Tuesday, December 2, 1930 KEQlD TiC COAST ISTEUISIIirS - i ilia umui nawo ' APE THREE ssssm wg ' rv l ! Pinaud s Special Offer iOc Lilas de France Talcum Free with a $1.00 Bottle , of Lilas de France Lotion 50c Liquid Brilllantine Free with a $1.35 Bottle of Eau de Quinine Or mes t Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND yw Pioneer Drug eiuLs Phones 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. THREE GRADUATE PHARMICISTS CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS SHIPYARD OPERATING (i. T. 1. 20.000-TON FLOATING DKYDOCK Engineers. Machinists, Iloilermakers, Illacksmiths, Puttcra Makers. Founders, Wood work cm. Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our riant la Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MAUINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND M5 The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED DL Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. K C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE SAll.lMiS FKOM PRINCE HUrtKT lo Ketchikan. Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway December 13. 27. ' l"o Vancouver. Victoria, Seattle December 3, 17, January 1. ITtnmM Mary Umn Falls, etc. VinUW ud Vto- UMl.i. t'VT) rnaay, iw p-iu. Agents lor All Steamship Lines W. C. Orchard. Uu . AkmiI. SrdAT Prince Rupert. PhomSl. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED M'LCIAL WIMf.lt fcXI'l KMON IMKBH H'kfls on Miic fmm Nov IV 1 l ' mi ' tlnal return lliiill Murili II. HMD WlINCK KUIT.KT TO VANCOUVER flOJO RETURN Mnimrr lime prim Kucrt lor Vwoir: T.fAT.tU KVCKV TI'KM'.I-W P.M. Airtviiia Vanrunv. vi.i Dr. n lull. Thurdy Noon pprox. (AICt)KNA KVKUV fltlim MIKMUHT Arrlvliig Vkitr uvrr Sunday mlitulght ftPpWJy . . M nty uuw. r. I PltlNC'K Kl'PfllT AtlRSfV: !wc "'l AMit. , P OUR rwC?C(Xi Hal 'Ihhk AM COAL IS IN A DRY SHED When yon,nrc buying coal look on the economical side of life. If you buy wA coal, you arc loslni 1091 So start today and burn "'ry coal and sec what 10", means to you. I'KMIllNA EGG Delivered, Ter Ton $12-50 JJINEIIEAD EGG Delivered, Per Ton J2S0 MINEHEAD LUMP Delivered, Per Ton 13.50 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 5S0 , , , ., Local Items Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Ilcilbroner's store. Mrs. Mabel Thnmnahn enAlnrt tVi - W VA.U afternoon n the Catyla fir a trip Retail Merchants' Association BanfHiet In. Boeton Hall tonight at A Iti Vn TvmHM-mhA I l ma. Persons wishlna in format inn ui regard to the furniture anb effects to be auctioned off Thursday on Second Ave. opposite the-McMor-i die Apartments should phone 331. Daket social and dance, ausnl ces of Son of Norway, aid of Christmas Fund in Metronole Hall Friday. December 5, at 830. Ad mission 60c. Ladles bringing bask ets free. Good music. 281 Jack Morrison, who has been fishing during the past season on the local halibut boat J. R., sailed this afternoon on the Catala for Vancouver where he will remain over th Christmas and New Year holiday season. Vic of the Tamale Parlor says: "Don't tease your appetite because times are hard when you can get a large fresh springer fried and brought to your door. See them at the Bulkley Market. Largest chic ken tamale on the coast. 719 Ful ton St. Phone Orcen 170. Auditorium GOLF COURSE Just the place to 'pats an enjoyable evening;. Clean, quiet, comfortable surroundings. AUDITORIUM GOLF COURSE L. J. MAKKEN Proprietor A HOLIDAY OPPORTUNITY f AKE Eaalrrn Canada your Hlnlrr lioliday rciulrxroui liiU jrr. !