PAGE SIX Agreeably aged, ljT I smooth, fragrant I congenial com pSim pany anywhere klil'S ' , mmk Tins advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of tlritisb Columbia. APPLES Are going up. We have on Special in all sizes. An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away ORDER NOW. Yellpw Newtons, wrapped $2.73 Winesaps, wrapped . . $2.73 Black Twigs, wrapped $2.75 Yellow Newtons, jumble pack $2.25 Rhubarb, 2 lbs 35c Lettuce 13c Brussel Sprouts, per lb. 30c Cauliflower 23c and 35c Get your requirements early. Apples are! advancing Issallem '5 417-123 Fifth Avenue East Phones 18 and 84 Eye Strain The discovery that Headaches are frequently the direct result of Eye Strain brought about the correct way to relieve the difficulty and placed testing eyes and adjusting glasses on new and important ground. Two troubks are relieved with one stroke. Come to ua for ready relief from Eye Troubles. A. E. IRELAND ('ruduate Optometrist 319 Third Avenue. Opposite (I.W.V.A. WOOD Dry Jack Tine. Cedar, Birch and Spruce Per load $6.50 Per half lpad $3.S0 Per sack 50c Firelighters, 48 for $1.00 delivered. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 675 DENTIST TIIE DAILY NEW3 Fridav r HERMAN TRELLE IMPROVEMENTS ULaaa""L2i,g4faW TO HOLLYWOOD? NESTLES ATLANTIC SHIPS A Hew and Better Optical Service WAMEM FOR "Ill'MAN INTnSEST OK -LOVE TIICJIE- IX AUVLKTIS-IM1 rlCTUtl EDMONTON, 2S,-I:alywood is , orcioiung to Merman Trelle, the wheat and oat klnj.. One or the world'e largest Implement companies Is behind the handsome oiler which has been made Trelle. and a representative or the celluloid world ; Is now on his way -to Wembley to talk the proposition over with the Peace ''River rarmer who has attained world-jwlde publicity as being the first man to capture both the wheat and oats championship in competition with grain ! growers rrom all over the world. i So keen are the promoters of the' j scheme that they are willing to take ' Mrs. Trelle along with another contract, and the tentative plans' are for a movie to be woven around the winning I LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO AITLY TO IIKII1AM, LAND TAKE NOTICE THAT I, Arthur Robertson. Massett, B.C.. occupation Mlllroan, Intend to apply ror permission to purchase the following described land: Commencing at northeast corner of Lot lfkfiii O HI nfstHft- thanM .n.ih fifty chains; thence east forty chains: thence north to shore: thence following uigunsbcr uiui vu pomi ox commencement, rnn ! t n i n tr nnii him4r.-i mr.M more or less. Located this 30th j or December. 1928. ARTHUR ROBERTSON Week-end Specials Sunkist Oranges, small size, 17 for 23c Sunkist Oranges, right size for kiddies, 13 for 25c Eating Apples, wrapped stock. Staymen Wjnesaps, 3 lbs. for 23c Half box $1.43 Per box," special $2.69 Imperial Valley Grape Fruit, 3 for Rhubarb. 2 lbs. Cowan'H Cocoa, 1 lb. tin Grape-Nuts. 2 ikg. for . v Soap Flakes, in bulk, 2 lb. ANGER, the TAILOR Suits made to order. In our shop as low as $50 223 Sixth Street 13c 33r for 23c n .Til n in Mill -GOVEHNMEXT LIQUOR ACT." NOTICE Or APPLICATION I'OK ULEK LICENCE NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that, on the 10th dar of February next, the un dersized intends to apply to the Liquor Horl li,it,,. -:, isl13 n B23. Sec-Ion 7. thence aouth U .... ' --jBdeg. S3 25" east a distance of 60 leet oncentrated MIIiKJ bwswccrtNga or the big prUe, with Mr. and Mrs.! Trelle apeparing as the hero and hero- j ine. Life o.1 a farm Is to be depleted., with a close-up or the couple breaking! land, sowing