PAGE FOUR f - ; : .THE DAILY BRINGING UP FATHER By : George McMaDl DryCIeaning rOA AM Y A A l-TMAT AM ) MiMUTf . ' f YE.b KaTTUCO I HEOONEftAiOl j jjr UT CMK.M Out or th , W-JICiCft at Vancouver Ahr Sit Prices 4. 11 lm m ' j urn mmmr 1 - Most Modern Drycleaning Plant in City V Thone 118 Pioneer Laundry Ltd. Third Ave. and Mcllride Street GET YOUR COAL WITHOUT .WINTERS ON THc WAY .' out) You can't dodge Winter but you can meet him with a great heat that will make his icicles sweat. Just order some of our coal and show the old codger that you're not the least bit afraid of him when he comes. Prepare early. Albert & McCaffery Limited Phones 116 and 117 Manufacturers Outlet Sale of LADIES' HATS DRESSES LINGERIE at The Louvre 31C Third Avenue Next Royal Bank Wood DRY BIRCH, CEDAR AND JACK PINE Single Load $3.50 Double Load $0.50 Large. Sack no'f 0 BUNDLES DRY KINDLING, $1.00 Phone 580 HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. 139 Second Avenue LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 65 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and F'urnituni Moving. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST LADIES' GUILD OF Patrick , , , . o UNITED CHURCH AT TERRACE ELECTED TERRACE. Dec 12 The Ladle' Uwtld of Knox United Church held it annual meeting Thursday A summing ud of the year's activities showed a very creditable record of work accomplished. It ha been chiefly due to the effort on the part or the ladle that the Interior of the ehureh has been made so attractive and comfortable. Considerable repair work ha alsi been done to the mission house, adding much to it com fort. Wcrk convene? Mr. Seaman. Following the business meeting the ladies were joined by their husband and all partook of a sumptuous supper served by the guild members In the church. CHRISTMAS CHEER FUND DEVELOPING flam'soiue I'rrtent (if fur Cant fllven by tV. fiiililhl(Hiiii Extending their efforts to the utmost in behalf of their Christmas Cheer Pund. the local lodge of Elk have secured from W. OsldMoom a handsome fur coat which they have arranged to give away to a ticket holder at their "Omega Dance" for 1927. Once the committee made known the fact that they had this fur coat the demand for i tickets " " commenced " ' and M the ' members of Ptnt to know that in the unmer that people are able to spare for the u" CBiutaua tr.eer fund, li uvd only for thta purpose, and the Elks would UK u have tnm purchase all the t.ekets they can afford, and help to spread a little cheer and matte life seem leas bitter for those tftU jMtd It most. Thia is a worthy cau.Htd dnent the unselfish support of thfcottu-rn burns y A dbter was Don) at the Burns Lake Hospital last Tuesday to Mr. and Mrs. R. Maedonald. William hul ih. i. me officers elected for the coming ! to break hts ankle, aa a-'nault of which year were a follows: he will te laid up for several weeks. President Mrs. (Re?.) Wm. Allan. -cboei In Bum Lake. Year's Ete at which all male restgniu who have been twenty year or miff ta the (Mstftot are to be hat guesu. H. Datle af the firm of Adlbert and McCfttfery;. Frtooe Rupert, waa a bual- Tssrwr here at the week-end. F. Keilomilted in Prlnee Rupert at ike ead of the week. In The Letter Box M.Ol.N .IM ntO(lltlS