PAGE FOUR Attention!! Prince Rupert Students! !1 See our window! A beau tiful watch will be piveii away absolutely free. , A large clock dial ha: spaces for the name3 of boys and girls attending school in Prince Rupert and writing on the exams in June. All you have to do is to come in and have your name put on. You need not buy anything! The clock will be wound on June 20 and when the hand stops, it will point to the lucky name. Be sure to enter before June 20. 9 THE STORE WITH THE CLOCK BLANKET Special During the month of May we will give a special rate on all Blankets. Single Blanket, each .. Double Blanket, each . , .'Of Blankets washed without shrinking and returned nice and fluffy. GIVE US A TRIAL Pioneer Laundry (1921) Ltd. Thone - - 118. Spring Coats in Shades of Navy, Gray and Sand "Doners" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. Prince Rupert BOAT HOUSE Phone 381 P.O. Hox l.r)G.' LAUNCHES, SCOWS, ROW-BOATS AND CANOES SAND AND GRAVEL Equipment for Diving and Salvage Work Agents for Ensthope Engines and Stump Pullers NORWEGIAN HALIBUT GEAR IN STOCK Compass Adjusting ANGER, the TAILOR We carry a fine stock of imported Scotch Tweeds, Fancy' Worsteds and Serge. Every garment tried on before finishing. 223 Sixth Street THE IrtIL7 BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMsr,ils ; I'VE t-pyT AN) ELEPHAMT WHERE OOTOO RCOOLD BE? ONE INDIAN DEAD AND ANOTHER GOES TO PEN INLIQUOR THEFT Hurry Riilley ultli foiiipuniiHi Stole Ih.llle of Itiim with IteMilts .... Harry Ridley, Indian, who figured in; recent episode on the Island reserve at Massett when Eddie Edward, another native, drank himself 4a death, was brought to the city on the Prince John yesterday afternoon by Indian Agent James GUIett and taken on last night to New Westminster pentitentlarj where he will serve two years forj theft. It appearst that the dead mani and Ridley stole a bottle of nun from the premises of a white man. Edwards, who was only twenty years old. Imbibed heavily and wits taken to his shack In a stupor about 4 o'clock I la the afternoon. When he was next looked at about 9 o'clock the next morning he was dead. An inquest was held and the arrest of Ridley followed, lie was charged with theft and was sent down for two years by Stipendiary Magistrate A. R. Mallory of Port Ridley was taken aboard the steamer Prince Rupert last night to New Westminster by Corporal R. P. Ponder who also had In his custody Joona Hultenen of Haysport, who will do three months at Okalla for vagrancy. THINKS PREMIER IN NEED OF RECREATION Victoria Times) Premier Oliver will be able to console. i himself with the reflection that all Ms political friends and all his political opponents are in perfect accord In their genuine hopes for his speedy recovery and early return to his home In this city. Although Mr. Oliver would feel com pletely out of his element were he to slow down his physical and mental machinery, since his whole life has, been one long chapter of hard work, he has reached an age which entitles him to take matters a little more easily and leisurely. He has many sincere admirers in this province and they are genuinely alarmed lest his disinclination to put on the brake a little should undermine his health still further. tnnra than nlrtsk uliti Via V a at Viaati NEW OIL STATION AT SKIDEGATE COMPLETE engineer In Charge Mmlng In Smith! MuiiiI to Itulld Another Million SKIDEGATE, June' 3-The Imperial I Oil Company's new station and dock! has been completed here. The three! tanks, each with a capacity of 13,000 gallons are to be filled today from a i tanker due to arrive. U. Talt, construction engineer for the! work, Is now going to Smith Island at I the mouth of the Skeent River to erect a new station.. People on the Islands have been pleased that the company employed lo cal labor for the building of the station, Advittlss In tbt Dlly Nsws IB HOTEL AUUIVALS. 