t'OASTIXO IS FATA I, V N)UVm. Dec. 19. Victor RoUlns, ars of age, son of Victor A. Rol-was fatally Injured Saturday even- s.'ien lie ran Into a motor car when Vii' , l.i NOTICE TO FISIUNG INDUSTRY T enable nil interested in "' salmon fisheries to state 1CVTB UII J isf. thereof a public hearing will be held In the Moose Hall m Prince UuMrt at 7.30 p.m., 'hi- Twelfth instant. . W. A. FOUND. 'J Director of Fisheries 4 VANCOUVER, iWember 12 When proceeding slowly through snowstorm and southeast gale past the lighthouse at Capo Hit' steamer Northwestern of the Alaska Steamship Company ,,-iiHiv one milt' northeast of the lighthouse. S.O.S. calls ." ' aid but, ewiuir t thr blizzard and heavy seas, boats were approach most of the day. Tlx- Canadian government ),ifan. the steamship Amur, and the tugs St. Faith and . I -tood by all day until at considerable risk the forty ton tug ' i was able to get alongside. That boat made several irips to Campbell River until the teat man t.hsrsc Followed Raiding of Of- lices of Porter & Co. When First Charge Laid VBR Dec. 13.--At liberty on 500 to answer a charge oi money by Ular pretcaoea. iurter of pjrtei At Co Hast-Weat. arrelid on a waa taken off. There waa no panic on board. Mrs. Jane Warner, stewardess of the stsaaver. ! waa the heroine o( the wreek. She walked calmly about rapping at the doora of Use cabins, arousing the pat-; seugrrs and telling them the steamer waa sgr:und but thai toare waa no danger. Captain J. Livingstone also rea-, aurtd Uie pansrsgers. The northwest sqi la expected to be a loUl Ion The haul S B4Sy ftMe4. U I bcJda an full of wafer sag e at fat( on the rocka p imSMiS fcy bjaVy sets. The ; AaMaMhdagaMajaaiaasgaakwttladnaalM BTrwge iiass rrwv i iwm i i i n n v i on the acene this morning. I The Alameda of the aasne line waa' despatched yosterdty from Seattle to take thr paaaenger on to Alaska. One :rew may come to Vancouver. I KAKI.IXIC KKI'OKT flolng ashore on Gape Mudte Just 4- 4 I tOMJUXIsTM TAKK tovritoi. OF CAXTIIX FOLLOW 1X1 1 FIIIIITIMl HONO KONO. DOC 12. The break between the Nationalists and Communists In .Chins came to a bead at Canton, capital of the southern province and birth place of the Nationalist movement, when the Communists took control of the city after extensive fighting and announced its opposition to the present leaders of the Kuomrn- tang, On were denounced by the Nation allsts and trouble followed eventuating in the final control of the city by the former. 4 1 NELSON CHILD KILLED NELSON De lie: ' ' ; ! COASTING ON STREET 12 -Mun Sh.irpe nun; It. : led w'u:n coast mi: an .iitMBioa.le a- I.utliuania and -Neighbor to Again Kesume Friendly Ke-Iationa tlHNKV.t, Pee. It. Poland anil Mlhiianlil forma I Iv l- l.irnl tlirm-Hrt l pracr at a erlal wion or thr Lesxiif of Natloni Saturday night. Tln- zrrl i entrr Into Jlrt nrrollatlons ulilrh prnbahly nraii thai dlploinallc rrlallon u ill he retiirril Imrtlj. GRAIN CARGO OFF TO EUROPE Warlaby Sailed Yesterday With Wheat From Local Elevator with a ithe Alberts Wheat Pool's Prince Rupert elevator, the British steamer Warlaby salted at 8 o'clock Sunday morning for f feuropv .Tin tne r-aiwu vbu. uiuu ' the fourth vessel to load full so far j this seaMn at the local house. j Tne fifth ship of the season, the 4 : British freighter Ainderby. was taken on j. dnr doak 'todav for nrooeller repairs: She i Saturday the Oommualaf. wU pwbaWy take up bsrth' rf'&a Save Money Boston Grill - 'leapest wsy to buy Ue Larve Upstair DintnK iin.ll. p. New- to subscribe by the with newly laid dancing t 1 nave II delivered (telly floor, for hire. address Of count, you if rtw for a shorter period, NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. n' M and have It de---- PRINCE RUPERT The latest and beat for the . day least Phone 457. Northern'and Central British Golumbia'sNewspaper v ,VH N" 290. PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. MONDAY. DECEMBER 12. 