;dy Feoruan 25, 1927 vprvminff azy! Ever hear people nay ft? Mayoe you have experi- em-eil the sensation yourself. ;at m nature's warning. "In e your eyes examined Tiic ic eyes need help and u un get that help. We are graduate opticians i, id we iran tell by examina-t. in which gives you no dis- imfirt, junt the proper i:ii.: -!es to give you. We can . u n those clouds away and It: n the sunshine and you :" d not be afraid you are ,vff to lose your sight. Our prii'fn are moderate. 9 It: JOHNtFULGER Jevellepvs ME CIVG VOU SERVICE OJK MEN CONT UIO -THEV DCUSVER CO LVt STOKE WITH THE CLOCIS I i. A ... If k sr r W" svs -m w w- a o uol muvcu; N ew Sport Dresses ind Hats uemers I'nnn f . I'll itnv t7 L iiv 7 - il: Vnil rnn rotif 11 unn If Vint vs w a mm ii in lie i ii u s a v vu.i JIHfl Ha I ucmy anu leuvu your . ...fil . . 4 aW - II Ijl.lil.wil ;nifi 1et tnh liilrtin rirmi tit7f ii jjiirriri iri v nio nun rviir Albert & McCaffery nioncH 116 and 117 George Rorie vIIAHTKKED ACCOUNT-ANT AND AUDITOR Plion. 3S7 M Hevnnd Avenue tfest, I'rliKte Kuert i n i nopiol Sola Pnr Thu. Mivo Onlv Set en only arty m esses Y h Slips to match $18.95 Nine only ouuics i. xaio Worth double. J. BENT NOVEL TEA AND SALEYESTERDAY MI'avksk Luukx took ntoMixi:xT I'AICT IV ArTAIIt AT MIsslOV 11011! Till IIMI W .UTLIt-NOOV A novel and. at the am time, very successful tea and sale wai held yee-terday afternoon In the mission houae by the Women'a Aaaoclatlon to the AngUean Japanese mission. Miss E. O. Lennox rc-oeivrd aome seventy guests who ealied during the afternoon arid Japanese ladlea took charge of all the various arrangementa. The aum of 8A0 waa rciAlaed. Presiding at the tea tablet were Mra. 8uU, who poured Japanese tea: Mra. Obata. Vho poured Ceylon tea, and Mm. Kltagawa, who poured coffee. Those who assisted In serving were Mra. Moehlda. Mra. Nlshlkaze. Mra. Yoshl-lioka and Mlaa Total Katsuyama. The borne eooUng table waa prealded over by Mra. Ysmanaka who waa assisted by Mrs. MsUumoto and Mn Suyehlro. The program, which waa rendered during the afternoon, included vocal solos by Mra. Donald Rom; violin solo by Mlaa Kathleen Bulger: a Japanese daivce by Mrs. Dot, accompanied on the samlfcen by Mra. Nakamoto. and dances by two little girl of Mrs. Crew's classes. Mlaa Norlko Katauyama and Mlaa MarW LAND ACT MMH T Of INTEVTIOV TO AI'I'I.V TO io n iinitM: i.iMi In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate or. the north chore of the South Arm o! Tiuwo Harbor. Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte Islands. Province of British Columbia. TAKE NOTICE that James Field, of Prince Rupert, B.C.. occupation Marine Broke:. Intends to apply for permission t purchase the following described Ijnds Commencing at a post planted on the north snore of South Arm of Tasoo Harbor. Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte Islands, in the Province of British Columbia, about S chains from the end of he Government trail: thence 10 chains northeasterly: thence 10 chains north-westerly-, thence to chains southwesterly; thence 10 chains southeasterly, and containing twenty (20) acres, more or JAMES FIELD. Applicant. Dled November 29. IBM LAND ACT Minn: or intention to rrt.x to ij.a-i: roitoiiOKi: In Orabam Island. 4ueen Charlotte Island land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and altuate at Ferguson Bay, Mametl Inlet. Oraham Island. TAKE NOTICE that Powell River Company Limited of Vancouver. B.C. occupation Manufacturers, Intend to apply tor a lease of the following described lands Commencing at a post planted at the northeast corner of DL 1371: thence westerly, following northern boundary of saia loi to tne nertnwest corner oi said lot; thence westerly, northerly and easterly, following the high tide mark of Ferguson Bay to the extreme easterly point of Echinus Point: thence southeasterly to the point of commencement. nd containing ISO acres, more or lew. POWELL RIVER COMPANY. LTD. Agent. J. Douglaa Wilson. Dated th Nwmhr IMS MINERAL ACT rr.iuiricATE or improvements MITICI! Juanlta. Anycx. Oranby. Alamo, Rodeo, Pinto. Wann Fractional No. 2. and Monte Fractional Mineral Clalmi. altuate In the All In Mining Division of Casslar District. Where located: On Wann River. Taku Arm of TagJsb Lake. TAKE NOTICE that I, Charles V. Bob Free Miner's Certificate No. 88768. intend, sixty dsys from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Improvements, for the pur-of obtaining a Crown Grant of the ahjve claim And further take notice that action, uniier section 88. must be commenced before tii Issue of rucb Certificate of Iiiicroveonentt. D.led this lit day of January. AD H. McN. FRASER. Arent. li27 FOK SALE HV TENDKIt III! KI'PFRT Ttlll.E SITPLV CO. AN I IMIIMI. TKAIXNd CO. PlIINt l! KtTEKT. III. TENDERS will be received by the un- m laniH fnr- ths HrvtfnnHs. cents' fUT -.I.I-.M .Mil mvrv atnrlr with flV- turee and furnishings In connection, be longing tO tUf HU Ol 4. V. uaiii. trading aa the Rupert Table Supply and BC I stock and fixtures may be Inspected ion application to the undersigned or at the stores. ... Tenders may be submitted for the whole or each stock separately and will , hu thM tmrlpralffned on or be- fure 0 p.m. Monday. February 21. 