( rl In winter carnlvnU anil winler uporl . . . Ire ImathiR on l.aVe Ontario, lioma rarliiR nn Ire tracks in old (jurltee. See famed Niagara In a mantle of lee. Sueclal low TafHf iTNinti'i WlflcM,Ty' enjvyalile, Ak u for full iartlctiiar. , HOLIDAY RETURN FARES Monlral - - -Twf alo - - Ottawa - - - . IIM.M - m.i QuUm - - - - f '.UI.MI Es&'T I a--JiW?' ilafiiiaB Low Rail fares to Seaboard For Inl.ininuion call or write: K. V. MrNAlGHTON District Pasnicr Agent Prince Kupcrt, It.C. Billiards tonight Grotto vs. Elks'. Ben Ferguson has taken over Sheddcn's News Stand cor. Mc- Bride and 3rd Ave. 292 'H.' -A. "McLean and TL E. McLean sailed- this ''afternoon on the Ca tala for a trip -to Vancouver. On a charge of driving to the common danger;' James McNulty was fined $10 by Magistrate Mc Clymont in city police court this morning. ' Patsy Ma'zzel, for driving to the common Hanger, was fined 10, with' option of seven days impris onment, by Magistrate McClymont in city police court this morning. Union steamer Catala, Capt. Jas. Flndlay, returned to port at 10 o'clock this morning from Anyox, Stewart and other northern points and sailed at 120 this afternoon for Vancouver via Ocean Falls and other ports. Walter Broad, Canadian customs officer at Stewart, is a passenger, aboard the Catala this afternoon bound for Vancouver whence he will proceed to the, Old Country on a three months' leave of absence T- A. M. Haney of uthe; local Cus toms House staff -has gone to Stewart to . relieve during Mr, Broad's absence. - ii CAUNCE Thomas Caunce, born at Pincher Creek, 1899. on asking Bassnett co Fulton, Morley & Clark, Barristers, Kamloops, B.C, will hear of bus! ness which may be to his advantage POSSIBLY- HOTEL ARRIVALS (284) At some time or another you must have felt that you would like a ring or some other little trifle of Jewelry altered Just to suit yourself. And probably you wished that you could take It to an expert and show him (ust how you wunea u to De aajusica. "GOOD NEWS MADAM" Yon may now ; gratify your wish. Take that piece of Jewel ry along to LEO CONTOLI He has the ability to do the Job and the materials to do it with. Central Hotel I'XDF.K NEW MANAOEMKNT Merlin llealrd; Trartllerr' Hamplr Kchiiik; Hot and Cold Water free u MrrU All ,Trln and Hnam Uaics $1.00 and Up srrciu. monthly katw C. K. HIGGAKT & A. DONALD Pioprtetort PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Ru pen's leading family hotel. Hot .tnd cold water In all roonu A. J. PKUDHOMME. Prop. Cor. of Fraser tnd Fifth Bta. Savoy P. WIM. P. Manyhuk, J. Brumley and H. S. King, city. New Royal Hotel I. arrlll, 'Top. THE HOTEL WOKTII WHILE Hot At Cold Water: Btetm Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP Telephone Ml Royal ICallon and, A. Duthle, city; Mr. J.'. H. Hecks and H. G. Unwln, Stewart Hugo Rltter. premier; John Thony Hyder; P. II. Archer and II. O. Snow, Anyox Boston Grill Larec Cabaret SPECIAL DINNERS Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING Every Saturday Night, 9 to 12 Dance Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private Parties Phone 457 Prince Rupert a32aaaaaBaSaaVaaSHRaBSMSMI Advertise in the Daily News. MAYOR TOUCHED VITAL BUTTON IN POWER HOUSE , The actual opening of the ne, power system, Jook place In River plant, .yesterday. Practl- cally all of the hundred guests had gathered In the building, the working of the machinery had been explained by the of- ficials in charge and then Mayor Orme touched a small button which allowed the water to enter the huge tur- ,blne.i , , Slowly the, wheel began-to turn, then steadily it gained speed until It was humming and generating power to the full capacity of 6,000 horse- power. Dlnnerware. china, crockery, glassware. Ilcilbroner's Store. Don't forget I. O. O. F. Bridge. Whist and Dance tonight in Met-ropole Hall. 281 Mrs. R. Boyd Young of Port Simpson arrived In the city on the Catala this morning. Harry Wasson, who has" been on a trip to Anyox, returned to thr city on the Catala this morning. Capt. W. W. Mounce has taken over the duties temporarily as chief officer aboard the Union steamer Catala.. He is regularly In command of the company's freigh ter Chllkoot. Something unusual In window dressing was seen on Third Avenue this week in connection with the power opening celebration. A bl$ little man was exposed to the public gaze, having the window to himself. The idea was original, so far as Prince Rupert is concerned and originality Is always interest ing. ANNOUNCEMENTS Anglican W. A.' Basaaf Dec!' 2. United Church Basaar Dec. 4. Hard time dance Queen Mar Chapter, I.Q.D.E. Hall December 