1927 Price Five Cents THI l-'.oi)" F;:i:T HIGH. CNSCALM PEAK. :io miles west of 'Boulder. C olorado, is to be liiiiiuil Ml. Lindbergh, after the "L ! Liiifle ' ir.insat.antii- tlier. who made aviation history by hii flight from New York to Paris BUZZARD IN VANCOUVER IS -WORST YEARS People Digging Themselves Out This .Morning and Temperature is Hiding Hon. T. D. Pattulh Announces He Will Recommend City Be GivenWidluableWaterkontage' Following a meeting with a delegation from the Pwetall Merchants' Association this morning. Hon. T. I). Pattullo an-t.ounced that he would recommend that the piece of waterfront at the foot of McBride Street be turned over to the city for their use. The delegation which waited on the minister asked that this be made a public dock, following out the understanding at the time the town9ite was laid out that the street end be open to the public. The delegation consisted of T. McMeekin, George JIunro. Frank Dibb, L. M. Fuller, and William Watt. For years a number of local people, including the mayor, have asked that the city be given some waterfront privileges. This request is now to be complied with and the city will have a very valuable piece of waterfrontage about DO feet long which can be used for a public landing place. The frontage is at present occupied by the Prince Ilupert lioathouse. Provincial Government Sinking Fund Amounts io Sixteen Million Dollars Says Premier in Address NOUTII VANCOUVER, December 12. Declaring that the! IS ASHORE VALUABLE PIECE OF WATERFRONT PRESENTED TO CITY Steamer Northwestern Ashore at Cape Mudge; j Passengers Are Ashore Struck About .Mile From Lighthouse in Blinding Blizzard and Heavy Seas Made Rescue nf Passenger Difficult STOCKBROKER IS REARRESTED Charles P. Porter Chawed With Theft by Conversion and Bail Raised lo $17,300 MANY COMPLAINTS MADE TWO MEN KILLED IN NEW WELLAND CANAL V.i;i.i,AND. Dec. 13 An accident at low canal resulted in the death Aviiiilf. Blteon and Henry Nealla it four were Injured The cause of i uublc was a oofferdam caving In. Northwcr.lrni Bent out VANCOUVER. Dec. 12. After one of -" ,n mn VMl- routh r Seymour Narrow, in a blinding row-it rni absut S o'clock Sunday ii-e. that o! then by convtr-j nl rn:m! the American otal ball was raised to 17.- arreat followed investigation .."Uvltlee 01 certain brokerage ''-n tne ofar of Porter St Co fled The aeccnd arrest, the -i i the result of investigslions f the M complaints received in- original detention of the 1 He complaints. U police aay. from varioua point from Point in Revel-stoke in the aouth and Bav in the north ANCIENT LADY AFTER FORTUNE VANCOUVER Dec 13 Mn, Jane ' ci 87 year of age. of Burnaby. Is jii'in Hip claim for one third of a i no in chancery of James Hudson. ..iicer fur trader In nortbern Quebec, amount tu S200.000.0O0. She had f-rv. yer agti without success but oecn interested sgaln by sn an-1'inrnt that Mr. Adotph Bacloot 1 '.-into has lodged a claim to the :c eouver and district this morning was lilMlna It utf ml, nf Anowrfrlftft ttl OUW paaaenger liner i ; " two d,P S OB." esU.1 atcod that she sutfsrsd very estenslve A real old timer of the Alaska Steam-, ship Co.. souUMsstem sod western! Alaska route, the Northwestern has been Hi the eestlle-Alaska serrlse tor nearly thirty rears The vessel, of steel and iron construction.' was built as the Orl-, sabs in Chester. Pennsylvania, in 1690 by the Delaware Blver Co.. sad tor a low years was in aervtoe on the Atlantic coast. On being purchased by tbej Alaska Steamship Co. her nasne waa( converted to Northwestern and she was ; brought to this coast and registered at! Port Towneend and entered ia the Alaska run. A bulky and old fashioned veeeel In' design, the Northwestern has gross tonnage of IM7 and net of 334. She Is 3S6 feet two Inches ong with beam of MVS" and depth 33 feet. Passengers numbering 113 were taken oft late yesterday by the gas boat Explorer of Juneau 1 Street railway service were reveroy , "Zi L erd.y by the fall of now under r W vTouver Dr, Dock - SaWa Co.. to ':ZrL' her awutanoe. It waa about half tide " " Z thT wr. condition, were rapidly ap- flood wbn the Nonbw-tern Jen upnd It w. ospected that the P"fl norm" TTZ S!ZS.. partmcac wan awamped in an endeavor vel. which to dear ' the rtwd. and rtdewslks. would soon be Mtasasd. It la under- x ov srv sa morning. PEACE MADE WITH POLAND Fisheries Cruiser Exploded at i Tucks Inlet Yesterday and the I Engineer, C. Eyolfson, Injured ' The