Dc ember 12, 1927 jiL Records Polly Jujf as fascinating as "Xola" fox Trot Zz Confrey and Ills Orchestra My Blue Vocal "Rupert Bran Kippers THE DAINTIEST MtHAKFAST KIMIIJ.' Smoked Daily by 2.777 Heaven Gene Austin 20964 Fox Trot I'aul Whltmvm 20923 and III Orcheatea Golden Slippers Old Time Southern Song Dig hit I Doet with violin, banjo, Vernon Dalhart and goltar and harmonica Carton Koblsoti Together, Fox Trot We wo Johnny Johnson and Ills Statler Pcnnsylvunlans 20531 21016 On a Dew, Dew, Dewy Day Fox Trot Nat Shllltret and The Victor Oriheefra 28S19 Duet with guitar Jim MMer-Charlle Farretl 239)6 Alto the latest lied Seat records by famous Victor arlitls ! Victor Talking If yv Machine Co. g$V wiy J - mm . . .. - - . - of GanaJa, Limited Useful and Beautiful ,tiv combination, but the Manicure Rolls we have on lully answer thix description. They are superior f have ieen able to obtain In previous years both In . ! material and in beauty of finish. These Kts come ; . i Rnliups. rwnutiiully lined, containing; from six to Pieces, finished in Decorated Amber l'el Afcr Orchid on Ivory MaJwifany m Gold French Ivory Natural-Perl White Pearl Kos l1 Illue l'carl Ivory on Amber Ranging in price from $1.50 to $17.00 each t iaes J2 7fic Pioneer Dfttneisls miRD AVE V SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES H?fc200 DEMAND Canadian Fish & ild Storage Co., lid. Prince Rupert. B.C. Dr. MAGUIRE Dentist Over Orme's Drug Store I'hone 523 Office Hours 0 !.. 9 Lady Assistant a r. Local and Personal ml HC Unatriaarta. Pbons ti I Dentist. oosfi TcKTeikwaooaiis the u BjE. TBf It atjd kc oonvl Hot aad astlateetorr Xsaea homaMtchig to Dollar Rev. lrom ror a smoking TIIE DAILY NEWS PAGE JIffiEE . 3 I. M4 to I. U Have m bought Uckt for Um They the tire:s k fur eoatr 3M save 0t me Bi( 4 babul When thlnUn of a'Tail. pbons 4. tt Dr. J. R Omn Phone 686. Bee Use Onus VteOortan Paahioti eeJgCtlOJB. Third ana Htoon. I. Johnara returned to the city tattle oc Hm Camosun laat night. of ebooaiataa and Federal Mowa Co.. U AIM aminilaild. manager of Rupert aaaSMn. arrived on the sun last ajdjt lMai vaaofsMr. c. c. Iinan Moonai aoatai a daylJOpm wtt sail tomorrow night Isr Vancouver Dinner, Wednea- Football Cups. "Ttumttr Wm" the United Church. TlMirasaf . 'Deeeenber 15 at 8.15 nrontnt. -ratals Ms. 393 The Variety Dane 4a Wednesday la the lira Heane la asr um purpose Prince spreading a tittle Hf and teppineae WW em help? 291 Huah Wood wot a erf the Patterson Mr. and Mr. W. O. Oakley, who have uiat. Forcher Island. wUl aall on the been south oa a holiday trip, returned 1 camoaun tomorrow aJatit for Vanoou- to the city an the aeaaeun laat alght. ; vr j. walker, eoak at the mine, will Mtea bona Wale ran, who haa been ! akw be going eowth en the eaaae boat. on a holiday trip to Vancouver, re- ohrlatmaa Cheer Bern child know turned baate OB the Gamoiun laat that lu boaae la their beet ruling alght. station; but easae ere without a well l ruled home life Xnea. Attend the Hyde Tiwaattr now agaato for Al- Qki Variety Danae. Wcelncedey. Doeeai Alberta aejatjass aad Penabjg rearleaa. it. 292 e ooala aps ajaaar t. boy ..dM t itt cover, dont buy ; tit a tgdBt ana yoii a laat Irtgnt and the thermoBaeter early UUa saaraamg drappad to 21 decrees beve aero. With barometer at a good level and the wind In the north, pros pects ware