Lusday, December 2, 1930 Edible Four Prince Rupert Scenes K """"" ' n : Abre Ls the Court House to the left und nnnth mi t ....i,. ... , . . Tv- ne, ., , ' jji'iit-uuj us a Darning scene at the Salt Lake, Prince Rupert s favorite , resort and the fourth pic ture is a section of the Mosquito Fleet in the harbor. Prince Rupert is City of Many Interests and Great Possibilities and Sea Port of Great Promise v Also opcratinu a fleet of tug boats and scows for hire 1 . GEO. G.BUSHBY . JM.inaRliie Director K ,. Located at Terminus of Great Railway Port Has AH the largest rresh halibut market in the Advantages ol a strategic Location With Very Fine Harbor world and the largest fish cold storage plant. With a slightly diminishing halibut supply attention is Tim rif v nf Prineo Tinnorf hns tnm tVio finnnm'nl ,ln, I turning to other fish and there is yon without being injured in the least and ite prospects tJSii for future development are greater than those of any year's salmon run was the largest other city in British Columbia, probably in Canada. That in almost twenty years and there may be safely asserted for there are not many other ter- Eeenu no p""1 likelihood of its . :i !i 1 m i , dimimitinn Thl is an imr.nffnn mmai rauway points una none wiin advantages sucn as " ,"' , r Wnco Rupert possesses. Briefly summarized, they are,?ff X TUZv as 10 ,10V. s. I lumber mav be cut or dratrnvmi hw Vmcc Rupert is the terminus of a great railway, the!' but witu proper conservation pe rt in Canada to the methods flr.h is a perpetual crop rxr,' v.nukct The city '( f w crcat harbon r V mplcUJy shell -CY : f; .'!!. lacgi hs u; British navy at ImJ ' ;bor that needs y In,, : . nient except to one such docks from time to time as ', subject' only to the minor victssl- the : may be found necessary to handle : Mies of varying seasons. and the business. ; But Prince Runert h-is its mininc t' Prince Rupert is in the very cen- ft it close to th great Portland ime ire of the reatc3t halibut fisheries ' canal region where Stewart is an or in uie worm and toe greatest sal- important cantre, the port fo;- a build mon fisheries in Qaaftd. It has the great interior country. That uisUiet Rupert Marine Products Ltd. Pr'.nce Rupert, B. C. Manufacturers of: in risn meai Fish Oils Fish Fertilizer ; ife llMlAi rlnff uLrf-.a. , Ml J . and paying dividends and the fu ture Is nfore promising than for any other mining district west of Manitoba and north of the KooUn- THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE brlng about great changes In the Industry. . , Prince Rupert has a very fine shipbuilding and ship repair plant with the second largest dryaock on the British Columbia coast, operated by the railway company. This yard does a large business and provides op.e of thejimportanj payrolls for the city, alorijfotffahe,big lumber mill and, bajCHnC- the cold storage plant and thVC. N. Railway shops. Employment at the canneries is only seasonal and while it Is valuable as an asset to the city it is only a summer business. As a terminal point Prince Rupert has the offices of the railway oompan? and a big hotel is to be built soon. It is also the administration centre for the provincial government of a district larger than some provinces of Canada. Taken all in all, the prospects of the city are excellent, especially In view of the confident expectation that the western outlet for the Peace River country for both railways will be here. Experimental Station A federal institution that works in conjunction with the local fish houses, the fish meal plant and the canneries and cold storage plants of the district, Is the fisheries experimental station. This is operated under the Biological Board of Canada and is already proving of great benefit to the industry and is much valued as a civic asset, bringing prominent scientists to the city and spreading abroad the news of the advantages of the port and district. Outstanding at the present time in the city is the development of the new power plant told about elsewhere and the opening of which this issue of the paper is Intended to help celebrate. In addition to that the city has good schools, steadily Improving and extending streets, fine churches, a number of modern business buildings, a court house and provincial administration building that is second to none in the province, hotels that cater well to the business offering, a city library and reading room that are really live -institutions, and now comes -a movement to establish a gymnasium which will probably be incorporated in a T&M.C.A. building