'Prince Ktipert W. E. Draney and J. Glllett. Massett: P. Wlllan, A. Field. H. A. Cornwall, Mr. ind Mrs' D. H. Frith Premier of BrltUh Columbia and his . Qally hours ot labor have not been laid out on trade union lines by any manner of means. If we. could advise him we W. G. Metcalf, and .G. H. Temen. Van jouver: A. M. Sllverson, Montreal: Mrs. U. Miller, Georgetown MUM; M. A Terrace; H. R. Beaven. Hutton; .hm.irt . th.t turn over miinh of WY- the detail of his department ta other Mr- HaBn- Vanarsdol; W. Olsen and hands and take a little more recreation. that certainly would be the wish ot political friends and opponents alike. REPRESENTS TWO PAPERS PUBLISHED IN WINNIPEG V. M. WlllielniMtii Here 4ilvliiR News of Kcnmllmivtan IViiple on the CniHt tl. J. Noel, Anyox; u. m. rraser, uigoy. friitrul A. J. Ostrom and R. Klrkpatrlck, Queen Charlotte; O. B. Peterson, A. B. Abelson and C. B. Nllsen, Ketchikan; Len Weaver, Butedale; Even J. Jerkins and Mrs, Evans and children, Anyox: E. 8. Richardson. Tie!!; P: P. .O'Malley. Vancouver; Bert Johnson, city. a Savoy Mr. and Mrs. J, W. Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. W. Haatle and O. B. Davles. Port Y. M. Wllhelmson, representative ot c, , OI orabson. F. Clauson me "Bweuisn uanaaa wews ana oi bh oik-'h n,,t. i s-- orrona a paper, ouvu puu Ivi- and .. and famllT. Ter. usnea in Winnipeg, is visiung me cuy . ,9rk 1Ian. cedafvale: P. Good. for a few days. This Is ona, ot his periodical trips during which he given reports on. the condition obtaining In the district and also news of Interest to his papers. ridge, Smlthers: Mr. and Mrs. J. W Pottlnger. Anyox. ,1. L. Christie returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from Lost year Mr. Wllhelmson was here hu.,ne trm tn the interior. articles telling of conditions on the coast and at other points. The publishers of the papers Mr. WU helmson represents are getting out a book In which will be Incorporated the personal sketches ,that . he writes and which first go Into the paper. niM-mn musiawil TT7 I LssssssssBsssssssaLk3ssssiissssssssssssssssss mmm 1 - - II I II I m v co back ,mtotHe m ' j jmaM kea- uj i arc m ml? . r...A.'TTl ' SUPPOSE. SUPPOSE. HE HE FOREOT-OULl. n; PKTrsp J LOOK AT I P J ft' W-'i ift J if Jri sfi'XSA ViTViSj lnklllS' r GROTTO EASILY V MAPLE LEAF 1 . riwx -. im $1.75 High in Quality Low in Price ATrusted Name and a Famous Guarantee Tit UferuUi HUitrouJ it lev trt! Trill. Yi". tt'OS V'aUrimrj it t TtlUi nU-thu u. flOuO; jMHior, $4.00; itJtiUdeit.U-Ok .' WINNIPEG AT LAST TO HAVE A MUSEUM (Manitoba, Free Press) A museum Is to tie established with quarters for the time being In the farllament Buildings,' thanks to the activities of the. Young Men's Board if Trade and to the co-operation of the provincial.' government. Such a museum will be very valuable as a entre for the .collection of historical ellcs of this part of the Dominion, as an Incentive, also,: to gathering them in, and as a means of Interesting and educating the people In the early history of the province. The Grotto, playing a tight game of: baseball, defeated the Elks, who put up a loose performance. In last night's' Intermediate League .fixture by a score of 15 to 4. For the first two or three' Innings it looked like a tight game but the tobacconists took the measure of Douglas Frtzzell, pitcher for the antlered herd. In the fourth