell it all. We have mentioned the advent of the Consolidated Mining and Smelting Co. recently as well as two big eastern Canadian com panies, one from Quebec and the other Ontario. Then on Saturday; we were ame to aaa to mi me saie or properties on aaimon niver to the Whitney interests, the people who recently completed the deal for the celebrated Flin Flon mine of northern Manitoba. With these new companies operating and Uu- Premier people extending their operation, the whole mining aspect takes on a different tint Tra gress of a most marked kind is bound-to fellow. TnM eosnpantas do not go into a district and put up a lot of money unless they are pretty well assured that there is at least a good product of getting results. They are operating rather than prospecting companies. Next summer it seems likely -that Portland Canal fame will spread a great deal. Financial papers are already giving a great deal of space to its possibilities but that is as nothing compared with what is likely to happen. Soe years ago Portland Canal experienced a boom but at that time hardly any work had been done there and very soon the flurry passed, leaving the place in worse condition than when it began. Everybody went away because there was nothing left for them to do. The niiitef had been discredited and investors were disgusted. Not one mine appeared as a result of the number of companies into which ptwa)e ant their money. Today all that is changed. A few faithful people remained and dug deeper into the hills, eventually discovering the famous Premier mine tttiieh is still operating and paying good dividends. Others have steadily devoloped properties until it is new a certainty that a number of operating mines will add to the wealth of the country. Portland Canal is certainjy on the verge of a great move-mer4 and, the ffhole province will benefit. READY FOR CHRISTMAS MoAt people are getting ready for Christmas. They are' preparing either to entertain friendn or to be entertained. There is a big time ahead for them. But there are always a few who do not come within that category. They may be new arrivals or they may not, bat there is a reason why they cannot enjoy Christmas as well as they ought. Just a few are out of funds and to them Christmas is a mockery. It is quite unnecessary for us to remind Prince Rupert people of the condition. It always exists. Also Prinee Rupert people are usually on the lookout to see that everybody has good time at Christmas. We mention it only on the chance that someone may possibly boveverlooked and that would be a tragedy. While we enjoy onrseraS let us try to make those around us haotrv. Christmaa is essentially a day for the practice of hospitality and it is to tie hoped that everyone who i homeles or for other reasons unable to spend the holiday in the traditional manner, will be included in some family circle. SALMON FISHERMEN TO MEET It is to be hoped that the salmon fishermen have thoroughly discussed the proposals made by the tanners so that they may be able to give a very clear answer to the director of fisheries at the meet ing which if to be held tonight. Much depends upon the result of that gathering as it will have Nime influence on all other meetings to be held to discuss the same ouestion. We have not been informed whether the director will expect to have an alternative proposal if the plan of the canners is turned down. AH'we suggest is that all fishermen who are in the city at tend that meeting. The ideal inside overcoat Keeps you warm and healthy Packed with energy-high in calories Delicious anyway- any meal WiJ-K AT TIICATIIK. 