Two, 5000 Tons One, 10,000 Tons Can be connected for 20,000 ton capacity 300-Foot Covered Building Berth 50-Ton Electric Derrick on Pier Iron and Brass Founders Electric and Oxy-Acctylcnc Welders , The wonderful system 01 coasuu Dock !1 JfU (V BUILDERS OF: Steel and Wood Ships, Barges, Boats and Launches, Electric, Welded or Kiveted Steel Tanks, Structural Steel Fabrications REPAIRS TOi , . v Diesel or Gas Engines, Mine and Mill MachincVof all kinds Rupert Shipyards n Mdltlon to the dry dock shlp-Ilrd there are In Prince Rupert a cumber of smaller shipyards that v'i fishing boats, repair lhem and a o apnpral boat building and re pair business. They give excellent service to the waterfront community and have prospects of developing Into something much more pretentious than they are at present. Lumbering Is Gradually Becoming One of Important Industries and Is Capable of Great Expansion In Many Ways Lumbering is gradually becoming one of the most important industries in Prince Rupert and district and, as time goes on, it will, no doubt, become of increasing importance. The country contiguous to the city has vast resources of timber, the total stand being estimated at some 38,000,000,000 board feet of milliner timber with about 13,500,000,000 additional feet of smaller material for pulp- woou, piles, ues ana otner products. There are already upwards of forty sawmills established in the district and two pulp and paper mills. The ln-t dustry throughout the continent is In the doldrums Just now and, na- ' 111 V. I . .. uuua uereaLHjui are suent. With the Umber areas in the older sections of the province gradually becoming depleted, this new district, as yet hardly touched, will take its place as a leading timber producing section. The movement : chantable timber for export and the h gradually coming in this direc-tower grade, make excellent pulp tion. Prior to 1916. the Umber j timber. weaiin ox Northern and Central British Columbia, had been little The lumber business here Is but In Its Infancy and fhe field around! aDout presents one or the greatest in the world. Probably the most valuable of the woods In this district Is the Sitka spruce. It produces high grade clears suitable for airplane manu- iaciure ana otner purposes mer Englemann spruce, which grows rr.natlv nn thp mainland l tieefnl exploited, the only mills then being (for building material, for boxwood at Georgetown and Terrace. Now and and alun also for for nnin pulp, there are the forty mills, ranging In capacity from 3,000 to 100,000 feet per day. Two Alain Areas The district, as far as Umbering Is concerned, Is divided Into two main areas, the interior and the coast. On the coast, pulp and paper manufacturing and general lumber Droduetion are ttle mart Imtvwtant Western hemlock Is a much superior wood to that of the east. The western hemlock can be given a finish equal to fir and Is also use-fur for boxwood and, for ties. It excels all others. Larch Is an excellent box lumber and can also be ground into pulp. Red cedar can be used for making shingles, posts, telegraph poles and pursuit. In the Interior, although ; S001 Iumber. The yellow cedar Is there are several sawmUls there, the excellent for boat building and cutting of ties and polesjup to the ! othr Purposes for It is very hard present time has .been1 the main I and fibrous, timbering A short distance Inland Is cotton- occupation, s many as, 1000 men being engaged In this i wooa m wre quantities, it is use- "sday. December 2, 1930 i THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVJ North 1: cue, junubii isviumuw niio vast rr man in us ureal rorests it m Timber, One of Greatest JOHtf DYBIIAVN, Vice Consul of Norway OLOF Consul HANSON, of Sweden 1878 - FIFTY TWO YEARS - 1930 Natural Resources Here Successful Service Big Development Due Dybh aun & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency -ft Fire Insurance, Rents Collected, Properties. 'Managed -Notaries Public 315 Third Ave. W. P. O. Box 1700 Prince Rupert, B.C. Prince Rupert Dry and Shipyard Ship Builders and Ship Repairers Three Floating Dry Docks. i waterways served from the Dort in sure that boating will always be one of the important recreations and in addition there will be a fleet of fishing boats and another fleet of work boats. All these will have to b constantly replenished or repaired. mmttJMmmnmmfMr'M'- w.., work on some occasions although, , IU1 lor x wooa ana- as proven re-, unfortunately, there Is nothing like i cent,v- for "neer manufacture. A that number at the nreaent time, 'weer mill la another live possi- Olof Hanson M P. of Prince Rupert ' bUHv for thlB district. i for nearly twenty years has been I AU eee Umbers abound in large j the main factor In this Interior