TAXI Boston Grill 25 and!, """ho Atabulance 1'.;... Lance Upstair Dining Hall, Service 'III,- '"II,, with newly laid dancing Anywhere al Anytime floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. n 81 and: Exchange Building PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for the MATT V1DECK, Prop. least Phone 457. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper 1 IU.-JI"!. ! 1' Vol. XVII., No. 129. PJUNCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1927 Price Five Cent . . l. .! L. STEAMERS COLLIDE CAPE FLATTERY vrvDT no wptq bun j jujLis io Collision This Mnrnina Between Two Steamers Just Off Cape Flattery VICTORIA. June I!.- A wireless messnm- rptmrtM n rntlisinn took place shortly after ten o'clock this morning between two .steamers off Cape Flattery. The steamer Ruremico and Arkansas tame toKcther with severe damage to the Arkansas which sent out immediate wireless calls for assistance. Aid to the vessels is being sent oh rapidly as possible. The steamers are between eighty and ninety miles from here. niifii a w mwnvn ! Kill I A I 1 1 IV ALBERTA POOL M.Alt ,(llli;i;.MDTS IS ItKIMI KUMIIIJI ON MONDAY EDMONTON, July 3. The live year ovincc lor me signing ui new jrr-j in i.r nii. n1 r orrkaa dul iui w r l iracicailT ail t it puvue uiu m wic tore are wing thrr influence la to be held at Calgary on Monday co-opersme rally It to foe held which ne leeersl memnsri lor uoena are . . . . . .in-lu imw s n i sow - - ri organisations. A systemsHe cutm Ii to be made and the radio will be used as an adjunct SALMON PRICES LOW KETCHIKAN IIXIIKUMEN IJUT WORK IIEC AI SE not hatisrted with uihiw of iu.'yekm KETCHIKAN. June 8, Dissatisfied with the prleca offered by Ketchikan buyera, the aalmon trollera off Baranoff Inland district ceaicd flahlng. Opening prleca for Beds and Kings over sixteen pounds were 16 cents. Reds between four and sixteen pounds. Bo; whites, 4c nuyers refuwd to make any Increase on the ground that lower prlcea on I'vmet Bound thh year made competition difficult RUSSIANSLEFT ENGLAND TODAY omnjL ui;nti:hK.vTATivi;.H or SOVIKT CIIVKN KKNM-OIT NV llll 11111 COM.MI.'MSTS IjONDOn, June a. The malu body of Soviet representatives In England, whose functions terminated by the recent suspension of diplomatic relations between Oreat Britain and Bovlet Russia, left for home this morning to the accompaniment of Communist demonstrations oy a moderate aired crowd on he ata- "un platform, Communistic aonga wcro sung and 'red flags waved. Also there were 'some1 boos for the Russians. PARISEXPRESS WASWRECKED PARIS. Jiin aNlne were killed ! ven seriously Injured when the Parl-Nlmes express which left Paris last "'gut ran into a wreokeU freight tralu War Uoulla. TIIOI.LIMi liOOD Iliri'O ISLAND 111(1 MONEV MADE BKIDEOATE, June 3. Jood reKrta have come from Hlpjw Island trolllnz ground, nume of the boys clearing over (300 lor their first week's trolluig'. Pete Haan waa high bout with the Beatrice It. Captain Z. Tlngley .with the Nortonlan paued through last week with. 88.000 pounds of spring aalmon on, board. t SOCCERTEAM IS WINNING Tnir.Mriu.XT rout times with. OUT ONE DEFEAT IN NEW FDA LAN tWXMNlTrurS, N.7., Juse J. The ('iinudlan a1l-tar fcmtball I rum roll-tlinim ltt trlumpluinl lour f New ZruUml havhiK all 'our niutilir to dale and Miirln- 3.1 m tn IU opHiiiriita one. In today'a nmli-h the Canadian defeated Wrlllii);1i.ii twit irnla l mi-thlnj. FREIGHTER ARDGARVAL DUE HERE SATURDAY ON FIRST COASTAL VOYAGE Northbound from Vancouver on ler first voyage, up the coast since the company obtained her, the steamer Ardirarval, recently acquired toy the Union Steamship Co. from the Old Country, Is due to reach Prince Rupert tomorrow. The vessel ha a full cargo of freight for here and beyond and Is tinder command of Capt. J. D. McPhee. The Ardgarval, which was built