4. MwnUi Dolors Costello to -The TJtiCd 4- "Kraay Kt" coawady lx 4 -The aortas" International Wows. J "Ben 1 4 Ccnedy -Was Hash - Hcdg Fadap "A Mst-favrouad 4 Thw1 ' UlnrUy and Ihun-Uj "kfecadWay Sights ' MarauM Casualty "Hit sa Aesop's Film Clara Bam Fabtc. aiwl in ' sjtunl.iy Ccmady "Wedding Wttwa. athe tmiw. "THIRD DEGREE" SEEN AT THEATRE TONIGHT Treal 'KM Uwttti Method Mwmii In Mttltrr With ItMmrr OiwIHIo l-eail-Inf Liulj Dolaeas CvsteUo la "The Tbtrd Defeat" h the attraction inaminnsd tonight at Uw VTeatli uaw i Tw picture la a screen vesstan ef Ohatles KWrt imliiiiasM ef uaat e metacdt usst used to set shlnrliia win assttesjassat l& whan IMtn Ware aaat Wallan &-gsr was meaning frewa oascunty. ls play also rspsrsad id W a powerful tafluwM In earssstUst paSSK am-tality. ftodnead upon Uw screen by Waraer Brother. It h said to Ut rttfc a treab vitality that makes tt am mt Um swat eaaraatnc aaslodraass ml many - Datana OastcUo. wksce Osat Mf aereea eatt. aopoatte Man Banysasrc la Tfee Saa Beaat." marked bar la the aalnd o many at daatlatd to be uw aaeat important of aereeo atan. eataStlaaea bcraalf marc firmly than erer In tut sew production ana appaai i aa Aanit Daty, a ttapeze performer in a Coney Ialaiid atda show. who haa aaarrlad Howard tfftftea. Jr. iJaaon Robasdai. asaiaat taw wtthea of HowaM'a aunionaml fatfcer In an effort to aanarate the young lor era. Um father amplcya a Macsyiaid aaatwl On-derwoed fBoekUHe FfUoww) to tell Um young ccmpie uwt each la unfaithful to taa otker. Drank and In a frensy of raft. Howard aaska out Underwood, ready to kill mat. But when ha arrival at ow villain's apartment, he finda that Underwood ba already been anwt. .Tke boy staada Uwre with a (on la Ms baad when the police arrive. Wlta all of Ue erWeoce potaOni Ss-ward Uw boy'a snllt. a atSuaMen la developed that pronlaea to bold lay au dience taaae throughout the perform- ansa. "BREED OF THE SEA" SOUTH SEA ISLAND STORY OF PIRATES Pirate ! The Java Sea! A beautiful. exotic laland girl! A dying mlnlater! A brutal, acheming trader! Out of toes '.iement. PBO haa woven a drama of 'the South eeaa that la alike novel In theme, powerful m attuatlon. grtpptnc; In action, delightful in romance and abounding in humor. Tne picture, Breed of the sea." which will be here Tuesday, la unquestionably one of the fkaeat piecea of aereen eatertatemeBt seen her In many montha-a film that will thrill every member of an audience Dominated by Um compelling influence or Ralph Ince who In addition to 61-rsctint Um production, playa the dual roi.ot the wliulie, one mlwloB-ry and Ule other a pirate, the picture 1 a marvel of characterization. Mir-garet Llvinfaton play the leading feminine role, that of the exotic laland girl, to perfection, and there la a superb caat. GIRL KNOCKS OUT FIGHTER IN PLAY SHOWING WEEK-END He tried cavemen tactics on hit tweetle but she was a little too rough for him. She clipped him on the Jaw. knocking him down and out for the count. All of which doesn't sound aerl-oua until you realize that Joe Hen-neseey was to right the middleweight champion ol the world in less than a week and beie waa thia aupposedly weak woman able to accomplish what many a pug had long longed to do! Mr. Hennessey then and there decldedi tb'faFgenr A women and give his undivided attentats to .Ualolng XMMhe .big bout. Thafa juat om of the many angles disclosed In Clara Bow's new Starring vehkle "Rough House Roaie" which reaches hew at the week-end. The bell jf Temh Avenue. Bosle, la mo-mei at.: attrac ted to Arthur Russell, a w:a: ir, voun .: blue blood. Joe. of cou'M de;erm:oe- to win her back. KW Farre . l, raxnei, advises less politeness and more roughness. Naturally. a giod fighter obeys his trainer and Joe determines to become a caveman One nigh' when Rosie ready e ov wi':. Russell oc forme; m -'ce make.' a- appearance end inten' :r rtrj :lea Equn.:v as tough Rosle tui w des -;ghi band to awing Nipped in thebud" without dosing" by rubbing over throat and chest I C K 5 Va r o R u b II.IH.HiL-sy.T-ST.Mj'lJliM.MIaJ ivi; c "BROADWAY NIGHTS" IS FROM MUSICAL COMEDY The plot of tbe photoplay "Broadway NlghU" here Wednesday and Thursday concerns lveell with tbe mating and mission of two vaudevtlliana, whose ambition is to become the stars of Broadway. How the husband gambles away hit future and tbe wife places her'a. and that of ber child's. In tbe bands of an understanding musical comedy producer, and in tbe