the crop, and carry on operations with the Implements manu- fa:ured by the United States concern.. A little 'human Interest" or ""ove theme" is to be Interwoven In the film. but the. scenes will be "shot" In the United States, it Is understood that the Implement concern has offered Trelie a permanent post with the organization as a cftmonstrator of the form machinery at agricultural lairs ard shows through the United States. Perhaps there were divorces in the old days because "duty" to a wife meant letting the man do all the and creaminess iwkCMifiui'vir. a, ri FASHION EDICT FOR MEN GIVEN TAILOirs ASSOCIATION TELLs HAT MIOILII UK WOKN AMI V HAT MIOt LH NOT Prince Rupert's society la not very highbrow it Is true but fashion's edict ror men was delivered to the annual convention or the National Association or Merchant TaUors or America by 1U 'GOVERNMENT I lOITnn Ar-r-i collars, either la watte or : matched collars to colored shirts of NOTICE or APPLICATION FOB BEEB unobtrusive patterns are proper for LICENCE , town and business wear. The soft col- NOTTCE IS HEREBY OIVEN that on Uj " recommended only ror hot $1.10!iJ1,' " i. . n!Irt.te Vnder- ! oountry and aporta wear. signed intends to I, apply to the Llquar ... ln tunct wiuinu Doara ior a a licence licence to premises being prt or the buUdlng uvu h vcuvrm zi'jiri. iiiui.ra at the "orner ot First and Seventh stu m the City ot Prince Rupert. Proilnce or ur.iun ionunoia. upon the lands described aa Lou Eleven 11 and Twelve1 (12. Thirteen (13 and Fourte-n (14.i nilA llom wmw 1U 0. n.1 . ' ' I Crisco, 1 lb, tins, snecial 25r i!?1!?01!. xardtog to a regutered Del Monte Trunes, size 40-i 1 '-a.aB-ssaaaiiaa.iaaa-sssij - j FRUITS and VEGETABLES rvuDeri 1 ao e jiiddiv Ln l We aro urc lhat we can u tl MAY BEATIFY I MONTREAL NUN; packed in 4 lb. 1-M. r.or . ntaibmi 923. for the -i. m ms- -- i me ni ner nr ih via nv k tv.a Urunswick Sardines, 4 f or . . 23c Castile Soap, lonjr bar 17c Itoyal Crown Soap, C bars in pkp 23c: Spring Clothes Tins, C dozen for' 23c Malkin's Jelly Powders, 4 for 23c Fiir DarB or Ginger Snaps, jier lb. l!cj Fresh Ground Coffee. jer lb. 13c ' C9c ; bottle or conaumptlon on the preml-en. DATED at Prince Ruoert nc thu iza asy oi January. 1927. CORA E BLACK. Applicant. TEK ttllO lOlMll l) G HE V MNS DIE!) IN 1771 MONTltEAL. Feb. 24-(By Canadian Preaai - The beaUrlcatlon of Staler Marie-Marguerite de Lalenunerai. round lor i 7oCthe selection or Marie-Marguerite) was, Corn and. Pea, C tins or . . S3c:held in Rom. Any variety Malkin's Uest Fruits: The sessions are' held In camera and' Peacheis, Pear, Cherries, I-ocan. ,re highly technical and inuicate. ! f .. . .. . ... . I . . . . ! in.Triet, apricots ana rineapple "-wriica uuona in Montreal 3 tins for 93c believe that having reached thle atage. tne b"tetlon 0f Marle-Marguerlte Is Strawberry and Annie or Itnsn. practical certainty. Great Improvements are being effected on boats in the trans-Atlantic service. '"' The Cunard Steamship Co. Ltd. announces that every one or tu 600 footers. l.e. the "Franeoala. "Cariutbia," "Laeonla." "Samaria" and "Bcythla" are now equipped with hot and cold running water throughout the entire first and second cabin accommodation. When the "Mauritania" come out ror her Mediterranean cruise In February she will have no more bertha, but w:U be fitted throughout with, beds. The "Aqultanta" aeeommodatlon is now about the finest ol any sbip afloat the rocina are equipped with exceptionally large beds and the decorations In 'ape try and fine woods are extraor dinarily attractive. There are