this morning for another 'jeripd of clear, oold conditions. At a meeting Saturday night or the esewutlve of the Prince Super t Pioneers' Association it -was decided to bold the annual masting of the Association on January to, making that the permanent 4ate for the asuiual meeting. Tae meeting Hatuaday night waa presided over by P. W. Mart. P. W. Anderson- noting as ecretary. We have Just received another lovefy tot of fur coat, oonalettng of eauakxat. calfskin. French seal. Hudson seal.. Per-;:an Lamb and Orsy Krlauner Lamb These are all In the latest styles, and rom now until Christmas weare mak--ng a speatkl oaTer of one third off th setltng prase Donot auss this oppor tuntty of gettuig a lovely ooat at vasonahre price. W. Oaldbloom. Second Avenue. t' W. A. Pound, director of fisheries for ihe federal government, and Major i. . Motherwell, chief laspector of Ssh Mes on thA'ooist, arrived yesterday on he fisheries patrol steamer Malasplna for the meeting which will be held to-tight with' salmon flahermen of this llstrlct. After the local meeting, they will proceed to Alert Bay where they re schdtttad to hols a meeting on Wedneeday. The next trip of the Canadian Pacific Steamer Princess Mary haa been ar-anged aa a Special Oarlatmai Sailing uid will leave Prince Rupert on the iftcrnoon of December 21 . arriving In Vancouver on December 13 In time for lassenaers to make connections with teamera tor Vancouver Island porta. Seattle and other destinations in the vicinity, k FaseertRers desiring to travel via Canadian Pacific should make early reservations for there will be a heavy list of holiday seekers from Alaska and be Yukon. Phone 31 or call at City Ticket office on Third Avenue. 208 Union steamer Camoaun. Capt. Jamea Flndlay. arrived in port at 10:15 last night from Vancouver aad waypolnts. sailing at I this morning for Anyox, Stewart and other northern ports of call. Passengers on the Camoaun In cluded Rev. I. Jobaneen. Inafiector William SpUler. A. Wick. P. A House. Mr. Clark. Miss 'Mather. Alex Sutherland. Mlas Lome McLaren, Mr. and Mrs. '.V. O Oakley, R. A. Kay and Beve Dumas for Prince Rupert; Mrs. Dods-worth 'and family and J. Sappet for Anyox; Mr. Clark. Mr. Rain. Mr Whit- grorth and Miss Warden for Stewart. ,fc.r4..t. r- Jj. DONT DECIDE. Don't, decide about your Christmas ake. Bootee ciwntnt WMklv ' aaturday uiapactor WBUaeB aplllar. provincial auiplces I 'JI h.MI ualno mm f 1 ,r . J, i f UUUI Ktim vwd. uh . annual show wnr'1,6oWfnMiee Tuesday. December 6. Electric Bakery, Third Avenue. Phone Ml. 280 4. 4. . 4. 4. 4. ANNOUNGr.MP.NTS Plnv hv United Church Ladles. FX. crowd enjoyed the In the Metr&poie HaU, alght uader 8eodtnrUn C. K. Ytrefceeg waa maeter of police, who haa keaa on a trip to Van- eereaioniea aad snatle waa by MleeJean oouver aad Vletarla on oSVsUl duttea. currie aad S. Wlkdahl. returned to the tty on tan Oaaaoaun . laat night. Your laat chance to enter the big Wblat Drive aad to win 1100. You ntuat aaturday arternoen, court of -urt with an average score. There are revision en the -tna clvtl voters' lui ROod weekly prlaea la addition, dome toririraaad toe.-sfil aa It stood There tiong tonight at 8. It to the Elk's Home were no sattasa aaad no natnea were m the Melawreon Blook and get started. added or taken ofl. - The final Saturday night Clndereua iMmra lata to Jasper Park on danee of the Bks" lodge was well at- aooowat Of peattts storms, yesterday's tended and proved atr1 ea)oyeble event, train froaa the Bast, due at S.