business. There are two large pulp and pa per mills established in Prince Rupert district. The Pacific Mills at Ocean Falls is one of the largest and most up-to-date paper plants in the world. It produces 450 tons of pulp and paper a day and a saw mill, which is also run there, has an output of 400,000 feet. The old Wha- len mill at Swansqn Bay is the oldest pulp mill on this coast but has been the victim of mismanagement and for years has not turned a wheel although, originally, it was a very successful producer. It Is very Improbable that the old Swan- son Bay pulp mill will ever resume operations. One of the most serious handicaps is that its water supply Is very limited and water is one of the prime requisite In the modern pulp mill. That the pulp and paper milling industry in this district is merely in its Infancy seems quite evident. The present time sees Important Interests seriously considering the possibilities of establishing pulp and paper mills at Prince Rupert, Prince George and the Queen Charlotte Islands. While Prince Rupert, with Its power, water, sea transportation and other advantages, will probably see the first development along this tine, the other points will undoubtedly have such Industries in time after economic conditions have become so adjusted as to warrant them. The Heyday of the timber industry In Prince Rupert' district wai undoubtedly during the war years when the Sitka spruce on the Queen Charlotte Islands and elsewhere In the district was srirnhjderaand. Sln&wwar, thJjlrul&ld Its ups and downs, prospering when economic conditions were good "and siftfefing wITen things were otherwise. Owing to the world depression, the Industry since Its establishment has never been more quiet than It Is today. Demands from all quarters have shrunk to the minimum, and, throughout British Columbia, the industry is feeling the pinch. The lumbering and timbering business here will doubtless recover, as quickly as anywhere. When conditions return to normal, mills will reopen and the Industry may be ex iwiku very cioee to rrince ttupen. Some day, and it may not be long, they will be developed on a large scale. Meantime, they stand as one of the greatest potential natural resources of Prince Rupert district. LOGS SHOW INCREASE Despite universal depression In the Industry, log production in Prince Rupert district for the first ten months of 1930 shows an Increase of some thirty per cent over the same period in 1029. So far this year, log scaling- in the district has totalled 122.069,506 board feet as against 90,408,585 board feet in the first ten months of 1929. In every month but February and October an Increase has been shown this year over last Following are scaling figures In the district month by month for this year and last: 1930 January 2,490,377 February 1,291,206 March 4,474,031 AprU 6,788,042 May 12,130,422 June 18,677.859 July 13,180,078 August 27,332,486 September .... 26,570.633 October 8,133,972 1929 1.313,539 3J44.189 1,303,347 6,288,498 11,157.456 12,983.529 12,135,650 10.238,394 17,622,879 13,823304 Totals 122,069,106 90,408,585 Minister Is Much Impressed With the City rton.D. M. Sutherland, Minister of National Defence, who was In the city recently spoke appreciatively of the beauty of the drive across Kalen Island and particularly the part at the farther side, which he said was most picturesque and should be used a great deal by tourists vlsiUng the city. The minister said he was much impressed with the city, Its neat appearance, pretty gardens, well paved streets, and beautiful and I CEREALS, HAY, GRAIN and FEED Poultry Supplies and Specialties Seed Grain, Grass and Clover Seeds Fertilizers and Sprays Experience and scientific knowledge have been combined in the manufacture of our Poultry and Stock Feeds, in order that you may have the greatest possible value. There is only one B & K BRAND Look for the Trade Mark on every sack PURITY Ippjl B&K FLOUR lljjill CEREALS We arc sole agents for (he following: Swift's Special Meat Scraps "Charters" Incubators Conkey's Poultry and Stock Remedies Royal Purple Stock and Poultry Remedies Royal Purple Calf Meal Realization that bur continued growth and progress can only be attained by the retained good will of customers will be the Incentive to give service and satisfaction at all times The BrackmaiPKer Milling Co. Ltd. Amalgamated with The Western Canada Flour Mills Co. Ltd. ;, . Millers of "PURITY FLOUR" jU VALENTIN DAIRY Prince Rupert r I Jl " "If SJ DEALERS IN HIGH GRADE MILK & CREAM Special Babies Milk All produced in Bulklev Valley by Government testetl herds. MANUFACTURERS OF Skeena Brand Creamery Butter Summit Ice Cream Cottage Cheese In a most sanitary and up-to-date plant P.O. Box 533 Phone 657