no small rooms left in the "Aqultanla." The "Bereng aria" ' she returns to service la March will have as an acMed feature running hot water throughout the entire saloon aommodation. Very little could be done to Improve the staterooms or this steamer as they are already as good as anything afloat, but the addition or hot water puU tau steamer In perfect condition. Efforts have been made to bring the culalne up to the niftiest standard possible in ocean transportation. Advertise In tbt Dally Newa. TUB HANKKUITCY AIT. N Till' i:.TATK oVw IIXI M MOIUJAV .u Timum:i a-shimi-: Notice la hereby given that William rashlon committee at Llmnhu Tn.!""-c4 the Town oT Lockeport. Que JT, Cnarlotte Islanae. Province or British n.. k- naessee. be or may some Interest. Columbia. dM. on the 12th day of Feb-Few radical changes In the trend orruanr, 1BT7. make an autborfeest aeslga-style were noted, although the commit- iS'&tI STSlt ft futSXX tee found many small deUlls or men" Esq.. Official Receiver, dm appointed m-dress to frown upon and a number of 10 te custodian of the Eatale of u. carcltas pracUcea to censure. CbJef'0' untu the Ilm eeung or eredi-among the latter is the wearing oil Notice Is further given that the first j light colored ST!" o! er"f,,ts the above estate overcoats and bright K.. 1 1 . . . W - - . H . . . L . . Control Board for a licence In respect'.... . II . or or premises beinz Dart of the buiMin wa""Mon m ' Pra nai witn forenoon. Houm. Cltr of Imiv fault which the committee declared was Rupert, Rupert. In In the the Province of British Col- very noticeable." ' Another fault was " umbu. the on rL.- hour the .-""' M. f": 1927 nrrnt u noci in m known as Seal Cove Hotel, altuau at toe dinner jacket. To entitle you to vote thereat proof the City of Prince Rupert. In the Ptj-i Correct and na Incorrect nraetlm PTCUctt ln in ?f.TX"ur oU,m lodfed wit as vlnce of British Columbia, upon the' "7" brlore the meeting la beioT lands described as all that portion ol cns wcn summanxed as toMows: Proxies to be used at Use ateeUng must naunront tsiocE Bay or Prince 1 sne top suk nat or opera bat ahouldi '" me prior tnereto. Rupert, or Prince Aud (urthr ult notice City Rupert. Pro-'be worn with th tiit taucoat. that at auch rlnee or British Columbia, ksp 923. 1 . 'meeting the credlton wUl elect the per- Prince Runert Land Redatration nu. white waist coats have given war to maaent trustee. trlct, and being more particularly de- the black waist costs for dinner laeketa.L further uke notice that if you' scribed as follows: I . ... . . "1. 0, n claim afalnst the debtor ror n lB tntTxl "Commencing at a point which lies to - ravorltes fclch you are eatrUed to rank, proul a atraleht line of harinir nnrth ffi tor town and buslneaa. whit dark t.m of such claim muat he fu4 witK m JCI28 8" east a distance of 787.20 frir tK f. . with the trustee win appointed Other-1 35c from the centre of circle aa shown on' wear. "" j wis the proceeds of the'k et . , - -. "'- iinence north 6deg. 83' 23" west a dls-' "u" w pa. Sweet Spuds, per lb 10c 1 "nct of 60 feet to a point, thence aouth ! Spata are never correctly wore with Mexican Tomatoes, per lb. .. 35c j Z 'Z100 i B.C. Fresh Pullet' Eggs, 3 dozen for $1.23 Empire Picnic Hams, per lb. IKVsc Ayrshire Roll Bacon, sliced, per lb 35c Teameal Rack Bacon, sliced, per lb 43c Pure Lard, -Shamrock or Silver Leaf, 3 lb. pails 63c 5 lb. pails 10 lb. pails Very light tana or lemon Cauliflower 35c, 40c, 43c to Pmt.. thence north -mi. 83deg. 2V SS-'ahoea are never la rood gXl form IKm at l rv FrPr, Sn-nanV, 9 1K .J??" "tance or 100 feet to a point. .. V. !.. DATTO Golden Loaf Cheee, per lb. . . 