Vice-president Mr. Robert Christie.; Lcoaafd Kerr U bv atayh with ,,-.. . ... ,fc. t . .. .. . i tnanaioniCi cvicwij-iinuuirr inn. win. rira Sdltor. Dally News: Attow me to couaratuUte Mr. Unaey. throuctt your columns, on his reference te the "PaeWlc's PrlsdeM Peerless Port" I had Intended putting In mi con tribution. -Prince Rupert; Canada A. U. Brown la lmorovtn, .d finish. Deare6t 8" tnd P th w LuklI th the log his building ophite the railway m,rn reflection Station Which Will be iirlMt h " "r. brlty not ""v w hotly unknown unanwwn the Burns Lake Oaraas pending the 1 wouId nv tbe peccable authority I uid say. Is anattier aspect. oOBstJuctlcn of new garage. " uomla,on ecoiidiy. i would j have formed a very dangerou habtt of Btotrlct visitor town during the ! ubI1, PJng my private opinion; week included Ed. Sarder and Giu hBlr(U on' quickwitted Individual Bjorkbctn of Burn Lake. TERRACE "owing- to very severe weather the monthly uiccmn meeting u of the u Parent.Teacher rreui.iciiwiiiu put laganeer went sloganntng with his tongue In hi cheek; and fourthly. J recollect that,a,bout three years ago you published excerpt from a letter to a '-ooal lady from, a correspondent woo bad Halted ur her that parucuiariy particularly bright ongm and ana vantaaes which were aa abvtaiu tlit th Orval Kenney left Thutsday to labors of a manufactured stogan would pend a few cjys In Prfr&e Rupert. ! uever be needed. T--H.V ! Personally.' X am of this opinion a W. cassell returned on Thursday from slogan Is not. find never wUl be a means Smithers. '. ' j to an end In the matter of Prince Ru pert's Imperial destiny. It would be a This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia V anted For Sale For Rent 'tcatton, I remain, yaurs truly, with UUIe to talk about. "laNOTUS.' Man in the Moon nit: superiority of man 1 challenged. Visociatlon not held on last Thurs- 1 in which It sunny summer, reference wa U pointed out that a man cannot lay evening, tbe ragular msttng night. made to (fee scenic and economic ad- drop a few tunees of illk over ht& head and can himself dressed WIVES do not need bending exenise. iny usually nave to pick up after tbelr husbands. EN Q LAND ! called the tight little , i lavjvavion nave Deemssuea oy ueorge , case or gliding the lUy and painting the island but the Deoole who com frm he lodge .hav. been kept busy supplying j Little for an old timers' dinner to be rainbow. I use the words "lrnVrlaldea- there do not geTlght CHtntt tter Z their friends favorite ticket. It l, held in the ! Ltk., ; Terrace Hotel on New tinv" with the. fullest bm, f At Ch ristm as tj wUm qood cheer ' rfode limes BBSeKB$ wi" be found in SHERRIFFS GOLD BOHD LIQUEUR WHISKT: J&mmSM r0 fc jisKBgnocr fine palatabihty, it will earn- n ilSpJIIa the neay commendation of jgj your holiday guests. I l RoputcJ Qti.irts. $3.7 J p lnipCnal 0uart$' - j Just take a aqulnt at Ottawa And see Msekenale Klna: He alts In hi seat and look around Ana never doe a thing. But peek once more at Ottawa for Bennet will be there To whit In line the Tory host And of talking do his share. Yea, one last look, at .Ottawa, . ' With Bradv lr," .iifitiat? "' trying so catch the" speakefi eye ; or hand ouutretelied to greet. . - uone violence to the hencoop of a white neighbor, and the now was in hot pursuit as they looped down the road, each with a rh!ckn mvi.. .. arm. "Rastus," remarked one. "what's bumblebees doln' hanging aroun' an' buzzln' aroun' us dls-a-wavf" Dem ain't bumbl bees." exnlaini' TtastiM. "Dem's buckshot!" 