-30. made Mualc wu try Alt. SoUll's Mrrrymakera S hour sail arHtwd here at 9:80 laat and w Hearst waa In aharge. The pro-l(ht. aU hours lata. j ltti go to the lOdeCs Chrtetma cheer ' fund. PaMowlug a aoft -apeU ai the week-end. the wwathar teak a tuprn lor the oolder R J. ansae of the Ooese Packing Oo. and C. Thomas of the B.C. Packers. who are here to attend the salmon Tlsberlea meattng sailed for tonight by W. A. Pound, director of fisheries for Canada, will return by the Camoaun tomorrow night to Vancouver. Barney ByoUsen, brother of Dr. R. E. SyoUsen of this city aad of Christopher Eyloteen. who waa injured in the ex plosion of the fisheries patrol cruiser Cloyah yeaterday, left on this mornings train for Newmarket. Ontario, where be will spend a month on a tioilday visit wrtn rciativse IX MEM Oil I I'M In loving ransbrsaft of EUa Coh Stance Cox. Who .died peeeTOber it, 1926. -Sale with the ransomed, .tier suSetiag ; ail o'er; ; 'TAaphored so sootf on that beautiful ' shore; I "Who would recall her to share In the strife "Of autlerlng and teal In the baUle of life. "Better In Heaven, far better than here; "Only we miss her. we loved her so , dear!" Inserted by tier father, mother, brother land sietera. HOTEL AUItlVALS. Prime iirrt D. Nelson, Oeorgetown; O. Dandu-rand. CJi.R.t W. A. Found. Ottawa: J. A. Motherwell. T. Taylor, C. E. Itneeon. R. C. Dagg, A. Sutherland and I. A. Kay. Vancouver: W. M. Hart. Edmonton, A. E. Carlson and J. VV. Tredway and family. Dorreen: Mrs. A. Stone. Calgary. Central James Jack. Government Road; E. M. Malr. Smlthers: W. Marsh. J. Portly and rO. A. Smith. C.N.R.: Stephen Dumas, Alice Arm: C. L. Smith and J. Walker, Vancouver. savoy Pete Will, city: T. Kent. Mathlas Paulson. Elvlna Simpson, Amalla Maxwell, Phelan: D. Morrison,' CNH. SPECIAL WlSTMAS SAILING FOR SOUTH 111 order to accommodate those desiring to go south for Christmas. Canadian National Steamships aanounc' that the as. "Prince Rupert" will sail southbound Thursday. December 22, at 10.00 pjn Instead of on the regular schedule Friday morning. This boat will arrive Vancouver 9.00 ain. Saturday, December 24. making connections with boats and trains for Victoria and Seattle. In order to perform this service, this steamer will sail for Anyox and Stewart at 4.0O pjn. Wednesday. December 21, instead of the usual sailing hour of WOO pjn.. returning from the North. srrttlBii here 7.00 p.m. Thursday. December 2?; : , . (Accommodation on southbound, ;iall-. lrig. ,1 fast being taken jup,uen it U inigsaeted those going touin. .mate reservations early at City Ticket Office, Third Avenue. Phone 260. 298 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY .,, 44- FOR SALE. A REAL CHRISTMAS Special. Gerhard Hetntrman Player Piano. Secondhand at $523.00 on terms Walker's Music Store. tf LOST OREV FLAT-BOTTOMED j Omul-.v off Tii'-w. : Island Finder. .!,.vt ret: w P Rupert Yacht-j : and they OUTWEAR any fire chains you ever had QOODYEAR rubber Tire Chains overcome all the objections to ordinary chains. Rubber cross links is the answer. They are saving of tires. The broad, rubber cross links guard against cutting or bruising of the tire tread and give valuable protection