In 1917 at Port Glasgow. Scotland, by Ferguann Brna., has gross tonnage of 034 and net 410. The vessel Is 300 feet long with beam of thirty feet and depth of 12 ft. 8 In. She Is well suited for freight twrvloe such as la required on this coast. EXTRADITION ORDER FOR HENRY SERETH I'renldent of lUnkrupt South Alberta Lumber t'ompiiur Must. Tare Charge VANCOUVER, "Tune 3. Henry Bereth. president of the bankrupt South Alberta Lumber Co., was yesterday In the au preme- court remanded into custody for extradition to New York on a charge of obtaining funda by falae pretenses from the Hamilton National Dank at New York. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE l Bid. Asked j Wheat 1.60 . B.C. Silver . lj58 1.60 Coast Copper . 15.S0 18.00 I Cork Province .07 .08 M , Dunwell 1.45 I AO iGlacler .08 ' .01 Independence .08 V4 .09 Indian .08 .09 L. & I ..... .1054 .14 Premier 2.03 a.07 Porter Idfcho .IS .17 Silver Oreat . .0JH .07 Suntoch .70 0 Tn dditiqu wadcuidc Drmr er&rr tuudu ij uii i lull rr siixoiui o uLiinv &Ln V f , TRAFFIC COPS IN INDIA are as necessary as, in Canada, and "Pull over to the curb"-or its equivalent is a demand that must be met. The photograph show's how they do it in Bombay. The lady on the "bike" is an exotic note. LEADING TEAMS WON YESTERDAY J IKW CHANm: I.V mo i.kajii; XTANPl.NfiM A a UKSILT OK (SAAIKH nAltU Tlll'KSltAV NEW TORK. June 3-It was first division teams' day In the Big Leagues Thuradsy. In the National League, the leading Pittsburg Pirates turned the tables on Philadelphia for the loss the day previous and won 7 to 3. The New York Olants defeated Cincinnati Re 3a and rose to tmlrd place In the atandlng. In the American League, all first di vision teams won over their opponents In the second class, there being no changes In the standing. Three defeats marked the first charge of the American League west against the eastern baseball front as Invaders. Dutch" Reuther took back a sadly dis organized club with only two hits, the Yankees scored an 8 to 4 victory over Cleveland and every Washington player got at least one hit to rout St. Louis Browns. The White Sox alone of the Invaders won, Chicago taking Its, ninth victory from Boston. In the National Leugue, the Cincin nati Reds gave the Olants a jolt before the latter pulled through with 8-4 triumph. The Pittsburg Pirates. continuing their momentum, flattened Philadelphia 7-3. The games resulted as follows: national li:aiiii; Philadelphia 3, Pittsburg 7. New York ft, Cincinnati 4, AMKItK .V M.t.Ull K St. Loula 2. Washington 11. Detroit 0. New York 2. Chicago 7. Boston 3. Cleveland 4, Philadelphia 8. LLAdli: STANDINGS National League. . ' W. L. Pet. ' 27 U .675 22 - 10 .S7y 23' 17 .875 22 117 .664 22 33 ,489 18 21 ' .462 13 21 i82 ,,12 31 Jl79 l.rucue 30 14 .682 28 17 .622 23 21 .823 20 20 JiOO 21 24 .487 19 23 .432 18 24 .429 12 28 .300 Cincinnati New York Chicago ........ Philadelphia. Washington ...... . est, Boston BEAMWINNER OF OAKS RACE EPSOM, June 3, Lord Ourham'i Beam won the 148th renewal of tl) hUtorlc Oaks run over the Derby course. The second hors was Lord Aster's Book Law and the third Oecrge Bulluugh's Qrand Vitesse. Sixteen horses ran. c Muskrat Raising on Islands Is Well Established Declares Owner of Farm Near Mdssett A. D. Hallett, who lived for some years at Alice Arm where he was enquired in prospecting and wbo went to Masfiett a couple of years ago with a view to engaging in cranberry farming which' project was found to be impracticable on account of winter frosts, is now pioneering the raising of muskrats there and has liopusiof developing it into a large industry. About February 15 Mr. Hallett obtained sixteen -rats from near Edmonton and these have thrived well, increasing now to 100. Conditions for feeding, etc., Mr. Hallett says, are very favorable,; and he anticipates