1 SPORT CHAT Events scheduled for the follows: Monday (tonight) Crlbbage League: uro v- Canadian Legion; Loyal Orange Lodge v. Native Sons of Canada: New Empress Hotel vs. ON. Operators: Prince Rupert Hotel vs. C. N. Mechanics: Bt. Andrew's v;. Moose; Knights of Columfiut vs .Cold 8toraee. II Tuesday.-Ladlca' Whist: M'oose fri,,.. t vs. Orange Ladies; Canadian "Na tlonal Ladles v. English Ladle Billiards: Orotto v., cold Storage Basketball: Junior League, Tuxl Boy vs Stars; Intermediate League High School v. Elevator; Senior League. Elk v. fir an t.,.,. wui vs. unii Team; Intermediate League. Elevator vs Big Four: Senior Leaf;ue. Orand Tcr-minal vs Native Son of Canada. With the exception of th. f..,wt... Ue ft haIf of S.- ichedules for al) indoor iBt. i organization will come to a close to- J I ' . DAILY NEWS OiSSIFIRH AM avu. FouruUt 2c per word In advnnce. No Advertisement taken for lets than 50c the signifies nee of them. True, the ' chronic impecunloslty of tbe C N R . tbe WANTED Kuptnenea of her own cltlcenery. and the machination of a powerfud rival in the voutn. may be factors that can alow up the clock: but time. Mr. Editor, kills everything, including man who made it. and time will kill the above three. I am not a prophet, or a oa of . a prophet, but an elderly ' man wbo 4ieain, and pray I may be spared to ee the fruiUoa of some of them in-Uiaatety connected with this anot. I sartousty doubt If any slogan, however pen. would add one dollar of revenue r deatde on man or wnun to come. stay, or quit but this, aa a local eele. to fame Enetoalng my card, but not for nub- MEN are created equal and do not oegin to iei superior until about the end of the flrt year. PARLIAMENT I to open In Januarv. We should then get a blast of hot alt if the weather doea not moderate in the meantime. JUST take a look at Ottawa And bear the member about Thej te awe to make a lat of noise WANTED OmCE FURNITURE: table and desk. In good condition. Stau lowest price for cash down tnd nr Vaneemrr-where seen to Bos M. Dally New ! Tuaaday , W1NT. JO II0USKS FOIt SALE SIX ROOM MODERN ItOVSK: SPLSat-dld condition and location. Price IS.50000. Cash $1,000 Balance arranged Plve noonfd House vlth Buth Ooad condition sod loeatMa. Prior 2.20000. Cash aioo.os-. balaooe arranged. i. r. tivkhi x cn. i.m. ti FOK HUNT FOR RENT MODCfU) IKHKH; BXCRL- lent view. Apply 31M Pourtn Ave. E. nuMiMox nitviTiiii: ENnitSni: N. DfOI UIir.S. Proprietor ' 144 Third Avenue We Buy. Sell or Exchange anything. Phone ltlnrk ttt night after a fall Mason which ha been generally moat ssfceaaarul. Out shining all In interest, of course, have rjeen th ar.1i.!tt. .w. I w. 11 night' train from a trin ud the line on official dutie. The weather waa very coid throughout the Interior, he re- High port At Prince Oeorge. the ther mometer descended to 46 below zero. Low Pred Brooksba ik. Anhin Broi' ' ! lolneo r le -P1 , of Canada here son df Mr and M Tbii-i A venue, is.' if -he tt-..