1927. The niRnest or any iruun iuv ,,ruy Jom u amsm. Trustee, Prl nee Rupert. B.C LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION' TO APPLY TO I.EtsE UNO. In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and fljuate at Nesto Inlet. Queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that John Dybhavn. of prince Rupert, B.C.. occupation manager, intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the south aide of Nesto Inlet, about one mile from Its head; thence aouth 8 cha na: thence wrsi io ... north 8 chains to shore: thence east 10 chains, more or less, lonowmg m u. line to 'point of commencement, and containing .7 acres. iAVK Applicant. fisted November 31. 1021- NOTICE. ESTATE OF HUM Wm WILSON, AITIIOII .... .m t,. M..ivri bv tha under- algned on the Stock In Trade and Fix- turee of the above named J. W. Wilson 'it Stewart B C. Copies of Inventory and ;Scy toVtore my be obtained from R. W Kennedy. Barrister. Stewart. B.C. iTendm to be submitted on or before rbruqry 19. 1927. Hlghert or any tender .not nntrcbNNON,Trt,.,ee. I Prince Rupert, B.C. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert Mr. and Mra. II. F. Vancouver last evening. i-tf IKImi MtV 2J, 1917 Lieut. J. W. Nleholla returned this morning from the front and will be In the city for few days on business. In the essay contest on the subject Canada's Share In the Great War" there were three prusea awarded according to the agea of the contestants. Violet Lelghton of Metlakatla won first prize af the class from 10 to 12 years. Ruth Rix first In the class between 12 and 14, and Freda Morrow first in the class over 14 "years of age. Members cf Skeena lodge No. 45, Knights of Pythias, paraded last night to the Methodist church where an ap J. F. Dlmmlck. Len Bell, engineer on the O.TJ. will run out of Winnipeg In future Instead of out of Prince Rupert. Fred Ives, an old timer of the city, has joined the Transport Engineers and will leave for England next week. McRae left for Notice la being given to allow of starting of work on the Emmenon mill site at Seal Cove. in ONE HAIKU: IIISMISSEII. the County Court yesterdsy after-r" noon. Evidence in a second charge of stealing a gold nugget watch chain waa heard and adjournment was taken until Monday for argument of counsel and Judgment. Advertise In the Dally News. DEPARTMENT OF LANDS NOTICE tnnllratlnn fur f:zln IVnnlts far fhr: , Yn CAILT ITZT73 " PAGE FIVB Four Grades Sold "SALAD A" & sfzfliCiB. ko Nlarflkare. who were accompanied by Mra. Robert Blance. Mra. Tom Shlmlzu acted aa treasurer for the afternoon. ttz Tai All packed in Black, Green and Mixed. EXECUTION OF SLAYER TODAY (iCOItCK llts-IXU SEI.F-ri)NFKHEI Kii.i.ut oi' tii!RTi:i:n ikioovs, EI.EI'TKOrt'TF.11 I TEXAS PENITENTIARY HUNTSVILLE, Texaa, Feb. 2S. George HaueD. confessed slayer of 13 persons, who war electrocuted In the penitentiary here this morning, believed that a broken romance .waa responsible for the queer quirk In his makeup which led him to deeds of violence. Convicted and sentenced to death Jn January for the murder of his wife and nine step-children, Hassell told the story of his life shortly afterward and. drew charts which directed police to the bodlet of a woman and two children whom he had killed and burled under a house In Whlttler. Cal several years ago. The bodies of the wife and nine Rev. j rtf P-chUdren wre found to a dugout propriate sermon waa preached by on nasaeiis larxn near rarweu, jexas. When he waa 18 years old. Hassen said, he fell In love with a young woman In Buffalo Oap. Taylor County. Texas. He married her In December. 