40c 5 lb. bricks $1.75 Swift's Premium Ham, sliced, per lb 50c Half Ham, per lb 40c for the sale or beer bv the nam or fav I Oloves are a necessary adlwaet. the me open notue ior consumption on the i various shsdea or un belnc nreferaWe. premises. j DATED this 12th dayor January 1971. 8u,PenCer relSi their popo-H. A. DODD. jlsrlty and greatly aid the fit aad hang Applicant. or the troupers. st!c!-rJ Starched wui oe distributed tmonc the Dame- colored tatltlod tbefeto without rea-ard to your at Prince Ronert. n C this . 14th day of February AU. lTT i ALEX A. CONNON I Trustee 1 SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACT AMENDMENTS er and first iuthF f k. nw to be addressed to the Ln4 Com Charltv al k... ... . mUaloner of the Land Racordln D. (Montreal - " aw m was tvtaju I now before the Sacred Congregation of Rites or the Roman Catholic Church, m Rome. It became! known m Montreal recently j The name or Sister Marle-MarguerlU ' iwaa rirst brought to the attention of! jthe Vatican for beatiricatlon la IftW. The' Archblahop ol Montreal was then order- j ,ed to study the merits or the rreommen-,' 'datlon Ml fiH.. i - .IIIU U. . . WK.C IUU1UKU U. i r v iianneu lruilft nnrl VtirinAi Th cm ... k.m ... H .w. 1'hones 210, 211 and 212 MILK From Ilulkley Valley FUESH MILK AND Willi'. PING CREAM Quality and Sen-ice Valentin Dairy Phone CS7 - - - - . . - WSIV la UMUiriiru a,U feilC j away oeiow any other price quoted cred congregation. This body, after I because we sell lots of them. ,cn n1 minute investigation into the T1IIS WEKK religious standing of candidates ac- PRE-EMPTIONS Vacant. Uiireatvrd. aurvayeul Crown Unda may be pra-ampted by ftrttiah autlects over it year of age, efW l-y alieas fat) decUrllia Inlaotioo tu lttm HrllUh aubeta. condl-titinal tirwin residence, occupation. Jd irnurovtment ror agricultural aurpoim Full Information concerning rca tkna rvcardlnr pre-eunptions Is rlvMi in ItulMln No. 1. Land Berlss. "How to Ire-enpt Land." copies of sihica ckd be obtained free of charts ly addrf-aoing tba Detartment of Land a. Victoria. B.C.. or to any Oov-rtirnent A cent a, Kecorde will h granted covering only land aulteble for acrtcuHaral puri"1 an. which la not tlmbtr-land. la. carrylnc over l.M board ret tr acre west of lha Coaat Hangs and a.00 fevt per acre east or that I lane Applications ror pre-emptions ara vision. In which the land appUaJ ror Is aituated. and are made on printed ronna. cnplee of which ran be obtained from the Land Commissioner, Pre-emptions must be occupied ror five years and Improvements mads to value of 110 per acre. Including clearing and cultivating at least rive arras, before a Crown Orsnt can bs rat-elved. For mnro detailed Information the Kulletln "How to Fre-amct Land." PURCHASE Applications are received for pur. chase of vacant and unreserved Crown lands, not being tlmberlsad. for agricultural purpoass; minimum price for first-elan (arable) land la It per acre, and second. claas (gras 0 tins Tomatoes, any brand, 2Vi,. ' L ltTmlne t'ther meetings ,,, und $ per acre. Further la- r . - ShOUld be held Whleh muM IrxA In h fltnniNllii rwmrAtm r....V.... r. lino T..m.. i ...... i -j - - uciwiicauon oi the peraon under conald-1 ia an van in uunetin n. J K.n .A f .. D... .... I a , ...... . i eration. A meetlnr ' towsrda thla end --. wt mwiu nii.if rurciiMf ana Lesae of Crown Landa." Mill, factory, or Industrial altea oa timber land, not eiceedlng to aeraa. may be porchaaed or laaaad. the conditions