end triumphs not only on the stage but In the Httle theatre of her own private affairs, as well, forms the theme Of the vivid tale. It is tbe atmosphere of the piece, however, that Is its most untquo feature. Backitage on the Btoadwiy boards, be hind tbe kitchens of night clubs and the underworld of New York'a "Hell's Kitchen." are all pictured with striking color and authenticity. ' Miss Wilson, giving a 'brilliant per-fbrmanee herself. Is' pturhed 'at every point for her honors by a superb cast headed by 8am Hardy. Philip Strange itnd Louis John Bartels. Baiy V s Colds hanges its own PRETTY WEDDING TOOK PLACE ON SATURDAY Mlw txltthe Turtle at Vaneoairs lie-come llrlde of f. M. tltzgrrald A pretty wedding took plaoe Saturday evening at the United Church. Rev. A. 'Vlleon officiating, when Miss Edytb urtle of Vancouver a wane the brtoe : P. M. Fltaawald. Fifth Avenue West. Tbe bride, who was given away by at rick Doherty. looked vary pretty .owned In an orchid Franco, beaded eatlon with hat In htrmonlnlng colors nd carrying a bouquet of carnations nd row. The wMsMaaas wecc Mr. and Mrs. herty. After Um ceremony a reception took lace at tbe home. 852 Summit Avenue. There Mr. and Mrs pttagerald will in uture reside Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert DHCKMItKIt 18, UU. Both potttteal parties in the federal sleet ion campaign here are angtinf fof the Labor vote. Sergeant Ma)or Jimmy Robinson. Wal-r Shaw and i. Hoberts were apeakers at a meeting li, he Carpenters' Hall last night. 6. D MHadonald. president it the Trades Labor Council, was In he chair. i A MCMartm in . ui ;n '.he ' I wo a: r) a g; .' ' si Te:-,ra: . :ir I '.afT -y -xu C cer.a iiUJ. been Mr. - I New Hltzcltoi : f-fr t :i . lea-" 1 a -the Orthophonic Trade Mark Itei'tl Victrola Victor fTalking Machine Company of Canada, Limited, Montreal high and low; a tittle dog runs between W legs: Joe's hand alts a table and be links to the floor in a coma. Upon recovering, he cornea U the conclusion outlined above. 'J r. Automatic $775 ecords Plays twelve records without attention. Runs itself for .a whole hour. No operating effort on your part. Just listen. you turn on the current, tbe WHEN turn tabic starts to revolve; a mechanical "band" takes the first record from the group of twelve and places it on the turntable; the tone-arm moves into jiosition: the sound -box is lowered and the music IxgiacC At the end of the selection, the mecnaiiiofl "hand" remotes the record from the turntable, slides itgently intoa felt-lined concald drawer, and "pick off" the next record from the magazine arm. These operations are repeated until the last record is played, then the mechanism stops automatically. - So rrMgnibcent an instrument detnanfll an exterior of exceptional beauty. Vktlf. craftsmen have designed n dbtinguisfaii cabinet for tbe Automatic Orthophomc Vic-troU, in which every hMuriom tonh tht ingetiuity can devise has beta hatiTWratL The prire of the automatic ton rumen t is. $775. fhher models of the Orthophonic Victmla Instruments are obtainable at prices ranging from $790. down to $115. Obtainable on convenient terms from "II Masters Voice Dealers. Demon (rati now goidR on. H your dealer hmu one be will order it for you. Autom 0rtiq2lionic onh if it hours the doj; Tradcni-iU H. S. WALLACE CO., LIMITED 1 I CANADIAN iaiitvi 11 B B IK I 9 KasS T Of afla-H0 f Of Outstanding Value Penman' Full Fashioned Silk to Garter Welt, in six utir ' Mercury lrull Fashioned, Silk to the Tf, in newest haj imir Idy Iktty, Circular Knit, pure silk, pair H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. Phone 9. 3rd Avenue and Fulton Street Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Kflthlksn, Wrangell, Juneau and sksta)-otera ber 15. 31. . liereinh" ' , t, ic is. a ssi To Vancouirr. Victoria aud Seattle Noriafcer and January 4, .....r. for liatedale. East IlelU Bella. ",V,;d.r7 n a.m. uimitrii Kiver, and vancouirr t. 0fMBli" itency for all steamship Lin... Corer of tth Streerand V.V-'u": ITlnce Kupert, I.X