1908, and moved to Abilene, Texas. Next he moved to Fort Worth, where he was a night watchman, and then to a farm near Hobart, Okla. He sent fcls wife and their baby son to Winters. Texas, while be went on to Oklahoma. Ill IMIII Ills LITE "We promised to write every day when we parted. Haasell said. "I wrote, but a week passed before I heard from my wife. Then I received a letter. It stated she was through with me. That ruined my life. "I joined the army and deserted to The first eharee aralnst Joe Ralne ima ""n"- ilonl to see my wife and baby while that of steiltnt two overcoats and bolts th " t0 Abilene. of cloth, was dismissed by Judge Young i,n n7- I O V -Sill Wo-u . nwtKIni r UJ wilo mc bo l irui o&c mi vuuw ula and rejoined the army. "Army authorities arrested me for de- sertlon. and after 1 bad served . two year In the army prison, the old longing to .we the wife and child jame over me. and I planned to return to Taylor County. But my wife wouldn't answer my letters." Time after time. Haasell said, he returned to Texas In the hope of seeing eaon of I9S. j his wife and child, and once he married . ,. another woman because ahe had a boy XXRZ resembled his Finally, he said grarlng district of the Province of Brit- be gave up. after his wife had driven Uh Columbia, must be filed with the hlm 4wjr from her home and the son District Forester st Fort Oeorge. Kam-,. A.' . ., . . . him. He aaid he ! thrown rocks at loops. Nelson. Prince Rupert. Vancouver. or Williams Lake on or before March married five times after that, but loved Slat, 1827. oniy he ' first wife. Blank forma upon which to submit : applications may be obUlned from the Wandering around the country. Hassell District Foresters at the above named received word at New Orleans that his p!.s'.".IromUle D,Trtmrnt ot Lnd, brother had died from the kick of a ai victoria, u.v. ' . O. R. NADEN, mule at Lawton, Okla. A alster request- Deputy Minister of Lands. Department of Lands. Victoria. B C, January 4. 1827. LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LI!AE LANII TO In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on the north shore of Crescent Inlet. Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, in the Province of British Columbia, and being about one and a half miles from the head of the Inlet. TAKE NOnCf! that James Field, of Prince Rupert, B.C., occupation-Marine Broker. Intends to apply- for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the north shore of Crescent Inlet, about one and a halt miles from the head of the Inlet: thence northwesterly 20 chains: thence southwesterly 20 chains; thence southeasterly 20 chains: thence northeasterly 20 chains, and containing forty (40) acres, more or lets. JAME3 FIELD. Applicant. Dtted November 27. 1928. LAND ACT ed him to go there to finish his brother's crop. Tiaornv ocrucs He went to Lawton, married his alsler-ln-law. and assumed the care of hla brother's nine children. After a short time, they moved to Farwell. where the tragedy occurred In December. Hassell never gave any reason for the kllllhg. - "I may be wrong up' hrrtC be said In answer to a question, tapping his ftthead. "But I don't kndw why I killed. l' simply cant Bayjj1 HssfAi : was' 38. ' His trial lasted only a few days, and he himself asked for the death penalty. IMM.T on noi.T Policeman: "What Is your buslnessT" Prisoner: "I am a locksmith." Policeman: "Well what were you do ing In that gambling house we Just raldedV Prisoner: "I was making a bolt for NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO ' the door Just aa you came In! TO LEASE I. AMI I i In Prince Itujiert Ijind Recording Dls-1 triet. and altuate at Huston Inlet, Queen ! Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Robert M. rurrle, of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation fish i lacker. Intends to apply tor a lease of f he following described lands: t Commencing at a post planted at ' northeast corner about 1,000 feet westerly from miners' cabins at head of Huston Inlet: thence westerly 20 chains: thence southerly about 12 chains; thence easterly 20 chains; thence northerly about 12 chains, and containing 24 acres, more or less. ROBERT M. CURRIE. Applicant. NOTICE February 7, 1927. Citizens of Prince Rupert are hereby notified that according to the By-law No. 182. Bectlon 489, T'No person ahall within the City place, keep or deposit ashes In wooden receptacles or within twenty-five leet of a house or building unless the same are contained In aome safe depofltory constructed ot brick, stone, or other non-combustible material." I am Instructed by the City authorities to notify all parties, who neglects to do so or who refrains from doing any act or thing which violates the above Idate an Inspector will be empowered to isae me nrcesinry proceedings to eniorce this section ot the By-law. 11. K MCLEAN, City Engineer. Coughed So Hard Could Mot Sleep Mr. Daniel Dicker, Lyn, Ont., writes: ' Last January 1 bad a very severe cold and roughed so hard I eould not sleep nights. I tried every thing, Including doctor's medirlue, tut uolhuig