frame and then the balloon went up. They found Doug so often and his field1 dropped so many that the scorekeeper last track of both hits and errors. The Grotto was r.ell away and scored eight runs In the single fourth stanza. For the Or otto, Nick Chenoskl pitched good ball and there are some who figure that in this recent Junior leaguer a real hurler has been found. Certainly his performance last night was meritorious. A good steed crowd witnessed the game. Lamble and Smith were umpires and the teams lined up as follows: I Grotto S. Ourvlch, c: Chenoskl p.: : Howard, lb.; Jack McNulty. 2b.: D. jGurvlch. 3b.: Lundqulst. ss.; D. Stalker, cf.: Scherk, If.: George Howe. rf. Elks to. Budenlch, c; D. Frlzwll. p.: Joe Scott, lb.: A. Phillips, 2b.: Johnny Sim. 3b.: Dr. Gosse'ss.; BUI Murray, cf.; Willie Murray, If.: Jim McNulty. rf. The Intermediate League standing to date Is as follows: W. L. Grotto '2 0 Elks X 1 Native Sons ..... 0 2 TENNISCOURTS Pet, 1 W"i DUU 000 SOON BE READY WORK I'Minil WAY OX i'KKI'AK.Vf ION OF (lltOl'MI NEAR MASUMC TKMPI.K OX SIXTH flTKKKT At the Rotary Club luncheon yes terday afternoon. Colonel J. W. Nicholls presiding. Earl Barrle reported' on behalf of the committee having the affair In hand that work was already under way on the construction of the new tennis courts on the city grounds adjoining the Masonic Temple on Sixth Avenue and the committee heped to have them ready for play by the end of next week. He and Colonel McMordle had met the city council and been granted the use of the grounds, nets had been ordered and very soon the young folk would have a cpuple of courts for their awn use. GOLF COURSES ARE ' NUMEROUS, IN STATES NEW YORK. June 3- From, ai alngle one thirty-two years' ago, ihef 'number of public golf links In the country has grown to 201 distributed over many states, a survey nf the United States Oolf Association shows. Illinois now leads the country with 22, eight of which are in Chicago. New York state has 13, Texas 12, Pennsylvania 8 and California 7. The ranks of public golf links golfers who have risen to fame Include Frank Dclp, winner of the western amateur championship last year, and George rr a mr tonight" GRANT'S Best Procurable tut nrnLwal (THE ORIGINAL) Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT CraM Soiii UmttxJ OoIuMk.Ii 4 Btlmtt-GUolimt Diatilltrw. Dull. Tins ailvf.rlisemRMt is not iMilitished ur tlis ptnyed liy the Liiji.rr control uoaru or by me (Jovernineiu of British Colutuuia W anted ForJSale For Rent Free early June. rlU. B.C. FOR SALE DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. & 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken foi lets than 50c WANTED' FOU SALE :!. -TWENTY ROOM HOTEL ! wtth lease. Full price 11,600. Write P.O. Box S3, Hyder. . p C. 139 FOR SALE. SIX ROOMED HOUSE AND lot In post oRlce block. 12.200 00. Apply P.O. Box 378. 115 FOR SALE. FIRST CLASS RESTAU- rant. Do not lose your occasion I Apply PB. Box 725. tf FOR SALE. SMALL PLEASURE BOAT. Apply Cow Bay Barber Shop. tf HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FOR SALE. Phone Black 268. 131' ROWBOATS FOR SALE. PHONE 335. EXCHANGE SPORT GHAT RED tf NEW AND SECONDHAND FURNITURE bought, sold and exchanged. Papa-dopulos and Marrls, 839 Third Ave. Phone 64. tf BOARD V BOARD. THE INLANDER. Second Avenue. Phone 137. 833 Volgt. winner of the North and South and Mason and Dixon titles already this season." A Derby sweepstake prize came pretty close to Prince Rupert when Oscll Nason, a former local man and husband of a well known local girl, took 123,000 for a starter. The Calcutta" Sweepstake on the Derby Is probably the world's largest racing pool. Mil lions of tickets are sold throughput the uritLsn Empire on it and this year there were twenty-three winners, re presenting that number of starters. The holder of the winning name, this time wan uoy, wins a nuge prize, over $000,000 and the two runners-up also receive big money. The twenty also- rans In this Case received, as Nason did 125,000. Moone and Grand Terminals will meet tonight at Acropolis Hill grounds In the fourth game of the Stuart shield aeries. There will be plenty to spur the contenders on for If the Moose I win or draw the trophy will be theirs, If the Terminals win they will still have ft chance left to- capture the' stl vcrware. H rVlll bo a crucial soccer test with lioth sides on their toes 'to win. Undoubtedly' a large1 crowd of fans will climb the hill to witness the engagement. E, L. Richardson, Tlell rancher, arrived on the Prince John yesterday afternoon and, will spend until tomorrow night In the city when he will re-turn t6 the Islands. C.P.H, steamer Princess Alice. Copt. R. . Thomson. U due this afternoon at 4:30 from Alaska and will sail about an hour later for Vancouver and Victoria, FOU KENT GIRL WANTED FdR GENERAL HOUSE- FOR RENT.STORE ON McBttlDE ST. work. "Phone 775 or evenings. Blue; Apply Valenttn Dairy. Pbon 087. 711. SITUATIONS WANTED 129 QUALIFIED S1NOLE MAN. TWELVE years general store owner. Canada; trained accountant and typist: all round office man; fair shorthand: Scotch; desires position anywhere. P.O. Dor 100. Mer- FOR SALE OR CHARTER. 48 FOOT combined fish carrier and tow boat. '27 H P. Atlas Engine. Handles 7.000 1 THE humps. M. M. Stephens. ft FURNISHED SUITES FOR RENT. Apply Musaallrm Grocery. Phone 18. ROOMS FOR RENT. HOARD desired.. Phone Black 129. PIANO FOR RENT. -15 00 A MONTH. Walker's MusW Store. I ROOMS TO RENT. -PHONE 878. DKESS.MAKIW; tl FOR SALE. BEDDING OUT PLANTS. EXPERIENCED DRES6XIAKER. FOR- all varieties, raised In our own greenhouse. Prince Rupert Floral Shop. Brighten up your home with flowers. merly of New York and Edmonton Urs. C. Smith, at Hyde Transfer, 139 Socoud Avenue. Phone MO. AUCTIONEER POSTPONED AUCTION . SAIJi will be held on Thursday afternoon, June 9. Further particular later. O. P. Brine. Auctioneer. IJI'HOI.STEMNO FURNITURE REPAIR1NO: UPHOL- srerlng of all kinds Chesterfields recovered and made to order. Alt work guaranteed. Phone Oreen 663. O. M. HUNT. . I I RMTI KK AMI UN(1ES. CHESTERFIELD SUITES. BEDROOM Suites,, dining room suites, beds. springs and mattress. Axmlnater and Wilton earpeta. Linoleum and linoleum rug. Complete ho rue fur-nishlngs at reasonable prices A. Mac- Kenile. Furniture. Phone 776. UESTAUIIANTS nnn i:tx vrr, Mrs. Unger. Proprietress Third Avenue. Next a. W. V. !xnl Home Cix-keil Meul. Phone Rlek 700 TAXI I'hnne C7 Tnxl (Call Genrirp, Paul or (lust) Six and Seven Passenger Stude- hakers at your disposal any tlmp. HOSS IIHOS. POOL KOOM Meifker lllock. . (Arrnsw frnm Knmrisi Jfntel) . NOTICE TO CONTI5ACTOUS. piiiNt i: nri'f:itT distiiict. t ONsiurriiov of Miivri: nt i-utT IIMHIIVAV .Mill: 0.1.1 T(l MII.K 3.tlT, Sealed Tenders, endrvd "Tirulir fof Prince Rupert Highway." will tie received by the Minister of Public Work form of tender may be seen on and aHer I ine jum aay or May. 1937. at the Department of Public Works, Parliament Huildlngs.' and at the follswlruc office: District Engineer, Prince Rupert, inland General Foreman. Court House, Vancouver. Copies of plans, specifications, etc.. can be obtained from the above offtees on payment of a deposit of ten dollars (10.00) which will be refunded on return of the plans, etc., in good condition. Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted bank ehedue on a charterer! ?? 1 . Canada. mao payable to the' ctofcea MAIL SCHEDULE WANTED. FURNISHED OR SEMI FOR KSNT. M5W4I UMWHATB1J 01 T-liOiMl furnished house for summer noli-1 modern house; also small nirnlshM l'ir Hie Kant days. Apply G. Share at Universal; Trading Co. 131 j East. Apply J1P Fourth Aventte WANTED EXPERIENCED 8ALESLADV. : FOR RENT. FURNISHED ArART- Must have good references.' Apply ment toy the day, week or month. Universal Trading Co. 131 Phone Red 007. tf Mondays. Wednesday and 8tura4,, T VaiMouver 8uiKlays Tuesdays Thursdays Saturday June 3, 14 First das mall u tU Thursdays To Alaska 1'iilnt Msy 30. June i' In luern Charlulie June 4. 18 IN. OMIMl Irmn the Man days. Wrdm ' 1 rrm VaiiMUter Sundays .... Wednesdays ... . Thursday Saturdays May 30, June 10 I'riun Aiijiiy ami Alire Arnc ICS) II Ida 11 pa pa Its. despitchrt M 129 vaneouver on Mi nds-?. Wedoealij. id IP Saturday by C.N R tralas. I Tu Aiijih and Alice Arm I Bundays j4 wranesoays mp, To Stewart anil ITfnilrr Sundays i fl Saturdays j p4 To I'l. Miniwn anil Nm Itlm poli. ' I KMia P i: jo it mix rni i r.rTi a a t Orabam A Atlln A-m. 1st Are. At Bth 8t th Ate, At Fultnn St A. A5 Tliotnj -n Sh th At,tVerbr)(.lt. Av 11th AT. A Conn. ! Rt flth AT, ft Hays Ctb te jlsys Cove Cir 8Ui Are. A Cotton s Jtb AV. A McIUlds ti: W Ootrt -nidi" Prov. 0v. Wharf O.T.P. Wharf O.T.P. Station 2nd Ave. Ac 2nd St 3rd Aft. ti Fuli '! 8t 3rd Ave As Oth 8t l Tuesdays .... Tbundayii ' P"- lYmn Mewart and ITesiVn- Tueday tav Sundays a I rom I't. Simpson and NswEn.Nut- Saturdsys l From Alaka Points June 3, 14 ... Imn )uern Cli.irlolti June 3. 10. SO ia ta l Ul It 1 111 1 tx w l I IS I iu M U l 9W U 5S U 10 00 w, IJ tu 1010 Iti.Il w 10 M ' STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS fur Vaneniiier SUrKlay-! Pr ii e CiC ' ' TtHWtay - J-' t''ri Thuraday Tr 1 Sattird.iy- ss earn " rrui.' Jtttie 3- as rrln ' ' jiuae l4--s Pun" Rl-A ' 11 P HP IU - II I l t riiiii Vanrniner pj WedhMday pr Ruper- WJ. Thursday r.nlrn, Sattirdayr s. Prince " June 10-w. rriMK Al.: '"' NM' fr 1'i.rl Simp"'" p s. Crac up m noon oi aionaay, me 20Ul day oi Thursdav inursusj - H,tfr-June. 1037. for the construction of the ! ro, iv.rt .tlnin n'' M m's" on imi isiana, s.o. mttiiMav- Saturday as. v- Cnracu miles approximately. t-isns, spectiications. eonlrnet contract, and ' i r .".' ip imtrr ut i uuiic works, lor the sum ' 'len thousand dollars (IIS.OOO) whlcl) 'hall bo fertorted if tendering decline, to enter into contract wh1; oilled upon to do so. The chequo of the successful tenderer will j retained a security for the due and faithful performance of the work till the satisfactory completion of the contract. 'J "u . Wl" "ot considered unless md on the forms supplied, signed with the actual signature of the Ten-furnished enelod " envelopes ..TJl 'owc., or n tender not necej-arily accepted. Deti P. PHILIP, Deputy Minister and Pllhllfl Wnrki Vnolnfti. department of Publlo Works, Parllsment HnlldlnR.1, n:iuns, u.u. . Mty w, 1037, lio Surwiar Catnia Wednesday rrl,1; llupr-rt I roni Anjnt Tuesday- ' Cntnls Thursday m. PrW'i '"Ptrt I'or Mewarl 8unday--t. Catats Or rre Prime aiturday -. Tom Mewail Sunday-. Prince O.wrc Tuesday C'al ,'or IJiieeif ( liarliille--.June J- "" 4-as. Prince June 18-s. Prince J""n 1 ...... H-.een "r""''7 " ' June a- mnc June 18- -as rnnee John June 35-m. mnce John For Allien ' rrincess Alice Juno 10- From Alaska June 3- as. rnnc June 14-si. P Ac AH C.N.R. TRAINS 10 P I IP P . 10 P P ( l l a fi.r I lie i:il jUOl Dally except Sunrlny lioi.l (he llakt J0 Dally xc pt TuhM