includtna payment of stumpaca. HOMESITE LEASES Unsurvayed araaa. not eireeJIng 10 acr". may be leaaed aa homesltaa, conditional upon a dwslllna- balna iH-rry and Apple Jam j 8uler Mane-Manruerite n U nr.t rear, utu being -ltd died m ,B Mon-! "n A new product which Is delicious 'i,..i -" cbtalnable after rt.ldene. and lm! as an J . I ManvimSftt provement conditions rtTAHfsm an ra fulfill! ..111111 per ii n auc; 2 tins for J3c Empress Orance Marmalade 4 lb. tin, per tin, 57 Vic 2 tins for $1.15 Our business is growinjr, our service is better; we guarantee satisfaction. Phones 45 and 574 B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Hlo MCAMM1 ounng an eiamlnatlon a acboolboyi waa told to write a short story and In troduce the word's "calm" and "col-lected." The following was submitted: "One dSV in nmf.un4 was crossing the street, when to Ms coruternstlon he discovered traffic bearing down upon him from all directions With great presence of mind, he stood quite cslm. ' The trsfflc passed and he was collected." LoU of so-called will p-wer power la won't are and lead baa been eurvtyad. LEA8ES for graxlng aad Industrial mr-poaae areas not exceeding 140 acres may be leased by ooe parsoa or a eompany. GRAZING m Under the Grazing Aot the rrw. Inee la divided Into grating districts and the ranis administered -tnder a Orating Commissioner. Annual grating permits are Issued baaed oa aumbera ranged, priority being g1v to established owner. Stook-ewnsis stay form ass eolations for raag.i management, rraa, or partly frsV, parmiu are avUlabla for aetUara, eavBpere aad tra valors, a u tea r (J. It Mutrie, laic or Toronlu, mH taLcn char-Optical Department. Mr. Mulrie U an experlen,-, ' " (ptomelrlt with 28 years' practical eperien,e i close anJ intimate km; iwledne of practical fiii(n . and jrlve hpcclal atlcnlion to children. al We hate one of the finest and most up-to-dM. Parlors in Canada, with all the late I appliance -. We keep faith with the public Kemembcr that a Ruaranlce Is only KOlHj M lW. ifsourctn make it. We make icood! ' Max ax Heill: neiiDroner Diamond Specialist. j2" j " ) -i ' i ' A')H!a westholmeSS I'KIDAY AM) SATI HDAY. 7 and J pra. Saturday Matinee at 3 p.m. The yt fsr's jfreat t-umt-dy n . IIKX I. VOX. MAY MeAVOY. TOM MAI-UI, , It CUI.I.OUGII. SAM IIAIIDY. UlAltl.OTTr, , and stronfr cut COMEDY "CUKKI'S. PATIIF Kf V! ,i Admlvslon 3tc and 10c Prince Rupert Coal Co. Ltd I'hcne 15 Ascnl for Ladysmith - Wellingfon and Peerless. Sootless Coa Coal to uit etery stove or heater and prices to :u.'cr. pocket. Phone your next order to u. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Ltd. PANAniAM M ATI fl NAI Q7IC Largtfl IKailiony Syfltm in Amend Steamship and Train Service ritlM i: III I I HT Villi Irate I'HISCi; III I'f ItT lf V.sM-JM'11"1 TOUIA, KKATTIJ:. and Inlrrinrrttalr ImI ra h I KWV l s. -KIN( i: 111 l-I IIT lor KTIiMAHT and .MOV. llt l'v t: Z . .... ..... . ....... ..i.i.,if?1'B .. I illAl I. 4KIIK wr 1AMIII1I.K tla Ul M.- tmi.-'- - MMH, fortnightly. I'tSMiMillt TMtlNH 1.1: A v: ruiMi: III TIKT l-arh MI1MHV, Ml.liM.Mi( and M ATI KI'W l M m an. H rj IIIOIKiK. I.1HIOVTOV. MINMI'l ll. all lilat. LaMrm tjr.;C: KUIe. AOKNCV Al l. OCEAN rTi;tMllir I.IM3. Iw Canadian .Natlunal l.ire fir Money Order-. I " elr.. alo fr our nett alilpntent. CITV HCKI'T OII ICI-. SJg llllllll HUMi: III TI IIT i IV1 rM NO ONE IN CANADA NEED DRINK IMMATURE WHISKY. THE AGE OF Whisky IS GUARANTEED BY THE CANADIAN GOVERNMENT. This advertisement is not published or display t,y Liquor Control Board or by the Ooven,nr"f of Urilish Columbia.