to the side-walls. They're quiet So quiet you can leave them on all the time. They outwear several sets of metal chains. And yet how they grip. They have the famous All-Weather Tread design magnified for greatest effect. They pull like a tractor through mud or snow. Now Goodyear Selected Dealers have ample stocks and can supply Good-year Tire Chains for any size of tire. Made by the Makers of Goodyear Tires UILI.IAKD STANDINCiS Billiard League standings to date are as follows: Played Total Aver. Odd Storage 3 2845 948 Maple Leafs 4 3704 923 Grotto 8 665 883 Orand Terminals . . 4 3455 864 Oyro Club 4 3438 860 INDIVHUAI. AVERAGE J Hillman (OB.) '. 3 600 200 M M. McLaohtan (MX.) 8 600 300 C. Youngmaui (O.) 2 400 200 F. Williams (Mi,.) 1 200 200 J. May (OS.) .1 200 200 Ben Self (G.T.) 3 598 199 D. Brown (Orott) 3 597 199 O. Waugh (Orotto) 3 596 199 F. O. Pyle (O.T.) 4 793 198 a. Howe (Mi.) 4 786 197 W J. Nelson (Q.C.) 4 774 194 Col. McMordle (MX. I .... 4 .772 193 A. Murray (OS.) 3 976 192 A. MaCdonald (CS.) .... 8 669 190 J. Beeslcy (O.T.) 3 562 187 a. A. Woodland (O.C.) . . 4 734 184 W. H. Long (OS 3 532 184 R. Balagoo (O.C.) 4 733 183 John Bulger (OS.) .3 348 174 W. E. WUllscroIt (O.T.).. 3 345 173 J. Hamilton (MX.) 4 686 172 J Andrews (O.T.) 3 494 168 J. Brown (O.) 1 164 163 J. Judge (Orotto) 3 491 164 F. Z'eman (O.T.I 2 317 189 O. Krause (O.T.) 1 159 180 B. Morgan OS.) 4 633 153 J. Andrews (O.T.) 4 572 141 O. P. Tinker (O.C.) 4 564 141 R. Young (Orotto) 2 216 108 LAND ACT NOTICE OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LNI In the Queen -Charlotte Islands Gra ham Island Land Recording DWrlct of Prince Rupert, and situate, on the west side of Rennrll Harbor at the Head of Rennell Sound. Queen Charlotte Islands. Province of British Columbia. TAKE NOTICE that British Columbia Fishing 61 Packing Company Limited of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Salmon Can-ners. intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the east shore of a creek called Twin River: thence 4 chain west, thence twenty-one chains north: thence 4 chains east: thence following contour of t-hore line to place of c.inimeiiinent and con-talnin!: 8' . serfs more or less B.C FISHINO tt PACKINO CO LTD. Anri!: in' M. M. En .iai. Agco' Dii.ti o- -Jt -J 193V Canadian National Steamships Co. L'mited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating U.T.l'. 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Dock rJnuineerx. MnchiniK Boilermakers, Blacksmiths. Patternmakers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTHI.C AND ACETYLENE WEI.DINO. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. IMIONES 43 and 385 Winter Weather Wants 4 COAL HODS OIL STOVES STOVE HOARDS HEATING STOVES STOVE PIPE WEATHER STRIP FURNACE SCOOPS ELECTRIC RANGES SNOW. SIIOVEI.S, 75 EACH 10 Thompson iHaiidware "Gov, Ltd! 253 Third Avenue. Prince Rupert UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Salllngi from mure Rupert, lor VANCOCVEK. VICTORIA. Swan. on Bay. Alert Bay. etc. Tuesday. S pjn. For VANTOrVER. VICTORIt. Bn ted ale tlen Uay. etc.. Saturday 9 a m. lor P)RT SIMPSON. NAAS RIVER POINTS. ALICE ARM. ANYOX, STEW ART. Wales Island, Sunday, S p.m. KS tnd Avenue. R M aMITM trent Prior Rupert. R.C. Through tlikrts sold to Victoria and Seattle, and ba-jaje checked tlirongli to drMinatlon.