-il E .it r i STRAMSHIP Mnvcimm Prulay- ss P , , Ss'.ilWlay- Pr.: Nov HO ! De- 'M w v I (! Vuncnuvrr 8uii(U- w ( ., Wed i rata y i Hatnrclay. w i Saturday - T m Nov m Dec 17- 1-Drt n-t V: r- '!:. 5 tea: V n - Eta.' a !' i i H. lor Port Klmpoflii an4 Nasi ilin- as ,i i f- 'rom Port flsn.on and .Naai Uin. FOR RENT. ApartmenU to the dav. I Tuesday- week or month. I 'hone Wed ar7. tf lf nyo :iud irt w. .vm. a . b nwHi anu . w.,i..i.. BATH. Apply Musmi I'KINTE KITr.RT IIA1UIOU SERVIIT. EXCHANGE Every Day la UOI4.tll li v at THE IIOI.MK STORE. See our large ran -of Chrlatmaa Olfts, Nothing Over a Dollar. CHIMNEY SWEKl' H. J. ZI'MKIIIK - Li,', -i (leneral ndv Man ntriniiT J. It. .trnolil. Proprietor Oo anywhere anytime Day or night. Always on board Terms very moderate . Two boste always avallabMk Pl.ane 310. ... lM nmv ami mi:roM iiimi n rcMTt nn bought and sold and esohaaged. Player PIo and Two Cash Register in 'stock. I'AI'.tKOPI I.OK M lt H -W Third ,te. Phne MC CllltlHTMAS (HITS Chesterfield suttee, tflnlaur aultM. narrymore carpet, waiput dresser, walnut . vanity ' dreaaers, floor Ump. upholateHd f cnalrs. beds. bUnkeU. krone, rangfa. brick lined heatera. aaau. tlnolain. A atKeadid SMortmfnt of airklnja toy. ' .. Mr kkvzie. ruitxiTrnr Phone T Furnice and Stoves Cleaned and Re paired. Chbnniea Swept. . .l&fmeJtttV Plot. OUtmrt Per. Phone Red 243. Prlnee Rurwrt BO I Tl itta m(!'1 M- Tuesday at 1 Friday-- ' ! IW (juren Ciurl !! Dec 1 v I' Dec IT- s. I . . . .- i I'rnm ijueen Cliarliitlf Dec 1 s P: Drr 1 Vaw Pr Sin r .tluski I Nov 24 as Pr 1 Dee U as Pr DtL 91- m P-IriHii tlD'ks tOV. Pr Dec. tl--a Pr llondays. We.l...- frnintlie Kl Tunagt. Tlmr-'i " due To Vanroiiter TueMiny Fridays Saturday CPR Nov :10 Of Trains. MoikIhi Saturday" I'rpm Vancoiivrr Sunday Wedneadsyr Saturday CPR, Nov 2! Or Tralua, Bundnys. '1' day To Anytit. Hr Arm Prpmler . , .it. ji . IfW WHmpui ' !eaimea but in nil h r..,. .. .w. To Ourrn Z. . . .. ' I v.. , . ,1 17 econd half of tbe season ui most bright. There are many storle that have- yet to be told and their teUlug promlwa to be moat interesting. Is few branches have the aeaaon honors been firmly grasped an yet and It looks m if there will be many a not contest before thl U done. The first half of the ladle' whist league and the billiard gue win close tomorrow night while " aT wWIVUt VII 1 I IMJ until after the holiday ey. MeV whist league dosed laat wae and tbe j$Hs imp wui itnammLJ Monday night of next week. f'OI.J AT PUIXCK MEOIKIE. UVOAif WedMtday I 'rani Aiiviit. " Premier Tuesday Fridav lor the East Mondirs. Wednei:o at 11.30 m From 'he F.a: M Tuedl. Thursday at 330 p.m. Major M. A. Burbank. division en- tllsrh glneer for the Canadian National Ri'l way, returned to the city on liuitjLow . Mr' MAIL SCHEDULE Iwr Hie East orToiinc in rr.- Tn Nans Itl vrr Points-Sunday From Nam Rlvr Polnt- Tuaadav 'To Ala-ka Points NV. 36. Dee 17 rrom Alaska Point HOV. WJ. " .Jiu In 3 ii I t. 1-5 ti a ran i'Ul i a ii it - u ,I0J r ' TW ., pi art v :a"' ...... r Ui Mid .11 " r cnarione i ... ri.nrliitlr Ish r rom i umi DeecMber 1 am1 C N.R. TRAINS gufld is PRINCE KUI'EKT TIDtl TEfAV. in:n:MBiit " ( ,r. lUah 16 4.'! p 10 49 a.: " 23 18 pii nrR H ivi:ivf:snAV. pm'-" Iw 17 4.rl t- - , .; 11 48 t CI tih-rniiav. menu v, e '9 j- of-o m