gave uie relief until I tried Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup which was reomuiicndrd to me by a neighbor. I will never be without it In tie hon? agaiu," Tou don 'I experiment wlen you buy "Dr. Wood's1 as it has been a household remedy for the past ytara. Price 35c t bottle larjp. family sire eocj put up ouly by The ,T, Milburn Isfiiuj, imtk. Qui. The Weil-Managed Horn 'T'HE manager of a household is the purchas-" ing agent for a large proportion of the family needs. In order to do a good job she must know what, when and where to buy. She must study goods and the concerns which make goods and have them to sell. She must put her home on a business basis and run it on business principles in order to make the most of the family income. Information is the only basis for intelligent purchasing. And the right way to get the greatest amount of necessaVy information is to- read the advertisements. Advertisements tell you what is new and good in merchandise. They reveal improvements and inventions to make your home life easier, more comfortable and more convenient. They give you information about a thousand and one things that are usejul. Every manager oj a household- every member oj the household who shares the responsibility for the family's welj are should make a habit t oj reading the ads. Read the advertisements inurder to buy wisely WOULD DISARM ALL CITIZENS IFBILLPASSES HILL NOW IIKKIItK PARLIAMENT CALLS I'OK "DISARMAMENT OK CIVILIANS 1 OTTAWA. Feb. 25. (Canadian Press Despatch). A bill which would practically disarm all civilians In Canada is now before the dominion parliament. The measure, which Is fostered by Senator K. ' A. Delcourt, would place drastic restrictions' lib t only 'upon firearms but upon knives, bayonets, sling shots, sand bags and knuckle dusters. Senator Bolcouft has the support of the Senate for his bill but there will likely be considerable opposition In the House of Commons, mostly from sportsmen and retail merchants who are Interested In the sale ot sporting weapons. Senior police officials have been called before a Senate committee to give expert evidence on the regulations regarding fire arms and other weapons and most of them have approved the bill. The proposed legislation la to license the Importation, manufacture and sale of weapons; It takes the' form of an amendment to the Criminal Code ot Canada. It not only would require the registrations of weapons but would substantially Increase the penalties In the present lay for the concealing or carrying ot arms. MINISTER IN C'll.tROE The minister of Justice would, under the law. be In charge ot the administration. Manufacturers, Importers and retailers would be strictly licensed by trie? department of Justice. Only pcradns holding permits from authorized senior police officials would be permitted to own weapons of any kind. 'Any sale or transfer ot weapons between private cltlrens would have to be recorded. Dealers would have to keep a strict record not only of sales but ot repairs and replacements made; In connection with weapons. Military and Naval forces In Canada, officers of the Royal Canadian Mounted Pcllce, officers of the Crown, and police of provinces or municipalities would be exempt- fronfthe refutations respeMng V Simply bet t Serve SAVAGE ELECTRIC WASHER AND DRYER. Washes, Dlues, Rinses and Dries without a wringer or having to put your hand in the water. Cash Price Also. Easy Terms KAIEN HARDWARE CO. permits. Weapons would be permitted as part of ship equipment. Museuma and private collectors would be allowed to have weapons as souvenirs or relics. But with these exceptions, permits will be Issued only by police officials tor 12 months, at a time. At the last session of parliament. Senator Belcourt'a bill passed the Senate but did not pass the House ot Commons on account ot the abrupt dissolution ot parliament. Lord Wllllngdon told his Toronto audience recently that he was already becoming a super-optlmlst. Canada Is again fortunate In Its In the game ot life there la always a shortage ot those willing to play the outfield, and a surplus who want to pitch. "Ut ih Clark Kitchens Help You" Clark's oups The selection of Clark Suim . . , . tvaiau, vegetable, ucuutmi ami Chicken. I labels of all meet e soup, t-tj -W,a.AnK4jmi(J - "MONIREAl. NewSupplies of Men Clothing arriving regularly For Trices and Quality Don't Forget Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. It. Miller Proprietor LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone C3 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing, Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving,