... .1 earl1 aal m m i. i, !' L: I 'ISJI -mult mi rii ' I 7 if, vT f jr.' ..!, ... - t ... Jul. A f . I'-." t By. f I.' page rotra Sim Tuesday, b,.. "3 id- " ' ' " - -J Watches GIFT Diamonds The Largest and Most Complete Assortment of Gifts in The North To the fact that we carry a complete line of Canadian Wm. A. Rogers silver-plated hollow ware and flatware in different grades. The highest grade "Heirloom" Plate and "Debutante" Flatware are absolutely guaranteed for life. INSPECTION INVITED . ' 1 Prices to meet any competition . SPORT NEWS LIONS TAKE TOPJERTH Defeated Tacoma Last Xljht to Assume Lead In Pacific Coast ' Hockey League VANCOUVER. Dec. 2: -The Vancouver Lions defeated Tmcoma one to nothing and took first place In the Padftc Coast Hockey League Standing last night. McAdam scored the only goal of the game In the epnd period. Crib League Game Results Grotto Still keteers Onfratora IO. O. p. Tfeo H In Lead With Mus In Second Place Prise Rupert Cribbage League results but night: Six Musketeer 11, bfjte 10. I. O. O. F. 19. Moose 8. Prince Rupert Hotel IS, Elevator 12. Hawks 16, Operators It. Toe II 14, Seal Cove 13. KnJthte of OolujttfcMg 8, Orotto 19. League Table Six Musketeers Moo P. Rupert Hotel Wevator W L. Pte. .149 04 149 ..136 107 134 1 .190 113 130 1 .136 115 1S8 .134 119 124 .124 119 124 .119 124 119 ...117 126 117 ...116 127 116 ...112 131 112 ...105 138 105 ... 98 145 98 CHARLIE BROWN IN VANCOUVER New Rifle Body To Shoot Soon Small Bore Association Expects to Get Regular Weekly Shoots Under Way Shortly The newly formed Prince Ruoert Small Bore Rifle Association ex pects to get regular weekly shoots under way at the rrlniature range on the Market Place within the next week or so. Teams are being finally lined up and, meantime, practice shoots are being held. ' 77ie Letter Box I RADIO INTERFERENCE Editor, Daily News: Another week has gone by and no radio account of excessive noise. We agree with the "Few Disgusted Radio Owners" that it is useless, to have a radio in Prince Rupert under FRED H. CAMERON, d. u. Mcdonald. E. ANDERSON. Two or three motorists have been haled into eity police court on charges of falling to give arm signals Charlie Brown, former well while rounding Intersections. The known local boxing promoter, is present cases are helng dismissed ii ii t n : n --- t f - . r ci OLD MJk ROMANCE m. MODEK.N uUt YOUTH ITSELf IntroducingffDEBXJTXNTE Ii Is with pleasure that ie introduce "Deliv. tante," the newest design in Wo. A. Rogers Ilcuieom. Inspired by smart women's eeocep-tioBa of ail tfcal ia fiee in- modern SiNerware, linking today with tW gracious spirit oC tke old-time table, TMiuUnte"uprein1y expresvs the Heirloom tradition of perfect beauty, (adoring wurtb. W invite your inspection of this latest and loveliest design of Wra. A. Rogerilleix loom. W- A I 0 6 R X H E I & L 0 0 M We Draw Our Customers Attention A Few Suggestions Baking Dishes Bonbon Dishes Bread Trays Butter Dishes Casseroles Cornpotes Cake Baskets Child's Cups. Cocktail Shakers and Cups Candle Sticks Egg Sets Entree Dishes Flower Baskets and Vases Gravy Boats Hot Water Jugs Meat Platters Trophy Cups Well and Tree Platters Registered Optometrist 527 and 529 Third Avenue West BIG DANCE BY MOOSE Opening of New Power Plant Signal For Celebration The new power opening here was celebrated last night in the Moose i Han witn a dance pjit on by the Moose Lodge which was attended by close to four hundred persons. It was a highly successful and enjpy-'able affair. The feature of the p'ro-jceedings was the visit during the evening by Power Corporation and 'civic officials. Mayor C. H. Orme and H. E. Pawson, assistant commercial manager of the Power Cor-1 po ration of Canada, both spoke ap propriately to the occasion. The dance was In progress from 9 p.m. until 3 a.m. and splendid mutic was furnished by the Premier Orchestra. O lilts Royer was master of ereroonle while R. Cameron was floor manager for a number of Scottish dances. O. J. Bacon was in general charge while W. D. MeCallum, C. Lemon and y. Logan presided, at the door. Joe Ratchford had charge of the ptuich bowl and W. E. Funnell, the hot dogs The general cormHtee cortsUted of Jack Prece, W. Lamb, J. Wide. T. Morgan, N. Trimmer and present copdJUons aQd, ajyso areje IP. Peterson. wiin tnem tnat sometnmg must be done at once to clear up this Is it Uwt the radio dealers In this city ate only interested in selling machine and not a bit interested in radio reception? Thanking you for your valuable space, Mr. Editor, SOMB MORE. DISGUSTED, RADIO OWNERS, ji,'' i ' OiAta; ' O. W. LAIDLJR, IL E. De WOLF, vThe Power Corporation ferft valu-T able assistance in connection with the staging of the dance. FINED FOR CARRYING LOADED GUN ON ISLAND William Bagshaw was fined $25j -. and $3.7& coals, with option of two rrjontrjs' urfnrlsonrnent, by Stlpen hrvi-EajflAtrate H. P. McLeod in kinclal police court this mornlngl - ' t t I . J lU. 'T oi it, cnarge ui carrying tyuuTu uc-arms on Katen Island, a game preserve. Bagshaws gun was also confiscated. .Bagshaw was arrested at noon on Sunday on the Kalen. Island Highway near Oliver Lake. He was earning a loaded shotgun. George Oartell was charged In city police court this morning with i now located in Vancouver where he with a warning but in future ones.uinnlvlnir llnuor to Indians. The takes a 'prominent part In boxing the "pSlfee Will askj for Imposition of case was adjourned until, tomor- FLAT WAKE HEILBRONER'S JEWELRY STORE Wife of Power Manager Gives Afternoon Tea Mrs. J. J. Little, wife of the general manager of the Northern British Columbia Power Co., was a tea hostess yesterday afternoon at her home, Fourth Avenue Bast, to many ladles of the city, the affair being held to mark the occasion of the opening of the new local power plant. The function proved delight ful to the many ladle who were preeent. About So Chinese students are attending European universities. Gift Suggestions Clocks of all descriptions, including the new Electric Clocks Toilet Sets in Sterling Silver and Ivori8 Pearl Tone Fountain Pens and Pencils Pipes, Lighters and Pouches Poker Sets and Pbiying Cards Cigarette Cases and Smoking Sets i' loor and Table Lamps Ladies' Hand Bags in Bead and Fancy Enamel Jmbrellas Suit Cases Club Bags Brass Ware Modern Optical Parlors Telephone 261 SWITCHING ON LIGHTS Ceremony Went Off Smoothly Last Night Presentation For Mrs, Orme A damp drisale did not prevent hundreds of Rupert people from turning out last evening to witness the turning on of the new ornamental street light system by Mrs. C. IL Orme, wife of the mayor. The switching on was conducted without a hitch and the new lights made a very favorable Impression on all. After the ceremony. Mrs. Orme was presented with a beautiful bouquet of carnations, the presentation being made by tittle Janet Rochester, daughter of Bx-Mayor and Mrs. H. B. Rochester. During the ceremony, selections were played by trfe Boys' Band under Bandmaster Thomas Wilson. Father of Ocean Falls Men Dies Murdock and Ernest MeLcod of Paper Town Were Sons of Late Jack MrLeod The death occurred recently in Vancouver at Jack McLeod at the lage of 63 years. The deceased wm survived by four sons and one I daughter. The sons Include Murdock I and Ernest McLeod of Ocean Falls. The fJift of Gifts A DIAMOND Choose a fine blue-whit, diamond from our (we assortment of spciiim selected stones prictl from 12.50 one that will always be valued and apprecated First amor- the eifts most cherished bv rVrrrnn," Is fine jewrlrv. You make no mUtake in l . a gift here, for you choose a gift of lastlrtjr "rth A complete ranjje of Gold Band and Fancy Colored . Stem Ware In Our Bargain Basement Sfore - Fancy China, Dmner Ware, Crocker and Novelties IHU'IMIIIHH' MWMBW FEWER ON VOTE LIS i About WIS Person-; Wi'J Be fled to VoteatMunldpsltlt; lions Next Month With the closing f end of November for .property owners t.(i municipal voters :i about 2.21ft persn , vote at the annu.i next month. Thi- : crease from last v were some 2.360 n crease is due to t). : ; tlons of llcenn unf A NEW STANDARD OF PERFECTION 20 for 25c. 12 for 15c. and in . r'.Un$ of 50 DIXIE The - ' 4 inn, IS pi Mil .a;K. is. jfsiKifeisft. :' -; au , . i sfi BeMf r Ciggreffe