within the next few months. Thero has recently been built one of the finest tneatres in the i7- It belongsrio. the Capitol chain and contains $n up-to-date sound system. Prince Rupert is a live town and the citizens have a sense of its lm- Prince Rupert Fishermen at Work ay. While Stewart is bound t become an important t iw.i und Prince Rupert will alwu.Vo io op. rnte in her development-, the .su.ire-nacy cannot be taken from the first port established and the nujuial one for the establishment of u smelter to serve the whole district. Part of this district to be served wUl be the huge Interior, including such places as Urtc, Hazelton, Sttiithers, Telkwa and Burns Lake. Prince Rupert Is the pivotal point for oil the mining development of the north and will benefit largely by Its development, while co-operating to forward It In every possible manner. The lumberlni; of the ooaat Is largely In an undeveloped state. Just nt present the only mUl operating steadilv in the immediate vicinity Is the big Boy Lumber Com pany's big plant at 3?al Core within the city limits. There, are othsr mills in the neighborhood and much logging is going 'on. In the very near future pulp mills will be operated In cu-operatlon with the lumber mills, taking care of the Inferior grades and making possible successful development of the timbering interests of the whole district. There is plenty of timber, plenty of water, pleuty of power and all "that is needed now Is capital and energy directed by brains to !oit."i.-i .mi probable future. The men and women arc people of the finest type, a most important factor, and the young people growing tip .vie beginning to look to their home town as a possible future for their activities. Under these conditions nothing can hold Prince Rupert back. Healthy growth and steady development follow as day follows night. 4.r 4 INDUSTRIES NEEDED IN PRINCE RUPERT The following are industries that Prince Rupert needs: Pulp and paper mill. Flour mill. . Shingle mill. Smelter. Iron and steel works. Rayon silk factory. Laminated materials veneer factory. Can factory. Shoe factory. Car shops. Furniture factory. Brewery. Knitting mill. Woollen mill. and Man in the Moon Watch Prince Rupert grow and while you're watching help a little. Pjince Rupert is the coming port To which all eyes are turning; While local folk still do their bit And for that time are yearning. Prince Rupert Is a city founded on a rock. While the winds may blow, and an occasional storm beat upon her, she stands firm and makes steady progress. Rupert, Rupert, rah, rah, rahl Olvlng the pessimists the ha, ha, ha! Oh well, why should not Prince Rupert be the greatest little city In the country? She has everything that goes to make a, city great and the greatest of these is her young men and women. Power Is what we all need power to our arms, power to our brains and sometimes power to our right boot. There's nothing small about General Manager Little except his name. It was a Jolly party yesterday at the Falls, "frightfully Jolly, dont you know." Now that Prince Rupert has plenty of light the people ought to become enlightened. ' The city now has something to live up to. It must keep pace with the development of the power MORAL SUASION "Bless me," said Tommy's grand .esuraiice PRUDENTIAL ASSURANCE CO., of London, England ' Assets exceed $1,080,000,000.00 LONDON Si LANCASHIRE INS. CO, of London, Enj. Assets exceed $136,000,000.00 PHOENIX ASSURANCE CO, of London, England r . Assets exceed $170,000,000.09 ROYAL INSURANCE CO, of Liverpool, England Assets exceed $220,000,000.00 NORTHERN ASSURANCE CO, of London, England Assets exceed $110,000,000.00 AETNA INSURANCE CO, of Hartford, Connceilcut In Canada doing business since 1811 ALLIANCE INSURANCE CO, of Philadelphia, Pa. A strong American company. , SERVICE STRENGTH PROTECTION S. D. JOHNSTON CO., LTD. P. O. Box 1632 father, "and do you mean to tell me they never use the strap at your school now?" "Never I" replied Tommy. "We have moral suasion in our school I" "What'6 that?" asked the grand Prince Telephone 130, 1 1 . VJifr " :-.fl It ' ' In ii father. "Well, we get kept in, and put to stand in a corner, and locked out and locked in, and made to write a thousand words, and scowled at and iawed at, and that's all!" Northern British Columbia Power Co., Ltd., will help materially to develop RupeYt Prince Ruperts l int Drug Store (1938) ! Ormes Limited ' ? The Pioneer Druggists Prince Rupert - - PhojiesySl THREE GRADUATE PHARMACISTS Specialists in Dispensing Prescriptions Itr, ' i i,' 1