4 Elks' Smoker, Elks' Home Thurs day- December 4. High School Concert, Dec. 11. Moose Whist Drive and Dance December 12. Royal Purple Bridge and Whis' series, next game, December 15. Operetta "The Enchanted Pal ace," Booth Memorial School, Dec 16 and 17. Moose Christmas Tree Whist Drive and Dance, December 10. Canadian Legion B.E.S.L, Christmas Tree December 20. Sons of Norway Christmas Tre December 26. . Lief Erlckson Christmas Gather Ing December 26. Moose Hall. TwoPensinOne Poclet Cafj and Clip are Included uilh Every Parker Desk Pen j No Extra Charge Come to our pert counter and let us show ydu hov ParVer's "Double Duty" Duofold can instantly be changed from a Desk Pen to a Pocket Pen-how Parker Desk Sets now give you two pens in one at no increase in price. Complete sets, including Free Pocket Cap and Clip, $6.75 and up. Telephone 7? ' McCutchcon's Drui Second Avenue and Sixth 1 Street There are no Strings to This Offer. All you have, to do.is. to come to our store and purchase goods of $1.00 or more. The prices on all goods lower Here Is Our Offer 1 Anybody purchasing; $1.00 or more, we will give you a package worth 50c. 2 Anybody purchasing $5.00 or more we will give you a package Worth up to $1.00. 3 With any suit or overcoat we will give you your choke of a hat or cap. 4 With any pair of shoes we will give you a pair of sox. So come early and get your prize. All kinds of Christinas gifts at lowest prices. Buy now and get your supplies. Overcoats Overcoats at the lowest prices ever known in Prince Rupert. 30 Overcoats Chinchillas In Blue, Grey and Brown. All wool, Beautifully tailored. Reg. $26.50 At the low figure of Water Pitchers Fruit Bowls Flower Baskets Bread Trays Creamer Sets Sandwich Trays SPEED WITH SAFETY is what you will enjoy in a comfortable roomy car, by calling TAXI 25 Promptness, reliability and courtMy is our motto. A trial will be appreciated. Phone 28. Matt Videck Ambulance and Taxi Service In a special page of the Vancouver Sunday Sun under threading "Future Cltlaena of Can-da," appears, among others, the picture of little Forbes Lee, elgh- luin.mnnth nlH ami nf Mr. nnd 'MjrsJaiitetft. Lee of thui city. $15.00 Top Grade Blue Melton Coats in snappy styles 4A Regular price, $50.00, at . tpJLiftOU A large selection of all wool Barrymore Cloth Coats, newest patterns, Ulster and Guard Models. Regular $35.00 59fl ftC Now going at ?3ia 00 Wonderful assortment of Meltons, Chinchillas, coats, all wool latest styles. Regular $30.00 to $33.00 Selling at $22,50 Suits! Suits! Suits! A large selection of Blue Serge Suits, 18-oz. goods, GQQ Cft well tailored. Selling at the low figure of ?iJt?U Sec Our Windows for other Clothing and Christma Gift Bargains B. C. CLOTHIERS, LTD. 616 THIRD AVENUE GIVE SILVERWARE TO YOUR MOTHER, WIFE OR SISTER Among the practical gifts that every wian treasures is fine silverware: Be sure to Include it on your Christmas list Slake your selection at this moderate priced slnre. 26-piece Silver Plated QUO tofl Table Service $JLU.IU $8.50 John Bulger, Ltd. 011 Third Ave. W. Telephone 122 FREE! FREE! A guaranteed, hand painted enlargement from your own snapshot or photo. Frames, 25 to 80 lower priced than competitors. Phone or write. WESTERN SALES COMPANY P. O. Box 158 Central Hotel COAL Buy the real Coal iMir famous l.'dson and CutiJy-Wclllncton in any aantltfet. Also Bulkley Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Ilaod Hour. Prinrc Runerf Feed Co PHONES 58 AM) 65H SOMETHING NEW FOR LADIES AND GENTS Large assortment new clothes for autumn and winter lust to hand. All finest quality and latest patterns. Come In and see ua today. Suit or overcoat complete and finished In three days. Lin?, ttwCutter Steam clearing, preaeirw tnd altering. We deliver any part of the city. LING THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. Vhene 619 Owing to some of the members being away on tre liycho-clectrlc plant opening trip the regular monthly meeting of thf Prince Rupert Ministerial Association, scheduled for yesterday morning, was postponed until today.