being able to produce about 5.000 yearly for the fur market In about two years. In the meantime, he does not Intend to part with any of his flock of little annuals. In preparation for their raising, Mr. Hallett has expended some tBO.OOO on a quarter section of land he holds there. Mr. Hallett arrived In the city from Massett on the Prince John yesterday and plans spending about a week tn the city. His brother, Frank Hallett, la a patient In the local hospital suffering from, a fracture of the' skull sustained In an accident at a logging camp at Gardner Canal which he conducts. j BODY OF MAN FOUND HANGING ' FROM A POLE VANCOUVER. June 3. 'Hatigfng from a telegraph pole the 'body of a man believed to be .William Vajiwell Car penter, was found tn the Orandvlew district tills morning. NO PROSECUTION OF SAMMYJANDELL FOR DEATHOF ADAMS KANSAS CITY, June S.-VTliere wUl be no pruecutlon of Sammy Mandell, lightweight champion boxer. In connection with the death from a broken neck of his opponent Steve Adanu of Chicago, aa the authorities are convlnoed that death was accidental, It Is announced. FATALLY; INJURED LOS ANOBLES. June 3. Evelyn Egan, 20 yean of age, a motion picture ac-1 tress, was fatally Injured when she drove . a motor car Into a steam shovel on) Ilolleywood boulevard, Her head was crushed and physician had to remove I one tit. The auto was deincllshed- j : P. H- McCallum. local insurance nua, sailed last night on. the Prlaoe Rupert for Vancouver on a business trip. SIDE GASHED WITH KNIFE I INHUMAN IN Keillors CONDITION IN HOSPITAL KKSl'LT Of STAI'.IIINO AII'AIK VANCOUVER. June, 3. An unidentified man with a Wnlfe guMi lu liN side Hetrnteen Im-heK long I In the hoopllal In a nerloti condition. Two others are wounded. One man in charged with wounding and four men and two women are held by the police for Investigation as the result of an alleged kUitililng affray ut a Keefer iStreet house eurl) thin morning. l4iuii Matt In. a taxk-ab operator. Is hrld l) the police on a charge of fttublilng. The two wounded men are I'red ClmpniHii uiid W, Linton. IRISH ELECTIONS ARE CONTINUING WITH VIGOR DUBLIN, June 3. The election campaign j continues with unabated vigor. The only party with a clear cut policy Is the Government party and It looks as If It would be returned next Wednesday. WIFE OF PRESIDENT" CALLES OF MEXICO DIES OF OPERATION t LOS ANGELES, June 3. Senora La- tails Callea. wife of President Caljei of j Mexico, died here from heart attack I after a major operation. SWEPT INTO CURRENT FIVE WERE DROWNED OREENVIIXE, Miss., June 3,. Three Negroes and two white children were Crowned aear her uhea 8. .mbtfoo&t. which they were attempting w aocn. w sweat into the current J tUe IbllssLsslppl overflow water and over- turned, i iiiuixti Egypt's Premier Declares the Despatch of Warships to That Country Unwarranted by Facts i , CAIRO, June i!.' Premier Sawat Pasha, addressing the chamber of deputies here today declared that the despatch of British warships to Egypt Avas unwarranted as there was no movement in the .country threatening the lives or interests of foreigners. He said: "Peace and security reign everywhere. Foreigners themselves 'are quite tranquil and there is great hope that this conflict may end, , thanks to the spirit of friendship governing the Anglo-Egyptian re-, lations, in a manner securing Egypt's interests with honor." ,' r TOIMV IS WIXTV- 4 Mt(OMl IIIUTIIIIAV 14 of kixi (ii;oit(ii; v. 4 ( - ! The Blxty-aecond birthday of King 'Oeorge Vi Is being gener-a ally observed In Prince Rupert today. Banks, municipal, pro-4 vlnclal and federal offices are 4 cloned as well as tbe schools. 4. Stores are closing this aftcr- 4. noon and only such establish- 1 mcnts as must are open. The 4, 1 4 Elks' Lodge ts celebrating the occasion appropriately by hold- 4 4 lng Its annual Flag Day fes- f tlvltles. 4 FISH ARRIVALS Seven Small noatd "Sold "nfrlir!i-E.chaiigeytbiM Morning . Seven small boats, sold their catches at the fish exchange this morning there being three American with 37,000 pounds and four Canadian with 34,000 pounds. Bales were aa follows: AMERICAN Gladstone. 19.500 to Cold Storage at 13 and 6. Wood row 6.500 to Cold Storage at 13.70 and 7. Fremont 11.000 to Boot'h Fisheries at 13.80, and 7. CANADIAN Livingstone II.. 14.000 to Cold Storage at 12.70 and 6. Ringleader, 8.500 to Atlln Fisheries at 13.60 and 6. Joe Baker 9,000 to Cold Storage at 13.70 and 6. Narnen 2.500 to Royal Fish Co. at 13.60 and 6. WILLIAM HAMILTON IS LAID TO REST Funeral' Take I'lm-e Tills Afternoon of Pioneer l'roectnr of this District Wltli fitting ceremonies In the presence of a group of friends of deceased, the funeral took place this afternoon at 2.30 from the chapel of the B.C. Undertakers to Falrvlew Cemetery of j the late William Hamilton, old timer of this district. Rev. W. F. Prloe conducted the ervlce and W. Vaughan Davles presided at the organ. Pallbearers were Oeorge B. Casey, W. E. Denning. A. J. Phlllipxon. William Oil-Christ, Oeorge Davis and W. H, Mont- gomery. THREE DROWNED IN A PUDDLLOF WATER OREAT FALLS. Mont, June 3 In a puddle of water sixteen inches deep. Mrs. Roy Busier drowned her two daugh-1 ters, one and nine years of age respectively, and then herself. PRESIDENT KIM . SIGNALLY HONORED LONDON, Ont, June 3 President ; kllnk of the University of British Col umbla has been elected president of the national conference of Canadian universities. James Olllett, Indian Agent for the I Queen Charlotte Islands, la a, visitor, FIGHT IS IN OKANAGAN NMV CONsEltVATIVE LC.UlCK TAKES (UAKtiK ! CAMI'AHIN FOR M. F. KENNEDY .. VERNON, June 3. All the heavy Con-4 servatlve and Liberal guns have been turned loose In the North Okanagan election campaign and Interest. In the, event Is mounting rapidly. Several of tbe Liberal ministers are In the constituency supporting K. C. MacDonald and Hon. Simon Fraser Tolmle Is leading the forces of the opposition which are rallying .to W. F. Kennedy, the Conservative candidate. ln a speech at a meeting at Oyama Dt: Tolmle stated that the marketing legislation which had been secured would be given fair chance and If not satisfactory would be amended or eliminated. WHEAT SHIPPED AT VANCOUVER VANCOUVER. June 8. The following vessels loaded grain here during the week for various ports; Vermont for Havre with option of Antwerp and Dunkirk 130,567 bushels. Santos for Malmo 33.33! bushels; for Gothenburg 16,666 bushels. Una Lin for Yokohama 83,333 bush els: for Buruml 63.333 bushels. Toklwa Maru for Yokohama 6,630 bushels. Neptunian for Kobe 34,683 bushels. Florida Maru for Shanghai 204,408 bushels, Shldzuoka Maru for Yokohama 33,000 bushels. Marie Baake for Callao 36.831 aha for Point Fermln 15,000 bushels. ASK MANDAMUS BEER LICENSE ( O.MMhH( IAI. HOTEL MAKINO APPLI CATION TO Kl'PKKMK lOlKT NEXT WEEK VANCOUVER, June 8. Mandamus directing the Liquor Control Board to. lift the suspension of the beer licence of the Commercial Hotel will be sought of the Supreme Court next week by A, J. Lake, proprietor. COLUMBIA OFF FOR EUROPE ALL IN KEADIN ENH I OK PLANE TO H.V TO POME I'LUK. PKOIIAULY ItERLIN NEW YORK, June 3. 5- The Bellanea ,, airplane Columbia was today, filled to capacity with fuel and oil In prepara-,. tlon for a takeoff late today to soma place In Europe on a non-stop flight. .believed to be Berlin FAMOUS AVIATOR RETURNS TO FRANCE lu twu tor a couple of days on of-i Hctkl bualnes. He arrived from Mis-, LEBOUROET. France, June S. Llnd-sett on the Prluoe Jahn yesterdiy af tsr-j bergh, the traiidfctlauUo flyer, arrived hoon and expects to return to the Is-j here tills morning from Croydon, Eng. lands tomorrow night. Ilsnd.