well known fisheries patrol power cruiser Cloyah, valued at $7,000, is a total loss and the engineer of the vessel, Christopher Eyolfsen, received burns about the face and left arm for treatment of which he was placed in the Prince Kutiert General Hospital as a result of an explosion of gasoline which occurred aboard the vessel yesterday afternoon between 2.30 and 3 o'clock. The Cloyah was returning from a patrol of the shrimp and crab fisheries in Tucks Inlet at the head of Prince Ilupert Harbor when, from some cause so far unascertained, there was an explosion i.i the e-iglne room. Three men Oapt.a ' : W. Strachan. Engineer EyoUsen and C. R B.-truwell. the latter of the Laos! de partmental offices were In the cabin aft and Capt R Eburnc. formerly roas- I ter of ue patrci etenmer Marrlah. was relieving at tne wheel. Flame, issuing , frjm the engine roLSn caused ay;l!cea'aj bvr: , which are reported to be of not viry 4cri.us nature. 1 he boat taking fire immediately after thr . xplosl.ii. a small life boat was launched with all speed acd to this the General unanimity of feeling and great enthusiasm prevails tl-roughout the Peace River country In the matter of Uu. project for thr setting up of a new province which It la suggested would include the port of provincial legislature under Liberal guidance had been both pro- Prince Rupert, declare. Stephen gressive and honest, Premier MacLean, addressing Liberals here Saturday night stated that the provincial sinking fund stood at $10,-000,000. Because of the government's economical policy, the province has been able to pay off more than five million dollars through accrued sinking funds. He declared it was the policy of the government to reserve three per cent of the provincial revenue for this purpose. ' "The past eleven years." sstd the premier, "was the most difficult period In the history of the province. When we took office in 1916 war had sapped the vitality of the province and severe depression was M throughout British Columbia. Per five years the obligations of the government were met only under full cargo of grain loaded at greatest amicus ,ujr n; i uw want to go tnrougn experience use moae five years again. " MINISTER OPENS NEW SECTION OF HIGHWAY V NORTH BURNABY, Deawl3j-rtton. W. H. 'Sutherland on Saturday; -opened the elevator tomorrow. UiWiteen foot pavemenkrons the. Hastings There la no letting Up In deliveries ( and Barnet Road, the first three mile of -grain to Prince Rupert from the i unK tne highway to be ultimately prairies. Over the week-end. 68 carloads . jf Mission arrived, and railway offices this morning stated that there were over 200 ears on the division bound, here WOX IIICYCLF. KAl'K CREW OF STEAMER REMOVED YESTERDAY NEW YORK Dec. 12 Freddie Spencer ! of Plalnfle'.d. New Jersey, and Charley' SAUt.T STE Winter of Now YorK on Saturday night crew of tin: w n th"' six day hlryclr r.i-'e tru.ul"' alii - . . c ve vctC! ::i' Advertise tn The Da;!y News .r v. MARIE. Dec 12. The lamer Agawa which "uulln Islttnd was re-by a tut The men '.earner - n -.; CANADIENS TIE WITH RANGERS Each of Teams Heads its Own Section, One in States and Other in Canada TORONTO, Dec. 13. As the result of week-end games the Canadians hare a two-game lead In the International seo- I tton with fourteen points, while Boston leads tne Amercian section with tne same number, one point ahead of the New Yerk' Rangers. ' defeat of the Montreal Maroons at Boston yesterday. SATUIOAY SCOKES Detroit 4, Montreal 1. Ottawa 0, Toronto 0. Boston 3. Chicago 0. . New York 2. Pittsburgh 0. SIXIIAY GAMES, Caaadiens 2. N Y Rangers 0 Boston 3. Detroit 1 Advertise In The Dill). News Duma, of Alice Arm. who ar rived In the city last night after a visit to that district where he has land Interests and where relatives of his reside. 'It will be a wonderful thing for us all If the plan can be carried to fruition." assert. Mr. Duma.. Mr. Dumas .expects to spend a month or so in Prince Rupert before proceeding to Alice Arm. EARTHQUAKE SHOOK 4 DISTRICT OF KENAI SEWARD, Alaska. Dec. 13. Lake Kenat district. 20 miles nerthwest of here, was severely shaken by an earth quake on Saturday. Oabtns were awayed but there was no damage. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE B.Q. .surer The fleet Rangtrs were o&tspceded byTrW i.ruit,H xi the Oanadlens at New YoA yesterday. ( coast Copper H.H unexpected Druuancy or tne Boston j oork Province uaugar lorwara line was a reature oi tne Dunwell Gladstone . . . Independence Indian L. and L. Lucky Jun . . Premier Porter Idaho Richmond . . . Sllvercrest . . Silversmith Surf Inlet S'ini.-ii Bid. 1.C0 .09 .20 .16 m .08 .08 .18' 2.35 05 .23 1 V 01 i, fl' AsSedJ 1.70 , s 15.00 toy 32 m .07 .09 , 17Vi 236 33 .13 V, OB 23', .71) TO PUT PUMPS ABOARD VESSEL Further Delay in Departure Wrecked Steamer Catala CREWS TAKEN of NEARLY SANK YESTERDAY .':ur men took fearing that the gaao-I 1 line tnks wsusd explode. When they Temporary patching having been car-were about three-quarter, of a mile off. i riea out- Vnl eteamer Oatala. badly the expected explcsian did take place. ! damaged aa a result of her atrandlng Ihsn. to prevent the detetlct from monin ago on uisi uiana near ! drifting and oaoaing further trouble. the tP Simpson, came off tne pontocna at th dry dock at midnlgHt Saturday. It four ass wtta a dlughy towed the ! . burning powerboat ashore aad fceashea-1," !. AOvtr. ttut toe ship vu hex near Use Priooe Rupert tannery.! tUfflclenUy buoyant to warrant dt- i Toe Clcysh was buUt three year, ago Installed on board to keep the water i In Vancouver and since that time bad' doting the voyage south. It Is been used in patrol work out of Prince ' ''-" planned that the vessel shall leave Bupert. She waa forBy-flve feet long and Tuesday In tow of the Salvage King, was powered with a 39 h-p. FrUeo-Stand- There was much difficulty expert-rri mi.h which wUl also be a total enced In handling the Oatala as she loss. Little m:re than the anchar and propeller will be saved. The boat was not Insured came off the pontoons. For some reason apparently unaccountable, she took: a heavy list and. rapidly filling. It is The fisheries patrof steamer Mails-1 attted that only the derrick of the Sal- pins, having Just arrived from Vancou ver with W. A. Pound of Ottawa, director of tttwries. aast Mi)or J. A. MoUier-weH. eWB .inspector of fisheries, on board, went out to the scene and brought Strachan. Eburne and Barnwell heme. Eyolfsen, In the meantime, had been rushed In a cannery boat to the local hospital. Pi:Ut: ItlVKU ALL IX FAVOIl XF.IV PUOVINtF. SAVS .STEPIIEX III MIS rage King and some speedy pumping work saved the vessel lrtsin tcrnlng over and ainklng on the spot.' Lashed alongside the Salvage- King, the Catala was taken to the dry dack pier and s diver was engaged almost all yesterday In examining the hull of the vessel. The list prevented tee steamer from being taken back Immediately onto the FROM WRECKS Rattered Hulk That Had Drifted Since Thursday Discovered Yesterday OTHER VESSELS ARRIVE SAULT STE. MARIE. Dec. 12. Two men named Maone of Owen Sound. On tario, and another named Bilrd of Marytown. Ontario, were drowned from the steamer Lambton which crashed on a ahoal at Parislenne Island near here. The remainder of the crew of 23 land ed at Ooulal. Bay IS miles north of here this morning. After drifting with the storm and wave, across White Fish Bay since Thursday, the Lambton'S battered hulk 7ss discovered yesterday. The crews of the steamer Agawa. wrecked off Manlloulin Island and the Mtadoc. WTeeked off Keeweenawa. Mich., were rescued yesterday after several days o; anxiety concerning their fate. Thirteen members of the crew of the Agawa, however, are caught In the Ice on beard the tug Oencfal near Neeblsh Cut. The Buffalo freighter Lake Chelan sad the Duluth steamer on account of which concern was felt, arrived aafely Sunday. Some of the crews suffered from exposure but no serious injuries -srejeported. GILL NET SALMON FISHERMEN MEET THIS AFTERNOON A meeting of gUl netter. of DUtrtet No. 3 is being called for this afternoon in the Carpenters' Hall for (he purpose of discusstBg proposals made by cannery operators in the matter of gill net fishing. The outcome of this meeting will probably be forthcoming st the public meetini: called for tonight in the Mxs Hall by w A. Found, director of i.-!ivm- m... federal government